OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, August 17, 1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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-PHj"yW WW '"H
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Evening Bulletin
At 120 King Street, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii.
Daily every day except Sunday, Weekly inued on Tuesday of each week.
Wallace R. Farrlngton,
ftf Month, anywhere In U.S .711
Per Quarter, iiriywbrr In U.S., . . 3.oti
Prr Vw, fttivfthcre In U.S H.OO
I'er Vcar, postpaid, loicign la.oo
in the Territory of Hawaii.
TV ! Editorial Rooms, - 185
Id) Business Office, - 256
t -
Liberty will not descend to a peo
ple; a neople must raise themselves
to liberty; it is a blessing that must
be earned before it can be enjoyed.
Nothing can defeat the prosperity
of Honolulu l)ii t cust-cdticss on ttic
part of Its population. Don't
There'll nothing bIoiv about the
mlndlnc of tho divorce mill, anil the
general public feels that the courts,
deliver n illorco
on exceedingly
small excuse.
Men who sneer nt the statement
that tho Federal authorities arc
.watching the local situation very
timely anil are well acquainted with
the copperheads, don't realize what
is going on around them.
Some of the visitors In town who
nro piotty well known to the peoplo
o( tho States, might cable back to
the sufferers of Kansas nnd Missouri
to ns to let them know that It Is de
lightfully cool In Honolulu.
Very substantial Is the sympathy
that leading Americans of Hawaii
extend to the eaithquako victims of
Japan. Wo have no doubt that the
icputublo .lapaneso of this Territory
nnd Japan appreciate the kindly
spirit In which this is done.
Honolulu Is due for a round ot
celebrations during the month ot
September with a mouth's stay of
tho cruiser fleet tandvvlchod in be
tween the coming of the Congress
Men, nnd the piobnblc stop of Prince
Shlmndzo on his way to the San
Francisco I'ortola festival.
Drought down to the absolute fact,
tho I'ortola festival Is a business no
tice to tho world nnd tho trado ot
California Unit tho business of San
Francisco has returned to the old
stand In more elaborate surround
ings. It Is n fraud scheme magnifi
cently worked out. It shows tho
work of Lis men and is an example
that should bo taken to heart by nil
lilnhcads who fall to realize tho Im
portance of community advertising
that brings business and helps n
town with untural advantages grow.
What ore wo to say of tho nbso
luto safety of the great steamships
filled with all the appliances for
lighting flro when tho magnificent
liner l.ucanlu has to bo sunk to savo
her from destruction while tied to
her dock? Not only did the ship
have its own fire system, but also
the additional flrc-flghtlng applianc
es of tho docks and tho flro boats.
SHU .they had to sink her to savo
her. It indicates that while the
great steamships are tho safest
things nlloat, nnd destruction Is less
probable, there arc many points yet
to bo Improved.
Every tliuo tho steamship China
tomes Into thistport tho peoplo re
new their Interest In tho mystery
of why tho Pacific Mall does not put
this steamer on tho local run. It
Is no exaggeration that tho traffic
this winter and for the future will
1111 mora thnn the steamships on
tho route now and to be put on be
foro tho season ends. You can't put
the progress of Honolulu under a
bushel and sit on It, because It
won't stay put. Tho man nnd tho
companies that get In and help
things grow aio tho ones that will
prullt, and rightly so.
Confidence In Hawaii's future Is
it winning card every time. While
tlio conservatives were wondering
whnt would become of the prospec
tive wreck of the pineapple Indus
try, J. D. Dole was traveling about
Maul buying up pineapple Interests.
Today bids for the stock of this cor
poration a to made from tho Coast,
(nil fow can bo found who want
to sell. Call this a lucky stroke, or
far slghtedness or whnt you will.
Nailed down to brass tacks, It
menus that It pays to have confi
dence In the future of Hawaii. It
means that It pays to Invest .tho
money made In Hawaii for the furth
er development of its Industry,
Per Sli Motitnt .80
Pr Year, njrorxiilnUji. I.00
Pel Year auivhere In Canada... I. Bo
Per Year postpaid. loreitn 3.oo
Entered tt the TmtofBce at Honolulu
as trcond-ctais ratttef.
AUGUST 17. 1909
. -
Tltc stenographic report of Mr.
Llslitfoot's speech this morning to
the Jury In tho conspiracy trial Is
Riven to the readers ot the I) u I J o -tin
In this Issue. Mr. I.lghtfoot has
noi cutupicieti uiu address, ins re
marks thus tar should be read by
every illlzcn of this Territory, an
they show clearly the exact extent to
which Mr. Light foot wishes the case
now "'furo "" court to bo iletcrniln.
ed on the Inw nnd the evidence, nnd
the means he Is tnklng to light his
side of what Is claimed to be a bat
tic for Justice. The record speaks
for Itself.
Our common country appears to
bo reaping a dual benefit from the
l'illplno labor Immigration that Is
being developed by Mr. Plnkham In
tho southern Islands of the Philip
pine group.
Hawaii is not only the gainer
through Its ability to seccure a re
liable and willing people for labor
on the plantations, but tho Philip
pines also profit through the edu
cation of the peoplo to travel In
search of work, ""frits latter Idea Is
' night out by the Manila Cablcncws
l.i commenting on tho fear felt In
tomo Philippine quarters that the
emigration will be injmious.
The Cablcncws sas In this con
nection: "There nro reasons why
one hesitates to ratso a volco against
this exportation ot labor from an ex
isting deficiency. Chief among these
these reasons Is the fact that these
migrations cannot help but have a
beneficial effect upon the Filipinos
In the end.
"Those well acquainted with con
ditions throughout the Islands with
respect to obtaining laborers say
wltli great unanimity that tho scar
city of labor In the Islands is not duo
so much to a lack of men able to
work as to a shortage of men willing
to work. Employers of labor havo
found that I'lllplnos of the working
class are greatly averse to going
from one section of tho country to
(mother. For this reason it is often
difficult to bring the work and tho
workmen within speaking distance
of each other. For example, culti
vators ot tobacco In the Cagnyan
valley find It very hard to get
enough hands to man their planta
tions. The peoplo nntlvo to tho val
ley belong to a trlbo or n race that
cither cannot or will not supply
workers. The planters have relied
upon Immigration from tho llocano
provinces to a great extent. In those
provinces are a hardy raco possessed
of considerable energy and thrift.
Inducements offered to Immigrants
from tho llocanb provinces are very
alluring. Families who have mi
grated to tho Cagnyan valloy almost
Invariably havo prospered. Yet It
Is hard to persuade many of them to
go so far away from their nutlvo
"Any movement that will make
Filipinos less reluctnnt to Icavo tho
provinces of their birth and go to
others where work and wages await
4hem will make labor more easily ob
tainable In tho Islands. Undoubted
ly the migration of Filipinos to Ha
waii in any considerable numbers
and their later return to their com
munities will awaken a migratory
Bpirlt in the race and make tho pop
ulation ot the islnnds more flexible.
It will nlso popularlzo activity in tho
) onager generation ot tho natives."
Editor Evening Bulletln:-
May I bo allowed through tho medium
of your valuable paper to bring bo
foro the governing bodies for tho pub
lic safety, one of tho worst death
traps to tho public at largo and a
ctrangcr In particular In this town,
vlr.: Tho halo and stone stops at tho
back of tho band stand In Aala park,
which Is totally unprotected, and a
source of danger to Iho people, of
which I was one of tho victims on Sat
urday night last, by falUim down It
and receiving rather scilous Injuries
to my head, which will Incapacitate
me from duty for somo tlmo to come.
May I suggest that a hand rail bo
put all around and thus avoid per
haps somo fatal accidents 111 tlio fu
ture. Believe me,
Yours respectfully,
S. S. Ocean Queen, Honolulu, Aug.
16, 1909.
(Continued From Pce 1)
nt l.lhue. Sail for Honolulu I'lim Nn
wlllwlll. Tuesday, September 7. Salt by
Manna Kea at 12 noon for Hawaii.
Wednesday, September 8. Arrive In.
llllo In morning. Those who deslro
leave steamer at tahukona aid tako
automobiles through Kohala to Wal
mea. Start early' Thursday for Ku
kulhnelo and view Walplo vaPey an.!
llaniakua ditch, then through to llllo
Thursday evening. This will glvo
those who nro interested or concerned
with reclamation a good opportunity
to see whnt wo nro doing, nnd alto to
see tho Kohnla, Ahtiloa and Wnlnica
homesteads. A stib-comtnllleo Is now
seeing If It bo possible to tncltido a
visit to Kona In Itinerary.
Thursday, September 9. Visit o
cano, etc ThlB would not npply to
thoso landing nt Mahukonn, who would
probably visit tho Volcano on Friday,
September '10.
Friday, September 10. Return to
Hlto. Reception In ovenlng. Party
distributed and entertained by resi
dents. Saturday, September 11. Inspect
breakwater. Excursion to Puna.
Auto rides, etc. 11 p. m sail for
Sunday, September 12. Arrlvo nt
liana nt daybreak. Entlro party land
and go to Anderson's at Nahlku and
return to liana If necessary, but it
possible slcamcr to tako nil on to Na
hlku. Thoso who deslro to rldo may
return along the Kooluu ditch to Ma-
kawao to see the ditch country, the
others to go on to Kahultil to bo dis
tributed nnd entertained hy tlio rest
dents of Puuncnc, Pala, Hamakuapoko
dnd Makawao.
Monday, September 13. Such as de
slro to visit Haleakala, others go to
Iao Valloy Reception nt Walluku at
4 p. m., then tnko automobiles for La
hnlna nnd steamer for Honolulu.
Tuesday, September 14. Arrlvo at
Honolulu. Rest. Surfrldlng In after
noon. Wednesday, September IB. Visit
tcbools. Reception and danto at
Young Hole! In evening;.
Thursday, September lfi. Farewell
reception by Delegate KaUnlanaolo.
Friday, September 17. Sail on Mon
golln for San Francisco.
Thero havo been several automobile
accidents lately which havo been
kept quiet one way and another. On
Saturday evening. man was run Into
on Knlakaua avenue near Kalla street,
and although he was knocked sense
less tho scorcher did not stop to look
Into tho matter. The "unfortunate
man was picked up by somo passcrsby
and conveyed to his home.
Auothcr accident occurred an tho
tamo street last week, when nn auto-
mobllo struck a vcsetablo dealer's
wagon and split all tlio cabbages, etc.,
out on tho road. Tho cart wa9 des
troyed and n hit of dnmago done.
Tlio rnto of speed that tbo uutos go
along Kalukauu nvenuo Is always ter
rific, and the, wonder Is thut moro ac
cidents do not occur.
Bulletin Business Office Phone 250.
Bulletin V.rlitnri! Room Phone IBS.
Waterhouse Trust
Three bargains in homes and home sites in this fast-growing
suburb: '
Modern bungalow, built two years ago in the Puupueo Tract.
Lot of 1.400 sq. ft. House contains 7 rooms. Price... $3,750
Modern two-bedroom cottage on Laniliuli Drive, College Hills.
Tin's property is exceptional, well located and recently
renovated. Good value at the price asked $4,000
We also have a very attractive buildin glot on Hillside Ave
nue, on the slooe mnkru of Mr. H, E. Cooper's residence.
The elevation of this lot assures an uninterrupted view
of Waikiki and the sea. This lot will just suit the pur
chaser looking for a small building lot. Size 00 x ISO.
Price ,.,, $
Waterhouse Trust
Cor, Fort and
Maui Won
8 tt
tt WAtLUKU, Maul, Aug. 17. tt
tl Tho baseball game Monday after- tl
tt noon between tho Maul and tho tt
tt llllo teams resulted In n vlctoiy tt
tt for the Maul nine by n score of tt
tt six to nothing. It was it groat tt
tt gamo and attended by a most en- tt
tt thuslastlc audience, tt
tt Tho festivities of tho day woro tt
tt wound up by n grand litau and tt
tt dance held In tho evening. it
U j
tt tt tt n it tt it tt tt tt it tt tt :t :t it ti
While in Japan Mr. Castle Met Many
Prominent Oovcrnment Officials
and Displays His Friendship for
Homeless People.
W. .It. Castle will send to the Jap
anese Department of Foreign Affairs
one thousand dollars In United
States gold to bo distributed to tho
sufferers whoso homes and property
In Osaka were destroyed by tho great
flro and' earthquake thero recently.
Tlio money will be forwarded by
and lnthe name ot Castle & Cooke.
Mr. Castle, who has been visiting
In Japan some time ago, has tho
"Aloha" In heart for thoso who lost
their homes and property in Osaka.
Whllo thcic ho made many friends
who nro connected with the govern-mcut-eervtce.
Others whom ho met
nro among the greatest financiers of
tho Empire.
A fow dns ago when Mr. Cnstlo
read in the newspapers that n great
flro 'had rendered many people In
Osaka homeless, he decided to do
something for them. He called on
Consul General I'jono at tho Consu
lato and told hint that ho would send
one thousand dollars to tho Japan
ese Department of Foreign Affairs
for the benefit of tho people of Osaka
whoso homes weio destroyed by tho
great fire. Tho Consul was greatly
pleased with the news, nnd at once
cabled to tho Foreign Office In To
Mo, noticing that the money would
the there shortly.
Tho Japnncso newspapers In To
klo nnd Osaka, which arrived this
morning on the Chlno have nlrcady
published an account of tho benevo
lent gift of Mr, Castle, which Is be
ing expected by the Department of
Foielgn Affairs.
Tho local people aro greatly pleas
ed with tho action of Mr. Castle, who
came to the assistance ot the home
less peoplo In Osaka.
Charles Ynrlck, the former Juror In
the Japanese conspiracy trial, who was
dismissed by Judge. Do Dolt because
of Intoxication, does not Intend to ac
cept tho punishment ImiHisttl on him
by Judge Andrnde, threo months' Im
prisonment. " Ills appeal to tho Cir
cuit Court was filed this morning.
Appeals wcro also filed by Takakl,
fined KiQ.OO in tho. dish let court for
falling to sec tiro n merchandise lic
ense, and It. Kuwagwhl, fined J23.00
lor tlio samo offense.
-"For Bala" r.rril Bullttln.
Merchant Streets,
r " I!! Hot or Cold Meals I
Save Money
by Buying Now
Have you been looking for an old
place with large Browing- fruit trees,
shrubs, flowers and garden, and J
those other improvements which re
quire timci to produce, and with an'
overage house? 'We have such a
place, with' the exception that it has
a splendid modern house, with up-to-date
plumbing, gas for cooking,
The grounds arc 120x124, and
have large fruit-bcari"g Mango
trees. Breadfruits, Oranges, etc.
Price $2,700
Trent Trust Co,, Itd.
it ti
it "Iii K'gniil In the cmnp'iliit tt
tt Hindu 'by certain peoplo about ti
tt the s.ind piled up on tbo sldcw-ilk tt
it on Emma Square," said R i.l tt
it Supervlror Wilson this morning, it
it "there happens to bo about two Si
it cubic feet there, nnd It seems tt
it the poison stumbled over It In tt
tt broad daylight., Now theiu Is no tt
h excuse tor sucii a compiaiui. "though It
ti "In paving ami repalilng tho it ! btioncth
it streets wo aro obliged to uso the ii
siiicwniK to sioro our snnii wnno a , nt nnWallan Pineapple nt SK7...0 be
lt wo iho working on tbo stteet. Wo it tweclI boatds bade tho 'crowd look up.
it have no other place to put It, ami Si
tt we aro very careful to havo sui.li !i
it under un me light, with ted it
tt lights. It bo happens (hat this ti
it sand complained of Is directly Si
tt under an ar cllght, with rod Si
tt lights also at ench end of It. Un- ti
it less peoplo can get around a lit- ii
it tlo sand pllo. wo will havo to ti
it closo tho sldownlks to trafTlc en- tt
tt tlrely whllo working on tho tt
a streets." tt
tt I it
On 'ie City, diamond today at noon
time th3 Honolulu baseball nlno de
feated tho Walalet; team by a Broro of
19 to 4. A big crowd attended tho
game, Including a bunch of tho Ma
kura passengers, wlio r-ocmed Inter
ested In tho play. Tho Iliilletln boys,
under tbo name of "Honolulu," put up
n great gamo nnd easily defeated their
opponents, who wero all big boys.
In JJudgo Robinson's department ol
tho Circuit Court tho Injunction caso
of tho Oahu Railway nnd Land Com
pany against James Armstrong and I,.
Ii. McCnndlcss Is beln tiled. Tho
plaintiff nsks for an Injunction' lo do
(train tho defendants from trcspabs
Ing upon I.ehua nvenuo, l'wa.
The above cut shows the "Ar
nold" Knit Night Drawer for child
ren, the ideal sleeping garment. We
have all ages 'from 2 ,to 10 years,
Iritcs 70c to' $2 per garment,
Gossip of Strrct on Amount of Money
on Deposit in Banks Oahu
Plantation Bonds Sell at Ad
vance. Tho stock intuket took n icst this
morning In tbo matter of activity ol-
bhowed no falling off In
Tnc rcl,orted Halo of soeral slimes
This is an advance of $3.50 per share
over tho last salo of that stock.
Hawaiian Commercial bold nt $34.30
on orders from tho Coast and, Oahu 5'n
cold at $101 between boatds, tho last
pi c Ions tale being $93.73.
Somo financial expert of tho street
has dlscovcieil that thero Is twelvo
millions ol dollars on deposit In the
banks of tbo city. His opinion Is not
concurred In by alt the rest ot tho
ttrcet although the' other sldo admits
that thero Is eight millions of deposits
ami probably halt a million more In
tho Trust companies. They claim that
If tho financial expert counts tho
ngency balances ho Is duplicating tho
deposits, and everything these days
must bo figured on n conservative
(Inventor Fiear this morning repaid
tlio olllclal cill of Captain Ilrown of
tho cruiser Iluffalo. Private Secretary
Mcllrtdo repaid tho official call ot Act
ing llrltlsh Consul Davlcs.
R. O. Ilallcy, secrctnry of Secretary
ot tho Treasury MvVcagh, leaves on
Iho Manna Kea for llllo this noon,
accompanied by Mcllildo. Whllo
theio ho will Inspect (ho Federal sltd"
nnd net on other business for tho
treasuiy. Mcllildo will return about
tho 2Slli.
Hospital Men To
Play Fighting 5th
Sergeant Edgir S. narry sent a
thallcngo to Troop K, Cth U. S. Cnv
airy last week to play n gamo of baso-
ball with tho First Hospital Co. ot tho
National (Itinrd of Haw-all, under tho
conditions that If tho boys of the
Fifth ilutcat tho, Utiards thoy aro to
pay all cxponscs'nt transportation and
tho Fifth to pay all expenses If they
loso. Tho challcngo was accept oil by
tho Figlitlug Firth and tho gamo will
be played on Sunday, tho 29th, at I.el
lchua. i
Tho following, named enlisted men
of the First Hospital Co, will please
leport lo Sergt. Harry as t.unn as pos
sible,' to get tbelr uniform apt! prac
tice: Loulo Soarcs, Poter Forn. Abra
ham I.ota, William Markham, fllrwood
Addcrson, Ng Sing, D.ivld Trnsk,
Joseph Woodward, Ho Yap, flcnrge
Townsand and Harry Kleimno, Jr. Ed
gar 8, Harry Is 'manager nnd l.oulo
SoaicR captnln.
Miss Jnuo S, Nnsclmcnto will sail to
day for Kauai to spend n fow woekB
at tho homo of Mrs. J. I. Sllvn at Elo
clc. Josoph Oliver, who Is becoming n
icgular frequenter nt tho pollco
court, was given till tomorrow to
get out o ftlid country.
Chief of Detectives was called to
Lcllcluia thls'mornlng and, although
waiting In court to glvo evidence In a
cafo, Jumped Into bis automobile nnd
left rot- tho country. It Is not known
why Leal has gono done to I.ellehua,
but It may bo that It Is In connection
with an assault caso that he Is vvotk.
Ing on ut present.'
At Any ,
11:30 P.M.
For Quick Communication
Wahinc Is in the Hospital With a
Broken Head Man Is Placed
ni Jail Charged With Usinj
Weapon. "I was drunk again; I think Phil
ip hit me with n stick, but 1 don't re
member much nbout It.'
Thus spoko Kealn fioin her bed In
tho Quccn'B Iloipltal, where she had.
been rushed ns fast ns tho ambu
lance could take her, after Officer
Tilpp had discovered her In a par
tially unconscious condition.
It nppears tbnt Tilpp h'atl been
called to tho rosldoiec of Philip Al.a.
down In Kakaako, and oh arriving
there found Kcnla, a w'alilnc.
stretched out on the lloor with blood
pouring ft nm n wound In her head.
Investigation revealed tho fact
that tho blow had been struck by
Philip Aka. nnd that ho had used ti
charcoal-Iron as n weapon. Tripp
called up. tho police wngonVnnd sent
tho woman to tbo hospital. AUti
wns taken to tho pollco station and
booked for Investigation.
Upon Inquiry nt tho Queen's Hos
pital this morning It was found thut
Keala Is Improylng rnpldly, nnd
Hint Bhc Is In no danger of her life,
unless complication's set In.
weapon ngnlnst Aka. A3 soon ai
Kealn Is able to nppcar In court tho
cato will bo gono Into by Judgo An
drnde. Inspector Fcnncll Journeyed out In
Million Valley otcrdiiy aftoinooti mill
arranged for an Informer lo purchaso
liquor with a marked coin.
This was done and Fcnncll Inter on
dropped In cabttall yamt raided tho
blind pig. Y. Mill, 11 Jnpancro wit
Idno, who was round to bo soiling wlno
and snkb, was :u rested nnd Mho
niatkud coin found In her possession.
Tho raid lestilted In a largo amount
of wlno and wiko being confiscated.
Mill was up licfmo (ho TOllt UiIb
morning but nothing was done In tbo
case nnd It was put over till August
Eighteen months was tho bcnteiico
meted out by Judgo Woodruff this
morning to HntbiitaroTsiidomo, con
victed under n chargo (if violating tlio
Edmunds Art.
. Wichman's
' Expert
Ii. F. Wichman
& Co.. Ltd.,
Leading Jewelers

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