Newspaper Page Text
""" fi "f ! T smpu 'PffV" CfJ'yH?7,l'''?"'"'t",'"'''i' T ""( f evening nnu.nTTN, noNot.nt.n, t ii . tfesday ai'o i, 1010 n -,nSppPLW" v. ( I .1 t v" K Masonic Temple A Weekly Calendar MONDAY. l.enbl o. '.'Regular. nj69DAVl WEDNESDAY; TKUR8DAYJ PPIDAYl SATURDAY All visiting members ot tn irder are cordially Invited to attend meetings of local lodges Meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondayi of each month t K. P. Hall 7:30 P. M. MARINE ENGINEERS' Xr A,." ENEFICIAL ASSMIATIQR. cUtinu cor tUaily invite. EAEMOHY LODGE, No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F. Ween every Monday evening at T:S0 in I. 0. 0. V. Hall, Fort Street. K. It. HENDRY, Secretary. II. E. McCOY, Noblo Grand. All rUItlng brothers very cordlall) mvltMt OAHU IODQE, No. 1, K. of P. Meets every fliet and third Fri day evening at 7:30 in K. ot 1. Halt, lorner Fort and Berctanla. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. WM. JONES, C. 0. 0. F HEINE, K. It. a BAWAUAN IBIBK, No. 1, 1. 0. K. M. Alteu every first and third Thurs days ot each month at Knights ot Pythias Hall. VUltlng brothora cor Hallr Invited to attend. A. L. EAK1N, Bachem. E. V. TODD, C. of n. HONOLULU AERIE 140, F. 0. E. Meets on the 2nd and 4th WED NESDAY evenings ot each month at 7:30 o'clock in K. ot P. Hall, corier Heretanla and Fort streets. Visiting Eagles are invited to at- enn W. R. niLEY. W. P. WM. C. McCOY, Sec. HONOLULU LODOE 610, B. P. 0. E. Honolulu Lodge No. 616, 11. P. 0. fllks, meets In- their hall, on King 8treet, near rort, every Friday even ing. Visiting Brothers are cordially nvlted to attend. JAS. D DOUailEItTY, E. It. (1EO. T. KLUEQEL, Sec IVM MoKINLEY LODGE NO. 8, K. OF P. Mim'k every 2nd and 4th Saturday 4-eul-u at 7.30 o'clock In K. ot P Hn'.l , 0r. Fart and Deretnnln. Visit lot brothers cordially invited to at- 'IT I II A. TAYLOR, C. C. B A. JACODSON. K. R. 8. DON'T TURN THE MATTING It is much better to buy new Sec our large stock of JAP ANESE and CHINESE MAT TING nnd CHINESE MAT TING RUGS both twisted and plain, Colorings and Patterns that will harmonize with youV walls and furniture. Lewers& CooRe, Limited. 177 South. King Street M. E. Silva, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER Prompt and Polite Attention CHAPLAIN LANE, OPPOSITE CATHOLIC SISTERS Phone 170 Nicht Call 1014 ASSESSMENT NO. 12 Honolulu Branch of the Harrison Mutual Association Hub boon called and Is DUE JUNE IB and DELINQUENT on JULY IB. rf'iut PAUtML LINER HERE ON FIRST VISIT (Continued from Pa;c 1) amount of passenger ottered thp three vpskpIs operated on th Cn-nndlan-AURtrnllnn lino, thcro enn be no grout overcrowding on the Zen Iiindla Tlio MRfel Is lilted with two nnd tluep-hprlh cabins lor tlio the acromiiindnllim of llrit class pnssen gpra The morn for use of the public nrp nlcpl arranged on thp upper, shi'ltcr unit promptiiido decks nmld Bhlps Tlin staterooms arc provldpd with p. pry modern convenience The berths are room nnd the vessel Is lpruliml designed for vo) aging through tropical waters. Tlio s)stcni or ontllntlon In vogue leaves but lit tle to be doslrd The serond-rlnss arpouunnilntlon la aft on the upper and shelter decks Thp dining saloon nutipps Hip width of the vcsfpI, and will sent '10 per sons TIip thlrd-chia iiii'oiiiuindalliin Is fornnrd, on Hip main, upper, nnd shelter derks TIipip nrp four enrgo IidIiU TIip vessel In lltteil with two kpIr of iiMilrup!p ppuiiHon engine on thp IiiwiIpI din t-m ting prin ciple, di signed for n incisure of 2lfi pounds Miiim applied by seven multi tubular 1 nllrrs, urraiiRpil In onp boiler-room nnd worked under forced draught TIip vphspI innlntnlnpil nn uvpruga spied of tlilrtppn nnd one-half knots, using onl live boilers out of seven, nnil btirned only sWt)-thrcc Ions of coal ppr ilny This was before retch Ing Melbourne From Mplbotirnn to Sjilnrj, she mnilp fourtppii and one' tenth knots, using threp boilers Cm tain Free r.ijh thu vessel Is biiiiiiI to n Rppcd of Rlpcn and onp-lialf knots loiulpd, and to seventeen knots, half lomlcil The Mourner Is Intouiloil for tlio Canadian-Australian tradp. In RiibHtltutlon for Hip Manuka, which Is to go Into the Intprstit" mid New Zealand trndo An Important Iniioxutlon on th- Hhlp Ih the Marconi wlrclesi nppniutus This was UHed freely nnd to great nil xantagc throughout the njane from England Comumiiltiitlon nan main tained with Kugtniid for roiiip ilnjH, nnd. Avhen 1100 mllps off Durban a ineRRago wiir spnt to tho poRtmnstcr gcneral of tho South African Federa tion, nnd wn duly acknowledged When 4C0 mllps southwcRt of I'upo Ot- wuy n mpHnngn win recched fnini the. ownerH, through II M H C'linllengpr, giving some InstrurtlonH, which were acted iiion, nnd tlm tlmo given to mi hour or tho ZimIiiiuII i'h arrival nt WllllaniRtown ('otnmuulcntlon wna aNo held between tlm Malwa nnd the White Slur liner Sucvic After leav ing Natal anil Prion wick mean time vvns given for threo dn)H, which wns or considerable vnlue In ruling the shin's chronometers KEE LOX CARBON PAPER The sdcal non-grcatc, non smut carbon, Makes copies as clear as original. Sold by Hawaiian News Co., 1 LIMITED Alexander Young Building Office Supply Co., LIMITED Dealers In BEMINGTON TYPEWBITERS, TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES, GLOBE-WERNICKE FILING CABI- NETS and BOOKCASES, GENERAL OFFICE STATIONERY, 031 FORT STREET ? Subscribe for the CALL, CHRONI CLE or EXAMINER, and fjot tho news of the world. WALL. NICHOLS CO.. LTD., ABents Books! Books! Books! Oo to BROWN & LYON CO.. LTD. Alexander Youn? Bide. Rebuilt Typewriters Rebu-lt Remintrton Visible Writing Only $80 A B ARLEIGH & CO. Hotel Street ' LOCAL AND GENERAL Autos, $1 per hour. Lewis Stnblos. Arctic Soda Water Is tho best In h high bull Phone SS7 It goes without saying thnt every thing Is Uest at Tho Encoro Miss Elelc Knpu, who had been spending n month's vacation nt Ilium lei, Knunl, arrived last Sunilnv Mnmicl l.opoji wns fined J."0 and costs this morning nt thp police- couri for Impersonating i pollco officer For distilled water, Hire's Knot Uecr nnd nil other popular drinks Ring up phono 71. Consolidated Sodn Works. Pay cauli and ask for green RlnmpB Thpy'ro free Call nt the show rooim and seo what jou get frco foi stnmps. Samuel IIinurMin who died Init week, was a rhnrtor member of the local Y M (' A , mid had been mi the In Its progrciij for fort) three Scare IVIonel Sun Parker was among the outgoing pasrengers on the Mn una Ken. He went to Kona on spe cial huMiiPKR, whlih will keep 111 nl there about threp wppks Men and women who' weir PnngeO should have It i leaned nt the French Lniimlr), 777 King St Telephone 14DI Abtdle's French pice"RS or cleaning Icnvcs tho silk with Its orlglntl fresh ness Prince t'uplil. Ihn Delegate, went to Knlliia. Knnu, todav on the Htcini cr Manna l.o.i He will spend n revv' weeks therp, nUPr which he will go to Knu nnd tlipn to llllo Prln esi Knlaulauaolo was nt the whnrr Hecogultloii or Franz .loveph's blrlli daj will Im observeil here Tliursila) b tho raiding or national (lugs at the various coimnlales On Tliurmln the monnrch will ce'ebrato his eightieth hltthdnv nnd will hive been on Hie throne 62 jen'H II L llolsteln, e Speaker of the llourn of llpprcRPntutlvei and Nt tlonal Committeeman, returned lo his home todav on the Manna Kea. Ho stated thnt the Andrews matter will be thorough) Investigated h the oikecutlve ronunlttee. which mcoU next Frldit) night HAS NEW DEPOT lillU'E, Kuii.iI, Aug 13 -The new i all road depot nnd warehouse which has been constructed for (Irovo Kami I'Inntntlon linn Just been computed, near the engine house built u couple or monttiR ago to house tho now loco motive, a short distance from tho Orovo Farm entrance nnd It Is prov ing u very satlsraclnry innovation for the plantation, which has previously made use of tho rolling stock of I.l hun Plantation tor 'Its requirements In hauling (.alio nnd materials Tho new building Is or wood on a cement Inundation, and Is GO leet long by HO feet wldo, with n wide roof ox tenBlou under which tho curs remain w lillo unloading It opens onto tho Count) roads, whero wagons may de posit Irelghl mid receive It from tho curs tiislde. and It will bo used as u reiclvlng room for tho freight landed nt tho ports of Almklnl nnd Nnvvili will for the plantation, which will he sent off to tho fields on temporary trucks when necessury (lurden ls lund WHARF LICENSE IS DISCUSSED In the olllco of Mnrstou Cnmpbcll H'sterd.iy afternoon a ronforvnco was held between tho Superintendent or Public Works and representatives ot tho hhlpplng firms who have previously objected to tho wording of the llconso ptopobcd to be granted llllo (Jump inj for building n wharf nt llllo Tho terms of Iho amended llccnso wcro iliscuskcd and met with more general nppioval than thu former dial! However, iib Presliicut Kon- nod) or tho Inter-Island Ktntod, It would bo necussary to study tho II tense nl lolsuio to unilerstund Its pro visions rully and It was decided tint as soon as tho final ill aft of tho 11 cense was. miulo it qop) would ho suit- inlttcri lo oath ot tho firms Interested SHOULD APPLY RIGHT AWAY If there are an) applications to bo inndn for authoi llug new pie clncts 01 changing tho boundary lines of tho existing on oh, these up pllintlons should be iiindo within tlm next revv da)H," said (iovornor Wal ter F Frc.ii this morning "The law rcijulrcH but fort) davf notlco before olcitlon da)," ho ion tinned, "but as tho election icgls trntlon boards moet the II: st of Bep tomber, it Is ncccsear) that tho proc lamation changing prmlnets or tro ntlug now ones hu Usued before tho meetings of these boards" I'p to the present thoie has boon but mm application In and thnt fioni nek Atkinson, for the iicitlnn of n piocliict nt Watoitowu Our Now Phono Number Will Ho 1281 l'lt Ttniisfer Co DEMOCRATIC (Continued from Pn"t U Dcmocrotle uiiiven.iun silva Is nt the head of a loial undertaking cs Inhllrhinent and will undoubtcdl) poll a l.ii ge Hawaiian and I'oituguce vote "Dr. John ('owes, the dentist.' hns developed lonsldprablo stiength among the local follow pi b or In k sr.nlaii faith. He Is a Kt. I.ouls Col lego graduate Horn and lalscd In the Islands nnd having spent the gleater pait of his life In llono lulu, he Is tho light ni.iu foi the plate, nnd on hifelv Hv )our bets that he will land a winner under' tho wlro "In John Mnrkhiini Hie Democrats also have prelt) stioug timber. He will lie one of several who will be presented at the (timing convention. i "Lester Pctrle will make a credit-' able member of the bond, nnil rhnulil Innd reel foremust when the votes aro counted Pelilc wouli1 , have the suppoit of n large percent- ago or the Odd IVIIovvr" and Hlks'i vote Ho Is ulllgned with other fra ternal organizations besides nnd has a Inrgc follow lug or pcmmal friends nniong tho loveis ot good nnd ilean' sport. "Wo sec the need ot a giKid nil round Inwjcr as a ineinbei or tho tlty nnd lountv f.i'hoiH. ami huvc prevailed upon C M Watson, tho at I torney, to sb) bis (.islm Into the ring, Watson will make a strong candidate for supervltor "The Demoirats will bavo to beat one or two nienibeiH now on tho board who have u prettv stioug sup port from the Republican uunp Qulnn and Logan me known to ho out foi the purpo-e of sue ceding thcniHoheH on the board (Jiilnn has a. largo 'Attntiv fillowlng, as road coiiimlttceiimn, and he will be a hard man to bent. Hut we are not ion ceding nil) thing lo the opposition, and feel asm red that the Demni r.itlc tliket will he olio that will appeal to business men. "So fur as tho ma.iol.tlli Is ion corneil. Fern has a walk-ovei In tho luce Take It fiom mo that the present liiiiiuibent In tho Muvor'fl of fice will (nine In over tho tape with at least seven bundled votes ovei and above that rciclved b) his ctrongest opponent. Ills Honor hns been doing a lot of unlet worl. throughout the Island districts Fer'i Is inlgbtv noiseless In his move inentr He does not emplo) n baud save In Hie giving or lunus. When Fern starts out fiom tho Mclntyro building on a trip to ono or the outl)lng dlstrl ts, thero nie er) tew people aioud the '(It) hull' who icnllv know when he lort or whero ho Is going 'In his travels about tho lt and the lountv tho Major meets a great man) pcnplo Ho goes fuitherathun ii mere handshake. Let him meet with a case or appiront destitution, nnd the following dn thero will be a tiuautltv or pol or other piovlslnns following bis trull, nnd It generally finds lu wu.v to the homo whero It does the most good. Many a sma'l and Ltruggllng church or bociet hns icielved material lluanilal aid through n visit from Majoi Fern 'If voii mo rcall) looking foi a worker In tho nice of (iindldntcs foi olllco with tho tlty and muni) gov- csnniPUt for heaven's take don't pibs up Fern Ho's nt It on nil oicaslous WATi:itI.OOnKD and lIng on her port side In tho mud or Oakland Creek, the old burk Agate, which was tent down tho wuyn at Novvburyport In 1SGS, probably has made hei last voyage Tho Agnte bus bcon laid up slnco Apill, 1007, when sho ni rived irom Astorlu For man) years the old windjammer wiib In tho I'upo Horn and on shorn trade, but moro recently was a member of tho coust wlso lumber licet In the winter of 190(1 the bark wns towed Into Asto ria with ton foot of water, In hor hold nnd minus her deckloud A Skin of Beauty is a Joy F orevei rB. T. iELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER llen.ovri Tn. rimiM, freckle, Mulh Klgtitv tU ni hkls lilt ra. A Mi i Vf TJ brmn i,lin tfc)iw niitv ill ftlieitlon ii iSw hMtoo4 Hit Ur 1 1 hi Tfara, tin. I V) pjfp tn tiatettlt btsutctP I fTtftf DlKlft Acrt n-uftunto (tit rf mtuUiU 1 VHtiV r J71 "m i,Ti i Xhi . I, -i-Vnt j i ,,, r ' in GPTS? JS itr or x h ut f y' v vr tk. J l " iHtirat' s I fil ' aj- M 1 ,u lfcliw L -J is. U um IH Vr X i rcummtm? (Imn nml Vfv nt' k h$ Wtit MrmAtt I 4d lb. AlQfrei4iKilun 1 riie If JI Jiuxi!! rt ranc? U iMi uAleit initio trllixi SUi, Oati-tlt. kiivi Kurt-n I3.T.H0PUNl fits 3liitiU:aeiSlttl HtwTt- m Hi A Jr t, 'AM (Jns II. Loo) IAFFIDAVITS IN Two am.lavlls have In n filed In Die Norgu d divorc cas imp b) .Mis NoiRjiiril and another b Minnie Told, n nut Re I'lip'oved nt the Norginrd home icveial, months in 11107 and lflns Mrs Norgaaid In her nfllilntlt re iterates the chatgiB of eiuelty nnd plDsIcnl nlmsu filed lu her libel for divorce t She ndds Hint nt no lime has Nor ganrd ever furnished her money for t'lolhiR for (llher heiself or son mid that he hns had stoles ami shops re fits" her ciedlt Norg i.ird, she stales receives $1,400 fiom the Terrllor) ns eterlnarlun Ho received a legic) or $5,000 from" his fnlhir lu 1 '."IS ot which she le eilvnl nothing, nnd he has been In receipt of an Income or $10 n month from slock ho hel I In Wnlnlu.i Plan tation Compaii) nnd Hnwnllan Pino npplo Compin) hilt vv hither he still holds this slock or not she docs not know. In tho ntlldnvlt or Miss Todd she swears Hint nhu was emplo)fd ns nurso for the son rroin November 1807 to Mnrch 1908 and Hint on February 1 she saw Norgnnrd slrlko his wife In the fnco with his closed hand mak ing u wound which bled profuse!) Again on March 17 the, sivv him Milko his wire wltli his eloi-ed fist In the race, this tlmo drawing blool In quan titles. , Judge Itnblnsoii hns Issued nil order lo show cuiso vvh.v Noigaird should not make an nllownnce lo his wife di'iKisIl with the com I costs ami at Im no) 'h feis Ibis ordei to be board tomotrow at nln- (.'clock VCSSEL AGROUND I.IIIUi: Knuil Aug 1.1 The roui mist d barkintlne "Makawnll." forty ds)s fiom Newtaslle, Australia, vlu Honolulu with lieu Ions of coal nboiril mrlved Inst Saturd.i) nmrnlng nt Ahuklnl. and hud n nnnow ec.ipe. oii'Simd.1). from going iishore Hnrl) In the iiioinlng the eaptuln iittouipled lo bring her up lo tho whmr to unload, ami In r doing sho dragged her nnchois nnd llo.iled lu tu wards the iieach and boon wits In slum! watir wheie she struck the sand) bottom three or .roui times The W (1 Halt, nt N.iwlllvvlll. was sent for as soon as tho vessel wns round lo be dragging, nnd siulckl) nr rived to lend n hand Sho mado fast to tho Mukawell and soon pulloj her out to de p wiiler uga .i Deciding that tho Dig Tour master w.ib too heuv) to bring up close enough lo tho wharf to unload In the usual manner, with tlm lulp of Iho cranes nnd Inckle she was given Into tho hands or Munngir Cobuni or the Knual Itallroid Compaii) who had hem e night b) 'telephone lit Kalllil wal on his ) tu llnualei and had luislened back ugiilu lo tho other side, whence ho brought back Ughtua on Mondn). nnd other necessaiy para phernalia to bo used In unloading thu ship Mr Cobuni Is now supei Intending Inking otf tho coal, which will take n wtok oi so longer boliim It Is all ofT Ho expects lo K3 to Port. Allen this Wick (lard en Isle. mm ARE TAKEN AT JOOD PRICES This morning's session was n falrl) active one in the stock exchange Hawaiian Commercial Ohm and Oahu all moved In small blocks, two hun dred mid live shares of Iho rnrmor stock hilng taken at II VIVi Six blocks or Ola i were takin, 330 hhaios being taken at l SO anil twent) shares went at i(i2'j Twentv shureB of Hwn woio sold nt 33 87V. A block ot twent) -Iho t-huros of Mc Iliydo wont nt 0 37'j A little Japuncso gill, In tho I'ulamu dlstikt, wiih uccldentull) shot this af I'.uioon Shu with n companion was pla)lng with n 2J-callber parlor ilflo, when It wns nccldcntull) discharged nnd Iho bullet struck ono of tho chll- Inn In Iho fiuo Tho Injuicd child i vv i u once given piopu cuio mull ntti ntlou No mm ions results mo utitl clpntcd ns Iho liullet cnuseil only a llosh wound Ever) business man Interested In the dellvei) of goods should Invustl gaie the (iiabowBkv Motor Wtiguu Honolulu Power Wugon Co, W N. Mlnton, Mgi ' South Ht noir King Surve)or Wnll. who went to Konn toda) on special business, will make i nuivc) of certain l.ulnnniis In tho two Konas hefoie retiiiulng to Ho noliilii He went vvltV Col Pniltnr Bulletin Editorial Room Phone 18V Bulletin Business Oluce Phone 250 Shlppiiig- ADDITIONAL SHIPPING ON PAGE EIGHT. 4 1. .. ; J ARRIVED .II DEPARTED Tucsdjv, Aug. 16 San Franilsco vln Heatllo Hllo iilau. M N H H , n m WATERFRONT NOTE8 THE MUCH MOOTED consideration' fif n reiriitni- Itnn nt Bfenlnrn nr Rail, Ing vessels lo ply between Siutlicrn 'nlir......!.. .....-.. n.l (l.n tint. nlln.. Int. V .1111111 Mill HII III llllll II11T 1111.. Illlllll 1DI- nnds hns been revived b) I.os Ange- les business Interests visit or Cnpt C T Tho recent Wilder to Snn Pedro In tho jucht Haw ill brought the (mention Into nromlnerc and his fl'ilenicnls ns to the ixisslhllltlcs for both pasirengcrs nnd freight traffic lent much incoiirngemenl to Iho pro- Ject. Cnptnln Wilder called attention to (inspir, Thos II linne. Mrs. K. Con the fact that thero nro now coming nnt Mrs. J Cnmpslo, II S. Orny, 3. to I.os Angeles nn nverngo of 150.000 jf. Haae tourists each winter whllo largo num- icr stmr. .Mnunn Kea, for llllo nnd hers com- fiom the Immediate Into- wny ports, Aug. 16. V. I.nnge, Mrs. i lor lo Bpend tho summer Nearly r M Wnkcneld, Mis. C II Chand nil thoile nro people of menus nnd cr, Mlrs Tucker, Mrs Tucker, MIsm conic primarily on sight-seeing tours ' Anderson, Miss 1.. Cameron, Mrs An ile held that ir n regular sprvlc-l derscn. It. W. Amlcrson. Alox. Andcr wpro pstnbllshcd between tho InlnnclB f SOn. 7., K, Meyers. Mrs, Meyers, J C. nnd Los Angeles the lino would pay from tho start. AT AN KAMA hour on Thursday morning tho I'nclflc Mall lln-r Mon- M, Ehrharn, 3. O. Young. Miss J Mc golln should arrive off tho pirL The Inloeh, SflsB li. I.. Hilton. Dr. Hitch vessel Is coming from Snn Francisco cock, R. Wood, V. McCluskcy, Miss nnd iHiund for Jnpnn nnd China ports. The Mongolia is believed Is earning a large number or excursionists under the direction or n coast newBpnpnr. The vessel will make but n twelvo hour slop nt the port nccordlng to tho present calculations or her agents, II Hnckreld nnd Company. M IN OltDI'.R to remove, some or tho attractiveness or pln)lng the pirt of .1 stownwn) u recent amendment of the law relating to tho dlsimsltlon of lids gent r) piovldes Hint nil pcrsonH over fifteen jours of ngo found guilty of secreting lli-mselves on vessels mnkltig vo)agcs lo sua shall bo filled not more than $100, or. In tho discre tion of Iho court, sentenced to Im prlsonmcnt nut exceeding rour weeks. M WllimiEH the Tovo Klsen Knisha, heller known ns the Oriental Steam t-hlp Compaii), will (ontlniio Its pro sent arrangements with tho Hnrrlmnn s.vsteni or form a new alliance with the (lould Interests will probably be known definitely In a few da)s A herlcs of lonfercliceH will bo held 111 which M KhlrulliBhlu, director of tho To)o Klsen Knlshn. will take a lead lug part vn AN ATTEMPT will bo mndo to ills patch Hit United Stales cruiser At ban) nnd naval auxiliary stmmcr Huffalo ror tho Km East on Thursday evening Fulling in this, thp two navy vcsbcIs will probably get nwny on Fildny. Tho Albany proceeds to Vknhnnij nnd oilier Jnpiineso isirts while tho Huffalo will steam for Guam and thenco to Mnnlla. A CAHI.EaitAM to tho War Depart ment announced that tho transport Sherman nnd tho naval supply ship Supply hud lolllded nt fliinm on Tues dny, July 36 The Sherman was not damaged, nnd tho lujurlos to tho Sup ply were not hciIous A fow plates on the Supply above tho watcrllno Ji.mmed S A EASTON of tho Treadvvoll Mining Company conllrms tho roport tliut tho Treadwell lntcrcatH! nro tnk lug ntops to establish a steamship lino between Senttto and Southeast era Alaska It is reported thnt tho coiupnii) will tnko over tho Btcninshlp Humboldt, now operating to Skug wn) 3 AITEH A VOYAGE of twenty-two ilavs thu ancient but nono ut tho less houoiahlo bark Albert bus arrived ut Port Cinmble. This vessel recently dlschnrgod n Bhlpment of lumber at llllo. The Albort Is ono of Iho Tow old timers that continues to make more or loss tegular trips between tho Sound nnd tho Hawaiian Islands ea AIHIANGEMENT8 huvo ben effoct cd bi'tvvi en Captain Wall, mastor of the wrcckod barkentlua Halga mid Consul Forster, ropresentlng Gloat Britain ut this lrt, fur tho pajnrnt or wugeB'to tho mombers ot tho crew or tho vessel FINE WEATHEIl Is lOorlcd b) tho Cunadlnn-Australlnn liner Makur.i now onrouto irom Vnncouvor to Ho nolulu At eight o'clock last night tho vessel was 1300 miles off tho xirt Tho Mukurii Is duo to nrrlvo hore on Frldny. Ra THE AMEIHCA.N-HAWAirAN com pany's ficlghler Mexican, now at tho port discharging a general mrgo, will probably bo ready to sail for Island potts on Thuiuduy evening The ves sel will gathei up tho usual quantity of sugar destined for Salluu Cruz ..., .. THE QUANTITY and latenoss of tho Irn In Uohrlng Seu has broken all previous records according to steim- shlp captains Jusl lelunilng .. ,,.,". , Hi . AHHIAL of tbo barUmtlii' llawij I from Mnhiiknin Is repoited nt San 1 runclbco. Monday, Aug. 15. Knual iorts Nocau, stuir, S v '" Tuesday, Aun. 16 Kona nnd Knu ports Mnunn "Ua, I .sltur,' noon ,ll! 'a wn' ports Mnutm Ken stmt , 10 (I m t PA8SENOERB ARRIVED Per M N 8 ii Hllonlnh, from Han Francisco via Seattle, Aug 16. Mrs Wenthcrby, son nnd daughter, Dr Ii. Horndon and M Howctt. ! I I PASSENGERS DEPARTED I For stmr Mnunn I.oa. for Kona and ku ,K)rBl Aug 10. Jlong Chack, Mrs It. Hcnsenwny. J. A Vlen'a. Jno. Anderson, II, i, I.) man, Mrs. I.) mutt, W. Duke, Mrs Duke, Miss I llordcii, Mis W. I.. Hose, Miss Allco Canal- , ho. Miss A. Boper, Jos Cyprlnno, K. Illcc, Miss Allco Itlco, 11. I l.lllle. A. K, Murphy. Miss B. II. Nichols, Martin Oruno, Itnymund C. Drown. PA8SENQER8 BOOKED I l'er stmr. Klnnu, for Knunl ports, Aug. 16 Miss Shaw, Mrs. Chamber lain, Mrs. E. II. IlrldgQwater, Miss I'. K M.inson, Miss1 J. T. Mclntyro, Miss Kopko, Miss Kimball, Anna M. Held, I.. lokln Per M N S 8. Wllholmlna for Hon Francisco, Aus. 17. Dr. llnrry E. Al derson, Mrs II. E. Alderson, A C. Cohurn, D. T Full.1wny, Geo. Gard ner, Jns, K. Jarrott, S. C. Kcnnody. Mr nnd Mrs, A. limit and Infant, II A Wilder. W. Foster Horner, 8. Thompson, Miss C, C. Desmond, Mrs. Alex Undsny and child, Mrs It. O. Marshall, Miss I.ydla K. Aholo, Miss it. Raphael, Mrs. A. K. Leo, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Do Cow, Mlsa Vldn ItosH, Mrs. David Little, Mrs. Ilobort Scott, Miss Ireno Young, Miss Imlso Ma Carthy, Miss Josophlno Pratt, MIbK Mary Sexton, Mrs. A. E. Splnnoy, MlhE M do llrcttcvlllo. J. II. Cox, W. II. t)augh, Miss I,. Desmond, Mrs. Desmond. W A llnlley. Dr. J. N. Vroom, Miss Jessie Kennedy, Mrs. J. A Kennedy, Mm. E, E. Arnold, In fant and maid. Master E. Arnold, Mlsu I. Arnold, Miss Ilutschy, Mrs. lints ehy, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W Carter and child M. II lhmscn, I.. G. Rlchnrd son, Ion I. Chirk, Miss II. Hobron, Mr nnd Mrs. J, C llltchmali. It. 11. H men. Dr. J 8. II. Pratt. Mrs. M. Stone, Mrs. II. W. Hyman, E I). Ten ney, Miss C, Hlchardsoh, Miss K. Hutchinson. Miss 1), Richardson, Mrs. 1,. G. Richardson, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Ualdwln, Mr. and Mrs Jos. Hutchin son, Charles It. Frazlor For San Francisco, por O. 8 3. Slorra, Aug 31. W. J. Lynch. Mr. nnd Mrs von 1 latum, Mr nnd Mrs. J MU.ntchle, Mr and Mrs. G. Chal mers, Miss A)crs, Miss Kelllnm, Mr. and Mrs F. E. Hill, Miss N. 11. Win ston, Mrs. W. F. Lucns, Mrs. 1" N. Wurd, Miss H. Wnrd. Miss llr).ili. Miss M F. Ellis, Miss O. Ilurr, h C. Attco, P. C Jones, E. O. Falkncr. Capt. Mnrlx, Miss C Schilmgor, Dr. and Mrs. Ingalls, 11. S. Thruston, II. II. Hand, G. W. Coleman, Dr. and Mrs. White, Miss M. Shaw, Mrs. J. S. Illshop, G. Kaawe, J, Kamakau. A. J Fulrvvouthcr, Mr. nnd Mrs, I.. H. Cnry, D, Mnkcnu, C. P. Kalcukon, K. Kaul, Miss N. Mutch, Mrs. C. A. Ilellou, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. 8cott. MlbB A. Novvlngton, II. F Hill, C F. Sadtwltz, D. Yardhrough, C. H. I.lcpperb. MAILS. I Malls nro nun at Honolulu from points as follows: San l'rnnclsco Mongolia, Aug 18 Colonels Per Zcnlnndla, Aug. 16 Yokohama Per Nippon Maru, Aug. 20 Vancouver Per 'Makiira, Aug 10 Malls will depart for the followlog polntB as follows: San Franclsio Per Wllliclmlna, Aug. 17. Vancouver ror Zcalandla, Aug 16, Yokohama Per Mongolia, Aug. 1C. Colonics Por Makura, Aug, 19. r IN FOREIGN PORT Tuesday, Aug, 16. COOS HAY Arrived Aug II Schr Omega, henco July 20, SAN FRANCISCO Arrived 0 u m, Aug 16. 8, B. Sierra, henco Aug 10. SAN FRANCISCO Sullod 2 p m. Aug 16: S S. Tcnjo Maru, for Ho nolulu IHLO Arrived Aug 15 Ilktno Inn- gard from Port Ludlow KAANAPALI Sailed Aug 15 S S RoEecrans, for Gavlotn r An urgtiment rar moro potont than words Is tho constantly Increasing de- ntnml from dlserlmlnnllng smokerB for Mlu Owl fie Clear Tho enro cterels ed In selecting tho tobacco and in tho mnklng hns msde the Owl tho loader n ltl) clnss .P imtLim w.itf4AMU.ibut. w tts- vaIw.!!,. hkk-j: , i. .e.. . i iji.,,iitot. , I . ' , I iitirtifiaiiiViiifi-s'ai'"-t'A iAuc i- i. t!4