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VT - V.J &iU'ii viitio. Pff Kr-tf"f irP': V: - lrtH . t - w M iTfTV ',' ' X' v 8 BVRNINO nttLl.r.TIN. tlOXOM't.U T II , SATt'KDAY CKPT 3. 1910. i f n ' i- w 1 K ( 1 FOR RENT OR LEASE Lunnlilo iticct, near Fcnincola, house, six rcomsj veranda rcom mosquito Wiled; detached kitchen and; out ride servants' house; stable and automobile shed; large yard, With fruit trees. Price, $40. Lot on lane oil Nuunnu street, sut'ablc for stable or tenement 0 houses. j, FOR SALE House and lot on west si lc of Nutmnu sttccl, near Vineyard street. - House and lot on Nuuan i street, Hear School street. On easy terms, Bcic anift and Younp; streets, near l'unahoit; 50x139 feet. Rare chance of acquiring land suitable for raising chickens; 2.7 a:rcs at Kapihulu Waikiki, with flowing artesian well. Fanning lands in Barber's Point; superb builw, with r.rand view from Palolo to Lot nor h side of Bcrctalinp; plot. Thl-c acres nt Sea Vieiia street; 2400 feet and upwards. Property bought and cold in various paits of Honolulu and outlying districts. Ma go on Brothers TRUSTS. KEAL KSTATI1. COLLECTIONS Ofllce Room 1 Mngoon Builling, Mcrclnnt and Alakca Streets P. 0. Box 384 Telephone 2G91 HONOLULU. T. H. HAS TROUBLES Opposing Factions Nomi- Old U'alalua Horse Shows natc Their Own Men Remarkable Race 'The Grafoowsky Truck' 1, lV's. 2 and 3 Tons ' 45 II. P. QUICK DETACHABLE POWER PLANT Hardened strcl bushings. EmerRcncy condensing chamber in the radiator; built for scrvij. Transmission, fool-proof. Demons rations cheerfully given. HONOLULU POWER WAGON CO. 875 South Street, nonr K ng W M. MlNTON, Manngcr l'h nc 21G0 (oi'vnm"meiiie.j Antone Kar i the well known Will IIII.O, Sept. 2. While tlio Inlnml ntiri llm ie.1- illil a run- urn ttiis imirn of Hawaii has liecn uiiiihlo to pro-. '"K when Im follottel mid flu illv .luce nnjlliliiB nulto im tartlli.K uu t;n",R,,l1 " ':'"w-'v Imrno that li:..l .,..,.. , 7 . dashed "I' Kln mil', t iliatscliiu i vn the row In tho Mimaa piecliiut In K0 afu,r j,),,, Honolulu, tho i.rccln.t nt Kiiktilha-1 l( ,s at ,',K,tl .;.,, k , , K , clc,,llic twelfth, teems to huiu l.cen ln,,,CIIl., 1(, , . Ht-iiiiliiS im Klt.s nlilc to Mir up a little cxvllcinciit Blt.0,., n,r Al.ikoa. A llRht was m ot IIh own. uail oiiMiV tl .uiif. and hiiililenl) Iho Last week llllo wrnj rejjnled with horie ! IiIkIH ami bolted mi Die a rejKirt to the cfTed that tlicro iitreel. Kaon ,i- yum lllty Minh wero two Ilepubllcuu product clulm liehliul when I he ninddeiie I nuliiril In that precinct, ami (hat each one Rnllop-,1 otr, hut tho old c then.' had uoiiiliialcil a net of del', winner net up pace iir,M iitm c I'K.Uea to tho lerrltmlal ami to the Iiik f.u.l.r rii'iy luioud. 111.1:1:11; il in county (onventloiiB, with tho lncvl- r.ilrh lip to the lim e when 1'iiticIi tnlilo result Hint two delegations howl Blurt win u-aili d from the naino precinct would nr-J Kihki Jumped for Hie iinlinalV lie-til ilvo at each convention. This "lid In 11 htoiii! hint Mtopiod tho rim canned BOino exellemcnt, hut 110 Ue-'fcwiiy: It w.ik a iplendld lilt of work lull of Hhe niatttT weru learned ."'"l -'' U'-iiic-He owner of the wimon l.eforo the following letter of oxplti- " ,n, Invited Kami to llt lilx store tinfliiii w.m ri.fftvitt friini Mm tunnl niltl l.'llfi dent of the product club by Cfi.ilr- I"s.ciit man of tho County Committee; r'",:,wl, liters: "llonokiia, Iliiwnll, A11R. 29, 1310 "Win. II. Ileern, Ks., llllo, Ilawull "My Dear Hlr- Juit 11 few words vqtatv Tl?AN;ArTinN: to write to juii In tcKunl to what,EEAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. 1." now happening hiiioiik our club meiuberit. I "On the nlHht of tho 2fith lust. .t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 K ho (."trod for iih :i Nobody was Injtued In Hi as Kami man:iKed to xtop tho hoire berote It tuuu'il up Into I'UIicIiIhivI, wheie an accident would have htcn iilii'Ht In ltulilu. a meelliii; of our ulub was held lit Kukiilliaele rilioolhonie, and made lU'iiiliiiit I'liis for delegates to tho Territorial and dlntikt and county lonM'Utloiii", when 1 was told that K'lne of the nieiiibets were notllleil Men's Laundry Work By Hand Careful hnndling 0.' every pece, insuring the minimum of wear. FRENCH' LAUNDRY J. Abadie, Prop. 777 KINO. ST. The Great White Frost Refrigerator Combines Beejuly and Usefulness No. 321 Price, - $26.00 I 1 ! 1 m sttm1 h vesssa& M OAfXl .KJSSil ste3KSr4f HI 9- MH$mrA M No. 323 Price, - $3100 No. 325 Price, - $36.00 For Sale Only in Honolulu at Coyne Furniture Co., Young Building SPJCIAL SALE OF SOAP FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY ' Soap that always sold for 50 cents n br-x will be sold at 30 cents Benson, Sniith fc Co., FOItT AND HOTEL STJllII.TS From 10:30 a. m. to 4 p. m. En'cred for Record Sept. 2, 1010. Manwl llolelho to Sol Kaluliu uuil wf ltel John N11.1 and wr to .le.tuue II KIiir ') U Nlvlilo to llllo lltdr, & I.0.111 Assn Ltd ('M Klmlni .Ifihmfitt tn Volllitr Men's ,of no meelliiK that iiIrIH, Tor rca-. 8.VB S(1(1. , , 8 ,m.ih I roiiM not underitnnd. This1 .nn. ,. ,,.,, , ,,. , . , iiimor lor jKisipoueiiieiu pruteuieuii K001I many fro.ii nttendliiR. Any way, I held tho mt'ctliiR and made nominations with n few nttendaiice, . alioul elglil In number. ! "On tho following iilcht, Mr. Win. I Homer and bis crowd held their nirellui;: whether they orRiinlzed n new club 1 tan not tell ou for sum at pieuelit; but 0110 thliiK I cm tell you for Mire, that tho made lioml- to 1.0 otiil nl the 8.11110 itmo aim A in,Aiilton to TomeJIto Ila- putre us uuih, "There shall ho loiiio confusion when that lime comes 1 am afraid. "I have heard that a new roll hook has been tent to Mr. Horner for rcKhtiutlnn of tho.10 who wish i to huiome iiiembcrH of tho club. I J do not consider It necessary to hare It, us we sllil have tho old loll In whl h wo enroll appllcunls right I lllllllR. I ".My Inteiitloii Is this: as both parties will vote for their delegates 'nt tho sumo tluio and place, I will' ' hnc my Judgcx of election read nt I tlio polling place and be ready to IrcceUo thowi who huvo already reg I Istcrcd In our old roll bonk; other ! wIeo tholr votes will be thrown out. I Or, If they voto for different dele gates than thoso who wero nomi nated at our meeting by us, wu Willi I reject their ballolM. 1 J "At the opening or our meeting on' .?lui C Andeuon returned on the 20th. our roll tiok was opened',,,,, Man,,,, Ke.i tills tuc ig from up to the clofo of our meeting. Ilut n,,,,, ,, ,, ,.en xsug at the I In nrdei to nient with tho reunite-1 Vi,ciino for the past three weeKs. I uientB ot our lilies and regulations, I udvlsed our seerotary to Veep It , iipou aciordlugly. Up to' tho proa enl 1 1 mo 110 one fins applied to he-1 come a member. 1 "I am of tho Idea that no inure registrations nro allowed until the ejection of delegates will be over., "What shall I do In this caso? Aa' far as I can sec into this matter, 1 I have lived tip t tho mien and reg ulations of tho Itepublleaii paity an fur as our club work Is concerned. Will you 10 oguiza others' delegates? Am I light In what 1 have already Mated? i "1 should like to huvo jou wittu to mo by Wednesday's overland mall, a:t the matter looks very bcrlnus to mo and to others who arc Interest ed In political matters. I Mai polna I ku pane inal (Don't foiget to answer). Owau no, "J, K. KKAI-OIIA, "Chairman, IL'th 1'ieelnct Club. "I'. S. I do not Know how these 1 ,....' II Dondcro' ct ul lar ltel Juttliu A l-'ranca to Trent Trust Co Ltd M Trent Ti in t Co Mil to II Itv hi in l'ar ltel II Itnlilm by atty to W tl Scott... I) Crlirtel illolto In iegr to Notice Trent Trust Co Mil to Mary 1' I'hodi 1) Ilaw'ii Kvuii lid of to l'a- hnua Settlement I) Inyo Ii ToineJIro Ilataye to A Mac- Aulton CM liick'lrti! Salto ct nl to A Mc- I Alton CM Kaaea (I Uavloil and hsb to llllo Illdg & Mmu Asan Ltd.. I Knne.i (1 D.ivlon and bsh to I llllo Illdg & Loan AbHii M.I...1' A John llulhul and wf to l'nulo J I llulhul .. . I Mary Olson ct al by inlgro to I Young Mou'H S.IV8 Soe.v I. Id. . I I'orr AITilt J Miry Oil en et nl by ml c-o to Alilolie TnVares I) I K.ihuakai Mnlull and hrdi to I IMgJr Moitou 1) It S Thurston to (leoige V Ileii I ton I) Mrs I.uey Kiimaii In Mrs Annie CacMf" M I School I 1 Shoes 1 I Tor Boys I 1 nnd Girls 1 Hj The largest and H 9 mod (imiplete ;is M SB tortment of ell 1 1- K9 JS ill en's Pluto: wu QjH B have over r.howu. EJ B Oxfords f m 1 PllUipS 99' W Straps mi m Button H II Bluchor il I and Laoo M I High Shoes H I Wo pa partlc- Q I utlciitlon to Hj I llm corieet llttllig R I of e h I I d r e u 3 Wj 9 b Ii ii c a. You can jH tend ur c-1 I M 5 ilri n here In pe.- 9 ' feet einilldeii o jf that thev will bo ' R , piopeil) lllled. H M MANUFACTURERS' 1 m SHOE CO., LTD. W , H 1051 Fort St. ! , WE HAVE WITH US T THE YOUMl Wco'neidiy, Aurj. 31. Victor S Clark. Wrndi .1) (' . f'-irl C 'jnjs. .Ir, H I'', II K KnudK'U. Denier, Col; I". II. Aekley. l'.iilhuil. On- : Mr. and .Mis. M II.'ird, 'hVhrlleld ll.ii racks. iiitriiMi cm isi:i: is StKll itv IVIIIIIMIS rOUTSMOtJTII, nngliind, Aug 13. Tho llrst-clnsa Ilrlllsh iiiimiiml erulti er Duke of IMIiibuigh, with Tull of tlcera nnd men on board, went usbore tuulght In ii dense fog, utllklng on the locks lit Ml Ciitlieilnn, Isle ot Wight, nml wiii in a d.iligeioiu poHllinll until tuken off bv lugt. Ah soon lis Iho vessel was found to bo fa hi on Iho i oik bulge not fur froi'u Cowes, where great crowds tune been prei.ent lor the regelta week, her con luander, Caplaln tlio Honorable Kobert T. .Iloyle, el his wlrelnjs In operation, Hashing mils lor usslstaure to till iiiiiilers Tho niessiiguj wero caught here nnd tugs went uu ing out tlinii'ii'.h the fog to locale nnd aid Iho hclplciiii dshdus ve'ihcl. , I'nr u tluiu Ibeir effort', weie In vufif, but nt lust the erulser vwi.i drawn to fulety. Iihv la not damaged ' WHITE LABEL OLIVES Just larg", firm Qjiccn Olives. Picked right, packed right, taste right. The most delicious olives sold '' Ask Your Grocer for The m StylLsh Millinery K UYI3DA ID'Jw Kuuimii Nl people could go and .noullUHtij tlicll im'siiiu wnai inu eun nom inated; as I suppose our club Is tho right ouo to make these nomina tions " The i lull refeiied to by Kualoha uoinliuited for the Tetlllotlal con ' entliin Alex. Arthur and Ahul Mu ki'kiiu, mid for the iiiunty iniiien J Hon Knlonioii llnike, J. (I, ,luuui, .1 I Kaiikiihl and John K. Koahilin H l muli'lHniHl that I lie llm nor faUliiu hmiiiiiiUm Will. Illillinr for inn ii'iiIiiiiIhI mnl Aim Alirniis fin Hie kiiiiiI) iniiMiiillnii Tin1 U' I III t llU II llHllt III he ll'lltuui'liteil l one iIi'ImhhIu to lliu TsrilloH.,' uinl i) lii ieUluli lii Him hiiiiiI i "In i'IIIIiiii SUMMEIl IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT i ;s d,.r, wC'JTm Hnliv it Cifil anil iiiHni(i.t,iub hy iitlllii( mi Elootric Fan The Hiiwoilfln Rlcclrlc Co,, Ui New Som'e of Our ilk consisting of Changeable Foulards Kimono Silks Figured Poplins ' Are Now On Display Just One Dress of Each t WHITNEY & MARSH, Ltd. WEEKLY BULLETN By tU' ba Be La 0 III $1 a Year BARGAINS Exceptional Bargains in Clothing for Men and Boys. Now is the turn to fit the boys out for school. Lot No. 1 -45 of the Latest Shades in Men's Suits, reduced to $4.00 a Suit Lot No. 2-50 Men's Suits in Greens, Grays and Mixtures, reduced to $5.00 a Suit Lot No. 3-80 of the Latest Cut and Styles in Men's Suits, reduced to $6.00 a Suit Lot. No. 4-35 2 and 3 Piece Men's Suits, reduced to $7.00 a Suit Lot. No. 5---33 Finest Mixed Tweed "Men's Suits, reduced to $9.00 a Suit Lot. No. 6-35 $18.00 to $20.00 Men's Suits, reduced to $10 a suit Lot; No. 7-47 Pair' of Men's Mixed Pants, reduced to $1.25 a Pair Lot No. 8 LargesAssortment. .of MixcdPants,feducedto$1.50 a Pair Lot No. 9-Extra Fine Quality Men's Pants, reduced to $2 a Pair Lot No. 10-Best Quality Men's Tweed Pants', reduced to $2,50 a Pair FOR ONE WEEK ONLY LB.KeiT&Co.,U(l. Alnkon Slrool f" I'm Hull' laid' 'ii iiiiHi'iui fe- KP .HUM '