OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, August 27, 1910, 3:30 EDITION, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1910-08-27/ed-1/seq-10/

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niywv nmy
This car will add new luster to an
honorable name
THE most valuable asset the Cadillac Com
pany possesses is its good name a good
name which is not merely the result of
popular caprice but has been earned by
what the car has done and what it has been. The
Cadillac sf as you know, irnique in the kind things
that are said, and thought, and fclr about it by
thousands of people.
This good name, and the extraordinary good will which
it has engendered everywhere, we interpret as an obligation to
build a car so fine as to remove itself autoiu.itic.illy from the
likelihood of competition.
For 191 1, therefore, our first thought our one and only
thought, in fact has been to satisfy that widespread and im
plicit confidence which always expects the exceptional fiom
the Cadillac. We believe we are justified in .saying that in this
larger, more powerful, more luxurious car, the Cadillac organi
zation has surpassed itself.
In spite of ten years of devoted adherence to the manu
facturing principle that any one of ten thousand Cadillacs
should be interchangeable in its parts with any other Cadillac
of the same type, we were not ready so short a time as twelve
months ago to build a car as worthy and as wonderful as this.
Manufacturing plants, like men must fit themselves to do
truly great things. Even with the system of standardization,
which has no equal in the world, and which insures an abso
lutely perfect alignment of parts and the almost final elimina
tion of friction, the value of 191 1 was not possible in 1910.
You are receiving now, we verily believe, the most ad
vanced type of exact and scientific motor car manufacture
which the industry has produced.
Please co-operate with your Cadillac representative by the
earliest possible inspection.
Important Improvements in
icni:t.sKi count.
OlltidoP bore Ineitnsed from Hi In
il.es to Hi Inches Thin, wllli mure
t'lllilciil riibuittor, (Schcblor'
which Is wnter-Jucl.clod, effects it
m.t'orl.il IncionM In power 1'intun
stroki, I'i Iwlit'H
The four o llmli't h urn tuso Kingly,
with copper Jackets applied, retain
lug (tin ctcluslvo C.tillll.ic features
IM'Iii: hi:i COMI'OIIT.
Wlo'l bane increased from 111) In I in
Indies, nuking tho car easier tli.u.
nilMKIVIll) U'l'HUtlMT.
Double drop frame, L't'j In drop, which
makes cur net Inner, nml this with
tho larger hood titnl inure roomy
loiincnu gteatly liuprovou tho ap
pearance l.tltdK HMHATOIt.
Tho rmlhitor Is KllKhtly Inrgor, hence
lilts greater cooling capacity This
Is notwithstanding the fact that tho
Cadillac wan never deficient In lh.it
1 expect
'iimkk axi.i:.
Kull floating tjpe Tlmkon roller
bo-trine tear axle Thin Ik tlm kiiiiii'
nxlo ns used on a number of Atner
lulu highest priced enrs.
i,vit(ii:it nitihi; ihiiims.
More powerlul brakes, moro easily np
plled and greatly Increased i-fflcl-
' one Contracting nml expanding
itoithle acting brakes, both equal
ized 'i no kim iiox ssrKMS.
Tnn complete, ami Independent Igni
tion ti) stems, each wllli Its own ret
of spark plugs, Tho two Ignition
systems ( (insist of I'osch lilgli tens
ion magneto and the new and Im
proved pelco Hystem with single
mill toll, high tension distributor
and controlling relay l'lthcr kk
leni alone la rlllclcnt for operating
llio car
i:.m i.osi:n wimi.
All electrical wiring enclosed In cop
per tubes.
Copper manifolds aio used for water
Inlets and outlets in tho circulating
n stem.
C'aUli ma bo removed In it cry few
minutes without disturbing oUior
CADILLAC MOTOR CAR CO,, Detroit, Michigan
Licensed under Selden Patent
Von Hamm-Young Co., Ltd., aaents
1911 Cadillac Specifications
In Brief
.MOTOIl Pour Cylinder, four cclc; cylinders cast singly. 4V4 Inch bore
, by '4 Inch piston stroke Five-bearing crank shaft, 1 Inch dla-
jiuoter Ilinrlngs, Cadillac make, bronzo with bnbblll lining. Five
bcarlng shaft.
HIlitSKl'tlUnt A. I A. M. rating 32.1.
( 001,1X1 Wntcr. Copper Jacketed cylinders, copper Inlet and outlet water
manifolds. Clear driven contrlfcgnl pump; Hadlntor, tubular nnd plato
type of uncqunled cfllclency Kan attached to motor, running on two
I olnt ball bearings; center distances of inn pulleys adjustable to tnko
up stretch in belt,
MJNt'lION Jump spark Two complcto and Independent systems, Includ
ing two sets of spark plugs; Ilnsch high tension magneto; also now
and Improved Delco system, single unit coll with high tension distrib
utor nnd controlling relay. (I)clco system apparatus located In for
mer commutator position.) Wiring enclosed in copper tube.
M'Milt'U'lO.W Automatic splash system, oil uniformly distributed, Sup
ply maintained by mechanical forcolfeed lubricator with single sight
feel on dash Most economical nnd simplest system ever dovlscd.
CAltlllJltinOH Hpcclul Schcblcr, wntcr Jacketed. Air mny bo ndjustcd
from drhcr's scat
CM'TCII Cono tpe, largo, leather faced with special spring ring In fly
wheel. Clutch readily rcmoinblo nnd most easily operated over de
vised Universal Joint between clutch nnd transmission practically
noiseless In nil positions and easily rcmovnblc.
'I'ltAISKMIHSION Sliding gear, selective type, three speeds forwnrd nnd
reverse. Chrome nickel steel gears. Chromo nickel steel transmission
shaft and clutch sluft running on five nnnlilai bnll bearings.
' IMI1VK Direct shaft to bovel gears of special cut teeth to afford maximum
strength All gears cut by us. Drivo shaft runs on Tlnkcn bearings.
Two universal Joints, tho forward telescopic, each enclosed In housing
nnd running In oil bath ,
AXM'K Hear, Tlmkrn full lloaling ttpo; special alloy stool Iho axlo shaft;
Tlmkcn roller hearings. Douhlo torsion tubes arranged In triangular
form affording unusual strength. Front nxlo, drop forged I beam sec
tion with droji forged yokes, spring perches, llo tod cndB and steering
spindles. Front wheels fitted with Tlmkcn bcnrlngs.
MltAKI'N Ono Internal nnd ono external brake direct on wheels, 14 Inch x
2V4 Inch drums Hxcoptlonally easy In operation, tloth equipped with
' equalizers.
K'lKI.'lll.MJ (IK.Wt Cadillac patented worm and worm gear sector type, nd
Jiistnblc, with ball thrust 1 Inch steering post, 18 Inch steering
wheel with corrugated l.ard rubber rim, aluminum spldor.
lWll.r.l. 1IA.SK 110 Inches.
'IIItDS On Touring car, Dcinl-tonncnu Iloadstcr and Coupe, 31x1 Inches;
Limousine, 3 1 x 4 V& Inches.
.SPIIIMiS Front, scml-elllptlcnl 311 Inches long by 2 Inches wldo; rienr-tliree-iiunrter
platform; sides, 42 Inches long x 2 Inches wide, Hear
cross 38 inches long x 2 inches vv Idc.
Price $1700 f.o.b. Detroit
Touring Car, Heml-Tonncnu nnd Itondsler (Coupo J22H0, Limousine
13000). l'riccs includo tho following cqulpmont: lloscb mngneto nnd Delco
system, ono pair gas lamps nnd gencrntor. Ono pair sldo oil lamps nnd
tall lamp, ono horn nnd set of tools, pump and" repair kit for tires. CO mllo
ucuison unit trip Standard specdometor, Hobo roll, full foot rnll In ton
ncati and half foot rait in front Tire holders.
i rS.B
a ere i
pnit In a competition nt .Moanalua 3 C, C 1 S lloils defeated W T
as tlie links ,iro n extellont comll Coc'ie Jr B nr-3, R 2, I C Col
tlim .ind tho weather In now Ideal mini ilrfiMtoil 1 T .McAiislnnd, 6 2,
for golf J 0 2 1
I :: ::
Manager Uoilgo of tho von llainm-
H Toung enrage Is expected back on
the Korea next Monday. Ho lias
been on the Coast for sevcrnl months
on business for bis Arm, nml In this
time has disposed of several White
Bteam cars.
in MM GO DOH 1
io mnw
pertiitcndent M' VcJgh will use It
his work
Tho touili.g Ilud'i us also went
lillckl; and Ibroe live inBjeuger
enrs wero delivered tn piuchasers
Arthur Jtlie, tho well-known polo
i..u;y.. ....... ....... ..... ..w ... ,B i iiuonut al inn contest
The von Hamm-Young garage had
a stuittsful week and many calet
. recorded. Three Packards ar-
riv id pn tho Sierra yesterday, all
ln.lng the vettol directly to go to
their owners, having been previously
jWlO. One purchaser was Sam Ilald-
vin, mo otner vvvo cars going to
-Mir. Sam Allen and Mr. Hollovvay.
A Cadllla: touring ear was
rhlpped yesterday to Mr. Sparks of
Kahulul. A Garden Island purcboa-
'er was Mr. Hogg, to whom was
.shipped another Cadillac.
Another JCnnal purcbucer was Itu
fus Spalding, bo Is now tho proud
, possessor of a teven-pusbenger Htc-
The von H.nim-Youtig sales list
Jstcloseu1 b ix llulck runabout, which
was purchased by Mrs A. W T. liot-
. Vlnmlflv
on tho Garden Inland, lietwien upelln
of breaking In now poults and look-
tig at tho tano Holds,
Tho Chaliucrs machines are also
going off fnst, nnd u "30" pouj ton-
ncau, 1910 model, was sold to an
T C. Iliind of California, member
of tho eh.ilU nglng doublet Ic-ini. with
Trowbridge llcmlrlrki which will meet
tut t'lianipioiiH tt icKuti mitt .iit'xuii.ier,
tomoriow, walked through his mitlrh.
In tho second lound of tho sluglc3 to-
dav wllli P S P ltnnjolpli of Phila
delphia All thteo bets weio love nf
NIIWPonT It I, Aug 10 Tennis f,s
follow irs took n moro hopeful alt I-1 ;: :: ::
tiulo toda with regjrd tii Amui lea's HiArtirtir nrfiinriC hr
prospects for hcndlng it team to New V U K L U U KtuUKUu AHt
.e.iiaiiii to iariicip.iio in me tim
DKUKtN Al PtliliY
VVfd Is a popular ear In tlio iinintr'
dlslrlcto. nnd tb o nro liinuy of
thTm to bo soon on tho other U
1 anils.
It was stm
gestod that William A I.irned mlghl
bo porsuailpit to make, tho JouniC,
Ihuiigh tho national champion li.is not
commllttd lilnu.eir.
Should I.irned consent tho Amcrl-
run teitn would bo complete, for Man
SlJATTI.i:, Aug 13 Wireless ro-
ports ro clvcd hero last night from
tho steamship Corwlu confirm tho
news from Sewurd Hint Mount Shi
shnldln Is ugnin in eruption nnd glvo
tho nddltlnual Information that
Mount 1'itvloff, whlrli Is cast of Sill
shiildln. is alco In eruption. The vvlro.
less report sa that tho eruption of
Mount P.ivloff ii ovon moro spcctif
tilar than thai of tho older volcano.
tho Ilamen shooting Into tho air to
f'AMl TI!I1IIV. f Am? IK
llrllllant marksn.aiLshlp. thai In ,l 1,,oll,t of ,,curl 1500 fcct;
Bhlftlng wind nnd blinding rain,
officer of tho Watethouse Trust Co .ro ; McUuiikIiIIii the rapid llio Ca '."smashed two world's ro orils, nialk
Tlio Chalmers people are offering it for.,n s rt,u,j m ry ), baud cd tho tloo of tho National Klllo
prize of ono dollar for each suggts- 0l)(,r l1(j perthanee a steadier Afsocl.itlon'n louriiamcnt.
tlon that may bo adopted with ref- i,an,i (imn .cnr ago onco niori'i In tlm l.enh mattn tho first threo
erenco to their cars litualnst tho Invlmllilo llrookos and r.n.. ....isii.i,. (envoi. kIi.h i.t son.
Two Chalmers lail cars nro ex- wilding, llio Australians who now .joo mid 1000 ilrds) was mured Ii.
pected to rcich tho Asto l.ited g.i- bold possession of tho most rovcted Kecond Lieutenant Clnrciito 1 Stur
rago next mouth, nml u shipment t.nnls tinpb) In Iho world lleabt ,CVniit of tho Corps of llnnlncori.
oi tlio rieno ,r'iw m,iiiii!ieB is vv ngut stnnils rciui) io make llio long ii o a nno nolnt iilio.nl of llio .. ........ ... ...
also duo to nrrlvo Inlcr In llio month. Journey also I ,,, , ,., i.J .......i , k- k- .. .ne vouanic action ucgins in n new
... . . .. . ! "j. j j ...... ,, . . . ... . i tii ii f m n iiittr inn A I Aiir ititn i it tt l ii ii nil
i-triioiiH rapiui iievfiiFpini? nieiiii ,.... f ,,,.,. ,.r0 stiiilovimt snir-
ed 21 bulls e.vis nt ono thoiiuand
ii i ds In Hie storm.
In tho president's match. Sergeant
W A. Kragner nt tho U S Mtirlno
I'ho steamer A. (1. Lindsay
brought word to Seattlo on Vv'edncs
diy night that Pavloff was belching
forth great volumes of smoke, but It
was not until tho wireless report wus
iccelveJ from tho Corvvi last night
that ' was known that tho eruption
bail become to tcrrlllc and spectne-ii'm.
In tlm eruption of Mount Pnvloff
Tho P'erco Arrow curs nro beauties,
nnd thu) mo to ho found all over
tho world In Paris tho iimp.ui
has a Hiipph nml parts stoic, mid
travelers Unci It vor lonveuleut
Tho Plcrco Arrow lompnii Ii.ib Is
sued a rmnll booklet which carries
on tho argument about nl rlindcrs,
and Manager Hall will be pleased
to give thoMj Interested u copjf of
,Tho Mitchell car Is kcepug iiji
ltsend at the Schuinau garage, and
Sealy Shaw bought a roadster dur
ing the week, l'our moro Mltcholls
nro jBxpccted to nrrlvo on tho l.ur
llrje, and tho domatid for tho tars
JsTcrowfhg every day
"fthe Locomobllo Is also linndled by
tins' Schuman garngo, nnd there Is
always a bg demand for tho tars
tii At "run llko a watch " There nto
rvftEumbor ot theso machines In Hn
nolulu, and all their owuciu bwoar
i0. J. Whitehead hna purchased ii
Ford runabout, ami lie will uso It Itf row The coiiipellilon win bo hold
lila business over nt Wnlluku The lit Muaunlti.i. und will bo open to nil
Olio if the tnmt lntoirhtlus golf
I' iiiiMinonls Hint has boon pulled off
for a long time will bo tho two ball
fotirro'iiu that has been id ranged by
tho Honolulu Golf Cluh fur Innior
hhlp for McUiiighllu Is a mosl con
slstcnt step townrd uudi an neeopt
unci. In llio minds of many of thu
tennis sharps ll appears to Indicate
that l.nrnecl has HClloiislv tonsldeiid
tho ndvlsnblllt of rtelng up with the c""l's lEtabllehod tho ro'ord bioro
speed westerner In u douhlo toitu. "' -',
Such it combination should protp rap '1'lm ton
nblo of wiostllng tho doublea milih wt;ro
from tho Am trnllnus. I Seigeant
Unrned's lufrcst In Mclaughlin Corps, 2S3
Icadciu In each tontest
W. A. Fragner, Marino
pliiie along tlio Aleutian chain and
to tho eastward of the Uogonloff, Mn
kttshlu mid ShlBbnldln region.
Tho extent of tho disturbance, us
shown ti the latest reports sent !
the Corw (i, lovers nppioxlmalel)
threo degrees nf longitude.
Enillinnnkc Sliotk Felt. '
relnnogrnph nt Georgetown Unlvcr
clt todii reiordod an carthquiiko
tlio:.!; which lusted 23 minutes, bo
has led o mnsldoi able coaching ot Iho Midshipman II. II. Smith, U. 8 N, 'ginning nt S:02 a. m Tho mnxl
Cnltrorultiii b tho tltlo lioldi r oven 282.
Io tho oxttiit of it few lesson ns to Coipornl G. W. I'liriiham, Marine
bow In difent certain otht'rit nf iiota- Coips, 281.
bio position In tin tonnU wnrlil KiibIrii It. C, Grimii, II. S N . 2S0.
Tho (list round was compleled dur- (ju.menuastor.Surgt. .1. S. W'orx
lug the foicnoon nml good piogiess bowuhl, U. S. N 280.
in tho m'iiiiiiI iiiiiiiiI wiih miido. 'Hio i-iieigu t. A. Thompson, U. S. N..
Poll.lohiii.oii mat i li which attracled ..go,
n latge gnlloi. was won by tho fmiu " ,'Ullcnat V. II. Will line, V. S.
r Indoor cli'iniploii liistrulght selh, infmitij '7g
llinush oveiy match H h'tnl fought. ,,,,' y , Woodward, II. 8. N .
The sumiuary: ' ,,7B I
golfers whether thoy nro iiiemberH
(if thu lub or not
Tlio club tins arranged in hnvn an
auto bus ut iho end nf tho Klnx
it i eel car Hue, uml the Rnlfura will
rim Asfoclattnl aarats hw beau bn nblo tn nmhe Did Journoy In mid
Imfy during tlm wk, nnd tuo uf fmm Moaiialun n lomroit
Ifia'Iliitlwiiii that wots rsudved lust. The Utu will loavo on It trip down
V...-.U hnvn iilriinili I.Mili Ullil ()H at lltllf'lHHt llltll 01 link. Ullll Will MI'llnH ,lr ilnfMtn.1 W. tlmum l.v
ntjUivm rnt In Mmil and the buy rrimn ui rnuHhlrtv In His nfmr ihrunli, T It. IWII dsfssiiod W l
lirMWSS.Iinlll MMIIU, TIM HUmV. I" ) H aliri. m.i... c..n. ium. JU4IHMIH, , d, t u us, ll I
I1K. IH till
All comciu'alugloa, flint luund (roip
A. S. Dublin Jr dofuittod 8 .1 Wag
slntf, n- 2. C 3. 0-1. 'I: W. Houdrlek
clefeuteil P. I. Shuriunu, B K G 0,
(1-1, A N ItniiKlr dnrrnloil W D.
Iloiiim, 0- I 11 2 B 7 4 -4. H l
lluulfl defeated Wlllliiui McCroalli by
Srond rouiul loaiitltiunll - J 8
v,p,'W!pi'i! 10 MolOHul,
uuiwrtunli) to latju Wiliht dwil ll iuUliurtii 7 t
I'rlvnto cm. Vnu Aiuliurgh, Mnss,
I.lcutoimnt . U llrlcgH, V. 8. In
fantry. S77.
Tlio I. otiil) Itiiilorn wuro:
l.loiitonatit C. I fillirilovant. It. H.
Uiiglnixus, 106.
Ucutonnnt.C'oluiiol 0, l'. Wliulor,
Ohio, 108,
Oapialn ti, ii HmoJfcnn, Qltn, ion.
(npiMln VV lldilr. Dljln. 103.
Sorgmui MRU Idem, I' 8 envoi
r, n
mum shock was at 8-17 nnd lnslod
for ono and a half minutes. Tho
Indications are that Iho dlitiirlianco
was 2f.00 iiiIIch toiitheast of Wnsh-
Sciimocranh Active
SN .lOSi:. Aug. 13 Obwirvor
Nov "in, in ihargo of tho Bnismograph
nt Sunlu Clarn Collego, leports tho
letonl ot lelsmi' illsturbituceH ut C
o'clock this morning, and nt. 10:30
tho iustiiimont was still moving nt
Intel vals Until tlm disturbance Is
fully over tlm observer tun not glvo
out ii couiplelo recoid.
C.iitalli i:. II llryali, Dlslrlit of
Colninblii, nil
Onptnln W. II Woir, AiIuiim, 101.
Prlvitlo M J. lliiiniiHHiil, .Mlihlwnii,
PniiiHln , K. V. Cnwy. IVnnwl
tonln, till.
1.41HIPI18HI J M. WnliuvrlHlH. V
a, 0ahy, 101.
LONDON, Aug 13 All London Is
talking about the startling exhibi
tions of speed given by n Itttlo boat
on tho Thames und at llourucmouth.
Tho boat was seen ritcig up nnd
down tho river ut what seemed a
terrific speed, dnrting along by leaps
and bounds, Just, as n shark chases
n Ilsli ttucldlng between wind und
water, Tho Impression sho left was
net so much that of power, for sho
was such a mile of a thing, only
twcnt-slx feet long, as of vicious
and despornto energy. Crowds of
people, gathered along tho embank
muiit to watch her, wondering
whence in her tUy body this over
powering energy could como.
Tho boat Is tho Miranda IV., the
latest cxpeilment In skimboats, or,
its they mo (tilled technically, li)
tlroplaucs, by Iho veteran Hngllsh In
ventor, Sir John Thorn croft. Com
pared wllli .nothing near her size,
tho M Cauda IV. Is certainly tho fast.
est iraft alloat. Her exact speed Is
not known, but sho has sevoral times
ilouo well over thlitj-four knots an
Sho has been tried In n heavy sea
mid In tho vvuko of a big steamer
and has never ciphered This, In a
twent -six-foot boat, represents mi
cxtrcmcl) high development In tho
sclciico ot boat construction. Owing
to tho peculiar format Im of hor Wool
an I body, sho skims rather than
floats on thu water, and can do her
highest speed ns well In a heavy sea
as In n perfectly calm one. In fact,
(ho only touihcs tho water In a
small feci Ion amidships mid another
small section at tho stem When
lin gets up steam, liowovor, hor bow
l lies nut of tho water llko a Bnout,
and f ho fcklmB along with hardly
half her boclj louihlag tlio Biirfaro.
No mutter how fast she goes, sho
leaves no vvuko In all hor speed
trials tho Mint ml a IV. Iibb curried
Iho passengers Though hor ills,
plnumiout Is lets than u ton and a
half, she mi tarry eight passengers.
She uses u Thorn) t rod engine,
eight c)llnilorcc! ami wllli it driving
KtieiiKlli or 100 liiiisepowr
John O'Kuifii, mi iiueil iiiunti nl
ill llellef llnuiii In Ran riiinclseii kill
WASHINGTON, Aug 10. Although
tho President and most of tho officers
of his official family In tho cabinet
nro nbsent from Washington, fow of
tho cabinet officials nro out ot closo
touch by telegraph nnd longdlstnncu
telophcnu with tho assistant secretar
ies, who look after tho routine, busi
ness of tho respective departments.
This Is particularly truo of Sccrotary
Knox, who, from his homo at Valley
Forgo, Is keeping closo watch on tho
dally happenings in Washington oh
reported to him by Acting Secretary
Huntington Wilson.
Several matters of negotiation nro
pcnclln:, For Instance, thoro Is tho
Hankow railroad. America, Is Joined
with Germany, Franco and Oreat Bri
tain In what tho foreign offices are
pleased politely to term a "request"
upon tho Chlncso government,, but
which actually nmounts to u demand,
for the Isstio of a decree accepting a
loan or f30,000,000 from financiers of
tho four nations, tho money to be use I
In the construction of tho Hankow
railway Tho Chlneso government
docs not care particularly to do this,
though It may seem odd for n nation
to refuse to accept a loan.
China's rcluctanco is based upon tho
fact that tho great viceroys nnd man
darins of tho provinces through which
tho projected road will run aro strong
ly opposed to It, und having In mind
tho experience of China following thu
concession to tho tttisslans ot tho
right to build tho South Mnnchurltri
railroad, nro apprehensive that llio
building ot tho Hankow road wilt
mean tho ultimate domination of their
country by foreigners
Thoy havo offered to flnanco tho
road themselves, but It Is probublo
that their protests will bo unavailing
mid that some time this week tho ex
pected decree authorizing tho loan will
bo forthcoming.
Within tho sanio period It Is possi
ble that some agreement can bo reach
ed between tho slate department und
tho government of Turkey icgnrdlng
tho projected 1000-mllo railroad
IIiioukIi Asia Minor, whlrli a group
nf ciitorprlilng Ainoi lean llnuuclvrs
desires In build,
Onion rnrMIIIfy in Kmitmx win
irriililly Kiilirty iluniri'C. liy n roil
. I ' "' t ' ' If MIM1IMIH II t'l II I I'll
i. liUnwir Id einilim bis ihnnl from niui ilm-mumi- of rnln, Tho limps
him in on w Iih ii inwr Hlckm with iiinieln lit niltn In llm iu
nml iwniiii.niip wus llio Piuimt, 'for ntvy,

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