Newspaper Page Text
i; t"lll,llIMIIIIMIIM '"' - 1 v f TnvnP 11 CQK COMPLICATED REPORTS OF EMPERORS " j, . ' fl WJIIV lOOO ;; CONDITION' ALARM GERMANY. W A N X S For Good Furniture RWaiiaW' .jg5S: 'i'rSM'' ' 9 i EiinttifiYAA PA'1 stamped on -any " &? Ji. '' "sF w l i .IS) ' JB rurniture,utoMcE: op flatware jtet r m tkHifii' : m wAjt iom a . . ' irpAMQ Tifp Tipifr ta2LT?"1' ' 4 -4MHMkr ''ii ISjPJPiHr .' V TOS&v Wanted by wholesale houso, .young Furnished room at bench. Mosquito-, .(JEf LIMITED 00 'J ' , KiAWS HLb ULSX W?fM -:f- ' . iHiim-; W ttjT!ET' .T'kTltmS man; gc 18 to 20, llvtnR with' proof; finest of bathing; bath nil 'WRI A. BLOM, Dry Goods ' L t Fort Street, Opposite Catholic' Church ORDERS TAKEN TROUSSEAUX. Miss Kate Woo'dard 1141 Fort, Street PARISIAN ART CO. EUROPEAN AND FANCY GOODS Armenian, Maltese, Torchon and Cluny Lftce, by the yard, at reasoni able price. ' FORT STREET. HARRISON BLDQ. FINEHULLINERY Exclusive Desink and Reasonable Prices, at. MISS POWER'S MILLINERY i PARLORS Boston Buildint; . Fort .Street IEADINQ CLEANERS. All Kinds of Hats Cleaned tnd Blocked. No Acids Used. Work Guaranteed . FELIX TURBO. Specialist, 1154 Fort Street. Opp. Convent Wonolnlu. T. H. New Shipment Steamer Trunks aijd Bags ,, YEE CHAN, & ,C0:, Bethel, and Kinc Streets', Honolulu Dry Goods Co. i .DRY GOODS f Evcrythine absolutely new and resh from-the-Coast. WAVEP.LEY BLK. - HOTEL STi FANCY DRY GOODS v Vah Viiig Choiig. Kint; St.,, Ewa, Pish .Market WINGr CHONG CO KING ST- NEAR.BETHEL Dealers in Furniture, Mattresses, etc.,' etc All kinds of KOA and MIS SION FURNITURE made to order. You'll Find FRAMED PICTURES for Gifts at l- Wing On Chong's, Bethel St., Between Kin and Hotel IMPORTERS OF ORIENTAL GOODS If WING WO TA1& CO. 041 Nuuanu Street' Phone 260 V a-llliSil 1-1 I And Cloth of Al Quality Can be Purchased from - SAlNd QHAIN, M0 OANDLESS BLDQ. P. 0. Box 061 Telephone 031 HONOLULU CAFE, 70 Hotel Street Oriental Meals and Chon Suey up stairs. Occidental Meals downstairs. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Open Day and Night Meat Market and Importers. C, Q. Yceop6: S. MIYAMOTO 'Carntnten rTlr Contractor for Building, Stone and Cement work, Painting:, I'aperhang. inc. No. 1310 LILIHA ST., Cor) Kukui, Honolulu H. Y0SHINAGA Emma Street, above Beretania New BICYCLES arrived for racing and general use. Prices, $23 up to $35,- without .brakes. Repairing and re-tiring done neatly. Bulletin Business Office Phone 256 Bulletin Editorial' Rooni Phone 185 . wnnomin. T. H. .lon't experiment on ntoi wt wh M .lKiTW 1Ki ii'TrLBiA i ' H Tjffi-'i ' lBL ''ill b(b4b - rt-N-A-efir -!M$A K"d knowledge of typewriting. sonnble. lnqulro nt tho Curio Den. 'if,.;! &J-'X i' ' JiBHBBCakJHiiEiHLSlife vW4 Apply In own handwriting. Ad- opposite Convent. 4C5g.Ct . ..'. ? xijixfiij rijAinnnrj. I i fi. j,. r a , . ... ;-t. l xi v , j m v wttcs.-- i.iiruiun. iitvmwic ni iuic. ..,.. ............ ....., .- c " PATTERNS COMPARE PRICES p"'' TRvklJiLKiiLLLLWHLlLL''- v jJK.IHl Everybody to uae tbo large nickel In private farjlly. Apply Mre. ' .Jg , U --"- ,gxMjiJL-A-MifcLLLLBBLLLv jA'sH. Pil for school and figuring ue K. L, Schmidt, prop., Alapal St. ; - ' -"" )T.ktZSBilk2W flEl t" -iAfWAfl) Two hundred sheeta of good paper No. 1038, near King. 4629-tf , , ., r'm- j-jvmmm.--zz-'B!mtm - mmasiaia' : J. A. . Vieira &iT tCBi, " :'m -liiXK ' rppiy'.ZnaLVr. 11 fc Co.. w&C&wlK tii&VfcmL'WK - CJW Hgax- " v UH-P 'HC'r "IV B ttflKvHLHL Olrl for housework. Threo In family. 113 HOTEL STREET Phont512 iliSkE'M l&. yHBfc MKLW "" Kn""" 'trcet' W''3i - . ... IrvUl V'iiS5 SiJiifi-J!CBiLBiKttt ':Hk5T1 Clean wiping rags at the Bulletin ' ' -- -1 T' "' t t .UW tC2MSrfei&?ICiHiiA ..iiiBHb., . 47 ofllce. mmm-Mm jmrS' P I "m . ' - -Hiliim'. ' I VSrfV&f a'9f flrJUH ' fliHttaL m 'M WS9t3 Wx. 'BMMMlHLIA' Japanese Cookltlg School. Families or ,BSB9ju9ZMH 'HHkyV l . jf iSSTiii. tLKLWLw .C ' lH'Mla'af '7 hotels supplied with cooks. C. M, ffiftmi " 1 1 ' ifPMfc' 'W' u"iA tumVSXTVmT'Ucfm JMatlle. H57 Auld I-ane. Tel. 1601 Autos . Repaired Your machine will be ready foi on when' we say it will be. We lon't experiment on antos; wt reatli hem. Von Hamm-Young Co., Ltda, i lLEXANDB Y0UNO' buhddh. 'SThe BestBuHt Car; in Aratrica . SOHUMAN. CARRtAOE CO.; LTD. ' I Agents ' J. W. KERSHNEB iufq Tire R?iiairirig . - 1177 AJakea St. Phone 431 FOR SALE a:' IMPORTED AND ISLAND Telephone 109 CLUB STABLES int.- Chas. R. Erazier Company fOUR ADVERTISEM " hnne 371 122 Kin 81 . im re'near co. LIMITED ALGEROBA BEAN MILLS, SUMMER DAYS AND Pau Kallana GOOD THINGS Vienna Bakery 1129 Fort St. . FINE ROLLS AND BUNS. BOSTON' BAKED BEANS. ., . BOSTON BROWN BREAD. BEST' HOME-MADE BREAD IN TOWN.. Bins: up 107. REGAL "SHOES REGAL SHOE CO. Kiug'and'Bethel. GEO. A. MARTIN, FASHIONABLE TAUPE, Business Suits for $21 Hotel St jgay'Tor Halo" cards ut Uulletln.,, ifoiffi ui . 'iBMnifVlflS LLiLH ' mB-zS&Wl for Ave centi, at this office. tt I I ?M'(Li iU1bS w t IHKtV K.flfV ---- ajc r .;Hl$f4H . .VJF '..VfIKiM teidfcC:. (Continued from Pago 1.) TOKIO, June 3d. Tim Japanese Uaveriiincut nnnouiiccd Port Arthm would bo opened tomorrow- to tin incrchunt marine of all nations Hitherto Uio port lias been miner ro atrlRtloiis which llriil(cd tbo rlghti' of foreigners to send merchant vca sets to that city., , SHARKEY WOULD . . FIGHT WINNER UBNO, Nov., Juno ,30. Juinea J Joffrlej and Jack .Johnson quit train Imr'tmlay and nniiuiinced that they wrro In full ngiitlng trim for tho big fight on lndopciiilencp Da)' '1110 pugilistic camp was startler: today by u meBaagqrocelved from Bhurkoy it i.a.'ri'i'mle,, Wyo., Htntlng that he would .cba' tlui winner and arrange' for. a' stipulated purse o! $2I,000, , . '' Klght entbuslusti ar.e pouring Into Heno nB fast ns thg trains can bring them, DYNAMITE KILLS THREE. HOUI-DKIl, Mont., June 30. A big dynamlto .explosion occurred bore to. day, killing three men ami seriously Jnjurlng four. , The men wcro blast ing In a mine when the accident oc curred. TO CIRCLE WORLD !O0 SHIPS, IXCM)iIM! IjAIMIKST AFLOAT, Will UK BKXT TO IIIIK THE Sl'IHlT OF IMl'KIU .IALISH. London, Juno 15. England la pre paring to send to San Francisco tho mlghtlost fleet of ships of war that aver sallod the hcub. Two hundred ships, Including bijt tjesblps, armored cruisers, crnlscra, gmibouta, ile(nyors, torpedo boats and HiilimiirliutH, will go In mnko ii tbla great nrmada, uhlch U llkuly In sail under. tbo command of Prince Louis of Iluttenburir. ' The' prlm'ary object of tli crulsb Is Cable News NOW OPEN DOOfi ENGLISH AKMAUA &mjn to InBiiIro the "llrltlsh colonies wtth'. the', anlrlt at Imperialism, ' Tho lleef will uaxomblo In lionlo waters, visit (Jlbraltur, tho new South African Federation, India and Aus tralia. Then the armada wIIUIb'h ub- divided for visits to tho scverhrpa drta it China., t , These visits concluded, the fleet will reassemble In the, Yellow sea and after stops ut the leading acuports of Japan, will striko across the Pacillc to San Francisco. Ororgr to Carry Out Plan. After tho vlBlt to San Francisco, the fleet will visit Vancouver and then, re turn to tho l'nr Hast. Tho plana for tbo dispatch of this fleet to America hnvo been under dis cussion ut tho Admiralty, ofllce for many months. It was not until Muy 4th, however, that It. was dcltnllcly de cided that tho fleet lio'ilil -be .ufictn- bled. Then tbo dcuth of JHug lCdwnrd put l temporary check, upon the plana uf th'i Admiralty. Tho project win. i.ol d'-oppedi bowever, and influx the In splitiltvn of King Ocorge It will now be taken up again with ftros.rr en il.uslasm than before, King George Is known to bo an ar dent Imlioriallst, and thu visit of the licet, It is believed, will roawuken thu enthusiasm of the colonies for the empire. Tho trip will not tako place until the autumn of 1911, being delayed to permit tbo completion of the new -fi,-000 ton battleship Princess ltoynl, the largest afloat. Details uk yet uro only In embryo, It Is proposed, howetcr, that the ur- mada shall Includo a fleet uf from ten to sixteen of thu bnttlcrflilps of the Dreadnought class, Including uueh ships r 11a the' Ilcllcrophoi!-, Superb, Temcrnne, Ixird Nolsori Agalncumon and lluhvark. There. .will bu another battleship, di vision, made up of lli',000 ton ships, only n llttl'o less powerful than Dread noughts. The armored cruiser division, It Is planned1, will1 Include thu new- Indefut' Igable, launched' ut Davenport lust October. There will- bo a largo number of cruUcrs In tho licet, 'The torpedo di vision will Include, us now plunned.tba now ocean-going destroyers Crusudor and .Nubian rrgurdlug which so much secrecy was observed by tho admiralty nt h limp ll'' were launched. Lastly, It Is planned to includo fif teen HUbmarlnes. It will boHbo Drat time, In naval hlxlory that warships of that type vlll bo tested ,by the sovere utraln of an becuu Voyugu. ' llorlln, .lumt 17. So many official statements and warning to tho resi dent of Germany not to bo nlarmod over Kmpcror William's romlltlon have been sent out that tho public baa nt last becomu nrousp4l. It has been known for n long llnio that llio Kmpcror was not In good beiillli. Up has long brooded tivor bla crippled left arm, and when nn nbsoess om his right hand compelled tbo calling of nbvslclans be became worried. The report that bo broke ui blood csaol on bis right knee, followed by the re port that be was only suffering from soreness1 from too much horseback riding, failed to Impress- tho .-omiiry. jfliat tbo Kmperor would lecoino huiI dlo sore, tho newspapora declare, Is foolish. Just bow nerle.1 bin condi tion Is rannut bo tannin! Irora ie!l nblo .otllclal circles. ItOWiniKO'AV UK' SUI'HKMK ('(IlIHT J!II)(1E (boKJNKbfiftrT Persistent reports hnvo It that Lloyd W. llowerB will be named by thu president for the Supremo Court bench. I BB FORT SHAFTER NEWS FIELD AND BARRACKS. In a rlllo competition between com. panics V and II. held last week, com pany H won tbo prise, 130, which was made, up by tho losing company. Tbo teams consisted of six men from each company. ' Special Duty, Tbo following enlisted intv '.who havji boon employed by, thu quarter "mutter's department, Uuvo bevu ro- "T''. W' 'W0 " Taaaaal uaBaBaBaBaH r79V Kit I t f mWM EMPLOYMENT AOENfTr lapanrse Employment Association Maunakea near Aul Theater. Call up phone 697 It you want a cock good boy or servants. TYPEWRITING. Will do all your typewriting work nt home by an expert typist. Ad dress "Typewriting," this ofllce, tr AUTOMOBILE. For hire, seven-seated Packard; phone 199. Young Ilotol Stand; Cbai. rteynolds. 4G40-tf PLUMBINO. fee line KecPlumbernd Tinsmlik Bmlti Bt, bet. Hotel and Pauaht. PROFESSIONAL CARD. Mn. Hodgson, Experienced Teacher Piano and Singing. Uest methods; rapid progress. Thorough train ing. All ages. Studio, 236 King atreet, opp. Hawaiian Electric- rear cottage. 1626-lm- W. Karl Vincent Prof, of Music Lessons In Sin t& Pianoforte, pipe Organ, etc. dence and Studio, 1650 Emma St. 4544-tf Dr. F. SCIIURMANN ' Osteopatli. - ' ' " Corner Union ncd. BertUnia Its.' - House Consultinri 2-3 . m. lt- ardnys excepted. Operating, 8-11 a. m., 3-6 p. m. Phone S3. A. B. BOWAT. D. V. 8. HOURS Club Stables: .10 a, m. to 12 m. j 3 to 5 p. m. Residence: 8 to 10 a, m.: 1 to 3 p. m. PHONES Club Stables, 109; Res id,ence, 1429 NeW For Kodakcrs The ""Autotime" scale for kodaks and cameras. Instead of a complicated scale of fig ures usually given on cam eras, this scale tells you what stop and .what speed to use under varying conditions of liRht. Price $1.00 Honolulu Photo Supply Co., FORT, NEAR HOTEL ST. lleved trom uxtfa duly and dcu on sptclal duty. Bcrgt. Pcttlgrew of Co. 1C, as overseer; Prlvutq Mall, of Co, 1 ns' laborer; Prlvato 8lmpson, of Co, r, us laborer and Prlvato Paul of ld, u, as cierK in qiiancrmasier de partment. Corporal Uauingusrt, of CO, E, 'has been rollevcd from extra duly v school teacher and detailed on special duty as clerk at headquar ters. Muster. Thu regular nontuiv. muster was held Wednesday morning. It consist od us follows! Pout non-commlssloned ntnfr. Cnuiiianfea I', (1, H and II and lloxiilUI rnriH ami Hick, Athletics. Thu iHt g)-r)inaslunvhas hoen filled nearl.v etcry ivIng,4j being ma.ile iiosiilbli by (ho Inatallliic of electric .light. Ilowllng',' handball and basket ball predominating. Clean furnished rooter; $f.S0 week, COc. night. 1281 Kort street 4020-lm Two furnished rooms. Aptly Mr. D. 12!! Emma Bt. Housekeeping rooms, Cottngo drove. Phone 1087. 40O-tf furnished house, road. 1713 (leach B00M0 AND BOARD. Cool furnished rooms and cottf. with or without board. 16S4 Nuuanu At., near Brbool St. Prices moderat. 4il0-tr Flrat-clasa apartments, with board, The Macdonald,. 1402 Punahou. Special ralej for table board. Phone 1113. 4C41-tt Neatly furnished rooms and board. 1E50 Emma street, opposite Royal School. Mrs. Annie Oabe, prop. NIcely-furnltbed rooms, for couples, with board, In private family. Ap ply 136C King atreet. 4624-tt FOR BALE. The.-Transo envelope a tlme-sfjlng invention, no, addressing neces sary In aendlng out bills or re ceipts.. Uulletln Publishing Co., solo agents for' patentee. tr At the-Walpahu' Exchange. 10 mln- Me a' run from the main road to ' Ilhlelwa. finest. Iloulil refresh- V luen'ta. at .Honolulu prices. tf At n bargain, a .lot on Kort atreet, lino sq. ft., with threo houses In good condition. Inquire 1910 Hurt, 46CB-1W Qaaollne launch, two outrigger .ca noes and fish nets for sale cheap. Address p. Johnson, llonoullult. Kusstan somnvar (tea tnuxhlnt). In quire 8H Merchnnt. Martin Qrune. , 4655-lw Diamonds and jewelry bought, sold and exchanged. J. Carlo. Fort St. Inie'rt-Islknd and Oahu Itallroad ship ping book, at Dulletln office, tf CLOTHES CLEANTNO. The Expert Clothes Cleaning Co. Goods 'called for and delivered. 1127 Fort St., opp. Club btablea. City Clothes Cleaning CO., No. 4 Ma sonic Temple, Alakea, St. Clothes called for and delivered. PLASTERING. Torn Carpenter Plastering, cement work of all, kinds; sidewalks a epeclalty, Lowest possible prices. . Residence, 1234C Emma Place.' .Honolulu. 4634-lm ART GOODS FRAMING YE .ARTS. AND CRAFTS 8H0P Tort, beloye King Street. , . , ANSCQ FILMS AND CAMERAS Gurrey's, Ltd. April Records For the Victor Talking Machine BEBGSTBOK MUSIC CO. MD OWL CIGAR NOW 5o M. A. OUNST A CO, - , Agents Steinway AND OTHER PIANOS Tlioyer Piano Co. 150 Hotel St. Phone 218, I TUNING GUARANTEED J85 editorial rooms 250, bJsJj" ness orfife, Theie are the telephone numoero 01 tne uvimwn ohikv. n T I 1 a j... f'-'jM! !i ' ",' -, a a! -i .'Vi -. . ' i ",. v'.' .... . . - -j..-'. t'dii .w.: .. t j tSfiiMtm iiki JiMk Ui'J:aUB. ,. ,.? W H.J.:..t.t.&,4..i.- ...' ,.!..., . '' . if . . t'7. , .fciaKKUB'HUhVi . . . JWi-JimJM8WJiXxt..m i'rftiiBgthWtofto