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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
Hf'V nvnxiN'n mju.RTiN, Honolulu, t. it., TinmsruY, oct. a, toio. . j 'v. Lingerie Dresses A splendid line of new Lingerie Dresses are' now being shown in 'our1' i Ladies' Garment Section For Value and Correct Style Visit ( 4 Sachs' Dry Goods Co., Corner Fort nnd. Berctnnin Streets Opposite Fire Station Absolutely pure milk from I THE healthy cows in sanitary sur- I H roundings. H I POND 12 1-2o I I per quart I I DAIRY 9Rnn I Telephone 2890 B iB STOP at the HOTEL MANX IN SAN FRANCISCO v y This magnificent hotel is situated on Powell street, in the heart of the city, immediately accessible to all the shop theaters, railroad ticket offices, etc. lOfKcEUHOPEAN PLAN Bedroom, with , detached bath, $1.50 tind upwards; with private bath, $2 and upwards; .. uMiirfjiarlor, bedroom and private bath, $5 to $10. .,, i. AMERICAN PLAN $3 and up per day. ii NOT ONLY THE BEST AT THE PRICE, BUT THE EOUAL OF ANY AT ANY PRICE. Honolulu Representative: WILLIAM DODTHITT. ROOM 308, McCANDLESS BUILDING Double Keyboard ;'X Visible Writing the Smith-Premier Typewriter Batk Space Lever, Gear Driven Carriage, Speediest Escapement, Column Finder tind Farofirapher, THE TYPEWRITER FOR THE UP-TO-DATE BUSINESS MAN Hawaiian 'News Co., Limited Alex. Young Building Office Supply Co., LIMITED Dealers In REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES. ' DLOBE-WERNICKE TILINO CAB1 NETS and BOOKCASES. GENERAL OFFICE STATIONERY 031 FORT STREET TOYS! TOYS! CHILDREN HAPPY AGAIN Our Toy Department now open, with a Fresh Stock of TOYSl'GAMES and a' splendid irte of BOOKS. WALL, NICHOLS CO., LTD. King Street Everything in Books! BROWN & LYON CO., LTD. Alex, young Building Writing Paper and Envelopes A Boxful for Twenty-five Cents I A. B. ARLEIQII & CO, ..,.,kkij IRE. REPARED AINf linn a high gloss finish ami llio bct wearing qualities. W. I. rtJU.KIt & CO8 1'imi: PIHJI'AKKD PAINT l In every respect tint must du rable am) Katlsf i-tory paint jou can lino. Lewers & Cooke, 177 South 'King Street M. E. Silva. JNUKHTAKEH AND EMBALMEB Prompt rind Polite Attention CHAPLAIN LANE. OPPOSITE CATHOLIC SISTERS rhonc 1179 Night Call 1014 Compartments in the City Mausoleum For Particulars Inquire of TOWNSEND UNDERTAKING CO. Limited Forcegrpwth Will do it THE RENEAR CO. limited ALGAROBA BEAN MILLS THE BEST PLUMBING Is Done by , JOHN NOTT The Pioneer Plumber 183 Merchant Street Phone 1031 uL,i2. ...,, .,.. ..,. ... ......,. P EXCURSIONISTS ARE EXACTING Pprty From Seattle Wants Rates In Writing to Avoid Misunderstandings. following In llio report of Bccro- tary.Wooil of the Promotion Commit tee, wlilcli Is submitted at n meeting of the Committee lipid this afternoon: "Honolulu, October 0, 1910. "Chairman ami Members, the Hawaii Prfimotjon Committee. "Dear Sirs: Ily the Lurllno tills) week we shipped a number of ciircs containing Rc'vctal thousand copies of our'dlffercnt folders for distribu tion on tho Pacific Const. Thcso will finally reach every town west of tho a klos from Nome to San Dlegn. II) tho Mongolia we will send out several thousand special cards, ad drersod to those whose business It lit to come In contact .with the trav eling public; following this work, about the first of November, with our riornl Pnrndo poster campaign. We nlready have Bcores of friends on the Pacific Coast talking Hawaii, men and women who are working for us with as much enthusiasm as though they were paid agents. They have vlsllcd the IslandB, enjojed their stay here, and lose no opportunity In suggesting' the trip to others. "Not a mall passes without letter being received requesting us to send our folders to komo friend or ac quaintance of the writer. Such mes- s.i gen us the following, from Georgo It. Ilrown, secretary of the Hoard of Trado of Llttlo Hock, Ark., are nioslj encouraging: " It may Interest jou to know that wo arc recommending tho "Crosi! Ho.ldu of tho Pa Ilia" as n winter resort.' "Regarding the proposed excur sion from Los Angeles, Mr. .'rank Wiggins, secretary of the hos Ange les Clumber of Commerce, writes under dato of September 23 as fol lows! " 'Uegardlng Honolulu excursion, tho committee reported favorably tol the boird of directors to'riiu an ex cursion to Honolulu, ns per my pre vious correspondence to )ou on the subject, but tho board refused to ac ccpt the steamer Queen, and asked for a proposition on a more modem nnd larger vessel, and up to this uiiiv nua ivicncu nu nuiu iruiu tun. ito-iit.. r-..n... unnH...i.i.. nM.... i' I atlllU V.CMBI OlCUlllBIIIl VUill'tlllJ . 1 am confident that If they would al low us to go ahead we could get up an excursion without any trouble. but they absolutely refuse to von sent to the use of nuy old boat. If there la any change In the situation I will wlro you Immediately. " 'I am rushing this on so that )ott can have tho Information as far as I can gtvo it. We are as busy us bees, and rushed to death. Thankr for jours of tho 8th giving quota tions from Hllo.' "Uegardlng the Seattle excursion, tho manager, Mr. W. W. King, writes under dnto of September 22 as fo! lows: "'Mr. Yandell turned oyer to me tho papers enclosed with jour letter of September S In relation to our proposed oxcurslon to tho Hawaiian Islands. "'Wo want to Impress upon ou that wo ran not devlato from our schedule owing to tho fac( that tho Pi luce Uupeit will have to return for the leguhr run of the (Irani Trunk service, not later than March I; therHforo our schedule will be n follows: I.eavo Srnttlo 2 p. in., IVh. iiijirj 2; leave Victoria tho same date at 11 p. m arriving at Hllo on tho morning of the 11th. Take train and stage, to tho crater and re main In that vicinity until afternoon" of febnu'ry 12 (the stny In Hl'o will ho prolonged If ou so advltei, iravlilg Hllo not later than midnight I'cbruan 12, arriving at Honolulu on tho forenoon of l'diruary 1.1; re main In Honolulu and vicinity until IVIiiuary 23, departing from thorn In the afternoon of that dato direct for Vlrtotli. We would Uiank jou to arrange jour plans and glvo full publl It y to the nbovo. " 'I note that the rato quoted t'io t.os Angeles Chamber, of $20, pro vides for threo dajs' 'stay at Hllo, Includes rail and stage fnro and ho tel expenses nt Hllo and nt tho en ter. So that there will bo no mis. tindoistnudlng I would ask you to obtain fiom the Volcano Stables & Transportation Co. n rato for not lc-i than 175 nor more than 2.10 people, to Include tho rail faro and etagq faro nnd tho stop nt tho crater, nil of wlili h must be performed between tho morning of 1'iiliruarj 11 nnd tho nftornoon of ruin nary 12, If wo hold lo present schedule, ns tho schedule provides for the departing from Hllo at midnight, l'ebruary 12, Wish jou would osk them to put their rates In writing, so there will bo no misund erstanding; also advise them not to IliUudo any hotel expenses ut Hllo, as the ship will bo at tho disposal of the passengers during their stay there and thoso who remain nshoia at Hllo aro nt their own expense. Ill view of the contemplated crowds that may askemhlo in Honolulu In attendance upon tho I'loral 1'arado ...v, ojnitfyfa t ntfni'iiiiAiftftfr Benjamin viy..- i"V"Tvl?iilwUv We give you a pretty pattern and put lots of style in your .suit and give The carnival, 1 would ask that jou mako reeervuttons at the various hotels to accommodate our party on the morn lug of the 13th until the 23rd, dur ing tho ten dajs' stny at Honolulu. The shore expenses ara to be borne, by the excursionists ind are not In cluded In our rate, nnd If jou will havo the various hotel pioprlctors advise jou In detail their rates and mall me sulllclcnt literature, I wll arrange the distribution of same on the Prtn e lluport before arrival lu Honolulu. There Is no question but what we will havo a full ship of rep-J rescntutive business men nnd their wives, as the bookings nro comlm In very rnpldlj. ( " 'I wnnt to avoid as mu h ns pos sible aiiy misunderstanding, ns that nivvnjs inars mo pleasure oi nu e ciirslon. "'This week Mrs. lieidlen Is giv ing lectures In Vancouver; she In doing very gnml work nnd croitlng lots of Inquiries.' I would nsl; that at least copies of folders be sent on the next direct sieamor to this offlce ns the present supply Is getting very low. llelween now and the flri-t of lanu.lry wn can use tit least in, 000 of jour folders." CHINESE LAD IS SHOT BY ACCIDENT This evening ut 7 o'clock an Inquest will bo held nt the pollio htutlon Into tho rimso of the ileith of n soveiiteen-yeai'-old Chlnei.o boy iiamed Un Kill It appears that late yesterday after noon tho lad and two other bojs were plajlng with a gun out on Kiihikaim nvqnuo, nnd In somo way tho weapon was dlschurgul mid blew Iaio Kill's head off. Death was Instantaneous nnd tho other lads, being terrified, ran away and reported the matter. A coroner's Jury viewed tho leinulns this morn ing, and the Bight was it vory unpleas ant one, as the head of tho lad was badly shuttered .. MXh'in: 'iomijiit, . . Tho Itoyal Dancing Academy will glvo a necktie and apron dunce nt Odd Kellows Hull this evening. Iho fent u ro that distinguishes this of a dante f i oiii any other is that the choice of partners Is left to choice Tho ladles are all requested to bring neckties that will bo matched with tho aprons that the fair danccm wear The music will be furnished by an Hawaiian quintet club and (lie danc ing will begin promptly ut S o'clock i II it I let In I' lloom I'lmne 2185 II a 1 1 1' tin lluiliiiHs (irtlie Plioue 2250. ijjm jtli Your . I. 6 WJ .""-S.L'-iV'';",''UVr' ' Clothes , you a perfect OHIO VALLEY EXPOSITION. MAIN ENYRiNCB rjnMPosmoN CINCINNATI, Bopt With th Hon this je.ii' dlspHj could bo " " nn ...i.. ...... 1Sj3Rk no milAamMMK hum' Tt ' k ill t iwSBi tS'wiini JiIBi!4&t "' " "" " i-"'-"- ii"n in Ainiricii. tnu uispiay ni uio boiiiiiern siaies particularly la mnro olatioc uto than usual As, iho i.illio.iih peiietialug thai fortllo part of tho United Stutes ha taken great in itiKm 111 luu.uiiiiuuiuu, nun inn iiiiiiii'ruv'Miiiui loiujMio iu,vrjui) vviiu .. .,. ,.,Liift.A a&tmwtoH Suit fit in your suit rson RFST im yparo OPENED WHEN COLONEL ROOSEVELT' ATTENDS. tttwcijyfmttmjmmvi " huii'1 v sX9f-vmmwmmwmmmm.. iiiwii' i iiiM 0 Ult )f fnrnior President Thcodoro Itcxikovelt o tho Ohio Valley oxposl.j sal.i to bo most auspiciously opened, ..nVii i,j- uKiicuiiuriKiH uiaiiiiiaciiirurK 1 tittM&&jwm A ' ,. Ill v IJlJ fUtfi, Ml jjji'i for never In tho history of tho city havo nun ouiers inun an pans or uio great, miwo or. lormcr jojih. ,4 A If , titaiiLiuxi:, 1 i ' " Ml nil ! III!