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n. vr I AM BY HONEST CONVICTION FOR THE LIQUOR LAW AS IT STANDS - BISHOP RESTARICK. nwmwM nnatMm Evening Bulletin From San Francisco- Xevadan July 21 For San Francisco. Mongolia July 29 From .Vancouver: Mamma , . . . .July 22 For Vancouver: '-ptiiaiMlla August tfi YOUR STORE QROWS, OR DOES BACKWARD EVERY DAY AND THE ADVERTISING DECIDES I 2:30 EDITION Gives results, hence has high rank among advertisers. , tr ESTABLISHED 1882. NO. 4070. 10 PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1010. 10 PAGES. F1I0X 5 CIKTI (' -!( J FftJ r 1 " S V ELEVEN ARTILLERY AT PR GRUESOME TALE COMES FROM KAHUKU Left To Cremate AfterJJeating Chinese Meets Horrible Death At Kahuku Posse After i Murderers . j That nucitlier nppnlllng crime Iiuj dead mull belonged quickly Informed been "added to tint long list that the police of the mntter. exltts at present, In the belief uf The slleiiLe of the deputy sheriff Deputy Sheriff Rose nnd Chief Mc- of the district Is most unaccountable, Dufflo, ulio were Informed this morn- und the only possible explanation Is lug that a Chlneto rite plunter that he lives some twenty miles from I amed Chin Ton had been beaten where the muider took pluce. i up at Kafiuku uud then thrown onto Accoidlug to the Btor brought to n pile of dried rite straw undulmost Itono'ulu, Chin Ton was nttHcked by crcrmtcd, a mob of Chinese and badly beaten The horrible traged) Is said to Up He was thought to bo dead and have occurred nt the See Tal Wal his wuuld-ho murderers then drugged Illce ' Company, which has many him to u heap of rice struw and, ncrcs under culthatloti'ln the. Ka- after loverlng him up, set fire to huku illatrl t. Word was brought 'the highly-Inflammable material. Into town by a Chinese tills morn- The thugs then adjourned, and are"- iLg. nnd the society to which the 'Continued outage 3) A I WHAT PROHIBITION MEANS BE LAID OUT AT KAWAILOA BY FIFTEEN BONOLULANS -- .. 'Bii S''iK auv" y) "It Is Up to the Hawaiian." Woolley Interview It cnn't be called Nob 1 1 111 exactly, that trart out at K iwallon. It might bo tho I'lim of Hack ISnj but if will be tho aristocratic hiiburb of alt Oaliu If the applications of fifteen promin ent IlonoiulaiiH aro npprou'd this ar toinoon nt tho ineitlng of the I-aml Hoard for thros acre residence trncia near tho boach tlicro Of ull tho applications wjilcli nre before the boaid today that or n. V Iiwln anil IiIh fourteen associates Is tho most Important In many mib, Those, whoso names nre on tho poll lion fur tlicto tracts besldos Mr. Ir win nre W. D. Adams, W, II. Mcln crny, I) I. Coukllng. .1. C, i:nns, Dr. C. II. High. Prank Thompson, Robert llond, W T. Illnglnm, John Stokes, W. V. Drake, Dr. O. n. Wall, Mia Klla Osborn, C, II, Krniler and J, D. Mulncrn), tho lutter uppljlng for tho Island of Popoln These fifteen havo taken tho cream of tho lots of government land offer ed at Kuwalloa nnd will hnvo n HCt tlument of their own In which to 12-Inch Gun i lilln 11 Men ISAGQUITTED Charge Of Gross Cheat' Dismissed By , Judge China Says Convention Satisfies spend week ends and enjoy ono of the finest bcuches In tho Territory. Ihe Land Hoard went Into session this afternoon at one-thirty and It will take until late this afternoon for it to consider afl tho applications which aro to come, before it. Applications which havo been filed with Commissioner of Public Lands lenities tho ones for Kawalloa aro many " J Manuel Sniitni wants Ijla St mil Sr at ICnlnhco. Kauai; and Qwoclc1 Illn Society has applied for thrco ncruH of groiifnl nt Keokca, Kuta.J Maul, which Is u part of Cornweirs At th() ,,ollco Colrt t)lg nlornlll(. ..' ,ii I Coo Wan Hoy, who was charged with J. H Raymond asks o Iwso gov, FoRTHESS MONROE. Va.. July gross cheat, was acquitted mid dls. PEKING. July 21. China il "TL."r". !i '. ?.'r.: 21.-EIeven artillerymen are dead charged from custody. Judso Hum- tirely satisfied with the conclusion. her 491 at Walakoiea. Puna, Hawaii "vend are injured as tht re- phrlcs nnd Attorney Miqooii np. reached by Russia and Japan in their u nuVp,, suit of an accident to one of the big penred for tho defendant und Deputy alliance for maintaining the present f" Younis wants to renew tho guns oi me oaiicrics ucrc, wnicn uu-1 county Attorney Jlllvertou prow.ut- "unmj " '""''""', en- Plebiscite Illegal For Inspectors Just Re ceived Notice STREET CORNER SPEECH (Special Bui let In Wireless) llllo, Hawaii, July 20 Herald pub- leaso on lot D95 of tho laud of Wala- curred during target practise. 'eli. I government today issued a statement llshes todaj that ptohlsclto is Illegal kaluawaho, Oahu, nnd Kahulul Itall-I wmie uie men were operating one j T,e defendant went on tho witness "pre"'K ibiuihciiuu wiui me tts tlio law requires that rroclamatlon snail tie transmitted to inspectors torty uays boforo election. Under nro lslons nf scctliin twent).flvo of ultc- Hon law Proclamation urrhed here Suiiila) and was posted Tucsda) road Company wants to exchange cor- of the great twelve-inch guns, the' tulld ,ler u moton to aismiss hudlRuM0,JaPaneie convention. (Uonttnuea on Jfasre i) "'"'" ., ' . .7, been dented by Judge AnuriiOe uooi of the artillerymen were wiped out In a twinkling. ! I The Ann) and Navy Journal gives tliu 106th and ICBtli companies of Coast Artillery us statloi ed at Fort less Monroe. SCORES W00LLEY1TES "Vote down the prohibitionists next Tuosda, and let us have liberty," At the noon hour today, In tho nilitsl of about three hundred voters, Oeorgo Mnrkham niado tho first autt- liosed supporters present, they kept unchanged muniiii "I tell ou,. fellow citizens," said Markjuiui, "let us voto against tho prohibition next Tuesday,, Let lid show and prove to Woolley that wo, STRIKE CALM MONTREAL, Canada, July 21. The strike situation among the em ployes of the Grand Trunk road is ONLYATBOME Wan Hoy told of the whole transac-jgg'y'g" D.EAI) llllli, UIIU UIUIIHUU MIUI win m-iinit.inn. wore not tho kind ordered. letter written In Chinese was produced, und it purported to Buy thut tlio bed- IN IMPERIAL fetctlon hvpiity-fhe, nhlch tho Her TiniPDTAT nl T1 OI C...H ulll mint Oil nti iinlinlillnir tin tnttlAti. steads V ore not satisfactory and that ,e fJ fc tlon that the plebiscite IsJIIegnl. pro- the freight had to bo paid by the man xcrtve heatFin the imperial Val- llles ",al ,h" Proclamation of n spe- Governor Makes Public Those Who Will Serve For Four Years JAKennedyVotes "No" On Tuesday j President of Inter-Island Makes !i Strong Statement Against Prohibition Propaganda President J. A. hruittilr the Intrr-Iolimd Me.iin NiMlirallon Com pany dirlarrd tlitt niornlntr (lint lie ulll MU Tuciday ngalnvt the Uollcj Thurston prnpjirnnd.i. Prrrililrnt Kennedj' statement was us follow! . ' I am not a prohibitionist but a re strictionist. I believe in the regulation and restiiction of saloons and the liauor (business in the Territ iry. I would like to see the Liauor Commission backed un in-its endeavor to carry out the wishes of the people and the enforcement of the laws. Honolulu is a seaport town and meny people do not take this important tact into consideration m making: com parisons with cities and towns of the 1 interior on the mainland where entirely different conditions prevail. "I shall vote NO at the coming election." DISCOVERY BY REGISTRATION piohlbitlon campaign spttcli against Hnwiillans, nro no Indians, us he rop tho Woolley piopagnnda, at tho corn- resented us to be to tho peoplo In' or of King and Bethel streots in Washington tho absence of a soap bo which wus' "Tho only way t ocall him down ordinarily used during the pist polltl- Is to voto down his proposition with ru campaign, juurmium iiioumeu m wuicn no is iiying to misienuiis. m Ab g)()I M tll0 rcBat ration boards ll i-uiuiiiuy iimuu imiiu aim otuiu. uie nisi mui:u, lie iiuw hu uusiuunB, .,. , ,,,,. .,.., i, .,-,, Woolle nnd tho pnihlUtlon leaders Us a malll.lnl. to come hero and die " disposed of lie next Important Hu challenged tho into como for-1 late to us what to do on tho liquor n,ft"ur wn,c1' w,u ""B'10, t,,e ultu" wtid and opposo Iitnii but. alas, thero question Ho Is Inesponslblc nnd his t,on of "overnor rrear Is the preparu. weie no prohibitionists In tho neigh- ndvlct should nut bo supported by Hon of his unuuul report for truiis borhood. Ho called for Woolloy to us. f mission to Washington, ronio forward nnd face the Hawali.uii "lie has done a dirty and ungen- From now until the report Is plnced rowd: but he was not present Al- tlcmnnlj thing at Washington by In the' malls aovernor Frear will bo though there wero a few of his sup (Continued on Page 2.) - (Continue! on Page2)- - they were consigned to. Mlherton cross-examined Clou Wan Hoy uud elicited tho fact thut the de fendant Is well llxed us regurds woild ly goods. The defendant bald that ha stopped the check given to Man uger Chang Chun of the lther Mill Co. because ho saw thut the t,ooiln sent to his customer were not us rep resented. The Judge said thut it was Imi'd to believe that the defense had mado up u story as suggested by tho prosecu tion, und that the small amount In question made It Improbable; tho ac cused was therefore dlschurgid In a former repuit In this cuso It was Intimated thut It wns the City Mill Co that was prosecuting (loo Wan Hoy; that was not torreit as It was tho Itter Mill Co, uud the man- ley. Winter state To hold offlcw for the uext four 5 ears, the boards of registration lllltn llAflll tttl.inlntO.l f.(. fln.Awnna Walter I' Frear,part of the np-uJE. uoliitments belnir nmde lestenlavniul tlie remiiltiiler Imlu. TT, II, nil tlio districts except the Fourth uud Fifth ou Oahu, the ap pointments wero mndo effectho as of yesterdn), yhllo the. Oahu appoint' mentu were not Dually declJed upon until todu und have been nude as of this date. All appointments wil expire ll. July. 1H. " clal election must be Issued by the Those whom the Cloernar ha flou'rimr forty dns befuro tho elec- named to be members of the boards jo the Inspectors the different tllll,u miri t-Otto'w, Hose, chalr. ' i ' , i ,. . . """'i Manuel 8. Pncheco, Win. II tlon Is to be held, and that copies of am: ino proclamation shall be transmit I oil '11 A .ASK A urec , iuw uuuier iiruviues inai i". Kfltuniitla. 1VASHIN0T0N, D. 0., July 21. at three conspicuous places In cadi Proceedings have been begun by gov- precln.t, but no specification Is given eminent officers to extend the jvns- UH to the tlmo nf tho posting diction of the Interstate Commerce Km titer along theiu Is n section of commission 10 xne AtasKa iranpor-ih law, howuter, which provides un Island nf Haw all,, First Iteprrseu- tation comnanies. MADRIZ TAKES ZELAYA MEN der "duties of Inspector" that tlio Inspoclur among othtr things shull post notices uf tho election In It 1 f pleclnct In pi ices as before prulded ut least bcen ilus befoio tlio cUc ttou Ik to lake plnre. I When khowu the iiIhjvo wireless (Ills C, July 21. afternoon flmernor Frear. Secretar) WASHIN0T0N. D Piesident Madris of the Nicaraguan Mott Smith who has charge of tho ugorH name Is Cluing Chun, not A,t.r. . ,M"t, ,i,i, . .ii M11V ..n .-,i,i ii.m ii, mviuin i 41tVltUW Vt VII T1tk Bll,l ," -"' -- ."- ...- 1' cention, was a follower of President "letum tweiiiy-n was for tho Issu Cluing Chau. No, Cordollu, you can't travel .by irtull, een If you do stamp your feet ' JKdE Zelaya. -"For Sale" cards at bulletin,. nnro of tho proclamation by the' Gov Jeruor and that thero was no prol Itonunnea on rage a; Island of llawllf Second Itepre- twututlve DlstrUt deoige P. Till loch, (hilrmnn, Allied tl. Patten, 8. V. Kaal Islands of Maul, Molokat, I.annt ai d Kuhoolawe. Third Hepreteiitu tlvo UUtrlct tlcorge Weight, chair man; David Mutton, Morris K. Keo hokalole. Island of Oahu, Fourth and Fifth lleprcMMitatlvo Districts Samuel K. Chllllngnurth, chnlrinnu; Atlanta- slum K. Vleria, James D, Holt, laluuds of Kaunl and Nllliau, Sixth Ilepresentatho District Wal ter V. Banboru. chairman; Clnrles lllake, K. V. Kinney, mt If a man is really a dead one he Is In ii univ si ftntullt Inn -- v . ., . & -"J w n i. J.., I .1 , 13.