OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, March 21, 1908, 3:30 O'CLOCK EDITION, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1908-03-21/ed-1/seq-11/

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en jj jjm. u.u
Plunged With Insurance Funds;
Thomases May Land In Jail
Edward R Thomas, who has been
plunging In stocks, bonds, llfo lnsui
nace companies automoblloa nntl
raca horsr i li New York for Bovernl
years n t or tin time with otho"
pcoplo'i' lnon - was Indicted twice
by the Oraii 1 Hir In New York City
Orlando P Tli .mas, who was asso
elated with 'tin In many speculathu
enter) lies was also Indicted. The
two r u not rel ted.
Ho 'i men aro charged with vlolat
ne "' t; nf thu New York In
miranco Code, which prohibits a ill
lectoi from uorrowltig t ho funds of
his tomiiiiw or being pecuniarily in
terostcd 1 1 any loan It makes Viola
Hon tf this section Is a mtsdemcanor.
imnlshable by a fine up to $500 or a
year'B Imprisonment m both It wnn
predicted that In cvcit of conviction
joung Thomas would git of with a
iimall fine Instead of thu lhixlmum
punlHlinient, which In his cieo would
bo two cars' Imprisonment and a
fine of (1,000.
Hie Indictment explains tho mcth
od by which Thomas speculated with
tho money of the polio holders of tho
Provident Life H saB lie had an ac
count with Thomas, Maclay & Co. on
April 2, 1007, and was indebted to
them for largo sums for purchases
or stock made on m-irgln At tho
same time Thomas, Atnclay S, Co.
rwod vnilous banks largo sums, tho
loins being secured with collateral.
Tho indictment hijs that tho sccurl
ties up against these loans were not
listed on the Stock nxchnnge and
were of doubtful nlup.
Tho Indictment given a lint of 5900,
000 of loans mailo to Thomas, Maclay
& Co on account of E. It. Thomas, m
"A loan of $200 000 mailo to Thorn
at, Maclay & Co by the Metropolitan
Trust Company on Doc. 20, 190G; a
lonn of $100,000 to tho company by
tho Metropolitan Trust Company on
I'eb. 21, 1907r a loan of $100,000
mado to the company by the Mercan
tllo National Hank on Die. 27, 190S;
a loan of $100,000 mado to tho com
pany by tho Mercantile National
Hank on Aug. 20. 190C; a loan of
$100,000 by tho Mercantile National
Hank ou .Inn. 22,1907; a loin of $100,.
000 by tho Mercantile National Hank
on March 7, 1907: a loan of $150,000
by tho Howling Green Trust Coinpmy
on Jan. 29, 1907; a loan of $50.ooo by
tho Mount Morris Hank on Jan. 21.
E. R. Thomas Liable for Loam.
All of theso loans, tho IndlctnVnt
states, were payable on demand, and
for the paiment of each of them E.
II. Thomas, by reason of his guaran
tee, was personally, liable. In addi
tion to tho Ibhris hbo'vo enumerated
Thomas, Maclay ft, Co, also, owed on
April 2, 1907, $100,000 to the Hamil
ton Hank, which was controlled by
M If
Let us do it for you with the most modern machinery,
Soles Only, -
Soles and Heels,,
1119 Union St.
P.O. box 567
l, M-
Thomas On thit (Into tho Hamilton
Hank ilemaiitlol payment of this loin,
nud tho indictment adds
"ThomaB, Muelay & Co did not
have on that day $100,000 with which
to piy tho said loan, whereupon It be
came necessary for Thomas Maclay
& Co. either to borrow $100,000 with
which to pay the loan or then and
there suspehd business."
Tho Indictment states tliut in uveiit
ot thu suspension of Thomas, Maclay
ft Co. all of the securities they had
put t up against tho $900,000 of other
loans would haui bcn dunied on
the mnrket nt' a sacrifice. E. It.
Thomas, because of his guarantee,
would then hno had to mako good
the difference.
(To luold this catastropho tho funds
of the Provident Mfo weie resorted
to, and on the same date, April 2, 1907,
$100,000 of tho I'rovlduit Ufo's money
was deposited with the Itallan-Amer-
lean Trust Compan, an agreement
being first mado with tho lattir that
II wus tu lend tho $100,000 to Thomas,
niacin & Co.
. .
J Mark J Knnpji of New York urges
that phslclans In future be tralntA
i to dlagnoso iliseaso In human belngH
by stripping them and observing the
lines and shadows which the-Internal
organs produce on thu sliln ilurlug'
Hoy Hatfield, who sas hu Is tho
last of the Kentucky Hatflelds who
fought tho McCoys over n long term
of )ears, Is under nrrOst In St. Louis
as a fugitive from justice. Ho Is
wanted in Chicago for embezzlement
Tho Now York Women's Pcaco Clr
clue denounced President Roosevelt
for his support of rlfln Bhoutlng for
boj s and girls in tho public sellouts.
That Leak In
uespatcn ana oy tne most expert operators. ..
Almut a nir ngo !I A Hoih ncrrn n
ilmtodnt, wrt u ft iii Call tuny Si
hniBlut, thut ho hail a m ilnim tutu f
kidney alcana nml (hit Iiih ihMUiin did
not offtr him n uch rncnunnccinf nt Hi
thnlml to put I'llHun lit tin I tmnimind
In fduck for hi mn ami If he Kt
intuitu ho would mil It to nthtra. lit
wrote noMTiil tlrma for wl(i nhimlnK it
cr ohstliiatn cit lit turn wriUs It
If now ten mouths vine I Ik Kin ttxlmc
tho cotniwund, and nlthouRh rm t in Iihn
Ucn tr nbMlnnto It mm to lm tln
ally )kUUil to the tnnttii'iu I hu no
doubt trmiltn nnuM him I m obtulmd
roonrr had I not Utpt at w
(IJue to tli'.' nmiltM oUulnd In thH
caw our iiffcnclei vin ptomptlv ii" rptcd
in (allauay and (ho adjoining town
KIinpl anollur raw .r ki-In- Irnub!"
In which the tnllnmod Kldmj rv fused to
tpmd to tho futile old Unit kldmj x
dlantfi and thit nt(tr all iN had falkd
lilded to IVUon'i Itnil Compound, tin
i'mt and only imollhni for (nil mud kid
no1 InUammntlnn nf tho Utdnis rn
In ItK ndnncd fortnt la now cum hie
Head for IKerntun
joiin J rr rrov co.
Oil land California
Konnliilti Druff o, Tort Mnrt are our
M)h loril HKrnlH Auk for III .Monthl
I Ittl tot In ut tato rcoirlM ki
Tlwio nro ieei.U unlqu featmrj
in tlio handling of Buskhead Lllhia
Water, which have placed It In the J
fiont rank of meillclnil end tublu wat
tro It is packul out) In Nevi Class
Bottles light from the fu .nco of i.k ,
manufnctuitr to the hp.lngi Here
the bottles uio thuniughl sterl Ized, '
the ;atcr Is nuver pinipt 1 or ii'-
handled. It runs dhect from the
jprlngs Into the botili, whlcli when
filled, Is Immcdlntel) stopiied with .1 '
new cork, thoroughl sterilized. I
No return of empty bottles is al
lowed. Old bottles which huvo been
In the Blck room or In the m wiy wau
hoiibc, and become c imimliijtuil with
iliseaso germs, are not permitted In
our packing house
Thla preBeres tlie AbcolLte Purity
of thu water.
Thu Huckhentl ceil Is our iilui e
rluslvo Invention N'u reallng wax o"
paste Is used to till t the mouth of
thu bottle; ou don't havu to look for
u corkscrew and llieie aro no broken
bits of cork to remove from thu water
As it medicinal water lor use In
tropical countries. It has no equal, lin
ing pait!culurl n.teil fur all klduvy
;iiu liver complaints . . i i
Call und sample It. ,. i
,, , li:wis L JCO .
Snlo Agents for Pacific CoaxA nud Ha'
, wallaijsles,. ,in o .
Plume 2V. H) ,Kln,t,. Honplulu.
The Uelrs,io,)1ilplpli.8uH() light
tho, plaiiOrWlllM'HUil3lra.trlto rq.
buHd J lie Cliff House, uu,.j Insurance
nuincy. 'I tit
at the best equipped Shoe Repair Shop in Honolulu, with
bfjooj Were A2Jid
"N JtiYour ServicavjT jy
I o V i
J1JL , ' V
Where Kitchener Holds Down
British Authority In India
' . . f
tfc.-,w i i - - - si -mi wmmrimm m - ,.
i '' i--niir nr nir umirT" ' "M""M WCuJ I
I.onilon. rob 27 Lord Kitchener 8
Ittlo frontlt r war In the ll:i7U'' Vnlki
agilnst those Afrldls kn'iwn ns the
K.ikkiikhd trlbeFiueu-is linking i.ipldi
and sucieysful pi ogress.
Tho purpose of the expedition Is to
I unlsli the tilbesmen for numeious
inhls Into IIiIIIkIi Hull in territory, and
In u remark ible short campilgu they
have been seatteicd nnd biokiii, Ihilr
forts have belli' dcstrojul nud ninny
ot them killed. No neighboring tribe
Joined tho Zskakjiels, and the head
tuii arc trjlng to ariungu ttrmS of
'I lie r.overnnient has" nnnounced
that It does llot Intend to psrmansntb
)ccup tho country and tho troops pro
bably will be withdrawn very booh
after tho raiders have hicn given a
Mod v hipping.
Tlio expedition reflects credit on.
Your Shoe
Hk Witt
i i y"." -j" ''- ' ,
Lord I' tche'ior's reorcinlJiiInn
the In. II n Armj (Jen Willi n
wltli c 'Kid men nnd n. few inoiintntu
K iu3, ii n noun more in a leu i
and li uji-KMlate initliinls than a I
itntc.li larger eiedltliin lould luivo nr-.
euiupimncu in innnius Tlio lorco
bus lost mil) two ollUers und .1 few
Tllttim. Vflfl.lu lu limflllnn li, II,..
litHKOMU telrlieil frnm tin. Iliiut ,,.!, ,.
uesu war, nnil he Is being taught to
I, Hint, my .jiiiii'i IUUI1 AIIII) lueiies 111
Indian cimpalgns ami In the Phllliv
The Ilrlthh troops mhniiced Into
tint cnem'r countr In open tmkr
with wide Intervals betwien thpni.
Thu men took advuutagu of nil avail
ablo cover. Whin they camo In con
tact .with tho enemy they won their
ground ,b short rushes. This sui
prised anj disheartened the lutltes,
I B 1 V wm V
raxianxt rjaauasMiag.
Sole Only,
Sole and Heel,
Come in
and have
paired while you wait.
who vcre ucriistonuil '" ' ta i is
i d b tin iiih or li s-, eoniii.ict
iiilumn foiinilinn emilu(il liv pro
vliius expoilliliiiiK
The HrttlEli mado use of mini s t i
blow up nests of sulpcra, who link
it night.
Onlv two newsp.iiioi coiresn m
dents went with the column, nud tho
Indian nowsnaper complain of tho
(!cn Kitchener adopted the scheme
nf concentration ramps such ns (ien
Hell, of the American Arno organized
In the Philippines.' nml propones to,
implo) the methods of -Indian war-
aro wheanvdr he can Alt thu til
th es In the disturbed Zakkaktaels
torritorj will bo Invited to enter tho
concentration camps and bo support
cd b the (internment, while all
those who stns outside 111 he treat-
I'd as enemb-s
Quickness, and
and take a seat
your shoes re-
A- jiil ? rf-
xtbfi -w4 t j .
'itfl, 0
,. A HVVW. lP
V 'LMatt - ' Mm LA .WWk&.
i-i it &u-ditf k a ".&.

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