Newspaper Page Text
msBaaim Bfc ' ) S !' ' L -4 v. i i' Bulletin juci from San Franciico: Hletrn , October 7 1'or San I'rnnckto: Mongolia , Oclnlicr 7 From Vancouver: llurninu.. ... .October 14 For Vancouver: Mukltrii Octulier 11 The readers of the EVENINO BULLETIN arc loyal to the paper, they believe in it, bclcvc it prints reliable news, and read it from the first to the last pigc. 3:30 EDITION Advertising is the opportunity; wise merchants see it SJA A - rSTAELlSlIED 1832. HO. 4712. 10 PAOES. HONOLULU, TERRITJItY OF HAWAII, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1010. 10 PAQES. PRICE 5 CENTS. Evening i.. . s. A,. i yU- r ' "& . ', tV 1 f t t . Vt v, if A. TV BIG CONSTRUCTION WORK FOR CAVALRY Portugal's New Status Assured World Powers Unite In Friendly Note To Newly-Formed Republican Government IV (.i tiM inttii riiHH Ot.ili ) LISBON, Portugal, Oct. C Th: republic of PortitRUl is Uday an established fact. With the selecton of n President and formal recogni tion from the Krcat nations of the vcild. the rrpjblic is in full oner f.tion. The house cf Bracanxa. the ancient aov.nrchv. wilt, nil r ;i tiaditional institutions, is at nn end. The "dime n'Rht of kincs" has i been rcnlnccd bv "liruriv nnl mimlltr " Joaquim TheophQc Braga, poet, cccncmiEt and col tician, recognized ns one of the ablest men in Portugal, is the first Piesidcnt of the new republic. His selection today follows bis ienipoipry npnointment earlier. Today n note, idcn'ical in word'ng, received fr:ra all rf the woild.powcrs, announcing their recognition cf the Republic of Portugal mm KuuiumcuiuK us BKuuiuy in ins iuir-iy ci nations, litis nuick ac tion has given tho revolutionists cvsn inoi3.ccnfldcncc. tion has given tho revolutionists cvsn 111013 ccnfidcncc. TI,5A6W am'ty nbout w,licn wnny" conflicting reports I l"Sf i'l'l WWibclievcd to be on its way to England. King Mi - ithe'qijcejfjttotjlicrarq both safe on b ard a warrhip, it is stated SPANISH TROOPS AT NO VIOLENCE IS VALENCIA EXCITED f AirnLlaJciUUrtnu, CiMtO -; VALCNciAr Spain, Oct. .. II. Con BlJernlilo iiiichbIiicjb Is manlfohtctl by. mo iroopa unnor arum nero, anil mo laiiulnnitlint he linb no fear of fur- .," iiL"Jn ,"J'm'JlcJltIwit..ttltlih..r vlnlcbce. Tho lon l8"nnrct. Mlic-miTliorlns at Madrid, fearing n nml Uiq rewilutloiilslu l.o It cll revolt. (f. , zirj. HARRIMAN TO BE C0NSI0ERE0 IN PACT OF ! It WESTERN PACIFIC neports that the llnrrlman liitcicsla nio In epnliol nt l ho Wc3tatn I'ltlllc liallriuil, and thin uouhl prevuil nny clianro of n lalo war li"tuccn tin Parlllc -Mall McinuMp Cominiiy nml tho Tujo Klwn K'dshn tlio .lap-umjo lint", nro mI.I In ho false h) llnllvd Bt itt tlciiatuf Cliarli!. .1 Iln-s'iiif, of Colnraih) wll') li n lill ir '. IIijiik lulu Mr. llir;lici. h pcrunrillv ac .imlntc-l nl 1 v . ral f lliouiii who figure pioiiilnunlly In tho .iffalin iT th(t'-VcatL,"!i raclflc mi vu-ll tho Jlirilmnii llifi. and ho I confident that th II .iiiiiiiii iutcicU iiiu not to ho conoid, red V DIVIDEND OF Crop Sliuilnuc Cause tlio Anticipated Action. of 1 Ilotiokaa'n nioiilhlv dUidoml ban been susfpomled 'Ihh nctloii w.u tak on nt a 1110010); nf,)ho lioaid of direct orn held yor.tiuilay nftciiioou Tliu ac tion ha 1 been anticipated 011 account of Iho chorliigo of thu crop llouokaa wan estimated lo produce ten thorn and lona of imgar this fcea 1,011 It will tin 11 out nutcn thousand Ihu hiimlmd tnuu imtkliii; 11 Bhurtago of about Iwenty-llvo huiidliil Ions. Tills with (bo prUo of sugar at pres ent, cut tho liicomo of tlio property ubout olio hundicd thousand dollais. Ileneu llio ncllon of tho directors Tho pbyMcnl eonultlon of Ilniiokiui plnulatlon mid tlio prospects for the next crop twro noor better Ttono win know iki lure that next jcar'a crop will bo tho largcM nor lukon from tlio pioperty, and tho futuiu Is loatonably euilulii on account of tho water supply that will bo beyond the power of it iliouth to cheek Many rumors nie about the ntiect renin 'Hug n rhange In thn manage input of tho plnntntlon, but there Is 110 Micaiicy and tho directors bao t,ikvu uy mtivu oa tills ntt,or, i have been Mnuucl and stated. , rEARED BY ENGLISH f VtbrtrliHiil trft TaMr 1 I.N.IJU.N. 1'ntlllKlll, Oct. 0. Ilrlllbli mliilAtr hero Ijaa cabled to' itjodcd. j" , V:) ? i 8; i $ 'i i TIip roincqlion of tlio lallrnada .ml n piibnllilc lalo wnr kiuiim nlimt 'lirmiRli tho Icntitl-o niMUKciiiint nnilo hv tho Wttilorn I'icllie H!i th t.iiii"jii lino Mhiili soon li-onnif) iki crr.tho ni'd lij tho Utihf if whhli tho tvn will ho cl-iaii'y cenli ul d In liuvl-it t iflitl'in-i. riirtliiiriiiocj ifio ,!iiniiiro Iliu doi'r-a i Mis'fir Iru n Iho oiHtwl i- liwi villi h ii' pr'vivii the i mi n In,- nr Moiiidulu p-ui:'"i"2"i tn and fiii-ii Kan I i nm Ire . I' I. hi Iho Unlit liifi'o ('unciiin lor i ii) piiiHli ii i r li( i unlvUit I tun tint iliu hlK lallionl Int'irtatj woilil II-:iiiii. 'Contitinrd on Pairo US COMMITFEE IS MY TO WORK Clark, Woilchuuse aptl Camp- hell Will Confer Willi Inlcr-lblan'd. "VTho upiirlnr riiinllilUlo that will iindorliil.c iieintlationj with the In tel -IMand fltcain Navigation Com IMity as i result of tho tnnro'i'iicu that w.n hold e-ti'rd.i, In tho Cipv uinor'b offliu, (uiiiilblB of Dr. Clark. Mnrbtqn Caiiipbcll ami IJ, II. Wmlo lioutc, TJili tummltleu will ho .t.,.1,, . ..r. i. 111 , ....... . ' ''" HK ". .""ly "f '" I IMI11II 1 MM li CfifXIln ulii. I i.1.i Inni.a ...,.... ... u., nlu , i,,ivh- a in iuii. iiir utliiiHiriilo,lu tin llm Ltlioi Itlaiiil'i who khlp their prod- uctn to Honolulu tu bu dlipobcil of tliiiuieli tho (ontral m-trhvtllie ilepnt that his tueii proposed. 'Iho committee will begin lis work til iJiiio, ami It is believed that It will Ii. .iblo to niako u Konoial teprirt within the cmiiio of a elicit time ., m " Up till in in Hidii) ihoio hid been fj.l iiuloiniililluii teg's'riod nt Iho pi lire Kl'itlmi, and the tdx hiiudred mill; rliould hr pawil vpri wicir V! muiiao.cles nio alsi dntMi on tho tin A Ml III III! IJI! VII,i:i. I - County of Kauai, of gptnlliip, inaclilunn and there ma McCalldless claims Deiuoetntle I'.leelo. or Prt Allen, liar nloio lo pstug noon, r (Con(lnuea on Page 4) (Contiuiied on Page 4) REPUBLIC lp'i'TO IS a v IAjij'h inli'.l 1'riKM OiMO UOSrUN, Mass.. Oct. C Tho He. putill nn Stato toiitcntlou licio dlil lint r Insurgent, tu fpllo of rcpoat cit iiuiKiid that It would join tho rati!. or hi man- other States. It ciidoiscd tlici iiilmlulstiutlnn of i'rcu- iiiBiit Tnn ...m .i laid luoit in tlio Aldrlih-I'ajno mrlft lilll. Klicn Diaper wan iiiuiilnatcd for Governor. MANCHESTER LABOR TROUBLES SETTLED f .hcicI itttl I'rcMti Cubic MANCIIKSTHH. Hub., Oct. C Tliu labor trimlilcn In tlio cotton in 1 1 In lioro liac liLcn Fettled and tho hilllj Dinned today after a period of l IdluuTS. lloth the cmplncrs and tho ttrll.ciK claim a vktorj. 1 NEW YORK PUTS SUGAR TO 4CENTS Mr,0i Clrnnrithnnc On Ro "lan.Cl birCllfJUlCnS Ull MC" ccipt of Good' News ' From East. ji I Cuuir oolil at four cenla In Now Voil: ycutrrdiy, tho liiformatliiii ucIiik i inn cjj oil In a c.iblcKium fium 1M. l'ullll. to tho Henry Watcrhouuo TtiiHl Couipaiiy. Thlb iicuh, kooiI iu It lx, did not l:.iu tho re.inlt of blrviiKthinliii; tho marltct, IIioiikIi lor tho lima IjiIiik Uii- .ul.iti Commercial eccmu to liavo I con chicKfil In its ilowimuul touruo. Haloa of this stock icio mndo In San Kiaaih-ci in low as 3.! Ml hut it has t.'iilicl oil IiiijIiik orderu fiom llo- i (, , i. h d ctcrd.i) u i.ihlo olfcr to tan t jai: is,co of 33r.l) for two liun- died Mi Urn lound no for tale Wnlilui told oatcrd.iy nricriioon nt li;i.,u nail I'lumor went ilonu to 'IjCii VI. Iiil-at i.ioltloii on Ouniiiuu la (y, n diup fron 49. A REPUBLICANS Kuhio's Record Before Congress d elegate Stood For Progress Of People Always l ,iDele(;ato Ki)ilo'a pergonal liifliienco ' Delegitu Kiihln linn Bceuted In fed ami friemUlilu iiuiorg Congressmen era! iippinpil.illous for Hawaii during ami othei.i at Wauhlnglnu, fin in n big Ills thicu Klini In Cougieiu a total of a.icit for thu Ten Itory of Hawaii, It was Ihio'igd hia wmk' nml Inllii- uniu t!ul ll.o Wtn un prohibition was taken huie, thim lulabllshlug mi at. ilrui itlio iccoriiillloii of llawall's rlglit of homo iiile, and icuiuvliig tho Idea IIIIIIIU lull, HUH ICUIUVlllg UIU IIICU of coMiinmetit bv coiiihilgiluii. r ti,0 Do'iiuie b.m loiillniioui.Iy ,,,.. ... Wauiiini.ton. tlnst Hawaii B,0,i ,u tuiter nf nil American m,ul( mI ,,iry oiiiiu,lomi In thu t,,ciHc oieiii I'lealdeiit Tuft, alayj fco mllch Inloroatcd In thu I'hlllppliicB, has finally adopted this Uow, also usrcoliiR that tho fctrungPkt nuvnl buso of Iho United States hhall bu c.itab- Il-thcd In the Tenllory of lla.vall ll wu'1 "1U wo,k "r "' 1)(',,'K"u-"11 of Ills irluiids, whn rushed off in union lo bring inembeis to vote, Unit pasBeil tho constwlFo imspoiiHlon law by u into of threu to oue SPRECKELS ASKS ABOUT FEDERAL .SITE Proposition That Block Bo 'Bought and Ma(iu!'a Given Up. . GOVERNOR REFUSES TO Ufc SI'ONSOR FOR PLAN clml u,c "' ..t the mes m the timber. Declares Thai An Lxpicsdon''SUUN ON of Public Sentiment Should! ,. HISH! T0 0RIENT Rfi At.i-ni Inlnnd mi II. C1..., I tKi.Tlal lliilliitln r.iian 1 uivuiiuniku uii nil, out,- SUollUII, ltudolph HpicckeM was In confer ciico tills .muriiliiR with tloicrnor I'rear and Marttou Campbell In con- nectlnn with tbci pioperty of the Hprcckcla Kctatc bounded by Mcr, ciiaiit, AiaKca ami IJnecn tree In, anil tho pioki.iI that wiu made that tlio block bo used fur tho United Status building instead of the Muliuku Mlc, which ban already been acquired, and for tlm elila"jvnic!it of which lo nil icnt'lio ll kf i!l5l,000 bag lieolij appropriated ami 1a nbw tcady to bo' used. I Tlio lllshup street extension to Queen Is finally tcttlcil ami agreed upon, tlio government pa lug Sprcck - els the bum of 120,000 for the land nn..l..l II ,,. . r .,.-' iiVF'ivii, .11 IIIU liJIilUltlllCQ III.H morning .Mr Spio:kels slated that ho was full) (satisfied with tho negotia tions and work on tlio extension will begin alniDit Immediately Tim lilni-k nhlnh i,., Cn1 u,l.l Ilka to ilUpo-e of to tho government,! ii' learn .Icfiullcly that It Is not ut.iliil.lo rt.r the Blto or tho reileriU' l,,,ll.ll., ,. i. ,. ... .., llm lilfiplt liriiiiiilfiil w llin i.v'l.iiiuliiii I ..r l.l.l .,.,. m..i n ',.,.,,' '" ' "',,,. .,,.,. ,, (.oierior I rear Mated that t bo area of this block would bo prae l- iitii) iimi I.UI1U nn mo in iiiti,..,,. .,, r,.,,,,,,!,,.,,,,,,- , , ,. original MalinUa site with tlio addi tion of tho l'nrt street property that now awaits condemnation The Gov ernor Mated .tjiat. Judging from tho con ui emu this morning, tho Hprfck els proivity iiiuld l obtained for a Cnntinunl on Pnirc 4 Appropriations Prove How He Worked For Hawaii ;i5,52S0nil, nicoidliiK In llguies Jut 1 prep.ireil nml Issued by Ihu Itepubli -al1 Terrltorlil IIiik.iii of Publicity Tfioo figures mo i.uflH lent nuower In l'o niriT'lniu ol l.ln'i .McCq.ii lltss that tlm Pjlivito lin n'l tcctn'd ,i'l"iprilo t'tJ t ;.-n ,ii.' ll i I ir I ti-rmi-i, il'"iprtiui n'v i'"ii,n iiiiiii.uii ,,i nil, u i,u- nppiui H Mlaiit linni tho I odcral (lov-'olal uxciitrlou from K'lhaim ami Ka- eminent 'mil ho Imi mil eomnloii lloiiili rem cnlod IIiIb Tinl'niv llu, resulla cf lihTMgot-iin eifoils at linH'm ai U.lmlitel hf-low: County nf Maul, Kahu'i.l lljilnr Prellmln- nry Sunuj for b-saltnat- cr . . . ...., 2,5 Tor rniMii...n 15ti.'i)U I IrIiIIiimihm Vow ono on M,,l"'l bLu'w Imi.imu mtnts to olhor llgbls nn.noi) Mnnheis nf I.uglsl ilire tlncrcascd pn from JIMJ i In ffiuo each Tot il itojvm RECOGNIZED FIVE LIVES LOST IN FOREST FIRE ,. . ,i 1 lid Mr tin Cubic.) WINNIPEG. Mini. Oct 6. Korcst !"ffin.iHc:nh,b!irtf6overnment Preparing To Let Bids "')! me towns ot Williams, Pitt. (Iran-limn, and Cedar SprliiB, Minn.' Tlio lives hao been lout fu tho riifi-i iIiir llanicx, ami thu foicMcw and Olmnlnl rpn..4 ... . .. .. i "I'vuiii iiiill's imi iir i ru 1111:111111 in 8AN rilAN'CISCO. O t. C l'rllirc iiiitn, lifail of tho Chlneuo navy, 1 tailed on tho T. If. If. Hum- ,. , .. . -', 1 taiieu on 1110 T. K, K. liner Clil.vo . Mam for llonoliilu and Uic Oricn Ho I? irlurnliiR from a Mmrt Mil', to tho United KtatcM, In tho rourrc of hlii ho Inspc ted Untie 3 un'b n ivy arda. Fctlcml JllflnP Hnlfl! Fnlhrr rLUL'al 'UUflC "0mS haU1Cr May Be Citizen, Child Not. The mm resident minor children of an alien who becomes a uilurallicd ClUICII OI llio UllltC'll HtatC3 liru tin' ""'cls of llu. Itepu'.llc iiccmdlnx to ' n ' "'", "7'"'"1 '! ' ,M ,v ' . ""'""" 'y l"",w ulJU!J Iii'lgt' lloboi t..n l" '' ""'"lit'e.l tliU PlIlldp.L I. Ii. n I MU-"lt b'J ir lllg oil lllllllj Clioa of I hltlf ..lllll1 l'o noiil.l coino to ll-innll mid .is ,..,,, , , , , K( ,. ,, ,-,, j,, w , Ci, ,,. Ilrowu dunvlng them a I Hiding In Iho conihc of bin ilsloti Judge lloh-rtson Imlds lh,it ucii If l.iim Sing, tho f.'lher of tho J -null J. wis iinturallztil. us ikiluieil -mil that Ihu two bo)s 1111 In Mil hlu unit tbe wcro never cltlzenj of Ihu Kingdom DECISION ON "..) ,l.. IIIIM "I IIIU lkllk,ll, -.-- ----..- .- of Hawaii, for the o was no provision r('n ""'J ,1"11 ,lu wa" ,nr" "" ul, Iji Iho law iiiiiIit wlili IP I mi Hlii'il "('nr o'ltmla. on Kamchameha Diy, claims to linvo bt,cn inMiralli;d jilS''!l 8I10 icinoiibcrvl tho dalo whlrh Hawaiian qltizejisijlp ncpilred nullu dlttlnctly, as For hiisbanil had by naiitiallzalton cui'd haS't vxtuiidud gone to Wultiikii and tho boy w.o fr. ni nolil.i.11 f.lln.i .1.11 !.... Itnrlt ..... ali.nn.n t" IIUII IVOIIIbll, Ulllll lliltlfll. Candidates and Speakers Plan Big Meeting On Other Side. rtopuhllcan cnmllihtps will Invado Iho nllior tldo of the Irlant) in firco next Hadndiy A 1. 1 iiito' lug and a luiu hive keen arranged ; at I hit umIiI inn of II Henrique1! ut I'liiKiluii. Ki nl.iiil i.i, and rauipaigaeri mid (.imlld lie, to thu iiumbur of forty oi fitly will maku tho tilp from this cldi- 'Ihu Kwil.iu railroad w.111 run a npu '"iitu Hi Iho piaio whoro tho tncti I ...... Irg will b hell lllg -dans aro on ' lift aiu'uis Iho leil wurluusei In g't a lugo iitlciilimo fiom llonnlulii, mid ni"n cuidldoto In Oalin eoutit in ') lag iirgo to nttnnl. Tho open ,im i i... mfoi-iis is nu io- iv. O.llCIl ..mi e1l...,lc'l o.fOM n., w-'iuul political doctrlno will flow Tor "'"'I ,'"1"" '' "i" nincluslon i.i whUli Ihu luau will begin, I This a'terminn at 1 o'clock iniiig UilfHinii girl fell from a vu- rtiiul-i down at the I'ajanm v'ttlo- inent ami lin.llj injured her leg. Pho m iiiKen io the ij neons lloniltal and adinlttcil for treatment. I $600,000 Plans On For For Construction Work At Leilehua Plans and tpeciniatlium lor con - fitrilLtlon work at Srhnflolil Ilarracks, 1.1-lleliu.i, timoiintliiK to JOOO.UOO arc . ., ....... now u prepamllon. at Waililnislim. mill In a abort tliuo the ucwti of great preparation at tho barracks will lie sent broadcast when tho guv cinmcnt nilvertlnei for biiU, .... - . Tills la tho glory contpliicd In prl- atc mlvi cm fiom VaidiliiKtou re - 'ehc.l here by the'Uird.Youiig i:n-1 Rliiccring Conip; mipaiiy. Willi It, comes the additional informatliiu that thu government Ij preparing to establish to provide for the additional troops a permanent post torn full regiment by tbp ,coiistrtietifm of njeripanent! of cnvalrj The plans Tor olllccrs.' ipi-trteju . fv:J V'j qiiaitcit,, stabler, ttorehoiiiica nml' Thl$ lili t ,'n.JJ tli J- clepcQ of tha niinrlun for the men arc lielng pre- alleiitlim how being "paid Vfawall by p.uod wlih nil liovclliln speed, and ll (ho IVilcrnl Bbeinij)i't,linillielm Is counldvrcil polmlin that tho gcv. pirtunL nosltdin tlio IKlandn 'will ooj cfiimcnl wfl rton call for bids sin cupy In United Slates nilllta'ryXafjf tho worK. falts-.' q PARENTS OF FERRAJI ARE CALLED JN TO IN HIS FIGHT FOR FREEDOM At t'ttt imllri ifiurt Milu mnrtiltn' ,,ln ), ,.J10 Ilt lnttxeiii was lh., ,nf I srnijl, who Is barged with Unci highway lolihcrlci and two I cares of l.irieuy C. T Chilling- .....ll 1 r ,1... .I..r ,n, uiritii iippcaiuii iijr tliu nuii;iiiitiiit, mid iis ho had cntrrcil a plea in bar, nieilliinug tho JurUdlctluii of tho District Court Judge, It was up In I1I111 to prino tint 1'erraJI Is at lilcrt.t ill. dor clubtec.i c.iru nt iter, Clillllngworlh called the inutlier of tho 01111g man, ami che testified to the fa"l that .liifeph PerraJI was her .... 1.11, l.i,, i.o ...iov.ivu. Upon being asked It tho boy had been baptircd, Mrs. Kerrajl unlit Unit lier miillinr hail Imiitlred the baby Isron after birth, as It 'was feaied ' i. i i i BigfJCot 111 World 311(1 0(10'- alcd fly Electric Power. Tho hlgVHt dredg- ill til" world, ami the llrt ovci built with cngiuoo of tho turl.'iiu t)c nud run by elec ,,4.1111 tulll ...t. I... .1 ..A.l. ..4 tt..M ini.ij, ,.i wii i.v ut, -inn if, ii'.ini llaili'ir. Itop'utH from Iho on isl that .. . i . the urflger would lie cent lnua havu b-cn provlc usly nublhiii'il. but tint It is In bo an Innovation in engineering Hues iluiclnp'. I wllh ho urrUal of (1 C lUtl iiiriin, Heekiu-inn Is n .hiiiiib cnaliieeiliiB rypcrt who from tho mainland ,, , Wllholllllm on Tlinidav llo h will. Iho Httndirl Amorlriin; s- coinpap. whlih U kui ling the! . i,., .,, ,i m.uhluerj down fin llio Hawaiian Diedglug Coiupiin, 'which I ll..n tliu f'niH llnrlifir fiiinll it. I In will superintend llm Installation nrtli!' mnrlilnfi) In tho mammoth hull nr well ns Us oiKTiitlim at tho harbor lleckuiaun xiiih that tlio hull Is 12S (Continued on Page G) k t. 4 Barracks i 'Ccholfeld ilarracks la already., be I '"K picp.ttcd lo rccclio the bqiiadron ,,f ll",,lr ,,,l,t wl" nrrlvo 0H ,h transport Hhcrmnn next week. In al cJAl ,,y u ,MS kc known thu fiociimcnt h.e planned nn iiw of force at the barracks whlih. of cmircc, noiiii call for mlj llltloiuil fimirlprR for lioth . llit mpil p .-. ...r m , . and their lnirecs. Ilnwevcr, tho news , (imtalned It. tlio prlvulo letter fton? Wnel.liictun proves that It U thS Ktiwriiincnl's lulcjillon lo strc,iiRtUe(J the caialry forces hero at nn' e and HELP YOUTH Mm lufttif itttnlit tml llvn t iti tn. as thu Lhlhl got fctronner. fie v,'a taken to a Catholic priest, but for nyt list what icaeoii Mrs. 1 orrajl did nul rcincinhcr. It was suggested that 11... 1...1 .-I .1. ui....... ,K? tliu lllliiy mill luivtiu to llio viiiiiui litl nrdi'r to have Its birth registered by. the pi 111 t, but the mother could no much for tlilK. The noxt- witness was l'errajl Sr. father nf tlm bn. but illiorrcil froiiv thu mother fur the past ten cars'! lie wan pojlthe that J 00 was born i'ii Juno It, IS93, and rememberedj - ... .-- , 1 I bn was away from home nt tlij 1(1110 u Ihu birth. Upon, being nMt-J cd how ll was that ho roniomberwt the date of .Ioq'b birth, Kerrajl rpi piled that most people knew the, day: ..... . ... drirli ft.,i, lll.tin lit, ,l mil ..u iiw... ... IIIVIII s,iw.a "i lug iiskcil by rroiectilor urown as to what dales his other threo tons werij born on. the father could not arid (Continued on Pape 0) jg ' ii i i DOUBLE-TRACK KINGS! S001 Work' Will Begin Next Week pnd Will Be Rushed M Through. ( work on llio double-tracking ontlia King Dtieet car-lino will be begurt nnvl nnli1 tt rtfil lit In ni nhnniUAiaJ ii .-!, in in in vuiumi in iki nutiuuuvui inuut inado Ihli morning by Manager! C 13. Unlliiityiio of Iho HonoluUi I " Uaphl Tmiu'lt I. mil Co. WltlH In kl wmkR. Im ti.lnkn Mm rnnstmia tluu of tho additional line will 1)3 'inuiplrted. and Iho fiiiprtiieinent will result In u murl'ud liicre.iso in transit comenlciiceo In Honolulu The linn Is lo bu double-tracked frnm Knwnlnl.nn I...... In Hit. PlinTlJ ro Ktatioii, which Inrliides tlio nibai Important hoctlnni.r Iho city, tho bus hums ilUtilct, and tho cultlng out 6l thu switches In this section will 1m nroo thu service conslduriiblv. Mumiger Iliillcntyne said tfili morn lug that the ottcnslon ot the- Ntiuanti line only awaits the opening up of tlirJ rnnd. The material s ulreudy oiu (Continued on Page G) ' si-i! 'I .-litou,,: Vihii.fltf.r-4f'iifiAfiiiiiiiiii ik.,iMi.A:,.u&iL-i i, .....;...i,yr .y.'r. 1 i