Newspaper Page Text
fj 'H 'lM1'1 '" ' l"n"" - - - EVHNMN'a nt'i-urriM hon'outuj, t it titsiuy At'o ie. mm. .' r- 1' CH"-ifc DIAMTIMCTri:Q ', : if fnTO AI Thev Carry Their Own Proofs : , INDIA LINON Yard. 17c quality reduced to ..12Vic 20c " " "...15c 25c " " " . . 20c 35c " " "...25c GREAT SALE OF WHITE DRESS GOODS FOR THREE DAYS ONLY, BEGINS MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1910 A TEW 01' THE LEADERS ENOLISII LONO CLOTH AND NAINSOOK riece. $2 25 quality reduced to. $1.75 2 50 .210 3.25 " " " . 2.75 3.50 ' . 2.95 WHITE MERCERIZED MADRAS Yard. 15c quality reduced to .... 10c tOo " " " 15c 25c " " " 17c 30c " " " 20c VICTORIA LAWN Piece. $1.00 quality reduced to .$ .85 1.25 ' 1.00 1 50 " " " . . 1.25 2 00 " " " .. 1.50 FLAX0N Plain and Striped Yard. 30c quality reduced to 20c 35o " " " 25c 40c " " " 30c Substantial reductions on White Dotted Swiss, Pique. Poplin, Organdies, Bordeaux Linen, timity and all classes of White Dress Goods. THIS SALE WILL LAST ONLY THREE DAYS Corner Fort and Berctania Streets Opposite Tire Station Sachs' Dry Goods Co., Ltd., Corner Fort and Beretania Streets Opposite Fire Station Uet a Loi of Steams' Etcctrio RAT and ROACH Pasio Gtnirantenl to extermlmte cock roach r, fits, mice attrbugft, etc - or money refunded flnLbntlAtfi ItrtCbot II DO ftoUbrdrurtfUU tr u sfia ptp4 on rtctlit of irl.. STEARNS ELECTRIC PASTE CO., CHICAGO, ILL. tfiw aa m . fc Wmm-il'r&Z- '? I S The White Frost Refrigerators Have Arrived at the Coyne Furniture Co., Bishop Street REPORT OF GOV. FREAR Is Progressing And Will Go To Washington September 5 (iMernur Walter P Pro-ii has been Imril lit work on Ills annual report for tlie past week unil Iibb devotel ne.irl) nil of IiIh time to ll since a week ago Satiudaj. 'lliu tepiirt Is'eluo In WiiBhliigtnn September in, nml tlio Uovernor hopes to hnio It on tliu mull le.ii Iiib Honolulu on September '. Mnri, tliim lintr t Iif4 Hllhtfl ttt have alrenel) been covered for thin ) cur's leport anil Ir tin) i f imrta rrtuii 110 piitmcutiil ihlefa nil nru retch oil within tlio next few d.i)s there wilt lin mi trouble 111 ucttlmr the report iiwni tn vYiiKhltictciti nn tlnve (!oernor rrcar Htntril that theio was koIhk to ho mi Innovation In his retmrt thin icnr IB. It would he less technltnl An oHort U bolus nude to haie flw ranni-t tntirn lii a nnrr.itle. so that u pet son who neier raw Hawaii ivouhl be able to read It lutein innttli nml not tin fulfil with so lllJIll' tallies of IIkiik'3 w'hlUi wouhl me in tinthliif; to him. All Imt !i few icntirts from subor dinate) oIHcIiiIh heen received .mil Coicrnor 1' expects those iiieuluo to ho III his hands within the next week CRITERION GOES TO PEACOCK (Continued from Face 1) walk ami that he was not ilruiik, but It was his pet u II. u- walk that lie eolvcil onlookers McTlKhe was up for bavins vvhlB ke) w tilt li someone thought shoulil havo n "red label," nciordlUK to the new law. He this vvhlsl.o) on July LM In ropl)lns. McTIrIii! pioliiced let ters to show that this whlske) was not a Mend (ntrar to law; It Is a pine, whlske). KutillB Chillis I.illiK wilil ll',s,t or whlske) to one Oeorso Hum ner. This was considered b the board to bo Bellini; In Binnll quail titles, whlih the sellers promised not to do. Ill defei so It wiib nsked what n "sin ill iiiantltj" meant. It was ex plained that a small Mask was eon bI tiered selllus ' bmiiII nituntllles us one man .could s nrmiid tin1 corner and drink It iilone Two bottles, lino containing Bin and tlio other wine, wero piescnteil as evidence In the cum) of KoJImn wiio runs a pla-o opposite the llsli KoJImn should not hnt Bold In Bin.ill quantities, unci it wuh for HiIb that ho was on the carpet The defense was that the sale or Bin and wine was made to one per son. Ills Instructions to his bar tenders wero that no less than five bottles of wlno could lie sold to one person Ho thought that when Bin and wine wero sold oRothcr In hot tie lots, It was nil light H J Illicitly at this point ad dieted the d, saying thnt in might be at fault fun Kwong Uiuins l.iniir selHus. IlaskB. He had onl inentloneil that wlno was not to he Mild In small iiuatitllles Now ho had told them" dirferently tind tliov undei stood that no IlaskB could he sold. "Mr Wagner, tlio boird under stands that )ciu havo heoii jour owi best customer for miiiio tlnio. suni Chalimiiii Wntklns to John Wubhoi of the Mint Siloon WiiRiier admit ted that ho had looked upon wlno and spirits In considerable quanti ties, lie promhed that ho would do bettor If the boanl would overlook the offense this tlnio Aftei wain lug Wagner that ho would loso hi llieiiBO If 1)0 continued to hung nioiind his place drunk, lie was ills missed. rioia Hatvey and G. W. Mncej applied for n license to run the Ki lobaud Saloon, foimorlj coudinted uj the late 1'iank Haney Manuel Sllwi applied for a license on Mauuaken stteet. 'I he application of C A. I'eacock for a trnusfei of tlio llcousif of tlio Charles MiC'iirthj, was presented. Sonouclil'B uppllcntloii for a Sun day privilege was the hist matter cousldeivd before tlio board went Into executive besslon. Tlio leBult of iiellberatlons in the executive session was: One sa loon was closed for two weeks and one proprietor wiib told ho must de sist from trjltig to punish hi much booze In his own place The boanl authorized tlie transfer of the license of the Criterion Saloon fioni .Ch.tiles McCarthy to C I'eacock, nml the deal of selling this piopcit) will now ho consiiiu mated This Is what tlio lio.ud accom plished: Closed the Sunrise Halnoii for two weeks, heard MtTlghe In Ills Mnteiiieiit on lilend whlsko, named Wong Chillis I.iiiik 'il K" Jlinn ngnliist tellliiB small quantities under their present licenses, repri manded WiiBner for being drunk, gae Soiioiiclil n Kunda privilege, grunted Horn llare and (leorgo Mney n lliuneo for the Kllohniin S.i Icon, fonuerl) conducted by Trunk Hanoi; stunted a license to Manuel Slim for a saloon on Mnunakei jtrcet, and authorized tlio transfer or tlio llieni-e of the Cilterlon Plans For Large Tract Above Waimca About Completed l'laiia for rerorestlnn more than 10(1 he res of land nboie W.iline.i II-! age, Hawaii hale been miily com- idetccl 1) rotestei Halph llosmer or the Bureau or Agri ulture mid the) planting of about 1 200 irtos perncie will eomnieiice nftei (lie first or tlie enr Fhe thousand dollars from the lonsenntlon fund were npproprhiteil for this work, and In addition A W farter of I'arker Hatiih gale a like 4it in to carry on the wink forester llosmer has In en stud- Ing this reforesting plan for scleral monthB, and now the plans ate about complete and the first pl.uitluss have been made ill the Humeri to ham trees rend for setting out within a few months, One hundred and Tifu ncres of the laud to be till lied Into forest are owned by tlie goicriimi lit ami n like amount belongs to the i'arker llatich As to the trees which will event unlli grow on the trnit definite plans haie not been made as jet To begin with, n large number of different Becles of euuiliptus will be set out, nml it Is this i.irlet) that Is hclns put In the nurserj now for tlio first planting on the tract The Iliirenu or Forest i Is making plans for Arlmr l)a alrcnd. anil trees for distribution and planting on the second Frldio In Nmemuei are helns prepared I.nst car for Arbor Daj planting there were cllstrlhiited nioio than GO, 000 trees, and the niiinb r this i ear will be liearh as large It Is estimated rfXXXKXXKXKKKKVKJf 2 RECREATIONS k.vcki,i,i:.m' vvriu:vii.i,i: AT SV.W OHI'llM'.M ATTORNEY 18 ARMY AND NAVY MUCH ANNOYED (Continued from Pace 1) d The dcfeiiilnnt was airestod and charged with assault, ho claimed that tlio soup was spilled through tlio man w m king next to 111 in Jostling his arm Just as tlio soup was in transit from iho holler to nnuther pot Th comidalnfiiB witness sworo that proiloiiBly to the dn of tlio alleged rtiup throw lug, theio wns no trouble between tlio chief cook unci himself Judgo Andnidi' found tlio defindant guilt) and IiiiiohciI n fine i( $J0 nml costs Attorney Doutliltt at onco not ed an uppeal and put up bonds Tor his clients nppeitanco at tlio Circuit Court. Doutliltt was provoked about the do clslon nml alter the caso wns flnlshe I ho stated thnt ho would noicr til an other caso beroici tlio District Coiut, .mil that ho would walio examination and doniaud n Jnrj tilul In futiiro Doutliltt dcc'nicd that th decision mis n rank Injustice, uud that lluro mis no doubt that tlio soup Incident wns lrothlns but an accident, hoivoior the Judgo thought different, and what ho sas goes till reversed hj the hlghei court Tlio second week of laudeillle at the Orpheimi started In with a good house The members are all good and the uftei piece Is lerj fuiiiij Maud Itoekwell snug "Waiting In Hue lolco and lespoudeil to an encore with "The Last Hose of Summer" Kho wore an other of those stunning gowns of shliiiinery cloth that you can hear clear luck In the last ion Olgu Stock looked cliuiinlng In a natty lin en suit nml snug "Coino Along Man- di," winning the usual applause with that rare lolec of hers and those won derful Hteck dimples Mabel lliiuyea and Melilllo Gideon made another hit with tlieli new songs 'I Want Home One to Flirt Willi me" was lery well tendered b .Miss liunycii and Mr Uldeon idajed the "Ilarcarole" from "The jaa Tales or Hoffmann" lery artistically I'liej arc becoming great faiorltes with tlio audiences I.lttle VllmiiSteck looked i harming In a de licious pink dress anil sung "Will Von Miss Me" Her olce neicr disap points, there Is u timbre In It thnt is suited to sentimental Bongs and If the management would choke the chorus off when lliity come In with glaring dresses that destroy all tlio artistic effect, hei sons would go better l-nurel Atkins' "Harry Ijiuder" diver sion was very ilch and her dancing truly "cutinj " Carleton Chase sang "I'ut On Your Old amy llonnet," nnd suns It will, hut when there nro so many new picttj songs out why give us these old ones? (iarrlty, Stuart and llairls McCJulro had parts in the afterpiece uud acquitted themselves udmlrnbl) McQulres "Honolulu Itng" mndo a hit in tlio llrst part and ir somo or our nation's defenders on tlio vessels In port would tone down their etTericscent spirits a bit, tlio audiences would enjoj tlio selections much better down Mil ii rT, 1 1 mi li niiVMN, of inn oi iici.iis Washington, Jtiij 19 Malor-Oen Leonard Mood has his own Ideas re garding the value of the famous lloosevvlt physical test for army olll- cers The chief of staff is convinced thnt riding and walking tests should not be the same for nil olllcers of all arms of the service and all grades To modify the tests tu suit climatic unci other conditions at the various army posts, tlio Genet al has deter milled tu make the time, place and method ot the tests u subject for the best Judgment of tlio departmental commanders Thu legulatloiiH penult the com manders of posts to determine Just what exercises are necessary to keep tlio olllcers In proper condition lludei the now plan It Is expected that the exercise best adapled'to each iiinii will bo followed Olllcers who nie oiei 41 li Certainly if wo can show you a line of garments that cannot be surpassed in the market for the price you will want to see it, won't you? We've established our claims proven to the buying, public that we-have the right kind of clothing at the right kind of prices. If you are wise in your time you will put us .to the test make us prove it. Prices range from $20 to $32.50 a g JXp a OR.CRIPPEN Says His Supposed Companion in Guilt Knows Notltini; of Ciinto r-Detectives Believe Him. I ON'DON August i 3 a m -Tin folhmiiie: t finlt.Hslim milil t,, tine, ! weight will be expected to reduce, uud , ,K(1 ,,, ,(J r ',, lw(1) ,,,,, x Crlppeii last Momla) to luspiloi those who are under the normal will bo expected to Increase All gem nil olllcers nro exc used from the annual tost and physical ex amination Department commanders will bo required to conduct at least one riding test, but not us partici pants The chief of staff will conduct the riding test for olllcers stationed In Washington Olllcers of tlio roast artillery ma) tako the annual test either by riding or walking One Important i linage In tlio condition proildos that olllcers shall tako the riding test at their homo posts as far us practicable and use their oun mounts. Don has been cabled to the 'D.illi! News ' "It Is quite true," said the prison-! er, "that I did kill my wife. But It It! a mlitake that I made In trying to hide. I should not have done it. l' meant It for the best, though, ; "I will not tay anything of my wlfe's death until I return to England Theni I shall prove that though I killed my! wife I am not a murderer. I make this confession In order to shield Miss Le Neve from suspicion. She, poor..glrJ, knew absolutely nothing of my wife's disappearance except wiiat I have told her." Hu4vtU4Jys8?I ir..i ii. t :i. KfiSHHi lininrrHliHHE H wonuenui results, iry Hif fiswMPafisl . IjBg i ,lUl'i re m THi: MATSON Navigation tug In 'rnpld which has lmn undergoing n general ovtl hauling and tepilis has guile Into commission again BROWN MAKES INVESTIGATION It C Drown, chief of immigration sorvlco heie, will make u thorough In vestigation or tlio ItiiHsiaii Immigrants on Hawaii Ho left this morning on tlio .Manna Kna, accompanied by Grime, the Ilusslar Interpreter lliniin stated beroro leaiing that It would take him about time weeks, or perhaps more, to cover nil tlio plan tations, where ho Intends to conduct the Investigation Interpreter Grime, a Kiisslm, has alread familial led himself with plantation lire Seattle, Jul) 'to l'nyniuster's Cftirk V J Gurrlt) was arrested ut tlie I'nget Sound Nav) Yard today, charged with stealing SZ.'JUO from tlio sure or the cruiser 1'hlladelphln, uud Is held prisoner on tlio ship Ijist Mnudii) when (Iarrlty opened tlie snfo ho oxcluliiied driimutlcutly that lie had been lobbeel Secret son Ice men say that (hirrlt) was the onl man on the ship who had the combination of tlio safe They also found thnt ho lull been llilug extraiaguiitly nml was deep III debt He wns piomoteil from ycomnii to clerk tlireci months n '., uud ut that time married a )ouiu womiin of good family In llremerton Puyniuster D .1 Wilton of tlio I'hllii- clelphla Is responsible llnniiciail) forJ tlie government's loss, and under the nui) rules villi bo tried loi negl"it or dut) TDK I'ACII IC Mall Inteimedl ito steamer Asia fioni Ran 1'iaiiclsco b) The. the. nil) or Honolulu Is leported to lessel towed thu American schiini'i unlnd ut Yokohama cm last Cilleilon. li I"1 vvlslud lo hit) ut Mm) Winkle itidii lulu poll )esleul.i) l8dltinn) IV The rnnttnet Tor transimitlng nrui) supplies from Tiiciimu uud Hi attl.i to Manila has bron awnrded to tlio I iiv runnel line, which Is owned and oper ated by Missis A Holt and coiiip.ui) or l.liorpnol The contract became or iectlie lul) I 'I ho coiiip.ui) s bid was $3 n ton for general cargo, and tt pet thousand feet on lumber M I HIOIIT llUNDHi:!) tons or general cargo fioni San rianelsco are due to arriie at the pint on Thursday morn ing li the I'uclllc Mull Hlcnmvr Mini golla 'I he i esHi'-, . w as lie'iiid fiom through ll wlleless lecelied ut I lie ligclli) of II I1.U Uri Id & Co A DAINTY TOILET ARTICLE. Hver) lad) who desires to keep up her attractive iippenrniuo, while nt tlio Theater, attending Itecep Uoiib, when shopping, while travel ing ami uu all occasions shoulil earr) In her purse a booklet of (lOUUAl'D'S OUH-'NTAI. HUAl'TY I.KAVHS This Is a dnlnty llttlo booklet of exiiulsltol) perrumed pow dered leaves which nro easily re moved and applied to thu skin. It Is Invaluable when thu liuo becomes moist and Hushed and Is far supeilur to a powder putt as it does not spill and soil thu clothes It removes dllt, soot mid grease from the race, Imparting a cool, del icate bloom to tlio complexion. Hout an) w hern on receipt of five Cents In stamps or coin 1' T 1101'KINS 17 Jones street, Now York TRY j DUFFY'S APPLE JUICE cai'bonated Pints and Quarts j Benson, Smith & Co., TORT AND HOTEL STREETS t BORN. DOIIKItTY- To Mrs .1 DcdiOrtv It" liollllll, August 13, twill dillkhleis IW-DULLETIN ADS PAY-Jd TO CURE A COLD IH ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druircists rcf.tntl the money if it fails lo cure. E. W. Grove's stjjnaturu is on each box i 'I'AKlbMLUH.lMICO.'it. t-uuu, l. 0. A. rs m rvv rrrtTtvs T fs; Macey Sectional 4 Bookcases betiuLfy your liorae and pre, m t serve jqur books free from dust anil insects. All sizes nnd shapes in beautiful go' '. 'n rah II. IIACKFELD & CO., LTD., Haitlvvnrc nntl Ollicc Iirnituie Dchattmutt 'MMMMBMiMIMMall'MBIMMImff'lliMMllg iUMMntir- --J-fcf - 4 ,..a.. .,1 wiU'irtT. .r. v ..,.; i. ' Jt 5 m :il4tfSS!" vfillHiSiii'i &inffifiiii 'fa& ) Pfi'MM ijj M?'