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PWPP! m mMHGfaSr yMi' KVTBNTNO nOT.LTmN, IIONOI.TTTitJ, T. II., FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1910. ur i niLi i HjiiiA; . , r One Which Means Money To All Intending Buyers -' "niunaO 'JilT THE GREATEST EVENT ;'For which we havebeen preparing for j Everybody knows what our Annual Sales meanj and we have aimed to have this one eclipse all previous sales. It does not mean cuts in certain departments, but a slaughtering 'of prices on every article in our big store. Everything will be marked in plain figures anJ , sold for cash only. REMEMBER THE DATE, TUESDAY, JULY 5th SACHS' DRV GOODS CO., CORNER FORT Masonic Temple A- r Weekly Calendar :, MONDAY: Oceanic Staled Third Dc,. TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: . - THUR8DAY: FniDAY: Hnwnllaii Second Degree. SATURDAY: All visiting members of tD Order, jure cordially 'lnvlleiTto tie'n(Tnjetinjc of locaTlodgei-" ,, . . ,. .1. meet on ms 2nd and-4tb M6ndayirr;o each vmonth 'af K. P. HaTl 7:30 P.M. MARINE ENGINEERS' Ke?Ai BENEFICIAL WUATIOH. oiijUohi, W HAEMON 10DQE.No. 3, T. O.'.O.F, Meets -evory Monday' evening al 7.30 In I. 6. 0. 'F. iliall. FortStrooi. ' E. It. HENDRY, Secretary, k ' ' II. B. McCOY, Noble Grand. L"AJI visiting brothers Yerj cordially ritVi(t .'"'' f ' OAHIT I0DQE, No. 1, ' o'f'T. .(Meets every flrat and third; Fri day evening at 7:30 In K. nflMIa'U, writer Fprf and. Dcrctanla. Vlaltlng irotbori cordially 'invited to attend. , '.M. JONES, C.C. ,v ,. J, . ' .0. F. ItEfNB.'K. R.ra l HAWAIIAN TRIBE, Ho. 1', II 0. H. H. t.t - ' , , u rMeeta' every Drat o'nd'ttilrd Thura laya of -jruch month at Kulghts of ?ythlas Hall. Visiting brothers cor llally Invited -to attend.' ' V. "HipaiNS. "SachVmT " ,& .! - k, .v.' Tbboi'o1. ot n. NOLTJIU AEIKEUo; fr, dA. Meets-on the 2nd and 4th WEP 5SDAY evonlncs ot each month at 30 o'clock In K. ot P. Hall, corner Iretanla and Fort streets. Visiting Eagles arc, Invited to at end. W. It. RILEY. W. P. WM. C. McCOY. Bee., 0N01UIU, I0D0E 010. B. P. 0. E. wiiotulu' Lodge No,61G, D.,P. O. SlksvS meets lit their hall, oil King ntreet;near Fort,"overy Friday even- jg.' Visiting Drotbers are cordially ivltert to attend. JAS. D. DOUOHEIITY. 13. It. GEO. T. KLUEQEU Boc. WM. McKINlEY I0B0E NO. 8, K. OP P. Meets every 2nd and, 4th faturdav nlng at 7!30 o'clock In K. of P. ,jall, cor. Fort and llefetanla. YUt- Ing brotneia coraiany invueu iu i- (end,.:.. Ut A. TAYI.OJI. C. C. Bufletlri Business Office Phone 25(1 Sulletla Editorial Eoom Phone 185 ui- and BERETANIA .. . New TODAY NOTICE. Being conhcclcd with -.the Mono, lulu Inslltuto for Physiotherapy, I havgVnovcd .om es from 232 Here, tanla street to corner Bcretanla and Richards trccts. 'Consultation hours: 9-11, 21, 7-8. Sundays: 9 11 only. Telephone 287. UK. 8TIIAUII. 4G59-31 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Esiatc of Danp Yoiuifj, Alias Bane Chock Quon, Deceased. Tho undcralgncd having been duly appointed executors of tho IuhI will and testament of Dang Young, alias Dah'g Chock Quon, deccaned, by the Honorable V. J. Iloliluson, Presiding Judgo of tho Circuit Court of tho First Judl:lal Circuit, Territory of Hawaii, on tho 27th day of June, A. D. 1910. notice' Is hcrcVy'-glvcn to all creditors off1 the said Dang Young, alias Duhg Chock Quon, 'detfeased, to present1 tlietr claims 'duly nulhontl tated'and' with' proper vouclicr.f If qT)yleElst;'cVv'h If tho claim Is so cured Vy mortgage , on real estate, to the-undersigned,- at their offlce, at the' fjihu MUcq Mill, oft1 Ucrctanla sOett.'Tlohdfi'ilrf, within six months 'fromlhc-'Ji'rgt 'publication of this nolfctt',oriVl"lln. ' months from Thc7"dater they fall tfiie, or tlioy will bo'Jorovcr barreiU 'drtrNQ 8HAI. (Per O. B.C.) -" , DNG POl, EiccutoTs'df'thc'IJast Vlll'nnil Tea- ''ttfmVnt'lofDa)lg Young, Alliis 'Dalhg 'Chock Quo'iu Deceased. Ditc'a,"'ll6noliilii:"4uno"3u', 1910, , "46B9,-rJnl-A l'F. 22...20. Bciid 6fHliftIjrJEl, ' 'BoardbfPubriV-Iaiidi. ' ,- , Ml : I,,',. Notlco'' la" he't'e'bV'.BVen; that the 'following .'proposed' 'land transactions nro before this 'DoaVd' fir considera tion. All 'pirwns':dc!r'lng to object because lhe"latid',,it'tioild bo hoine Btenilcd of '6'thorwlso lire' vqquescd to Vrescht Buch'object'ion .to this JJoarai tn'rltlH(i, b'rInierson, on MnmlvlSl.'Ji'atriSi:'Air n. m.. at ExecutlvpXajingjCil$ndlulu. T. II., ' .. "" '"ISLAiq) OF, OAHU. ''.' , Sale for vCash. Goverhment 'BBqinhnt at 'M60'IW.' Ewfc? 1.20AC. OoVFrlitnht1 rildmnaht Puweott'co, Bwa .... Government Ilcmnant Mahatia'lk'l, 'k'fn...,t,. Government. TtchYnant at C.68 " at 4.30 at Walmea, Walalua ...... '2.20 Governnfent' Hem'nant at Knhann, Koolauloa 2.00 Land at Kaauwueloa, I'ololo Valley (to bo divided) . .18.8,1 Lot No. U 'aCKcpuhl,' Palolo Valley '1.80 Lot No. 2, ut' Kcpuhl, Palolo Valley v 1.70 Lot No, 8, atlKepuhl, Palolo Valley ... .,..:. 2.70 ISLAND OF KAUAI. Gonoral Lease of the Government lands of Wujpoull, North and South Olohena and Kepaa, other than tho liomcntcad tract, containing an .area nt 3679 acreB, more or lew, of grar lug and waste 'lands. Upset rental! $300.00 per annum. Appllcantsjor above lease: CHAS, A. ni:o and Makee Sugar Co, j. v. imowN. , Secretary, Hoard ot. Public- Lands: Tritrir-Islhn'd nnd O. R, & h. shipping 'looks for anlo at tho B u 1 1 o 1 1 n offlco, COt each. Big the past monthiwill TWO STREETS LOCAL AND GENERAL Autos, $1 per hour1, Lewis Sfabloa, It goes without saying that every thing Is Ilest at Tho Encore. 7-Soated Auto for hire. Phono 199 James Dakcr, Young Hotel Stand. No vagrant bristles In n Kiibbcrsct tooth brush. Sold by Ucnson, Smith & Co., Ltd., Hotel nnd Fort streets. Pcahala Kealil was granted a dl vorco from her husband this morning by Judge Ilublnsou In tho circuit court. JanKS L, McLean was today an-' Iiolntcd administrator ot tho estate of Jamfo II. Illack, deceased. No bond was required. ' Tho 8uprcmo Court adjourned this noon until next Tuesday after hear ing tho arguments In the caso of Mary Kahal versus Yeo Yap. Miss Ucrnlro Dwlght who has been confined, to her homo for sovcral days Is back at her desk today In tho oftlco of the 'Superintendent of Public Works. Indictments havo been found by tho Fcdpral Ornnd Jury against sovorol residents of Mnu'l and Hawaii for vio lation ot tho Edmunds Act nnd a .deputy from Marshal Hendry's offlco wlll visit thoso Islands to arrest tho 'persona within (ho next few days. PA88ENQER8 BOOKED Per stmr. Mlkahata for Maul and Molokal portB July 6. J. F. Rack, Mrs II. Vlerra. Miss M. Shaw. Per stmr. Kfnau for Kauai ports, July 5. A. 10. Mlnvlllo, Chas, A. Illco. Miss E. Wong, MaBtcr I.eong, Miss Levey,- J. W. Woodman, Mrs. Wood man, Mrs. J. A. Midler, Miss Amej, Miss M. Fo'rnandor L. M, Parker. Tor stmr. 'Mauna l)a, for Kona and Kau portB. Jiily 6.--H. Wullaco, Mrs. Wallace, M. Melanphy, It. Kehuriiau, Edith Kamauoha, 1). Xavler. Mrs. Wlcko. Miss Mlnnlo Todd, J. A. Smith Miss Mar' l'opplctorr. ' Pir Btmr.. Mauna Ken' for Hllo" nnd way ports, July 5. Capt. Foster, Jen nlo Macy, Miss I- Smith, Miss II. Smith,' Miss 'Goldsmith, Mrs. B. Kin. ncy, MIbs M. Klnnoy, 8. E. Schccllnn, Mrs. 8chcollno, Miss M. Gosso. II, W. Kimball, Harry Schcollno, II. F. No vos, Mrs. Neves, A. Deas., Mrs. Deaa, Mrs. Wlkandor. Miss Wlkander, John' II. Jones, H. A. Koarns, Miss Nora Stownrt, Miss N biewnn, wiiunm Drosch, Geo. IjarKOr. M, Stanley, Mrs HcaB(ahd, Miss Ahchuck, Miss Hicks, G, 0. Kinney, Tiro. Rayhard, 'Dro. Ma thlas, Bro. Vincent, Bro. Albort. "Per M. N.. S, 8. Ludlno for San Francisco, July 12. rtobcrt Farley, J, K. Farley'. C. O. Ho'ttcl, Mrs. Hpttel, Miss 'h. aturtcvnnt, Miss I..' McStock or, O. P, Hottcl, F. B. McStockor, Miss . ClaVk, Miss P. aesbll, MUs A. W. Din H. Miss V. Cowan, Mrs. A. M. Scott, Miss ''Mabel Sun'tcr, Albert S, Baker. Mrs. naker, Miss A. S. Hart lett Miss Oreon Mrs. J.,J. arcon, Miss M. Dunn, Miss C. Hcrrlck, L. Honls ber'gor, John Hlnd.rMlss N. TBmlth. MIbb A, B. Collier, Mrs. E. T. Mill. , MAILS. Mills' are fliie, at Ilonolulli "from points, ns follown: Yokohama Per Chlyo Maru. July V. 'polonies Per Makd'ra July 19, San Francisco Per 'Siberia, July '4. Vancouver rcr Marama, July, .15.. Walla, will dopart for the foll'nwioi points ns follows: 8an Francisco Per Chlyo" Maru, July 1. Vancouver Per Makura,- July 19. Ypkohama Per glberja. ,Iuly 4. Coionles Per Marama. July 1& j" TRAN8P6RT 'SERVICE. Dlx. nr. Sentt.1,0 from IIon,Ma.y, ). I'gan front Hon, for Manila, June'14 TboinaR. nr. B. ,F..from Hon. Mnr. 10 'Sheridan, from Manila fur lion, June J5, Sherman, ar. S. F. from Hon. Juno 11. Annual Sale begin TUESDAY, JUZiY 5th, WEEKS ONLY BAUUAOE ivk. a .bw ,am & vt .nik isi im City Transfer Co., JAS. H. I0VE. WASEDAS ARE (Continued from Pace 1) l'Mi,inc- Jos?, ,x '2T', l sl,,ml,rt' tho outcomo of tho Chlyo'o movo-V- F- ii"ul," w- K- Splnoln, J. II. Moss menl. j ,nnn' Llahinaii, 1.. Y. Lnnz. Dert As' soon ns tho Chlyo came along' Nolt. Llshman, I), n. Sllva. Mlsj sldu of thu Akca etrrct wharf till "'. Mfss 'Trcadway. Mls Klirfailrf. afternoon yit'"Honoliilu Japaue.soJjMIss Lanford, J, ,A. Li'Icy C. '. chanted n bat.ouall. roug which wound. up with nn 'oaliu CLcaguc yc'.l that mado tho passcngoi on tho Chlyo wonder what, thoy hail struck. aii .i,- nnk i .,. oinniniu worn'Vrun'cIs livaiis. N. L. Stevenson. 'M, present on tho wlinrf. and tho cup- tains and managers of tho clubs also attended. Tho .lopaneso High School children to tho 'number of several hun dred ranged up.and sang tho Japan cso National Authem us tho Wascdas camo alongside - Although tho omnlnus yollow Mag was flying at the foremast, tho liner roon went nlongsldo of tho wharf; many pepplo thought that tho vessel was proceeding to tho quarantine landing but Instead she headed In to AInkca street. t ThOjWnscdas wcro quickly on shoro and were welcomed warmly by their countrymen. Thoy wcro driven straight to tho Aztima Club on School street, whero they wcro troatcd to lunch. Tho varsity players look n likely enough bunch, and they from npponrance. would sem to be good enough. This 'afternoon tho Wnsodns will go down to tho Athletic Park and havo a 'practice game of ball mi as to get used to their new surroundings. Tho party consists of fifteen plncra and several mnstors from tho uni versity. Edward Lane, against whom an In dictment was found by tho Grand Jury yest'orday was arraigned In tho criminal court this morning charged with assault nn a fomalo child undor ten 'years of ago. L'nno was arrcstod on tho sumo charge" "and In the pollcu court was sentenced undor 'n clmrgo far vagrancy us tho County Altornoy thought It m- 'posslblo to convict him under tho moro sorlous ono. Tho action of tho grand Jury In taking the mattor over tho head ot tho Wosccutlng attorney has crcatod considerable talk In tho city am) the! outcomo. of tho trial will bo awaltod with". (nter?st. At the arraignment this morning Attorney Strauss appeared to repre sent Lano and ho asked for ns long tfmo as'"pds8lbIo''to p'repared his caso beforo tho defendant had to plead' to tho charge. July 18 was sot by Judge Cooior as tho date' tor plea and fn tlio mean time ,lt Is understood that stops wllj bo ta'ken to get Lane out under ha beas corpus proceedings. Tho proposition of beliut twice Ir Jeopardy for tho snmp crlmo Is dn; th,al Js expected fo flfturo In tho do' fenso of this' fcnso and will bo an Interesting point argued out In court. LANE INDICTED BY GRAND JURY V Hi" PHONE 152. PASSENGERS BOOKED Per stmr. Klnaui for Kaliiilul, July liSrnuralnn f rni.n I fl fi. ' (or Jr. and- friend, Jlrs. Welch. Mrs. 'J. ailvrt, Miss Killnnua. Miss Towkcs- bury. Gcrtrndo McCorrlston, Mrs. L Hardy, Mrs. Elln Hnrdy, Mrs. H. Hot tcl. E. N. Todd. P. O. Hughes, J. S. 'K. " ocainnin, j. uugvr; y. rw li'midcz, W. Malko, Chas Carficnter, Joseph BllVn, J. Areyodo, Mrs C. G. ilzyviMiu. mrH. I..' jiiran, ir, iiiraui " Freltns. A, H. Sllva. M. Plrayntal. IMcicelt, J. n. Freltas. M. It. Frel- tail, Mrs. I. Bride, W. Marshall, Sam Knniio, P. Ilyan, Joo Fctcrla, M C, Martin, 1.. Foriiko, M. I), Cuinto, Sing Yuen w: dimming, Snm Aypy, Jos eph Ino, A. Fnrrcla, A. Elloo, ,Ooo. Farla M. O. Jnrdln, F. AmoC, Ki. Hoo- pill, Mr, Lee. Paul C. Brldd, J. Simon son, J. Kollaa, It. Knlauokoliia, Chas, Corrra, II, QuInncMu, Samuel' Whlto, O. Mnkalino F. Koven II. French. M. Dunn, Geo. McCorrlston, U. F. 'ixinibn', J. J. Camnrn, Henry Aylctt, John Carey Goo, Koen, Frank Klnl, Ho Fong, John Mnguos, B. Ilolllnger, Jno Kumlknii, Otto Wnguor, Ben Munor Vo. M R Kendall. Geo. Jengcnscit, Ed dlo nuthcrford, W. M. Nnlnoa, II. K. Bnlffcn, C. K. Anlona E. O, Farm. Per stmr, Maiinu Kca, for Hllo, July 2. Excursion Ling Yuen, Ah Wing, Ah Leo, Mrs, French, Ilerlha Hcholh, Miss J. Waltz. Miss Fahy, Miss 8 Hrutfchcs Miss, F. Ilrutschca, Mlsa Emily Winter, Miss F Winter, Mrs. J. M. Munsanat, Miss Balicock, Mrs. Illddct, Mrs, Bural, Miss Hepachason, Mlsa F. Boydo, Miss Pluckhaln, Miss Ccirwln, Mrs. McGrlum, Mrs. Todd, Mra. Held. Mrs. Jns. Lane, Miss Atcn, Mib. M. Hudson Tklrs. 11. M, Thurs ton, Miss Illshcy, MIsb C. Claypool, Miss L. Cluypool, Miss Nlolsou, A. L Williams, Mrs. Williams Miss L. Williams,- J. 8. McCandless. J. A. Ken nedy, Miss Dunn, Miss Hcrrlck,- Miss Destrlck, J. A. K. Mlno, MrB. J. A. K. Mlno, Miss M. Quclno. 8: V. Jaklns. Klrrtot Wllhum, C. Nlmnon.'IIJ Lorn ko. N. G. Hinders. A. El- Welbonrn. W. Wclbourn, A. II. Flmulo. Goo. lloml ..... ...... ui. ..... .- , ft.ij Sill, UIVUL. 1 tlUlilll aim Dull .11. ,,u- dlodltch. O. A. Johnson, W. Ilolstor, E. L. Ilclllnger, Ilnlph Quarles, It, Sudloff, M, Carthy. V. Kamaloplll, A. Mundon, Prof, Polio, Prof. Iiursys, Rev. Walravcns Iong Chow, Ylm Lauo, It Koon Chan, R. Dloko. E, J. l.otson, Mr. Yarborough, AS Pouln, John Illrnm Mnnuol Rbdrlguos Mrs. A, L. Bnlllh, Mrs.. Fruges, Mrs,, L, It. Wolf, W. Vincent. H. aiartwlpk. Miss M. R. Brown. O. A, Becker. E. L. Schwarzbcrg. D. Waltz, A, B. French ! F. II. Wellington n, F. A. Coopor, J.I m. P. Phillips, IV Moody, 13. Deknm Schled, M, Jacob, E. Wolff,.,8,1Evans, A, F, Nau Astrum, Jonn itinos, a. it. Jlena, G, II, Ilpddy and frlou'd, C, II, Fowler, C, It. l.lpplricott, C. M. Old- den. Mrs. McKay. Mrs. Becker Miss Up Holt, W. Hlgglns, Walta Kaua, Mr Peterson, Mrs. W- N.. Peterson, C. F. Jqvcll, Mi Bcwoll, F. R. Blddle, F. Miss Mary Crowes, Miss A. Borlo Carney Capt Thurston, Walter John- man, L. Hart, K. Y. Kau, 8, Battery, eon, W, A. Andbrson, D O Hala, Geo. Por T. K. K. Chlyo Mnru tor Pan Finn, W. Hi PorkliiB, A. F. Clurk, A. Francisco, July 2, W. R, Eckhart, F Bolmeth Thus, MoKInnon, 0. R. XUb. Eckhart, I. Ot Upham, Mrs.'O. Ilarton, Jas. II. I-nno, O. 0. Irwin, H. Hoyt. Miss E, II. Hnyt, Mrs, K. L. O, II. Whltnoy, J. (1. Held. 11. II. llnlley Miss 0. K. Lyons, Mm, llilgh 'Myhro, P, NpIboii, .1. E, McCarthy, Rodman, I.. N!, frt. Nleliol Dan LUnders, J. A. Temploton, Hi E.son, Mrs. 8. 0. Holliilay, E P. Hrilll Houtr, Mrs. P. Woivor, MIs II. Khay, "day, Lord and Lady Poulett, Goorgj Mrs. It. Fangel, I,. F. Mcnzcr, M. 8, Hunter, E. 0. Bank. i at 8 o'clock a.m., aridlatsfor, :' OPPOSITE Friday, July 1. Hongkong via. Japan jKirts Chlyo Maru, Jap. btmr., a, m. Kona nild Kriu'liolts Mnunn I.on, Btmr., a'. 'In, . THE MATSON Navigation steamer Illlonlan will bo Hinnng tho number of vcsstls to arrive at tho port- on Fourth of July. According to latest lidvfccs received' lit tho local age'ney nf Castle hud Cooko 'the Illlonlan Is bringing' a" 'fair slzod cargo for Hono lulu Tho vessel Is 'scheduled to "sail the following day for "Knliulul, thcnc3 to' Port Allen nnd lastly call 'at IIIJo, From t'lio latter 'port tho vessel Will 'tiAII 'for' a return tUp to" Bin Fran cisco. Tlio-illlonlnn will (uko a thou sand 'tons ot Hbniiliilu silgat1 nnd com- ploto her cargo nt tho Hawaii port, No sugar will bo taken nt either Port Allen' or Knliulul. na A REPORT has reached this city 'thai' llio 'Canadian-Australian lino wilt equip 'tho sloamer Murnmii with Wireless telegraph. Owing to 'tho 'fact t'hat but fuw wlclcss bta- tlims nro found In tho Colo nics, tho stcaiushlp company liaj not licrctoforo hastened the Installa '(Ion on Its vessels. It Is predicted Ihut wireless telegrnih stntlous will bo placed nt Suva, Brisbane nnd Syd ney in tho near future, ra THE DEPARTURE of tho S. C, Allen from Fort Bragg Is reported. Tho vessel Is bringing down a ship merit of lumber to tho agency of Allen and Robinson, NEW SONGS IN "TELEPHONE GIRL" Although "Tho Telephone. Olr continues to bo tho bill ut tho Opora 'llouro by tho Casino Muslcul Com edy Company, n nuhibcr of now spo claltlcs nnd songs nro bringing u numbor of tho "first nlghtcrs" to see the "clevor company again. Tho change lu tho songs ilnd music, If posslblo, add to the at tractiveness of tho opo'nlng musical comedy of tho tiow company which promises to havo a record run In Ho '.,,. noiiiiu nolulu. n t: n :: n n n :t n :r :: it v u Farla. J. G. Farla J. C.Ewlnrr Joo Sllva R. K. French, A. 8. 8mlth, A. II. Mcdcnos, F. Trpwbrldgo, W, Mc Neil C. E. King. Mr, Johnson, Mr. Utmcrtlo, Alex May, Miss Bryant, A, II. Bristol, John 'Williams, Edith Hun- tor, Sylvia, Mason, A, II. Anderson, Cordcrln Walpalln,, C, II. ,Rqso Anil slut, N. 'Fernandez. Mrs. 8, R. Emu sua, Joo Andrado, Miss M. Uaha clnugh and friend, Amos Mozetta. 'PV tiir, Clhiidlno for Maul anil Hawaii ports, July 1.' S. 8. 'Paxson, Mrs. "PaxBon, Lester Petrle, GarMtt , iiugncs, i.ouis wurren, w.- uuckio, h, C. Corroa, A. G. Pnscoo, Mrs. I'. G. Brady. Mrs. Wm. Brady. Miss M, Brady. It Auld. Geo. McCorrlston, J. Williams, MUs E. Lloyd, Miss' II. Lloyd, Henry N. Chirk, Geo, Brims, Shipping ADDITIONAL SHlPPINQ ON PAGE EIGHT, , ARRIVED 1 DEPARTED , ( i FIRE STATION Thursday. June 30. Kauai jiorts W. O. Hall, stmr., 5 p. in. Sallnu Cruz vln Island ports Co lumbian, AMI. 8. S., p. m." Frfday, July 1. llonokaa ,and Kukulhaelo Llkollko, stmr., noon. S PAS8ENQEHS DEPARTED Per stmr. W. G. Hall for Knual liorts, Juno 30. Miss II. Akana, II. W. Ako, M. Good, M. Cockott, W. Fer nandez. PASSENGERS ARRIVED I Per T. K. 8. 8. Chlyo Maru. July l.-jA. L. C. 'Atkinson, Chuck Ng, A. E. Dale, Mrs. A. K. Dale, Miss L. M. Hcnty, S. Koshnlsky, Lam Fen Foon. Miss Liang Kau Wah, Master Liang Mong Yin, I. I.cykouf. J. W. Lloyd. C. 8. Merrill, Miss E. Morrill. ,Mlsa A, Neuknuscr, K Nomura, .Mrs. T. Osaki, T. Sassa, Mrs, A. L. Stetson, A. L. Stetson, Mrs, Bon 'Kyang II, ! G. Tauhman und vnlet. I. Tojl, M. Tokano, Tong Cheung Hung, Tong Kau, Mlrs O, Uyemura, Mastor M. Uycmurn, Miss M. C. Vnughan. Wong Hop, Mrs. Wong Shoo and 4 servantn. Wascda Baseball Team: I. Abe, M. Yamawakl. U. Nlshlo, q. Toblta, O. Iscda, 8. Mafsuda, J, pgawa, 8. Ol, M. Fukahorl. O. Mlkaml, K, llarn, T. Oniur.i, O. Nonomura, W., Hayak'awa, T. Yamaguchl, t IN FOREIGN PORTS Friday, July . Port Gamble Arrived, June 30, Bchr. Ca'mano, hcnc'e"Jiine"t)J''r' KaliuTuI Sailed, "Jbufl 29, 8.. 8. Nevadnn,' for Ban Franclscoi- WATERFRONT NOTES ' JL A NEW, LINER. Is to roplnco onu of thu vessels on tho Vancouver. Ho-iiHlulu-Bydncy run of tho Canadian Australian Steamship Company ac cording to Information received hero lliroush mainland papeprs. Tho ves sel will bo known ,ns Oio Zcnlandhx and Is said will takotho "place of tho Manu'ta which accordlug to schedulo Is duo to nrrlvo at Honolulu on or about August 10. Tho Zoalandla la of G.GOO tons displacement,. Jind la llttcd up with prflpcllerB. Sha 13.410 feet long, has a beam of D4 feet and 7 Inchoa. und depth of 23 feet and 4 nchos. 'Thdrshlp was launched last January. ' ' - CASTLE AND COOKE, tho locat roprdfentatlves for the Matson Navi gation llno'r Lurlfno, sihoduicd to sill for San Francisco oniJuly":12th nn nounco that tho vessel will loavo this port with a. full llt. ot cabin passun gorB, Tho steamor-i, vlll also carry n full cargo of Inland product, '"'rw l u'mK A'ilCUT F(FTY THOUSAND bar tols vt) fucl-'oa arfijylng naipcd out of thu.Aluc'rlJaji.ilUlKLlllaflHiSt Santa Marlu which haa"arrlv"e;dfrom Port 8an Luis. The VosboTTs oxpoctcd will call for tho coast'Tomorrow. THE OUTWARD cargo t"lm by tho stcaiiior W. O. Hall' for Kauai ports last evening Included 14,000 feet lum ber, 0000 shingles, SOOO brick and SO tons fertilizer. 8TRONO NORTHEAST wlnd.hexvy "head seas and squally weather Is re iwrted by the Oceanic stbnmor Slcrrn which has wirelessed her ikirIIIoii last evening ns 477 mllos off the port, on route to Dan I-'Vanclsco, . j yT'Tor Balo" cards at nulletln.. lr, ' :&ttmtilfas&&?w;y.. -i . ,r.. J!. , . . . , .(.' ljjr..i,iujtiimm;,. -, u. ,-k&mii- :mi ' t !nMiirrfk Jl'