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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, September 22, 1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-09-22/ed-1/seq-10/

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' ' V
iEBf' 10 " ' " i ! ' , ' KVI2NMN0 IirLLKTIN, H0N0UU:U, T. 1t WEDNESDAY, B121T. 22, '09 ""
Hmrr m.
11 JHh&t eMUUb-. I
" Do you know of any woman who ever received any
benefit from taking Lycha E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound ? '.'
If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar
to her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will be'
surprised at the result. There is hardly a community in
this country where women cannot be found who have been
restored to, health by this f.unous old remedy, made
exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs.
During the past 30 years we have published thousands
of letters from these grateful women who have been cured
by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and never
in all that time have we published a testimonial without
the writer's special permission. Never have we knowingly
published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine.
I Iere is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts
that this is a true and honest statement of a woman's experi
ence with Lydia 1. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write
and ask her.'
Houston, Tons. "When I first hpjran taking l.jillu 1". IM11U
j:im'4 Wgct.iliio Compound I was n total wrotli. I Unit lirt'ii
sick for three jcar with fcinato troubles chronic dj spcpslii,
ami 11 liver trouble. 1 liatl tried t.uveral doctor's medicines, but
nothing- did uiu any (rood.
" I'orllimi years I lived on nicdleiucH and thought I would
never get well, when I rend an ulcrtlmcnt of l.jdla 1'. l'lnk
hum'.i Vegetable Compound, and Mas advised to try it.
"My husband got mo one bottle of tho Compound, and it did
inc mi much good I continued Its use. I am now a well woman
anil enjoy the best of health.
"1 advise all women .suffering from such troubles to gio
Tijdiii V.. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. They won't
regret it. for it will surely euro you." Mrs. Ilesslo L. Illcks,
811) Cleveland St., Houston.
Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely
not to give such a medicine as this a trial. Why should it
not do her as much good as it did Mrs. Hicks.
lainier Beer
For Sale Everywhere
Later Reports Of Victory
Of Explorer Told v
By Associates
ilATTI.i: HAKilOK (Labrador),
Cepicnilior 1.1.- Tilt- following de
tail!) of Commander Peary's Journey
to Hie N'oitli Pule bale been glean
eil from member of tho expedition
on bo.iiil thu steamer ltoocvell:
The only men to leach tho 1'olc
were Commander I'l'.iry nnd one Ks
qtllinau, Ilg.lng Wnh by name. The
other white men of tlm various par
ties that left Cape Columbia were
sent back one by one as Peary drew
nc.iicr dally lo his objective point.
Matthew Ilenxon and three Ksepil
in.iiix, the only other members of the
party that made the final dash, were
left one march behind.
Captain llaitlctt and Ilorup stnit
cd Fein nary 27lli fiom Cape Colum
bia with a number of Ilsnulinnux and
dogs on the inarch ncioss the lee,
bending noith. On March Ut Com
mander I'eary left Cape Columbia
with his party, consisting of seven
white wen, seventeen Ksiiiitmnux and
1.16 dogs. On Mmcli 4th I'eary came
up with llartlett, who had pitched
hlit camp at the side of a lead of wa
ter vvhlih It was Impossible to cross.
The combined .parties had to wait
tin t II Mnicli 11th, seven days, be
fore fin tlier pi ogress was possible,
Kctarn for Fresh Supplies.
The sun was seen for tho llrst
time March ",th, and an observation
showed Hint tho explorers wero a
short w.i) fiom the 81th parallel.
The supply of alcohol was running
short, and Hoi up returned to Cape
Columbia for a fresh stock. March
1 Ith lloiup overtook I'eary again
and hioiiRht a supply of alcohol and
oil. The division under Professor
lloss (!. Marvin Joined I'eary the
same day. At this point Professor
Ilonahl II. McMillan wns Rent back,
his feet having been badly frozen.
Ilorup i etui lied to land from 85.25
with two Ksqutnumx.
The party now consisted of twelve
men, ten sledges and elghty-flvo
dogs, llartlett wns Mill beating out
tho trail, two dajs ahead of Peary.
Marvin took observations ut 85.48.
On tho next march llartlett made a
icdiiil trip, covering twenty lulled.
This biought him to 85.18.
Two Decrees from the Pole.
The party now consisted of I'eary,
llartlett and Matthew llenson, the
coloied man who has been Peary's
personal assistant on so many of his
expeditions; the Ksqulmnux, coven
sledges and sixty dogs, and tho Jour
ney northward was resumed. Tho Ice
was perfectly level ns far ns the cyo
could see. llartlett took tho obser
vatlon on the SSth parallel on April
2d, and then leluctnntly returned,
leaving I'eary, llenson and thrco Es
quimaux with provlslos for forty
dujs, to mnko tho llnal dash to tho
Thus i educed, tho party started
the morning of April 3d. The men
walked that day for Ion hours and
made twenty miles. They then Blept
near the efghty-nlnth parallel. While
ciosslng a stretch of young Ice 100
yaids vvlilo tho sledgo bioke tluough.
It was saved, but two of tho Esqui
maux had narinw escapes from
di owning. The Iro wn still good
nnd tho dogs wero In gient shape.
They made ns li'lgh ns tvventy-flvo
miles a day.
Open Sea at the Pole.
The next observation wns mndo
nt S9.24. The next two marches vveio
mmlo 1 na denso 'fog. Tho sun was
sighted on tho third march and an
observation showed 89.57.
Tho Polo was ranched April Ctll
nnd n series of observations wero
taken nt 90. I'eary deposited his
recnids and hoisted tho American
ling, Tho tempornturo was 32 de
grees below zero, Karenhelt. Tho
Pole npjicaied bb a frozen sen. I'eary
tiled lo take a sounding, but got no
bottom at l.Mli) fathoms.
Peary slaved at the Polo for thirty-four
hours nnd then Btnrtcd on
his return Journey the nftcrnoon of
April' 7th,
On the return Cie matches: wero
continued and I'eary and the Esqui
maux .suffered greatly- from fatigue.
They' had their llrst sleep at the end
of the eightieth march from the
Pole in the Igloos left by llartlett.
Hole llieic was a violent Snowstorm.
On April 2.1d the party reached
the vcitlcal edge of the land lea west
of Capo Columbia. The Esquimaux
weo delighted to reach land, nnd
tho party1 Blopt for two days. They
rcpnltcd their sledges, rested their
dogs and, resuming their Journey,
reached the Uoosevclt on tho 27th.
Mnrvln lofr Peary on the way up
on I'YIday, Match 20th, to return to
the ship, lie had with him two Es
quimaux and seventeen dogs. Tho
story of the professor's death was ob
tained from one of the natives. April
10th Mnrvln was forty-live miles
from Cape Columbia. He started
out that morning, walking nhcad.
Tho Esqulmnux vveio delayed In
packing tho sledges, a fact that per
mitted Marvin to get n good start on
When the- Esquimaux arrived at
an open lead they noticed that tho
)oung Ico was broken about twenty-
five yards out, nnd they saw what
looked like a man's body floating in
tho center of the lend. Owing to tho
ticacherous (ondltlon of the ice, the
Esquimaux could not venture out.
They returned to the Uoosevclt and
Captain llartlett then went back
to tho point they designated and -recovered
Professor Marvin's spare
boots, clothing and personal belong
ings, which were still on the Ice
where tho Esquimaux had left llieni.
The superstitions of their laco pre
vented the nntlvcs from bringing
the dead man's effects with them.
Professor Marvin's record and obser
vations wero saved.
Former, Boatswain of Commodore's
Ship Erik Tells of Raid
on Seals.
ST. JOHNS (N. P.), September 13.
Allen Whltton, who wns boatswain
of tho Peary auxiliary steamer Erik
In 190C nnd again In 1908, added
his quntn to the Polar controversy
today. On his expeditions he natur
ally saw iimicli of Peary and knew
of Peary's plans. He wns also on
tho Erik In tho summer of 1907,
when sho lay at Sydney alongside
tho schooner John II. llradlcy, in
which Or, Cook was starting for the
Whltton says the llradlcy was
abundantly equipped for Cook's ex
pedition, having supplies for at least
three years. Ho confirms the charges
mado by Dr. Cook nt Copenhagen
that Peary took Cook's provisions,
adding that not only did the crew
take Cook's stores that were at Etah,
but that boats wero sent to Anna
ok, thlity mill's dlstaneo to remove
Cook's piovlslnns which vveio stored
Tho boatswain declares both
Cook's and Frnnclie's collections of
Ivory nnd skins, Bomo of them very
valuable, likewise wero taken. IIo
says, tho trouble with Peary's previ
ous expeditions had been the lack
of supplies. Instead of remaining
away for threo yonrB, Commander
Peary nws compelled to return after
nbout II ft ecn months, tho real iea-
son, Whltten declares, being that he
did not have enough supplies to re
main longer.
Anr business worthy of name usually crows.
To erow is normal.
To exmnd from nfitnethlncr small to lomethlnc larre is In
dicative of development.' You can't crow normally in a busi
ness with an cauloment that confines vou to conditions that are
inflexible. -
SloViirflrnlcka "Elastic" Fillne Cabinets In Wood and Steel ex
pand lust as business conditions warrSnt.
No bus ineM is to small that It cannot be improved. Nobuslness can
expand beyond Its sphere.
SluVlVirnlsk Filing devices are made to fit alt sizes of paper, from
a caning cum lo an insurance policy.
i xtm .twwtlmU - ... !... .i... ::n . t-r .1 . UP..J I
i . iuHii.il m MMiujuc mat win ;ivc juumorc iniurmaiiuiiuii nwui
aim oicci ruing cquipmni man any stanaaru wotK puDiisnea.
LopT nn request.
Office Supply Co., Ltd.
Honolulu, T. H.
Exclusive Agent.
Board Of Supervisors
Pass Fearfull
"Tag, you're It," said tho Hoard of
Supervisors to tho Mayor last night.
Ahtn championed tho Mayor.
"llslibb, shut up," he said, In effect.
Qulnn looked peevish. "Aw, now "
he commenced.
"Put It to tho vote," said tho Mayor,
flastlly, "All In favor of tho the tho
say aye. Tho ayes have It."
"What's tho question?" asked Ahla.
"Wo'ro voting on tho amendment,"
said I.ogan.
".Vo, wo nrn't, I withdrew the mo
tion," said Qulnn.
Tho Hoard of Supervisors wnved Its
hand around Its head In despairing
"Anyway," said Aylett, "All fish
and meat. etc.. Inspectors ought to
liavo badges."
"Sure." conceded Qulnn, I move
that tho heads of tho committees have
I.ogan arose with n scared expres
sion chasing Itself over his counten
ance. "I don't want to bo tagged." he
Said with a horrified accent.
Qulnn took the floor ngaln. "The
Mayor ought to have a badge," ho in
sinuated. Tho Mayor reached for a
"Hub," said Ahla, "tho Mayor don't
want any tag. I'm in favor of badgei
for tho pollco foico but wo ought tor
"I think so too" said Logan with n
vision of labeled committee chnlr
mans stalking up tho street.
"I move that that " muttered
McClcIlan,, with a vnguo feeling thut
ho ought to do Ills duty.
"Second tio .motion," said Cox, bust-111-.
' '
Hlzznnor Investigated tho wlshc3 of
tho noaul. "The ayes havo It." ho
With this awful problem off their
minds, tho Eoard of Supervisors got
down to work uud laid tho milk ordi
nance on tho tablo,
(Kor tho benefit of tho unlnltlntcd, It
might be added that tho liollco forcols
Shortly bcrnro 9 o'clock last night
tho Haibor Saloon, on Queen street
caught fire, nnd In consequence, the
flro department resiionded and put the
flro out beforo tho house was totally
Deputy Sheriff Iloso. who was on
duty In the pollco station nt tho time
tho flro alarm wns turned In, placed
under nrrest tho night watchman, Ijir
ton, on suspicion. Tho house was nol
Repairing v
We have an Expert Factory man, and
have just installed the most complete
Repair Department in the Islands.
to have 160 new badges and the in
spectors will nlso bo labelled. The
Mnyor refused to accept u badge In
the place of an automobile.)
Popular Midshipman About to Do
Matrimonial Stunt Fellow
Officers Planning a Surprise on
Midshipman P. it. Marlon of tho U.
S. S. Colorado, better known to his
shlpmatch ns "Kicnchy," has a record
lor life having during bis Annapolis
days which has Just coma to light.
One night nfter a hopo which was
given just before tho school itcriu
closed, Marlon wns escorting a young
lady home, when the cries of a drown
ing person were heard from the river
below. Mnrlon excused himself from
I Is companion, and plunged Into tho
dark waters, Just In tlmo to save tho
girl who wDI probably become his
wife If tho necessary permission can
bo obtained from tho Secretary of tho
Navy, as tho present law prohll Its tho
marrlago of any officer below the
grndo of ensign.
Marlon is ono of tho best known
joiing officers In tho present fleet here
in local waters, and Ills Ideas of tact
leal bnttlo maneuvers are worthy of a
much older and more seasoned officer.
Ho has written several papers on the
Kschclon formation for battlo action,
end Is considered to bo woll posted on
other battle formations, although ho
favors almost entirely tho Esclielon
Marlon during his four years at An
napolis, was connected with ono of tho
papers published by tho Midshipmen,
nnd several of his articles on dress
caused no end of discussion from all
over tho country. Ills ono pot Idea Is
the tuxedo for evening functions. In
stead of the conventional evening
dross. Mnrlon Is one of tho most op
nlar young officers' In tho 'navy, and
his fellow officers are preparing n
great surprise when ho enters the
ranks of tho Uencdlcts,
The government is to pay 1200 a
month for a farm ot 100 acres near
College Paik, Mil,, to be used for an
aerial oxpcrlmcnt station.
Routine Business Is Ait
At Meeting Last
A, very promising session last night
wn indulged in by tho Hoard of Hup.
ci visors, but nothing materialized ex
copt thu piumhcs. Tbo milk ordi
nance, awaited with sundry hummer
by certnln dairymen, was laid on tho
table until tho next session that Mc
ClcIlan might have a cbancu to look it
over. This Ik his first session since
he returned from the mainland and ho
h, out of touch with current affairs.
Tho "plunk a bang" ordinance, tax
ing every hole In tho street a dollar,
nlso went over gracefully, waving Its
hand to the Supervisors over Its
thoiilder as it went. Tho attorneys pir
tho Telephone Company want to liavo
a conference with the County Attor
ney about It.
Another ordinance Is looming up on
tho horizon In tho shape of a hai k
ttnnd ordinance, to net ns a nail to
hold tho traffic ordlnnnco down Tho
present disregard of hacks for tbo
traffic ordinance will suffer, according
to Mr. Qulnn, chairman of tlu ltc.nl
iCommlttec, nnd tho stands will be de
noted and other regulations Inuov atcd.
In connection with this las', the
Iload Committee will consider n com
munication of Chang Sam, proprietor
of a store on King street, wh'i stiilea
that tho hacks standing In front of hlrf
store make It Impossible for lilm to
get his wagons up to tho door and that
they refuse to move when requested. "
City nnd County Physician Murk.ill
asked for a bill of )G0 for niornii i sup
piles which ho got, nlthough opposed
by Qulnn, who claimed that v. hen the
elty'took over tho marguo it wan und
erstood that tbo;Terrltory wai still to
furnish tho necessary medicinal sup
plies. f 'J '
1 Tho Stnnda'rd'jOII ..Company, after
having been awarded a largo contract
for specified oil at 11.78 n Ini'rol ib1
llvered hero, changed their minds
about It and claimed an error. Their
now offer Is 91.2G, delivered lit Point
Richmond, to which must oo added
transportation expenses.
i. ' , J.
Well, what d'ye think of that?
W . -----
' '--' Qh' see yeJbottlcs large and eolde,
V, 5,'y '' b. .... www,
' ,- And marke ye doggyc sage and bolde
., ' Denote where they may be,
V " Where is ye smalle, hottc byrde?" you aske--jv,
. " He absent is with reason; : - f "'
4 '' Ye gunner hath ben clean forgottc ;.
al, i nat tnis is ye close season.
There is no close season for
TA A iftSi)lnM
M'yfm The 3
cer That's JSrewed
Wall, Nichols Co., Ltd.
Corks may popwhengunsmaynot.

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