OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, January 20, 1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-01-20/ed-1/seq-3/

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Monday, January 18
Dress and Street Hats at Big Reductions; Trimmed
Tclt lints at
33 1-3 poi Cent. Discount
LADIES' SAILORS Black and White Mixed Straw,
$1.00 HATS, 25
, i.
LADIES' R & R SAILORS White, Navy, Black, and
Brown 50c SAILORS AT 15 EACH
CHILDREN'S SAILOR HATS Trimmed with fancy
Ribbon 50c SAILORS'AT 25( EACH
See our Specials This Week and
Our Ladies' Skirts
It is a fact which thousands of peo
ple have demonstrated month after
month that in most lines sold in our
store our qualities are higher than
any found elsewhere and our prices
arc considerably lower.
The Benson, Smith & These foundation facts
n . , alone make it SOUND
Co. Drug Storo Service F,nmvv to deal
Everything First Class.
Fine Wines and Liquors
Wholesale Dealers
C02-904 Nuuanu Ave, Phone 308
The Encore Saloon
Try a drink at the new place and
have "MATT" HEFFERN serve yon.
Delivered to residences
and offices at 25o per
hundred in 10-lb. lots
or more.
133 Merchant St.
Tol. HO.
Lunch or Dine
With Us Regularly.
Palm Cafe,
Probably Introduced In
Congress Two Weeks
An Act to Extend the Provisions (it
the Heclanmtlon Act to the Ter
ritory Hawaii,
lie It enacted by tbo Senate and
lloii'c of Iteprcscutntlves iC the Unit-
til States of America In Congress as
Fimhlcd, That the provisions of tho
Act entitled "An Act Appropriating
the Receipts fiom the Sale and Dis
posal oT I'ubllc Lands in Certain
fitutes and Territories to the Con
struction of Irrigation Works for the
Ileclamatlon of Arid Lands," approv
ed June 17th, 1902, he and the same
are hereby extended to ns to Include
and apply to the Territory of Hawaii,
and the appropriate officers of said
Territory are hereby authorized nnd
directed to perform all nets necessary
and proper for complete cooperation
with the Secretary of the Interior In
carrying out the provisions of this
Act and also for securing from the
proceeds of tho sales of land that mny
bo reclaimed under said project, full
repajment to the reclamation fund
of the expenditures therefrom on nc
(ount of Irrigation proJectR In said
Territory. v
The nboc Is the text of the now
reclamation bill, which. It Is expect
ed, will do much towards the perma
nent prosperity of tho Territory, (lov
ernor I'rcnr, In ghlng out the text
of the bill this forenoon, stutcd Hint
It had been Intended to have It In
troduced In Congress on Monday,
Jan I, and he thought that this had
been done. It had been submitted to
the chief and legal counsel of the
reclamation service, and been ap
proved of In Its present form by
them It was arranged to have Dele
gate lvulanlaniiole Introduce It In tho
House, and o have Senator I'erMns
do so In the Senate.
R. P. Rithet Reaches
Port After Quiet
Captain Drew of tho bark 11 I' Kith
et which left San Kranclsco December
24 an darrlved off iort jvsterdu) aftei
noon, Is accompanied this trip l Mrs
Drew, who ns Mlim Clausen, c.nnu
down hurt) on tho vessel last )car
The ltltliet camo Into port this morn
ing and docked at the Ulshup wharf,
whero she Is discharging her cargo.
The popular captain nnd his bride re
lolvod the congratulations of their
friends, among them Dr. Vn)8on and
the staff of tho Hoard of Health, who
welcomed them at the wharf
Tho passage down was unusually
calm nnd tho pessengers, two In all en
Jo)cd tho trip Immensely.
During tho trip one of the passcu
ters met with an accident and on nr
thai here, ho was taken to the Qneen'H
Hospital In the Hoard of Health ambti
lance. The accident, however, Is not
The. Itlthet brought 1200 tons ol
Irelght for this port, consigned to C
Ilrowvr & Co.
What Army and Navy
Folk Are Doing;
The Anti-Opium League will hold
Itt third annual celebration In tho
society hall corner of IUver and Ho
tel streets on Chinese Now Yoar's
day. The members will take n tally
ho to go out and call on nil the ninny
tongs of Chinatown. This League
was organized In 1907 with C. K.
Chow us president und Consul Chang
Tbo run vice president. This j ear's
piesldent Is Mr. Leong Chew of Yce
Chan & Co. Itcv. K. W. Thwlng.
district secretary of the Internation
al Reform Ilurcnu, has given much
assistance In accomplishing much
good for this Lengue.
The mid-week service at Central
L'nlon Church this evening will be In
charge of the Men's League. Tho
subject to be discussed Is the Ilroth
erhood Movement, National nnd Lo
cal. The following topics have been
assigned to different members of tho
League: "Men's Organizations in the
Different Denominations," "Tho Lay
men's Missionary Movement," "The
Congiegutlonnl Brotherhood," and
"Our Men's Lciiguo." Items of In
terest on what other clubs uro doing
will help to till out the hour. A cor
dial Invitation is extended to nil to
attend, but the meeting will be of
pcclal Interest to men.
Entered for Record Jan, 19, 1909,
From 10:30' a. m. to 4 n. m.
J It Sloan and wf to Kallua Sugar
Co D
Kallua Sugar Co to Frank II Mc-
Stlcker D
F 11 McStrker nnd wf to Konn, Dc-
elnpment Co Ltd .D
Wong Lum to Wong Chnng I)
O.ihu College by trs to Jack II My-
alt -, p
Wm (I Ilogers to Mary L Fennel). Rel
Gustavun Schumann and wf to Chas
J Hummel ,D
Emily G Judd by atty to II Water-
house Tr Co Ltd tr AM
Carolina Ferrclrn nnd hsb to W
Kuhlmnnn D
Entered for Record Jan. 20, 1909,
From 9 a. m, to 10:30 a. m.
Frederick C Miller by regr. . . Nottco
H O. Mlddledltch, as trustee In
bankruptcy of tbo Chas. I' Derrick
Carriage Co., Ltd., Iiub filed an amend
ed bill of complaint In his suit against
John W. Cathcart, Mary Cnthcart und
IMIth 1'oncl, tho latter namo being sub
htltutod for that or l'ercy M I'ond
which appeared In tho original com
I lnlnt
Tho now complaint recites tho snme
facts In regard to the Judgment ob
tnlnid by tho plaintiff -against Cath
cart, nnd goes on to nay that the con
tract between Mm. Cathcart and Mrs
I'ond relating to tho purchaso of a cer
tain house and lot In College Hills wus
u plan dolsed by Cathcart to defraud
his creditors. H is alleged on Informa
tion and bolltf that Mrs. Cathcart paid
$2050 011 account, ami that her eipilt
I co-oxtousho with tho pJ)iuents so
made by her In tho proportion which
such payments bear to tho price foi
which Mrs. I'ond agreed to sell tho
place. Tho plaintiff further holds tbut
Mrs. Cathcart holds her equity In tho
contract ns trustoo lu.lmUuui for tho
creditors of J W. Cathcart.
Tho plaintiff prnjs, ns he Is without
a remedy except In eqult). that tho de
fendants bo summoned, and that Mrs.
Cathcart be decreed to hold her equity
us trustee In Invltum for Cathcurl's
creditors, and thnt the promises In
question bo ordered told. Ho agrees
to Indemnify Mrs. I'ond out of tho pro
ceeds or I lie sale nnd usks that she
nnd tho other creditors bo paid out of
tho overplus.
For Sale
I Or. House and Lot at Puunui, front-
J ing on 2 Streets, near Car Terminus.
75x300 (over 1-2 acre). Electric
Light. Desirable neighbood. Bar
Bulletin Business Office Phone 250,
Bulletin Editorial Room Phone 185. the news of the day.
The Weekly Edition of the Evening
Bulletin gives a complete summary of
P. E. R. Strauch
Leave for four months, to termi
nate not later thnn Mn ', 1909, Is
granted 1st Lieut. John Knndolph,
20th inf.. Fort Shnfter, Honolulu.
Dec 10, D Cnl.) O. O. 0.1, Dec. 11,
1D08, 20th Infantry.
With heartfelt sorrow the regi
mental commander annoumes the
death of 1st Sergt Kdwnrd Stanton,
Co. U, 20th Inf, which occurred on
Dec JO, 1908.
Sergennt Stanton died from the ef
fects of a gunshot wound Inflicted In
cold blood and without provocation
on the part of an assassin. In New
Monterey, Cal , about 10 -in p. m,
Dec 9, 190S.
This soldier had served his coun
try nbly and faithfully for over 21
cars, over 1C of which he had been
In the same company In which ho
I10M the responsible grade of first
Jlc was honored and respected by
his ofllcers and beloved b his asso
ciates, and In his untimely death the
regiment hues one of Its best non
commissioned officers, and n vacancy
li cnused which it will be hard to
lly order of Colonel Maus:
Capt., 20th lof:. Adjutant.
The following are the brief fucts
of the shooting, taken from the ofll
clnl report.
Sergeant Stanton had gone Into a
tntiKile parlor In New Monterey nnd
otdered n tamale nnd a cup of coffee.
While eating he nsked a woman, who
was a stranger to him, to lunch with
him, which she did A mnn by the
name of Duke who was a friend of
the woman In question, entered the
loom and told Sergeant Stanton to
"beat It " When the latter nroso
from the table and asked JJuko. who
was also a stranger to him, for nn
explanation, Duke fired three shots
at the sergeant, one of which killed
him. Duke, according to the evi
dence, mistook Stanton for another
soldier who had met Duke's woman
friend earlier In the evening.
First Lieut. William II. Oraham,
20th Inf.. having reported at Fort
Leavenworth, waB on Dec. 21 an
nounced as nsststant to officer In
charge of post steam laundry 'nnd
officers' new mess.
A board of the following officers
has been appointed to meet to deter
mine nnd fix tho responsibility for
the damage to the chartered lorcha
Tomas vhlch was wrecked at Cor
rtgldor on Sept. 23: Mnjor George
II. Duncan, Philippine Scouts; Cap
tain Kdward P. Nones, quartermas
ter; and Lieutenant John S. Fair,
th Cavnlry,
Secretary Newberry has this week
taken a decisive step toward tho con
solidation of the Hureaus of Slcam
Engineering and Construction nnd
Itepulr by appointing Chief Construc
tor Capps, the Chief of tho Construc
tion Uure.iu, to be Acting Chief of
tn lit C.ivsfltt'n le.isoim for resigning
Hie s.ild to be connected with thu
administration of the large estnte
, left b) his father tho late A J Cns-
intt president of the Pennsylvania
Knllro.-id Dullness necessities made
It Impossible for him to perform the
work In connection with this estnto
I while stationed In the Philippines,
I nnd so he decided to remain with the
(regiment up to the latest day posslhto
Steam Engineering. This action I, j before Its departure for the I'hlllp
entlrel) within the nuthorltv of the I'""'" " '"" leave the Service, nnd
Secretar) and meets the approval of , "e ,lld m wlt" al reluctance.
the President Hear Admiral llarton
Overtime Is being put In by tho
constructing quartermaster's clerks
at tho Q. M. depot almost nightly
now. A great ninsa of work has piled
up xlnco tho construction of tho Lei
kluiu cantonment was begun and,
though the chief clerk nnd his audsl-
nuts have been plugging steadily at
the pile of accounts und correspond
ence, they have been unable to make,
more than n dent In the stack.
With upwurd of .100 men. work
men employed on the now post, an
extensive, vet of books has been re
quired, for tho Government requires
a strict accounting for all monies ex
pended by Its ofllcers.
Captain Falls' clerks are also on
tho hustle. Tho Increased Array gar
rison hero means Increased work for
the depot quartermaster, and the
Captain Is kept pretty steadily on the
Jump, looking titter Incoming sup
plies and furnishing things requisi
tioned by post commanders.
Captain Fay, post qunrtermastcr at
Camp Very, lu not finding his new
berth a bed of roses by any means.
He has become pretty thoroughly In
u ted to work during his service In
the Mnrluo Corps, hut ho now tins
about as much to handle as he can
conveniently look out for;
Tho taking of testimony In tho Dr,
Atcherley cako was concluded Jester
day afternoon, Mrs, Atcherley being
tho last witness for tho defense. Judge
Andrndo has taken thu matter under
advisement, and a decision may bo ox
locted during tho latter part of the
Interesting romance, reaches a cli
max In tho mnrrlago of Miss Mnrgar
et Wlswcll, an cistern actress, and
ltnjmond llrooks, a mining engineer
of Goldlleld.
having, on account of ill health, de
sired to be retired, Offered the oppor-
tunlt) of accomplishing the consoli
dation without the Inconvenience of
dlRlurblng nnj officer or disappoint-
Ing nil) worthy ambition. The work
of the two bureaus Is germane and
there Is good reason to expect thnt
Secretary Newberr's decision will
speed 1 1) prove Its wisdom. As to the
ability of Admiral Capps, there tan
be 110 question.
Lieut. Col II O. Perley, Midlcal
Corps, nnd Major C, K. Stanton, Pay
Corps, elected to tnke the walking
test In preference to tho ride, which
took place recently In Mindanao.
The) walked DO miles lu three das,
starting each day at 4 o'clock in the
afternoon, tho entire walking time
taking a little lefcH thnn 20 hours
Die last two dnjs It rained nnd there
was more or less mud. lloth pedes
trians came lu fresh nt the finish and
It Is reportde, unofficially, that on
the last lap tin exhibition cake walk
was given to the delectation of their
many admiring friends.
Tho War Department has Issued
an order prescribing bolos for use
with the regular equipment of troops
In the mountain batteries and ma
chine gun platoons. The bolo and
sheath will be worn by each enlisted
man and for the machine gun pin
toons tho bolo and revolver will con
stitute the arms for field service, nnd
will replace the rifle now carried.
Capt Kdward II Cassatt. 13th Cav.
airy, has tendered his resignation, to
tnko effect March 1, the dato when
his regiment will leave for the Phil
ippines on Its third tour of service In
the Islands. Capt Cassatt, on grad
uation from tho Military Academy In
June, 1893, was assigned to the 2d
Cavalry with the rank of 2d Heutcn
nnt A few das later ho was trans
ferred to tho 7th Cavalry, and he
served, with that reglmont until his
piomotlon to enptalu April IT, 1903,
when ho was assigned to tho 13th
Cavalry. During tho Filipino Insur
rection he served ns major of the
27th U S. Volunteer Infantry. Cap-
A general court-martial has been
oidered to convene nt Iloston, Mass,
on Mnndn). Jnn. 4, to tr) Comdr.
Charles C Marsh. I'SN, command
ing ciflker of the Yankee, on charges
glowing out of the grounding of
thnt vessel In Ilttzznrd's llav Tho
detnll for the court Is (tear Admiral
A It Couden, president, Hear Ad
miral N. K Nile. Capts K II. llarr).
S P Coml),T i: D W Veeder, J T.
Newton, nnd Comdrs T D Griffin,
V. It. Hush, nnd W L Rogers Lt.
Comdr. Arthur II Huff Is Judge nil
vocate. The transport Sumner left Mntnn
ras Dec. 31 with the 1st llaltallon
of the 2Sth Infantry bound for Ha
vana, where she will take on the 2d
Imitation of the regiment and sail for
Newport News Jan. 2 The trans
port McClell-nn will leave llav nun
the same day with the overflow from
tho Sumner, embracing officers and
their families, nnd a part of the men
of the leglment. The 28th will go
on from Newport News direct to Fort
Snelllug, the old station of the regi
ment. The following excuse In writing of
a soldier nt Fort McKlnley who was
called up before his company com
mander for missing "check" the oth
er night Is on record
"Sir: llelng last evening In tlm
company of associates of long stand
ing, we became slightly Inebriated by
imbibing too freely of pernicious ill-c-ohollc
liquors, und hnvlng liecomo
Involved In argument concerning thu
spontaneity of the creation of the
universe, wo unfortunately neglected
to note by our chronometers tho
march of time."
Tho gun club of Omaha, Lincoln and
Council llluffs will hold nu Intercity
target shoot on the grounds of tho
Oiunhn (iiin club
California grape-growers urge pas
sage of bill legalizing the use of sweet
wine In patent medicines
Spring Valley charged with carry
ing off water supply of Pleasanton
valle) ranchers,
For This Cold Weather
,Fine Woolen Blankets
Men's and Boys' Woolen Sweaters
YEE CHAN & CO., Ltd.,
PHONE, 837,
. At-
Let me
You to
a glass of the finest beer on earth.
If you don't "KNOW" Primd
Beer, you have missed a great deal.
But things like indigestion, in
somnia and loss of appetite haven't
missed YOU. Oh, no! !
A Bottle of Primo Beer is
" the Best Company at Dinner
Drink Primo All the Time
1 ' 1 1
"wrf "
' f tt ij.. VAm . j.

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