OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, May 22, 1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-05-22/ed-1/seq-14/

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V-Ti 1MH
lth.A ' l.
' M '
i:vR.viXfl itn.i.im.v. noN'oun.v. t ii . s.vrunnw, may 22, isoo.
A Bicyclist Recommends
LfluflLMMM J4MBMHh'JttflLttHBL .nttMlKj. ff iMaflLHHtSHflSHffi9lf4lttyUaiiBi&aUl
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tween May 15th and June 15th
we will give one month's ICE FREE.
The reason why we can do this
is because the "Leonard fleanable"
takes less ice than any other refrige
rator, and we wish to demonstrate
how you can effect the same saving
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"Leonard Cleanable" Refrigerator.
Full line of sizes just in. Ready for inspection.
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1HE K1NODOM OF THE could think nf but tho Snmo.in, '
EARTH PARTIIIDOE. With n tort of splqndld untamed no-1
(Little, lliown and Company.) hlllty, said he would rather dlo than'
Anlliony Partridge's now hook, walk nhont a cripple for thn rest of
"Tho Kingdom or Eartn, was me nn lire, it was gad to hnvo to leave
Etcat feature In fiction of the 1908 him nnd fpel that hit resolution
Cosmopolitan The novel In full of could not be broken In
exeltliiR adventure nnd unusual three weeks lie hnd perfectly recov
(ninpllcalloiiH, and moves to ltd ell- ered, nnd, except for n slight stiff,
max In hifflliiK mysteries that ore ncm, was the same imperii specimen
not fully wilted until tho very end. nf humanity ho hail nlwnjs been.
The Kingdom or i;artii" 11 tno jir. uibnurne cnnfcises that ho nev
stirring love story of nn Kuropenn
Crown Prince and an American girl
Inlented nnd beautiful. The story
opens at the famniiH resort, St. Mo
iltr. In the Kngadlne, and Is (on tin
ned with billllant plctuie.t of life at
ccveral of the gieat capitals nnd wa
tering places of Europe. Never for
n moment docs tho Interest in this
ttlong, amazing story ling.
A. II. Wemell, the noted artist,
has contributed some of his best
work to the pictorial Interpretation
of (he not el, which contains excep
tional opportunity for Illustration.
(Little, Drown and Company.)
Mr. Oppcnhelm's forthcoming
book Is a strong narrative of Amer
ican finance, its depths and lutrl
Suei. Here are shown the methods '
er liked to meet him Very much, nB
that leg of his nlwnjs Inspired n
feeling of shame.
(The Macmlllan Company.)
The first edition of "Sebastian,"
Prank Danby's new novel, was ex
hausted on the day of publication,
April 2, and the Indications are thnt
the second, which was put on the
presses Immediately, will go with
equal rapidity. Up to tho present,
Indeed, the sale of the novel has
been much faster than Hint of Its
elder brother, "The Heart of n
Child," Considering, however, tho
popularity which this work ulti
mately nttalned, It Is not surprising
that Danby's next book should be
welcomed without delay.
Though both aro marked with
or n group of millionaires who con- thp straightforward vivid realism
trol the leading American trusts which characterizes nil of this nil
und Influence the money markets of thor's work, "Sebastian" nnd "The
the world. The story opens with Heart of a Child" aro very diffeient
tho discovery of secret treachery In theme. Instead of music halls
among the great financiers. land less savory nooks of Mnyfnlr,
Mr, Oppenhelm handles tho com-'"Sebastian" treats of such solid
plications of his plot with his usual Ilrltlsh Institutions ns Kton and
skill and cleverly carries his read-( "The City" nnd of men and women
ers through n labyrinth of deceit with whom education nnd breeding
nnd double dealing. The characters aro a birthright. There Is, how
nrc well drawn and strongly differ- ever, this resemblance, that ns
entlated, and the two American 1 "The Heart of a Child" was prl
glrls who play Important parts are mnrily the study of a girl, charming
delightful additions to Mr. Oppen- in her simple frankness, so "Selias-
helm's gnllei) of charming
tlan" Is the study of n oung man,
or enthusiasm, vigor and nblllly
wreBtllng with life. The contrnst
THE MISSIONER 0PPENHE1M. between his mother, over-refined.
(I.lltle, llrnwn and Company.) I over-sensitive, preferring the cold
"Tho Miesloner" Is the compound polish of her literary art to thy
of love nnd adventure which Mr. crude passions or real life, and his
Oppenhelm wi deftly produces, nnd blunt, plain father, the Incarnation
the characters have more than usual of heroic self-effacement, Is symbolic
Individual! Published In Janu- of the two Ideals which sway Sebas-
ury, "The Ml sloner" is already In
Its fourth iditton. It Is the most
popular Mint b Mr. Oppenhelm Is
sued thus fur.
Tho IhmoIiib Is an aristocratic
Kngllsh nninan, heuutlful, rich, frl
tolous, nnd uoildl). and the hero
n joung man of high ideals, unused
to the liiHincp llltM of mclcty. Her
fashionable nuiUHomeniH and his
work In Hie slums uro antipodes
Irom whli b they moe to meet on
common giound mnde posslblo by
mutual Interest and Appreciation.
Although the heroine has a mys
tlan. It Is the dead father who tri
umphs in tho end, not only with his
son, but with tho mother. Her
awakening Is, perhaps, fully us
much the theme of the story ns her
eon's development.
These Ideas Frank Dauby 1ms
placed lu the setting of which lie
is so thoroughly a master. The
(tnany-colored, ever-shirtlng lire of
London Is here us it was In "Tho
Heart of u Child," though viewed
from a different angle. The picture
is as striking and as clear In one
case as the other.
tery, the book tins more of tho air
of teilslmllitude than "have some of T CHRISTIANITY OF
Mr Oppfiiheiiii's previous works.
and It gains In stieugth from the
tei likelihood or Its happenings.
u iiionhh at a breathless rate from ness is
the count IV to Loudon, to Paris nnd Tmlnv."
(Tho Macmlllan Company.)
An Easter book or peculiar tlmell-
A Valid Christianity for
by the night Ilcvcrnd
Charles D. Williams, Ulsliop or
Michigan. Tho title for the, volume
ionics, ono gathers, from tho auth
or's Insistence upon tho character
or the Christian religion Joday in
stead or upon Its history and Its Di
vine origin.
"There ure those," he sajs, "who
would establish tho validity of our
hack again, and the leader's Inter
est keeps pace.
Frederic S. Ishani. the author,
tells the following to illustrate the
duuble-dcd duplicity of the orien
tal mind. Mr. Ishani was in Pekln:
passing the arch to the Horon Von
Kettler supposed to be un arch religion bv nrovlni th Pn ,.
of (nutrition for the foul assassinator Its ancient sources nnd the un
llon of thut brave official tho uov- brokenness of the channels which
'lint asked n Chinaman who spoke a connect us with these sources. For
little nngllsh: ti,em a va(I Christianity is to ho
"ou know why this monument known by Its roots."
was orecter, ! suppose?" nut to IJIshop Williams and what
Oh, yes, wbb the ready reply In 'he considers tho Intensely prnctlcnl
dialect, "to commemorate u tri- mlud of todny, "n valid Christianity
uniphal deed; tho death of a very by its fruits."
powerful foreigner." Are theso fruits as great ns they
"Commemorate! And Is that" once were? Has the ancient rellg
In amazement "what the people Ion survived the transformation of
geneially think was the purpose ot the world us a vital forcer Thews
this monument?" iUni 8miar questions ate lu the nu-
"Why not?" the celestial's ruco thor's mind throughout this volume
was Immovable; but u suggestion or or discourses on u wide variety or
kardonlc humor seemed to Hash rrom what Is i.eoded to nmttltuto a valid
his hlant ejes, "Chinese people much religion which unifies the collection
llkee monument." themselves the chapters deal
And, Indeed, they seemed to bask with widely diverse themes, as the
In the shudo of It with much satis- following titles selected nt random
fac"0"- "Men of Vision." "The Legal Con-
science," "Tho Value of a Man '
A NEW ONE ON OSBOURNE. !"An Agnostic Apostle," "Tho Use
Everybody has heard of tulklng of Life," "Limitations," "Tho Uni
tlie hind leg off a monkey. Lloyd ersul Christ," "The Supreme Vul
Osboume, author or Infatuation and ue." Through them nil runs tho
other popular iiovqIs, once actually same spirt, however, tho spirit
tried to do this to u man' It hap- which makes Christianity nn vnlld
now us nny day
thousand yeuis.
In the past two
peneil when Mr. Osbounui was lu
the South Seas with Itobeit Louis
Stcvemnii. The man In question
wus a mugulllicnt speclnieut of hu
manity, six feet high, ubout thirty
.... U1U, a superu uovelop- Sunday, May 23-9:50 n. m Ulbh.
inent. Ho was a Samoan who had School. 10 u. in.. Men's League Ulble
been shot through the knee In ono ciasB, conducted by tho Assistant Mln
of tho civil wars of tho Island and Bter, "Jesus Providing for tho needs
was lying n un Improvised military r tho Multitude." "Ills Concern for
hopltal. The naval doctor told Mr. tho Inner Clrclo", "Somu Startling
Osbourne that this man would not Predictions." it a. m morning wor-
allow his log to be cut off, which B,p; sermon by tho minister, "Crcn-
was the only possible way of saving Hon or KnUioiiment" fi:30 p. in.,
him. Knowing that the author riui,,n i'nin,..,. i ...... .i...
spoke Samoan llucntly und was n urds oud tho Klowers". 7:30 p. m
man of landing tiniuug the nailves, 0UuiU8 b.rvl(.o; sermon by tho mln-
the doctor naked him to try und per- later, "Tho Man Uoruo or Kour"
Miado Htelr tilend to consent to los- . m .
lug his leg. ror an hour Mr. Os-1 Bulletin BusineM Office Phone 850.
l.ouine cxe.ted every argument he Bulletin Editorial Room Phone 185.
lie mi1 " hate been a ithjclint or over
five yrnrt. I.utl spring J cantlit cold, causing
catarrh. 1 foot Pcruna, and am tec. J
often recommend l'eruna to my friend."
Up .
r,HllPY0W, tsts -.
PE-RU-NA JPlj '; -.
Mr. John l'erraull, ajj Davldion Htreet, lloulevurdrlt. Puul.uenr Moulreal,
Canada, write :
"1 havo tH-en a lilc.vcllnt for over five years, and loot spring I caught cold
and did not take anything fur tt, ror 1 thought II u not bad enough, but It
camo to cmtarrh. I was so dincouraged tl.at I didn't know what to do.
I could not Mleep; I always felt tired ami troubled.
"Finally I began to tako l'eruna. After 1 had taken ono lioltlo I felt
better. I took another one, and now lam well. 1 would llko to always feel
k uo iuiiuj. i oucn ruri'inmcmi l'eruna 10 my ineuus."
Close Conllnemcnt.
Mr. O. W. Woodbury, Rogers, Ohio, U.
8. A., formerly Captain nnd Center of the
Hiram College Ilasketltairrcam.wrllcs:
"Thero aro times In the life of every
atudent when execsaivo study and too
cloie confinement tnd attention to tho
object in view will tell on your health.
"I havo found that when body and
mind allko aro weary and refuse, to
work, a fow dosea of Peruna reitoret
The following wholesale drug
gists will supply the retail trnar
loit strength and Invigorate una
quicker and more permanently than
nnytblng I know.
"It gives ono nerves of Iron and
muscles ot steel, and assists the mental
activities together with tho physical, to
a wonderful degree,"
Tho athlcto knows tho Importance or
being In fine form. PorunaUi valuable
assistant to anyone who wishes to keep
hlmielf lu vigorous health everyday.
Undertaker and Embalmer
All business entrusted in my cure will receive
prompt and polite attention. I have a parlor
where funeral services can be held or bodies kept
when desired.
1120 FORT ST. P. 0. BOX 529.
Good Folks Take
It's a Good Sign
If it's painted by
Stanley Stephenson,
The Paint Shoo. 134 Kins St
The Bulletin's
Industrial Edition
Contains everything
Of value about
Sugar, Rubber, Tobacco,
and Pineapples
Everybody interested in Planta
tions, their management,
development and output,
needs a copy of the Bulletin's
Industrial Edition.
Price, ready wrapped for mailing,
5o cents per copy.
rt ' t.it'.i,. ;.-.-
SrtWSi j r ' .( 1.x
Aifi.W A.L.
., '

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