OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, May 14, 1910, 3:30 EDITION, Image 16

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1910-05-14/ed-1/seq-16/

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"When Knighthood was in Flower"
The most' beautiful Romantic Drama ever produced.
$5000.00 worth of
Designed from the costumes
used in the
Original Production.
Miss Oswald has been ,
favorably compared to
Julia Marlowe in this
wonderful part.
ftojig Rccltrl of American Composers,
Tbu concert to b rKcii under tbi
lriipilcea of tho Music Circle, of thu
Kljnhani Art League Thursday vi-'
nlns May 2filh, will In r moie tlnn
'fj-dlnary Interest, from the fact tliul
iill of the songs have been selected
from music sent In Mr. K. A. I'. New.
rjinib lp' tho follontng composers.
Mrs. H'li. A. Deni-h. Miss Margajot
Pymlneti Lang, I'rof. fleoigo W. Chad
U'k Mr. Arthur I'oole, Mr. Atlhu
.Eitrwell. Tliesij ceiniKisera In 10
,' fpontc to Mr. Newomb's Icttri have
x)rc8scil a great lntffeht In tho eon
rett. It Is hoped that MrB, Carrie
Jitnlii Ilond wU bq hero at tint
TlhiM. If bo, fho will bo Invited to
iiTnp her own songs. There will ao
l;o on the program songs by tho fol
lowing l(!cal composers; Mrs. Wsllcr
pFrear (the, wife of Governor Frcar),
Mr Oeorgo ". Divlea, Mr, Philip Hall
rrt -Mr. K. A. I. Newcomli. 'Hip pro
SMin will jncludo pianoforte number
liv Mr DM ward MacDowell. nnd Mra
Clara Katlilcen Rogers.
International Fete,
If foil ihou'il h'tppen to pass nlung
the cornir of LuiihIIIu nnd Pontncoh
UlcetB on tlio veiling of May 27th
nnd sen tlio Kr'at procession of, peopl"
nil In native costumes winding In and
out the Bhiiihhory to a lively tunu of
llotger's band, don't get further, for It
will only cost ynu u liulf dollar to
rotno on tho liiBldo or if you happen
to be under IK tho pilco Is a quarter,
and everybody will get their moneys
mil th, On tho Tonuey veranda will
be founit 'b representation of tlu
Auti'ilcau Colonies pietty gills with
powdered hnlr nnd a tiny black patch
on their pink cheeks will greet on
and make you feel at home. You may
Join In the Virginia neol or hae ,t
iti't of refreshment served by an old
Southern "mummy." On tlio Knwan
itdkoa lanal tlio (lei man ladles und
gentlemen will present sonip humor
'mm iiml chni.-u-tnrli.tlc toliitf. D'lnvvpi'
,elils In couliimo will nmkcj things lit
Curtain 8:15 sharp.
foresting and there will bo a double-
'co ilance. nnd fine singing by wol
known people. At vurloiiB places over
tlio grounds will be found booths rep-
ifBentlng tho rirltlfli IsIih, France.
npuui, Mexico hussiu ii.iwnti, Japan
and Chliri. In each separate booth
will bo tound the most nttr.ictlvo en
lettulmuent. Kranco will have do.
Ilclous caudles nnd dolls or all i0 na
tions for Bale. The Urltlsh people
will present tho swoid dance und tho
Highland Kilns. Uuttcrnillk will be
served by pretty1 girls In dairy maldJ
rottunifsj And the Iigllbh folk songs
suns hy Mrs. Alex. Lindsay. Tho
Spanish tioubadouis will wander
nround slnglyg us they go. Thcro will
no mo Hpanisli cnsicnci dunce. A
lady In Mexican continue will sell real
hand pnlntecl fnnB or tho fcnncs ot'book "Huwnllan Momorles.'' by Miss scngerti un tho-Mongnlln en louto to
Mexico done with her own hand. Hn-Hlanche Wcnner. will be delayed In San Francisco. Relatives In Callfor
wail Is woiklng up n most ntraetlvo jtlie publishing, This book Is lu great nla will claim them lor Bomo tlmp. Af
enteitnlnmcnt, Ileal Hawaiian food demand, tlio first allotment wns sold ter that n Jrrp south to Mr. Wutson'a
will bo served and tho decorations will tho second day In Seattle, Wash,, tieuplo may 'bo made.
No unusinlly beautiful. In the Chinese
nnd Japanese booths ths ladles will
wear llielr richest Oilental costumes
end their entertainment will Iw pie-
sent" I in n most charming fashion.
Russia will redeem herself In the eyes
of tho Honolulu pioplo, and this booth
will bo odd and Intcrest'ng, Tlio post-
ixmemcnt or tho International Fete on
account of the burial of the late Kins
Af Ungl.ind only means that given a
Stonier length or time tho busy work-
era will give a better entertainment
than If It wns given a week earlier, lis
was first advertised,
Mrs. Hiinelierg entertained thirty- Phlllpplno Islands, neompniilod by
two of her rrlends nt luncheon Mon- her mother, tin. P. S. Kellogg whoso
day nt tho Young Hotel, Tho lunch, liusband Is n Mirgeon in tho U. 8.
eon wns.oxtromoly elaborate and thu Army. Rationed In tho Phllpji'no Is!
guests had un enjoyablo time. lands, jusscd thtough Hoiiolubi i(n tho
Mongollii en ronts trt the mainland,
Mrs. RenJeB nnd Miss Iletijes ae- whore they will spend the most of
tompnnled by Mrs. Julian Monsarrat their time In Callfoinh. During tht"
will leave next Tuesday onvlhe Muu- short time spent here they were en-
nn Kea ror llnwuti. Mrs, itenies nna
her daughter will visit at the beau,
tlful Kapupala Ranch, which Is tho
home of Mr, and MrB, Julian Mon-
unrtnt. I'.uimilo.lhey will visit the
Volcano of Kllauon, Dining tliolr
" THE T A M ING O ,F T Hl JB S H Rf-E W "
two week's uht.cnco, they will bo over which,. They have motored 'In tho
missed by their many friends lu Ho-ieomso orj'thelr extensive travels.
iioluru. I tlovernor, ,ynu Schalek expects to Join
his wlfu, tit the expiration of eight or
Consul Canavarro's Dinner. it"t niomils. nnd thuy will return to
Monday (polling Consul Qjiinvtirrti their nttriTctlvo home uftor sover.il
entertuinedlat u stag dinner. In honor months gwft in iiurope.
of Captain I'lntn Ilastoj of tho I'or- ' ,
tugueso cruise San Gabriel. Tho' Lieutenant-Colonel Wheeler nrrlvcd
Cnptnln nnd Bovoral of tho other oUl- !on ho U. S. A, transport Hlieildan und
Cors wore Invited. : will ims-mm. Ilm rnmnmn,! ,,r n, nrii,
Miss Miller and Mr. Miller enter
tallied Informally Thursday evening
nt dinner at Hie Moulin Hotel, in
honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Ilolluway.
After dinner Uie party attended tho
On nccount'of printers' errors, tho
where this gifted girl resides. Mies
Wontier vyhb Is ppeudlng the summer
In Honolulu lu company with her
mother, cabled to the publisher, The
Cochran Publishing Co. or Now York
to await n letter from her before
continuing to publish this bonk of
verses. Miss Wcnner Is u Wcssoley
graduate; dining her-senlor cur, she
was elected class orator by uTlnunl-
lupus ntn. During her freshman and
Junior year sho wrote for the Wesio-
ley magasluo.
Mrs, lands J. Vim Qeli.ilek, mm Hel
loes. Wlfll Of tbn OovePrini- of Mlmlnr.i
tortain"l by om rrlends and weio
greatly please with the rapid strides
Honolulu Is making toward becoming
a city of-note mid they fully enjoyed
the lie-iullfiil roids which, tlmy think
coinpnio favorably with any of llioho
Af4,Jfti.t - ..h4.. .:lavn . ..,-.. ",,
wi"wwff i:j- .vKhHBaiifHr.uL.i..
;ir.Ul7i L&ff lHI
0' ' '
I Cavalry at Schollcld Ilnrrucka, and
will nlso be senior nrmy officer In the
Hawaiian Islands until the return of
Colonel Schuyler, who has been detail
ed to acrnmpany I'lluco Ttal T'ao to
New York.
I Mr. und "Mm. Kdwurd Wntaon nnd
their 'small ehlld Avoro donartlAg ii.is-
Mr L C. Abies was n insiengr
bound for tho ('oust on the Mongolia,
snltlm; May Eth, on business whle'i
may eal him uw'ny for tin imlfflnlto
Tho urilvnr on. schodulo, Tnesdjy,
Miy Kith, or the J'ortusueso wnishlp
Sun (liibrii'l wns thu oconslou or miieh
lutoiost especially to tho Portuguese
colony, which Is u latg" one, nnd who
di'iuoubtrnteil their loyalty tit, llielr
niulher country by tho warm lecepllon
neenrded tlnjlr ' eonntrytnen. ()n ae
count or the death or King IMwnrd
II ttlio three rl'iyi- .or mourning pro
scilbPil by etiquette caused it cessa
tion rf tho plans for-ciitoitalnliig. ''On
Frld ly. May 13th, upon tho eoucliislo't
of the period of mourning, thcio was
u lenevvul of tho plans for tho en
teitiilnment Of tho captain and officers
of tho forolgn cruiser which begun
fjnllh a reception and lull which V(as
held at Lusltuna hall and It was .
veiy btllllntit iiHalr. Tbn lull and
grounds were hnndnimely decoruted
flowers und p'uiits, cosey nooks fjnniHil
lu vines t'ti 1 iims, eleetrln llghm
which woto nld.mulu over; ptrl of
' mmmi'lii itm!liiti
thoxSiounda music, und tho dance, in
whlcli the officers In their uniforms
mingled with tho beauty and elite of
I'or tugueso toclety, It was nn event
which Ii.ih never been soon In lluuo.
lulu Puitiiguose society. During the
uimilnilcr or tho San Gabriel's stay
In port ninny nrrnugenieiits uro made
Hi tntert.iln tliom today n picnic ,a
Pearl llnrbor u tilp to tho volcano
unit possibly u banijiiet ut tho Young
Hotel, will nil thu tliuo ullotled tlio
Iteteicnd V. H, Illlss, who Is mio
of tho clergymen or St. Andrews
Cathedral has been traveling n tho
Northwest, making u most ngreeablo
Impression upon1 )ho people who were
fortunato lu hearing him preach, ur-
tlcularly lu Spokuno, whete he has
recclvi'll a cill to tho minister' of
one of thu Kplscopal c'.iurchea lu that
Aiwufs theadQpartlng pnssongerH on
tho Mougnlbv, BulUng Muy 8th, wort-
Mrs. I), it, .Mcrnnm nnd Miss Mcrrl-
am, who wero extensively eutei tallied
during llirlr sojourn In Honolulu. Tho
Mends whom these charming peop'o
made while hi'ie were at the stuimof
to wish them nil good wlBhes for n
plencant voyage, and Ut express their,
pleasure in tho delightful companion-,
fclilli whlclnwas nnjnye-l wilo these
iigienuine peopio lesiueu aiming us.
Rev et end W. D. Westcrvclt has re,
turned from nn extended trip to Mex
ico und California, Ho Is looking as
If the Journey ngreed with him, ami
Is most enthusiastic over Mexico, par
llculnr'y.lho City of Mexico, nnd of
Lo3 Angeles nnd other ,clten of tho
W F, Pierre rMtirneil to his lioma
lu San Fraiich'cn on tho Mongollii,
after a very delightful stay In Hono
lulu. He s thu highest officer in tho
Miouulc lodges ofCalirornla and wa
not mil n wolcomo guusSI'tho Ipi
tcmlllcb of Iruuolulu, but also rccelv
ed mudi attention fiom olhors not
iiqiongitig to tno oruer mr no was
"wined nnd dined" front, tfie hour of
his arrival until hla ilopa'rturo. and lits
visit wus replete wjth al tho, attetj,
tlnu nnd hospitality which is u chief
characteristic or Honolulu folk.
Sherwood Lowro's departuro for.eces. .Most of tho'giiosta woio mu
San Francisco on tho Mongolia, Sun- utcul. and u dollghtrul arternoon was
day. May 8tli, has left n- void In tliu'B,,ont, Among thiiBO present were Mrs,
ounger eliclo of which ho wus a pop-Ijac nulch, her mother, MrB. Skely,
wnr iiiruuirr. iio was uiiuuni tuvoitu Mrs , Jllston, Mrs. Frnncts uay, Mru.
1,1,1. Into A...1 l...f.l .nnoollAn t lha'n .? .. -4 .. ' ...
with los and held a reception at tho
wharf which rully uttosted the Iku
lallty or this iinlversHl fuvoiito.
A pretty weddingelegant In Its
nlmpllclt)--n'iiH int of Mlia l.illlui
ifrfiilM-nffli'ihiiMirkVi ''iJiSssJt'- v . .A 'idbMmwxSk i
Hawaiian Opera House
Opening night
MONDAY, MAY 16th ,
Otiproduction of this play
.will act as a monument '
to our success in Honolulu
Carriages called at
10:,45 p. m. ,
FlBk, tlio bride of Allen Jneger. Tho
liunAsome homo of Mr. and Mrs. Klsk
on Moss avenue, Oakland, was where
tho matrlngo was kolcinnliod. Tho
lniirosftvc service of tho Cnthollc
Church was read hy Reverend Father
O'Connor, assisted by tevercndFath-
or Crnmwell of St. Maryjs, College,
Tho house was beautllullyilecorated
with the lovely flninof wlrretr Call-
fornln Is so proline. In tho dining
room fsrns, palms and ennutlonsi
.were in prolusion, ah Hawaiian or-
chostra was Btatloneil in tho music
room. The In Ido was charming In her
wcdfllng gown or rroum white crepe
de'clion?, which-wfs very lovely with
its trimmings of old laco. Her showtr
bouquet of orchids and lilies of the
valley wits most effective, and the
orchids In her hair enhanced tho hsuu
ty of her continue and her stilkyiglj
Jieautlfiil face.
Pedro Party,
Tim Misses Moccauley were ho3t-
esses at nil enjoyable pedro party on
Saturday last. Tho tiffalr was given
honor ofMr. and Mis. Irving lltiril.
ncaiitlful prizes wero awarded to those
posEesslngttho highest fcores. At
c'0Vp n o'clock u delicious supK;r wa3
gcrvQd nt a circular tsblo nrranged. lu
tho (llnlntf room. The center tnblo
wni oitnineuted wlrh violets. From
under this b uut'ful ccn(oi piece tho
ends of littimi hiuiii riuoon wero ai-
rnuged, tho other emls being attached
by n hunch of violets, and served na
place e'ards for the gu-sta. Among
thoso ptoscnt vvero Mr. and Mrs, Irv.
Ing llurd Misses Genevieve Column,
Rita Column, Dcas, Oraco, Lyons, 0'
Lean, Nelson. Elolso MacCauley
Messrs. Orny, MacCauley, Perkins,
Wrleht, llurd, Slnciilr, lliutnul.
Mrs, Dalch's Luncheon.
Thursday, Mrs. Jack llnlUi was
hostess at a violet luncheon given In
honor of Mrs, Francis Oay of Kait.il
nnd Mrs. Charles Dlston or Uerkclay,
Cnl. The table was u 'mass or long
stemmed purplo vloels. A largo
! coraago bouquet of these rragrunt flow.
ers vvtis discovered nt each pi ice, with
dainty plnco cards (led with violet col
orod satin ribbon. After dinner Mrn.
Hatch's guests of honor sang a num-
ber of duels, must or them being Hu
wnllan songs. Mrs. Halch was prevail
ed uiion to play several Instrumental
purdy. Mrs. Avilliam Thompson, -Miss
Rkelly, Mrs. Ftedcilck Damon, Miss
Ada Rhodes, and others.
Mrs 'Manuel Oarrrt nrrlvnd mi the
mlilan l'.rlny, Mrs, (Inr- dining 1. lUlslt i In this Cli Cnllv.
' -. V -V ..ff i. , 1 . j. S W .- '.... . t
ret was mcl ut the steamer bt' her
relatives nnd numerous friends, who
gao her a hearty welcome.
The following Is n clipping from
tho San Francisco Chronlclo:
OAKLAND. April 27. With
chnrmlng simplicity, tho marrlugo of
Allen Jaeger und Miss Lllllan'Flsk
wus yolmenlzcd this evening at the
FIsk family residence In Moss live
nue. Most of those present wore
cioso menus 0 tne uriuo irom eouu
mn county, where she formerly lived
nt FlBk Mills, mid the tnomberu .of
tho Jaeger and Flak families.
FernsSind carnations made tiro cf
fectlve,ilccorntlona In the living
room, where tho marriage service
was read by llov. Father O'Connor,
assisted by Ilev, Futhcr Crunwoll-or
r-St, Mary's college. Palms nnd cur.
nations worn used 1 the music loom,
where u Hawnllnu orchestra was sin
Honed, lu tlio dining room plilk
roses nnij greons offored n pretty 'nr-rangoment.
Miss FIsk was given Into tho
bridegroom's keeping liy her father,
(leorgo W. FIsk. Her wedding roba
was nindo or white crepe do cliluo.
Tho bodice was finished with 11 oko
nnd cuffs of handmade point Ince.
Tho Bklrt carried broad bands of cm
broidery, which reached to tho doop
flounce. Tho bride carried n shower
of orchids mid miles of tho valley.
Sho woio orchids In her hair. ..
Miss Hazel FIsk was her counliraj
only attendant. She wns,gowned In
ji dainty lingerie robe of palo pink
unit carried au armful of pink roccs.
Oeorgo llazolton was best man.
After the wedding supper Mr. nuil
Mrs. Jaeger lefUoir their honeymoon,
which will bo spent In tho southern
part of tho slnte. Later they ""will
continue their honeymoon to the
orient. Upon their icttirn to the
bay cities tho lining couple will es
tablish their homo with tho bride's '
. Mra. Jncgor Is one of tho striking
ly beautiful girls of Oakland. Jaeger
Is the son of Albert Jaeger of Hono
lu'.il and Is cloVely ronnectcd with
tho Uoblnson family of the Hawnllnu
Islands. Ho is engaged in business
lu tho bay cities.
On the Incoming steamer from
Honolulu Pa) master ami Mrs. J. U.
Stanton uro passengers. Thoy liavo ,
beon for tho last six mouths onjoy.
Ing tho beautiful Islands of the Pa
cific nnd will visit a while In thl
city boforo gglng to Santa Ilarbara
for the summer. As Miss Lena May-
nurd, MrB. Stanton was tho center
of a groip of charming 8ouil n
gins, who nlvvays enlnrtnln fdr her
1,1 iron btobtow..!

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