Newspaper Page Text
'-v EVENIWO nnLMITIN, HONOLULU, T. I!.. miDAV. JULY 1, tfttO. a; V HAINAN I HANAN PACKARD PACKARD MEN'S SHOES Not in Competition but on parade The Best Dress Shoes in the World Best in Material Best in Tinisli Pei'fcot construction as to arch No artificial holdups required M'Inerny Shoe Store Fort St., just above King The Warm Weather will soon be with ni, and yon will want a cnanpe to tne Hills or Seashore I can show you some choice loca tions. ake Your Choice Now ii WrPiaft ' V. 0. Box 451 125 Merchant St. Phones G02 and 1367 Stepping Stones to Fortune For tvo years we have been utr inp our clients to invest in good Cal ifornia Oil Companies. Many have followed our advice and have made largo profits on their investments. Our investments are absolutely safe and extremely profitable. After our usual careful investiga tion, we advise the purchase of snares in the VENTUKA OIL DE VELOPMENT CO. Like all new com panics, the stock of the Ventura Oil Development Co. is now offered at the low price of 15 cents per share. As ITS HOLDINOS comprise A FULL SQUARE MILE OF LAND in the Heart or tlio Ventura Oil district, this company lias a creat future. It is a SOUND BUSINESS ENTER. PRISE with an economical manage ment j no preferred stock, no bonded indebtedness: no nromotion stock. nnd, last of all, we have the goods kIMSCll. . 'If you invest your money in this lompanv. you are sure of making hrgc profits. Remember, the price Vs only 15 CENTS PEn ruahv. Iilny now. This is YOUR 0PP0RT1T. 'NITY for making large profits. P. E. R. STRAUCH, Agent Lincoln Mortgage & Loan Co. Waity Building 74 S. King St. There Is No Need for a better "reference than a bank account. Men refer to their bank when their iden tity is required. Open a Sav ings Account today ono dol lar will do it and make sys tematic deposits, i i 4 INTEREST, compounded semi nnnually, paid on Saving Ac counts, Bank of HawailLtd. Capital nnd Surplus, $1,000,000 SMPdulletinaT8 pay -wc GOODRICH GOODRICH WHEN IN NEED OF Paper , of any description Phone 410 HONOLULU'S LARGEST PAPER HOUSE AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN PAPER A SUPPLY CO.. LTD. Fort and Queen Streets GEO. 0. GUILD Manager Made Your Will? If not, why not I Isn't it important? f Don't you want to direct the divi sion of your property I Then consult us. The proper prcn aration cf Wills is an important feature of o-ir business. Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd. 023 FORT STREET MARTIN GRUNE, REAL ESTATE AGENCY 83 tycrchunt Slreet, Telephonc.780 Stop Paying Rent See the HAWAIIAN REALTY CO. Phone 6S3. 83 Merchant St. $500 to $15,000 CALIFORNIA OIL MAP FREE Wo are giving away free to those nnswerlng this advertise ment boforo July 31st, a map of nl tho California oil fields; also a free subbcrlptlou to our trade Journal, "California Oil I'lelils " Sagar-Loomla Co., 833, 831, S3 5 l'hclan llldg., San Francisco, California. ' 185 iditarlal rooms 250 busl ness office. These are tho telephone numbers of the Bulletin otflce. jfllli Alfred D. Cooper Hawaiian Stocks and Bonds Booflht and Sold 307 JUDD BUILDING Telephone 489 P. 0. Box G07 Wm. Williamson, Stock and Bond Broker, 83 MlKCHAlrr IT. PnOKE 8U. P. 0. BOX SIR Honolulu Stock Exchange Krlilay, July 1. NAME OF STOCK. MURCAKTILB. C. Or ewer A Co 8U0AR. Evil Plantation Co , Hawiillun Bxrlc. Co. .... . Iluw. Com fc tf lie. Co. . . Did Asked M AV4' 41 ' Hawaiian SugurOJ .19 '19'ji llonomuSnga Co. Honokas Sugar Co Hnlku Sugar Co Hutchinson Sugar I'l.inL . Kahuku Plantation Co. . .. KeKKliu Sugar Co Kulua Sngni Co McllrjtIij.SiigiirCo O-ibu Sugar Co Onmnes Sugar Co Oli ugar Uc l.M. , OIi-vmiIiiCo 17 l' r, "iii I'u.ii.hau Sueur Plant. Co. v JH Pacific Sugar Mill r 'it I'laulatlon Co IVi,ekeo Sugar Co PlinioorMlllCu Wulalua Auric Co Wktltiku Sugar Co Waltnanaln Sugar Co Wnlinea Sugar Mill Co. . . MISCELLANEOUS. Inter-Island 8Uam U. Co. Hawaiian Electric Co. . . . Hon. n. T. & L Co.. 1'rcf. , Hon. R. T. & L Co . Com. Mutual Tclophonu Co. . . . Nahlku Ruboei Co., PaldUp Nahlku Ilubboi' Co.. Ass. . US 114 2lS J 50 I50 I.UM no no 105 105 UK 5 Oahu R. & I Oo into r. r. Co. rra HlloR.Il. Co Uon.U.&M.Co Haw nilan Pineapple C .. Tnnjong Oluk R Co. n I up do do ass, 05 p nONDS. Haw. Tor. 4 X UlrnCI.) .. Havr.Ter.4X Haw.Tcr.4ViX Ilaw.Tcr.4l&X Haw.Tcr.3i4X Cul. Reut Sug. &. Ret. Co. tl tlamakua Pitch Co., Upiior Oltch Cb, 6s 4fX I'd.. Maw. Irrgtn. Co.. 6fl Haw. Com. & Sug. Co. 5 Hllo R. R. Co., Issue 190 Hllo R. It. Co , Con 0 ... HunokaaSugut Co., 6" .. Hon. H. T. & I Co. 6 ... Kami Py. Co. s Kotiala Pitch Co. 6s Co. 6 ... OabuIt.&L-Co "57 Oalm Sugar Co. GX Olna, Sugar Co. 6X I'nc. Hug. Mill Co. r,n I'lonciirMillCo.6 Ml i- 121-2 lSl-2 yj" 103 I0O 100 I0O 100 loo 7I2 102 1-2 I0J '01 jH 1-2 "01 103 ic,H lot IOl)i 94t'-J 9 Wulalua Agrlo. Co. 1 J, ... 101 1-3 BALKS lletween Ilonrda. 10 O.1I111 Bug Co.. ?32.75; IS Onhu Bug. Co., S.1.!.75; 10 Oalui Sug. Co., $.12 "5; 63 Hllo Ry. Com., $12; 25 Haw I'lne Co.. J32; 2H Haw. l'lno Co, 32; 10 Wnlalilii, SI33; 25 Hllo Ry Com., SI2; III Illto Ry Com., $12. Session Haleii: 5 Hllo Com., (12; 5 Hllo Com., S12; 10 Hllo Com., $12; r Hllo Com.. $11.8716; 9 Wnlalui, $131. ML'MO. The cuiiltnl stock of Ha waiian Sugnr Co. lucroascd this d.tloi lo $3,000,000, Tho capital stock oil Knliukii I'lnntatlon Co. Increased this, diy to, I)lVH)i:NI)S July 1. 1910: I'nlu, $1 shnie, $2 fh.ue. Haiku, $1 share; riono;r, Latest sugar quotation 4.30 cents or I (8GCO per ton- Sugar, 4.30 cts Beets I4s'8 3-4d 1IENRV W&TIRUOUSE TRDST CO. tatmbcre Honolulu StncKtnd Bono Exchsno PORT 'ANIJ VEHCHANT 8T8 TELEPHONE 7SS. Harry Armitage Stock and Bond Broker Member of Honolulu Stock and , Ilond lixchango Campbell Block, Merchant Street Roth & Giffard STOCK AND BOND BROKERS Members Honolulu Stock nnd Bond Exchange 848 KAAHUMANU STREET STOCKS AND BONDS Trent Trust Co., Limited MEMBER HONOLULU STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE LOCAL AND GENERAL A new supply of the hnrje nickel pads hai jutt come in. Two hun dred ihectt (or five tents, at the Bulletin office. Order a case of I'lnectar from Loll' bead and Woodward. Phono 657. , Henry May & Co., leading grocers,' will be closed all day Monday, July 4th. liny a Rubbcrsct tooth brush and n tubo of Dcrsct dental cream af Ben son, Smith & Co., Ltd. If ou want n good Job dono on nn ntito or carriage take It to Hawaiian Carrlago Mfg. Co., 427 Qirncn St. In hot weather like tliln, a man should have good beer to drink. Ho will haro It, If be asks for Hnlnlor lleer. For dlettllcd water. Hire's Root Ileor nnd all other popular drinks. Ring up t'bonc 71. Consolidated Soda Vorks, Tay cash nnd ask tor green stamps. Thcy'ro frco. Call nt the show rooms nnd nco what yon get frco for Bt limps. Returns from tho big tight, round liy round, will bo posted 011 the bul letin board of Tho Kathloir Saloon, Jut 4lh. Tho cnno of Mary ICnhal crsus Ye" Ynp wns argued beforo Hie supremo court today on exception from cir cuit court. Tho florninnn nrc tho beat Judge of beer. They like It bent In steins. You get It in steins nt (ho Pacific Haloou, King, nnd Nmnim streets. During the July sale ut Dunn's Hat Shop. Kort street, Just nboo Hotel, there will bo pnmo nltrnctlvo bar gains In trimmed lints, gallon nnd olH. Motorists should eo 1I10 fins crnv nnette nnd khaki coats at Sllvn's Tog gel y. Light enough to cro aa dimt cr in dry weather and weather proof so h to erv nn rain coats lu n shower. Last night, about half past ten, a large black automobile, contatnin: pnsneiigera, went dashing along tholfor posts nnd stntlons In the Hawnl Walklki road toward tho Monna lio-jan islands. Information furnished ii'i, m" never u iimii uu "" chine, not even n tall light. Yoslerdny tho managership of tho Hawnllau L'lcctrlc Company wns turn ed over to 11. T. Hepburn by former j manager Alonzo 0 art ley. Mr. Gartley ' lakes tho position of consulting engl-l neor with Ilrewer & Co. and will lento for the other Islands or Inly C.J to talte up bis now duties. Tho weekly ilanco of tho Rojnl AMn.lh..,. nf Mnm.l.,tr' fltl. t.lnr-ft thllA ovenlng at tho Odd He!l6wn Hall. In - Klniellon 7 o ill. to 8 II. 111. From 8' p. 1:1. to 10:30 p. m. 11 social Is hell for nieinbera ond their friends. Mem bership carda permitting the holder to Invito a friend can be obtained nt thu door. The report of tho Associated Charl - Ilea alnto (hat "thoro Ih more povertj In Honolulu than most people real lie." Tho report Is for tho puBt thrco months, and tho funds disbursed were: l-'ood. $419.20; rents, $208.50; milk. $160 10r tiansportatton, $115, special work. $!4 15; embroidery, $3175; ofllro, $9.45, total. $1008.15 The receipts amounted to $967.70. The Oil An Authority On California Oil Request A weokly publlciilon dovotcd to Ihe oil Industry. The May dividends of thu California oil companies listed on tho exchanges nnloiint to nbout $1,300,000, while thoro nru many other nil companies p.ilng dUldendH whoso RtockH are not listed and whoso dividends are not Included In the total given nboe. I All of which proes thu magnitude of Callfornln'H grcitcst In dustry and shows that It Ih returning enormous profit to the In osiers. i Ah soon us it man IrcomcH an owner of nil stock lie tn'kes ii nuw' interest lu thu oil Industry; ho wants nil tho Information nbout It Unit ho can. get: hn wants to know what tho various companies uru doing; what i ovotopmcuts aro under way and what the proBiccts aro for tho futtiio, All this Information will bo found In Tho Oil Honk, Com plete Information and knowledge Is tho keynote to successful and profitable Investment, and it Is nlong those lines that Tho Oil Hook has proven of such great value to Us readers. The norago tmestor knowa the name of a good many oil com panies, but ho doesn't know wbero their properties aro loented or what the companies nru doing. Tho Oil Hook contains news of nil tho active companies from time to time news about scores af com panies each week. It doesn't matter bow much ou may know nbout the oil In dustry, you will get neW IdciiB nnd additional Information from Tho Oil Hook, You will learn things nbout tho ladustry that you can get from no other source jou will find In It nows published by no other piper or mngazlue, Send for the Issuo of Juno 13th nnd read tho story of tho growth ut the great Union OH Company of California nnd tho fin ancial statement of tho same If you'aro not already a subscilber, scud for thu back numbers containing thu special articles by well known writers, all of which aro handsomely Illustrated In aider that you may bo able to dclermluo that Tho Oil Hook will be of nluo to you, wo will send It for six months absolutely frco Just fill out tho coupon ami mall but do It today. 14th and 15th Floors, 168 Qeary Street, San Francisco, Cal, Now York , Seattle Los Angolesv LINCOLN MORTGAGE & LAND COMPANY ' 14th and 15th Floors, 100 Geary Street, San Francisco, Cal. New York Seattle Loi Angeles . LINCOLN MORTGAGE AND LOAN CO., 14th Floor, lfi Ooary St., San Francisco, Cal rieuso mail ine Tho Oil Hook, frco of charge and without obligation on m pnrt NAMK ATinnnsq . , CITY ., 0TATE . ' - V , . ,' i, ,- ,H. D 71, . - ', Coats For Men Stylish cut gar ments that serve ,as dusters in dry weather and rain coats in a shower. In Cravenette and Khaki. Something new and bound to be popular with motorists, t SUVA'S TOGGERY, LTD. Elks' Big., King near Kort NEW - TO-DAY I'HOPOSAW TOR FORAOK ANIJ STRAW -Honolulu, II. T., July 1. 1011. Soaloit propoaala, In trlplF cate, will bo retched here until 9 a. m., August' 1. 1910, nnd then open rrf fur fiit-nUhlnir fnracA nt:fl ittraw ion aiipnentlon 10 uic unucrsigncu. M. N. FALLS, Cnplnln and Quarter master, I'. S. A . Depot Quarter master ICCS Jtll I, '., .I, 6, i9. 30. WANTS 1. FOR SA1E jTwo flrst-crusa female pigs and one ninio pig lur nrevuing puipim-i. weight, 180 to ZOO lbs.: six months old. Also twenty chickens nnd one rcoBter, Russian breed. Call Iwllel ennip; Wasluk. 1059-11 1 SecomI.nmI ,nR: buggy; cheap. California Harness Bhop, Merchant and lllchnrd streets. 4059 31 Tho wniiea of aln Is death, but there Is nlwuys n man for tho Job Yes, Cordolln, It Is proper to icnc 11 game supper after 11 card party. Book Sent Free Upon (1k . is? D Igncd by Rosenwald & Weil, Chicago Casino SUNDAE Being a liberal portion of delicious Ice Cream smothered with crushed peaches and topped with a cherry dipped in maraschino. A Morccau for ladies, 10 cents, at Benson, Smith & Co., LIMITED FORT AND HOTEL STREETS BARGAIN INTRODUCTION We want you to ee our new store, and in order to fn. duce you to do so, we are offering LADIES' SHIRTWAISTS, NIGHTGOWNS and PETTICOATS fnm $1.50 Tip. Only one of each kind. Alio FANCY CORSET.COVERS, 25c. apiece. The Yat Hing Store HOTEL BETWEEN BETIfEL AND FORT STREETS Princess Slips,$ i. 50 $2,2.50, $3, $3.50 Special Purchase of EMBROIDERIES iiicruding WIDE FLOUNCINGS, ALL OVERS,' EDGINGS & INSERTIONS These will be offered at a. Quick Clearing Sale beginning Tuesday- Morning, July 5th . Jordan's Express Shipment Linen Skirts llWeekly Bulletin, $1 Girls'Whitc Dresses nil sizes New inodclsMadam Irene Corsets -4 VbB0 YeapJI na 4 'Ti 'Mi , ;.jt-.--vsiii6i, w ;iiiifett4&; ( 'A . tMi-n Ik& (" tmtt: 1. . . . . ji.,:. -.