Newspaper Page Text
'M, ? L EVKNINO BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T.Jll., FIltDAY, JULY, 1. 1910. J hf i Have a Look at the "! it' ' 'I ' Jew 'Reading -Standard Motorcycle v "received this week. We received one Inst week It's sold. This one won't be on our floor long, bnt wc have a lot more strung out between Honolulu and Read In?. Pa, There ii such a demand for RcidinR-Standards that we have to take them as we can get them, and where wc expected eight in one shipment, wc have only received ' so far two in two shipments. Wc tarry n good assortment of Parts for the Reading Standard, Call and look at the latest, nt E. 0. HALL, & SON, LTD. -I W. C. Peacock & Co., Ltd. Wines and Liquors ' SOLE AGENTS MONl? ROUGE WINES THE WINES OF CONNOISSEURS . We deliver to all parts of the eity twice daily. Telephone 4 Family Trade a Specialty Teimhone WE GUARANTEE, OUB GOODS PACIFIC-- -gpLOON , SELLS BEER IN STEINS i ' "A LONG, COOL DRINK FOR lOo." Try It Kini; and Nuuanu Streets DICK SULLIVAN, Proprietor J. A. GILMAN, Shipping and Commission ' Agent for Arthur. Se wall & CoM Bath, Me Pnrrott & Co., San Francisco .Badger's Fire Extinguisher Co. General Fire Extinguisher Co. (GRINNELL AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER) Neuinan Clo'ok Co. (WATCHMAN'S CLOCK) Royal Standard Typewriter Aachen & Munich Fire Ins. Co. FORT STREET, NEAR MERCHANT Salt pork and Flapjacks YOU CAN GET THE PORK FROM US, AND YOU WILL FIND IT DELICIOUS .NOT TOO SALTY, JUST SALT ENOUGH. Metropolitan Market W. F. HEILBRON, Proprietor PHONE 45 AMATEUR PROFESSIONAL f LOCAL SPORTS FOREIGN VALLEY ISLE. . TO PAY VISIT YACHT RACE FROM HONOLULU TO KAHULUI Four Boats to Compete in Event Kamchamchn in Fine Shape Kalumanu II. Will Take Party Many, Going in Small Craft. Maul will bo tlio center of nltnic llon for tlio holldnyi), nncl all tho lov ers of hqrscs anil yachts nro deter mined to make tiro trip either per Kl nau or olno on board ot ono of the yncl)is that will lemo tomorrow after noon for the Valley Island. Tho, yaclU vltl tuko part In q cup race, and the hookers thnt will Hall In the ovimt aro the llolene, Kainchn meha, OludyH and Charlotta C. A bunch of sailing men will go to Kn- hulul on tho Kalumanu II., and among llicrn will bo Commodore Jaeger, C, Dunkhaso and Harry ttycrofu Tho Knlumanu should reach Kahti' lul before dark tomorrow avcnlng, and Uin visitors will bo received with lion ore by tho Maul sports. A good tlmo Is assured, for tho sailors, and tho hospitable. Kahulul copjo wIM sure ly treat tho party right . When tho yachts square off for Maul the Kamehameha will mnko ovcry thing clso cut through thn, water In an effort to keep up with her. The Kam has been overhauled and paint ed; sho looks well now and 'should, with her now sails, wtiC tho race to Kuhulul. Tho start of tho cup ruro will ho from the belLhuoy at Honolulu bar bor to tho American (Ilrl Tj'iioy Inside tho breakwater ul Kahulul. Tho course will be to thn windward of Molokal and tho ytichts should reach Mau In good time to toko In tho horso races at Knhulul on the Fourth. The latest advices from Maul state that tho track at KahuluJ Is in excel lent condition, and that fast times should be put up by tho nags. The horses are all In excellent fettle, and it is reported that Major Collier Is running us ho never has befnro. Tho Klnau leaves at 8 o'clock to morrow ovcnlng, and she should bear away a lino bunch of sports who will have a grcut tlmo of It Mostly the samo crowd inako ovcry trip on the Fourth, and nien who may not hno seen ono nnolbor during tho year shake bands and then approach Hi refreshment counter. ' The Manna Ken Is taking another bunch to lllp and tho Volcano la tho point' of Interest. It seems strange to boo lllto out of tha running this ye'ar but as soon as tho triangular racing association takes up, tho mat ter there will onco more bo seen a Honolulu crowd on tho Ullo track. it ti tt tt ti tt tt rt t: tt n rt tt u tt CUBLED RETURNS',, JJ1IG FIGHT Dick Sullivan, who Is well known in Honolulu as ono of the most enthu ila&tlc supporters of local sporting events, has made, urrangements to give Ills patrops cabled returns of each round of tho big fight In Iteno on tho Fourth; tho returns will bo posted In tho Pacific Saloon, comer of King and Nuuanu Streets. t: tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt n tt tt tt tt . tt tt tt tt WAIKIKI. COMING EVCNT3. Secretaries and 'managers of tt' tt athletic clubs aro invited to send tt tt In the dates ot any! events which tt tt they may ho getting up, for In tt tt tcrtkm under the above, head tt tt Addrcub all communications to tt tt tho Sporting Editor, Jlullotln tt It tt tt IIASEUAM. tt tt Internationa) Garnet. tt ROYALS TO DO STAR tt July 3 Wascdu vs. All Oalm tt ALL READY FOR BEACH STUNTS tt League. tt July 4. Woseda s C A C ti Oahu League Series 11 July 3 Marines vs. J. A,C " It Oihu Juniors. tt July 3. Annuls vh. Mu Hocks, tt July 3. Palama vs. C. A C. Jr, tt Plantation League. It July 3 Kwa vs. Walanso tt Military League, STUNTS ON LANAI STAGE tt Canoe Races and Surfboard Stunts to uc iiesi x.ver apcaigm uup to jc Contested For iip Crowd Lxpcited. The so who wish to danco carl) II and often at the Outllgger turnlval on tho cveultig of July I will have tt July 3.-Marlnos vh Port Hhnf ,'" I'-M-ego of the dance hall at II (,,,. tho Moatu. Thcic will bo a string tt July's N. 0. II. vs. Hosp.ial Co. ii'uana" Hicie for tho dnnters, and the tt July 3.-Furt Shatter v i I ifth tt "al Hawaiian Hand under the tt Cavalry, tt If008 for 'hose who sit out the 1 Golf.' ttwal'es. The perform tt July 4 Team Tournament, Conn tt nine, with ll.iby Elliott and her . .. -... I. '.t..n..lui.uMlf. . ulll (llln litllPn III try v.iiiii, h,i'iiiiio .., ..... n. i'kiu ... tt July 17. Medal Play, Honolulu It, tho theater erected on tho Outrlggci tt Golf Club. tt Cricket. tt July 2. Mulch. tt Tennis. tl July i: () Hull Cup. tt Sept Wall Cup. It Yachting. tt July" J. Sea Wrrri lUeo. tt Jul- Id Hecklcy Cup. tt Horse (lacing. Jtt July 4. Kahulul Races. tt Transpacific Yacht Race, it July 9 Start from San Pedro tt World' Championship Fight. tt July 4.- James Jeffries vs Jack tt tt Johnson. It tt Polo) It tt August'-ScnBon Oreno. tt II l tt II tt 11 II tt tl tl II If tt tt tt tt tt tt II CLIFFUkD KiMBAlL.SAVS -.. Ill air ABOUT U.L tt grounds for the Itojal Aft tt er thn performance, tho big pavilion it will be cleared, and thcte will lie !i dancing on tho big llunr, which Is ii now righly by Illlj-Mx feet "I Itojnl has hcon uusy rehearsing " hi.) lomp.ui) In sections ut the skat " ing rink. Ho works with the cake I) walkers all morning, the tnliisticls In tho afternoon, and the vnudcvll 'i lans between his turns "at thn lira j.'l'lio In the evening. Most of the ..night ltonl spends writing words committee 0. 11, Tuttlo (chairman), Dave Center, Edward Dckutn, Allan Herbert, Curtis Hustacc and all fu ture events will bo arranged by this committee. Tho following Is tlio program a outlined for the afternoon o( the Fourth, to commence at 3 o'clock: 1 Slx-Pnddlo flace .....' Juniors 2 Slx-Paddlo Itflco Bailors 3 Six-Paddle Itaro Senlots I Three Paddto Hacc Iloya S l'our-l'addlo llaco ... . Seniors 6 Two-Paddle Ha c Hoys 7 Surfing Contest, 5 p. m. Iloyal and Miss Elliott will reign during the evening. They havo or ganized a large company and aro turning tho Outrigger lanal Into a theater. Here they will present at 8 p m a minstrel performance, with songs and Jokes on dear old Honolulu. This will ho followed by a vaude vlllo show, cake-walk and dancing lu tho big pivlllon. tt tt tt RECREATIONS. Hawaiian Opera House 4. Pr By Special Request The TeleDhWt Will Re Continued AH This WeVk MAUDE ROCKWELL ,W OF OAHU IEME Well-Known Golfer Draws Attention toiMagnzinc Article on Amateur Union. Sporting lMltor, II n I ( e 1 1 n. Ho. noliilu: Dear Sir: Muy 1 call your attention to the article In the July number of tho Metropolitan Maga zine, "The Capitalization of Amateur Athletics"? If these facts aro true, ns I believe they are to n great extent, would It not bo wise for our local athletic organizations to go slowly, beforo putting up their money to Join this A. A. y.. Ah to keeping our athletics on a strictly nnintcur basis, this can not be too strongly endorsed, and I bo lleve can bo done more effectually through local organization. Yours, CLIKIXHtD KIMHAI.l.. Halelwa, Hawaii, June 30, 1910. tt II tt DOTS AND DASHES. Jack Scully will have tho resulta ot the two big rights of the Fourth post ed at his place of business on Hotel street, and patrons cart wait in com fort while Kctchell and I-angford lire belting one another to amuse a crowd, and while Jeff and Johnson ure knocking one another all over tho ring. On Saturday afternoon the Hos. pltal Co. ("Dairy's Beauts") .will go up against n combined team from the 1 American cruisers, ami a great gaino Is expected ut the lcaguo groundB. and music fur the Honolulu local rungs and Jokes he Is Introducing iu the big show. Il.iliy Elliott hai learned her Outrigger sung and ma) be heard any time ot the day prac lining tho thorns as she plajtt with her dolls on he ltoal Hawaiian grounds. Tho Outrigger grounds have great. I) (hanged lu appearance. The poach has washed back again so that u large cruw may congregate on the giuunds to watch the regatta and burling confest In tho afternoon. The big anal will bo reserved for club members, and us this comes down to the bcuch, with Its now addition, the, entire. Outrigger ujurso may be, seen from the pavilion. The chnlrs used tor the theatrical performance at night will bo at tho dlrposal of the club members during tho afternoon events Tho tickets to tho carnival and danco In tho evening will also admit to the great reviewing stand duili g the afternoon, The diredoruto of tho Outrlggei Cluh has taken hold In carncbl um will seo lu It that the .Improvement!. begun, and already carried u long wu), will bo completed. The house tommltteo ot tho Out rigger! Club will meet on the grounds at Wnlklkl tomorrow afternoon to topiplete llnal detulls fur tho Fourth of Jul) regatta. - Tho Trunk Spealght solid silver tup, Tor six-paddle racing, uud the Clurk trophies, for surfing confetti, are now In the hands of the bouse tt It It It tl tt It tt tt tt tt II II It It It tt FIGHT NEWS t BY ROUND!) Jack Scully of The Fashion Saloon has arranged to have tho results n( the big fight at Iteno, on tho Foutrh sent him by coble, round by rourd and will display the samo on his big bulletin hoarit"lu Thu Fashion prem Ises whoro the public can got tho news almost as quickly as being right on tho ground. Figures for Five or More Games Several Men Have Perfect Scores Not Many Errors. All the Othu league fans will bo Interested to know how their respi"-'-Jvc favorite plnjers stack up ns re ' Rardrf Melding, and the following tig-' tires, which were inrcfull) compiled b) MrN ltaKHH, will enable anjone lu tee nt u glance what every man has done In an) position he may have occupied on the diamond. ' PITCHIIIIS PO. A. I! I'fjton (M.) , ... i 17 0 Kicltjg (P.) .... 7 U 2 Kealolm (J.) .... 2 111 1 pau (C.) C 30 C CATCIIEItS. Sinclair (M ) 47 12 0 llrlto fJ.J 35 3 40 Soares (P ) 18 19 2 Ah Toon (C 1 ...fi2 fi 3 FiitsT iiasi:.mi:n. Uana (J.) 7fi 4' 1 Davis (M.) 87 . 2 Vkana (C.) .....2 2 .1 fokcph (P.) ....78 2 r. SECOND IIA8EMEN. Ilajes (MO 23 24 3 iiiii (C.) 13 II 2 Prauru (J ) 21 20 .'. Jepunte (P.) ....21 20 9 THIItO HASBMKN. 'tni!8?(J.) It 13 2 Souza (P.)' 17 22 3 Amoy (C.) I) J ,6 Slorp? (M.) ClOaiS'i 7 i siioiiTsi ors. Jaw (M.) 23 8 Tom jYcn (C.) .. 3 13. 4 Kalm (J ) 8 21 9 Tevcu (1) 7 10 5 FIELDEKB. s. -II. Chack (C.) ..8 3-' 0 Motley (J.) G CARLSTON CHASE mi;r nT.riA CTPrtk ELISE SCHUYLERi In New Spccfoltiex MATINEE SATURDAY Mondav. Julv 4 'i The Astronomer In nm.. -. ti . f- IJ1UA UUUC HI iltUjIUUIII I - 'J PRICES 25c. 00c. and 75c.f Baseball: Honolulu Athletic Park! Pet. 1.00D .'jr. I .9 17 .870 l.ono I. noil ; .91 1 .yr.i SPECIAL SERIES Sunday, July 3, 1010 J. A. C. vs. U. S. M. C. ALL-OAHU LEAGUE vs. WASEDAI Monday, July 4, 1010 r. A. C. C. A. C. '.98S '.979 .9' 1 7 Admission, .910 935 ,K9I, .820 vs. 0. C. ALUMNI t. WASEDA ' 23c, SOc. and Park Theatet i rn rr 93B Fort Street Rrlow BeretanJiAW (! : . N? '--" JJSM0H bI5TRS and SHERMAH I-- THOMPSON In SonB and Dan iu am " issr. ,, n.nnn.. . . "JW Y ullJ0U JJancinR nna SHU ini- nmiipillnn '?"!! CUNHA'S ORCHESTRA -And 780, MOTION PICTURES .,... 5c, 10c 9 Madeira (P. ) ("rolliis (P.) .. Kn Sue (C.) . Thompson (M ) Wnlker (J ) . . Ulbsou (Ml . Williams (M ) I. Lo (C.) 7 '.erbe (J.) 4 lllnes (M.) 4 Ornollns (P.) 4 0 1 17 0 1 8 3 1 0 6 3 NOVELTY THEATER vbHI 18o7l j, a. a .. I'. a. c. . C. A. C. U, S, M. C, Team Fielding AverapesJ" . , P.O. A. E Pel. 38 .907 240 108 234 138 237 119 337 120 .773 '" 'Admission.. l.VUU 1.000 1.000 1.000 .918 Comer Nuuanu and Paualii Street .909, .882 8!1 ' .818 .sou wj ii 1 1 tw LvUltl .HUO .7C9 a.727 Eceentrio Dancers and 1 k," Singing Conitdiany J 'MOTlON-'PlOTUItES M Orton & Leot! 37 40 .90R .899 tt tt tt DOTS AND DASHES. EMPIRE THEATER HOTEL 6TIIEET The standing In the Military series Z Is as follows: Fifth Cavalry, .636; jifjj ROYALS AND Marines, ,tiu; Hospital v-orps, tyv National Guard, .583; Fort Shatter, .307; Fort Ituger, 272. BABY ELLIOTTJ ...... -4 in bhort bketclici M .-.-! Evening Bulletin 75c. Pen Month We're Here To Suit You We think we can do it-.--we suit most people because we try. That's why it's up to you to try us. You'll like our bar "It's The Fashion" Hotel neaFort i . " " "The Twd JabkB There was n boxlnc contest nt Fort Shatter last night and Prlate Henry, of Company O knocked Artificer Vlck- ery out In tho second round. Field shooting, us far as does go,' starts today, and all thn gunners ot the Islands will bs out on the trail of tho feathered ones. I Company 11 Is leading In the com petition nt Fort Shatter, and some good shooting la being done by the shnrpshootcrs. MOTION PICTURES Admission 15c. 10c, 5cJ ITCH ntCUICVED AT ONCeJ That terrible Itch disappears ,wTJTg tho FIRST PIIOPS Of D. D D pTSil crlptlon. It kilts all skin dlstjSSsi germs Instantly n soothing, healing! lotion med externally only Honolulu.' Drug Co. Toil street It Is a woman's pin money that sticks inuny n num. Homo Sentinel. "Wlinl nnlnrv iln m tiniilf . "Citf fifty n week" "I Judge 1'dHr.fifeJ frumo tuy qucotltm dlffereiitly. Vhoi salary do jouk exuectft-t'lltsbur; ""I'... UT r.V PlfCUEIt'S RECORD FOR MORE 11111 THREE W Kealoha and Espinda Lead in Fitch ini; Freitas Third on List Peyton Well Up. Ilculdes doing all the scoring for the Oahu league games, V. T. Ha. peso goes to a deal ot trouble figur ing out tho nrcrages ot the dllf-retS plajcrs. In addition to hli excellent; work as olTteial Biorer he tusVsentj lu n lot ot Interesting figurtt tpTTtw manageiueut of the league. Thffjeja 'ord of tho pitcher In the baM league games shons that Ke'ajr has won cvtry game. lie Imsplae In, Espinda comes next w fth Ttw 'won and tlura loit, and rreltnsj tniru wiui our wins anu inre lobses The record for three ,and more Is as lulluwa: U. IP. AH. H. R. 1111. HI) SO VP SHO Kealoha (J ), , 4 i6 129 20 8 2 11 26 1 1 Espinda (J.) .. 3 26 l(95 13. 2 0 2 t8 3 2 Freltaa' (P,. .. 7 88 249 39 IB 3 10 32 t 1 Pejton (M.) .. 4. Jl, 10 til 10 0 4 20 1 2 Apau (C.)J.7'"07 2G9 54 31 1 22 47 3 0 Gibson (M.) ., 3 23 91 20 13 1 S 10 3 0 ,' game N ,rJs?ctt J . Hi. ttkl&Aii .V u v . TO"t) XWVVSHBSVHSHslBHUBHiMBHBHSHiBMSBfB A. ' SssHilsititM . JVXIH K. K ' I feEZR. wLj . Avm iCTr tiJ-