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I i t J Ti V. EVRNINj llULLKTIN. HONOLULU, T II., ntltm Jt'l,Y 1, 1910. Mr Br 9-V l i m m v. I Vfi & t- t 3' 1 ,J ' : m i,. ro. (WW 5H1- i&l I' 1$ Autocrat, $20 4 in. Dial, Plain Figures, i oo Mile Trip, 10,000 Mile Season, Guaranteed Fox Skid Chains 'Tool Steclj Flat on the Tire, ran't , chafe, won't skid 8-Socket Wrenches With Reversible llaic'iet and Shank. You can't a (lord to be without it. $3.00 I. Auto Supplies Associated Garage, Ltd. Yosemite Valley OPEN ALL YEAR The Scenic Attraction of California A valley of great beauty and grandeur, unique in it assemblance of sheer walls of (jreat height, imposing peaks, and the number of its stupendous waterfalls. Now Reached by Rail A Quick, Comfortable Trip Daily train service from Merced to the Fark Line, con nects at Merced with Southern Pariflo and Santa Fc. 0 W. LEHMEn. Traffic Mnnarer. Y. V. n n.. Merrcd. Cal. Every Member of the Family WILL FIND USE FOR AN ELECTRIC IRON EACH ONE CAN USE IT IN HIS OR IIER OWN ROOM,, FOR IT CAN DE ATTACHED TO ANY LAMP SOCKET. The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. If It's AND YOU WANT A 000D Sharp ARE SEEN PHONE 307 ' HAWAIIAN FISHERY, f LTD. King Street Fish Market .fi'ii)Nur.fir. f Paint JOB, SEE ME TOM SHARP SignS EVERYWHERE ELITE BUILDING FOR YOUR GROCERIES, SEE AMERICAN BROKERAGE CO. 03-05 King Street, near Maunnken Phone U01 Daily Delivery AUTO . CARS Leave. Hawaii Promotion Comm'tlen headquarters, Monday, Wednesday and Frb day 111:. 10 u. in, I'nll: 3 p. m., Mo.inilui or I'unchhnvvl, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday 10:3.1 n in., aruitml Din liiiniil, :t p. in, Pall Sunday ln.30 n. in.. Pall; 3 p. in . around Diamond Head. .oiiauhi: pi:h iAt)si:Nai:it, si.Di) 1'ars nn 1)0 lilrt-il foi special occasions. Kor further particulars npply HAWAII PROMOTION COM MITTEE. POWI-.ll WAUON CO OvvnerH San Francisco Hotels HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Jul oppotlle Hold Si. Fundi European Plan Sl.EO a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Steel and brick structure, furnish. I ngs cost $200,000. nigh class hotel atmoderate rates. Centeroftheatrs andreialldlstrlct.Oncarllnestrans. ferrlngailovereity. Omnlbusmcets an trains ana steamers. Sena tor booklet with map of San Francisco. Hotel Stewart now recognized as UawaiU.nIs.audheadquar"rs.CabIo address, "Iiawets." ABC Code. HOTEL STEWART . The Criterion is very popular with the man who wants the best of liquor. If it's a morning or afternoon class of beer; a mid-day cock tail, an evening highball the best is at the Criterion Corner Hotel nnd Bethel Sts. c. j. McCarthy, pop. Hotel Majestic Sachs Block, Fort and Beretania Sts. Fine furulhhcd KKims, 11 per day $10 and upwards per mouth Splen did accommodations, MRS C. A. BLAISDELI. Prop. 'Charlie Lambert Is Now at ANCHOR SALOON CURIOS will be there after the Plebiscite. THE A, 0, C OF OPTIMISM. Advance ymirsvlr In your ambltluna. Umco up tho other man and you will plit Inspiration Into jour own soul. Convlnro youiself that you nio on the right tiack, Dig. dig, dig Into jour work, i Excel In eaih succeeding task. l'nco tho inn-do when there Is mu sic tu he faced. , (let grit. Heed the lesson of other lives. ' Invito critldhm ami Ig.ioiu common gossip. Jump Into the breach when joii are needed, - Klndlo tlm spark of klndneos In oth er people by example. I.eain to laud merit. Mark off tho steps of jour progress ,p to dato, Number tho hours joii luivo nt your disposal Ostracize tho pessimists. Pay jour board ovory week. . Quote tho authors worth while. , Hecognlzo tho good things of life. See tho advantages of sulr help. Tako your tlnio, which Is to say, bo ttmpcruto In' jour work. Umpire no baseball games on the diamond or olsowhero. Vouch for the man, woman or child,' who needs your help. Wish others tlm best thoro Is. Uxert your Influence for wlmtover neods to be roformod politics or spell ing. Yearn to fill a position In tho world. l-'ImilFy add soil to jour alphabet of good cheer. It takes an awfully good man tu ) be as good as lie minus otner men ought tu bo. Springfield Union. i When n man doesn't grow) around the houbo he's away fioin home, i FOR A SANE 4TH OF JULY Patriotic Citizens Advocate Less Use of Explosives on Account- of the Many Accidents. Popular Mechanics, which claim ... .. tlir largest clictilntlon of nuy publl - cntlon In the world, tomes out with . , , , an editorial In a recent Issue plead - lliK for u sane fourth. The editorial nan been put out In the form ,,r .. l,.iinr ninl mole Kent i . mi,. ,.. .. . Inenl officials. Governor. to protnl I' receiving n copy In yesterday's mull. It Is nn follows: "The a n miii I cclcbiiitlon of our National lilrthday In rapidly ap proaching, and for scores of happy, healthy hoys ami girls who arc now studjlng their lemons ami romping with their playmates, thednysof lfo are nearly ended. About ono hun dred, 'lays In this world Is alt that remains to them It Is almost n cer tainty thnt some of the parents who these, lines, and think of tho fatality as coming to other children than their own, will bo among those to whom Juiy 4th will hereafter bring only tho saddest of memories. "Our Indlffcrciico to tho mutter iirlKcs from tho Inborn human ten dency to always think of disaster In tho third person Instead of the first and thus no one Is specialized. Sup pose, for example, that Congress voted to sacrifice one liny each year as n National Fourth of July offer ing Just one single boy What an uproar wo would all make! Sup - nose. In duo nrocers of law, the vie- tlm was selected and inn name nnil resilience nnnoiin ed t-ome morning. Suppose, also, he was as unpromis ing and unloviihlo u youngster as could bo found ami ho lled In a cross-roads vlllago ro small It was unknown"beyond the county line. In n few hours the dally press would flood tho ton n try with extra cdl. tlnns, while editorial writers would hurl denunciation at tho law-makers j while demanding u special hcsbIoii or. Congress, If necessary, to repeal so Infamous a thing. Mutters of tho greatest lAislno-'S Importance, soda! events of tho first order and other doliign of equal magnitude would lunc to a(lienr In obscure poitions of the papeiu. In every city, town an-l hamlet polltloiiB tu tho President would form as It by magic; people of every occupation would neglect their business In order to affix their signature, and hefoio night sovoral million nnmes cf angry and ilelor - j mined men and women would have j signed the demund. To rurry the Argument 'fn Its extlcmo, wo may cvon hsunirt that Congresn icftucd to repeul: the I'rejliicnt declined tojiu u gu iicllan. Intercede and tho highest tourt did nut lulerfeie. An nttempt to exo culi) tho decree would picclpltuta tlvll war. "All this to save one unknown bo). ' "And yet on July Ith, 110, two hundred or more bojg ami girls will yield thelv lives to u foim of iclo briitlon which has 'long ago (caso In be even patriotic. "While the bads in' an imposslbln tine, the plctitied rcsiilts would bo (..n la, n...H.. .Inf. If A, null.- ...a- a.1 Hi; III UIU(j 1IUIUII, J,ll VlilllV II nun ill nuns iu rata line iiiiwiiuiik victim. Tlie two hundred perish with only n pitting notice by the public mid eoriow conllned to rela tives and i:car friends. Then whj chould this iinnunl cacrlfico con tinue? Aio not the two hundred nt equal ronpctiucucc as one? As long a a ua (iintliiiie to be mitlBlled with brief annual legiets, and coullno our cffoits to mere talk, conditions will not iluingo. Two thlugB would eeom to aiiggeat as the logical courso to bring about n teniedy. "Something equally attiactlvo tu children must that bo piuvldcd as a uiiliitltuto; and "Second, tho young people them- selves must work to aciompllsh the change. This vvu'uld probably bs done by a National movement oper. atlng through tho public schools. "To separata young America from toy pistolH nnd dynamite crackers Is no liiblgnlllctint undertaking, but nothing to what tho Spat tun youths did volunturlly," ASKS PARDON ' FUR HUSBAND The wfo of Murderer Kuliikoshl ap peared boforo the .Acting Governor to day accompanied by Attorney ltaw llns In behalf' of her husband, whom she wishes tu havo pardoned from prison, Pulukosbl, together with one Ma salg, was convicted of murder In tho socond degree tor killing Motohlro Kltano and wus sentenced tu thirty j ears at hard labor on January 23, 1 90 J. In 190G Fulukoshl presented u peti tion for pardon which waa, denied, but now his wife comesbefore the chief I'vecullvo unking pardon for him oh ho Is suffering fiom horl-beri In an advanced stage. DULL, ACHING PAINS A Tacorrm Women Tells How She Was Cured of a Trouble That Is Common to Her Sex. Every woman should look well to the condition of her blood If -she would m- capc days anil weeks of unless and un- , n"' 7n'r,m- ., , . ,,, Any weakne-iof the Wool mil nutrlly 'makc Itself known in tlio fonn of pain st iilne-tcntlm of women suffer in silence, not knowing that a remedy thst . nj m, ,,p al (.trengthen the blood will quickly relieve and cure it. Women it, not only to themselves, Imt to "icr ?" try a li.e-llrine mat HM acconiplihel this result in ,Illt ,, eflVu Mn 0 so many caws thoroughly relied upon. Mrs. 0. I Tavlor. of Vo. 121 1 Rnnlli T!.,l.fl. tfmAt T.MIIl. 11-..-I. MJ. I a permanent cure from the uo of Dr. Williams' Pink 1'ills. Bho says: "Kery tlirec weeks for eight years I suffered from pains In iny bsck and heail. They ero Hull, aching pains and were worse jut back of my left eye. Our doctor at llollenlicrg, Kans., where. I mi then living, said I waa sutlering from weakneMeomnion to my sex. The pains made mo ery nervous and I could not get much sleeji. Jly appetlto was poor an-l I lecamc quite thin. The dot tor did not ilo more than givn me temporary relief and the long sickness caited niy.blooJ to liecome thin and my nertvs weak. , i "It was only when I tried Dr. AVil HamV Pink Tills that I recelxed rema nent relief. After a short trinl l found that they were helping me as I l-egan to hae a good api-etite, to get good sleep i go fee ami to feel stronger in e -cry way. ' pills entirely ciinil mo anl 1 feel tlm Hie at it is my ntiiy to ten other sullnrlng women of this medicine." Dr. Williams' IMnk Pills have Ix-en so suree-fiil In eiiring the harai teristie ail ment' of womankind that they are iu-tly reganieii as a six-cine lor anirinin rezanlol as a six-cilic lilnodlessiK-, ehlorois or green sick- m-, delajiil ili-ilopment and all irreg- i iti "- imujni .i.'tiH.jiiiiiiiv mi. i mi iiii'k nlaritles arising from liimine or uali-rv niooa ami wiiik nenes. I Tor mmpitto information aliout the i .ib.. r n. vmii.... it...,. Din, t ue of Dr. Williams' Pink PUN in your rue, send ii jhi-IsI rani nviuet for our fien booklet, ''Plain Talks to Women," Dr. Williams' Pink Hlh an- sold by all ilrni-git, or will ho sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, ftO cents per box; six boxes for V.'.'iO, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Sda-nntuly, N. V. APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN ASKED; Itobcrt W Davis, u nephow, has' asked for the uppulntmen'. of a guard- j Ian for Jtliu K. Sumner, iilleglng that Sumner r tumble to caio fur I hla pioperty and proto.t it. ' llio petition alleges that Sumupr Is 89 years old niul that his property! I amounts In real and nerstu.jl to an lpio iaiate y $12,000. Tho pe Itloncr ctatet) that on account of tho ad- valued ago of Sumner ho imii not j piopeily tnro for in proj-eity and that buna- iiillablo p. m I- needed July 18 was Fot by the lourt as tho date for hearing the petition. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Entered for Record June 88, 1010. From 10:30 a, m. to 4 p. m. Mrs Kukiiula II tu C A lllehilw (l) . . . ,. D Muua( Telephone Co Ltd by legr Notice Chuck How- Tong by ugt tu Ka- ncolie Kko Mill Co Ltd.. Pur Itol Kcaki-.lilwa (w) ti I,ouls l-'oulj 0 Hank of Hawaii I,td to A H Doiuleio et it I Ilcl Hoo-naiiawnuiii (w) to Alexan- der Jl Mclirjdo ct ut u llullctln PubllBhiug Co Ltd to Mcrgenthalcr Linotype Co ...CM II It nh I in by ntty to JuIIub voir Slgmond , Agrmt Entered for Record June 29, 1010. From 0 n. m. to 10:30 a. m, rtuilolth Ilejdeniclcli niul-wf tu lllshop & Co M J C Axtell to Alexander Young Hldg Co , , I. J C Axtoll to Hiivvn Trust Co Ltd .. -. All John Consalvcs ,Ir mid wf tu San Ant Port lieu Soc) of II. . M Entered for Record June 20, 1010. From 10:30 a, m. to 4 p. m. W K Nuuiauu and wf tu Wll- Hum It Castle, tr , . M II K Lejvvls and wf by attj'B to Carrie A allmiiu et nl D James K Kaulla and wf tu Ka- niehunielia liivstmt Co Ltd... M M Iga to S Hutu et al CM K C Ilruns und wf tu A U Cai- tro, gdn i. . . M Amos K IOIdiedge et ul by uilgeu to Cleorgo V Uavlcs U Amos K Kldredgo tu George V Davlcs .. D T Cllvo Uavlcs and wf to Papa-- nlou Agrcti Co Ltd .. .' D John I, Ulalsdell et a by tr to It Wnk8man Ilel C V Morrill and wf to Mary A ' Wright D Mary A Wright to MujI Illdg & Loan Socy of 11 Ltd 7, M Entered for Record Jnne 30, 1010. , From D a, m. to 10;30 a. m. A L 0 Atkinson by alty to Jus W Pratt AL Lllluokaluiil by tl to Jas W Pratt .... , Cuu L U Kshakaulla Jr and wf to Alice Kuhakaullu V 185 rooms 250 bust nesr office. These are the telephone numbers of the 0 u 1 1 e 1 1 n office. WHITNEY & MIDSUMMER SALE "HOME MADE" Muslin Underwear , NOW ON WHITNEY & MARSH, Lid. WEEKLY $1 a REDUCTION SALE Stocktaking is over and we will dispose of ajl Remnants and Overstock. Sale Commences Thursday, June 30th IWASHABLE LAWNS 10c. Yd. lOo. Yd, (G8in. CHAMBRAYS ...Wvtc, Yd.' TRINTED BATISTE. TABLE LINENS 30c. to $1 Yd. BED SHEETS, all sizes ......, INDIA LIH0NS. 10c. to 30c. Yd. AUTO VEILS 60c to $5 Ea.j SHIRT In Ginghams, Silks, Mulls. Lawns, Nets, White, Cream, Pink, Black, Blue, Ecru, etc., from $1 to $7.50 each ?18 to $21 SUITS now $10.00 $12 to $14,50 SULTS now 10.00 " 7.50 $10 to $12 PANAMAS now. MILLINERY A new line- of PATTERN HATS just received and now on display Get Ready for the Fourth of July L B. Kerr . i MARSH, Ltd. 4 J P of BULLETIN Year LAI SEERSUCKER GINQHAMS ,10c. Yd. MADRAS SHIRTINGS lDc. Yd. MERCERIZED RAJAH 20c. Yd. LL-LIHEN NAPKINS .$1 to $2 Doz jjEDoPREADS.,. . .?! to $1.50 fci.' LINEN SUITINQS...100. to SI Yd. t. I t' 7l XllljZOH UU&QiJMl , . . Oj S3.G0 to 50.50 J'.Pi .( f '!. WAISTS $15 to $17.50 SUITS now. ., .$13.50 $ 0 to $11.50 SUITS now. . . . 8.00 $ 5.50 to $7 WOOL PANTS now ..jf.V,.,..!... 4.75 Hi It & Co., Ltd ') f. ,w,.ii' j, M I V, ' tA . la 'vi. .N'.'' ffiT . Jtetfc&tV, ' fflf-fi!j&ffliviilffinWiiWmwi iiij"riDTiiliiMBBWWBWnsr