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fTV mmFV t fy ' "lMi5HBt mraywa.y ay' i , -Wvon, .j,- ''J vwf ? "i8IIMt'!?,r'f ?-'' m- i'( ($ 2 f j 10 nvBNiNn titiu.irriN. noNot.n.1), t. h Tuesday, junc 20, 1900. THEY HAVE COME Hurrah ! Baseball Boxing . Boating Racing Bowling ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF PORT READING-STANDARD Rowing I 4th of July 1 h ij 1 n S I lM ;j hi i 1; 1 The motorcycle that i, noted for its Simplicity, Durabili ty StrcnRth, Power aid Soccd The econo.nv of the motor bicycle apneals to nil, Its (nit of maintenance a id operation is so insignficant as to mike motorcycling th. most economical form of transpor tation known today. When you stop to consider the vast amount of rccicntion and pleasure obtained nt such low operating cost, it is n)t surprising that motorcycling is steadily gaining 111 public favor And when you bring to these conditions a machine that is perfect in construc tion, and dependable under the most severe service condi tions, there can be lit le cause for wonder that the "R-S" Motor Bicycle ''as Rained such a strong hold on public favor Call and see our n stock or send for a catalogue. L 0. HALL & SON, LTD. Pottle s r"3 Urine Powders A Sure and Safe Kid ney Regulator. 1 Blood Tonic To Cool and Purify the Blood. These two Remedies arc necessary m a tropical climate. Are given in the feed and water. For Horses that stumble or are logy and out of sorts- von cannot do better than guc a course of these Remedies. II JOHN POTTIE Hotel and Union Sts. Mwnm For Home Entertainment The post-card pr, lector, which reproduces postcards, photographs, etc. greitly magnified, upon n screen at home. A wonderful 11 ;w invention. Three sizes $5. $7 50 and $10, Don't fail to see it right away. Honolulu Photo Supply Co., Ltd., "Everything Photographic " Fort St.. below Hotel. NEW SHIPMENT OF DESKS STANDING DESKS FLAT TOP DESKS ROLL TOR DESKS SANITARY DESKS On Sale by Coyne Furniture Co., Ltd. The License Commission Has no objection to people selling our SODA Sundays or any other day The ol 1 town can't go dry so long as this law is in effect. Ask t'01 Consolidated Soda at all Restaur ants or order a case foi home, Consolidated Soda Water Works Co., Ltd. JOHN SCHLEIFF. Manager. Telephone 71. Tlio Standard Office Filing Cabinet is tlio GLOBE-WERNXCKE It is used in every office and known to be the BEST. OFFICE SUPPLY CO.. LTD., Agents Prograpiof tlllo Sports on , -July 4 As nminl at about thin time In tho . cnr n Iiiiru Imncli of niort aro lie-j KliinliiK to ft-ol lOHtlcmt .i.iid look low?- ItiKly toward llllo, wlierj the fourth Ik nlnuyi kept ii In uucli Rood style Some ot tlio luck) ones urc going up to Hit' rainy city on the Manna K-a today, ami they will had tlmo to got into form so us to Kreot tin. rest of the Imncli who are IvaWnc tin Saturday atternoon. And What a greeting 11 will he too, and how man) questions will ho bIiiiib at tho men who saw the llrst da) "a racing, as to how and what' has won the events that were run on Saturday, It is unfortunate thai the crowd which Is going on Saturday's hout will TiTlss one day'j racing, but thai cannot be helped, and uujhnr the big Merchants' Staked Is run on Morula). N'lgcl Jackson, Dal Pah) and Kaoo (the Walalua Horse) are lealng on the Manna Kea and they ure feeling very confident that thu race from Nino Miles, Olaa, to llllo, will result In the Honolulu trio finishing one, two, three In tho race. A) res also goes forward on the Mau na Kea, and us he has been training hard for tho walking race It will take a good man to head him ocr any dis tance at the heel and too game. 1 he horse racing portion of tho pro gram for tho Fourth Is u ery good one and the amount of prlio money pro- lded Is rcmnrkablo for a town tho slzo ot llllo. Most Interest Is taken in the Merchants' Stakes and thoro nro four entries for the race. Uanonlca, Waring, Major Collier and Webber aro the horses that will run, nnd Da noulca should hao no troitblo in winning The soccer football team is making the trip ulso, and us they hao prac ticed hard lately, there should be a most Interesting game on the raco track on Monday. Thd amended program Is herewith printed: , RACING. Saturday, July 3. 1 Hulf-mllo, Japanese horses, H'i hands or under. I'urse, $50. 2. Threo-iuartcrB mile, freo for-all. Purse, 11000. 3, Three-quarters mllo, Japanese free-for-all. Purse, $100. 4 Ono mllo Hawaiian breds. Purse, 11000. 5. KlNcclghtliB mile, free for-all Purse, 1300. C. One and one-half mile relay race, Purso, IIS. Theto will be other races elicit for cowbo) nnd broncho riding Monday, July S. 1. Half-mile free for all. Purse 112n. !!. , Three-quarter mile, Hawaiian bred, Merchants' Stake. Maidens. Purso 1500. 3. One and one-quarter mile Merchants' Stake, free for all. Clos ed with flo nominations as follows: I. rt'arren, McLcnnon, Urughelll John O'Hourke and Japanese Little Joker. Purso (1500. 4. Mllo heuts, 2 In 3, freo-for-all trot or pace .owners to drive. Purse 12S0. r, Three-quarters mile Japanese, fice for all. Purse 1150. 6 Three-quarters mile, Hawaii- nn breds. Purso 1250. 7. Threo-quurters mile, free for all. Purse 1250. 8 Half mile, Japanese horses, 14 hands. Turso J50. 9. Half mile, Cowboys. Purse 115. 10 Mile relay race. Purso $13. Ilronco riding. Purse $f-!0 11 rive-elghths mile, fiee for all Purse 1250. Inir ,or more to enter, three or more to start, unless otherwise speci fied. Kntrles closo June 26 at G p m, 8PORT8. Saturday, July 3. Marathon race, start 9 a 111 17, V IMchards, starter Throwing the hummer. 17 lbs Putting the shot 14 lbs. Throwing tlm weight, dS lbs High Jump. Long leap t Hop, step and leap. Sunday, July 4. Daseball game between Mooheaus and Hllos, and Young Hllos ami Nnul was, Monday, July S. Soccer football game Start ut JO a m prompt Dribbling comiictltlon 10 snkes Prize, medal. FROORAM Secretaries or other author- Ized representatives of cluba t ure asked to send In a list of events, scheduled by them, that they may be Included In the program. Address all cotninu- nluitlons to ttio Sporting Edi tor, Evening Uulletln. Jul) 3: July July Fistic. Sullivan vs. Cordell. 3: Sarconl vs. Fernandez. Qolf July 0: Team. (Country Club.) Baseball. 18: Opening of Oahu llaseball League. One hundred )ard dash, Half-mile race. One mile walking race. One hundred and twenty )aul hurdle raco. a a tt Oahu League is Booming in e StyU The Oahu Daseball League Is mak ing a noise like ball, and on July 18 cne of tho most brilliant league opening da) a wo have seen for a long time will tako place. The two branches of tho league, cenlors and Juniors, will play games, and some unique stunts will bo pull ed off In, the way of throwing, run ning, etc. Tho ground Is rapidly tclrtg'put Into order and the build ings are also approaching comple tion. The president of the league Is the well-known baseball enthusiast, E. W. Qulnn, who is nlwa)a alluded to ETODDARD DAY1 ( tf 7-Seatea By Hour nr Trin 6. C. Beokloy, Jr. PHONE 190. . H9sfir 'Stoush Game Its Looking Joels Cordell worked out yester day afternoon at the Orpheum, and a hie bunch of snorts rolled up to watch the aspirant for chcmplon 'shlp honors go through his stunt. I Jack went two rounds with Illch ards, two with Sarconl, two with "Snowy," and wound up with a rat tling good go with a sailor. The little scrapper Is only a light weight, but he handed the stouch out In great style, and as be Is a two-handed fighter, he. made It warm for the middleweight. Cordell Is looking In the best of condition, and besides working out nt the Orpheum he goes In for swim ming u lot, nd consequently looks like a regular surf-board fiend when he strips. Doth the principals in tho big fight are ceasing Id their work, and, as they are very fit Just now, a rest for tho balance of the week vvould do them no harm. Sullivan Is down t'o his ordinary fighting weight and will step into the ring weighing 158 pounds. The challenger will also make the weight with case, but, as ho remark ed the other day: "A pound or two won't worry mo; I've been fighting out of my class as regards weight for years. Dig or small, let 'em all come." That sounds like confi dence, docs It not? Well, In this1 particular scrap there will bo no odvantage ono way or the other as 'regards weight, and It will all de pend on which man has got the best wallop stowed away In liis mitt. Tho preliminaries are, tho same as announcod In the uu I let in some time ago, with nociception mat ternanuez nas ueen suusiuuicu for Terry In the Sarconl scrap. Everybody will bo glad to see Ironman McCultough once moro In the squnred circle, and what a veil of delight will go up when his sill ing countenance Is seen once more In action. The man he Is taking' on Is n good one and will be no punching bag to run up against. Sarconl, the lad who made such a favorable Impression on the fans a few months ago, will have a stranger to go up against In Fernandez, and, as the latter is said to be a good man, a line scrap will surely eventu ate. The remaining go between the heavyweights. Miller and Richards, should provide great Joy ,aa both men are of the rushing order ot scrappers, and can bo relied upon to keep things going all the time they ore In the ring. There will bo no less than four scraps, and that Is a tasty dish of Btoush to set before a fan. .Why, a man with a weak heart would qqver go past tho second bout nnd then would only be present In spirit at the big go botween Sullivan and Cor dell. And as spirits cannot collect Wagers there would be plllkla for the departed one, especially If he had in the flesh backed the winner. The tickets are going off very fast, und It behooves everyone who Ip tends to see the tight to get busy and purchase the pastboard at once. una LIHUE BASEBALL. il I xu mil 11 villi I ( a I Aw II 1 9 0 15 719 9 18 19 E. W. QUINN The Father of Sunday Baseball, who will pitch the first ball at the open ing of the Oahu Baseball League. os the "Fathor of Sunday Dall." The popular sport will pitch the first ball on July 18, and the now league will then start on Its Journey through buseball life. The prospects for a very success ful season seem bright, and tt Is thought that people won't mind pay ing u moderate sum to watch ball, as long as they are mado comfortable as legards chairs, etc. The now league had n hard fight to got going, nnd everybody will re member tho plllkla that hovo In sight when It was thought uncertain if tho C. A O. team would Join the pew combination or not. However, tho C. A. C.s showed that they could, and would, stick to their work when once glvon, and tho icsult is that we aro to have some teal live ball on a first-class ground, whcio tho game can bo witnessed In comfort. The bchcdulo for the Seniors was published a few da) 8 ago, and toduy that of the Juniors Is printed. It Is as follows: First gnme to start at 9:30 a. m. Socond gnme at 12 m. Bharp. FI11ST SDHIES. ,. July 18 Asahl D C. vs. P. A. .; Muhock A. C. s, C. A. C. July 25 P. A. C. vb. Muhock A. C, ; 'Asahl II. C. vs. C. A. C. Jr. Aug. 1 P. A. C. vs. C A. C. Jr.; Asahl D. C. vs. Muhock A. C. Aug.,8 C. A. C. Jr. vs. Muhock Ai C.: P. Av C. vs. Asahl 11. C. I Aug- K Muhotlc A. C. vs. P. A. V . C. A. C vs, Asahl II, C. I Aug 22 Miihnik A. C vs. Abu hi II. C; C A C Jr. b P. A. C, Aug. 29 Asahl 11 C. s. P. A. C . Muhock A C vs. C A. C. Ji . Sept. 5 p , C. vs. Muhock A. (Formerly cutter for H. P. Both, is C . Asahl 11. C vs. C. A. C. Jr. now in chance of I. B. KERB & Sept. 121; a. C. vs. C. a. C; CO.'S TAIL0IUNQ DEPARTMENT. Following Is tho result ot the baseball guino played at Lihue Park, Kauai, June 20: Vnraato 12345078 Duns ....053001 1C Daso hlts..O 5 3 0 0 12 1 Asahl 12345C7 8 Huns ....1300022 10 Daso hlts.O 3 0 10 3 3 9 Struck out, by Kluiuro, 7; by Yo komoto, 0, Daso on balls, Klniura, 3; Yokomoto, 4. Umpire, Sam Ahln. Time of game, 2 hours and 10 min utes. wntittatttiantiMn Jr.; Asahl D. C. vs. Muhock A. O. Sept. 19 C. A. C. vs. Muhock A. C; P. A. C. vs. Abaht D. C. Sept. 25 C. A. C. Jr. vs. Asahl II C.j Muhock A. C. vs, P. A. C. Oct. 3 Muhock A. C. vs. Asahl n. C.J C. A. C. Jr. vs. P. A. C. Oct. 10 Asahl II. C. B. P. A. C; Muhock A. C. vs. C. A. C. Jr. Oct. 17 P. A. C. vs. Muhock A. C.J Asahl D. C. vs. C. A. C( Jr. Oct. 24 P. A. C. vs. C. A. C. Jr.! Asahl D. C. vs. Muhock A. C. Oct. 31 C. A. C. Jr. vs. Mu hock A. C.j P. A. C. vs. Asahl H. C. Nov. 7 C. A. C. Jr. vs. Asahl u. u.; Muhock A. C. vs. P. A, C. Nov. 14 Muhock A, C. vs. Asa- hi D. C; C. A. C. Jr. vs. P. A. C. ;i Mr. SWAHN and 4.; Fireworks Uncle Sam furnishes the! 4th and we are ready to fur nish the fireworks. Rockets, Finwhecls. Crack-: en, Pistols, Flower Pots, Ro-', man Candles, Torpedoes, Canes- Balloons, Flage, Can nons, Red Fire. Exhibition assortments from $3.50 to $20.00. Each one a complete celebration. Wall, Nichdte Co. Ltd. YEE CHAN & CO., We have a Large New Shipment of Now on disnlav. Look at our windows. Very attractive prices. J JL liLU L- Monuments Safes, Iron Fence Hawaiian Iron Fence and Monument Wor' MEXT TO YOUNG BLOC m'.HM KINO 8-REET PHONE IS ij ar.f til Brass Beds $20 Each and up J.Hopp&Co. 185 King St 5c Ladies' Undervests. Good Quality, White Cotton Cloth, 36 in. wide, 10c a yard Xi. A-llOy, Nuuanu, below Hotel u Do you burn fr q I in your kitchei range? An l-IJfll order place with us will vvr1 prove how sup erior it is to other fuel. Honolulu Construction & Draying Cc, Phone 281. LIMITED Fort St. Opposite Irwin & Co. WEEKLY BULLETIN $1 a Year