OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, September 29, 1910, 3:30 EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1910-09-29/ed-1/seq-2/

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KVKNINO IIUf.t.ETIN, nONOLCMJ, T. II.. TlltUlSDAY. Sfil'T. 2f. 1910.
Masonic Temple
Weekly Calendar
tlceunlc Staled.
lTUt9DAY' it-lij
...Jv .
"N 'II
lliivtnllnn Third Degree.
All visiting member! of tnt
Order r cordially Invited to
attend meetings of local lodges
Meet on the
2nd and 4th
Mondavi of
each month
at K. P. Hall
7:30 P. M,
WEFICM ASWTIOH. riation. cor-
aitttiy invited.
HARMONY IQDQE, No. 3, 1. 0. oTf!
Meets every Monday evening at
7:30 In I. O. O. F. Hall, Fort Street:
'l-ui k- HENDIIY, Secretary,
Jw' II. E. McCOY, Noble Grand.
5M1 visiting brothers very cordially
InviHed. , f- '
OAHU 10DQE, No. l, K. of P,
Meets every first and third Frl
Hay evening at 7:30 In K. of P. Hall,
corner Fort and Derotnnla. Visiting
brother cordially Invited to atteud.
J,u.u WM- JNE3. CO.
j. r. iiumui j it. a.
Pr Mncknll thought nt one time )ev
terdavnllen.im.i Hint Hit negroes nt
Camp J, Vineyard street would linn
on Mm when lie unit to Invcstlgatu
tho sudden death uf Mm. Alexander
Meets every first and tntrd'-TrJiirs-
days ot each month atViChlgataYbf
Pytblaa Hall. YJultlng Uxotbymcpr
dlally Invited, to, attend,
, A. I e'aKIN;' Sachem.' '
1 ' e. v. ToDD,c;"bf nr
Meets on thoj 2nd and 4th WED
NESDAY evenings of each month at
.7:30 o'clock In K. ot P. Hall, corner
IPeretanla and Fort streets.
Visiting Eagles are, Invited to at
w , W. It. niLEYl'lWJ P.
v WM. C. McCOY, Sec.
HONOLULU LODGE, 610, B..P. 0. E,
Honolulu Lodge No.-eiJ, B. P. O,
niks. meets. In. their hall..Jon King
Mrcet, near. Fort.4 every fe'rtdaTove-J
nlng. Visiting nrothersa're' jcojdjijllyj
Invited to attend.
u - v
Meets every 2nd and 1th Saturday
evening at 7:30 o'clock In K. of P.
1U1I, cor. Fort and Ilcretanla. Visit
ing brothers cordially Invited to at
tend. II. A. TAYLOn, C. O.
to seo the body boforp chink n death
certificate, nnd lie 1iu-l then ordered.
mat mo niiicrnl tnKr. place nt Hie cit
prime of the Comlt).
Miss TIiirIpJ'. n Pabma Settlement
nurse, had been taking raro of Mrs.
Clamor for some time, and td.agiipo'i
hearing y identity Hint tbo woman
hail n fainting spell, at once went to
the camp and ndmlnlstercd first aid
In the wnv uf npplilug ammonia to
tho stilckcn woman's nostrils. She
also forced nimo whisky Into tho. wo
man's mouth and tried In every way
to bring her tn.
All was fullls and sro'ng that Mrs.
Oamer was dead, tho nurse Informed
Dr Mncknll of tho fact. In tho mean
time some of tho negroes had grabbed
the ammonia bottle and sniffed at It.
Immediately n cry'wmt up that tho
.nijrup.boil killed the woman; the, lg
norahl'mcn thought that tho airimo
nla was some deaolv drug. Theystart
ed to almsn Miss Tlnsley and tjirrat
ened to do her Ixxllly hnrm. Dr. Mac
kail, who came nlnng tn the cnmp was
also threatened and ho nt nnro got In
(ouch with Sheriff Jarrett, nnd had him
order that on autopsy ho held, to look
Into the causo of death. The body
,wa. removed to the undertaking par
lors whrro n post mortem wna held.
.T1C cause of death was proved to bo
valvular disease of the heart nnd' Dr.
Sexton who wns retained by n num
ber of negroes, agree I with doctor
Kmerson and Muckill on that point.
Tho nttack on Miss Tlngby. who linn
labored long nnd hard on behalf of
tho negroes, Is cocklder"d to bo nn
outrago and it is felt that the men
who threatened nnd nbjised her, havo
lost the sympathy of everybody. .Miss
Tlngley will probably bo transferred
to another dlsieiisary In another p.irl
et tho city where, she will not have
"any chnnco of running up against the
kind of ignorant brutes, who jester
day Insulted and frightened her.
Within a "Short time Major .J., P,
Wains, 'paymaster tiV 8. Army! v. Ill
sail for Han Francisco and take tn1
Mon thero iieriunnenlly: ,
Orders for this transfer .wero re
cently received and Lieutenant Col
onel Parson, Pay Department will nr-l
rlvo on tho next transport from tho
coast to tollevo Major Ilalns nt this
Major Halns has Ircn Rtntloned In
Honolulu for somo tlmo nnd dislikes
tho Idea of leaylng,-fxccpt for station
The tablet told by the Bulle.
tin for a nickel It twice a In
an the tablet uiually told for this
Autos, II per hour, Lewis Stables.
Hothd Street Hack Stand Phono
HS2. .
Tim Hawaiian Promltlon r.t.iimhtc.6.
Inrnla nt ft rt.,l,.t.t. .t.l ,......
flnrner who expired suddrl)- from I .Vcw Kasforn millinery ust hrelved
heart failure. The doctor &i, Bo)ieKw.. Dlekerro.i. fceMed.
It goes without saving that ovnrv.
thing Is Host at The Encore.
MIm Louise Im In, manicurist has
opened patlors at OS Young HJdg '
The taud lliVd'Svlll tiiko'tip fur-t'l'r-
ntiiMtlons'oT neltlement today at
3 o'clock.
'I'here wero 35 eases on the Police
Court Thlcndnr this morning but
ninny of them wero comlnuid.
For -distilled nnlcr. Illto's Honr
Ileor and all other popular drinks
H!ng up Phono 2171. Consolidated
Soda Works.
J. Unker, who nssnulted n fellow
sailor, who was accused of being n
non-union man, wns sent to Jail this
morning for thirty dajs.
Miss Sophlo do lit Nux, who was op
erated upon nt the Queens Hospital
for appendicitis, has returned to her
homo pud Is gaining rnploly
Tlu) Mutual Telephono Co.TPuestH
Hint overjoue baring trouble with n
telephone, whether their nwnjnr somr
tino eljio's; repirt )iroipptv to "n."
John RnaMipa wns nrresled nnd
chaiKct) jblA nrtcritoon wlnl1 hating
nsod thrvitenlng language tuWariNim.
other perron; ho will hnvo to cxplaVd
matters In the kIIco court tomoniw.
V. A. Love, the well knowp hroKer.
was all Binllas todny .A recent addi
tion to the'.Uno fnmlrr. In the form
oi n unuy win. Is the cause of Hm
smiles that llliimliii-d Hrokers" Itow In
s)lte of prevailing wv.ikiicx-. In tho
sugar market.
Tho Mutual Telephone Co. rcnueet
Hint nil subscribers carefully examine
mo -temporary Directory, and report
in writing, to tho onico on Adams
I.ane, any errors In names or nit
Try Mcl.nerny for your net pair
or snoes. What jon get thero will
prove- (omfortable, whether they nr,o
to bo worn on tho street or nn for
mal occasions. The leather Is pll
ablo' and will wear vells Fort
street', above King.
,AU thoi meeting qf the Jntcrscho
lastin 'Jeauq Unit hb licld at the
Y ill . A. jC8torday,-tiO) Punnhoiis
wero not represented. They claim
ed tlia they did not receive word
In tlne, and consequently wero not
prepared! to go Into tho matter of ar
ranging rules, etc
Our !sw Phone Number Will llo
12 81
City Transfer Co. (Jns. H. Love)
"n'AYAI. .ITXILIAnY'Pii!eYheus Is ' Per 8,' H, VyirlMfall, fof K.ual
to ho cotikerud Into an oil currier, nr-l ports. Sent. 5!i Mr. n i-nni, . - .
1 I -.ll-.1ltm I., n.t. lnAa ..!... I I...... ... ..'..I.lf.l ... . .. . ' . 1 Mllll
orr lioiuin to riulisil. " ' "- i"n "i-. i h. w. t, Purvis. Mr. twin u
Imtnlgrn I. in fo ,-!."" '.'ft'lV1'"1 r".'00"'. Tl' '.""-, ? Wllcog, J. Cocke...' , '
1-Ho.ft and It ivmih. JT 'T. I r"".4. "V"? ..I1
whep Hie Teirll
lulu (Internment
Vale' labor Importation nnd It vu
lu n Ininenlnblo slop backward to
linn to the ndl syhtem. do ntil
lleve tlieic Is wclitbt In tin argument
.Msre Islntid, innde necesfori by nccl-
UcMS on (he trip when slip canle to
Honolulu nnd lowed the Cbnttannogn
i:sur& r Araxzs ESitt-F
... .. . . .
iu, iiii-ru wore more sumo mci, liui
iMirted ns laborers from Jnpan and
China. In iirni (iiiiiin m tho mini popu
Intlon thnn there are today. Assum
ing the inpulntloii to hao Increased
lO.Onn during the part ten years' fund
this Is ptobably somewhat over tin!
true number), on account of tio de
partures of Chinese and .Inpatirau men
for tbo Orient, and tho arrlial of pro
portionately moro women from thosi
countries; and tho J.irgo number of
Jnpnnoso children In tho present po.
puiiKion or mo inlands, wo can hardly
,oi orr,
" " i yea
(Continued fiom Pace l
as a guldu In our altitude toward nrO'
sent glides, mid must think straight
and talk .straight In order to know
Just where we are We want to work
towatds rtatchood and must turn our
steps In that iliicclloii.
Let us rtcall why tho ITnlted States
annexed Hawaii. It was during the
war with Spain, nnd In order to hnvo
theso Islands ns a prnttetivo invnl
and mllltniy base, iho United Slates
Is now spending millions of dollars
on fortifications beie for llil pioler
Hoii not for nggrcsslou hut for pro
tection. Tb mnlu thought ronxt.intlv
before tho eyes of the !)0,nt)0.nun peo-
plo of llio tnnlnlnnd. In legnrd to Hn
wall with tin less than 20n,onn people,
is military security. r military se
curity for !n.,(ion.fi00 penpl, nnd Ilia
pnlltlcnl irllrgen of 15.000 or 20,1)00
Hawaiian voters of this Torrloxy will
nave to be snerlllccd. And 'In order
to nifilhtulil.thls security America can
not nlloty Hio government of Hawaii
to fall Into tho bauds of an electorate
pr:icnier.intly of another nationality.
The gieat Asiatic powers. Ilka Japan,
would dcslro. an much ni would tho
United Statos to avoid tbo political
friction that might ntlso from such n
condition In tho Interest or n friend
ship that Iisb bliberlo never Jio'n
broken. ICld Hint Wn luilm ulll lm imr.
petual. plnnlatliins enn nffoid to pay mipIi n
Must pT3...'on,,i r-i..i Wl"?l ""'rn Is not enough labichvcn
Thcrefoio, whllo America 'will nl.,nlL"'1'1 TH10":, ,n R.""'',y "l0 '!!im,'Uw
ways bo glad lo enlerlaln In Hawaii l""'' 0n 'hQ ",'"'r llnl"''': '""r U'll.ere
(i,( ii ( .i ... ... : . . " iirciiienon. i lie reason for llie con
..... ......u ........I.) naa inoiign mil .Jr,.., . ,,, ,,. ,,.. .... ..
nri.i .....t. ., ..-.. . .
rV n. Vh3 U.T '..U; rl" ' "''' I- ' tho deslro of tho
...7.7. . . ; ""Y" " ni
Navy l)eparment to I'liil roiro of
io At
s uc
company them ns supply shin.
ONE IIIINDItKI) thousand tons of
coal will ho stored in Honolulu for
tho navy department wheu the vessels
now under cluirter have all landed
their rnrgoes from tho Atlantic coast,
according to olllcluls In local naval
circles. This largo amount of coal
comes here from money wived In tho
now accounting system, nnd does not
presage uny unusual activity In tbo
nun emeu t of r.nval easels In this di
rection. ,
THAT THE Pacific MlCoiniianv'
will enter tbo fight for freight from
'E'.V" ,n.Tnw ' "" '"- .Kranclsc: , ew Vo?k via vZ
Tfln or intwi wi "" .T ".w" "m" f"0W"'K 'o ""--"I of "atcs nnd
Zn,lT-JVriV 0n"".l,'',r t CI.ooauoroi.Rh. Is the .report which
......i ." . .'"'.. ' ",H "', "rar- cornea Iroin San Frnnclsco. The com
Malls nre nua at Honolulu from
points as follows: ' "
Snn Francisco Per Mnnclius, Oct.
3' ' i
From Yokohama Per Mongolia, Oct.
From Vancouver Per Makura, Oct
From Sydney per Marnma, Oct. H.
Molls will depart for tt ro'luwius
points as follows: ,, '
San Frnnclsco Per t-urllne, Oct. 4,'
Thursday, 8ept, 29.
GRA'YS HAHHOIt Arrived Sept. 28:
Schr. Holeno, henco Sept. 8.
IIII.O Arrived, Sept. 28: Schr. W. It.
Mnrston, from Itedojido.
.mi ii.-... i , ' , t"' ',',n,' 1""3r l,r''l'" n lemy day,ervlce
anl ,'la' la' 'aI'0'' .slngngrleultu-liroin Snn Francisco to New York,
uJ n r ? l'lncni.plo paptlng' making nn expre.ss'fr.dBht.Mce.
and that Iho .Imitations keen ooHhclr f iir t n,...-..ii t ........... ,... ....
. -,. ... , ,, ( liu.ll 1 III llilllll HIT NISVa
last ccp
ecu oa.'Ui
linymois ojr -10,000 men, It wl II bo
seen Hint tnoro Is very little nirplm
labor In HnwMII. During such njcilsls
as occurrd at the time of thpVi'ata
strike, plintntlons In ll.e Immed'lnto
vicinity or Honolulu might temporari
ly obtain considerable labor fronl tho
city by paying ;i.50 it d.,jy. Hut rpilto
eral years Is tho schooner William It.
Hume, which began loading nt tho
coast port on September jltVftThn
I l.inio Is In command of Cnptnrn'Mc
Kenzlo nnd will bring n full enrgo of
9,V),000 feet of lumber to Hawaii.
IT IS UKI'OUTKI) that in order to
uccominodatn Prince Tsnl Suuu tbo
ns hr guests Iho Industrious nnd pros
pernus col.n.os that llio great com
nieiclnl count i(0s of tho Orient, will
evrr maliitnlifnt n point of such Im
portance lis this Territory Is declin
ed lo hp In Hie future trafllo or ll.e
Pacific. It cannot nllow thosi colo
nists to assiinio iHilltlcnl control or
tho Islands. Should Hint ever threat-) wllnt any othor Inrge 'inditstri In Iho
f San Franblsco which ho .ll.luks Is
.IaJ: w .,. 1 .. -
jijy iiuf1- """on in mo army.
1051 Fort Street
It. A, QUNST & CO. Aeenti
(UiXinr and Bethel.
"' Chain Now at the
NEW BABBER A competent man
lias just arrived from the Coaif.
M. VIEBRA, t Proprietor
i '
' Vsssssssssssssmi
Dei eloping; nnd
Immedlata .
Ilawnll Soullf
.Sens Curia t'o
Young llulliling.
Chas. B. Frazior
Phone miiae Kimr st.
tn" ja
COAI. FIIOM Nowrastlo arrived this
morning ror tho Inter-Island Steam
Navigation Company by tho llrltlsh
freighter Annmi.it which nrrlved otT
port nt daylight. Tho Armount sailed
from tho cosl port on September 9
nnd her cargo amounts to 171C tons,
Sho is lying nt Illxhop wbhrf walling
for tho Torsdnl to finish discharging
and will then proceed to put her cargo
on shoro.
FOTJH 11H1TISH steamers lying at
tho. docks 'discharging cnnl today all
hall from Glasgow ns n homo port
Thd Volnay, Kathcrlne Park and Ma-
iunua are discharging nt naval whnrv
esand the Armount Is nt lllshop wharf
waiting for a berth to dlschurgo ror
tho Inter-Island Company Tho other
coal carrier In port, tho Torsdal, AM
mo Norwegian Uag..
JRA'NBPOn8hrliran Is duo In
Honolulu- froi)iManllanTid Nagasaki
on October , ono week from today,
Tho Sheridan left Manila two days
lato and Is br.'aglng only casuals this
trip. CnJonel Hnllnrd will lenvo for
Ban Francisco by Iho CJicrlilnn and
a numlior of enlisted men from tho
troops hero will go lo tho coast for
their discharges,
BATUUDAY tho Matson frolghter
Lurllne sulls from this port for Knliu
lul and will thero hath dlschurgo and
load cargo. Tho Lurllne will return
to Honolulu to complete her cargo
and sail from Hits port for Snn Frnn
clsco on Tuesday next.
YKSTKRDAY tho burk It, P. Jllthet
sailed from Sari, Frnnclsco for Hono
lulu, nnd tho bark Jenn llnptlstn,
which sailed from this port, on Al
iiht 21, arrived at) Snn Francisco.
TIIK MO.VtiOLIA of tho Pacllh Mll
fleet, sailed from) Vokolinnia ji-etor.
day bound for tbjs purt. flu ton5
goua ia i.'io urre uciouer .inu in nan
Frni.LlKcn Petobor 11.
THIS MOUNINO the Inter-Island
steamer Muni arrived from her spo
c(al dip to HI 1ft nnd brought a ship
ment of cuttle, only to Honolulu.
CLAHDINK sulls tomorrow after
noon nt f. o'clock for Maul potts with
paKsetigers and general cargo.
AHUIVALH nt llllo yesterday In
cluded Hl(t grhooner W II. Mnrston
As Iho result of nn ndcldent that
occurred nt noon today, a Jupaneso
named Blrakl, Is In the Queon's hos
pital, whero ho was taken upon being
picked up nfler being thrown from
his wagon on Punchbowl street.
It appears that Slraki was In some'
way thrown out on his head when his
horso took fright nt nn nutnmoblle.
This wns up near Halckauwlla street,
and tbo frightened horso, as soon ns
ho got his head free, dnshed- madly
down Iho street towards the, water
front. ,
Somo nttempts wero mndo to catch
llio borso lint without success: flu
ally near the lion Works, the animal
was captured and a hunt Instituted
for tho dilver, who In tho meantime
bad been picked up and taken to tho"
nuniiiuii iiy iiuncu oii.cer ADrnnuni kii
wallioa. 'IL.wus foiimi that Slraki had
custalnnd somo snvcra bruises besides
injuring his head; -bo Is doing. uh well
ns can bo expected nnd Is In no great
fiom JteilWj,
The much jiostisiiied Korean ussault
ease In which Yung, the former i
llco nlllcer Is couevrned, uvis ukuIii
tent over till ii future date this luurn-
1 !..
At noontl.no today Mr A. A. Younp
rang up President llockus of Iho Ha
waiian Tennis Association, and Invlt
cd him lo select somo tennis oxhii (k
to perform on tho Moana courlH next
Saturday afternoon. Tho opening of
tho courts will bo a real society .nf,
fair, and many Invitations jKlllho soul
r.,,1 1... f- V ...-3l ..-..
.-.. ij ,ui, afMiui; unit .illlllllAvl- 'Ipv'
scho.of thp)XJo..na bolol. '
Ilockua got busy right iim- nst,
witjilii hJjif time, had nrwirWil IHJt
the YollitwfriiJ raeiiucl wleldeis should
iien the ball on Batnrdnyi Nowell and
Sleero, Castlo and Itoth, liw itud
Hlchnrds, It. A Cooke and rinokus
Tho drawing ns to matches will tako
plnco on tho courts and the whole
match will bo finished during tllo nf
(vrnoon. Piny will start at threo o'clock nnd
by Hint tlmo u big crowd of myp1o Is
expected lo bo souted on tho new club
lioiiHo vorandah. The ruin Is look to
bo 'good, and tbo first tennis played
thrro will bo watched with Inmost.
Tho kindness of Mr. Young
tho best players nn oppoilunlly lo ptlvalely
piny on tun new courts, Is mur-ji
en and It iIocb rcrloiisly threaten mi
less Caucasian Immigration Is rontl
used recourse would probably bo'bnd
.u nwnn- piich Kcvi-iiiiiii'iii ns uiai rs
tiibllshed tn llM Panama Canal Zone
nnd the political privileges of tho peo
ple of Hawaii would bo lost.
Hut tbo ambition of every well
wisher of Hawaii Is not to s-o It gov
erned by Washington olllcliiU, no mat
ter how lio.ir.r-t nnd capable, but to
see this country progress constantly
-Inwards hroador poweis of solr-gov-
eminent nnd ultimate stntehnod. In
stoid or illsappoaring rnrevor fiom the
breeze, nnd surviving only ns n relic
In tbo glnss case of somo museum,
tho ting of Hnwall should become the
ensign of a soverlgn stato ot Iho Am"
ilcnn Union. And lo nccoinpllhh this
wo must maintain nn Immigration po
llcy Hint will bring to tho country
Caucasian Immigrants, who will nllll
Into with the Hawnlinns to form n
body of citizens numerous enough to
work out lh.it higher destiny
Effect on Wages.
-Caucasian Immigration does not
mean lower wng"s for Iho working
people of Hawaii: nud hero every
working man, whelhor Hn watinn. Cau
casian, or Oriental.' cm cordially Jllu
i.ands on the lifescnt Immigration po
licy. Klghty yeais ago (hero was-' tho
same ngltation against Immigration
In New rtiglnud, Now York an I Penn
sylvania, that thero Is now 111 ila'ai
Tho native Apiorlcan worklngmoii oji
liosed tho coming In of Inh-ireis fro.'ii
.Ireland., AUthal. tlniqjn.tbo easleni
Mutes, n Varnl. hind gdti'is.'oj lin
month, n dny laborSr 73 cetits to 1
a day, and a mechanic about tl 50 a
day. Tho cost of Clothing, fi.riiltme.
nnd of many necossaries of llfo was
higher .than It Is now For SO yonrs
since Hint tlmo Immigration tn Amo
flca from ICnropo has contjiiuod. mouii-
ting higher nnd higher, until It has
reached pmpoitlnns nevor drcan.odof
ii v our nncestors. Whnt has been tho
effect on wngesj They, too, have kept
on Incensing, until now n farm labor
er In New Yotk slnlo gets $2.1 to $30
n month, and his hoard. Instead of
$10 and poorer bunrd, n day laborer
gets $2 Instead of 7S cents or $1;
and n mechanic receives Ii nn,. -. ..
(HIV IllStOad AfVM.nO. TIin rojluoU fnr
IJ. . .. .-I ' '.T.'YS -"rafT --'.H
Mills latlenMilrMi ,,,lift of?W.,no-
ajics.j, ns, rise nc wageifiii nnOuo to
(il.mlgjntlon hloint, It iffruo; iRJfJjn.
mlgintloii tn''Amerca Ibh ina.lo pos
sible Iho g.oat lmlu.ti lea without
wlilrh Riich wages- woiM be Impossl
hie, II ins Iuimi it raso of more, eu
plo. moro hi.tlnitss; mors lnislnr4l,
ninin woiKi moro work, bet lor w.tKai.
Wo ceo Hut ni.no thing In Hawaii, A
lahoier gets moro Jobs mill lielUnpay
lu Honolulu, wheie thero nro many
peopio, thun on Nlllinu or Itlolokal.
whom ll.pto nro few iopo,
Nw System Oerifiolnl.
We must distinguish, however, ho-
T'lT" ",0 vTb? .V;,'c,hor ma",''T- K K ""er (,"y Mnru will be held
llireo days lu San Frnnclsco, sailing
from Hint port on October 7 for the
Irlciit.' This will go tbo Prineo
Ibrco weeks In Iho United States.
TIIi:iti: Alti: threo sailings sched
nled today from this port, tho Fluur
onco Wurd sailing for Midway with
supplies ft,r tl, r.,,l'n ..atnn. .iln .
n ..... ... ..... .. . :
w. huh gi-iiiiig awny tins, nrternoon
for Kiiunl iiorts, nnd the Wullclo for
nuniiiut, Kuannimll nnd Ijinnl.
0-lft. II tilt- .. it .....
..ii. i.uu ii. i-. iiiinei win rwpq
... iiiMiiiiiiiu HiKin in cominiinu of Cap
tain II. O. Ncllson, ono of the old mas
ters or Iho Mutson Company. Captain
Drew, who has commanded tho Itllhet,
has resigned.
n gunranteo that even near Honolulu
Bi.cli l.Hior would pmvo permanent.
Immlnratlon If Certain.
How'eVer'fhero Is verj- fluid tie n(
considering this question at n. i;v.
cry Intelligent man In Hawaii knows
that if government ImnilL'i-nilin mi.
es tho sugar Industry will do Just
unneu stales would do urn or like
clrcninstiinces. lniHrt labor- frjdm otb
r places. Under tbo Fodcrn! Consti
tution Hawaii cannot make it law t.v
keep out labor from Porto I Ico and
Iho Philippines. Within ten jpnrs Hut
pupniaiion or rorto Itlcri h.ii gmwii
nearly 2(in.O0n or cona! 'to the whole
HiiulalIoii of Hawaii' todny. jn other
worus. porto Ulco eould sen, n mnu
hctx ror ovory man, woman iu.d child
In Hnwall at the tlmo ourf .census
was taken last spring, and' s III hnvo
ns ninny people left ns were' In Hint
country ten ears ngu. And Poild
Itlco Is n small Island, considerably
smaller than llio slnglo Island of Ha
waii, lint with over l.lnn.nni) popula
tion Vol those l.lOO.fini) netiiil". on
such n small Island, nil mako n liv
From the l'hillmiliips wllh their s
000.000 prople, n still larger number
of inliorers might bo brought. Fill
pinns wnix ror $18 n month. Tho
pluntcrn, In order tn encourngd n p'p
pianuni isipuiaiion or (loslrabjo settl
ors In Hawaii, will pay Poitugueso and
Hpnninids $21 n numlh lint private
inniviiiuats nnd torpirntlons .cannot
bring here Portuguese nnd Spaniards
Hint Is left by redrrnl law'-ror Iho
(ioveinment to do. So to cut off gov
e.n'ilent Imtnlgintlmi is to rubstltuto
$18 lulior for $21 dollar labo.. C.ovcrn.
ment Immlgrnlloii moans bringing In
sell.'ors will, families, who cannot live
wlllvo.it nTaTr wage. To nbolUh gov
ornmont imuilgrnHiin niuns to rorea
tho planters tu bring JTi, , slnglo men
wlHioirt families, who will roinneto nt
n lower vviigo.wlt(i Hnvvallnn workers
"n'lif ininuies lo ,H..mori.
Effect on Public Lands.'
Under Iho law Just ttassed by Con
gress our public lands .must bo sub
divided and Mild tn cllliens, It should
hp' sold nt n fair price 'Thin land Is
thu common property nf nil Iho cltl
zons or tho TcrrJIory, und It would bo
lobbing Hie many to fnyor Ilia fovv to
glvo It nvvny for nothing to a smnll
number of I.onie8lead',r,. It would bo
bo as If several of us inherllod n lot
of land from our grniuiralher. and the
court should glvo nil tho. land to two
r uirce oi ...o noirs and leave us
Nino -Japanese gamblers were ar
rested by Acting Chief Kellet Inst,
night, .mil this morning nt the Police
Court, those who appeared wero lined
$8 each: threo of the bunch forfeited
their hall moncyfof $m.
. 3. .h 4 . 4, ., 4, .;, .j, 4, ,,, ,fr j, t v
mako our public Innds moro valunbltc
If Ihero weio only 100 peop'lo In the
Hawaiian Islands tho public lands
would ho worth llltln or nothing.
iiiereinrc Immigrants, though H.oj
they may not buy public Innds thorn"
selves, ennso n larger sum to bo re
eelvcd fnim tho salo of those In,,,..
which makes moro mouoy to be sjient
nir roans, scnnola nnd public works
and moro money to go as wanes ii
Iho citizen laborora employed to bull
Large Tracts May Be Subdivided.
It Is a rontmonplnro of economies
urn. tlio more solders thero nro In n
country Iho moro (ho land la subdiv
ided Into small farms, In the early
days, when there were said to ho half
a million Hnwallans lu these islands,
tho wholo country wns covdro'd w.li
kulennns. In Porto Illco, wllb t0
1 100,000 peopio, oven Iho great sugar
plantations nro simply collqcllons of
small farms sending their enno -If
central mills. Now tho qaso. will
whlth n man can got n "farm, In Hn'
nun r any oiner country whero land
has real vnluo. depends 11.1t so much
niton tbo amount of nubile inn.i ,,
upon tho bxlcnt to which it 1. .iu.1.1
ed Into small' lioldlrtgar Wero Hawaii
.. ......1 nun so ncro rarms wo could
always buy a farm, becauso for vari
ous 1 canons fnrms would nlwnys be
".. uiu iiiiirsei. uno man would want
lo sell to' inovo Into town, mmllior 1,.
cmiso H10 climate did not ngrco with
his wlfo, another bfenuso ills father
had died nnd left him property e)s.
ii:..: .
Seiictnry M'odd'hhaeffived word
front 01.0 of the pnsseijiWra who
passed through here 'on O.e world
our of the Cleveland, tof'lne effect
that bo lli wrltlug a hoik on the
trip nnd Is giving Hawaii a fair
share of attention. Secretary Wood
reports ns follows:
"Tho crulso of the Cleveland still
continues to bo henrd from. One of
the passengers, Mr. Walter V. Ar
bucklo of Paris, IU writes as fol
lows: .
" 'I am wrltlng'aEook of mv tour
of tho world liulSOD nud 1910, and
from tlio Impression that I got of
Oaliu nt the ifu. I wish to, In a
wnJ. slve'the jlawallan people a
' 'Now, what I want la about one
half dozen photo engravures or half
tone'' plates,, say, something like,
'!HroMl IFrult.'t opposite page 8, In
'"llawain. Its' Agricultural Posslblll
tIVirtrIh'ted r distribution ut the
Alaska HYukon - Paclllc Exposition;
ono Ilko''Cuttlug Sisal Leaves and
Drying tho Fiber." opposite pago 12,
samo pamphlet! ono. like '"drape 'Ar
lior Jit, Hearing," opposite page 28,
TOaParu.plilct; ono like "Vanilla,
IVVWH I'ods nnd Manner of
(IrowtJCi opposlto page 30, same
pamphlet; and one like "Commercial
Pitrmh-- Orcharcy folowlng last
ahovo named, Or nny similar good
photo, egrnvure of the Pall, th
Ai..hVtmn, of natives, n good Btreet
sceae, or the like.
" 'Nov, If the Promotion Commit
tee will express to mo, prepaid ob
above suggested, 1 will uno 'the
pinies in my book nnd give each
thing a nice mention In my text,
nlong with tho pictures, free at
chnrge. This hook will bo dlstrlb.
11tc.1l throughout the United States
and It will be qulto nn advertise
ment In an effective way to, the Ha
waiian people.
" 'The plates should, not be larger
than 0 liicbPH by '4 Inches, and
smaller -will do jr good
" 'If tills mr-Ils with .be nnnrnvnl
of the crjrm'ttee, pleaBe procuro as
"uggerod, nnd sond to mo, nnd I
wli' ,in ,.. ..... .
Pn.t of oiir government Immlgra
Hon jiollcy Is to negotlato wllh the
lario prlvnto landowners of Hnwnll
to subdivide tracts of land Into small
without anything, Instead ot -ordering clZons and Imm arnn. ,,, it"0'"
tho p.opc.ty sold nndWho moifo'v .lU,n. ' "8...n....m.ml.Brnn,s' ." ,hnt "n
UM-aenni.lly among us. ' ' , "," ' ' """" wo ma' ""' lo
rTTt.ft ....i.Hn 1 1 ..,.?... . ...
1 .in- 1....111U ... no miuiiii. no sniii or
lls-fidl value-, so tho -money mayivUu
dlvldud among tho cltlteus of the Tor.
ifT by being Invtsto, In nnbilc1
axfs nnd consequently morn innnev t
Slieilil Dti m.t.lln ,...!.
Kclmolu n.i.l r,la .ir.t .!... .... "I ' ... .. '.V' "" .""" W'"'1V
r,;; .,...; ,:.:. ".'"'"'"r 1 ,.:,,7. ,Al vr Rani w0 si.au
:l ',,.;,, , ':uLJ' "' '?, rJI i''Vrr,"ro ,no '"""iRmnt an oj.ject
.. " "" e nir iiiiiiiiiiig, m worn 1 or. 111 wlilch lm will it.i
do my part
Other Promotion.
"Tho business manager' of tlio
Arizona Gazette writes that he Is
still working on the -Trip to Hono-
mill Contest- nnd fullv exnecta to
send rrom flvo to ten young ladles
to Hawaii tho coming winter.
' "A prominent , hotel man now do.
lug business lu Chicago writes that
ho Is considering Hawaii as a field
fur rnture effort and Hint he will
spend tho winter here. lu his let
ter he says:
" 'My brother, 'Hvho is connected
with the passenger department of
tho Canadian Pacific, in Canada, In
formed me threo months ago that,
with a little push from a direct
sourco of ndver'tlsing, he could
gunrnnleo 200 peopio on a trip to
tho Hawaiian Islands In the winter
ond Itn already i'Iiub given me tho
nnmPft of clchtT families whn nm
Immigration nccompnnlcd with more rwnlnR til year. While they, are
-""""" '. "i easily acquired ""' larmers in western Canada..
land for cvoryono, mora rovr-nus from they nro pretty' well flxed.'
Hif-r-o rri'i.lH nud school.s nnd othor ' rnmpeto wltir Iho iinlho but will I
work,.. Imn.lgrnnls n.t not likely n opornto wt.M.Ip(.tfl t'nako law
(to heso public lands fffr two reasons 'more rcc.rely pn..ro,.s mid ban
.., ...., ri .... tuiirriiH nni. most of uian over, nnd In plnco this Territory
thorn do no tnko out D.oli' first pi- on the road In 010.H1.nl stnleluKld
er.i until they hnvo t,.tm ,. HuWnn(. u,t mo mid lu cpncluslon Hint nm.
SOIHO limp! nud 12) mill urst.tn ni-o Inhlv nn n - . .
mstly very pour when Ihoy cnmo'of ln...ilgrnnts-ce,ny every fan 1!
et.. mid hay,, to woik novornl yea.sy of Po,tng..es3 nnd Spanish liu.nl.
Inlrest. (ween (loverninnit .,,., ,,,i., ',t..,t ' i.r... ,, 1..' ..''..' ".'"': I ' "" ess I
Isgivlnu'l gs . settlor 'w Ifa. e. I Z. ':::7, " , r!!1 I'-o l.r tho Ooven.
..,,., ..,.,. . ' - ---... "... ...it jiuiu nun ...mi "i7iiii.iiy n.r
..... .;um... -.. , ii.fflalptj by llie furtuiiate ones,
vM-iiiiijsiriafVW4curTrT'x: 0mtrr.,vk
I '. 1 , ,;r",1,"1ra","l l'lnlHrntl...i.,eropH. to do sucro,sf,j'f,.iIrng. Hut rllmy lu taxes nl 0.1.
HP- that hr ngs In labo.ers alone. It waj'by b,gK immlls an.) In-'rs.s.s the tlovern.uen to
' Hroal RlMi In advance, In Hawaii, croaoliiH Iho iioiuilatloifor r.ettl.tt wo' Vny truly yours
tally pays back In tho Tar-
moro than It
lirln); It hero.
"Hy tho next steamer we will
send nut special letters and supplied
of folders to ''evo'rytourl8t agency,
Wge nnd BnfaJI,' trn'ughout thu
United States and Cnnada.
"Our 'Winter Sports In Hawaii'
mailing card will Roon be ready for
THU RTKAMEIt Virginian sulled
yesterday from San Francisco for
Senttlo and will sail from tbut port
next week for llonoltilu.
1 1
Buglnmii, who claimed that hn wus
pnly looting with uuallier Japanese,
was found guilty this .uorninu of ss
pai.lt nud Im.tcry. nud wns Hind 110
k . .iiiir t, saVai
MMwssttvirfAh 4jWstCwP
nud couta for tho offenea.
.A '.

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