t .(, t -, " yffi " 'wv-r 1 EVENING DULLETIN. HONOLULU, T. It.. WEDNESDAY. DEC. 23, 1908. ' ' - n - in ,i i - Br .11 ..,-. .. ... jKEf rf 1 Ma VI V 4 M r ic & TtMPit 1 i' t WEEKLY GAIEHDAR MUN'OAV Lenhl Chapter Ho. 2 Renular. I UIJXUAV Hawaiian Second Dearee. WUUrNUSIJ.W I ItUUKOAV SAII'MLIAV Hawaiian Lodne Installation of Officer!. All visiting members of the Unlor nro coiillully Invited to attend meetings of local lodges HARMONY LODGE, No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F. Meets every Monday evening nt 7-30 In I. 0. O. l llnll, Fort Street. ,- i:. It. IIKXUKY, Secretary. i:n. r. vicKcns, n. a. All visiting brothers very cordially, Invited. ! OAIIU LODGE, No. 1, K. of P. : x Meets every first mid third Frl f lay evening at 7:30 In IC. of I. Hall, corner Fort and Ilcrctenla. Visiting brotnera cordially Invited to attend. a. a. nr.KiiiNo, c.c, , JAS. V. WHITE. K.H.S HONOLULU LODGE G10, B. P. 0. E, Honolulu Lodge- No. CIO, II. P. O, B.. will meet In their hill on King near Kort Street every l'rlday even Ins. Uy order of the E. II.: HENRY C. EASTON, Secretary. vm. it. mcinj:uny. n. n. r & Ww. M'KINLEY LODGE No.8, K.ofP. n' , Mcots every 2nd and 4th Saturday V evening at 7 P.o o'i lock In K. of r. Hall, cor. l'oit and Ileictaula. Vlslv- i. Ing ljrothcis cordially Invited to at- tend. S k w. l. frazee, c.c, 1( E. A. JACOUSON, K.U.S. QOIIOLULU AERIE 140, F. 0. E. V Sleets on tho 2nd and 4th WED- ' SESDAY evonlnga of each month at i g 7:30 o'clock In IC. of I'. Hall, corner HeretnnU nnd l'ort streets. 4 Visiting Eagles are Invited to at- , tend. Wt .v. h. frazce, w., rrest. 'tf. H. T. MOORE, Secy. $j. '- HAWAIIAN TRIBE No. 1, 1. 0. R. M. 5 Meets every first nnd third Thura- 5' dajs of each month at Knights of J Pythias Hall. VWtlng brothers cor- jfci dlally invited to attend. A. B. ARLEIOH, Sachem. , . .A. E. MURPHY, C. of It. EXCELLENT LAUNDRY WORK done by the F'RENCH LAUNDRY with their new l'RENCH di-y-clcaiiing process. 237 Brrctania St. Thonc 1401, '' McTighe Favorite i The Best Whiskey on the Market. ' THOS. F. McTIfJHE & CO., AGENTS. " ' 101-105 KING ST. ?W VIl0NZ M0- P- - B0X 755- (t A ivr nTTnrTnvrri tt-XN J u J. 11 y I tin a brand new scvcn-scatcr. Call up LpjOl-or 1453 mid nsk for C. H. BEHN E HEnnryrirm ratt t innig. .... .. "; ::; J i ( owi, wiii,s itAia ironi sa.uu up. K. UYEDA, 1028 NL'UANU ST. Wong Wong, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. PLUHBING and PAIHTINQ. 0Jlcc: Honolulu Paintinp; Co, 221- :' Kins St.; p 0. Box 314. i , rrrz-z i' N l I H( Nli f 'f 1 l - KlHti ST. ULAH BETHEL g f wfiiuij i,k 4 .jiiiuio lunibicasca, n ti All kinds of K0A and FURNITURE Made Tr Wmiss'dw' El Order. r- M - 1j u u u n . s anu jj n l w k a PT' . ' T)ip mntf nniinlnr ,Jt. nlarw In tn-mn. - Thp Fashion Salnnn ... . .w..... u...v.,, . Hotel St. near Fort. Jack Scully. Jack Roberts. fiem Theatre HOTEL ST. LATEST AND BEST FILMS Admission 10c' and 20c Children 5c. ARTTHEATER Wonderful Motion Pictures bring, ine to view scenes from many lands and embracing Comedy and Pathos. Two changes each week. Monday and Thursday The Tonpmcse in Their Country; A Cabman's Delusion; The Thieving Hand; A Cowboy's Elopement; A Col ored Man's Revenge ; A Yankee Man- o'-Warsman; A Fiftht for Love; For the Hate of the Miller; A Runaway Horse. Perfumes The best assortment ever shown in the city. STYLES nnd PRICES TO SUIT EVERY BODY. Leave your oraer fo'r ft box ofLchnhardt's Candy, Fresh only at CHAMBER'S DRUG CO., Ltd. Corner King and Fort Streets. PHONE 13,1. Our Expert ON Magnetos, Storage Batteries, and Coils IS HERE A Specialty is made of repairing STORAGE BATTERIES. ASSOC.ATEDGARAGE.Ltd MERCHANT ST, TEL. 388. Absolutely Certain Tou aaval When you get ua to maka your clothat at ready-to wear prlcec Our $25. suit have no comparison, Tuxedo Sulti ISO. np. GEO. A, MARTH, Hotel St I.onls V. Hill, president of tba (ircat Northern railroad company, goon to San Francisco to mako .plans for now 'Btonnibhlp linu aotweon that (lly anil roitland. Dr. Simon Wexnur of tho Ilockc leflor Institute, New York, nnnounc i (1 ho had discovered a remedy In rea der man immune to tuberculosis. Itupoit Illgglna, eon of tho director of tho Covcnt Qarden Opera Com pany, Loudon, whh hurt In a taxlcab collision In Now York. Illinois manufacturers offer to co opciato with California Hhlpporu In protest ugaiust I ho proposed Increase In ficlBht rates. One tiny dog at tho New York do fclinw, whU h opened at tho Wnldorf .Mfirla Hotel In New York, was Bold for 1 1500. LOCAL ANDiENERAL If you have a. bdsineii opportunity to offer, persist reasonably, in B n 1 1 e t i n want advertising it and it will apnea! to the right person. Phone 290. P.R.Sull'ivan, Hack 115. Take your carriage or automobile to Hawaiian Carriage Manfg. Co., for up-todato repairs. C. u. wells was among mo arrivals this morning from Maul. Commercial lutings. Merc, nefcr- enco Agcy., 39 Young Bids'. Phone 129. Count In Dool'a House contort up to noon today Is given In Whltnoy & Mnrsh'a nd. 1( you nro looking for any of your friends go to the "Two Jacks" and jon'll find them. W. O. Smith, who sailed yesterday In the Manna Kra, returned today, ar riving In the Claudlne It you want good goods at bargain prices go to Mom's. ChriBlmas toys cheap. Open evenings. Fresh family milch cows. Thor oughbred Imported bulls tor sale. Tel 109 or call at Club stables. Call at the B u 1 1 e t i n office and get a free list of the riew fire alarm nnnbert and all the ehancei: Hide in mo swell Btuaeoakor driven by tho expert chaffeur,nM.vT, Lutx. Phono 191. Iloyal Hawaiian Oarago. A bottln of Malle, cologne will b'e ac cepted with pleasure by any lady, tien- son, Bmlth.ft Co.,:I.td , Hotel and Fort. Have your typewriters and machines repaired at Wall, Nichols Co., Ltd., Fort and' Merchant' streets. Tele phone 16. Henry May ft Co., Ltd., have a large, Ircsh shipment of Puritan and Califor nia Creamery Butter. Order now, phone 22, A. Hanneberg, auditor of II. Hack- leld 6 Company, returned today In the Claudlno from Maul. He was away four weeks. Representative J. H. Coney 'I of Kaunl, camo over from tho other Island to watch the election contest which. Is now before tho Supreme Court. Tho Alexander Young Xdafo will t.crvo a special CbrUUnaa dinner from 6 o'clock tilt 8:30 Christmas iDay. I'rlcca aro 75c nnd $1.00. Phono 59 for tcsorved tables Prlmo beer Is a, boon to tlioso who aro run down and nervous. A glass with meals Insures easy digestion and rdstful sleep. Order a case for the holiday festivities. f Acting Governor Mott-Smlth has ro celved a cable stating that Chester Doylo is now on his way back .hero with Abe, tho absconder. He will bo hero In a short, time now. , Yo have all tho finest wine, and liquors for the Christmas festivities. Get your orders In early tor Cur fine whiskeys, Bartlett water, and Kaupa- kulua Wine. Lovejoy ft Co., Ltd. Have an Xma party at "Royal An. nex." Christmas boxes of Adallna Pattls. Separate compartments! holding bIx dif ferent shapes and sizes. Tho neatest Christmas box ever offered In Ilono lulu. Fltxpatrlck Bros.; two stores. Some people would not recognise an OPPORTUNITY If they met It In tho middle of tho street In the mlddlo of the day. Aro you ono of them? BUY "MAYFLOWEIV STOCK! BUY IT NOW! Deputy Attorney , General Larnach has returned to work, after' a short vacation Bpont at Halolwa. Mr. Lar- nlch was worn out by tho stress of work on the othor Islands, .and was compelled to tako a -rest. Captain Tullett,, delegate from Ho nolulu Harbor to the national conven tion of tho Amcrloan Association of Mastors, Males ami Pilots, will sail from hero on the Matson.llner Hllonlan on December 29, bound for Washing ton. Alohlkea, tho Hawaiian who yes terday ran amuck with a hammer In Kevvalo, Is at present at the police station, being detained for Investiga tion. His victims, both the roan and the woman, are at the Queen's Hos pital nnd are reported to be doing Well. Tho key ring and riumbored Tag pre sented by tho Henry Wfltcrhouno Trust company Is ono of tho best gifts of thb season. Each tagged ring Is numbered and the name of the owner registered nt tho Trust Company office. .ThU makes the kejs absolutely safe", and for largor things the company has safe deposit boxes at a very reasonable rate. 'Any niari who tries (o figure out tho dopo for tho Christmas .soccer gam is pretty likely to como a cropper. On tho surfaco the operation Jooks.BlmplB enough, but when thb wise man tries to got down to cases,, ho Is likely' to land with a thud which .will awaken the echoes. Ono clever lad. uridertook tho Job yesterday afternoon, and' after an hour's work, he found tho answer according to thorelatlvo showings of tho teams, tho Mallfts should be ablo to boat ther.ibclves by a score of something like 2 tol. Thon he quit and announced that ho should stay quit. A Most ExeeUent-Aieb'rtment trf SUITINGS W. W. Ahana Co., LIMITED S. KINO ST. PriDN-R R9R THE BEST "PITTERS" IN TOWN, SAID MASTERPIECE t WAS VERY IMMORAL Liquor Board Wouldn't Allow. Corregeo In , "Scotty's In days gone by, when "Scotty" Meston was In the height of his glory In Ilonblulu, there hung a painting, an undoubted masterpiece, on tho walls of the Iloyal Annex Cafe. On flrst.and casual glance the most strik ing feature about the old master piece, porhnps a genuine Corrcglo, might be the nudo figure of n womani reclining. W, C. Peacock, the owner of the painting, feels 'assured that the can vas, If not ngenulhc Correglo from the hand of the wonderful old mas ter, Is at least a study that was con ceived and painted three or four hun dred yepra ago. Experts, men who should know about such things, have pronouncod tho canvas centuries old. Yet this Is the identical painting which the Board of Liquor Commis sioners condemned as Immoral! The masterpiece now hangs In the gallery of J. J, Williams. BimOlARTES REPORTED (Contjnned from Page 1) ly, nd placed tho kcroseno lamp on tho tnblo after turning it down so that thoro was practically no light from It. Ho then went to the bedroom door. This awakened my wife, Sho raw tho man, but owing to tho almost completo darkness, she thought that It was I, and she called out: "la that you, Archie?" As sho got no pnswer, sho got out of bed and called. "Who Is there?" At this tho burglar ran out through tho kitchen and climbed through tho window through which ho had entered, making consid erable racket as ho did so by collid ing with a gas stove which stood right under tho window. "My wife immediately notified neigh bors, and a niessago was sent to tho liollce station. An officer arrived at about 1 o'clock. Ho asked a few quat tions, but beyond thnt I have heard nothing further .from tho police." A notlceablo feature about this nt tempted burglary Is the fact that its circumstances, are practically Identical with those of the Sponccr, the Akaka Lund other similar affairs which have cocurrea in ino.iast row nays, indicat ing that tho same person Is respons ible for these jobs. In each case tlw burglar has entered through a win dow, using a box as a ladder. Ho Is ovldcntly an unintelligent person, who trusts to luck for his booty, rather than making a systematic search for silverware and tho like, and that he Is of a timid nature is shown by tho fact that In every enso he has been easily frightened oft by the outcry of no- men. J. O. Lutted, the proprietor of the New England Bakory, has been sin gled out for a couplo of burglarleatPrnyeri Song No. 273; moving plc- LaBt Saturday night a burglar forced open tho back door of tho room noxt to tho restaurant and tackled the safe which was thcro. Tho main door of ,lho safe waB open, but tho Inner box was locked. The latter was taken by tho Intruder out in the back yard, where ho smashed it open, obtaining about $15 or-$20 worth of Hawaiian coins and Bomo Jewelry. A revolver and some postage stamps which were lying on a table In plain vlow, wort not touched On Monday mornlne Lulled found that tho back lldor leading to another room had bten forcedopen, tho pad lock being broken off, but tho thief bad obtained no booty In this case, as the room contained only pastboard boxes used for the packing of tabasco Baited. Some weeks ago Lutted lost some Jewelry from his residence In Manon valley, but this was apparently, a case of daylight pilfering rather than of burglary, Reports have been made to tho poiico about all those cases, but nothing has bcon given out about thein by the authorities'. McShano, the messenger boy who is clloged to have had something to do With tho.Mme. Lambert affair, has had i charge of burglary placed against h(m. As far as can be learned from tho police, the' principal evidences against him Is tho fact that ho admits that ho loves. Mnio. Lambert, and that he hoa been pestering her with his at tendons. . Chief of Detectives Kalaklola and bis, staff, a'ro .making' strenuous efforts to cope .with, tho burglary epidemic. Last night, all wore out almost all night, Bomdton whoolB and somo on foot, patrolling tho town from Diamond Head to Kallhi, but.nothlrig was found of any valuer In" the matter. WINDJAMMER SAILS i j ; 'Shortly after-10 o'clock this mgrn Ing. tho bark Androw Welch, operated by (ho M"atsbh Navigation Company, cast(off hor moorings lit the Mauna Kea wharf and started for San Fran elkco. Aa tho vosh will bo on tho .high seas Christmas day, a goodly itock of dainties, such ns satlormeu ucllght In, was taken on board to sup ply (Ho 'holiday ''flxlngi" for tho Christmas dinner t s MT BULLETIN ADS PAY THERE'LL BE MUSIC AT CHRISTMAS TREE 1500 Children Take Part In Christmas -Of Mtlihinls The Mailhlnl Christmas Tree will bo ready for tho children nt 10 o'clock Friday morning; in the Young Hotel Park. It will be the greatest tree thnt over was, nnd fifteen hundred' chil dren wili recelvo sifts from Santa Clans. Early yesterday morning the chief Snnta Clans telephoned tho , It u ! - I c 1 1 u office and asked that five hundred inoro tickets bo printed. Ono thousand had already been run off, but the demand was so great that they hnd to have more. The tickets are nil numbered from ono to fifteen hundred and each tick et goes to n child who Is vouched for and will appreciate the good things. Among those coming Under this head ing nre ono hundred of the Hullo 1 1 n newsboys under twelve years of age. One hundred tickets were handed in to the Bulletin this forenoon for tho boys, tho only con dition being that they should go to the littlest fellows. There will be great, doings. Tho Santas nnd the Santa Clausesses will bo on hand. Tho children will bo there, nnd the police have promised to have an ample guard to keep or der. Thcro will be the best music to bo hnd. Kant's Glee Club' nnd the Ha waiian Band will alternate In fur nishing music. Action, nctlon all the time, will bo the spirit of tho occasion. Just llko Snnta Claus. Always busy and al ways making pcoplo happy. Tho Mailhlnl Christmas Tree will be n great treat to tho town. ffllft.il UHlOH Moro than six hundred Sunday school children of tho Central Union Church, accompanied by their par ents, congrcgnted last night In tho meeting-room nt tho church nnd wero elaborately entertained by the nfllrera nnd members of the church. It was a Christmas entertainment. Tho loom was dcccratcd with tropical plants. Besides enJo.vlng the music al and literary program nrrnnged for the occasion, the oung people were presented with Christmas gifts, such as candies nnd other tempting deli cacies. Before the program was over refreshments were served. Tho room was filled to its utmost capacity. Following was the pro gram: Part I Orchestra; Song No. 16; turo, "Breeding Pheasants"; Orches tra; moving picture, "Tommy's Birth day"; Orchestra; moving picture, "Tho Dollmaker," "A Practical Joke." Part II Orchestra; Song No. 160; dinloguo, "ClirlstnuiH Tide"; V,V- come to Santa Claus; Distribution of Gifts; Distribution of Candy; Hc- freshmonts; Orchestra; Goodnight MIXED COMPOSITION "Glmmo n pound of sugar," snap ped the crabbed woman In the red sunbonnct. "What, will It be, mad am?" asked tho rural storekeeper, who was slightly deaf. "Oh, I reckon II will be a composition of sand and glucose. That's what It always turns out to be When I buy It here." And the next time the crabbed woman In the red sunbonnet came In tho old storekeeper Bent his brightest clerk to tako hor order. -BLOSSOMS AND FRUIT By and ly tho fragrant blossom Upon the orchard tree May turn into an apple large. As sour as bour can be. Likewise tho sweot girl bahv You dance upon your knee May 1 1 forty be a spinster iAs tart as tart can bo. POPULARITY EXPLAINED "Tho looking glnsa Is the only truth-teller that Is universally popu lar with tho fair sex." remarked the typewriter boarder. "That Is because womon Interpret Its icflections to suit themselves, and not literally," re joined the scnnty-bnlred bachelor at tho pedal extremity of tho mahogany. IF YOU WAIT for the serious trouble with your eyes, you will take the serious consequences. Come to us with the tint symptom. ; - t, 1 IN FOREIGN PORTS I'll ARBIVED L ' Wednesday, December 23 AUCKLAND Sailed Dec. IS: B, S. Den of Hulhven, for Honolulu. KJUIQUI Sailed Dec. 22: Bluno. Maknvvell, for Honolulu. SAUNA CBUZ Arrived Dec. 22: S, 8. Mlssourlan.from San FrnncUco. HlLO Arrived Dec. 20: S. S. Enterprise, from San Fran cisco. ELEELE Sailed Dec. 22: N 8 S. Vermont, for Novvcnstle. YOKOHAMA Sailed Dec. 23: 8. S. China, for Honolulu. YOKOHAMA Arrived Dec. IP. 8. S. Mongolia, henco Dec. 8. NEWCASTLE Sailed Dee. 12: 8. S. aiondevon, for Honolulu. H HONOLULU WEATHER Temperatures 6 n. in., 72; 8 n. in., 72; 10 a. m., 76; noon, 77; morning minimum, 67. Barometer, 8 n. in., 30.12; nlisoluli humidity, 8 a. in, 5.100 grains pe- cubic foot; relative humidity. .'. n. m 61 per cent; dew point, 8 a. in., 8. Wind G n. m, velocity 4, dlrcctloi. N, E.; 8 n. in., velocity 9, direction N E ; 10 a. m velocity 15, direction N. E.; noon, velocity 14, direction N. E. nnlnfnll during 21 hours ended 8 n. m trncc. Total wind movement during 24 hours ended at noon, 299 miles. WM. U. STOCKMAN, Section Director. Weather Bureau. PAtSENQERS DEPARTED ALDEN DESSE COMING After n long period of Inwsults am Idleness, tho old bark Aldett Besso hnr been overhauled and placed In com mission at Snn Pedro, Cat. Sho vvlti load a general CHrgo for Honolulu. todny, arriving early this morning. She brought ns freight 7000 bags Biignr, St bags rice, 164 bundles hides, 51 boxes I oney, 6 crates C. W. P., 63 crateB or nnges, 1 horso and 240 packages sun dries. Purser Grubo reports tho S. S Vermont having left Elcclo jesterda) morning for Newcastle. THE PACIFIC MAIL linen Siberia will arrivo hero Christmas niurnliig In all probability. She will sail i-ithci that night or the follow ing morning. II tho arrives early Christinas morning her sailing, time will depend entirely I'pon whether or not tho iigcnls hcie r.ro nblo to get stevedores to unload her cargog that day. M HACKFELD & CO. received a cablo gram jestcrdny announcing tho de parturo of tho steamship Korea fiom San Francisco for Honolulu on ached ulo time. Shu la duu hero Dccenibei 18th. Us . THE CLAUDINE arrived this inorn ing from Hawaii. Maul mid Moloknl ports. Her cargo consisted of 484 railroad ties, 2171 feet oh I a lumber 12 cords wood, 1 horse, 38 lipgs, 161 packages hides. Ml THE REPAIR work on tho Inter Island Btcamcr Holeuo Is about com pleted. Tho Helcno has been thor oughly overhauled and Is not only in first Class condition, but looka trim and shipshape. THE OCEANIC liner Alameda Is duo hero at daybicak Christmas morn ing. Sho will bring ubput tho last of tho ChrlstnuiH mall, and will also bring a largo cargo of miscellaneous mcr chandlsc. PURSER ORUIIE or tho stonmor Kl nnii reports tho following sugar ready for shipment on Kauai: Mnk., 28,794; O. & R 2000; K. P., 4600; P., 4355; H, M., 1400; K. S. C, 2000. THE IWALANI sails tomorrow af. ternoon for Hnmakua, Hawaii, Sho will take a largo' consignment of freight for Christmas and New Year. FREIGHT WILI. be taken on board by Intor-Island steamers tomorrow but under no conditions, will any bo rc celved on Christmas Day. THE AMERICAN schooner Alice Cooke, Captain Penhnllow command Ing, left this morning at 8 o'clock for Puget Sound. THE STEAMER Heleno left today for Pcpcckco, Hawaii, whero she will discliargo cargo for tho stores there. Attorney Peters has filed Ills brief In tho tenement houso case. Ho has taken up tho constitutional points In the case almost exclusively, claiming, In tho tlist place thatNho Boaid o( Supervisors had no right to pubs tho tonomout law, nnd In the bccoud place that tho law Itself Is unconstitutional. Deputy County Attorney Mllvorlnu will write tho brief for the Territory In answer, Registrar Morrlam has proposed, a now form of ncknavv lodgment, ono that has been tried, accepted, and now in ubo In all of tho Statea, for the Terrl lory, anil ho will embody hla Ideas in n bill which ho will present to tho Log Mature. Tho present form of ac knowledgment which is In use In (ho Territory Is radically different from tho ono in use In all the States. Flro in tho Bronx, Now York, thicatcufd tn tnuso tho explosion of 100 pounds or dynamite bulled In tho ground, llosldents of the neigh borhood lied from their homes. ' ' ' ' '- 4 WKilncsdny. December 23. Stmr. Klnnii, Gregory, from Knual, n. m. atmr. Clniidlnc, Ilcnnolt, irom iw wall nnd Maul, 1:45 n. m. 8. S. Itosecrans, from rncinc ionsi, & n. in. DEPARTED Tuesday, December 22. Stmr. W. a. Hall, for Knual ports, "i p. in. , , . Stmr. Mlkahala, for Moloknl nnd Maul ports, 5 p. m. 8. 8. Columbian for Kahuliil, Kn Minpall and Hllti, 5 p. m. Wednesday, Dccumner i.. Am. Bclir. Allcb Cooko, I'enlutUow, for Pugct Bound, 8 n. in. Am. hV. Andrew Welch. Pciihallovv, for San Francisco, 10:10 n. m. 8. 8, Hosecrans, for Ka.innpati, 10:30 a. m. v v PA88ENOER8 DEPARTED f l'or ntnir. Mlknhnla. for Mntll mill Mnlnknl n. Hltplirnrk H. It. Hitch. cock, Jr.. Miss I. Mctiilstnn, Margnrct Meyer, Iludolpli Moycr, Krnest siojcr. I,.r Rlnir. W. (J. Hull for Kninl. Miss A. Welbko Miss Kaeo, Father John, L. Welnzhclmcr. PA88ENQER8 ARRIVED I Pel stmr. Klnau, Gregory, from Knual. Dec. 23. Mrs. M, D. Cook, Mlsa C. Flnklcr, F. E. Harvey, W. K. Schuftz nnd wife W. Schilling mid wife, Ah Tan nnd daughter, Y. Shldo, Hong Chuck, Y. Amny, Goo Cliong. W. Sclilebcr, J. H. Coney. L. 8. lljortli. iliss L. Pihl, Miss J. Keanialu, C. W. Hudson, M. I'ntlon W. Kelly, Nnlolo, V. K u palm nnd wlfo Daisy Lilian, J. W. PcrRstroin, K. Tnkcta. Per stmr. Claudlno, Bennett, front Hawaii, Maul, Molokal, Dec. 23. V. J. Ryan, E. J. Walker, A. HnnebcrK F. J. Hare. II. Kato, S. Oxakl. A. Uiw rey,.E. C. Milter, Miss R. Naukann, Miss Evn Scholtj!, Father Edward. Jti". Stewart, H. Hutchlns, C. B. Wells, W. O. Smith, E. O, Hall, Geo. P. Cooko. " PA88ENOERB BOOKED Per P. M. S. 8. Siberia, for Sim Francisco, nbqut Dec. 25 or 26. L. L. Harding. Col. Spalding, C. 1). Wolls, Mr. Halvorseii, Mr McCnnn, Princess Knwaiianaku.i, Mrs. Reeves, Mr. Tot" tenham, Tnrn Mctlrew, Miss Wlnul fred C. Wheeler, H. It. Berry, Frnncla U. Smith, L. M. Colin and wlfo, T. Cos tollo and wife, A C. Beach nnd wife, Misses Ada and Irunu broughcr, Whar ton Thin stun, I).rW, Cooke, Walter A. Fischer nnd wife. Win. F. McGco nnd wife, Geo. 1'. Drake, Alex. Cross, L. Hopo Robertson A. Hope Robertson, Miss Robertson, Miss G. Robertson, L. F. Moiilton nnd wife, Miss Bcatrlcu Campbell, Mrs. A. Whitney. Hnrry Grlswold, Snmucl Poormnn, C. Bnltc, W. D. Wahlworth, Miss Anna D. Wahl. worth, Leeds aullck, W. W. Harris, E. F. Maine, Mrs. Blaine, Mnster Maine, S. O. Fry, MIbs M. JorgeiiBcn, K. llto, wlfo nnd two children, MIbs B. Helen Skclly. Per M. N'. 8. S Illlonlnii, for Sail Francisco, Dec 29. Captain Tullett, Mrs. Tullett and two children, Mrs. J. S. Sharp nnd infant, Miss Jcnnlo F. Stevenson, Mrs. Podmoro, II, Podmoro, Sam Souza, C. II. Brown, Mis. Tom llnson. It on want to make sumo quick money, and somo Hiiro money, get aboard! BUY "MAYFLOWER" STOCK. BUY IT NOW! N, S. Mojer and M. (inn oil, nolillcii from Camp Shatter, gut into serious troublo last night, when thoy tried in make merry In a tenement house jt King street, Lclco. 'it appears that they went up on tho veranda vvhuro a Hawaiian man n'nd woman woro sleeping. They smnfhed ho elertilo light, and then proceeded to mako ml vnnccs towards tho woman. Tho In. mates of tho houso wero nmubed, and a general hubbuli followed, w'llch was, broken by tho arrival of Olllccrs Mo kumalit nnd Humekil. Tho soldier.! tried to escape, but wero arrested and taken to tho station. This morning they appealed in court on chargea o' being on tho promises or another at night without lawful excuso, but nt tho request or nil officer from tho enmp, they wero turned over to tho military nuthmltles, by whom thoy will undoubtedly bo toveiuly pun ishcd, Tho police state that while tho sol diers who have been here for sonio time nro a vory well behaved set, Ihu ones who have arrived hut recently nro tho cause of contilderablo troublo it was also reported to tho police last night that u Chlnebo hnd been .vu verely beaten o ntho corner of King and Maunakeu streets, but whllo tho man was found n a battuiod condition, ho was not ablo to glvo any liifonin. lion ns to tho Identity of his nssall. nuts, Hear Admiral Mason, chlof of ord nance. In his annual report sav tho big guns on AniciUan wiushlps uui tho oqual or nny In tho world. Sea Wrens, $100 18-foot Motor Launch with 4-Cycle Motor. $175, Complete. 'HE CHARLES D. WALKERS, BOAT AND MACHINE WORKS King lit opposite South St. (I "ft m ftiifatiiiiiifl WHMDBHpHWHHUtUtjiy 1A.&, jjftg