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II I " '. - EVENINO nUM.ETIN, HONOLULU, T. It. SATfttDAY. SEPT. .".. IfllO. '.- EVENING- BTTLLETIN DAILY 7nnd' WEEKLY Published by BULLETIN PUBLISHING CO., LTD. At 120'KlngStreet, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii. Dally every day except Sunday. Weekly issncd on Tuesday of each week. " Member op the associated press. Wallace R. Parrlnjjton, - - Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. uvursiNti nui.i.iiriN PtfM.Hith.ftti) where la U.S 7A Pn Uunet. nywbe re In U 3 . ... 2.m Pet Vt, tnvffhereliiUS B.uo Per Veil, .5t.ld, loielun 13. oo WliUKIW MUl.l.UIIN Per Sli Muntni S .no per Veer, injnxrheielli VS I. (Ml Pet Year tnywhere h Cinedi.. I. no Per Yctr loitptld, foreign a.oo CIRCULATION LARGEST OF ANY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED in the Territory of Hawaii. p-pi I Editorial Rooms, - 2185 I Business Office, - 2256 tnttted t tbc Pottoffic M lloooulu u tom!cln matter SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3. 1910 He would be the finer gentleman that should leave the world without having tasted of lying, or pretense .of any kind, or of wantonness or conceit. Marcus Aurelius. Andrew, In the Intenlcw cliilmlnR to bo authorized 1) him, docH the iipiml Htunt of luylnR It all unto the other fellow. Vote at the primary If you arc u ' .Iti'ptibllcun. Don't let the ote of Home Itiilem and Democrat elect all the delegates to the convention. V Crooked work In connection with the Munoa nreclnct ballots lb aided In f Ilio'otlUf tliut liu been howllnt; In such loud.toni'M about decent politics. i, No one I'xpeetH that Mr. Dnrnci of New York liked Theodore Hoosovolt and the Insurgent iiimeiiient gener ally No 01)" cnies whether lie does , or not Sonicwburo down In .Massnchusetts t tueru is a iiinii caueu ituv wnu in iuv I' umn.ililv ullll Pri'Klilent of thn United HtiileH, though ery little, has linen heard of, him In the dUpatcIIcd of flate. Vi".t . , ' - Some chauffeurs are under the Im pression that tooting tho nulo horn frees them from all further responsi bility. Other chauffeurs think that the tooting of their auto horns slm fjply sounds tho warning "If you don't , .want to get killed, lieut It." t -r "I nm not fnmlllar wltli every thing that occurred In the (Ma noa) precinct prior to my arrival ...therein, hut since my return I am k'not nwnro that either I, myself, - or the persons with whom I lmvo ; t associated have done anything . that would deseno criticism." . i. " Lorrln Andrews Listen to the chatter of Hie Inno , cent child. THE DUTY OF TOMORROW. warm political light and descrlng no further attention from them The spirit and the letter of the party rules linwi been iolatcd and! the student of political crookedness 1ms found many loopholes for cheat-1 lug the honest oter. Tho rules pro- . . -. .1... H ' iue no itenaiiy, aim wm lespuiict ui the manipulator Is, What are you go ing to do about It? To retain public confidence the par ty must Mile the tricky politicians out of any share In tho party control, mid follow this up with a thorough can- miss of the part rules so ns to bring lo Lear Mcry possible safeguard for protecting the Integrity of the prim ary ballot. Today the voters havo It In their hands to record their votes for honest methods and convention delegates who stand for honest politics. Unfortunutely there. Is no aisuranco of honest balloting or ail honest count In the Munoa precinct today In bo fur us the precinct organization olllcers tiro concerned. Thoro Is every renoii to belleic: however, that die sentiment against the Aridrews-lniffnnde.iu scheme Is so strong that they wII he overwhelmed, trfckB and all. Tomorrow, the duty: bf the Itepub- Jlcan party will M put the rule In such shape that the political Jobbers Will hae the least possible chance for success, and the primaries will be come so'methlng better than a farce, which they now nre eory time honest men aro pitted against trlcksteis. .ir At tho Inst moment previous to the "J,v opening of (h primary polls the rep utntilo Republican voterB of tho Mn- .. mm ,irMln..t Mini tlinmu,.llu turn ffi S """ ' - -face with their old enemy, the com , inon enemy of the common good, n political trick c Till Irlrtr lllru nthura tlint finin Jgono before, Is the work tf the ho- "called regulars or what ure generally known us the Andrew s-Iluffundenu ' crowd. ' Having treated the public to sever al Incidents properly coming under thuheud of u political dlsgruce, these Npeople appear to believo that u few imoro can't do any harm. And besides this political trick may help them to pull through some portion of their ticket. "0 What the result of tho stuffed roll iniid the tricks mid the treachery will Jbj Is pretty well known but the def finite figures must await the counting &ioftlio votes. mr What the honest, fair-dealing clt- liltens In the Republican party, aro to Jclii is a mutter that Is of most Immed iate Importance. On their nctlon or Inaction will depend the fate of the Republican party In tho coming elocution. jjlegardless of party feeling, party linMlllatloti und party regularity, the Average citizen of this community und uf.tnery other stands primarily for ntriilghtforwurd methods and u square uiai. lit mu'sl bo apparent to every Intel- illgmit person that a party which falls poiiu'operly guard Itself ugaiust a rep letJtloii'of thn Irregularities, und pollt- Fal 'chicanery, that havo been going DiiiflIn the Manna precinct at I lie Instl- ffiutlou uiiil under tho protection of the Ktfiilyw'g.fluiruniltMil crowd, must loao he coiillilrllfti (If (he livuruue Pllliull TIiii llupubllmiu parly iviiiiiiii lltu us JaHH fur pnllllt'iil iit(iny, If llui MiTjnilliwni, iif Dm uutiJK!lliiii loik lip msmmiu ern m l inuiMti MHiuki ppjU fy hu if II liHih(fl mil FEDERAL SITE BUSINESS, Isn't It about time to get down to business on tho Federal building site? The latent thing to appear on ttio horizon Is a proposal to have the Fed eral olllces In two buildings. This Is someuue's Individual scheme for go Itig'tlle longest way around to reach a gpn point. This town has hud enough of Indi vidual schemes tho upshot of which Is to deluv the construction of the Federal building. Tho people would like to liae a few community Ideas worked out and a little work done for tbo welfare of the people as it whole. The Federal olllcluls huvo hut one tiling to do us u longcqueuce of the most recent action of Congress. They must learn whether the prop erly lor the extension of the site can be purchased at the figure named by Congress. If this cannot be done, these olllcluls should proceed at onco to condemn the property, fihould tho condemnation proceedings not bring the desired result, the sultject Is then up to Congress. Honolulu hits been kicked nbout by pompous Territorial olllcluls until It Is quite tired. Tho Federal officials should possess enough sense to do better. Let the business of the people bo dono promptly Otherwise tho Feder al building for the city of Honolulu will awolt the coming of the next century and n vncant lot filled Willi weeds will bo a monument to the folly of tho olllcluls trying to force their Ideas down the throats of an unwill ing and disgusted populace. HAWAII'S PUBLIC LAND INCOME. The American nation devotes the Incomo (torn Us public lunds to edu cation. livery Stnto and Territory of the mainland gives the largest sharu of the Incomo from Its public lauds to education. The Uiud Commissioner of the Ter rltory of Hawaii Intel p;etH thn amended Organic, Act tu uioun that the Income fiom the public hunts of this Territory shall ho given over tu hlui to Im expended us hu thinks best III what ha tails the development or lioiiumlcHil Mil lui mi nilstullii Any such use of thn Iiicoiiih from Hie public lauds of UiU Torrllmy will result In a fur Ihcr iiiiieinliiieiil or Urn irrituiiic Am, ami Urn lll i, prtwivu Hie public Ijth'l ! 8 IttIllrHK for Him yimih r 'Dim MmU Will not iul by hid m. , ' GET THE BEST AND SAVE MONEY RATES PER $1,000.00: Age 21 $11.38 25. .30. 35. 40. 45. 11.82 12.59 13.65 15.22 17.59 The'sc quotations arc speci mens; all ages at propor. tionate rates. See us for full particulars about this , new policy. TRENT TRUST CO., LTD. Cut this Coupon out and mail to us: TRENT TRUST CO.. LTD., Superintendent, The Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New Yotk, Honolulu, Hawaii. Gentlemen: Without obligating myself to take a policy, I would like information' as to your new contract and the rates for same. Name Address I was born on the day of is. shall be changed, unit Hint order huii ported by the mandate of tho Terri torial government representing tho people. Tho tequcst of the tlnplil Transit Company Is one that should not be grunted. Tho Territorial government Is sup posed to represent ;tfitiulillc In thin matter, nnd If n vote were tajten of thosn who patronize the cam. how Intitiy could you expcjcl ttJ (favor tho no-thnnge order. uoriM! I'lcrrmis itt r.NDKIITIIK MM" in irvi.Y HO.Mi:, August 13 Objectionable, moving picture shows aro to be sup pressed by law in Italy for the reason that the government believes that they !..... i Him l.inlt fittlui, (if fill, I Itt-fllltlt III cieiii'c in Juvenile crime. According to tho new Invv which the government has framed, all films must ho submitted before exhibition to local (ommittees for uppiovul. Alter ap proval the Will will Lo taxed unless they ale of an educatlonal.charucter, I reureseiitliic natural scenery, cities. monuments, sportn, Industries, cpl- jsodes lit natural life, etc. t , Muniigcrs who Infringe tho law may no linen up 10 ?iiu tor mo nrsi onense For second and other offenses tho pin- ally will bo lyuch heavier. All nbjec tlonnblo nlmsvvvlll he dcstro)cd. No ihll'licn under thirteen will bo allow-, eu to witness me entertainments tw ins their parents aro with them. II takes a good cook to fit up nn thing to cat so a man can't tell what It Is SEATTLE MURDERED CAPTURED AFTER FIVE YEARS' CHASE MEXICO CITV1 Aug. 20. After a pursuit covering live .vcais, John Joseph I'lnv, a 8rlan, Is about to bo returned to Seattle to stnnd trial for the murder .Im Hint city of l.ntn Nicholas, n 17-yenr-old girl of his own rhee, Flav will leavd .Mexico on rVonduy In -custody of a deputy Eherlff. Flav lied to Mexico nfter Hie crlmo was committed In 1905. Ho vvus recognized reicntly In Tu Innclngo, Stale bf' Hidalgo, by a (Ireek dealer In Syrian goods, who notllled the Seattle authorltlei. Philosophy Is tho thing Hint makes you take other peoplq's distress with equanimity f6r sale Very desirable home, corner Fensacola and Kinau streets. Your choice of two proper ties. Call at our office and we will take you out to see them. The price is riglit and terms can be arranged. BishopTrust Co., Ltd. BETHEL STREET QUOTE YOUR PRICES BY WIRELESS The office is open from 8 to 10 a. m. Sundays. 25 c will make your silver shine like new, if expended in the purchase of a cake of G0RHAM SILVER POLISH Gorham Silver Polish One cake will last you for months, H. F. Wichman & Co.. Ltd., LEADING JEWELERS FORT STREET with the declaration of tiuv ii'llclnt or olllclutri of the Terrlloiy id Ha waii. There are men In Coiigiom who will fight for Hie preservation of tradi tional lines In dealing with public lands and education In Hawaii, If self ish or scheming olllchtls of Hie Ter ritory will not RAPID TRANSITSMALL'CHANGK. Governor Frenr Is soon to pass up on the idea of tho Ituplil Transit that the street car conductors shall not be forced lo change live or tin-dollar gold pieces when given them by pas sengers paying a fuio. It .Is perhaps better to put It that the Itapld Transit company has asked the Governor to expel from tho cms every man, woman and child who hap pens to forget to get small change be fore going to tho street cur In other words tint Itapld Transit Company asks the Cov'eruor to linpohu a penalty on torgellulness. Al llrst thought, this sounds 1'il.e mighty good discipline, but after thinking It over this plea uppears inoru like an adiimatitlno assumption on the pint of our excellent public service corporation now having e cliisivu use of our streets. Thn people of Honolulu havo yet to In conv luted that tho habit of forcing street car lonductors to muko change lu lnrge amounts Is so strong and so genera, and indeed such an epidemic that the Itapld Transit Is entitled to special relief from Its woes. Who can Imagine nil) thing more productive of public disgust alul ic sentment than a condiiotor, uetluj. j under orders, tefusing to nccept II vt I dollars that a lady might profer him on account of having no change, Iho woman put off tho car because the order is that no lurgo money piece. Waterhouse Trust Special Opportunity During this month only we offer the following choice Kuimuki residences for purchase, upon terms within the reach of anybody desirous of acquiring a home. Small cash payment and balance it monthly instalments. Call nnd get particulars of these two special bargains before they are withdrawn: NO. 1 Three-bedroom house on car line. Spacious la nais. Newly papered and painted throughout. Lot 100x225, covered with shade and fruit trees. Stables and servants' quarters. NO, 2 New two-bedroom bungalow. Magnificent view of two o:cans; adjoining Kaimukt Crater (re served as a paik). Either ono or two lots, as desired. WE ALSO OFFER FOR LEASE Tliree-betlroom furnished bungalow on tho Kaimukl car line, One of the most comfortable homes in Honolulu, Waterhouse Trust Kurt llui Urrcluiit Btri Li r - Cablegram i I, Sail Tranoisoo, Aug 30, 19 LO Address: Jordan's, Honolulu Purchased entire stock, fifty-eight cents on dollar. Returning Wilhelmina. CURTIS mHE FOREGOING CABLE received by us means much to the ladies of this city. Our Mr. Curtis left in a hurried trip to the mainland to personally examine a large stock of merchandise that was intended for a Coast House, and through reasons over which they had no control the delivery was not made. The goods were offered to us at a big dis count, and, knowing the character of the mer chandise we were prepared to buy the line at more money than the cable tells us the dqal was closed for. The stock comprises ReadytoWear Suits and Dresses for Women and Children Coats and Skirts in Linen, Silks, and Cravenette , and a Big Assbrtment of , General Dry Goods In short it is the greatest purchase so far as extraordinary values are concerned that has ever been placed before the public of Honolulu. We will hold a GREAT . QUICK CLEARING SALE the date of which will be announced when Mr. Curtis returns. '" . JORDAN'S wmmmmmmmmm) &' T. i i EL. t ti. ,1-iiV i --.. , Mt JA -4-