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EVENING EULttTIN. HONOtUlU. T H, TUESDAY, AUG U, 1910. I I I A "Eveptino- Bulletin BAIEY icd WfcKLT Pnlllibri by BULLETIN lUBttSHJUa CO, ITD. At 120 King Street, Honolulu, Territory of Hawsii. Daily every day except Sunday. Weekly issued on Tuesday of each week. MEMBER 07 THE ASSOCIATED PBEII. Wrtllncu R. Firrlnston, - - Editor SUBSCRIPTION BATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. UVUNI.Na IIULUUTIN I'r- Month, anywhere In U.S 7B ir Qunntr, ati)wht1n U.S.. . 3co In Yrar, anvhtelnU.S. ... H,au Pi Vrat, pofttpaitl, loielftn, IS.oo CIRCULATION IABQEST OF ANY NEWSPAPEE PUBLISHED iu the Territory of Hawaii pij i Editorial Rooms, - 185 J tl.Buslne8S Office, - 562 Entered at the Pctoffict at HoDoisla M itcond-clAis matter. TUESDAY ITruc dignity is never Rained by J place. 1 And never lost when honors aie with ) drawn. Massinger. j 0r nhrnil Willi the Pedoraltslte anil .. (tin building llmiciliilii i:ia wiiIIimI loUK OtlllllKll Itcpubl leans don't worry nlinut tho future mi long a theirs In u icprcscii- tatlve iKilltiful organization Tlio inn innitt It becomes subject to boss mlo, 'thonlho Democrats may have reason ' to Up pleased a H Kona Ih tho greatest homestead (Hot s trlct of tli? Territory nml only iiu- proved transportation In needed to . make It ono of tlio most pnbqh'rous , So tin- rnllroaj promoters have some thliiR worth while to work upon. Hiiri'ly there cm In- no olJi i lion raised l Ureal liriialu lo the uppo Blllnn nrrricd tho Hindus In Sim Prnn oltco. Omit llrltulti can't makn koiiip of her own possession accept t Ik Hindus, though they arc llrltlsh sub JecU. Organization without harmony It f what Uncle Joe Cannon attempted, . mill lie l going down to defeat; glor ' loua defeat hut nevertheless cortnfh. . That's tlio way with all men who ' start out In politics to nrganlio and not harmonl70. Lloyd OriMciin t utly visited Tloosovelt. Vice President Sherman has been Riven the preference by OrlEcoin'H committee. Can It bo that Uilscom, liiRtend of carrying a peace message from Tnft. called on Iloosc VQlt to tell him that ho ought not op poso tho Vice President. Just why thu llepuhllcan commit- H too wants charges preferred agulnst I Its employe Andrews wo don't Know. iiu una uircuuy uiuue iiiuikuii iiupus slblo as a factor for strengthening the llepubllcun party. That should be charge enough If tliero wero not oth era. 'I licrcfiire, iw recommend, If a new agreement ran not he Intel reducing this tonnage tax at leant " per rent, on all Items mentioned, that the Leg islature take such action us may lie neiev-ar) fur the iHiiiiMllon of tills .tvluirf li) the Territory nud extend the wharf ho as to furnish docking facil ities for all vessels coming to the port. Wharf Commission lteport. Prom tho foregoing comment on ; tho Kahulul whuif offered by the Commission on Wharves and Land ings, It would appear that the Investi- . gators are very much on the sldo of ; protecting public Inteicsts hy public ownorshlp. CALIFORNIA'S TEST. Primaries hold today In the State of California will show pretty con clusively whether the Insurgent spirit has thoroughly permeated thu life of that great State. Hiram Jolmton for tho Governor ship and William Kent for Congress aro thu candidates about whom the hopes of the Insurgent lorces have entered. They aro both good men, ablo men. They will icpresont tho people and como as near to making a practice of tho bqiiaro deal In public life as It Is pos sible to do. Hut tho question Of the hour Is whether California is even yet thor oughly aroused, whether It has not become so much In tho Irabit of belnt controlled by tho railroads and the Interests that It does not know how to break loose. If California docs 'eventually wake un. there Is no doubt of tho result. Tho nggrosalvo citizens of the Golden West never do anything by halves. WBIJKUY IIULLIITIN rerSli Monlru ,fio Trf Year, anrwheteiu U.S I.ou Per Year anywhere n Canada, l.fto Ptr Year fmatpald, foieie.n 3. cm .AUOUST 10. 1910 PROTECT LANDING PRIVILEGES OF TIOEOPLE. Clearly the commission appointed under authority of the legislature o Invesllgato the wharves and landings of the Territory. Ih iu l.ivoi of the puhllp-owned whnif In I tic larger ami more linportiiiit pons On this matter the commission has followed the lines of the best thought In tin1 I'nited Slates, where the peo ple have dlsrovcicd all too late that by disposing of their waterfront to private corporations they have given the transportation companies the op poiliinll lo grasp Hie public by the throat and demand tilliuto from the shippers for the use of and to pass ner what should be their own prop erty. Under local conditions the small er landings can hn operated at less expense by private Interests than by the government, but there Is no ipics Hull Unit Ihe government and Ihe peo ple generally shnuldfhc. espeel.ill) on guard -ngiiliiht any suricndiT 01 pub lic rights and public property coo trolling transportation outlets, Into tho hands of private Interests. Ono has only to reail what the com Ulsslon has to say of tho conditions t Kahulul to become convinced of ml body's Idea of what should not .0 repeated In other principal poits t Hawaii. IMMIGRATION. Whether the Immigration question is to be met by a compromise or not. ceitaln It Is that this Issue latiuot be shunted off with the assertion that the party espousing It cannot carry tho election, A great deal of reckless talking has been done in connection with the Im migration policy. Hut our fellow cit izens should not forget that despite the threats that have been made, a great number of tho voters of the Territory believe that continued activ ity along this lino is a necessity of Hawaii's best progress. ANDREWS AND THE REPUBLICAN ORGANIZATION. Tho necessity for tho elimination of Ixirrln Andrews from tho manage ment of the Republican party requires no moro serious and specific chnrgo than his record In his own precinct. Andrews continued in his present position means tho defeat of tho He publlcan party, because tho party as a wholo will merely duplicato on a broader scale thu revolt that Is on In Manoii. Continuation of Andrews In olllco makes tho llepuhllcan party sponsor for u brand of politics tho voters will not support. If Andrews was placed in tlio posi tion of assistant secretary to do what ho has been doing, then it means that tho llepuhllcan organization is mere ly n medium for building up a system that can bo bought and sold to serve tho purposes of whoever puts up tlio money and delivered by whoever Is In charge, of tho manipulation at head quarters. Any party operating nnd conducted undor such conditions deserves to go to defeat. Tho sooner tho truo char acter of such an Institution Is made manifest tho bettor, becauso tho hon est average citizen has nothing hut condemnation and eternal opposition for vvoik and wotkors of this type. As an olllccr or enlplojo or what ever ho may bo of tho llepuhllcan Central Committee, Andrews has made n complcto falluro In tho capacity of one Inspiring Increased conlldcnco In the organization on the part of tho rank and file. Wo doubt that tho wldespiead suspicion and dlBtrust 'ho has aroused has ever been equaled by any man at headquarters, Andrews' salaiy has como Indirect ly from Importuut taxpaylng Inter ests. Tho role Iu which ho has shone with tho greatest brilliance, Is In tho espousal of tho candidacy of Joel C Cohen, who Is going up and down this Aii Uncommon SITUATION Investment bonds Eenorally aro relllnr; at a price that will yield higher return than lor jeara past. Consult ii" when investing In -curltles. Trent Trust Co.,Ltfl. Member Honolulu Slock ami Iloud nxchangt) FOR SALE Very desirable home, corner Pcnsacola and Kinau streets. Your choice of two proper ties. Call at our office and we will take you out to see them. The price is right and terms can be arranged. Bishop Trust Co., Ltd. BETHEL STREET The Right Way to communicate with the other islands is by WIRELESS town making speeches that array class against class, more especially the non-taxpaving cltlrenR against tlio ta-p.iiug eltUcns. It may bo that Andrews will re spond that ho has been receiving money from Cohen or that Cohen Is paying tho runners whom he sends out, or ho mny deny that ho knows Cohen or ever heard of him. Iu any csibo tho public, und moro especially tho llepuhllcan voters, havo u right to know on what theory and under what rule this sort of organization is going on. If Andrews and Cohen are tho llepuhllcan party the voters want to know It. Ono of the serious charges that Is laid at tho door of Andrews Is that hn has so conducted himself In tho olllco to which lie was appointed that ho has brought about a deep-seated and threatening dissension iu tho lle puhllcan party. Just what tho Committee put him In chargo to do, we aro not yet fully In- Waterhouse Trust Special Opportunity During this month only we offer the following choice Kaimuki residences for purchase, upon terms within the reach of anybody desirous of acquiring a home. Small cash payment and balance in monthly instalments. Call and get particulars of these two special bargains bcfoio they arc withdrawn: NO. 1 Three-bedroom house on car line. Spacious la nais. Newly papered and painted throughout. Lot 100:225, covered with shade and fruit trees. Stables and servants' quarters. NO, 2 New two.bcdroom bungalow. Magnificent view of two oceans; adjoining Kaimuki Crater (re served as a park). Either one or two lots, as ' desired. WE ALSO OFFER FOR LEASE Three-bedroom furnished bungalow on the Kaimuki car line. One of the most comfortable homes in Honolulu. Waterhouse Trus Fort nnd Merchant Stret S , UBS $?3r When Buying A Watch Get The Best One that meets every demand for perfect service; one that combines perfection in the works, style and character in Ihe case to satisfy nnd picas individual taste and rcquirr ments. Onr Watches wc recommend to you. H. F. Wichman & Co.. Ltd., LEADING- JEWELEBI. F0BT STREET formed, but we know that the voters of the Hepublb.m party will not kiip poit this woiK Hint has been done III the liaiiie oi I ic bod) c lotllcil with authority to Menk for tho Hepubll can party. R. W. PUHVIS RESIGNS. LIHUi:, Kntiiti, Aug. 13. Mr. It. W T. Purvis, who has for years occu pied Ihe position of Clerk o flhe Clr cult Court her . In addition lo ids many oiler duties, has sent In his resignation, lo take effect September first. Ho was first appointed lo this place In Janttai) 1SS.", niter having lived la l.lhuo for figliti-on months nnd lias hold olllee ever since, with tho excep tlotl of the yenis from lb!i9 to 1U0U Ills parents anil brothers and sisters then resided In Kealla, whero his father was engaged In tho business of raising sugar cane It Is understood that tho new Incumbent of tho olllco will bo Philip L. Klco. Garden Isle. iiawaii mm 40 MILLIONS (Continued from Pace 1.) "This Is an era of consolidation, nud I most earnestly liopo that Im mediate steps may bo taken to place Honolulu In Ihe line of progressiva cities, nnd I would recommend At this time that a special committee bo appointed hy thin Chamber to meet with a llko committee from the Mer chants' Association, Willi a view to effecting a consolidation of the two bodies. Should a union be brought about, as 1 hope nnd believe It may. Immediate slops should lio taken In sortiro a permanent home for Ho nolulu's greater Chamber of Com merce, whero all tho work thai may devolve upon that body can ho car ried on conveniently nnd effectively. Tho placo should ho made oaBlly ac cessible to the public, particularly to tho stranger, whq may bo seeking In formation. Wo nlready havo the nil clous of n representative nnd attrac tive exhibit, which can bo added lo as opportuully offers. "Last year I submitted a plan for purchasing n central site and ererl liig a Biill.ihlo building for the home or tho Honolulu Chamber or Com iiier e. At that lime several mem bers expressed tho opinion that the Idea of a property to bo owned li our Chamber was too premature, but matters of such Import to the fit tnro growth and welfare of our city nro never premature. I am more firmly convinced than ever of Ihe great need In our Cnmumnlt) of a Chamber of Commerce building, and sincerely hope that Biirh a building may bo provided within the ver near1 future. "Tho splendid support I have re ceived during lit) different tonus of nfllco from tho ofllceis, trustees and members of tho Chnmber, It Is need less to sa, Is most slmcrely appre ciated. ItcspPi tfullv submitted. ".IA.MI0S P MOIttiVN. ' President. Honolulu Chamber of Commerce Tuesday, August lti. Ill 10 GRANTEDPABDON Yeslerdnv flnvernor Prear irrant- led a general pardon to ono Lukcln. i.uitein wuh convicted or larccnv at Knit, Hawaii, In September, 18S7, and served his sentence for the crime. Tho pardon testotes him to full ' Ivil rig) Is. , ' i. ,ly .in ()ig.i M'U'Kiiret ' l.uluibori,, .cd II years .mil It) (Months, i' i ,?!ii;r of Olo llolmberg of i ' ft v. i.s pla)lng with matches in t e i -K yurd about C o'clock last i.lght, ui.eti tier diess caught II ro nnd before her mother could reach her every stitch of clothing was burned i off und not a spot of her body except tho soles of her feet escaped tho flames. She lived about three hours in great suffering. 3E S Sold by Associated Garage .1 wii4.&.rl jfgtr ig ::fT!F"?OHl Woodward Will Try For Nomination As Auditor fMward Wnnilnanl, ox clerk of the IIousp of IloprosriitatlrPR has sudden ly appeared over Ihe horizon ns can dldato for Count) auditor, mi the He- publican ticket. He will opioso ".Mm" lllckneli for nomination Dan Pnliu, now nsslstnnl registrar of Knmelininrlin Schools will try to capture from Knlnuokalnni Jr.. the County clerkship. Mo Is being backed by his ndmliets, who seem In Ihlnl; that there Is a chance of his nomlna lion. Woodward Is considered nn able man, hnvlng been graduated from Onhu College Willi honor. Hn grad uated the same year wtlh Kalauokalaiil Ihe County cleik. Ho Is nt present working along Ihn wharves, checking freight for tho Ameiicnn-llnwnllnn line. Palm Is a giaduale of Kamehani' lia Schools and Is quite popular. Ho will struggle with Kalauokalaiil Iu u linn dclcrniluajlon lo snatch nvv.i) the olll- clnl pen of the county government FINED FOR Attorney Tries To Prove Case Put Up , M) l.enng Kee wits found gulllv nt the police court this lnorullig of hnv lng sold opium to 'no informer for the police. Tho case was a peculiar one, as the informer did not tell a straight story about some of tho in cldcnts that occurred at tho time ho purchased tho dope. Judge, Hiinlphries appeared for the accused and put up a good defenso Hint was mado possible by tho fart that tho Informer had purchased tin bacco while In the Chinese house. Tho defenso duluied that tho marl ed coin that was found III tho store drawer was tonileied In payment of Ihe tobai o and not the opium. Hum j. biles also tiled to prove, thiough the defendant, that the Informer had brought opium of his own into (ho house In order to put up n Job on tho defendant. Tho court listened to all the evl deuce In tho case and then found the defendant guilty and mdered him to pay n lino of $Ii0 and costs. 'For Kalo" rnrds nt Tlulletln... THE ON Chalmers Victor of Victors On Traok, Road and Tour 1909-10-11 No car ior the price has ever equalled the Chalmers' Record. Few cars that sell for more have surpassed the Chalmers' Record. Spccificfations for the beautiful new 191 1 Models on application - r? - Ti -Tii r-f? ti: : .a , FOR PUUNINC Continued fiom Pace 1) nnd will bo carried to Knhiilul, whero Ihey will be dlscluirged. ' The 1 1 llim Ian cornea from San Prnnclsco und Pugel Sound ports. The vcnsel was nine days In making the Inlands. The (rip down from the Sound wan characterized by fair weather. Twenty-four of horses arrived by Hie vessel nnd Ihey are conslnned lo Ihe ritib Slables. The Height list Includes a wlilo va riety of general merchandise from Iho Paclllc Const. Plvc passengrrs wero left nt tlio port by the Illlnnlan. Tho Illlnnlan Is expected will bo ready to sail for Kahulul, Port Allen und lllto tomorrow evening, Tho steamer, takes no sugar at Honolulu but will gather up her return cargo at other Island ports of call. KEALIA CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS I.II1PR. Kauai, Aug. 13. A meet lug or tho Kealla Itepubllcan Club, Klghth Pieeliicl. was held at tho Kapaa Courthouse on July Id, 101(1. nnd tho following list of nlflcera wns elected for tho two ensuing )oars' President, diaries II. Hray; first vlro-prcslilent, Hnso M. Castro; sec ond vice-president, Joseph P. Ilellen coiirt Jr ; seeietnry. James V. HKe kela; assistant seCrctnry, II. H. Ab bey; treasurer, John K. Knmnknl. Kxccullvo" Committee (JeorRo II. Palrchlld, John Oplo, Itoher't Puukl, Joseph Schnrsch, Joe Hodtigucs. Judges of niectlon John Victor ian, John Ilililu, Joe flcln Jr KEGEL CLUB OFFICERS. UIIUi:. Kauai. Aug. 13. The l.l huo Kegel Club had Ha annual elec tion last month, at tho clubhouse, and the following officers were ap pointed to servo for the yenr 1910 1011: ' President, P. Malm; vice-president, II. Woltcrs; secretary and treasurer, C. Maserj inspectors, fl. V. Winter, W. II. Hlco Jr. and II. Carls. ' A llltlu girl who frequently used the word "guess" wns told tn say ' presume" Instead. Ono d.i) a caller. Hoiking the ndtulrable lit ol tho llttlo girl's apron, asked where lnr mother got tho pattern "Mamma doesn't cut my aprons by pattern," said the small miss. "She just looks at mo and cuts them by presume" A man's life may bo like un open hook of tho blank variety. a m m Kvcu u miser may ho liberal when It comes to giving himself away. 3E 3ES Oar n nr-ri-H I GAS a&al v. !4 .v..nMi t&rttvtf