OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, April 30, 1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-04-30/ed-1/seq-6/

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H" "
-f iiKliliut. n Aii II IT- Il the
cnliilill-liiin ni (if llic in till r iln
ttlct r ill. I) ii.irtnii'iil uf ('ill
fiirula, t: iieitit ' as ihe Pistil, t
(if Honolulu nlHMt .Inly IMh. I In-
-f wall's defi-nm h will lie greatl
strengthen! il
Major John K Crco, now nt
4 l-irt I'rthli', Mp, un todn ord-
erod to tho I'riKlillo of 8nn Ht.in-
clsro to nunie comtn.inil of
Coast nrtllliT) troops, mnlei mil-
er to proceed to Honolulu II In
the Intention of tin- Wai Hop irt- 4
mom lo tend unit ivmi cotnp..nlcs 4
of the Coast artiller hi Fori Itim
r. Hawaii ul thh time, but p'o-
vision h Iwlnic .nnile for n four-
4 company nanlson 4
4 JIaJor free with his troops nil' 4
4 sail from San IVandsco nlmut
4 .fitly 5th. When ihe present 4
4 plans of tho War llepiutmeiil 4
4 hae Immi carried out ihe do-
4 tenses of Honolulu will be
4 manned by fort-fle offlri-rs nnd 4
4 inr men of the Oust .litlllm 4
4 corps Thru' will be seieiitet n 4
4 inoiinr six twihcltult riiiih itinl I
4 scMii thrce-lm 'i iiiik In Hi. li ' i
4 terl M 4
Big Transformer Arrives
On Steamer
I Alameda
I Tin- IiIr tinnpfornier for tho Kn
li ii K u whi'lii" HtnUoii nirled MiIh
no. iilug i. n i lie Aliiini'ilii mill will hi!
snipped out to Kiihuktt I'olut this
afternoon The work of Installing It
will lie lommcncpd nt once.
With the tisiisfnrmer In plncc, tho
Wlielew Td graph Company will lie
nblr- to (am on u general commerclnl
business with the Coast. Heretofore
I'liinuiiinlr.itlon, umler unfavorable
(onil'tlons. lias been rather n precar
ious proposition, owing to n lack of
kiii'im'li in the spark. Tho new
tuinsroniii'r. whl h Is of enormousl)
Im leased power, will ululate Hint illf
flciili mid Mill moie than ilouble thu
capucity of the K.ilnikn plant.
I.i combination with tho new ro
l,ni spin I, Kap. the big ttntufotmcr
will iirnitlmll) icvolutlonlze tho
iMuliiueii' at Knlmku ami will make
jili.it it.it Ion one of tho most power
j Till ,'i i M hi one of the most liupor
I lain 111 111 woi III
(Continued from Pace X)
glng down Into their Jeans' for tho
extra $000.
The Biilnry-lnrreiife hill naturally
lelleies them from the strain mul llio
sooner It goes Into effect the better
for nil concrned.
When the measure IncicaslnB tho
recretary's pay from $1200 to $1800
n cnr passed the Senate, Senator
Harvey Is said to have remarked,
' Well, that saved nic $5 u month."
Auditor llickiiell has been in I soil
f I (nil $1800 a rnr to $2100. and the
Inciease goes lnlo effect on .lulv 1.
Secretary Uhodes has been rnlscd
f i inn $1200 to $1MI0 it year, mul his
I Increase hns ahead) gone Into cf-
1 feet.
I ' . q .
I "This hnin," remarked the star
hoarder, as he gave an imitation of
n inun doing n wood-sawing stunt,
"must " "Now, what's the mat
ter with that ham?" snapped the
Inmllml. "NohtlnR new," answered
the s. b "As I was about to say. It
must Imvo been cured by the absent
treatiuent method."
Tom: I say, old man, me ou su
perstitious nbout dining with thir
teen nt the table? .lack: Well, that
depends. Tom: Depends upon what?
.Inch- Whether the supply will equal
the demand
Says Cliee
Wong Cliee. the Chinese, who Is al
leged to have shot n countrymiin nam
ed Cheo Kill, is still In the hospital
but is nenrl) well ngaln. He claims
Hint the gun went off by accident
tlutltig n struggle he had with tho
deceased man. Theic were no pow
der Btnlns on the garments of tho
dead man nnd neighbors testify that
they licatd two shots. Wong Cheo
claims that Cliee Kill fired n shot nt
him befoto ho toulil grasp him and
struggle for the weapon.
11. T. Mills Is suing .1. W. Cnth
cart for the sum of $2.13.40, on u
Judgment obtained In October, 1903.
V. L. Mllverton Is appearing for
Catlicirl and ook several objections
to the plen of Mills. Judge Andrndu
continued the case till May ft.
Wahiawa Consolidated Pineapple Co.
Thero will ho n meeting of the
stockholders of the Wahiawa Consoli
dated Pineapple Co. at the offlco of
tho Hawaiian Development Co., Slan
genwnld Untitling, Honolulu, on Mon
day, May 3rd, at 10 a, m, Tho ob
ject of tho meeting Is to consider tho
change of the name of the Company
anil such other matters us may bo
Sec. Wnhlawn Consolidated Pine
npplo Co. 4299-2t
"De til' kunnel Is mi '(ommndatlti'
ter sarcumstanics." "Ho Is?" "Sho'
Is. W'cn do whisky ftoze, ho said dat
cracked Iro wuz his favorite dish!"
Atlanta Constitution.
"Hero's a letter from a subscriber
who wants to know If bees over lose
their temper," snld tho ntiBwers-to-correspondents
editor. "What do you
know nbout It?" "I guess they do,"
replied the cub teportcr from tho at-
falfn reservation. "At least, l'c often
pencil ns uio victim oi n iieo a sung'
lug retort."
"This," remarked Mr. Cane, "Is
my iihotogrnph with my two Krench '
poodles. You recognize me, eh?" "I
think so," snld Miss Softe. "You me
the one with the lint on, nro joti
not?" Philadelphia Inquirer.
Whitney & Marsh
OUR MR. BRASCH will leave on
Monday next for NEW
will be pleased to fill any special
orders entrusted to him.
H sTIt mill
12 I..i V.iIIcn ih .illeg. d to have
tried an old skin game on a small
bo esterdu afternoon Strolling
nlotig King street. 1-2 I.. V noticed ti
lad stt.op down nnd pick up some
thing Hint glittered, the irnn s curi
osity was moused, and, cntchlng up
to tho hoy, ho Inquired as to whut
Ite.isury the outh had round Thf
unsuspecting boy remarked: ' 1 found
Mime money."
"Why," ciled the husky, '1 Just
lost sunie mone) : maybe it Is mine
that Jim found; what kind of tola i
did you find?" On being Informed
that It was n ten-dollar goldplrce, Hie
man Is nlleged t6 hno nt once claim
ed it as his property.
The boy would not disgorge at
(list, so l.a Vallev is alleged lo liae
followed him nlong to ii quiet .pt
nnd then to Imvo made the hid dig
up the money. Chief I .oat quUkl) got
onto tho man's trail, with the lesult
that the got-rlch-quli k artist was ar
rested. Ills case was continued this
morning at tho Police Court till lo
iniiri ow.
Miss Klla 11 Paris, of Kona, Ha
waii, has been apvolnted by (iovernor
l'luar a member of the Hoard of Pith
lie Insiruttion for that side of the
big Island. This appointment nils
nil the Miiuiuk's on the Hoard ex
cept one for O.ihu, Judge Pern's
nomination not liming been confirm
ed by tho Semite on annual of his
being appointed to the Sntmu
Oahu and Hawaii hae each tivo
luembeis on the lloaul and It is Gov
ernor Kienr'b Idea to haio one man
and one woman from each of tlieo
Ulanda. Maul nnd Knuitl having hut
ono I'ommUsloner each, will lune to
got along with male members.
Tho personnel of the lloaid ns now
constituted Is: Mrs. Wlkox, Oahu.
Miss Paris and Mr. Mo)ei, Hawaii.
W, II. UlcV, Sr, Kauai; W. O. Aiken,
(Continued from Page 3)
tho Houid of Immlg .illou. 11 Is pov
lible that ionic of these wiranclcs nia
bo filled before the (!ooinor leaves
for Maul tonight, though he would not
say dullnltuly this morning
It Is cry probable that neither A
h. C. Atkinson nor Craig will bo ip
nppolnleil. Einobl Woodehoiiho Is u
prolmb'u appointee, howeier.
With tho expiration tomorrow of the
form of Dr. Wnsnn as n member of
tho Board of Health theie will bo two
vucacnlcs on tho llonnl to be filled
P. A. Ilrmv ills n possible eaiull late for
appointment ns a member of Hit
Hoard, Whether Dr. Widhoii will be
reappolntf d, or would accept tho olllri
again, la uncertain.
1S5 editorial rooms 2r0 but
neas office. These are the telephone
number of the Bulletin office.
E have clothing for everybody at their own price. We
are not considering" values in this clothing deal, merely
ways and means of getting rid of the goods as soon as
possible so as to have room for goods to arrive for the Men's
For your convenience and ours we have divided the
different suits into lots and marked them to go at a certain
price. The price is put on them to designate, rather than fix
values; you will know what you are getting for practically
nothing when you see the goods.
The suits are of good cloth, well made, properly
tailored and could not be better if made to your special order,
and will fit you as well as if you were measured for them.
Lot No. 1 was $5.50 a suit, now $3.00
" " 2 " $8.00 " " $4.00
" " 3 " $10.50 " " $5.00
" " 4 " $12.50 " " $7.50
" " 5 " $12.50 " " $10.50
" " 6 " $18.00 " " $12.00
Our Retiring Sale of Dry Goods, Notions, Skirts, Waists
Muslin Underwear, Dress Goods, Curtains, Table Linen,
Napkins, Hosiery, Millinery and House Furnishing Goods
will continue until all is sold.
L. D. I
R & Co
Paul De Longpre, Famous
Artist On Passenger
The Alameda arrived this morning,
docking shortly before 8 o'clock. Sho
hi ought 477 hags of mall, of which 711
aio for the Colonies. Her cargo con
sisted of general merchandise nnd six
mules, totalling In all 1G00 tons. '
Among tho passengers was Paul de
I.oiiKpre, tho celebrated artist. Ho
wrb met at tho wharf by Messrs. W.
A, Powell, i, I,. McLean and Moyd
Chllds of tho Promotion Committee.
Tho artist was bedecked with lets.
much to his delight. Accompanying
him wero Mrs. do I.ongpre and daugh
tcr. sirs, i nomas jonson, wiro o tno
commander of tho llghthoiiBo tender
Kuliul, and her daughter, Miss Mary
Johson, alto arrived. They wero met
off port by Captain Jobson.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Unas nro on
their honeymoon trip. They will ro
maln hero for some time, visiting tho
other Islands before returning to tho
States. W. A. Ilrynn Is n Honolulu
man. Ho was connected nt ono tlmo
with tho Dlshop Museum, and is now
head of a sclontlflc society. Ho is ac
companied 'by Mrs. Ilrynn.
D. Crowley of Wm. O. Irwin & Co.,
returned from his business tlip to thu
mainland, S. T. Gondey Is n wealthy
man from Coronado Ileach. Ho will
liosslbly Ult tho volcano before re
turning t ohls home. C. II. Nichols Ii
an artist. Captain M. N. Sanders, tho
pilot, who went to the States In tho
steamship Hllontan, returned from his
vacation today. Ho will tako up lila
duties again tomorrow.
C. P. Ludwlgsen, of the Palm Cafe,
and wlfo, wero among tho arrivals this
morning. J, C, Pearco, automatic tel
ephone expert, arrived to look over tin
James Wakefield of T. If. Davles &
Co., who went to the Eastern cities In
tho Interest of his firm, returned In
thu liner. J. Prlnglo, a contractor;
Otto Wlx, tho artist, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs.
V, E. Taylor wero among tho other
passengers. Thd Tnylois will con
tinue on to Australia.
National League '
W. Ii. Pet
Cincinnati G 3
Iloston 4 2
New York 3 2
St. Louis 4
Chicago 3
Pittsburg . . ., 3
Philadelphia . 2
Ilrooklyn 2
American Learnie
Detroit 0
New York G
Iloston 4
St. Louis 4
Philadelphia 3
Cleveland 3
Chicago ,' 2
Washington 2
i i
The young wife answered
'phone. "That's another call
George," she said to her mother.
"Somebody wants him to come some
where nnd play bridge. It's the thlut
Invitation he's had this evening."
"That would Beem to Indicate," said
the mother, "that Georgo Is very
popular." The young wife sniffed.
"It unquestionably Indicates," sho
said, "that Qeorgo Is an easy loser."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
.hi .''Uil
MJJtiMi A Ii
:tid!il"i frvVVl'K'frfrafci' 'unwell

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