Newspaper Page Text
' issssssBIfPwyP'ffPr?nBM chkKw iH ' . ... -H - . ,"; Ti . i ? " f IlUNOr.ULO, T. 11!", FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1910. A Wb ' v t ma in " " t rvrninu iiui.i.etin. iiuNor.ULrs. t. hy. inuriAY. jiii.y i. mm. K -1 ' '! - .. 1 , . ' '' )' I ' ll II i . ,i i ' . i I i. v WRITE GQMPERS : ON RUSSIANS in n Ii'i( I u Labor Union Of Hilo Also 'Resents Lyman's Criticism (Special Ilullctln Correspondence ) lllto. Hawaii, Junu 27 'f "llllo, Hawaii, June 24, 191". "To the Hon. $atuuel (lumper, Pres ident, redcrutlon o( Lubur, Wash lugton, D, C. "Dur Sir: This la in) Ilrst letter of Introduction to joU, aud on be half of the llllo Labor Union, I am Instruitcd to lommunlintu to )ou und express our high appreciation ol the btnud tnkou b) ou iu regard to the planters who are making virtual slaves of the Russians In the Terri tory ol llnu'nll. We cooperate with )ou Iu the opinion that the plant ers should deport them ut thcli own expense. "The labor conditions In this Ter ritory are such that the country In flooded with Asiatic laborers, which lcaca no cban e for an American citizen to work on these plantations for' n living wage, and In order to protect the American working man wo have organized n union of about two hundred members. Wo are Idoklng with tho expectation to the future as to tho continued growth of our labor movement upon which rcbts our dentin) tor freedom, of hope, and high aspirations, tho cul tivation of all which Is LcsE and no blest Iu tho human family. Wo Bin crcly hope that the labor organiza tion on -4 he mainland will take nn aitlvo part In demonstrating the ta bor problem of this Territory. It U tho aim of this unlonlo join with the longshoremon of San. Franclscd and fight for tho principles of labor and to extend the hand of friend ship to nil In the. effort io bring about success and happiness. "Hoping tho desire ot the llllo I-ibor Union will be clear io you, 1 beg to remain, yours very respect fully. "SECRETARY, HIM) J.AHOIt UNION'." i ' .The above Is the text of the let- f. ' ter which the llllo Labor Union will ' solid to Gompers. It was read at the j meeting of tho organisation which "vy was held nt Firemen's Hall last Frl- J V d.i) evening, and was adopted. A letter from Supervisor Ionian, whlih appeared In the public press, t a'lld In which the lenders of tjjo ( union were scored as ngltators on , account ot their kick for thhen 1 ronement ot tho eight-hour clause In luiuit) contracts, nnd their pro-'- test against the using of prjsquers on roud Work, was read to the meet In B. ' Chairman Ewallko made Jjie fol lowing answer: "Fellow members of tho union, 1 would ask )ou to hear me In con nection with some of tho attacks which have been published In the Hawaii Herutd ot June 23,. 1910, against the officers of this union by a member of tho Hoard, ot Super visors. In regard to the union's ati tltude on ttmIpht-hotir Uuuhc, a such attacks were mado without an J foundatlou at all. Thcro are bouicpcl cullar mlsapprehenslomi which exsl In the minds of borne mon regard ing the labor movement. It stem's to me that 1 can render no better tervlce than to clear up those false attacks, and otter they have been cleared up, we shall be In a bettei position to saj that we can go along band In hand Iu Uie production and the distribution of the wealth ot our country. I lust want to say a jt'.yword In regard to these nttacks In ' -the Hawaii Herald to the effect that we are 'agitators.' , "Krom the time when I organized the "Union, you all know that I am ttrbdrd.worklng man In this town of llllo. arid wutt so beforo I obtain j- pil mv tirpumit nmelal tmsltlnn as a clerk and Interpieter of the Uoard of Supervisors. I, utn an advocate ot every man's doing his level best, and lira not an agitator. I think that the American woikliig man In this town should hot only organlzo and demiyul.jthe eit, possible conditions pbtiftlabk' hut I bollovo that ho . should ,cye In return the verv best Wy fJWk'ot ijlch,jh,ini8'r4pablo. Hut 1 want to enter 'my emphatic piolest against this umstant use ,of the torip.'flgltator.' ' "There W no truth lor foifiltiflon for such crlllclem. As a matter ot tact, this union did not take tho at tltude of criticizing the action of the Hoard of Supervisors. We slm- ...piy take and dlscuts matters within the Jurisdiction of this union. It is a ine duty of tne officers of tills uulon to size up tho trouble wltt; their fellow men mid we am ilraundlncr , --.--- - ,r tne road work of this county, to . A&.Q vnicn wo arc u iurt.o cuutriuuiure. Ih 2"'e "Aont to'exnand our opportunl- fl ties for our own Uvea and thobe of our children' that we and they may ' Iu their time be In a better position ' o protect and advance their Inter- i ' ests in the battle ot life. . u ...,.,.1. I l-,t...l "I want to say to you fellow wen that v,t are beginning to organize 1 Atid)tbu)tJ- 'r the labor movement of our own count), nnd 1 look forward with ex pectation to the continued growth of this labor movement during tho next two jcars, because on Its shoul ders Is placed the mission of ..ful filling man's destiny of freedom, of hope, of higher aspirations, the cul tivation of nil that Is noblest nnd best In the human fatnllj. "W'c sincerely and earnestly pro test agniiist tho prisoners being Heed on public roads, as they ought (6 bo ((inllned In a quarry where they 'can cut stones Und materials for gov ernment loads, and the government deilvc beiicllt thereby, Tho law ot the hind bus given us that privilege as citizens und taxpayers and voters ot this touuty, to demonstrate the true principles of laborlsm. Wo must fight as a unit for the prlnil pies of labor, mid extend the hand of friendship to nil In the effort to bring about the target measure ot success Hlid happiness and progress with the least friction and disturb ance In our everyday lives" The sentiments expressed In this speech were endortcd by tho unani mous tote of tboiu pui-elit, mid It nus voted to have the speech pub lished In the press as the answer of the union to the nttack. A long discussion of the eight hour labor chuse matter followed, t 1' Hole recommended Jbnt men working over eight hours on gov. crnnient wo.Vt coulll iharge over time. S K. Kahana said that tho Contractors were not to blame, and Jim Kcpoo stated that It was option al with the laborers whether they Wanted to work more than eight hours or not Iteprcsontatlvc Koalawaa was call ed upon to explain tho meaning ot the law, as he had helped to pnss It He said that the Legislature had pntscd It with tho Intent that a minimum wage of fl.fiO should bo paid for an eight-hour work day. It was also tho Intent of tho Legisla ture to prevent the employment of prisoners on public roads, nnd to use prison labor for other work. Several members spoke of the Im migration law, p'almlng that tho repeal of this lavf Bhpuld bo the principal Isiuo for (the union to take up during the comlpg campaign. All ;anddntes who wonted tho support of the organization, must, pledge themselves to work, for ,tho'rcpcnl of the present law. J Olha demanded 4that tho union should nominate Its own candidates. The rialr ruled him out of ojder, explaining that the union should se lect the laudldntes whqnr It would supiHirt from the tickets placed In thi"fled by tho three parlies, when It could pick ouf. from among these the candidates wh,o were favorably disposed towards, the laboring mon. This matter was finally referred to thfi exeputlve committee,. Jim Kepoo. offered a, resolution to tho offect that alter July 1 nq mem ber ut the union should work for jess (ban ll.SO for an eight-hour work day. This carried. J. Ollvn presented a resolution that hereafter the union should bd in government contracts. The mem beri'should work on them without receiving -wages, dividing up the money received at the completion of the work. This carried unani mously. . Oliva also moved that tho union should parade, in (ho Fourth of July, with pioper uniforms,, rljhous, ban ners, badges, etci , ' , . . Tho chair suggested that, the rjm rade inarch to Moobeau Park', where theiiluwall I'onql spclfty wbuld give. a luau, aud that, Uie members bo itvesiiud fifty ce-nta to admit .theni to the feed. The chair was author ized to levy the assessment, und to eecuro the county band to head the parade. Jim Kepoo suggested that, now that public lands were to be opened. consideration of public land mat 'eis. As n result the chair was au thorlzed to draft a petition for cor tain lands at I'ecpeekeo, and was also Instructed to sond forms of a p. plkatlous for the opening of public lands to tho laboring men In the various outside districts on this Is land. AT THE NOVELTY. There will be n change ot pictures at the Novelty Theater tonight. The feature film Is "I'ardncrs," a story by Ilex Ilcach. Those hiving rMd any of his books' knov'ivlut it lop utar wrltor ho Is and tho .Vm'elty' bus b)cu vury tortunute In rec-v nig this, fllin Orton und LcoU Mill conduce to . luvorltes. Their bIhiim o.iJ juKcs nra up to unto an I very calr iy Que oi Miss Leolu's Indl.ia gowni la oa sl-ow In tho wlnlov of,J! moj a and will bo worn by liar, In IntroJno ;n,' her Indian soaj-i, rsiii.rl I,,- ,'-V ('l tut on tho plaao CASTOR! A For InXinti and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Signature of fT Rubbered tooth brushes and Ilnrsnt dental cream at Benson, Smith Co , Ltd, Hotel and Fort streets. V U JlJ. i'HIi'ji f'i- Railway Extension And - Politics Make Times . Lively (Special Uulletln Correspondence.) HILO, Hawull, June 27. Among those who (eft llllo Inst r' passengers on board the Mauna Kca were many llllo people, who went to Kawnlhae, whento they con tinued their Journey Iu Kallua. where they attended tho great thunh convention held to commem orate tho landing of tho mission aries (lev Aug Urnhms, the pastor ot the Kurclgu church, went to Hono lulu last week In order to attend the annual convention ot tho Hawai ian Uvaugcllcal Asso (atloil Tho ringing ot the tiro alarm bell lost Thursday morning at about 1U!3U o clock caubed some llttlo ex cjtedicut In town and nlmoit broke up tho'mcctllig of tho Liquor Com missioners. The causa was a small blaze in an nulo In tho Volcano Sta bles, where some gasoline taught fire through a short circuit. Tho damage was nominal. John O'flourkc. the veteran horse man ot llllo, left hi iho Mauna Kba last week on his way to Maul, whero he will be u prominent figure nt tho Fourth of July meet. O'Hourke will look after tho four horses which rep, resent llllo, nnd It Is to bo hoped that hj will bring back somo prizes when ho returns. The local Democratic County Com mittee has been notified that T, J Hynn, tho well-known Mountain View Democrat, has been appointed general secretary of the executive committee of the Democratic Cen' tra) Committee, taking' the place of the late John Kmnloluth. !t an has been a hard-working Democrat cvor since tho ttmo when 'tho tinterrlfled ones were scarcer than hen's teeth on these Islands, nnd ho deserves tho recognition thus given1 htm. ' Licenso Commissioner Horner of kukalau, who came to llllo last week to attend the"meetlng of the l.lreiiKc .Hoard, reported that politics appeared rather dull ,1n Hnmakua district, Joe 1'rltchard of Hono kaa, who It wari generally hoped would run for the 'office ot super visor, should KernAndez nsnlre .to other honors, has, says Horner, pos itively declined to cntef the race as n rnmtlrtntA. ll" Tarf Assessor Wlllfong left lastj week for Honolulu, with tho 'Inten tion ot taking beforevtho Supreme Court an appeal from the decision of the Hoard of Tux Commissioners In the caso of tho lfawl plantation, by wlich the assessment of the plan tation was reduced fifty thousand dollars. Tho decision in tho cbbo ot J, A. Magulre may also bo appeal ed from, though In this case a re duction of $2000 In the assessment s Involved, The extension ot the llllo Rail r6ad line from Kapoho In the direc tion of tlio Caiit lumber mill' Is'well uridor way, 'and Only about a mile or so repialus' (p b'e completed, six nies huvlng already been flnlshe'd. If, Is expected that' the' line will be In operation In August, when regu lar freight and passenger service over )i win ue iimuurmeu, A larHU pumber of nhla ties havo beeh pro pared by the Cant mill, and there will bo more than' a shipload on hand when the' railroad provides tho outlet needed for the shipment. Work Is now going on on tho construction of the Hank of Hllo's Kona branch bank building at Kca- lakekua, and It s expected that tho bank will upon for business during the mlddlu of July. Mr, Macfarluno will bo in chargo as manager, and M, de P. Spinola of the llllo bank staff will go to Koua to start tho new brunch. John Cameron, tho section over seer In chargo ot the I'aukaa section o( tho Onomea plantation, was laid Up by Illness last week. Principal William MtCluskey ot the I'apulkou school will go to Ho nolulii uoxV Krlday. He has been selected to take charge of the his tory; fiiipnrttoetit of ',tho summer Hdiool which 'will be conducted by the Uoard ufr Education this sum mer, Joaquin Lulz, a Portuguese, wus last week sonteuced to six months' ImprJBonpiont, by Jiidj;u.Bwalniou a chargq of asuUlt up b'attery,, i Ho was charged with having as'stultcd line Augustine Marine, using a rock hs a weapon und battering up his opponent quite badly. inairmau iiarry-lrwin of the local Democratic County Committee wll cull u meeting of that organization some time during tho tomlug mouth. Among the business to be taken up will be that of the appointment of a secretary to succeed T J Ilyan, who will locate In Honolulu for the present, and to select candidates for the Hoard of Registration. The Republican County Commit tee at Its meeting last week again discussed the plan to have the county run an electric light plant. Astfnfii' lu 'rS.SiYt ,i,...Iiai'i li irfnni ,jtA -iKhfM,.- It, ,m ,..,i. I I ,f& J. Ollva of llllo and O. D, Supo of Olaa wore hd4rsed for appoint ment on the. Hoard of Registration. William K.l Rngsdac has been ap pointed a probation officer of the Juvenile CourfA-for this' circuit. The other members' are Father Aloyslus H. llorghouts, Uudge Charles Swnln, Levi C. Lyman!) Mist Isabella Flem ing and WlUlatp McCluskcy. Principal Rhhmond of the. llllo High School IcCt In the Mnunn Kca Inst week jfbr (Honolulu, whero no expected to remain fur a few days beforo leading for tho mainland, whero he will suend his summer va cation, JIo wlll go ns far Kast as Chicago, whero 3ie will visit rela tives. He will b'u abtfcnt from llllo about ten weeks. Professor Thompson of tho Hlshop Muteum staff, wlu spent several weeks here looking for new species of fish nnd other , monsters of tho deep, went to Ka'inlhao in tho Ma una Kea last wck, on his way to tho Kona district, where he .will lontlnuo his Invontlgntlons. Pro fessor Thopipsou was, rather dlsap pointed with tho results of his work In llllo, ns ho ..found only thrco specimens ot any Interest during his entire stay hero. ' Mr. McQuald at Kona, who bad chargo of tho census work on this Island, left last vvcck for Honolulu, having completed" his work. Hcsldcs tnking'.fjenclra ni(ervston of tho census work' In the dlffdrcnt dis tricts, Mr. McQunJd did tho census of ho mnnufactulrcrs and of most ut the sugar plantations on this Is land. 'DK Vlclcfr' Clnrk, the chief special agcnt'lfr charge ot tho work on nil the Islands will leave Hono lulu for Washington tomorrow. Postmnster and Mrs. George Do sha left last vvrck for Kallua In order to attend, the big convention of church peoplfe. They went over land by rig, nnit expected to return to Hilo this weolt. unim'm mate FIGHT IT OUT en i ii llI,0,tHawntl, Juno 27. Thcrowas 8tormyM8essnion' board tho schooner Expansion, which Is now lying in tho harbor' wyck, when Captain Ja cobscn and Klirt Mato Hcnnlngscn had It out with their fists on tho vessel's deck. ' According, to Deputy Sheriff Fetter, (Special Dull o(t I n Correspondence J to whom thf combatants' brought tiicir troubles later on, It appears that tho ma,te hideen1 worshipping' at tho shrine of ilachus, or whatever tho h,amo of the deity to presides over tllp flowing lion I nt Walakca may be, and thjit h'p had come on boitrd the schooner with' a somonhat querulous dlsposltlon.( It appear that tho un offending' cook' met' with his dlsfnvor. and he tackled llip, galley genius. Tho, captain Jumped iin.jknd tho. two oflli cers took tho center 'of tho stage. ThiTu werq no rules nnd only one round, for .they clinched' after a few passes' hud j'oen mado, nnd tho hat- (Io ended inftioriousiy witn ootn men rolling In tho scuppers. Tbo captain went to tho pollen sta tion to get a warrant for tho arrest of tho mato. 'but It appeared to tho police that tho mato had tho worst of the deal, und as thcro wcro no wit nesses who would testify, und ns tho origin of tho fight wns thus vhroud cii'lu iiiy'stery, no 'action was takeij. Tho matu has 'been l paid off and will Veck' povturea udw! while the cap. tutu la. necking another mate. SlIRilREPORTS Thi following "ir;.r 1 1 mcsiuft Lis been rccejved 6y tho Bi'its from tho. 8 S. Sierra: "A Sea, June SO, :9t0, 3 p it. 0 S Sierra, 477 inllos froui Honolulu, strong K. K. winds ten 1 i'ilto a heavy head sea. Weather rqually at Bar 30 30; air, 70. Occasionally u man gets so dlacour uged that ho feels like writing poetry. uetter n rolling stone than a stolon roll Chicago News. Marriage is Eeldom what it Ic con tracted to bo. IT ia your money; and bo, if you see fit to pay 25 centa for a two-ounce cake of "toi let" soap, pay it ' 'But a 5 cent cake of Ivory Soap weighs three times as much, and is better soap. Why better? Because it is purer; because it contains np "free" alkali; because it floats. Ivory Soap 99o Per Cent. Pure OPERATION HER ONLY CHANCE WasCurcd by LydlaE.Pink ham'sVegetable Compound Adrian, Go. "I suffered untold misery from n femalo weakness nnd disease. And I could not stand more wan a minute at a time. Jly doctor said an operation was the only rhnnro I had, and I dreaded It almost ns much as death One day I was reading how other women' had been cured by J,ydla K. Tinkham's Vege table Compound, nnd" decided to trv It, llefore I had taken"ono bottle 1 was better, and now 1 nm comnlctelr cureiL"j-LENA V. IlsWhr, Jloute No. 3, ,, . Why will women tako chances with an operation or draff out a sickly, half hearted' existence, missing three- 4 llftaaiiciu CAinreiiw). t,toa,iig .vv- tthsof the Joy of living, when, they I find health In I.ydla E. rinkhnm's rourms can find veirntftble Comnoundr For thlrtr rears It hat been, tbn Standard remedy for female Ills,, and has cured thousands of women who havo 'been I -tfoubled VPlth flcli -nlV- monisasiisniaccmcn(ii,iuuiiuiiii'iiiuii, ulceratldh. fibroid tumors, Irregulari ties, pctlodlo pains, backache, indiges tion, and nervous prostration. . If you havo tho slightest doubt (hot Jjyilln, li Plnkham's Vcro tnblo Compo.untl will help you, vrrlto to Mm. lMnkhnm nt Iynn, Mnss., for advice Your letter will bo Absolutely confidential, and tho ndvlco fro. Ruberoid r, pf f Roofing it protection aeainstthe heai. It keeps the building cool by keeping the sun's heat out. It it Weather-proof, Fire . proof and 'Acid-fesisting, ,' i lLUI , tX)Il 8 ALU UY I'lfl, . 4,1 Lcwers & GooKe, LIMITED 177 SOUTH KING ICE Manufactured from pure distilled wat er. Delivered to any part of city by courteous drivers. Qajiq Ice.&,,Eec.riGCp.. Kewslo.,, , t jKicpnpnoo, TT Delivered to residences Ice -and offices at 25o..per nundred in lu-Ib. lots or more. ' W. 0. DA UN HART, I33i Derciupt at., Tel. 149. .r ,, v PRIMO Rainier Beer FOB SALE AT ALL BABI , , TELEPJI0NE 1331 ,r Order?J . Cream Pure Rye Sold by L0VEJ0Y AND 0 0.. SUMMER VACATION .SUGGESTS H ALEI W A IT'S A GOOD THING On the Line of the Oalm Railway WAIKIKI INN Fint-Clan FamUv Hotel Best Bathjng on the Beaoh W, 0. BEBGIN, Prop. Unit' k The True Hawaiian Musical Instrument , Easy to learn an,d especially adapted to Hawaiian music. .4 Friends on tho mainland will appreciate a gift of an UKULELE Plain and Inlaid Koa Alex, Younp Building Hawaiian News Co., LIMITED YOUNG BUILDING ArtWfaAnm' )Vv "HtsUc:' CbineU. ' If "3 ," I -, , Z . y WMcnwn uws KKKI Of mOOO UKf wpmem NOiaeMj Io aplua i vwt with. nss avinw'-i lw Ll 1 .LL. ..JL "JJ.L ssn f - " jw ftv-rw sn lassi h n iu QWU mrim OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY ' 031 Fort "Street Fireworks and Flags A. B. ARLEIGH & CO., LTD. Hotel Stres - , FiiilEW65rks! BErJkMt!g Sky Rockets, Roman Candles,' v w. Hef?'r.e .. . t Fireworks in Cases( 'Fireworks of All Kinds WALL,' NICHOLS CO., LTD. Book! Books! Books! . Go to BROWN .&.LY01f CO.. LTD. Alexander.-Younir Bids:. Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted ALFRED D. FAIRWEATHER Manufacturing Optician Oculists' Prestations Filled IIAItltlBON IIL-OCK, TOUT STRUUI Honolulu, T. H. .. . ,WE USE, ., tJo( Preservatives, ' In Our Cream ' 1 f Special ce o:kYe.o ' it cold and protect! it from contamination as k sure ample keeping ij ' qualities. . j, THE POND DAD1T. '' Tel. 890. ssW-ssHMsssfssBtalMsssMMB Do You Dance? If not, wli not I The Royal Acad emy of Dancing holds forth every Friday evening at the Odd Fellows' Hall, corner Fort and King streets. SEWER CONNECTIONS All numbing Work .JOHN NOTT THK PIONKKIl PLUMDBn , 182 Merchant Street, Near Alakca Drink MAY'S OLD KONA COFFEE nest in the Market HENRY MAY & 00. Phone 22 AU the Go "BULL" GINGER ALE RYOROFT'S FOUNTAIN SODA WORKS Phone 270 COCA-COLA REFRESHES Bottled by HAWAIIAN SODA WORKS . Phone 610 tiliMKMMiitL-i&ij . CORPORATION NOTICES. ' NOTICE. At the adjourned annual meeting of tho Sierra Nevada Development (jo , Hem in iioom ZDT,.'Mccandlesj building, lh,,ino"c,ltJ"if ttonoluld, on najidlrec- for the J. S. MiCandleks, h,' McCand. lens, M.'P.llou'lnson. A.M. McDrvde. C: (1. Hockus. At a dlrcctoj-s' hicetlng held Im mediately after tho stockholders' meeting,. (ho following bfflcors were elected to serve for the ycir: J. S. McC'nndlcsa President U I.. McCandlcss. . .,,'Ylpo-I'rcsldent A, M. Mcllndo, ., . .Trpasure'r C. O. Hockus .....'Secretary C. O. UOCKU8, - , . Secretary. June 28,; 1!)1D, , 3t NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given of the In corporation, under the .laws of the Territory of Hawaii, of DANK OF HONOLULU, l,tD. (dapltal IfiOO, U00 fully paid up), which will take over and succned to the business of CLAUS SPflEOKHLS & CO. on July 1, 1910. Thd nANK OF" HONOLULU, LTD. will 'conduct a genera,! banking but- Sn ess as 'heretofore carried on by ILAUS' SPIlfcrJUrTLS & CO, and asks the continuance of the 'valued patrohafeo accorded ''a that' firm. , IJA-Nk OK'HONdLULUl LTD. i w.'o. mwiN, i ut l637-23t President J. HOPP & CO. Wo have tin Id our accounts. Pleasa Set busy nnd attend to yours. If you do not and the account Is placed In tho hands ot an attornoy, the fault will ha jour a, not ours. J. HOPP & v-O.. Per L. C. ABLKB. Manager. ICSG-Iune 27, 2, 29, 30) July 1, n 8, 4 .S(l7. 7 8, 9, 10. " " j BY AUTHORITY".", ' ' , .... ORDINANCE HQID. j ,p.,v VNi pitrjUNANCBi HEtfkTWfa Tli' PLUMIIINU WOItK IN'JHE ClT AND COUNT' OF HONOLyLU. Oe It Ordained by the People of the City ,nnd County of, llonoldluf' Section 1. It shal. bq.unlawful .'or ,any nerson, or, iironAflrrn Nor orporation, f tq do any ."pfumblng A-ork for another In the City aM bounty o,,Hinolu)ii until hp or they ihall have first obtained' a license :o do plumbing work In.accordanco with tho provisions ot Sections 3 and I iofi Ordinance No;.. 6.-of..the pity ind County of Honolulu, as amend H bj Ordinance No. it of the City ind County ot Ipnolulu. ' Section 2. Any'person or persons, lirm or corporation, violating the irovUlons of this Ordinance shall be leemed guilty of a misdemeanor, ind upon conviction tbereot shall' bo mnlshcd by a fine of not more than c'ive Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or y Imprtsonmeut for a term not ex ocdlng six months, or by both fine ind Imprlsonmont. '. Section 3. This Ordinance sha take effect fUteoit dd frphfand aft r ihodate of 'its prdvbl. i Inlrodured by Siilervlsbr " " h W. AYLBTT. Date ot introduction: l '' ' ' May 2, A. DlSld. ' Approved this '2 1st 'Say ot Juns, . Dv 1910. ' ' I ' JOSEPH J. FERN. ' Mayor, 1650 June 21. 22, 23, 21, 25, 3i. 28, 29, 30j'July 1. BUSINESS NOTICES. NpilCE. To the FrecincC Clubs ot the Repub lican Party of the Territory of . Hawaii. Pursuant to Section 17 of Article 1 ot the rules and regulations of the Republican Party of this Territory, the precnc( clubs of the several pre cincts are horoby notified fo meet on Trlday, Juy 8, at 7:30 p. m . for tho purpose of making nominations for officers of said precinct clubs to servo for the ensuing two years, i that cuiji'nrccYnit shall meet at4 same Koir b'n July' 15Pfor,'the'ii and ntHho pur- IHjse pt electing omcors from to jio(uliralea''at.'th9v'hrovloiis those meet ing. '""' "' " " ' in' ,!',!!: "..Whit &.....H.. ni mltree of ''the" Territorial ryentral Cdhimltteo of thRcpubllcan Party. y v a. n. dARTnn . 4C57-3t . Soqfotary. ASSESSMENT NO. 12 " Honolulu Branch of the Harrison ' MatualAsiociaiion -Has beau called and Is DUB JUNE 15 and DELINQUENT on JULY 16i M. E. Silva. UNDERTAKER AND EHBAXHER rrompt and Polite Attention CHAPLAIN LANE. OPPOSITE UATHOUO BISTERS Phone 170 Night Call 1014 L jj.i Juno 28. lpio the followl toVs were clccfcd.' 16' sorvo ensuing ycaVJ'1, "'" ' r 1