Newspaper Page Text
alt fr, ?W ,. -i v ;S,r- ffc. J.JJI , , , V- . u Evening Bulletin From Ran Fnndsct-; Mam. Inn In ..Juno 30 Tor Sun Fninciur: Monxolla ....Inly d From Vancouver: Anriingl July 21 t ai"r"""' ' J"'y 2( 3:30 EDITION Ordinary persistence wins in almost everything never fails in BuIIetiu Advertising io"d-ha"dJealer Bulletin Want Ads. carry their mrssap,c every day to flvclUhousnnd people who Rre lookinc'foriMhlngti partly worn out, but still ntefiilr A Bulletin Want Ad will rIvc 'you n better piice than a Japanese sec- VOL. XI NO. 4350. 30 PAQES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1009. 10 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS. SUIT FOR MILLIONS AGAINST STANDARD OIL TAFT AT GRADUATION SCOVItLE TELLS STRONG STORY Cnse Looks Black For Rioters - Attempt By Lijrl-itfoot To Im pcuch Witness' Vericity--Says Mob "Howled Like Pack of Coyotes" DIPLOMATS ARE NOT INTERESTED Up to the present time Cugeno M.' Scovlllc hat been the only witness called In the riot ease. He ha graph Ically described the riot at Walpahu, the arrest of JoUro Mlkawa, the lead er, his Imprisonment with Officer Wills In the house by the crowd, the threats made by Mlauchl and others to com pel them to release the prisoner. De fore he left the stand at noon Llflht foot attacked his veracity as to state ments made relative to the stones and sticks thrown by the crowd, but the Court did not see sufficient reason to object to the manner In which Sco vllle told his story. Mr. Stoiillo took tint witness stand again (IiIh morning, whin tho riot Irliil piou-idid before Judge Itobliison. Atloruo) l.lghtfool tiMik lliu wllnobs for the defense, lliu llrsl tiuestlon was: "Ale j on huh' o '"''I lm "" Hi'1' lotpptlicd when ciii wore In the ollUo of the Illghir Wngu AhmicIiiiIiiii?" Wllniss. "I llilnk I dlil." I.lK'.itfnnf "Th" lniinw In lln Inner olliiu made no ilcnmiiHl nil Ion did the) 7" t Witness: "Well, the) milil If wo tin nod lliu prlKonoi looro u could go, ir nu didn't, I understood wo (oulil nut " l.lKliirool. "Who milil this lo Jim?" "Witness "It wiin MlaiK hi " l.lRlilfnof ' Ho illil mil speak In a ihioalonliig ininnoi, hut simply told jiiii on nit mini of llio (mud oiilsldo w is mien II uoulil not lie hunt fur j on lo go out ' WilllOSh "Nut nl nil. Ilo nc toil ciwk) nnd nuhl llinl lfwo dlil not lot l!ic prisoner co, there would ho pill kin " l.lRhtfnof "What look plnio In tlio luiii'i i cm in 1 7 Wltnons. "I'hoy Ihio.iloiiul mill lliu pllHDIHI got lip lit Olio HlllO III OKI' I pU. I lliolltlll -" l.lshlfool "Wo ilon I (.no whit )ou lliiik Wlmt iiilu.illy IuiihioiioiI" Witness, "Two or Ihioo .liip.iui'Ko Di'i.iin lo lullt lo lliu prisoner mid I loll Ollltci WIIIh I o nxk tliolii to Mop sis II looked iih If the) "I'le hatching n plol lo 1,1 'I nwu) " I Iglltfool "AlO Oil HUM1 Mill ll'IM' lohl nil t tint linppcnoii in this room?" Witness "Vch, I ll'.ll" I.lglittoot: "1.oI'k moo . riiKt wo Imio otir hlnloiuont iig.irdlng lliu lighting of llio lumps " Kltiuoy protested: "There Is no uso going (nor nil thin again II lit pint of lliu riciml " l.lghtfnot: "Will llio witness bus ni.ido.xii ninny cnntrndlelor) statu inoiitH Hint I wanted to gil nt lliu lor rlulil.'' Kinney. "I don't llilnk n witness os or wont Hlinugli n crnrs-etuuilmitlnn or Hint )on not lessor moiu out of." '"Hint In jour opinion," rotoilod l.lghtfool. "Well Mill li,iM cxpii'sscd jourH I will gle inlnu," loplloil Kinney. I.iiloi Mr. SeoUllu U ulllli-il Hint llio crowd outside gave out .lulls of rage, innl kept ii u gloat ion." "The) sounded llko u lot of cojoIoh," said tit in I Mo. l.lghtfool: "You look your prisoner In mi miliiiunhlle." Wltntss: "I did not. Olllccr Wills turned Hint oMi' to tliu High Slit riff" l.lKlilfoot: "How iiinii people wcr in tin trovvil " Witness: ! couM not lull It wus diirk " l.lKlilfoot' 'I litre inlulit Iiiim. hem Clio moro or Ions." WIIIH'hh: "Tliere mlKlil." I.lulitroot. ".Ml. Kliiuu) whk lliure llinl Mill lohl lit sit uei)lliliiK" Wllnt'RM. "Not nt Hint time" LlKlilfoot "Did ou not till HIT) HilliU Hint liuppouoil?' WltuoHK "No, I dlil not ko in "innl KliiHitlui; oft in) mouth 'I ho in.iiiiiKei innl otlioiH wore In the olllo mi I ue tnlktil It .nt I ' l.lKhlfoot "Illil ou lilentlf) mi) of llioxo men lo Mr Klniinj ?" WHuokh- "I piinl(.d mil I'lii-lilno, uhuiuo of Hit nit u In the riot " l.lKliirool. 'Who nun llio lll'll on the iiuIhKIHh iio.ii llio KplllueiK?' WIlncHi "Ktinnkuiiii " I Ifditfoot "You ean'l point mil mi) flit I ilooH not elion hu .i.t ti)lnt; In illBperau llio oioftd." WltnoMH "I told iiml know iihout It" l.llilitfool. ' I'lli'lillio )on did not He lilni ilollli! mDtlilllK-'" (Continued on Pai;e 4) StrikeMerelyComplicates Work For Tariff Protection A prh.ite letter from WimliliiRtou KtuloH Hint there Ik cry ltillo Interest In the Iluwnll utrlko Kltimtion in (ini tial ituirlerx of tlio capital, cither niiioiiK the tilllcers of our own pivern mint or nt Hie .liip.iniitu l-oRatlon, AmlniKsadur Tiiknliim In a Ktutcmenl BEMENWAY'S MAN YALE ! ! Ynlo 4, Harvard 0 l TIiIk Is the score of the baseball Fnpmor'Pnlitifian Onmlna Rnnm today which ,i v Cooko nt O tended nnd liriam Back As Deputy Attjy Gen'l Uirrin AtidrottB will he Deputy At torney (leneral of I law nil While no formal ntuioiiiicimont hiw been mudu by Attorney delict ul llemein.'iij of the nppolntinvtit, It! wan Intimated by lilm that Mich action Ib beliiE counlilered hi ills otneu. Mr. AndruHH uax foimcrlv I ended nnd lictnmc so over the victory of Old enthusiastic, nil that tin tabled to tila friends nt home Mr Cooke is In New Ilaicn to attend n class reunion He rcpurtB IiuIiik tlio time of his life to the Associated Press oien expresses Attorney (leneral. The San viiiiicIkc) (ho ilonht Hint tlio local affair will een Call, In n dlHpntcli from Ueno, .'oada, receive mine than passing ntteiitioti In! mentions Andrew h, who Is tlofcnilltiK n You can get More Satisfaction Nowndays in a ready-to-wear suit of clothes mndc by expert tailors than yon can in custom-made clothes put together by mediocre tailors, And you can get more satisfaction in nn Alfred enjamin ir.idy-tn-wcnr suit Hum in uny other jnitkc. The Kash Co., LIMITED Cor. I'oit and Hotel Sts. - t l 'jfc ioi vi; i' ' '$ man In u murder cisu Hieio, as tlio diplomatic circles. On the morning of the 17th Congress mail Murdock Hindu a statcincnt In I Hawaii leiidcd lo Inllueiico tlio public nK.iliiHt "1 h.ue not resU'iicil )ol" l.ini',l:eil tlio protection Klen llio miRar ImPiR- Mr ilemeiiwny, wlu-ii th. iiiiitU,' wan try, hut it did not meet with fnwir leferretl to lilm "No mich upHiliitim nt ntuotiK the iiieinbers of Ctuiniess who has been made, but thou- mlKlit hu BIDS OPENED FORNEW WHARF Tenders for the construction ot llonimpo wharf were tills noon open ed by tlio Hoard of Public Works as follows: John Oudcrklrk, $10,300; English's Russia Attorneys j To Occupy. Teheran Withdraw WASIIINC.TO.N Since ST PETERSBURG June 30. It is announced today that the occupa- know the situation In the Islands. A Cabinet nfllcvr made tlio state ment that the Hawaiian situation had noier been mentioned in lliu Cabinet meetings. The local trouble Is prin cipal!) dangerous In the opinion tit I Washington i lends because of the ef fect It inn) hao on tariff legislation mid enable the enemies of tliu Islaiulii to point to tho fuel that there am man) Japanese here who tire practical ly riclWiiK Industrial protection from crnlly" shol to de.ilh by her. dopraod tho IV'dernl Kotuiuucnt nnd semilog mid brutal liusl,ud nu March 9 last the surplus home. The principal In-lwero t elated tills morning li different Jur) dono b) llio agitation Is to tlio witnesses for the prosecution, two ol Jnp'incso laborers who would bo Hid j the witnesses liming watched the tiw. first to under if lliero Is uny mix up In fill crlmu from n spot near by. the tariff legislation. j progress 723 made with Hi" ' , j trial loila), a Jury baling been secuieil QTRIKFB THBPATCIMQ ,l",t "lsllt' '""' ,,lt 1,y Ul ,h0 h,u,o'b uiniliLll I nilLA I CnO "orne)s lire we.ulng u nel mound the accused man Petty sat ipiletl) Kmuaiio Kouo, n member of the uml with no show of emotion Higher Wage AssocLitton, wm, airesl-l Uirrln AtnlruwH, Just appointed at- (d nt Punulim )osleiil.i on a chargo torne) general of Hawaii, Is defending of thrcat'-iilng to kill two .lan.incso the murderer Tlio defense Is lusanlti who expressed tin Ir determination to known as sadism, ami is Hie first case go hack In woik on n-toiil where siith ilLfense Is Inter Kamiiuo Is repnrttil to bo a t) pleat l"Kcd newly npi-olntcd Altome) Uentinl of Concrete Construction Company, $9, zk ; i.. ,ii. Whitcnotise, iu,u&, una II. Do 1-Ylcs, 19.37C. Tor material but one bid was submitted, from tlio Hawaiian Iron Works, $1,200. Tor the new animal hnuso ot the Ilui can of forestry and Agriculture, tho following bids were rccelnl and opened: II. Do Fries, JGG0; J. Oudcrklrk, 1673. W. (1. Chalmers, $460; C. T. Green, $G83; O. Kanu monn, jriir.; K llcrtlcnian, $390, and J, Lewis, Y$400. A number of bids wero rc(elved and opened for the construction of Knlwlki road, but the figures will have to be segregated before being published. i something In tho fiituie on Hie mat ter." Tho Call urtlile Is as follows1 The Call of the 2lth publishes tliu following Interesting Information NIJW ATTOHNKY oi:.i;rtAi. nmiNUiKa uxonicfm: Andrews of Hawaii Appears at llcno Tor Petty. Ileno, Nov., Juno 1!3. All the shock lug nnd rooltlng di tails of tlio awful tragedy In wbkh-.Mis. Petty was lit- striker and Is said to have used some mm) strong ihicats to the would he workers lie ii.ih lirought in to the (U Jill, nml the wlttiLsses In Hie ease hliimlil nrrlvo In town this aftorniKiii Kiino time DELUNGPRE ON HAWAII! 5! "I lino ni) beautiful home in U l.os Augelos, hut If ever I mil tt t: liilitn nit k again I will dispose of ti H llio wholo place and return to I In- t! :t noliilii, nml there Hpend Hie rest tt Jt of ni) life Tor mo tho rllm ttc is tt tt perf( 1 1 uml I am going tin ro of- tt ton mi) w ii). If onl) to get a few tt K moro dips In Hint clear, waini tt ut( r nt W.tlklkl heaeh " Paul :: tt iU' Unigpre In San I'iiiiicIsco Cull tt , :: :; tt :: tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt Bulletin Business Office Phont 250. Mnllptlii KHitnnol Room Phone 18i. the Supremo Court of the District tlon of leiieran, tile caintai oi rer- set aside the Judgment of Dr ling- ua, by llussian iorccs is posjiuic. Ilsh against tho (uccn, and the iit toruos learned the exatl state of affairs, they have withdrawn fiom the case. An order lias been made b the court that unless new counsel is se cured and a replication made to the plea of the Queen's nttorne)s by Jul) 'JO. the case will bo dismissed It is ilkcl) that the whole thing will be wound up by that time Standard ' Oil Again PRATT "IIITS LAND OFFICE: I Challenged RECEIVES LETTER FRprWOODRuFF Ooernor Kroar lias Just recehul ,i letter from IVdoral Judgo-elect Wood ruff, wiltten Just prior to confirmation of bis now appointment Tho letter did not state definitely when Mr W.v d ruff would arrive, but fi-im the fact Land Commissioner Pratt nfit r llw and a half ) cars' faithful servlo In tin Territorial Department of Pun' Lands, tt lay lais down (hi reins to In taken iiv b) M.irston Campbell Mi LOUISVILLE Kv. June 30 At lorney General Jackson has filed the United btatcs tuurt nn injunc tion to restrain the operations of tho Standard Oil Company in that state, Pratt wh t.iko oer mo iiustness or nnj 0 compel payment of the eleven Hie Ult) .Mieiton uonipmi), in which be Is owner, uml will branch out Into a general miction and real es tate business. "I halo tried In do my best nl nil stages id llio game," said Mr Pratt to da), "and I go out with n clean slalt Jly books hnu alwais hetn clean uml 0H'ii to Inspection, and I bale nlas used ni) Just Juilgintnl In handling af fairs of the nl're I came Into tills of million dollars in penalties for vio lating the Mississippi anti-trust law. Suffraget's LONDON, le sutTrnci l, ,,,,! ,.. Vnln l,rr,, l, ...II, ..1 II U "" """ t.siauiisvil n s,sieui uuii null wiui ji.aii.iunT a l-osslblo he will not bo hero until tho Enuland. June 30. !,. Inli'ii.led In ..llen.l n meoltnir .i his '" " '""" """h" "-,u '" " """ ",,,RK ' i": aK-"- "'". "' -"' mlddl of July Excellent Sites Wc have some very attract ive sites on our "For Sale" lists which are worth your time and attention to inves tigate. Are you looking for a con venient office? There are no better ofirco buildings than the Boston and the Judd, Call today. viiifciV' Real Estate Department. Hawaiian Trust Ltd. Company, VESSEL SEARCHED FOR MURDERER Manchuria Watched In San Francisco For Leon Sing When t'.o P M. S H Manchuria sailed from San I'ranclsto on Hie 2!t!i of this month she was caieful'i seurclud for 1 nn Sing, the supiiosi'l murderer of l'lslo Slgel In Now Yoik. Up to the last minute of her sailing for tho Oik'iil Hie San rranclsc. s ll(e, in Hug on Information supplied them, took llio utmost pri cautions that the siispettid Chinaman mlgli' not es rape justice l reaching tho trinkliM society of China As a result Slug It still supposed to ho In San I'Vnnclsto He was known to be In New Oi loans and to halo left there on the Southern Pacific, prcHiimubli fin tho coast illy Ho Is said to bo n membei of the Hop Slug Tung mid tlio Chinese freemasons and Is also sup'niseil to bo receiving powerlul piotctHdi Tlio San l'lanrln'ii ofllcors sathiflol Ihomsolies that the murderer did not leaio on tho Manchuria, as she was given a most thorough straining All vessels headed this way from that port will he careful!) watched for lilm, lo sto Clilnoti) cunning does not release lilm from tho penalty of tliu law Ho Is i or) much wanted man In Now York mid the cnllio pollto force of llio country are making tho greatest efforts that he does mil gtt nw i) Territorial Messenger Service LETTER AND PARCEL DELIVERY TLEniONE 301. WIRELESS FROM TOE OCEANIC LINER ALAMEDA disturbances plntid eieo thing in good shape" i have lien released without bail, Mr P all sa)H Hiiro will bo no groat pending their henrmss. the dates of c' i? in iiii lu tin o'fiee force iiie-ird which have been postponed lin. lo the Information lie as ret tiled I "' ' fiom Mr Campliell One of Hie ilerks TIT TAKES PART IN YAI r. will probubl) be dispensed with, a COMMENCEMENT EXI.RCISES. under the new nriaugemeut. Ihere will bo less mono) to carry on the depirl incut IIihii formerly t: tt tt The following wireless was re tt tt celled last night from the All tt tt medu by'W G Irwin A. Co, gen tt tt oral agents for Hie Oceanic tt tt Steamship Co : tt tt I.'lght p. m. All veil fine ti tt weather 876 miles 1170 tons cur- tt tt go 61 cabin 77 steerage 101 sacks tt it mall and Wells Kargo Hxpiess tt tt Diamond Head about 7 '30 n in tt i tt Kililay" tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt .. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt AMERICAiypAIIAN The American Hawaiian Compaii) is Rending the following notices to pat rons "The next sailing from Han riunilico to Honolulu will be Hie steamer Columbian nn Jul) lOili The next sailing from Seattle for Honolulu will ho the Pleiades on the Stb, fol lowed hj llio Texan on Jul) 22" OUR NEXT FRUIT boat the Lurline, July 2. Island Fruit Co., 72 S. KINO. PHONE 15 The following soccer pluM'rs will make the trip to llllo, leaving on tlm Manna Keu on S.ituula) next Per- "" inindrz, (Jrelg, DliMnsont II imtl It Will be clllllKw"rl'. Siolt. Zelgler Dwlght, Desha, llrown, Mit'nuley ' 'mitt Norton This (omblnntlon should make the Hllo team look to their laurels. 18D editorial rooms 2.1(5 busl nest office. Thete are tho telephoit iumh-i n RutUtln ntfr Gold and Silver Gillette Razors H0LL1STER DRUG CO. Established 1879 NEW HAVEN. Conn.. J me 30. President Taft today parte ipatcd in the Yale commencement exercises. ARTISANS ON STRIKE P1TTSBUR0. Pa. June .10 Ten thousand metal workers will mi out on strike tonight owint; to the in sistancc of employers for the open shop principal. CUMMINS OPENS DEBATE. WASHINGTON, June HO. Sena tor Cummins todny onrned the de bate on the amendment to the tnriff bill proposed by the President, pro viding for a two per cent tax on cor poration dividends CAMBRIDflE, Muso, June 30. Dr Eliot, for many years president of Harvard University, who rcsiunctl some time ago, has been made presi dent emeritus by the overseers. - ii m 185 editorial 2,-(5 busl. nets office. These are the telephono numbers of the Bulletin office LJ-I THE 'PALM stands for the best only in all things to eat. Hotel, ur. Union The Banister Shoe Surpassing quality and inimitable styles One pair sells another. The new University last has just arrived. Wc have them in patent kid and vici kid oxfords Price, $6.50 MANUFACTURERS' SHOE CO., LTD. t- wr. r xJmmm ,