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Evening Bulletin .ctftaiiB4aiintt3iCtitsritai calt3itnirJ.fiHftUWttrjMW I Section II j to pa na na pa tu p im n Pa m Pa FleetEdition f m na N a m a 13 Pa pa Pa Pa !"- EVENING BULLETIN ATLANTIC FLEET EDITION I Honolulu and Pearl Harbor Vital Centers Of America's Power In Pacific Ocean aVa fa fuiPTpaPafaPaPn Pa Pif Pa Pa Pu psi fM Pa Pn pn ns pu Pa pn P3 Pa ' MAP OF THE PACIFIC HAWAII'COMMANDS v THE WHOLE PACIFIC il t-i ru u Eli tnl W tel 64 csl ej 0-4 mi tnl ua tt rl vrj tj t4 J fa til mmiirjh! Oo n llunvi! vii, the. mwi. u Mill way between Unabmla mid the Society Idanilx, miilwuj be iween ,s'(7. hw Suiiim, mill way between I 'mi I'nwiwmlaiitl the, Fiji Jf-lmuh. mill mill between San. Fmiwiico unit the Uaiiilinctt, multeity between the I'nnuma 'until unit llumj Komj, aim m tna aura route fiiini South American junta to Jiijitin, the central location of these isl uiiiln makes theij- etimmeirial iinniinnre, critical, "Hut vntl.v renter is their strategic value to the I'uitcd .States. "Captain .Malum snvs: 'Too much stress cannot lio laiil upon this iiiiiui'ii-t! (INuilviit:ij( tn Hi of any niarit hue enemy luiviu a coaling station well witliiii iJ.'itlO miles, of every point of our coast lino from Puget Sound to -McNieo. Were there many others availalile, we might iiiul it ilillienlt to exclude from all. There is, however, hut the one. Shut nut from the Sandwich Islands an a coal ha-o, an enemy is thrown hack for supplies of fuel to distances of :i.i()(l or 1000 miles or lu tweeu 70t)) and 8000 g'oiiur and coining an impediment to sustained maritime .operations well-nigh prohihitivc. It is rarely that mi im portant a factor in the attack or defence of a coast line of a sea frontier is concentrated in a single position, and tlm eircuinstiinco renders itdmihly imperative upon us to secure it. if wu righteously can.' ' "This was written in lS'.KI, and the final annexation of Hawaii 'shown that tlm lesson and warning conveyed in the tthovc were minded at the right moment; "With tho Sand wich Island wo have acquired l'curj llarhor, of M'li'ioli Ailniii-ul Wnll.-cr miiil: Tt should not lie forgotten that l'earl ...,,... ............ - . - - -- - - -0 Harbor offers, strategically and otherwise, tho linost sito for a naval mill coaling station to bo found in tho whole Pacific' " PEARL HARBOR PROGRESS 1884- -Treaty negotiated by President Orovcr Cleveland and Kinp Kala- kaua, givinR the Unites! btatcs exclusive ngnts to rcan Jiaruor 1898 Annexation of Hawaii to the United States. 1008 Appropriation of $3,000,000. by Congress to straighten channel and establish Naval Station at Pearl Harbor. PEARL HARBOR STATION PROTECTION FOR AMERICA (Ilv llox. .Iij.vaii, DkMWAn: to Conukkms.) 1 simply cito Mime historical facta to-Hhow how conclusively ami for how long n time tho strategic valuo of Pearl Harbor and tho Hawaiian Inlands hn.s hpen.ollicinlly recognized by tlm Government of tho United States. " tiW, beginning in IS 12, Piesident Tyler gave notico to European na tions that tho United States would never voiiM'iit to their occupying the Hawaiian Islands. Jn when the Eiench were threatening to occupy Hawaii, Daniel Webster, then Secretary of State, wrote: "L hopo tho French will not tako posjPssion of Hawaii; hut if they do, they will bo dis lodged" if my advice is taken, if tho wholo power of tho Government is required to do it." William L .Mnrcy, when Secretary of Stale, reiterated tho declara .-. . : . . ..... .. i (ion that Hawaii would not bo pornut,ted to tall into tho hands ol any European nation. Up to that timo there was no mcuaco of Hawaiian occupation by any nation other than European. ' Almost a third of n century ago, when King Kalakaua was tho roigning monarch of the Hawaiian Kingdom, tho United States, by reciprocity treaty, obtained rights over the water of Pearl Harbor. Thin was tho first stop toward carrying out tho policy announced by President Tyler thirty-five years previously. Coining down to the day.s of Bliiino and iMelunloy, wo find thoso .;..;. .;.; :! '; : .... . j- v A !ir,,",i.s?" .' y' ZSk w a til ps II I ?-rv- t - . J- x2 -k- Vf n - rtr A &m.?t C .-ijt f fc I. I i'jC vi tat ,...i3ffaT SJSjilN 7IV 5. Vd" 2nf"""i! !?! J Jf I 11'flu.wftJM Ht.. . ?1&ZZ . a '& " rV 7 W' '-TLf "Ll-V? JfT mHMl III a u"05"- . '-v kjsstt".'? . icSd S ' thI IT " . 1 1 ' I W. NA. wm ewininTft. x i rill MAP OF PACIFIC THAT DEMONSTRATES CENTRAL LOCATION AND VITAL STRATEGICAL VALUE OF HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. RKLIEF MAP OF'PEARL HARBOR SECTION OF ISLAND OF 0AIIU, SHOWING OUTLINE OF HARBOR AND LOW-LYING LAND OF IMMEDIATE VICINITY statesmen repeating tho declarations of their predecessors. liy tho timo that President JicKinley reached tho Whito House, it had becomo apparent that tho danger of tho occupation of Hawaii by a foreign power had licen shifted from European nations to thoso of tho Orient. Einally, ten years ago, when tho unexpected ovents of tho Spanish American war thrust 11 new situation upon this nation, it became apparent that it was necessary for tho United States to acquire thd boverciguty of tho Hawaiian Islands, both for thu protection of tho Pacific coast and 111 order to inako it possible to maintain any naval base in tho Far East. Hut although this Government nnnoxed tho Hawaiian Islands for tho particular valuo of their strategic location, they jiennitted almost ten years to pass without turning' 11 sod or Juying ono foundation stono toward tho actual construction of u nnrnl station at Pearl Harbor. ' A magnificent sito of over 000 acres of ground has been acquired for thii purpose. Tho 10 bquare miles of landlocked waters in Pearl Harbor could easily accommodate the combined, fleets of this nation nml of Great Britain, hut that can never give shelter to a battle ship till docks arc built and tho channel approach is htraightcned. Tho importanco of Pearl Harbor as 11 naval and military baso has been repeatedly urged by men ablo and experienced in military and naval science: among them Captain (now Admiral A. T. Ialian, who pointed out with unanswerable arguments tho commanding im portanco of Pearl Harbor as the key to tho Pacific. J his Government for ten years neglected the safeguard of piO' paring a naval baso in tho mid-Pacific. Our relations with other nations 1110 such to-day that it would bo inexcusable neglect of tho responsibility of Congress to tho nation to postpone this work another year. The development of l'earl Harbor is not a Hawaiian proposition; it 13 a national need. Hut as my nation gavo ovor its soveengnty to this country ten years ago, wo lmvo a right to ask, and wo do ask that adequate protection bo provided for our islands, bo that wo could not bo captured by a binglo hostile battle ship as could bo done to-day. Coast fortifications alono aro not sufficient; there must btfiin operat ing baso for war vessels as well as coast defenses, and tho latter aro useless without the former. Hawaii should be defended for ili own protection; bin I repent that it is far more important for tho offensive and defensive plaus of tho nation as a whole, m f tii n t 4- t f f 4- f FIRST PEARL HARBOR TREATY : Orovcr Clcrelniul, President of thu United States, and Duvld Kalukuua, KIiik of lliiwnll, concluded tho treaty which first iilnccd l'earl lltuhor with in thu control of tho United States. The proclamation scttliiK forth the terms of thu trcnty Ih now in tlio archives of Hawaii und leads us fot lows: Whoreus, 11 Convention hclwccn tho United States of America nnd tho Kingdom of tho Hawaiian Islanda, for the purpose of definitely limiting tho duration of tho Convention conrcrnlnc Commercial Reciprocity concluded bo- tween thu name High Contracting Tar tics 011 thn thirtieth day of January, 1X75, was concluded and rlgnud liy their reupcctlvu plenipotentiaries at tho city of Washington, on tho sixth day of December, in tho jcur ut our Lord, 1S84, which Convention, an amended by thu Sonalo of tho United Slates und being la thu Kngtish Inn guago. Is word for word as follows: Supplementary Convention to limit tho duration of thu Convention re specting Coinmorclnl reciprocity be tween tho Unltod States of America und thu Hawaiian Kingdom, concluded January 3D, 1875. WhcieiiB, n Convention was conclud ed between tho United Status of Amor lea, nnd Ills Majesty thu King of tho Hawaiian Islands, on thu thirtieth day of January, 1875, concornlng commer cial luclproclty, which by tho fifty-second urtlclu theroof, was to continue, In force for seven years from tho dato after It was to comn Into operation, and further, until tho expiration of twelve months after either of the High Conducting r.irllos should give notico to thu oilier of Its wish to termlnnto tho same; und Whereas, tho High .Contracting : - 1'urtles consider that the lncreaso and consolidation of their mutual commer cial Interests would bo better promot ed by tho dcflnllo limitation of tho duration of tho n,ld convention, Theroforo, tho President of tho United States of America, and Ills (Continued on Page 2) BACKED BY NAVY AMERICA IN PACIFIC 18 IMPREGNABLE The U.iwtMr.ti M 'ti Is, WiiUc Itland, nnd (liium form a lino of communica tion in Manll.i llug hoKvceu thu nnr low limits of the 1.11b mid lrt paral lels. The Ami-rlc'iu ti rmlnar points of Ibis lino o-i located at Si'i Fran cltco, I.ih Augolos, and 'atininn, and to nil three of there Honolulu holds n central position. The prooinl.ienco which It nun enJoyH 11s thu radiating point of thu great coinmercl ll routes of tho Pacific will only he ualnnccd wllh the opening ofJlio Panama Can al, becauso It will llu In tho pnth of mi Incrcas'iiK fl'c of vos'cls moving nlong fiom I'.m-inia to I'll I tin Japan, or Asiatic Ilusrla At llu wc-tsril cndr of this Irliud chain of nnimiuilcitlons are the Philippines. This l-rg" group, scattered over nil nrea measuring 1000 mites nnith to south and half us much cast to vet. In lunted wholly vrlthlu thu tropics, nil 1 I'Utrlhtitcd r.iornd It In a whle-wec;:liig U'lalclrclo a.o tho l'ar Asian countrli k whofo vast pop iil'illoiiH nmko thu markets it tho i:ast. At profi-at we ciipi-ly this wholo nnrkct with only nbout 11 per cent, of Its Imiiorls while tho commercial count rica of Kuroiie have 11 Rhrro of HO per cent of till liupoit trado, Tho lotnl conuiii-co 'f tin "nltd KtatcS with Afl-i and AilHtralitstu ha:) rlfOH frmu J13R0C0,imii u 1S92 to S287.000,- 000 In laop, havlnf moro' thn dOuhleil within 'n Hlnglo decado, Under tho now conditions which we nro now fac ing. thoc figures will rapidly, rlso to double nnd (reblu tho nmount. uonBiiicnng increiorc, 1110 pruuicm of thu future Pncldc suprciiiuy from the thrto point of gcographlc-U loca tion, commciclal ndviintogn mil fa cilities for manufacture, nnd. lastly, ot ptratcglo stirngth, we find tho United, States Imprignablo. No other nation or group of intloiiR possesses nhj thing approximating our combined ndvniit ages. Two other ikiIiUb remain for consideration. Om Is population, nnd thu other is iinvnl strength. As to thu foimcr, tho facts nro welt within our ken. Wo shall soon havo pasbed tho 100.000,000 point, uud tho middle of this century will probably sec this nation fairly under way to wards the second hundred million. Our Immigration, far from diminish ing, has of Into" years risen to heights equalled only during a few exception al ycnrH beforehand tho annual aver age Is now higher than ovor. Willi Hint, while In tho older Kastcrn States (duo to a ynrlety of causes) tho rata of 'natural' Increase has been diminishing, it In steadily oil tho ln creaso In tho West nnd South. Wo may easily look forward, therefore, to the time when, witli thu slhglo pos slhlu exception of ltiissln. our mero numerical superiority will exert nn iinparallclled inlluonro In a policy ot expansion In tho I'nr Kast and In South America, Von Schlcrhrnnfl'a "America, Asia and tho Pacific." Honolulu has 2 Iron roundrlesnnd Machlno Shops rapnblo of making; ex tended ships' repairs. Honolulu has 24 miles Electric Car Lines; scnlco tho best. i i Honolulu has 125 miles well-piwed sheets. RELIEF MAP OF ISLAND OF 0AHU, SHOWING HIOH MOUNTAIN RIDOES AND SOUTHERN COAST WITH HONOLULU AND PEARL HARBORS S i ?! -.'jaWiM; t , 1 i - -aiJri.. . Aii, - Ut . i .'saL4tia.ii ..