Newspaper Page Text
31 4J5 "V"! BULLETIN From San Franciico: Clilna Scptpmbcr 27 For San Franciico: Hlci nr September 2 1 From Vancouver: Mnrnmn October 1 1 For Vanconvcr: Mnkitrn .,..,, Ootnlinrll KiVI If your butinen now' has a good 4 name, by all means -do theproper thing to maintain it BULLETIN ADVERTISING. 3:30 EDITION Carries Merchants' Store News toll 0,000 People Daily ESTABLISHED 1882.' NO. 4728. 10 PAOES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF' HAWAII, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1910. 10 PAOES. PRICE 5 CENTS. ft SNINO vs- c m i u A ! ,J. , y i f "V- .. SITE CONDEMNATION ASKED DEMOCRATS HUNTING FOR MANAGER World's Scientists . Watch Hawaii Experiments At Kalihi Expected To Result In Anti-Toxin ' Discovery Experiments, thn outcome of which will bevatchod by tho wliolc world, nro -shortly to lio lnstltutcil In tho lnhnrntciry (it tho Kalllil Receiving Ktntlnn In an attempt to discover mi antitoxin, (or loprosy, tho HiuUiik of which will menu u complete cum tor thoso afflicted with the dlson'so and thn. mnklng o( Moloknl uotliliiR but n memory. . Moses T. Clegg, tho ninn who sue reeded In propagating tho bacillus (it leprosy In Manila, wll arrive In Ha waii on the Korea and will Join Dr. Currle at tho Kalllil laboratory as aPHlntunt director and proceed with tho epoch-making work, tho first step town til whlili wns taken by Himself in Manila. Tho success, attained by Clegg In glowing thn haclllun of lepro3y. aft; er Kimipcan .scientists havo railed. wr years in ui"ir uuuns, hub impii-i;-edentcd Interest In tho seliintllle world, and thn decision ot tho Fed eral government to send Clegs to COL.BULLARD Bio Medina to Be Held TO- nirjht Military Instructor Will Give Assistance. Tonight there will bo a meeting ot all thoso Interested In tho Hoy Scout movement that has hceif In. uugiirntcd in tills city, at tho K. of I'. Hall nt half-past seven. This meeting is principally for the older people vlo are Interested In tin- move, with n view to picking out (.emit masters from. thoso who have had Minin piovloim experlenco In that kind ot work. I.leut.'-Ciil. IJullard, who Is nn en thusiast lu thn matter nt a scout bri gade for hojs, will nddiess the meet ing ,1111(1 glvn u)l tho assistance In hlsj inwcr to 'stmt tho work. Thero will bo it outlier meeting held along about tho last of tho week, at which there will bo an en rollment of hoys for tho Scouts, nnd as tciQn nfter ns things can bo .ar ranged thero will ho something do ing lu tho lino of hikes by tho boys. Colonel Hiillnrd wishes lor a good atlendnnro tonight, n ns to glvo tho movement a good Fend-off. Ha states that thorn will lie no money nsked for. It 13 purely nn organization meeting. 150. IN RAILWAY WRECK .(Associated Press Cable.) I.ISHON, Sept. 20, Onovnf tho worst railway horrors or years oc- cm red hero today, when two trains met nnd nun hundred nnd titty pco pie weio killed mid Injured. GRAND SIRE COCKBURN i (Associated Pre Cable.) .ATLANTA. (la., Sept. 20. John II, Cockrum of Indtniin was today elected (Jrnnd Slra of thn Odd Fel lows who are holding their annual conclave here. LEWIS OPPOSES WILSON (Assoclatf-d Picks Cable.) TRHNTON. N. J.. Bept. 20. Ilo- IHiullnint In' Hlnlo convention linra today noiulnated Vivian LcwIb tor the governorship, Hawaii to continue hl3 efforts and nltempt to r.irnrp an absolute euro for thn dlseaso by the finding of an nntltoxln Is considered almost cer tain to result In miccess. Tho man In charge ot the search for tho antitoxin will bo Dr. Donald Cnrilo, who with Hollman and llrlnckerhoff sue ceded In following In Clegg's footsteps nml Browing tho bacillus ot tho disease. It is stated that In the work or searching for nn antitoxin, monkeys will bo need In tho laboratory and be Inoculated with tho dlsentte, Upin tho arrival of Clegg from Manila bo will Join tlio laboratory force nt Kn- ilhl as assistant director, nnd'tholn vcttlgntors will have every possible resource at their command In nn of. fort to scrum an absolute euro for tho disease,. Clegg Is given full credit for the pioneer and epoch-making worlc of growing the bacillus, mid bis success Is considered all the more romnrka- blo becauso ho Is not a physician. NOTLEYSAYS IT'S A TRICK Home Rulers Will Not Desert Their Party to Support McCandless or Kuhio. "Thero Is nbFoliilcly no truth In the story, which appeared In tho Hawaii an Star yesterday, indicating that tho Hume llulers would glvo Ibrlr sup- iioit for Unk McCandless ns n Dele- gato to Congress?' Cbailes K. Not ley, 1'resldent of thu HoniH llulo party, and who Is Iho tegular nomlueo of his pjrty for Dolo galo In Congiess staled most rmplia llcally yesleritay that tho Homo Hul ers would not .glvo their suppprt In Link McCandless or Ktililo nt tho coming campaign, Ho was Indignant nt Iho publication of tho i.tory, nnd claimed Hint It wni a political trick to allenato tho Homo Itulo supiiort. "Tho Homo Holers nro going to put up tho hardest tight that tliey know luiw. Wo Intend to beat McCandless and JCiiliin, If possible," continued Not ley, "The Indications on tho island of Hawaii this year aro such tbit thoro is no doubt but Hint wo will sweep the wliolo Island. I am posit ivo that I can mako n successful campaign this yoar." Nolley lelt this morning In tho Mn unn Kea to begin his polltlcnl cam paign on Hawaii. Ho will return to Honolulu, ns soon ns ho lias mado tho circuit of the Island. PUEBLA IS FLOATED (Aitoelntcd 1'riHH C.ili1t.) Itni.I.INOHAM. WnBh., Sept. 20 Tho steamer City of I'ueblii was floated today. Tho ship did not Bilf.iln on for serious damage. KAISER VISITS EMPEROR (A punctated IVi-m Oaldt.) VIKNNA, AuBtrln, Bopt. 20. Kaiser Wllhelm Is In tho city on an visit to'Kmpoior Joseph of Austria, "" 20. Bug- l'royloiis SUGAR SAN FltANClSCO, Sept, I nr: UU degrees lest, 4.2K, t itit nl Ion. t.lllic. IV c c U y II u 1 1 1 1 1 u tl "per year, 0EM01MS ARE NOW AFTER A County Central Committee Meets and Finds No One To Lead Battle. E. M. WATSON NOW IS BOURBONS' HOPE Scci clary Rivcnbursh Refuses to Tncklo Job Committee men Given Week to Find Someone to Serve, "Wauled- -Cno campaign inanigcr MiiEt- be wan anted nhln to s.vallntt Hors McCandless' platform with n smile." 1 1m nbovo rlgn will soon be huiiH out rn the door of tho Democratic lioiiilnu.ul'-i;. In Wnverley hall imleia some of Iho tint nilled suecre.l In dlggh'g up stealthily a man In lit the bill 1'iir the Democrats, nt tho (ml set of Ihc comity cnmp.ilgn, flm Ihcmr.eltes without an) body to man ago It, Th'j luno a pint form, u bunch of rnurtldati'H nuitfn boss, but so for nobody lus como forward and offered to h" tho goat for tho fight In Oaliu county. The lack of imnager niHiuneil seri ous proportions last night when the rniinly cenlrnl cominltleo held n meet. Ins In Wnverley ball. They got as far ni n temporary org.inlzntlnu, In cluding Iho selection of n en'mpnlgn inanngcr. wan lniHisslhle. nnd after n long tlmo spent In talking It over, tho nemorrnts ndjnurned to meet next Monday night. In the meantime II Is up In some- bodv lolnd a reputable citizen who Is willing to lend Ihc buttle. Beero tiny Hlfcnlmrgh had been looked in kiii iis n llkelv candidate for tho loh but Ittvenliiiigh refuses to tnko It. tin saw his duties ns secretary to Iho mayor, plua his duties on tho Terrl Inrlnl committee, forbid nny active pirtlclpatlen In tho county light. As n matter of fact, bo feels that tho Mc- Continued on Paee 4, FILIPINOS OFF FOR BIG ISLE Twenty and More Leave On Mauna Kea This Morning For Hawaii. Tin! !ntor-!sand steamer Mauna Kea sailed for Maul and Hawaii ports this morning nbniit twenty Flllpluos accompanied in somo Instuncos by female members of their families np; pinned on tho wharf behind n dray loaded with tho usual wooden trunks Ih iiko In tho Far Knst, rolls of blan kets and other domojtlc pnrnphcrnn tin. Tho women In somo Instances wcro much afraid of tho nolso and liustla on tho wharf and wero being led along by tho men, Jumping every now nnd then M dodgn ,somo moving dray or vehicle. Tho Filipinos wero Ihnso who enmo Iho Chlyn Mam direct fnun Manila several days ago and aro thn first to leave for plantations nn thn big IMatid. I.argo amounts of cargo arrived at Iho wharf for i.liliuncnt on tho Mauna Kea during tho half hour before sail ing tlmo and Iho stevedores hustled along lively to got Iho vosrel nwny on time. I Included In thn cargo for Iho big Island wbb a now Cadillac IHng ship ped to thn Volcano House by vou Ilamm-Voiiiig Company. Tho passenger list of Hie Mauni Koa was bug nml Included many pro, mliieut people Ileiget's hand being on hand Id ghi thu veasel a lively Kcid,- off us .uuauul, ROOSEVELT (AftnnrlntrMl rrnm Calil'.) NT.W YOnK, Sept. 20-ChaIrman l.loyd (Irlscom of tho Republican Slnto committee stnted today that live hundred and seventy of tho one thousand nnd fifteen delegates to tho Slate convention will voto for Col onel Roosevelt ns temporary chair man. (Irlsrom's claim, however, docs not pass undisputed. Thn regulars do ilaie that they havo Iho hundred nnd sixty of the delegates. Flvo hundred nnd eight nro necessary to elect. DAILY SCORES OF ' BIG LEAGUES PNTlnl 11 ii 1 1 ft I n Cable.) (Kl-fltil Iliil'lxt In Cahli..) SAN FltANClSCO, Sept. 20. Tho retires lu tho big leagues' play today arc: ; Natlonnl New York 1, St. 1-ouls 5j Now York r.St. Unils 2; Ilrook lyn I, Chicago 3; llrooklyn 0, Chi cago 3; lloxtou 2, rittsburg'O; Dos ton 4, ritUhiitB i; I'hllndelphla 2, Cincinnati 0. . American Chicago 3. Now York 0; Detiolt 4, Washington 3; Detroit tl, Wnidilugtoii l; Cleveland 3, I'lill udeiphla S; St. I.ouls r, Huston 9, Standing of Njtlcnal League, Sept. 19 Club W I. Pel Chicago f.r. l'lltshurg 70 -New Voik ...j.... 74 Cincinnati . f.K Philadelphia GG St. louls Ct llrooklyn El Iloston 40 40 r,r. r,i oo o.-, r,:, 77 SS .r.S:i .57S .S07 .K03 .4SI .30S .331 Standing of American League, Sept. 19 Club W U IVt Plilhidclpbln ...;.. 01 II Iloston 70 nil Detroit ' 76 r.R New York 74 r.7 Wnshlnglon r,S 71 Cleveland 00 72 Chicago -M 70 St. Louts 40 fit .OS!) .575 .nos .r,i;i .139 .tr.l .410 BOMBS FOR PORTUGUESE (KiitI.iI It il 1 1 f 1 1 tl C'at.l'-.) I.IHIION. Portugal, Sept. 20. Tho police today discovered n bomb fac lory In the heart of tho city. Ten perMins were arrested In connection with a polltlcnl plot that Is hatch lug and In conjunction with wlijcli the manufacture of bombs played n part. , SPAIN SWEPT BY STORMS (Hpcelnl llil I let In Calilr.) MADRID, Bept. 20. Terrible storms aro raging along tho southern roast of Spain. (Heat damage has been dono thrnugliout that section of me country. PRINCE WITH SCHWAB STARTS FOR EAST ,(Aftiwliitd Pitas Cnhlc.) ;UN FRANCISCO, Bopt. 20. rrinco iwii uun wns in mucn ci- ter health this morning and his phy sicians deemed it entirely safo for him to proceed on his Journey. Tho Chlneso prince nnd Ills en tourngo left tor tho Hast todRy on a special train with Chas. M. Schwab, tho steel mngnato. DEMOCRATS LEAVING FOR OTHER ISLANDS Link MrCnndloss left this morning on the Island steamer Mauna Kea for his Hawaiian tour. I.IiiU'h departure wns followed by nn exodus from tho Democratic liendiiuiirlnrs In Wavorley hall. A number of Iho delegates lo the recent Demorrnllc convention hml hum lu Honolulu until today, but now nil aro leaving Tho bunch from Knu nl Is Hie last In go, getting away this i' veiling. UULLETIN AD8 PAY- Lo Lived on Nuts and Sugar Cane and Feared Death Near. ASKED LUNA FOR FOOD . AND CAPTUR'e'fOLLOWED Fugitive Murdorer Declares He "Heard the News" By Dodging Pursuing Posses, ! Thankful for Much. "I thank (lod that It wns Mr. Henry wlu capture. I mo nnd not tho other men who wt-io .tinting for nit," said Anderson draco to a II tt 1- 1 e 1 1 n reporter at Oahu Prison this morning, (Irare, the convicted mur derer, has n way of thanking (toil for everything; ho did not, however, glvo Watchman Malm a cliniico to (ominiiuc with the Deity beforu be shot him dead at Wfttortown r . "Yes," continued Orate, "I heard that tho dutertlves wero going' to shoot me on sight. What for I don't know; I notcr made any of tho throats that were published In tho papers us coming rrom mo. wny, u I wished to, I could hnvc killed Mc Dullle nnd till his men any old time. I I havo lucii wltMu n few feet of tho party, nnd havo listened to their dans. When I ran nway from the gang nl the quarry 1 stayed tor threoj da) a around that place. The detcc-l tlvci wcro within n short dlstanco of run once, nnd if I had had n re- volver nnd wished to kill them, I could 1'iive dono so. I "When I lelt tho place whoro I hid for thrco d:t)s, after running nway, I made my wny nlnng tho road past where Cnmp McKln)fy used .to be, nnd then over the now tuts of laud Hint nro being Bold to the hills,' and then I came along llcretaola street nnd then made up mnnkn. At (Continued on Page 6) ii IS SENT OVER Makaio Kamaka Appears Police Court and Case Is Postponed. Mnknln Knmnku, who klled his wife and IiCr lover on Simdny morn ing lust nt Knllmi, wns up beforo .Iiidgo Andrnde this morning. Ho was lcpres'ented by W. T. Ruwllns, who on a former occasion, somo years ago, prosecuted him nn n charga of man slaughter. Thero wns no evidence offered In tho enso this morning ns tho defenso was not ready lo go on. Tho matter wns thoreforo sent nver till Monday next for hearing. Knmnka does not seem to worry about bis posslblo fnlo and ho sat In court as If disinterested In Iho proceeding. ICiimakn has been leading n good Ufa from nil iiccoimts, since leaving Jail, where he served his tlmo tor manslaughter. Ho has been working nt -n rlco mill tor ery small wages nnd wns considered to bo n good man. Tho shoes nt Mcluerny's nt tho foot, look und wear well nnd do not pinch or crowd. The prices nro not ns high ns .the quality demands. Agenti, Alexander T?ounj; Hotel Laundry LWi GRACEiFrear and Kuhio i 'AskCondemnatioi Cable To Washington Advisirig Quick Action Against Fort Street Property- In n Joint ruble that nai sent to Asotitnnt Secretary of the Trcimiry lllllt-K tills morning by (.'oiernnr Krear nnd Prince Kuliln, liiimrillatn iirlton N Hiked tnnard Hie rnnilem nation of Hie I'(irt street buiiliieis nrnpert) nccrMiiry to proiMe nn en tire block fur the Federal building. The ruble Males emphatically that coiiilrliinallon proceedings nIkiiiIi) be IikIIIiiIiiI hIIIkiuI dclaj, In the epln Ion uf Hie signers, tinder the appropri ation of W.Ml,(H)0 (hill uas made by the Inst Congress. The nclloii of the (.'oiernnr unit Kit bin Is rxperled to burr) Hie Wash lugton nutlinrlltes In their jirllon und itlll probably be nrreiited ns Imllrpl lug Hie united nenllnii-nt of the cnnU miinll). "It Is llkn refusing n blessing that hud been foired ujion its,", declared Ooternor Firjr this moinlng "In let. ting the Mahuku slto nnd tho Federal building matter drag along without1 ISLANDS LOSE Ch"r 3 Merchants at lloilb Made False Declarations of Weights and Values. Chlneso merchants In Hollo, Philip pines, bno been legularly cheating tho government on false weights nnd declarations ot goods brought through the custom bouse nt that port In n manner something Iiko tho big stignr frauds nt Now York. According to tho stories nppcarlng in Manila dallies of Inst month frauds by which tho government has lost something over $2M00 lu custom duties have been practiced during tho past few months, the shippers on tho Clilna roust being In collusion with the consignees nnd declaring goods nnd merchandise nt less weights than were really true, the average being ten per cent below tho true weight nnd value, Upon the big fraud being practiced by one merchant being discovered nnd n lino Imposed on htm by tho Collect or of Hollo ot $10,000, which wns re duced by thn Insular Collector to (C000, other Chlneso who bad been practicing the sumo frauds owned up to what they had been doliigv Up to tho tlmo tho story appeared in tho dnlly papera the government had found where mofo than J23.000 ,m ),ceii lost In customs revenue and largo number of other merchants had' their books lllcd with the cus- toms nuthorltles saying they hud practiced (ho sumo methods and offer- lug to pay up. I Tho Insulur Collector of Customs don't want lo put tho merchants out of business by wholesale prosecutions nnd so If they pay up tho amounts they have cheated tho government they will not bo prosecutod. There were twelve, linns of Chinese who weio mixed up in this wholesale cheating of tho government und u thorough Investigation of tho em ployees of the Hollo custom houso wiis ordered us It was thought the scheme could not have been carried on successfully without collusion on the part of some government servants, Tho conspiracy was used on utmost everything, rice, salt und general merchandise nil llgurlng In the false weighing, i i Bar "For Rent" cards on talc at the Dulletln office. action. The flno Federal bulldin erected on this 'central silo Inllo'nifl lulu will Impress eery vlsltgrand nun in n gmai ucgrco, in mo nrcntt tttnl beauty of tho rlty." While bo stated that ho did noH consider himself nn expert on land Millies fiovernor Frenr wns Inclined to think that on lucrejso of 40 perq cent upon the nssexsed valuation or, thu property affected by condemna Hon was nnipln to meet satisfactorily tho rights of tho liroperty holders. .Vf Tlin Hl.-AFHAa il..l.lnh..l k Ilia. .1. J-' rights nt the ptoperty hoblcrs would umloiihtedly rfecivo Iho most careful ronslilcriitlon by tho United State!) Jury beforo which the ensa would conic nnd It was lo bo presumed that n'l hardhlp would bo nvoldcd. I .. iiv juiiu luiiio'oiiii to wiiHiiingion s , Ibis Wornlng Is written In rntlicr omi n-i. ll... ....I.I-. . . , .I..... .-. 'phnllc terms, ulUioiirhwif-nil ndvls-j oij- jidtilie. nnd mcnils that tho Infill enco of Kuhio nml tho Territorial (lovcrnmciit is lo bo directed towani securing netlim us uion ns lKisslblo lu Instituting tho condemnation of thiij i-uii. mit'vi piupefty. Fourth and Filth District!? rntltrir. Dnntlii (an LII UWllliy IIVtlUY iui nut X Carrmainn. .J The fifth district campaign emnmU'l too flntshi'il nn executive session Just , beforo two o'clock today, the organUS zntlon planned yesterday-being" cfimg pleicd, with tho exception of nn etc-J eutlvo secretary, It Is nlatcil that j mo mill nml fourth will unite on an executive secretary, nml Hint John. Wlan I.. 1.A flf.l. I ..I I-.. .-..' .ZVLJ .v "v mill uiiii 1.1111(11') ACI1I hit: Iho fomlh will piohably bo placed ln, Immedlalo chargo of Iho county caim'J pnlgn, under Hie dlierllon or tho lUpfl trtrt rhnlrinnri. Wlen n nn Inal,!,. ..l - f -- v ..."...i -'"M i Achl ns nn oiilshlo man. Tho bulk'.: or tho detail work will fall mi ihelrT REPUBLICANS shoulders. Tho plans of tho cnminlt-J teo nro lo bo laid beforo Wlso and Achl this afternoon and they wlllbo' II air ft, 1 In tit On tin nvriAiil It.. . .yiTf "1 r.1,1, ,,, tunu iiixj UAtIIIIH l"ail tlons. ' Repiibllrnn politicians are In ses sion today nrgunlilris thn .county fur campaign work. Yesterday after noon tho central committee met and; begun tho preliminary organization! by dividing tho Island Intowo dial iricts mo Fourth and tho Firth; naming campaign committees for each nnd lining up good mon for the chairmanships. ' Clinrles llinttarfi Jr. u-na nninAil,, chairman of tho subroinmitteo of thnH Fourth District. Hustnco , holds tlirj J proxy of Colonel C. WZiflgldr," nnd,' f this morning ho nnnoituced that hit would bo unable to serve Tho mnt?i-j tcr has not been entirely strnlghtenzvj ed out, tint It Is probable that ColfiJ unci Zlcglor will now bo called uoon a to (111 thn position. ' H,,(l Tho other members of the Fourth.'' campaign committee nre-Isaac Har bottlo, Bccretnry, nnd Fred C. Kmlthr- treuMircr. C. O. llartlett nnd C, von Danim nro tho other tnembors of tho - (ommlttec. In tho Fifth. High Sheriff Mb Until Heurv will bo In thn beat nf thn , ..... .. .," . ...'. nay us ciiainuaii. ii, r. .auiail ii--S prvivwiry, unn Aioerv vvuvjiriiouiwi1 treasurer. Harry von Hdlt and 1J. K, Knuo nre the remaining mom hers. llolli the Fourth's nnd Fifth'!! (Continued on-Paee-2),-j 4.iKlMmkimvrMn awUm m , L 4w 4tffMt- i -