OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, October 23, 1908, 3:30 EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1908-10-23/ed-1/seq-3/

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r V
nvKNiNo ma.LKfiN, Honolulu, t. h., riut).v, oct s.i, mos.
Special Sale of
Arrived on Alameda
I w
ladies' Parasols
Friday and
White Embroidered Linen
,.N0W $1.75
. " $1.00
,. " $3.00
. " $3.15
,. " $3.25
, . " $1.25
,. " $4.75
,. " $7.00
Plain and Fancy SilR Parasols
x $2.75 NOW $1.00
..$3.00 " $2.25
),.$3.75 " $2.00
$4.00 nnd $4.25 " $3.25
44.50 " $3.50
$5.50 " $4.00
..$5.75 " $1.25
.IjG.OO " $4.00
$6.50.... i.... " $5.00
N. S. Sachs Dry Goods Co.,
Cor. Beretania and Fort Sts.
$ you enjoy ICE CREAM that
1 is made from Pure Cream
and CAKES that are a good
deal lighter than 'Ma makes?
Then come to us. We have the
goods. We serve meals from
6 to 8 a.m., II a.m. to 2 p.m.,
and from 5 to 8 p.m., at reason
able prices. Service the best.
Palm Cafe,
Hotel next to Perkins'
Choice Cuts
of beef anil veal from this market ate superior to any oth
er. You will find the meat, finer grained, more tender, and
with sufficient fat into rmingled with the red meat' to make
it cook well and taste well.
Telephone 45
Honolulu Construction and Draying Co.,
THONE, OFFICE 281. P. 0. BOX 154.
Fort St., Opp. W. 0, Invin & Co., ltd.
We do all kinds of Teaminc; also deal in Crushed Bock. White and
SBlaek Sand, Broken Coral, Garden Soil, Etc. SAFE MOVING A SPE.
Speaker's At G.O.P. Meet
Condemn Split
Two meetings worn hcM on Punch
bowl last night tlio ltopiilillcans hav
ing n RiicecsHfnl gathering mid tho
Democrats hnhlliiK forth a few blocks
farther up tltu street.
Tliu poreotiol of tlio Itopubllcin tick
ct. lilul tho-rccoiita which the. lllen on
It havo ulicndy made, wan tlio theme
of most of tlio speaker at tlio (1. O, 1'.
giillicilug. Several t'aiiilhlatos weio
called upon for short addresses, while
speeches wcro iihi ilcllvcrcd by cit
izens seeking no oMco.
IM. llcnrfquea. Mho Is running for
tho Senate, innilo a good, eoninicm
senso speech, llo called nttcuttcil to
tlio fact that ho had lluM Jn Hawaii
for many yearn, and know tho needs
of tho people anil would work tmvnlds
satlfrylng thorn, If ho wore elected.
Tho extension nt tho school system
was Imillr hooded. More room should
ho proUdod to accommodate the schol
ars. In former years California hnd
sent It Rthlldrcn tn Hawaii lo ho edit
ci'tcd. Today Hawaii did not have
room In her schools for her own chll.
ilron. Another law which Hcnrlqucs
wanted passed was ono prnUdlng for
tlio nppoiiitiucut of n public adminis
trator, stating that under tho nresent
system, when almost any old thing
could bo appointed administrator of
an estate, widows wcro being robbed
and orphans left penniless.
"livery porson who has any Interest
In tho weirnio of tho Territory should
work for tho success of tho Hcnubll-
can party," said William T. Ilawllns.
"The Hepubllcan narlv has shown lis
willingness, nnd ability, to work for
tlio best Intel eats of tho Territory.
"I Just enmo from u Democratic
meeting down the street and heard fj.
I.. McCandlcss say, 'Olvo tho Demo
crats a chance. You know the saying
that n new broom sweeps clean. Why
not get n new broom, n Democratic
broom? Tho itcpnhllcan parly Is not
u now broom, It la worn. down to tho
"Now gentlemen, It may bo true that
a new broom sweeps clean when ou
'Hit It into the hands of n man that
knows how In sweep. Hut' put that
broom Intn tho hands of a novlco and
bo will accomplish nothing. Keep It
In the hands of tlio party that knows
bow o sweep.
"No matter how new a broom may
be. If ou put It Into I ho hands or u
man that does not know how to uso
II, It will not sweep at nil. Tho men
in tho Republican ticker mo men who
liiio been tried mid know how to do
things. Voto for them gentlemen, nnd
lon't lake any chances Willi untiled
broonin lelders."
K. W. Union, Introduced, said:
"I ask you to supixiil mo because I
am, nnd always hnui been, a Hepubll
can. If I mil elected, I shall work, as
I hao In tho past, for the best Intel
out of this Territory.
"Thcru arc many Important matters
that will conio up beforo tho next
Legislature; It behooves you to seo
that you elect peoplo to that I.cglsla
nro who will know how to hanillo
them. It Is necessary that wo have a
Hepubllcan legislature to bundle
"1 refer joii to my past record. It
has mndt) no difference who liitioduccd
a bill Into tho Legislature nor what
his parly. If tlio bill was u good one,
I supported It, if I did nut consider It
lo bo for tho best Interests of tho Ter
liloiy, I opposed It;"
"I suppoit tho Republican nominees
from tho bottom up," Bald AV. II.
Hoogs. "I support them because they
nro good men; I sifpport tho Republi
can party because It Is the party of
progress and will get nppiopiluthma
for needed iuipinvciuciits here.
"If wo elect-n Democratic ticket, wo
i hall piohahly Hint (hat tho men have
-H lot of schemes, -but whether they
will no wnrjn anything or not Is a very
terlous question. Tlio 'policy of tho
Republican paity' has been tried and
not found wanting; wo know what wo
can expect with -loyal Republicans In
"As Mr. Rawlins said, ihls now
broom business may bo all right, hut
I bollovo In leaving tho broom In tho
hands of men who know how to wield
Nearly 2000 people listened to tho
speakers and tho appluuso was generous.
Huyashi Is Committed On
Two Very Serious
lluy.-rshl, the .fnp-tneso employed by
tho Ilodes, was this foicnuoti commit
led In tho Circuit Court for trial on
two charges, Olio (if assault with Intent
to murder, and tlio other or ass.iull
with intent to commit rape.
lloth charges wcro taken up at the
same lime with the consent of the de
fendnnt, n neat-looking Japanese of
Hit) Blninp or tho belter class of house
rervnnts. Ho pleaded not guilty, hul
was not represented by counsel, llur
lug the hearing tho court room was
cleared, only the officers and the press
being permitted to remain.
Tho prosecution produced onlv three
witnesses, Mrs. Uode, Miss Oriniths
and Dr. Collins, who attended liode
after the assault.
Mrs. llodo tcstllleil that she had been
awakened nt nbout 2 o'clock mid had
seen n Jnpanoso leaving the room. He
returned with a long stick which she
saw hlni raise. Thereupon she heard
n thud as If It had-stnick something
hard. Ho then went to her bed, knelt
on It and grasped her head, sating
"I don't want to kill you. I want
IJoro ho said n Japanese
Hook Maker Krank Dm mix of San
I-'ranclt-co cnuses arrest of who tap
pers who planned to beat poolrooms.
Reno Juilgo denies Virginia llarned
divorce from K. II. Sotliern becnuso
she falls to appear In court.
Mis. Cordelia Stouiietiliorg grnnloil
divorce from son of former (lovoinor
Ilrjan Indoises pioposals of lakes lo
tho gulf deep waterway association.
Comptroller of currency plans to es
tablish 11 national bank districts,
Oiistiuo gun club oxnola member
who Bworo because ho got only two
uncus, i
Sergeant Pry of Jackass battery to
ho tried for shooting wagon master.
I I II Ml II ll, I ij
For Sale
Several fine BUILDING
LOTS at PUUNUI above Li
liha St. on proposed exten
sion of car line, rood soil,
no rocks, unobstructed view,
cool and healthy. 50x105.
Price reduced to $150 j $25
cash, balance $10 p. m,
P. E. R. Strauch
word, which the witness could not re
member. Ho also mnile signs with
his hands. Hho screamed, mid at this
time Mies Griffiths appealed, ami tin
man ran away. In tho passage way
ho turned around and said, "Now I
will kill you."
Mrs. Uode was nlmrist, but mil quite,
positive that Huyashi was the man
who assaulted her btistiaiid.
"Is this tlio man?" asked Prosecutor
Ilron ii, pointing to tho defendant
"I believe bo wns tho man, an
swered Mrs. llodo.
"What makes you bellove Unit?"
"His slro, complexion, voice and
genera! appearance. At the lime 1
was miller tho impicsslou that he wa
ttle man."
Mlrs Crltnths testified that she bad
been awakened by Mrs. ltode'-i scream
and had gouo to the llodo room. A
man ran past here, and,' thinking II
was Itode, she caught his arm, hut ho
shoot her off. He ran down tho pas
sage and she saw ho was;ii Japanese.
Ho had a stick In his hand. Miss Grif
fiths was not poFlllve that Huyashi
was the man sba had seen, but his
general appearance, especially his inu
tile, was utv much like that of tho
dcfuulaiit. Hho felt mire It was a Jap
anese. "
Dr. Collins staled thai Iho wounds
on Ilodo's head had been made by an
Instrument of the online or the oo.
which Is believed bv Hie police to have
been tho weapon used.
, Huyashi testified that he had stayed
all night nt the house or n friend In
town, nnd Hint he li.nl slept In n room
with two other Japamse. These Jap
anese testified In bis behalf, confirm
lug ills ullbl, Inn Hie police stnlo that
their testimony ifocs not ngrco on all
points with tho statements! which (hoy
tundo lo them when they wcro first
Detective Ilany Lake this morning
had an latcivhw with Undo, who Is
at Iho hospital and Is icHirlc to In
doing well. Uode staled that be li.ul
never bad au. tumble with Ilujashl
or any other o.f bin servants. Ho had
retlicd at about 9 3n o'clock on the
night In rpiestioii after having assist
nl the Japanese In locking up the
house for Hie night He saw a light In
Huyashl's room at Hie lime ho rctlied
Fresh Traits
All Fruits and Vegetables in season
Eastern Frozen Oysters
Best California
Rose and Puritan Qreamery Butter
i Get your Order in now
Phone 22
KlllllI I '! Illllhl ll IIIWHIIHidl
Fort Street, Honolulu,
DKNVKIt, Colo., Oct. 2. At lar.t I
we aro in the enemy's country, or at I
least what parses for that, although ,
tho receptions ut our Important stops'
In Colorado have been among tho
most enthusiastic of tho whole trip. ,
At Urceley late In the afternoon thcro
was an enormous mob gathered about
the stiitlon nnd they cheered to tho
echo Mr. Taft's pledge, that tho He
publlcan party would piotect tlio
beet-sugar Industry to tho utmost.
At Denver the gicat Auditorium
where the Democratic convention wns
held, which holds fully 12,000 peo
plo nnd possibly more at a pinch.
w.m crowded to Its utmost capacity,
and thousands were gathered about
on the oulsldo vainly chimoiing for
Extraordinary Demonstration
I mention tneso tilings niciciy in
show that .Mr. Taft's visit to Colorado
has been thf occasion for no extraor
dinary political demonstration which
In some respects outclasses any of
thoso slnco ho left Chicago. Theso
demonstrations do not show that ho
Is going to entry Colmado. On tho
contrary, I bellcvo that tho Stnto Is
loubtfill today In spite or Iho fart
that all of the Hepubllcan leadeis on
the train Insist Hint they would ile-'
liver Its llvo decimal votes with -not
less than l.'i.nnn. majority. I
All or todayV Journey was n rorl-
L. U. MtCaiidlc.ss held forth at
length on the labor piobleiii, at the
Dcmocratlo meeting on Punchbowl
last night. He particularly masted
Kuiilo tor gelling appiopriations or
money fioni Cougiess for work. In
this Tenltory, without seeing to 11
that tho class of workmen to bo cm
plojeil on tha work was specified.
Bald he:
"Ccntlcmen, when our Delegato
got tho appropriation for that woiis
at Pearl Harbor, why did ho not at
tach a llttlo rider to that bill, pro
Wiling that none but tltl.eu labor
was to bo employed? Why should
ho liuvo left tlio way opon for tho
employment of cheap labor?
"Right now theio nro Japanese
carpenters lit work on the leprosarium
nt Molnknl. I am Informed that Jap
anese 'laborers are being employed at
Pearl Harbor. Is that right? Should
tho work not go to American citizens?
"Olvo tho DcmncrnU a elianro now.
A now broom 1 weeps clean. Tho lie
publlcan party broom Is nil worn out;
theio Is nothing but tho stick left.
Now Is the lima to put tlio manage
ment or aflalrs In the hands of men
wlio will stir things up.
"If ou bolleo that tho principles
of tho American land law nro just
ami that I.. L MiCandlcss was light
In advocating them for this Territory
then work for -hlni. You all know
mo, gentlemen, and I ask that sou
ote for 1110 It you bollovo ns I do."
A pair of shoes tha't wears ':
long and keeps its shape
A shipment of up to date
Tan Shoes for ladies was re
ceived per last S. S. Ala- '
unnte one for the big candidate from, orasaf ipaj CBJAPC
tcveral points of view. In the first I Y l1 jHUtj
place there wero long runs between ', ttJtt vivi-iJ
stations, so that liuTcould get up his;
correspondence, and at the same time
get much needed rest, particularly
for his Voice.
Audience Goes Wild
On the other hand the demonstta
tluns In tho fag end or Nebraska and
In Wyoming and Colorado havo been
marvelous. Kor Instance at Julos
burg there was a crowd which must
have gathered Ironi many surround
ing towns mill they wcro wildly en
thusiastic In their greeting. At
Cheyenne, wlicro tho women vote,
the opera house was packed, and
here Is entirely Insufficient for domes
crowds wero gathered on thu streets.
Orccley, ns I have said, simply went
wild to the candidate's reference; to
the beet-sugar question, becnuso tho
mining of beeta Is tho great Industry
In llent County. In Denver, IT auy
wheie, thote should have been Tall
nro or enthusiasm, but no city In tho
central valley has exceeded cither In
the slzo of crowds or enthusiasm
which was nrouted.
There Were parades, torchlights,
file works, mid all tho accompani
ments of political enthusiasm. Tho
J day, therefore, was a happy one for
the candidate ami his malingers uii'I
especially slnco they wero assured by
Senator Wan en In Cheycnnn and by
Thomas V. Walsh, tho Stnto chair
man In Denver, that both Status wcro
surely Republican.
"For Sale" cards at Bulletin.
J. M. LEVY & CO.
Family Grocers
Kinp; St. near Bethel. 7honc 7G.
Auto for Hire
MANUEL ItEIS. Call up at any
time by telephone any one of these
numbers: 290, 00, 1097.
For Distilled Water and Assorted
Soda Water, delivered to office and
residence, RING UP 557,
Arctic Soda Water WorKs
12G3 Miller St. M. R. DE SA.
Demonstrator I'ako charged with
showing fin or to Democrat while ex
plaining otlng machine.
Tbeodoio P. Shouts declares man
agement by commission Injures rail
roads. Nephew of J. Q Packard continues
to shovel coal at 1.50 por diiy despite
u legacy of JlO.onn
Second Mate Cbailes Osboino of
Bchoouor Methn Nelson must raco
chin 1:0 or Inciting men lo mutiny.
Heaist HTH'd with summons In J10,
O11O nuiu milt as he le.uoa theater,
Do VOU ffecl tired and sleepy after
a day's work? Are
you heavy and "soggy" after lunch?
If you are it't a sign that your system
needs a little "toning up," that's all.
Your digestion is poor.
A glass ofPrimo Beer, taken
with your meals, will aid the digestionN
and act as a general tonic.
It makes an , Ideal Beverage for
Home Use.,
Primo Beer
1 '" Jllrii, mi ' 111 -
-V",.iilriVi 1 irl.. flii.l
'.J- I - a. i. :i
sf iajf - - JW-
a.,.i .'.it,. i,MUmiLAiHiKiL.
&n ii.i.i.
& i

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