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li J ' nvnNtNo DnM.BTm. noKotOLO. t, n., Friday, jult t, 1910. . ' Br v . . . ! m " ; i i . i i .i. T si HI IPOQniA SifOVlClUlTA fAlMMOMW . - 1 rr SCHEDULE S. 8. SIERRA. 10,000 TONS DISPLACEMENT . I '- leave.S. P. Arrive lion, Leave Hon. Arrive 8. F. UTAILIfDD TJ llll. S. July o .July 15 July 20 July 20 $05 first clan, single, S. IV, $110 first class, round trip, San Fran cisco. .. 0. BREWEIt & CO., LTD., General, Agents, & Pacific Mail Steamship Co., .i and H Stearaora of llio nbovo Companies !' .Thl l'oit on or about the Dates i Leave Honolulu For Orient. Siberia .' Jnlv 4 China July 13 t Manchuria' , July 18 f (111 fun Mntu TiilT Ot jv 'u v uj u iiufv Ktntu wuij uu Korea August 7 Tor further Information nppt) to H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., agents Matson Navigation Company BETWEEN SAN FRANCISCO' AND HONOLULU From San Francisco For San Francisco S. S. Lurline. July 0 S. 8. Lurlinc July 12 S. S. Wilhchnina. . July 12 S. S. Wilhclmina July 20 S. S: Lurlinc August 3 S. S. Lurlinc, ....,. ...August 0 S. S. Wilhclmina August 0 S. S. -Wilhclmina August 17 S, 8. Lurline August 31 S. S. Lurlinc Scntcmbcr 10 For further particulars, apply to CASTLE & C00KE, LTD., General Agents, Honolulu Canadian-Australian Royal Mail STEAMSHIP FOR mi AND AUSTRALIA: FOR VANCOUVER: 1ARAMA JULY 22 MAICUHA JULY 19 IAKURA AUGUST 19 ZKALANDIA AUGUST 16 UALAND1A ... SEPTUM HER 16 .MARAMA SEPTEMBER 13 fHEO H, tiAVIES & CO.. LTD.. GENERAL .GENTS. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. From New York to Honolulu, via Tehuantcpec, every sixth day. Freight received nt all times at the Company's wharf, 41st Street, ntth Brooklyn. rcIOM SEATTLE AND TAC0MA TO HONOLULU DIRECT: SS. AHIZONAN. to sail .. JULY 13 S. S. VIRGINIAN, to sail -....JULY 25 , For further Information apply to ,H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD. agents, Honolulu. 7 C. P. MORSE. General Freight Agent. MOVING FURNITURE It is n common saying that "three moves arc ns good ns a fire." Some furniture movers can make it in two moves. We will move your furniture without causing n scratch or a"" blemish, and our special furniture wagons, with springs as soft as those in a baby carriage, prevent the slightest jar. We can move your furniture every week in the year without damaging it in the least. UNION - PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. HUSTACE - PECK CO., LTD '83 UUEEN STREET - Estimates given on all kinds of Iinvatinit. Filling, FIREWOOD AND COAL, WAIANAE --i FIRE INSURANCE a. The B. F. Dillingham Co. A LIMITED jjtj General Agent ror Hawaii: Atjsi Assurance Company of London New York Underwriters' Agency. Providence Washington Insurance Co. trf!,FLOOR, 6TANOENWALU DI.OQ. LlFElNSURANCJE kit-not a Luxury; It s a Necessity, gpABut you Must have the 0C8T Ind tliat Is provldea oy the famous Indmost equitable Laws of Massa chusetts, In ths lew England Mutual Ofe Insurance Co. of' bobton, MASSACHUor-rra, f you would be fully Informed about hese Utvs, address IWTLE & COOKE, NERAL AQENT8." ;' HONOLULU, T. H. June 29 Jul; 0 Toyo Risen Kaisha will Cnlt at HONOLULU and Leave tnctilloncd below: Leave Honolulu For S. Y. Chlvo Mnm Julv 2 Asia Julv 0 Mongolia July 24 Tni Ma... Tnl Oft COMPANY 7E0HX 2li Draying, Teaming, Boad Bnildiac, SAND'FOR'SALE - O'ahu Railway Time Table Outward, Por Wnlanao, Walalua, Kahuku and Way SlntlotiH AilB a. m., 3:20 p. ro. Kor I'cnrl City, Kwa Mill and Way Stations 17:30 a. in,, '0:15 a. m., 11:30 a. m., 2:15 p. m.. 3:20 p. m 5: IS p. m., )9;30 p. m.', tU:16 p.,m.. For Wuhlawa nnd Lellehua 1020 a, m., 6:15 u. m., 13130 p. m., Ui:15 p. m. Inward. Arrive Honolulu from Kahuku, Wal ftiitua and Walanao '8:30 a. tu., 5:31 p. in. Arrlvo Honolulu from Ea Mill and Jl'carl City 17:46 n. m., 8:36 a. m.. M1:02 a. m., '1:40 p. m., 4:26 p. m.. 3'3l p. m., 'TO p. m. I Arrlvo Honolulu from Wahlawa and Lollchua 9:15 o. m., tli40 p. ra., B:3l p. -t, nn-;n p. m, Tlio Halelwa Limited, a two-hour tram tuuiy nrst class tickets' honor od). leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:36 a. m ; returning, arrlvitj jn Honolulu at 10:10 p. m The Limited Btops only at Pearl City nnd Walanao outward! and, Walanao, Walpahu and Pearl City Inward. Dally. fSundar Excepted. (Sunday Only, 0. P, DENISON. F. C. SMITH. Superintendent. a, P. A. Bulletin Enilntfi Offlr Vhnnm 9KR Bulletin Editorial Room Phonek'J8l ' I BISHOP & CO. Arau (Commercial and Trav elers' Letters of Credit issued on the Bank of California and The Lon don Joint Stock Bank Ltd., London. Correspondents lor the American Express Com pany anH Thos. Giok & Son. Interest allowed on tenn nnd Savings Bank Deposits. Bank of Honolulu 8an Francisco Agents The Nevada National flank of San Kranclsco. , Draw Excnange nn tho Nevada National nank of San Kranclsco. ' London llio llnloa of London and Smith's Dank, Ltd. New" York Amorlcan Exchange National Rank. Chicago Cora Exchange" Na tional Ilnnk: Paris Credit l.jonnaln. Hongkong and Yokohama Hongkong-Shanghai Hanking Cor poration. New Zealand and Australia nank of Now Zealand and Rank of Australasia. Victoria and Vancouver Rank of British North America. Deposits received. Loans mada on npproved nccurlty. Commercial rind Trnvolora' Credits Issued. Hills of Excbango bought and Bold. Collections Promptly Accounted For, The Yokohama Specie Bank, Limited Capital (Paid Up). Yen 24,000,000 Reserve Fund ....Yen 16,250,000 HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. Tbo bank.Jniyi cud receives for -J r.oiiectiLn bills of oxebaogo. Issues Drafts and Lottera of Credit, and transacts a general banking business, Tho Rank rccotvos Local Do posits and Head OOlco Deposits for fixed periods. Local dop9sits 2E and upwards for ouo year at rato of i per an num. Head .Office Deposits, Yen 25 and upwards for ono half year, one year, two years, or throo yoars at rato of VAX per annum. Particulars fo bo obtained on application. Honolulu Office-67 S. King SL P. O. Rox 168. Vu Akal ' '.Manager Oahii Machine Shop Manager - - H. I. E0S3 301 QUEEN ANO RICHARDS BIS, TeleDlione 514 ENGINEERS AND GENERAL MACHINE REPAIRS Automobiles, Motor Cycles, Claj Sta. tionary and Marine Englnei, Rice - -Mill Machinery,' Etc: ' BUILDING MATERIAL, or Aix-mn.- DKALXSB IN LUJfBIK. ALLEN a soaniioN. 'in Btreit rr tt tt Konolnln S5C PLANISHED STEEi; A full ossortment, liiei 21"x0B" to 48"xl20", and' Raugti No, 16 to No. 20 jutt to hand. ' We iln ifirci tnstal tonrV nt all kindi, and guarantee latiilaction. Your patronage ii solicited, PROMPT ATTENTION TO JOBBING EMMELUTH & CO., LTD. Phone 211. 149 'Hint St. Is the Wood Pile Getting Low? The Best Wood at the Lowest Price For Sale hy Hon6IuIurC6nstructibn & DrayingCo., Ltd. Office Queen St., next to the Inter-Island Co. Alexander & Baldwin, LIMITED. OFFICERS ANO DIRECTORS. 11. P. Dalitwln i.. President W. 0. Bmlth.. First VlcoPresldent W. M. Alexander Second Vlco-Presldent J, P. Cooke .". Third Vlco-Prc. and Manager J, Waterhouvo Tronsuror B. E, Paxtun , Secretary J. D. Castle Director J. R. 0 alt Director W. R. Castle ..,..,.,... Director Sugar Factors. Commission Merchants, and -Insurance Agents Agents for Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. Haiku Sugar Company, Pala Plantation. Maul Agricultural Company, Ilnwallnn Sugar Company. . Kahuku Plantation Compnny. Knhuhil RnllroM Company. Halcakala Company. Honolua Ranch. Mcllrydo Sugar Co. Kauai Railway Co. Castle & Cooke, Ltd Honolulu, T. H. SHIPPING ANI7 COMMISSION MER CHANTS, 8UQAR FACTORS and GENERAL INSURANCE AQENT8 Representing Kwa Plantation Co. Walslua Agricultural Co., Ltd. Knhala Sugar Co. Walmca Sugar M.III Co Apokaa Sugni Co, Ltd.' Pillion' Iron Works" of SL Louis. Rloko Steam Pumps. Weston's Centrifugals. Rabcock ft Wilson rumps. (Irecn'g Fuel Economliers. March Steam Pumps, Matson Navigation Co. Planters' Line Shipping Co. C. Brewer & Co., Ltd, 8UQAR FACTOR8 AND COM MISSION MERCHANTS Officers and Directors: E. P. Dlhop President Oco. II. Itobortson ....Vlco-Prcsldont and Manager W. W. North .. Troasuror Richard Ivors Secretary J. R. (lalt Auditor Oco. R. Carter Director C. II. Cooko Director R. A. Cooko Director A. Oartley , Director C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE-AGENCIES Royal Insuranco Co. of Llvorpool. London Assuranco Corporation. Commercial Union Assurance Co. of London. Scottish Union ft National Ins Co. of Edinburgh. Caledonian Insurance Co. of Edln burgh. Upper Rhino Insurance Co. (Ma- rlue) Teiritorial Board of Immigration . Office 403 Stangtwald VIi. Hon nl nl ti. SCANDINAVIA BELTING HONOLULUIROlf ftWKS Aa-enU Fbrccjgrowth Will do it PACIFIC- ENGINEERraa-. -COMPANY, LTD. Coniultinc, DeiiRuine and Con itructing Engineer!. Bridges, Buildings, Concrete Struc tures, Steel Structures, Sanitary Sys tems, Reports and Eitlm&tej'on Pro ieoU. Phone 145 ltt5 editorial rooms 350 bun ness office. These are ths Ulephtni "tmhMi n h a,itlJn Affile I J REAL ESTATE J TRANSACTIONS . necorded June 18, 1910. A. A. Yountt Tr to von Hamm Young Ltd: A L; premises, Hotel 8t. Hono. lulu. SI. II 330, p 86. June 16, 1910. Et of Kahalowal Cummins by Atty to Oonsalves A, Co Ltd; Li por Ap 2, R P 1964, Kill 410, Kaalaaluna, He? nolulu. 10 yrs at $50 per yr. H 330, p 87. June 10, 1910. John Calrcs to Monool F Cslres Jrj I): 10 411100 A hnd, Ahualoa, Ha- makiia, Hawaii. (S00. D 337, p 62. June 11, 1910. M 8 Hotcliio to Manuel Brahco. M; 2 pes land, Knpoaula, etc, llama ktis, Hawaii; $800. U 334, p 133. Mar 12. 1910. Miriam K Kckuewa and hsb to Klrst Dank of Hllo Ltd, M; R P 3828, kill 7011, Keel, 8 Kona, Hawaii;. 70a land, Wnlomao, Kau, Hawaii; por Br 1547, Kapaau, Kohata. Hawaii; $340 11 334, p 184. June 9, 1910. Yamasuma Mlnoklchl to Ima Bhunro, CM: cane crop, etc, on 11a rf lot t5, Ponahawal Homesteads, Hllo, Hawaii; 1758.18. B 333, P 179. May 12, 1910. Knincl Uuhtaro to Inouje.'Kuraa. Jlro, C'M; eauo crop' on 4a of lot 6, Kalwlkl. llllo, Hawaii; $400. U 333, p 180. June ). 1910 Maria K Aklna to John K Kul, D; lilt In 2 pes land, rents, cc, Puna hoa 2, etc, Hllo,- Hawaii; $200. U 337. n f3. June 13. 1910. J W Kaluakahkk'u to'Lul Kwah, L; ior R P 23 and bids, Aniaulu Rd, 8 Hllo,' Hawaii; 10 yrs at' $50 per jr. II 330, p 8U Apr 2, 1910,f Lou lea llapal to Ah Plnir, L; 2 pea land," Amnulu and Ilrldge Sts, Hllo, Hawaii; 10 yrs S yra at $160. B yrs nt $200. ll 330. p 83. Feb 6". 1910. Makalla oplo to Chan II Ak'l, D Int lu It P' 3296, kill 9963, bldgs, rents, etc, Kahltlpalt, Kair, Hawaii; $20, II 338, p 26,VMar 29, 1910. Kalu and hsb et al to Hllo Rail road Co..D; por gr 919, Kubua, ,8 Hllo, Hawaii; $176, II 338, P.89.J June 2. 1910. ,, Makateka Relmnnn ct al to I. L McCandlcss, MJ pors R Ps 4596, 4444, and'4691 sha In hul lands; Int In R P 1633 and 300 hd cattle, Ho nokawa'l, etc, Kaanapall, Maul; $1, 000. II 333, p 17G. June 10, 1910. E II Wodchousc, tr, and wf to A D Mcllrydo ct al, D; 12 7-10a land, Wahlawa, Kons, Kauai; $600. U 338, p 27. June 7, 1910. Recorded May 20, 1010. M Halawallua and wf to T K a lakea, M; lot 10, L P 0031; $600. 11 333. n 183, May 10l9l0. , v U C Wlns"ion to lllsbop' Trust 'Co Ltd, Add Chge; pj laud, bldgs, cV, Dcretanla- St, Honolulu, 'Oahu; $1, 000. U 333,-11 186. Juno 20, 191". Thco V Lansing by tr to Koolau Agrctl Co Ltd.'D; Int In landB, lease holds, etc, Walahole, etc, KooIsut poko, Oahu; $1. 11 338, p, 30.- "Mar 30, 1910. . V M Mlnton aud wf to C A Reeves, D; lot 22, blk A, Mlnton Trnct. Honolulu. Oahu? $3P0. U 338. n 32. Juno' 20. 1910. Akula Kal und hsb (J) to Charles A Reeves, D; Iota 20 and 21, blk A, Million Tract, Honolulu, Oahu; $300. II 338, P 34, June 20, 1910. . Charles A Reeves and wf to Tr of Caroline 8I)ond, M; lota 18 and 19i blk A, rents, etc. Mlnton Tract, Ho nolulu, Oahu; $360. U 333, p 187. June 20. 1910 ' Jua (1 Castle by atty and wf to tfnnlfit, AirrMI On f.tH tl! various 'p:s land and leaseholds. Kalvanul, etc. Koolaulon, Oahu; It' P 6229, kul 7699, Walbeej Koolaupoko, Oahu; $19,274. H 338, p 36. Mar 30, 1910. Claus Spreckels & Co by atty to L Ah Leong. llei lot Al of 'It I 3606, kul 6239, cor Aala and King Sts, Honolulu, Oahu; 2022, sq tt of It P s, kul 28, cor King and Kekau like Sts, Honolulu. Oahu; $10,000. U 333, p 189, June 20, 1910, II F Lewis nnd wf to Henry Wa tcrhouso Trust Co Ltd, V; lot' 10, blk 10, rente, etc, Kalmukl Tract, Honolulu, Oahu; $400. U 338, I 39. Juno 18, 1910. Wa Leo to Lau Sul. 11 8: loaso holds, 4 bldgs, routs, etc, cor Vlnet ynrd and River Sts, Honolulu, Oa hu; $1236, 11 336, p 107. Juno 10, 1910 Kahema Paona and wf to First Ilnnk of Hllo Ltd, M; Int In R 1 (gr) 1066, Kamace, K Hllo, Hawaii; $600. II 333, p 181. June 18, 1910. 8 K Kallmaeka and wfto T K" Lalakea. M; Int In ap 2, R P (gr) 929, bldgs, etc, Kukultuelo, llama' liua, Hawaii; $500. II 333, p 190J May 5, 1910, M P Lcclmudro and wf to CRrew er & Co Ltd, D; aps 2 olid 'J, It P, 3131, kul 10481 aud -water rts, Wal, trtintt M nsi I. ? T T)D ID nPU( t'lUUIj fHWVi - UUO (I MOt, June 13. 1910. J K Kaapulkl to UlUlanl Keae w), D; It p 2918, kul 9966, Wal. niul, Hanalel, Kauai; $60. O 338, , Solomon In all hla misery of a thou p 31. June 20, 1910. Isand wives had no more vexations Theo P Lansing by atty to Koolau, Agrctl Co Ltd. D: Int In 2 nra land. Walahole, Kooinupoko, Oahu; $1. O I. It Pop No 223, Mnr 30, 1910. Jna II Castle hy atty and wf to Koolau Agrctl Co Ltd. D; Int In' 196 C-tO0u .land, Kapaka, Koolau- MOVEMENTS- OF STEAMERS VESSELS TO ARRIVE .14 Saturday. July 2. Hllo via way ports Mauna Kea, slmr. Kauai ports Klnau, stmr. Sunday, July 3, Maul, Molokaf and Lanal porta Ml kahala, stmr. Monday, July 4. Ban Francisco la Seattle Hllo nlan, M. N. 8. 8. Ban Francisco Siberia, P. M. 8. 8. South Bnd Central American ports Klyo Maru, Jap. stmr, Manila via Nagasaki Sheridan, U. 8'. A. T. Wednesday,' July 6. San Francisco Lurlinc, M. N, 8. 8. Kanal ports W. O. Hall, B(mr. Thursday, July 7. Hawaii and Maul ports Claudlne, stmr, Friday, July 8, Hongkong la Japan ports Asia, P. M. 8. 8. Saturday, July 9, Hllo via way ports 7- Mauna Kea slmr. ' ' Sunday, July 10. Ballna Criit via San Francisco and Beatlle Alaskan, AMI. 8. 8. Maul, MoIOkal and Lanal ports Ml kahala, stmr.i Kauai ports Klnau, stmr Tuesday, July 12. San Francisco Wilhclmina, M, N. S. 8. ' Wednesday, July 13. San Francisco China, P. M. 8. 8. Monday, July 18, Shn Francisco Manchuria, P, M. B. 8. Thursday, July 21. San Francisco Ncvadan, M. N. S. 8. Saturday, July 23. Hongkong via Japan ports Mongo lia, P. M. 8. 8. Monday, July 25, 8nn Francisco Chlyo Marti, T, K. K. 8. 8. Hongkong via Japan ports Hong kong Marti, Jap. stmr. Tuesday, July ,26. San Francisco via Seattle Hyadcs, M. N. 8. S.- Friday, July 29. Hongkong via Japan ports Tcnjo Mam Jap. JitDir, .. , , j. 1 VE88ELS TO DEPART Friday, July 1. Hawaii" ila Maul ports Claudlne, stmr., 6 p. m. Saturday, July 2. Iilto (excursion Mauna Kea, stmr., 3 p. (n. ". ' , Kahulul, Maul (excursion) Klnau, stmr., 8 p. m. Ban Francisco Chlyo Maru, Jap. stmr. Monday July 4, Kauai ports Nocau.i 8Uiir., 6 p. m. Japan ports and Iongkong 8lbc-. rln, P. M. 8. 8. . "v Tuesday, JulytS. Ban Francisco Sheridan, U. 8. A. T, lillo via way porta Mauna Kea, stmr. Molokai, Maul and Lanal porta Ml kahala, stmr,, 6 p. m.,.. Thursday, July 7. Japan ports and Hongkong Klyo Maru, Jap. stmr. Kauai ports W, O. Hall, slmr. Friday, July Z? Maul and Hawaii ports Claudlne. stmr., 6 p. m. Saturday, Jtjly 9. . Ban Francisco Asia,. P. M. 8. 8. 'Monday, July 11, San Francisco Cleveland, U. 8. 8, Convoying S. 8. Chattanooga. Puget Bound via San Francisco . Prometheus, Am. stmr. Kauai ports Nooau, stmr. Tuesday, July 12. Sou Franclsco--Lurllne, M. tit 8. 8. Hllo via way porta Mauna Kea, stmr,, noon. Maul, Molokai and Lanal porta Ml kahala, stmr., 6 p. m. Kauai ports Klnau, stmr., 6 p. ra. Wednesday, July ,13. Japan porta and Hongkong China, P. M. 8. B. Thursday, July 14. Kauai ports W. O. Hall, stmr., 3 p. m. Mandav. July 18. Japan ports and Hongkong Mari churla, P. M. B. B. Wednesday, July 20. San, Francisco Wllhelmlna, ' Nl Sunday,' July 24. Ban Francisco Mongolia, P. M, B. 8. Monday, July 29:' Bouth And'tContratf American porta HonifkorigMarii Jap", stmr. Tuesday, July 26. Japan ports and Hongkong Chlyo Maru, T. K, K. B.. 8. Saturday, -July 30. San Francisco Tenyo Maru, T. K. K. 8, B. Consider the cocoon gown; it but tons not, neither does It book, yet than one husband whose wife Is nr- rayed like ono of these. Life, tt n rt tt it jj n xx t: n it tt tt loa, Oahu; Int In 91 Ifi-lOOn land, Walahole, Koolaupoko, 1 Oahu; $20,. 410. q L II Doe No 224, Mar 3p, 1910. I IN .THE. DISTRICT. pdURJ OF, 1IH UNITED STATES, FOR THE TER RITORY OF HAWAII. TUB UNITED , BTATRS -1 OF AMER ICA, rialntlff, v. 'WILLtAM H. OABTLE, et al., Defendants. Antlnn hrnmht In said District Court, and tho Petition Jllcd la. Uxe, offlco of the Clerk ofald District; Cqiirt, In Honolulu. 'Vi v TUB PRESIDENT OF.THOrUNITn BTATEff OF AMERICA OREET- INO. TO! WILLIAM Tt fiAHTf.H!' IDA B. CAB- TLB, wlfo of WILLIAM R. CASTLK WILLIAM R. CASTLEj Trustco; J. u. JDHNSON, whose full and true namo Is unknown; UWINI JOHN80N, wife of J. D. JOHNSON, whoso full and trun name Is unknown; WILLIAM O. ACM; HANNAH MARKHAM;' GEORGE MARKHAM, husband ol HANNAH MARKHAM; EDITH MOR TON: HENRY C. MORTON, husbanJ of EDITH MORTON; MAUD PFLU OEH; HENRY C. PFLUGER, husbatvl of MAUD PFLUOER: XONO AHIN? 8IU BHER, wlfo of VONO AHIN; LEW CHU, Trustee: CUM IJOY"; LEECHUrl CHL'NO SHEE, wlfo of tEE CHU; C. DIN 8INO, whoso full and truo namp Is unknown; WONG SEE. wlfo of C, DIN 8INO, whoso full and truo namo Is unknowns T. KAT POO. whoso full anil truo name Is unknown: I.EONO 8IIEB, wlfo of T. KAT POO. whnsa full arid true name Is unknown; TEW CHIN; WONG SHEE, wlfo of YEH CHIN; CHIM 8I1EE!'THB WESTEBN hndJIAWAUAN INVESTMENT COM PANY LIMITED, a corporation duly Incorporated and organised undor tho jawa of tho United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and having Its Res Istcred Omco at Dundee;- Scotland fl YONO YAU; CHOW'CHONO TINS 3IIOW BON; NO MING JOKE; EL MER KAPAHULU, RODERT KAIMU KI, CHARLOTTE PALOLO and CLA RA WAIKIKI, unknown belra at law of KAAIIIAEMA, deceased; MANUEU LEAHI, AUGUSTUS WAIALAE, ED N HANAMU and MARY N1U, un known heirs at law of HOOMOEA PULE (w), deceased; ALFRED PUU NUI, ANTONIO PAUWELA. EDITH KEWALO and MALAEA PALAMA, Unknown heirs at law of KANANI MAULOA (w), deceased; JOHN AIEA, CHARLES MUNANA, JOB WA1AU, EUGENE MOILIILt, VINCENT PA HOA, CLEMENT KOELE, MIRIAM LKI1UA, RUTH 1IALI5; ELIZABETH JAKIKI. ABBIB KALUAOLOHB, LEILANI PUNAWAI, LTTU1A MUJ.u and EVELYN POO, unknowa ownbra and claimants. You aro hereby directed to appear, and answer the Petition In an action entitled as 'above, brought'agalnsfyott" In the District Court of tho United Btates, In and for the Territory of Ha. wail, within twenty days from and at tc service upon you of a certified copy of Plaintiff's Petition herein, to gether with a certified copy of this Summons. And you are heroby notified that unless you appear and answer as above required, tho said Plaintiff will tako judgment and condemnation ol tho lands described In tho Petition herein and for any other relief de manded In tho Petition. WITNE88 THE HONORABLE A. O. M. ROBERTSON, one o( the Judges of said District Court, this 18th day ot (8oal) March In tho year of our Lord ono thousand nine hundred and ton and of tho Indopendenco of the United SlatCB the one hundred and thirty-fourth, (Signed) A. E. MURPHY, Clerk. (Endorsed): "No. 61. DISTRICT COURT O? THE U. 8. for tho Territory ot Hawaii, TUB UNITED STATES OP AMERICA' vs. WILLIAM R. CASTLE, ot al. 8UMMON8. ROBERT W. BRKCKONS, Plaintiff's Attorney." UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, )' )ss. Territory of Hawaii, ) I, AEvMUnPHY, Clerk of the Dla trlct Court of tbo United States of America, In and for tho Territory and District of Hawaii, do heroby certify the foregoing to bo a full, truo and correct copy of tho original Petition and Summons In tho caso of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vs. WILLIAM R; CASTLE et al., as tho same re mains of record and on file In the of. flee of -the Clerk ot said Court. IN WITNESS WHREOF, I bavo here unto set my band and of. (Seal) fixed the seal of said Dls trlct Court this 21st day of March, A. D. 1010, A. Er MURPHY, Clerk of .United States District Court, Territory ofsJIawall, ' 4591.3m TTJ P. E..-DAVIS, on- , WHOLESALE CANDY Merchant, and Nuuanu Streets P,H. .BURNETTE Com'r. of Deeds for California And ew York; NOTARY PUBLIC; Grant Marriage Licenses; Draws Mortgages. Deeds, Dills of Sale. Leaiei, Wills, Etc. Attorney for the District Courts. 78 MER0HANT IT. H0N0LUL1J: PHONE 310 185 editorial rooms 250 butf. new, office,. These are,th telephone numbers of the B u 1 1 e 1 1 n office. tfiUII m&', .fc Ufi& Wf Wi .'