Newspaper Page Text
,r - .vV 7 r c v 1 I'rom San Francisco: Miihfllii AiikubI in Tor Sun Francisco: Vvlihoimlnn August 17 from Vancouver: Mnl.iuu usust 1'J Tor Vancouver: .enlnhdlu August 1G na - ILLETIjN iiiv: T Some lojc their nerve, but those, who do stick, win out, because gool-j pihirtuing in n good newspaper h . lounl to Ir rig results. 3:30 EDIT.ON Has helped to make many -Honolulu merchants successful -Jl ESTABLISHED 1002. NO. 4098. 30 PAOES HONOLULU. lEtUUTDRY OF HAWAII, TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1910. 10 PAOES. PRICE 5 CENTS. TOLD IN D I w BJBJ ENING HAWA rs PDf)9PriS8TY OLLARS .. f- i ' SHERMAN HAWAII'S EXPORTS YEAR OVER 46 MILL MORGAN URGES Kxporltt front ll.iwnll for tliu jejir mulliiR Juno :i iiiuiiiinli'il to SIR, 4Sii,411', nil Inoreiiio of 15 per irlil.i nvcr the year preceding, uml being j almost double tlio IniportH for th" jcar, wlilrli amounted to Sliri.l" , "17, aieoiilllig to a nttilenicnl uiailo liy Picstdcnt Morgan of tho Chaiubci of Comnicric In IiIh nuuiial icpnit linicnioii in urn annual iiii-i-uhk "8(,i,u f , i urucil Hull riui- IliD Chamber HiIh afternoon. 1'icslileiit Morgan's report, pre IMivil liy Sceretury II. I'. Wiiotl, cov um uioto IIiiiii twenty pages uinl ills In ilutull tlio ilirfervut com uml ngrl tilliirul comlllloi.s In tlio Territory. Ilu stiilc-K that agricultural condi tions urn In tlio must satisfactory (ouililioii. Sugar mill continues lo 1.0 the leading rop. IhoiiKh It Ik .i.., if ii,.. mhikiii win iki-itiI ' i tlio last crop for many jran to roino, Hire, wlileli lins licen tlio kccoii 1 croi of tho Tcrrltorj, viilucil an- -ruinlly iitjSS.riUU.UOA, In kWiir vhico tij pllieaiiplea, tlio output of tlio Jat- .lor pioitliet Inrreiisln from lOO'i inKcs lu l'jni) to r 10.000 innet In (hi) p.iHl heaKon. ColTre, tobacco, hImiI, rutliiii uii'J riihlier mo till illnuiSHeil, tlio outlook for tho lalier im a wtroui; nitlvlo of oxport hehiR Rood, as the llrst tnp pliiRii will lie maile on llimis.iinls of Iihk wllliln a fuw moiilha. Military uml naval matterx uml tho ninuiilit of uioiiov roinlliR llilo tlio Teirltoiy IhroiiRli the lmpiociueiit at IVarl llarhor cut) taken up. The lmprocil KleuuiKlilii rerl a ami ImlliliiiR oierattoii3 aio niokeu of at lelictli. lu rcRiinl to tliu llll.'i exposition lit f,;ui I'i'iiikIkio. it la uiReil Ilia. Honolulu thiow Ho iiillueiKO In that city, ami as a I'eileral appropilatlon may he avallnhlo, 1 Is thiniRlit ail lKihle In plan for a IiIr oxhlhlt for Ilnwiill at thlx exposition Hint the wlinrfaRp now contiolledivlili'h Is best lu a community, II l";mli nn oiRiiul.allon (mild by tji linvv wl'l reveil to llnunlulii nn roou ar llm depailment more to Pea 1 1 1 1, irliiir la bctloved, and com prehonslvo plaiiK for furl her Im provement of Iho, harbor, an being one of the most Important nil the P.ielhc. are urged. A feeling of loiigialiilatiou Is ox prei'sed oM'r the referring of tlir piohlbllloii ipicHllou to the oIoih of c S3ys Spilling . Stiinl Starts Spirited Shindy Host of Iho mouilng nl tho idlco' "Tho piospects nf a Democratic court wan lulu It up wli a c.isp lu boaid of city and iiiuniy supervisors which a bowl of soup ligurcil as tliu for Iho mining tnim Is not only ox most InloicHtliii! foatuni of tho nffalr. ' eedlngly bright, but tan bo tiuiulod A Chluoee u.uuod l.u (lining was ihaigi'd wlili having ttuiiwu hot t.oup nwr auothor CV'es.Ji.1 who was v)nrk lllR III tllU BillllO I'USlllUrilUt, Huiialor Charles Chllllngwotth an pen led for tho pmseeutlon, and Attor ney II, A llmilltlir innrnflnnliul llin .In. ' u,..v...... ...v .... rembnil. Tho Incts as hrouslit out lit Ihn I tint utno Ibnl Hie iliironibinl wiih ilili.f ,,,.,r nl .. r.,ul., I .. U'ln.r street, and that the complaining wit ness uos an assistant, who was con- tliumlly ciiuiluu lute to work P01" "8 " ' toiisiuuicu a saic ui... liirly this month tho,u,rvn,IVB lm"f' coniplalnuni mid another man. wuiu "XI l!- sllva wl" alKO ,,B n "an 'winking side liv side nl a large slove.ldlilate for nieinberslilp to the board Koine Miup spilled on tho right arm of i suprnvlxns He will lie the iiuiiii the eomphilnaul. who was hinllt scald liuoils ilmli-ii or iho delegates to the (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Pac 2) .iAlltt.A t 1 .'J. -3i .rinif. ,,. PUBLIC BODY tln Tcirllorj by (ongioKn. iiml II I H'skcd Hint business men In Rciiurnl ; lllltU II llllll,' IIMM! 11111'lflH 111 lllll' tli'H, seeing Unit Hip most respond b men nio nindo candidates Tin local and Territorial olllres. In loganl to CoiiRrusslonal work.1"1"1 nl!ur lat,'ur """, "' ,,l'"! I tliu HKiiiy things in- inii1 l)u'.l bv j,,, k,h, pi ncllrnlly entry-' thing I In; Chamber imilorfU'il, nro tluueil efforts lie icvouuo euller ti miidc to scrum t i he stationed hum pvruiainiiitl.. InveHtniontH, tlimn eg, Territorial matters, rillmiH, Irrigation, tele phones nml telegraphs, pl.ilia for 'i 1'imiI Itnihor colobintlon. delegates to national (oiiiinereliil ami Indus trial conventions, pulille addresses ''"" "" "" imionro in iravei to lluwiill. ncriolony. ilnlcRiitva to Chln.i. work of tho illffetoiil loiniult teen of tlio Chamber, uml the public 'health oj" iho Territory, aro all tlli- .ii Lvuivil ul Rreati'r or lemt leirRlh. In loneluillnR the report, l'rcst ilcnt .MorRiin nays:' v"ln coneluilliiR my nnniial report, I wish. r po-utlhlo, to Impious upon .urn the lU'Hlr.iljllll) of unilliiK tliu eoiumerdal assoelatlomi of t ti it, elty'. The thought of some Ihi.h been that tliu moru orRiinlzallomi lahoriiiR to ailvainu llawall'ii Intriertii, the bet ter, hut from a tareful olisci Mitliin iovciIiir earn, I luue leiun eil lhat thohe rltlctt lu wlilih thoie la a iloiiilnatlui: oluntar oriuinla (Inn, whoue (oniponent paitH aio mnilii up of nil Interests, uoikhm for themselves ami uniting In Hi" moio Important work of lomiuou lien, elite, which ImlM a miiulclii.illl the Rrontnxl auj tho best ileNelop ineiit has followeil. What Ik ovory hoily'x buxImiKH Is lioboily'H bimluess. Hut Iho proper k I nil of an orKanlii tloii makes uvery body's hualncKx Its ( business, lu Older to bring out Unit i ...... . . . iieieaB,iry to hao ami suppnit an IliKliuinenl wlilh will iiiih enlrulc, aiial)n and put fori h tho bust idein uml put poses or tho (oinmuutiy. Ileuco the absolute luiioitauco of a btrong bodv thioiigli whibo olllccs Hie best and (iioadesl-uilnded t'ltlzciiB m.n speak. A belter ami gicaler Honolulu 'a the goal to be Miught. We must I SUPERVISORS None Bui "UnlerriRcd" On The New Hoord upon iih almost a loitaluO." dcclar- ed a prominent paity loader thin morning. . Uf w ,.,. wholI1 I wo considered a vuluuhlo luoiulmr of tho picscnt board, will be returned to his (illlco with a healthy majority. ,..,,. ...... , , , ,.,i u ! '''" "" m""' " " lUUIllelpill icgisutiiir, iimi iiu ii,,. tllU PllllllrSOIIK'Ilt of his part). I I might add that McClullan will also I draw a lingo number of Republican ' -iiiisisii i - DEFEATS COL. ROOSEVELT FOR IONS CONSOLIDATION htiivo fin the lieM In be In clt la auliih ntlim. ciliuniinu. li-;iiiHiort:i ll'lll. lllll'KlljU, I'M1. I lift IMII1IIJIIHM I Inn. Hon i'li Tlir of Miili iiskix Isit Iiiiih mil mil;. 'duplicates and makes umre iohU thla .work, Iml mluiillv lends In dissipate lo foi'ilH Imiinrl.iut iuovoiiioiiih. 'I'll'' m"K' l""ieMdve titles have learned III III. Cleveland lll'KIIU Ii.iir uno In llllH (('IH'lilllliltlllM. It Iub lieeu fol llnwml by C'hli'iiRo, HI. I .oil Ih. I'lllP liurp;, Memphis. Detroit, lluslnh. Mil wuilhee, jiinl reienlly, nml now S;i'i l'rsmclHco Iiiih tul, i'ii the iiiatlur up In riiimmt with (ipnmllteim from lh illrfeient (irKaul.iitlons thioiiglioul the rlty. "I tin not iiilvoiiite the HUM il ly lievuili'O iitlini t'llli'M lino nilopteil It Rui'iegxfully, hut from espeilenee rcnlucil iliirtiiK the llnee e:ir I havo been liicxlilcut of tlio lloiiolulii Cliatuber of ('onimerce, ilurlng whleu I liimi lie nine iiilte faiulllar Willi tlio )ilHtnry uml ibnulopmeiit'of inns' of our vurleil bualnexH Intercut. "A majority of ono iniunieielal boily heie Ik tho majority of Iho oth er, ami I ('oilfiller that a l.uger am! therefore nuno powerful organiza tion, cailng for all' Intcru.fts. wouiil commaml more preitlgo nml bo on ibleil to uiaterl.illy mUaneo tho Tcr-rltoii-K welfare. "Toilay Iheie nie eiitcrprlses drift ing aloiiR that wouiil become prolll able If they were but given the moral support ami helpful ailviie of a thnr. oimlib I i'ii lu oiganlzatlou. "Tho Hawaii I'romollon Com nil t1 lee, tho Joint commltlee of Hie I'liain I her of Comnierie anil tho McrihanH AKtuii'lntlou, while II Iiiih 'lone nii'l Ik iIiiIiir iiiimI elteillvo work for tho Tenllory. voubl, In my opinion, bo able to itccniuplltih moio If woikln (llii(tl umltr Iho niimo of the Chainber, tliu word I'romotlou hulus eliminated "Tberu can he nn niiestlau that ami would a iiiiiipllsh much good "The picsldeiit and board of tru lecii would, nf court-e, inmposo tho exei'titlve bud. Tlio differenl Inter ests, Imwev'ci, would eai Ii havo Its pedal coiniulltecH. each committee woikltiR under U own chairman, ro polling to tho execiillvo lummlUco lie utbh or semi monthly. Continued on Pairc 4. TO PEACOCK Liquor Board Authorizes Transfer Of License From McCarthy Thoro whs a full attondamo tit tho luictlliK of tho llcoiifco commission ers yesterday afternoon, and after loading hut k minutes for neatly an hour, Iho case of Klmiirn, proprietor of tlio Sutiilso Saloon, was taken up Kliuuia was cited to appear I't show iiiiso wh ho Khoiild mil ho disciplined for selling beer to a mi nor and for selling liquor to a Ko lean while the latter was Intnxl eat ed. Kliuura replied Uiiough an Intnr- ptetor. Ilo stated that lu thc caso of tho minor It was nearly dark and the applicant was invercd with dilt and grluio uml ho certainly looked lo bo of ago. This boy alr told I'Vnuell Hint ho was twenty-one, hut nflerwutd t-uld h wuk born lu 181)1. lu regard to the Korean.. It win explained that he had a peculiar (Continued on Page 3) mniumwriiftisrin rrriT PALATIAL LINER HERE ON FIRST VISIT Zcalandia Makes Good Passage From Colonics warn PASSEKGERS WILL STOP OFF HERE The cx-Frciidcnt was defeated by 'no less a personage than Vicc-Prcsi- New Vessel of Canadian-Australian jcnt Sherman, tuid although there Line One of Best Equipped Boats was a division to show the lineup of in the Pacific. I (IC committee members, the final ac tion was unanimous. The now liiiuullan-Aiixtriillnii liner Thc vclc of ,,, comn,ittce was Zealanilla arrived thin afternoon, iho twenty for Vice-President Sherman maiden oyago of her j-iiii between and thirteen for Colonel Roosevelt. Vnncouer and tho Colonien I After thc result was announced, the Iho .rahimlln docked at thej Roosevelt men moved to make it Al.ikea Mrect wharf and whk IkUciI , unanimous, liming tlio afternoon b) iniuiy llonn-l In, ins, tho Zealandl.i'K reputation ""'-pt i tt -tt- 0,'"'1'DTj1CI rTi" n luxurloimly ciiilppeil travel-1 JJAlJj X oUUJtvlllQ UJt! i t i... .. 1...1 i i ll'l IiatlllK pilJltllcll 11.1- llt-n M-wn lir The '.I'.ilanijla will Kill nl 0 o'clock The Zciitiimlln has liienrporated In her mist rncl Ion n nmnber nf innuvii tluiiH mil found In nllScr tlio Mnkiini or the Manuka Tho ensel Ih be- tween these MoiunerK when It conns, i.. -ir,. n,i minmnn. Ah a in niliu t of tho John Ilrnwn and ('iimpiuiy shliiinln of Clyde bank, l.nglaml, tliu SCealandlii repre sents about as tine a tyno of com bined iMSHcngur and freight carrier that ban eer vlalled the port of lln nolulu. That the steamer will prove a popular means of con .cyanic of people from Honolulu to Victoria and Viimomer kim'h without Hiiylng. lit f lepartlug fiom Knglnnd on her miililen lovace lo Australia the es- hoI passed the highest rntlng granted by I.IoviIh Hhe Ih listed an HMI Al ami has nil the cipilpmetit and comes j New Vink ... under the cr exaelliiR rciiiliementH' I'hll.ul Iphla . deimimled by the British lloaril of 'Clnclnn itl ... Ti uiln. Illi-ooklin The new steamer Iiiih ii length ofSI Louis ... tlfl feet; breadth. Mij; depth, 34 feel Huston ...... Her tonnage Is about "1100 gross reg- Istcr. Accommodation is provided for. 2DU llrst-elass passengorH, 120 second- class pnsKengerH, and 1-0 third-class, and her crew numbers about 130. While thcie is alwuys a large (Continued nn Paee 2) FAMOUS VIOLINIST ENTERTAINS HOTEL UUESTS Ktliol Caullcld. tho famous vio lin vliluoho, .iciiinpanlcil by Prof. Audeihon or New York, will clitor tnlu'tlin dloeis at thc Aloxandnr Young ('.ife on Monday. Wednesday. I'rld.iy and .Saturday nights. ... I ml. ..-... I..I.I. il.n .,;";;';.:;:, :,;:" dining room, on Hie sixth lloor, ami at the Miinnii Hotel nu Sunday night I ROBINSON ABSENT JwlRn W I UobliiKiin nf tho Cli cult Cmu t will be aJisnnt from the bench fiom Tliuisday until Monduv ipornlng Judge Itoblnson has had no vurnilou for a long tlmo, and ho win Ktieini Hose fi w dnvs at the ... i. ..i.. ii,,.-,, ,., r i lu. iioine oi .iui,' i.i. .- ... caws on the calendar will bo trans- furred to Judge Cooper and others will he contlnueit Tomoriow there are llfleen matlers on tho dockot and limit will n mon inter nciiiei' ENGAGEMENT The eiiBageiucni Is iiiinouiiced oi Miss Leila (Irnce iJimhersoii of Port- iiinil, Oregon, to Harry A. Wilder or this city. i It's a pllv we cau'l repair the lUm ...... .,u .id v,.. f.;m iii iki .i I..-.,,. u t if i in mimmmmm' RooseveltjGo To Survey Lost 10 Sherman HEW YORK. Aug. 10. Colonel Roosevelt went to defeat at the hands of the Republican State committee lodny, when ii vote was taken on the tcmr0my cha, rmanship of the State T . . m... JtJIU LiHiAUUHib (Special Bulletin Cable) SAN FRANCIbCO, Auc. 10 Thc scctcs in thc big leagues' play today nrc: National Boston 5. St. Louii 7: Boston 7, St. Louis 3: Philadelphia 3, Cincinnati 0; Philadelphia 1, Cin cinnati 4; New York Z, Pittsburg 1. Other games postponed. American Chicago 1, New York 7; Washington 3 Detroit 8; St, Louis 0, Boston 2; Cleveland 3, Phil ndclph' a 22. .Standing of National League, Aug. 15 Club V. I- Pet., fil I'lllsburg ' :u pi 41 III IS 57 li'J :. .7.'l 5S3 fit! IS 47 III :t!) 10 ,:,77 .111) .181 .112 .3Rfi .380 Standing of American League, Aug 15 Club. Philadelphia IDetiolt iioslou W U PcL i;:i r,s r.!i 33 u; 18 17 .'il c.n Co in; .fill! .S.17 .nr.i .Ifi.". .I2S .ior. .373 New York "i! Cleveland 17 Washington IS Chicago II St 1iuIh 3S WERE OPPOSED TO ROOSEVELT (Special Bulletin Cable) NEW YORK. Autr. 10. Thc onno sition to Colonel Roosevelt for thc temporary chairmanship of the Ncwi Ytrk State convention was led by ; Wlliam names Jr., apcnKcr wans 2u-osar-.-. "" " '"J --j-- AEROPLANE BEATS PIGEONS (Special Bulletin Cable) AMIENS, France, Aug. 10. In a' ftftv-mile rncc hero today between an ' acrcplano and carrier pigeons, the' aeioplanc won thc rncc. beating the' pigeons n m m Ah.l llfl ftAAnHilll u luuiuiva uiiu J siiuiiu) - - . ..M.. over the course. TENNESSEE x J-' L1J-' --"-' 1I A M h'SI HI II lMH'W (Special u lie tin Mule) .. .. .. ... NAbllVILLh. TCnn.. AUC. 1U. w. iioopcr was louuy iiuiiiinaii;u iui Geveiucr of the State at the Repub-. lican convention. ' " ' I ' Thiitecn gamblers were arrested at c Mauna V.illov last nlghl ami, if llie bunch, liv,. lorrclted heir liall and th"i balance wore lined IV each. KonaRailroad Colonel Parker Study Conditions To Be . Met With Simcs of tho proposed rnllioid III Komi, for which a cliuiter was appioied at Iho last silsslnn of Con RresH, and a general coiisldeiatlou o' tho prohleiiis Imolved In the build ing of tho lead, were the object that look Samuel Parker nml Surenr Wall nwny on tho Mauna Kea today Prime Cupid also went along, but fishing and not bill ding b' the Incentive lu his case lloforo his departure this mornlnu Colonel Parker stated that he thought highly of tho prospe i , i r the pioposed Rutin road and that Im MILL CASTINGS FOR PUUNENE Steamer Itilonian From Coast Brings Much Cargo A number of heavy ciihiIiirh, .. hoiiio welghl' : from three lo five tomt cadi, line i inicii ui hid caigo nun huh arri by tho Matson Nav Iga'-lon hle.iiiier llllonlan The castlngH are part of sugar ma chinery intended for Piiunenc Mill Continued on Pane 4 MGR. HURLEY DIED TODAY CARLESBAD, Aug. 10. James s general manager of the,n,,rt 1"h"!1,!1In,,k0- ,1h" ""V1".1".6 m' j ailway system, died here 'W' VN ,,l,"m "'" ?" "' c ,' V ,. J ' , i However, on April 18 of this year'd Hurley, the Santa Fc rail' today. Hurley was horn In Iowa in lSfiu. lie started In tho scivk-o of tho At clilson, Topeka &. S.uita I'd railway system, adopting a minor position, In 1SSU, and worked his way through the various ilep.irtinenta until Iiu rea hed tho post of general manager, to which ho was uppolutod May 1 190.1. . -y-V -y-.-- Jft JkA V I V U 1 hi IN CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 10, Vot ing in the direct prmary, held to day throughout thc State, is espe cially heavy in the city. In thc in terior of the State the reports show a comparatively strall proportion of thc voters are coming out. Quiet prevails at the polls. jT TC1ri (rJljJN. JDijlQb - -. . Y -i- I I I I ItI IV' I A ll I I H r SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 10. Gen- ' cral Bliss is to succeed General Barry a s denartment commander for the Department of California. Thc trans I ! for U tn lain, nlar nn Rumlav rif,u. I IV. .u .1. .....V ,,.uwv ... WM . .! WW., crni narry wjj become superintend l).',,t f H, WDtinnnl Mllilorv Ailn t West p0jnt. . . The California Culvers'tv .roothull team Is leiurnliiK h the Zoilaudla 'piuv stale Hint iililiiiimli thev were dcrealed bin hud a mil llm. f I "I'm iln" i mln nl llnllellu. -' "" and Wall Will mediate aitlon would be taken by' 'he h.nkcis of tho proposition an1 roou in. Wall had imnlo a lepoitJ bnied upon Hie preliminary mirveya.' The propisttlnn Ik looked upon wllh considerable fainr by the Mum ::1 men whose llmiu Inl nerve icaulle In Hie building of the llaiuaku ditch, and if tho survoys made Nro satlrlat Inry. lis It Is practically cer tain the will be. there Is little' like lihood tb r. I there will lie much delay in beginning operations Colonel p.nker and Surveyor Wall expe t lo be In Kon.i about tlueo 'ek ' CLUNEYLEFT ) $22,240 ESTATE : Married Ten Days Before I Death To His i Housekeeper 3 Tho will of the lalo John C. Clu-jg nnj, leaving an estate of over I20.-J Oun. II. ed lalo ycstenl.i. brlngo to light a lurliius roiiillllnu o ntfalrs.l lu the will, which was uiado Au gust 111, I'.ilili, Cluney leaves lilt home nl Kallhl to his houseKecper. C.ltilu Mahonej, to occupy as' long as the lein.ilus unmiirrleil, and nho Is to lecelvc llfty dollars a monin fuini his estato as lung as sho remain t rlngle. .Next ho leaves the remainder of , tliu Im oiiio of the estate to his "lo lulled miiij by Carrie Mahmie)," shar he was legally married to CarrJp.Mn- ' nuney, ami (lie is shikco oi in iiio . petition for probate as Mrs. Caiollno Cluiioy. -lob ii Clunoy died April SI 1 or HUH cnr, ill llie iiku oi m, itoi days after he was married to tho wo "" wl'" '"'' cVl ' l,us for '? .many .vears. The estate loft comprliica real prop J nri consiMing oi nvu iton 01 uuiii lu dlffirent parts of Honolulu nml one at Knupo, Maul, the whole valued at $17,210. I'nminnl piopcrty con slsls of mortgages, an automobile and ciieIi, the whole amounting to $5000. Cedl Drown and Harry von Holt aio named as devisees uml lcg'atcej - and the wh'de estate is left in their hand i lu tru.t, the In erne to he turned ovei us provided for 4 39 LOST GIBRALTAR. Auc. 10. Thc Scan. ish itcimcr Marios was sunk totlav ' by a rcllisinn with the Cermanij slcamshin Elsa. Thirty-nine people l., l.: 1. ;.. i . i: i invii uvea iii iiic uisitsici. I inn nrnni if ni?" IHAUt UIWALIALL Ttviny at cloven o'clock Governor? - Walter Kiear. accompanied by CtdonoliH Join tt IIS aide lie I'lltuo letlirneil th'n - ." . ...v. - onviui call of the conimnnilerB of lhVjf Alll.lllV .Hid llllfflllo W lllcll VV3 lrlRlln jcsieru.ij. The coiunianrtcrs or the awo.shlps received tlio" Onvernnr on this liojkTof the Albanv. and as ho l"ft Im recelvijd u salute frnin the liitli-ry of .eaclitnf Iho shim.. 3 i I i i - - - rwr- Tur Sain" cardn at lliillellii .! f ' ' -'"' " ---"T"- -' 'B ' " "S fi