Newspaper Page Text
EVBNINO HVILLETIN, TtONOLTJI.O. T. II., THUnSDAY, OCT. fi, 1910. B" W r? L I Masonic Temple A Weekly Calendar MONDAY! - SAf& Hawaiian Stated, jftu, WEDNESDAYr Oceanic First Degree. THURBDAY! llimullnn .Second Degree. FRIDAYS SATURDAY. j;jn ' .. All visiting members of IB Order are cordially Invited to I ttnd meetings of local lodges Meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at K. P. Hall 7:30 P. M. iARIHE ENGINEERS' ""; KNEFICIAl ASWIATIQK. cttion, lit dlally Invited. HABMONY IQDQE, No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 In I. 0. O. F. Hall, Fort Streot. E. R. HENDRY, Secretary. p M. E. McCOY, Noblo Grand. All visiting brothers very cordially Invited. OAHU LODQE, No. 1, K. of P. Mcota every first and third Fri day evening at 7:30 In K. of P. Hall, corner Fort and Uecotanla. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend, w , WM. WNES. C. C. p ' O. F.. HEINE, K. n. S. HAWAIIAN TBIBE, No. 1, 1. 0. B. M. Meets very flrBt and third Thurs days of vach month at Knights of Pythlaa Hall. Vtbltlng brothers cor dially, invited to attend. . , A. h. BAKIN, Sachem. ' H. V. TODD, C. ofn. " "m "' S HONOLULU AERIE, 140,' F.- 0. E. Meets on the 2nd and 4th WED i NESDAY evenings of each month at 7:30 o'clock in K. of P. Hall,, corner - Beretaula, and Fort streets. Visiting Eagles aro Invited to at fend. IS.t m' w- n- niLEY. W. P. r" WM. C. McCOY', Sec. HONOLULU LODGE, fllO, B. P. 0. E. Honolulu Lodge No. 616, D. P. O. Kikn, meets In their ball, on King "Street, neur Fort, every Friday eve ning, Visiting Brothcro aro cordially Invited to attend. JAS. D. DOUOHERTY, E. It. GEO. T. KLUEOEL,, Sec. .WM. McKINLEY L0D0E, NO. 8, I, K.of P. Meets every 2nd and 4th Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock In K. of P. ( Hall, cor. Fort and Derotnnla. VlBlt (lng brothers cordially invited to at " tend. " ' II. A. TAYLOR, O. O. B. A; JACOBSON, K. It. S. .' Lk Goto y- Coyne P Furniture Co. i For Good Furniture if t: For Sale -ta fCompIete Office Fixtures for immediate delivery. Address P, to. Box 207. Honolulu. -., .- "Tg - -. ... For Rout Foldingchairs & Tables I' J. Hopp & Co., Ltd. rf-g-l .! .3 Chairs Now at tho UNION BABB.EB SH,0P "NEW BARBEB A competent man Hat. JUt' arrived from tile (JSa.U. fof,? VIEBBA Proprietor' DENIES f To Whom It May Oon'crn: It has recently come to my notice that certain misrepresentations nro beings niado by ccrliiln parties In Honolulu In connection with tho use ot my nnmo In tho matter of ox - pioiting and selling certnlii oil stocks In tho Hawaiian Islands I desire to supplement my provious published notice to the effect that tho use, t)t my nnmo In any manner whntOcer In this connection Is to Lilly unauthorized. I have particu lar reference to an advertisement ap pearing in tho Pacific Commercial Advertiser under date of August 30, l'.UO, tending as follows: YOUR OPPORTUNITY. About four weeks ago I sold business mnn of this city somo Lake view No. 2 oil Bto k. Ho wroto to n friend In San FrnncUo to lnvcstl.lno,"e of w " Fnslr-r In Paloln Val gate, seo Captnln Matson and find out whether this stock wMs any good. Tho toply came on the 8lerrn Fri day, saying It was first-class, gllt- edge, good Invcstmont. Today he doubled llltt Oral Inlrrliiin t u-crA you to buy. It Is n safe proposition.1 A few shares would put you on easy street. Tho profits from oil Is n fairy talc. Ask John D. Hockefcl-, Inc. Share, unw 11,1,1. ,nni. will bo forty rents after September ' 1.' This Is your grand opportunity. Read this all over ngnln. "J. OSWALD LOTTED, "Fort Street, Next Convent; General Delivery." I desire at this time to absolutely rcfuto any Inference which might ho drawn from the foregoing statement that nnjono lias crr nppro.ichcd mo ;: :::!".: :.::' . .: ::i ;.. ..;".. ""..'I: ',..'., ""...'""'"Lf'T honest government In tho ""', ' , . V. .. ;. . stock, nnd any Intimation that I havo endorsed this lis a "good Invest ment Is thcrcforo u falsification. For the Information of the public I might offer tho following state ment Tho Lnkcvlcw Oil Co. of Midway, a part of the Honolulu Consolidated Oil Co., among Us various properties controlled under agreement with tho .original locators Section No. 2C in Township No. 32 South, Range No. zi., amiitunder uale ot April o, 1910,' leased this section tC40 a'.-resl for twenty yearB to Chas. F. Off, R. D. Wade. Ocorge S. Safford and H. S. Shattuck. The lessees wcro to pay a bonus of $C0 per acre for tho leaso, bonus to bo paid out of tho first production oil, and fuithcr they were to pay a royalty of one-eighth of tho "gross production, nnd wcro accorded In tho lease nn option to inirnliu.n .Im li.tnl .it 1 Ann n.rn J'U.V.IUOI. t,,u .11. U MW , V J Jl IW WW...... ....( .n W, , ,U when patents to tho laud wcro Is- Charles K, Not ley Bued by the II, 8. Oovernmcnt, Subsequently, It appears that tho, aforenamed gentlemen subleased tho west half of the southwest quarter of tho above-mentioned section to a voto for Notley, tho leader of tho par company organised and known as tho ' Secondly, they aro telling tho Ha Laltevlow No. 2 Oil Co., which wasWBllln voto for Kuhlo, If entirely contrary to my understand- ",ey "''I not want to supporl Notley ing when originally leasing tho whole of Section No. 26 to them. On Juno 20, 1910, 1 received a letter from a Mr. J. Oswald Lutted, Informing me that he had become' a stockholder in the so. called l.akc view No. 2 Oil Co., and Indicating to mo that ho cxpC ted to leave for Honolulu shortly with tho end In view of disposing of somo ot tho stock of that company In Honolulu. He also requested mo to favor him with a written endorsement of the proposition as a whole, which I ab solutely declined to do, refusing to lend my nahio for any such purpose. I wns naturally very indignant nt the suggestion, nnd also annoyed at tho nctlon of Mr, Oft and his asso elates, to whom I had originally leased Section No. 20, and who had evidently entered into some sublens Ing arrangement for n one-half of tho southwest quarter section to par ties under tho name of tho Lakovlow No, 2 Oil Co. From tho foregoing, It will bo seen that Lakevlew No. 2 Oil Co. Is operating under n sublease of a lease taken from the Lakevlew Oil Co. of Midway, nnd as the royalty to the Lakevlew oil Co. of Midway Is 12 ', of tho total production, pre. siimnbly the Lakcvlow No. 2 Oil Co. will also have to pay an additional royalty to tho original lessees ns nbovo Indicated, I havo taken the opportunity of notifying directly by letter both Mr. .Chas. F. Off nnd Mr. J. 'Oswald Lul led of my position In this matter, and I now reiterate, that any attempt on tho part of anyone to use my nnmo In any manner whatsoever in tho exploiting and soiling of nil rtocks In tho Hawaiian Islands Is to tally unauthorized. WM. MATSON. San Francisco, Sept. 10, 1910. It A CERTAIN METHOD for curing cramps, diarrhea and dys entery Is by using Painkiller (Perry Davis), This medicine has sustained the ropulntloii for oor 70 years. 25c l.'o nnd fific !Mr"For Rent" cards on sale at the Bulletin office. LOCAL AND GENERAL The tablet told bv the Unite. tin for a nickc) is twice as large as me lawet usually told for this Price, Autds, f 4 per hour, Lewis Stables. It goes without saying that every thing Is Rest at The Encore. , Miss Ioule Irwin, hairdresser mid manlcuro. Ilocm (15, Young Rldg. A new stunt every day at tho An jchor Sajortri, Nimnnu nnd Kin C. It. Hctucnwny has been niiiiolnled n Urgent of the College of lliwnll In plnco of A. A. Wilder, resigned Pay cash and ask tor green stamps. They're frco Call at the show rooms and see what you get frco for stamps. Deputy Sheriff Fernandez or Ewn camo Into town this afternoon with a Filipino prisoner who was arrested at Honolulu ptnnla'lnn and who Is accuse I of tuning stolon $75 fnun n woman. 'rho Democrats of the First of the ''mirth held a ruining meeting at tho le' ,aM nK"1- A number of promln cut Democrats from town wcro pres ent nnd chccro.l on tho causo with speeches. . A ruimwn.v hnryo caused somo ex- I cltrment this afternoon when It 'U aW!,y r,nm near tno Pcoplo1 ?V",rc" Company. nmf dashed along 'el'nnt. up llslinp, dowh King lnl Vo'l nmI ,,ntk nni" ,0 "l8,"'l n,01l Illjtcl "trrct' "ml flunl'y was 1',"" "c-ir wl,oro 't " "' Iron No damage to speak of was done, ul though there were several narrow escapes. Rudolph Spreckcls will spcik at the Commercial Club next Tuesday nonn .Mr. Spreckcls ppoko at the Commer cial Club during n previous visit In the city, and forecast nt that time many of tho political events of recent mmh.. mom especially th0 .,mc & Interests of tho people. No topic has been given out but It Is cirtaln that Mr. Spreckels will have much to Hay that Is of Interest to tho business men of tho city. HAVENOLOVE ,,, FORM BOSS Home Rulers Will Do Any thing to Down Link McCandless. That' the Homo Rulers nro determ ined to capture the Congressional in Washington, for their c-indldnte. is evidenced by the wny they expressed' thjunsclvcs this morning In tho Kalilllnulanl Hnll. In the first place, they havo been and aro still advising tho people to nirtuy, mey navi been mid nnf still telling tho Hawallans, Irrcspcctlvo of "lclr lmn niiiuallons, to throw down Link McCandless, who is trying to carry tho Democratic banner to vic tory. According to David Kalauokalanl Sr., nnil Win. Mossmnu Jr.. who wore In consultation this morning In the printing department of tho Homo Iliilo organ. It is certain that the Homo Rulers Intend to, mid will, with, out doubt, work against McCandless from now on. Kalauokalanl stated this morning that he will not work for McCandless. oven. If ho was given tempting offer to campaign for tho Democratic Doss, "1 will not "consent to work for Mc Caudlrss, if ho asks mo to assist him In this campaign." said Kalauokalanl when Interviewed Ibis morning. "I l am going to advice tho people to vote rnr Notley. And should I find that they will not oto for my man. Notley, then I will u?p my best effort to In fluence them to cast their votes for Kuhlo, tho Delega'o. "I am opposed to McCandless, and will accordingly advise my friends to throw him down. I nm qulto certain Hint ho will not bo ablo to poll ns many yteu this year, as ho did In 1908. Notley 8neaks, "I nm positive that I will ha heated nicely on Hawaii I moan polltlcilly," said Chas. K, Not'ey. when seen on tho streot this nftcrnnnh. Ho was Just as confident In making his state ment, as If hn knew what was com lng,to lilm o;i election day. Ho said that tho Ilonin Rulers In Komi and Kohaln aio rfrm In llu-lr conviction, "They nro not nnd cannot bo easily led around. They k,now what Is best for them to do. I bcllevo they aro going to support mo and the Homo Rulo ticket. "Personally I would like to seo Mil kekau and Lewis elected as Senators. Makeknu Is ono of the best Homo Rulers. Ho has proven himself, wor thy of the C'uifldcnre of tho public. Notley hat) not yet derided wjion to go out campaigning on Uio Islands. Ha mid his k ok ins have, b;cn holding meetings In the suburbs of the town. Last night, tho Homo Rulers held n largo meeting In Mollllll. i ' ""! lVt'tikiy Ilnllctlu $1 irr jenr. Our New I'hono 1281 City Transfer bo. (Jas. 11. Love) s hippie ADDITIONAL SHIPPING TWENTY DAYS FROM MANILA TROOPSHIP IN COMMAND OF CAPTAIN HEALEY HAD UN EVENTFUL TRIP FROM MANILA VIA' NAGASAKI ONLY CASUALS AND CIVILIANS ON BOARD SAILS T.0DAY Just a little under twenty days tho army transport tlr-d up to Alnkua wharf this morning nt elecn o'clock having sailed from Mnn'l.i on Septem ber lfi nt roon. It wns nn unoientfiil voyage finni tho fiilcnt, the Sheridan going to Na gasaki to conl and hailing from Hint poit for Honolulu on September 21. The Shrrldan has on Inard Ibis trip "1 first and 28 second class cabin' pis seng'ers, 300 enlisted men (casuals) of the army and twenty-four from the navy and marine crops, forty-ono civi lians nnd cx-soldlers b sides twelvn military prisoners being taken to the Males to scrio their sentences. Leaving Manila the Shertdnn had ocr 100 sicks of mall for tho stairs but this was transferred at Nngasak'. to an Empress liter which will reach Vnncouyer Sondi)). Ten sacks of mall wcro brought to Honolulu from Ma nila nml Nagasaki. 'Wo had n flno trip." said genial Captain Mike Henley this morning In rcsnonse to n question, "we Just sklp- Sicdj'ill the typhoons nnd ovcry oilier nil of trouble nnd have nothing to complain or. Mrs. Healey went out In Mniitlr ' 'with the skipper last tilp and will re main In tho Orient soxcril months. probably until Mnrch or Apill of'u xt yenr beforo returning to the slates. Mrs. John J-HershltiC-wifc. of 'Rrlg ndlcr ncnern! Pershing commanding the department of Mindanao In the Philippines, Is a passenger on the Sherman accompanied by her three children nnd governess. Among tho rllllan passengers on board Is J. W. Fcrrlcr, special deputy collector of custhuis nt Manila, who Is going to the slates for a six months' vacation. - There mo a "number of other em ployee? of bolli tho civil and military government going to tho stntci on lcao of absence by tho vessel. Tho Sheridan docked nt Alakea street wharf today nnd will sail from thcro nt flvo this afternoon bound for Trlcco. Passengers leaving from Honolulu Includo Paymaster nnd Mrs, Hnrnborg or of tho navy. Lieutenant Colono' Dullard, General McCnskey (retired) and Mrs. McCnskey. nnd n number of soldiers going to tho const for tholr dlsehaiges. Part of the easiinln on board tho vessel were gien tdimo llbiuty' nnd got to tho wharf ns soon as tho cibln passengers had dlhcmburkcd. ra Clx With Co-I. Five thousand tuns of coal are on board the horso transport Dlx, which Is due to arrive In port from Manila nnd Japan on October 10. Tho Dlx goes to MUM direct from Mnnllu aft er din 'barging horses, and'tit that point takes on conl for the quartcr mnrtcr department. This coal Is furnished by Mitsui Hussar Kalslia, which obtained tho contract In Ma nila tho first ot the year, giving a lower rnto than tho importers of Australian conl from Nowcnttlo could quote. Captain Ankors Is In command of the Dlx nnd nfter dls charging her coal nt Honolulu tho vessel will sail direct for Seattle, where a cargo of horses will be taken on. In addition to thoso for Ma nila, hortes for tho Fifth Cavalry will bo brought to. Honolulu, n Off to Hllo. It was r, o'clock jesterday nftor noou when the Mutton liner Wllhel mlnn got au'ay from tho railroad wharf for IliUv after discharging over .1000 tons of rnign hern. IIo sldcs tho goncral caigo of 2000 tons the Wllho'iulna took nbniit twenty passengers tq tho Dig Island, among whom were Itudolph Sprockele nnd Thomas Magce, who will visit the volcano. Tho Wllhelmlna will re turn to Honolulu on Saturday to take on cargo, palling for tho Coast Wed nesday morning, PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. I'AZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure nny case of Itching, Mlind, HIccdinp; or Protruding Pilca in 0 to 1 4 days or money refunded. Mudo by PARIS MEDICINi: CO., Saint Louis, U. S. of A. - Number Will He -L- ON PAQE EIQHT. ringing Coal. Two American ships nrc among tho, charters to bring coal from tho Atlalt tic coabt to tho naval station here,' the Kdwnrd Sowall, which arrlved'ii't Philadelphia from Honolulu a fpwl unys ago, ami the William P. Frypj being tho two cssels. In adilltlonjln uiumj iu ttiiiin uiu 1.UWIH i.iicKcuuacn and the. Urltlsh steamers llcllopotbij Htralhbcrg and Stratlillllan arc on trio berth to load coal at Newport News, for Hawaii. '' ra As to Mcnqolla. It Is expected that tho Pacific Mall steamer .Mongolia will nrrIo hero lo morrow from tho Orient, but this Is only gticss-wotk on the pait of tho ug..'iiH us Cipt.iln Kilt has not deign ed to notify them of his position oi' time of mrlMil. List ovculng he sent a bik-f message to tho effect that u eel tain number of gangs of stevedores wcio needed to dlschargo the cargo of tho vessel, nnd the nmonnt of cargo on board, neyoud this he said nothing. As to whether tho men are to bo nt tho dock tomorrow morning, tomor row iifternoon, Saturday, or next week tho ngentt; no means of know ing. Captnln Kill appears to be running the Mongolia for hl:t own pleasnreinnd not at nil for tho b-nellt of tho V'lb llci Theio nro over twen'y pissen gem In Honolulu booked to leave) for tho roast by this esscl, but they havo nn definite i.iriins of knowing when the- stennicr li to nrrhu nnd sail. Tho agents will try to get n wire less through to tho great captain of tho Mongolia late Hits afternoon ask ing for more definite information ns to his whcrcaliouts. Hall to Be Held. Instead of sailing today ns usual, tho Inter-Island steamer W, 11. Hnll will not ho dispatched for Kauai ports until tomorrow iirtcrnoou nt C o'clock. This i-hungo In tho sailing time of tho Hall Is made, so that Kauai passcngciH coming down on tho Slcri-n, which Ib duo tomorrow morning, may make cloee connec tions for tho Garden Island Instead of waiting In Honolulu for several da) s. Pa Virginian and Hyades. Thcrolwero two sailings from So. nttlo for Honolulu on Tuesday, tho Virginian of tho American-Hawaiian line, mid lly.ides, operated by Ithri MiitHon Navigation Company, both sailing for this port on that date. Tho Virginian Is bringing .New York freight transported vln Tohuautcpoj and cargo p: ked up on tho Coast, mid the Hjndcs Is bringing n gen eral cargo from Coast ports. r-a Sierra Cue Early. Knily tomorrow morning the Ocean ic Hiipi- Sierra will ho off port uc cording to u wireless niossago receiv ed Jioin Captuln Ilnudlctlo Inst night At eight o'clock last uicnlng (hu ranter was but 510 miles from por'. Id n smooth sen, cloar weather and fresh easterly winds, Claudln Tomorrow, Tomorrow nt tho regular hour, ! cO lock, tho ete.imcr Clnudlno will ho dispatched for Maul mid Hawaii ports. Tho vestel will take the usual geuoraj cargo mid ran nrcoimuodato passengers omltg down on tho SI errn who wljh tq go to tho volcano as soon as possible, Pa Zealandla Arrived, According to c.-(blo advices receiv ed 't tho local agency, tho Canadian Auttriilluii Unci' Zealandla arrived at Sydney on October I. Tho vessel sailed fiom Honolulu fur the south on September 17. P-a WIHer Sailed. esteiday tho barkentlno S. O, wuuor sailed riom Mnhukoiin, hound r- u-.. I I n.i.i.. ,...- for San I'laticlsco, This Inforimi tlon was received by Honolulu Ship ping Guide Into yesterday afternoon en Columbia Coming The schooner Columbia U mi tout , to Hawaii from tho Coast. Tho Co- lumhla sillied from Urnvs Harbor on October I mid Is bound for Knhuliil with n lumber cnrgov Srlled for Newitle. . At nlno o'clock thin morning the' British ficlghtcr Kithcrlno Park sill ed for Ncwcnstlo, N. S. W., In lul last. Tho steamer biouglit n full cargo tir coil to the navy from tho Atlan tic coast which was discharged nt naval piers. Santa Maria Off, Early this morning tho oil steamci' Santa Maria Balled from railroad I whhrt bound for Port San" Luis'. The Santa Maria arrived from tho oil port two days ago with u full cargd. --- ARRIVED ... - - i j ! V. S. A. T, 'Sborldan, from Manila rud Nagasaki, a. in. , il DEPARTED Stinr. Knthcrlne Park for Newcastle N. S. V., a. m. Stmr Santa Maria, for Port San Luis, n. m. I' SAILING TODAY. j . II. ii. A. T. Sheridan, for San Frnn clrco, S p. ni. I 4 I PA88ENQER8 ARRIVED - Per U, S. A. T. Sheridan from Ma nila nnd Nagasaki, Oct. C Oco, II. Andt us. Lewis P Ualley and wife, Mrs. .Walter O. noswcll and Inrunt son, Kl mrr J. Hunting, Henry Caldwell, 1st Lieut. A. II. Carter and wife. Mrs. No ble Carter. Captain John J. Clnrk, Krnnk ACook, 2nd, Lieut, Wpi. At D,i Itinf, 'Manning Dawklns, J. WFor'rio'r. Surg. Harry A. Garrison, wife and daughter, Thos. I-'. Oavlgan, Harold N. Ornves. Dentnl Surg. W. 11. Hammond wlfo nnd two daughters. Ensign .1. II- Howell, Miss Marlon Huff, Mrs.'jnnios 8. Kennedy nnd son, 1st. Lieu. Robt. W. Kerr nml wlfcj F. I'.. Lindrum. 2nd Lieut. Mnnlcy Iiwton, Miss .Inula A. Latimer, Roono P. Lcatherman, Chns. A. List, Mrs. Tlioi. K. Moss and daughter, lit Lieut. Win. O. Mullcr Hugh Nolan, Robt. B. Olive, wife and Infant rou, L Olson, John A. Perkins. Mrs. John J. Pershing, three children and govorncss, Mrs. R. I. Recs nnd son. Cnpt. Kdwln Rlrh. Win. Robertson ami wife, Mrs. H. F. Roller nnd son, Mis. K, It. Ryan. Cnpt. Charles It Sanderson, Vorno Slmklns L. Smith. Charles O. Smith. Charles I). Spruit, Mrs. Charles Stewart, Howard Strov cr, Mrs. H. I). Swilling, 1st. Lieut. Thos. C. Walker, Mrs. J. T. Watson and daughter, .Mrs. Myrtle G. Whlstoii Theo. C. Zschokke and foil. For s'an Francisco: 1st. Lieut. Preston 8. Kel logg, Miss Almn Krauthoff. Mlsi Li lian KrunthntT. J. II. Williams and wife, Mrs. Geo. 11. Vosburg, Sprgt. J O. Ilrown, Mis, Charles "P, Ilrowno and Infant son, D. T. Clement, Mrs. Win M. Downey, Otto Kdcnholm, Au gustus Fink, George Gelling. O. O. Ilardcbcck, Chester Hull, Ordnance Sergt. John Jardlne, Mrs. Anthony M. Kohlrr, Scigt. James N. Lothrop. wife and Bon,lst. Scrgt. Timothy Lynch, 1st. Scrgt. Dennis MackAndrew May John W. Monnhan, Mrs. 'Cornelius Quick, 1st. Sergt. Charles .'Rlttntnn, IH11II6 S Sauci-H und wlrb.MIss, Res tlo Tnrlston, James W. Wnke'ley, wife and daughter, ItrcJIda Vuson' PAS8ENQER8 BOOKED Per S. S. Mongolia, for Sun Fran cisco, Oct. 8. Alice Alacfnrlanc, Mr. and Mrs. Miicfarlauo, V. II. Frlcdly, Emll Hermit, W. Waterhouse, Mrs. A. H. WntorhoiiBo, Tsok Knl Tso, MVs. nnd Miss Angus, Paul Wl'hlngton, A. W. Perelstrous, W. P. Stevens, L. Ste vens, Mrs. L. Hcnrlques and Miss Hen. rlques, Samiiol King. K. Kopkc. For .Maul nnd Hawaii ports, per S. S. Claiidlno, Friday, p. in. J. M. Lid gate, Wm. Zcibe, Mrs. H. M. Wells, K, Rocndnhl and family, Mrs. M. J. Super, J. P. Martinez. I'm- Kiiual ports, Friday, por 8. 8, Wr)ri.'!u1l, p. m.! Miss K. Rice, A. II. MrW.;H..RIcr, II. Wacrhouso Co'. oucl Spnuldlng. CHINA MAY OFFER ROOSEVELT A JOB Gossip Says That a Post as Adviser to the Regent May Be Opened to Him, NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Tho news that Colonel Roosevelt may bo ask ed to accept tho post' of ndvlser to the regent of China nt n. very largo cuiiiry was current in rcKIng a month nnt nernrriltir. In riw IMIIIni.. ' Edgar Gel, who has Just rcturno-l to America nfter a jear spent in studying tho political situation In China. Dr. Olel left Poking on August I nnd at that tlmo, he says, It was rurrcnt gorslp ,In political circles that tho palace authorities were con. Bldorlntf u proposition to engage Col ono! Roosevelt to assist In piloting thp coutitty-through a rather stormy p'crfod.' Many of tho diplomats, Dr. Olol d'oclares, wcro confident' that tho. of fer would appeal to tho American 'gx-Prcsldcnt, nnd' might Induce him Lo ubandhn the light against the losses horo to become n boss him self in the Flowery Kingdom. Cl. nnlrtn.v ,, nn...lltl..n. r nl.l Ml'VMI.lllf, Ut LUIIUIVIUI1B, Ul, 1I1VI. '"i "' was an miti-uauy move innnt In f'l.lii.i tl.n l.,.lr.. i....l ment In China, the leaders being on- posed to tho tule of tho child Em-j poror. This movement, ho said, If1 It grow lupldly, ns many thought It would, might result In' n revotu- t Inn (.'liliui Is frtomlly lo this counlrj-.l he said, nml llin nrexnnt In I that country regard Prosldent Tnft highly. STILL SLACK " Only Two Days More For -v Voters to Qualify For v X Election., 1 V0TEBS BEQISTEBED. Fourth District 3327 Fifth District 3412t Total ..'. 6730 ITp to noon today reglstrntlnn hud continued to fall below what It should be, and Chairman S. F. Chll--llngworth of the registration board declares that unless more Interest Is shown, tlie figures will fnll far below the original estimate. Last night, tho sixth of OUolier, tho registration .was GGOG, n combi nation of four sixes. Thin morning; tho registry ofllce nt A I alt on and King; rtrccts wns open, hut only thirty reg istered from tho Fourth nnd forty three from tho Fifth District. Tho hours ot registration nro: 7:30 to 9:30 n. m., 12 in. to 1:30 p. m., 4 to G:3Q p. m. Registration will positively cj.osc, next Saturday night nt 10 .o'cloeli, tho'bobk,.hclne; open continuously from fourVlintll that time. " , At tho request 5tmnny votofs nt Lellchua, the board this afternoon Is holding n sperlnl session jltiicre. Tho bonrdj went-out, by, nutcjjinolillo ut 1:30 thlrf n'fternoon'and vylll ro turn for tho Inter session boreJiiThls Is not required by Jaw, but fsidono for tho convenience -of tho voters. '( k Defense or Wilhclmina Sailors Heard By the U. S. Commissioner. A contention oroiniJistlflnhlo dis crimination Is' ihd'basls tiixin which George Davis Is defending tho twenty four sailors of tho Wilhclmlnn whoso hearing on a chargo of breaking thu United States quaranttno rcgiilutlouu wuh begun beforo Cmninlssloncr Al bert Judd yesterday afternoon. According to tho evidence that w.n aildiucd ut tjicljcarlng yostcrday tin ship -was fn (luaranllmililUnltliij sail ors left ibutMinlyjiui directed ndalnst thcniBel'vcs, brsMorshall mid Ibimus or the United States Quarantlnq ser vice testifying ,thattlir'fiiid. nltnwed tho cabin pnsscngciti and 'tho otnt;er3 to go'nslioro, First Ofllccr Peterson of tho Wllhel ml mi testified Hint ho had liifnimeil tho crow of tho quarautlno of tho ship nnd warned them that If they went ushnra they would not lu allowed (,i return to tho vessel. It devoloped, however, nt tho hearing that tho crow was not mustered In n -body nnd In formed of tho exact status of tho ship. Tho hearing will be continued to day. , DETECTIVES GRAB ALLEGED GAMBLERS -. if-f-t .-I' "Soven-Coino-Eloven" Artists -Arc Caught In Act of Playing. This afternoon at 1 o'clock, Dctcc tlvo Kollett and his men made, a hur ried trip to lw-llol und there cap tured nlno Porto RlennB mid Hawal lans who woro engaged In playing tho fascinating gnmo of "7-11." Tho hunch wns taken by surprise, und tho detectives wcro on top of them before tho men. realized that thcro wrro police in tho vicinity. Somo of tho gamblers got away, but the special officers held on to tho men they had grabbed at tho first rush. Tho nlno prisoners wcro tnken to tho police station mid bunked for an Interview with Judgo Andrudo to morrow morning. Evidence to tho nmonnt of $7 wus found, besides the dlco that Is used In tho game. IN FOREIGN PORTB I ThurtdnyJ October 6. MAHUKONA Hailed Oc'pS,: Dktne. 8 f'r. Wilder, for Snn Francisco. HIIX) Sailed Oclj 1; S S. jrlionan, for Benttle. 1 .. We feel sorry for the man who thinks that everybody elso is dishon est. ... . . .-. ,r . rliy lULfy (,iri llllllllS II IS UP 10 her to teslst u klsn slin really wants. Half ii million in cold cash makoi a fat widow nlro nnd plump, WANTED. An experienced stonngrapher, Tern, pornry position only. Apply P, O. nox 317. 4742-tf r nivlW'' Iclillrll WASMST '-( il.i!iAl-jiL'j,7tMUJ..Jaii Ji3jt it mUL.L&