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....r.w.ltiyiqillipj jl w 4 EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. IT.. THURSDAY, OCT. C. 1910. Evening Bulletin DAILY and WEEKLY Published by BULLETIN PUBLISHING CO., LTD. At 120 King Street, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii. Daily every day except Sunday. Weekly issued on Tuesday of each week. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PBESS. Wnllnce R. Fnrrlnijton, - Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. HOMES FOR SALE Money-Saving Attractions 1 Palama, small house and lot $ COO 2 Palama, houtc and lot.... 000 3 Kaimuki. house and lot. . 1200 4 Kalihi, house and lot.... 1800 5 Kaimuki, house and lot.. 2000 0 Kat'muki, house and lot.? 2200 7 Makiki, house and lot. . 2700' 8 Matlock Avenue, house and lot , 2900 At JORDAN'S SALE uvuixiNci uuuuirri.N Per Month, an)where In US 78 PnUuiiltr, mjwhei.lnUS..... 3,uu P Vw, nv litre In OS H.oo fl Veil, )Krtl.aiJ, foreign 13. uo WBUKL.Y UULLUTIN ret Si Monut O .no Ter Ye.r, inywbetc In U S. .. .. I.oo Per Yeir inrwhcrc n Canidt... I. Ho Per Yttr pfttpald. foreign 3.m ,'V CIRCULATION LARGEST OF ANY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED in the Territory of Hawaii. -- 1 Editorial Rooms, 1 I. Business Office, 2185 2256 entered at the fottofflce at HoDolola m iecondltS9 natter. THURSDAY e .OCTOBER G. 1910 Thrones crjishcd to earth do not rise again l'ortugnl Is undoubtedly destined to become one of tho repub lics of Europe Under tills form of go eminent the progressho spirit of tho I'ortuguese should gain full sway and rcatoro tho lost prestige of tlio nation In tho world's politics DELEGATE Hon. J. K. Kalanianaolc. " SENATORS Chas. ChilliiNjworth, Cecil Brown, A. F. Jtitltl, A. S. Kalciopu. HOUSE OF REPRESENTA TIVES lohn K. Kamanotilu, E. A. C. Long, A. Q. Marcallino, Ed Towsc, Norman Watkins, William Williamson, Frank K. Archer, A. L. Castle, S. P. Correa, Edwin Fernandez, Chas. Kanekoa, S. K. Mahoc. MAYOR John C. Lane SHERIFF Andrew Cox. CITY ATTORNEY John Cathcart. TREASURER Robert W. Shingle AUDITOR James Bicknell CITY CLERK D. Kalauokalani, Jr. SUPERVISORS Chas. N. Arnold, Makanoe C. Amana, Samuel C. Dwicjht, Frank Kruger, Eben P. Low, Harry E. Murray, James C. Quinn. DEPUTY SHERIFFS Honolulu Wm. K Simerson. Waialua Oscar ,Cox., Koolaupoko Frank"Pahia. Waianae J. K. Klpau. Ewa John Fernandez. Koolauloa L. K. Jlaone. Cheering neMs from the bedside of Senator Ii rollctto Is n sourco of tomfort to thousands of Americans Tills man has done a great work for his country, nnd let us hopo that the surgeons hate put him In such shapo that ho will bo nblo tn tnkc up tho battle for tho people with renewed energy. Tho country Is likely to need him, tor the Presidency In the not far distant future. Japan continues to get her share of I law alls business with foreign na- lions Of our t2,R",2,74S of trado with foreign nations for the socn months ending with July, 11,100,741 was with Japan This was an Increase of near ly ninety thousnnd dollars over the same period Inst jear Despite the claim that our Japaneso population Is steadily decreasing, through returns to Japan, the purchasing power of those remaining lins Increased. SAVE DOLLARS BY BUYING NOW Trent Trust. Co., Ltd. FOR SALE Very desirable home, comer Pensacola and Kinau streeti. Your choice of two proper ties. Call at our office and we will take you out to see them. The price it right and 'terras oanibc arranged. Bishop Trust Co., Ltd. BETHEL STREET The grandeur of life may come through its combats, but its sweet ness comes through the cheery portal of content. Robert Collyer. Millions fur Hawaii nro what Ku- hlo has obtained Why should the , pioplo exchange u Million Getter for ii Mult. OUR AUTOMOBILE BILL. Hawaii has set n pace In tho pur chase of automobiles that probably cannot bo equaled by any community of the samo population In the United States. Honolulu residents frequent ly comment on the remarkable In crease as slidwp by the num bering of automobiles that Is now ap proaching the six hundred mark. Kien more Impressive than tho new machines one sees on the streets -nro the figures furnished by the Federal statisticians who keep track of our total Imports of mer chandise from tho mainland Kor the seven months ending with July, Hawaii's Imports of automobiles Increased from S2!U,931 In 11109 to 143l,rGS In 1910. For tho same per iod in 11)08 the purchases amounted to J1CC,7IG. "Tim rato of -nearly one hundred per contjK-ulBo noted In the total for th month of July. Kor July WO!) our automobile purchases amounted to $18,298; for July 1910, the purchases were $32,130. This record Is to some extent an Indication of tho great prosperity en Joyed In'tud Islands, but we have also to remember that the automobile Is no longer classed ns a luxury In tho general business of the community. Meri of means and some without means drhe luxurious motor cars, but In the every day business life of tho city nnd tho Islands nt inrgo tho auto Is a necessity. It nils tho trans portation gap while tho people aro waiting for tho railroads. ' Wireless HAS ANNIHILATED TIME AND SPACE Chairman Tawncy, of tho Committee on Appropriations, was strongly op posed to the application of nny of those funds for the benellt of Hawaii. Hut, through the personal appeuls and influence of the Delegate, his friends defeated Chairman Tawney and Hawaii got the benefit of n share of those I'ederal appropriations that had hitherto been used only on the mainland. Tnwney, who was then defeated, has since been defeated for renominatlon as u member of Con gross, nt his own home. Delegate Kti lito, on tho other hand, will bo re elected to another term In Congress by a larger majority than he has ecr had. APPROPRIATIONS PROVE HOW HE WORKED llaso jour sugar stock lincstmonls on thrco-und-ono-hnlf-cent sugar and you can't go far wrong for tho com iilng ooison "Nothing doing" Is tho sign Doss iMcX'andlcss would find hung out nt itho V)ilto House, f ho wero sent ns tin Democratic Delegnto to Congress. The list of iictnmpllsliiiients Hint Delegate Kuliln has to his credit Is not equaled by nil voting member of '(tho United Stales Congress He can keep up tho good woik If returned to 1 1 Congress. Delegnto Kuhlo was In Knu looking aftcr the business of tho people nt iio tlmo Doss McCnndlcsB wns In Washington talking about a land bill 'thutTVtn tlio Democrats on the Ter ritorial Committee refused In accept. I'robnhly Hohs MiCandless will tell fJ-ttlio people that they linvii no need for tho government scheme for inarket- Miik farm products nil they liavo tn '..' . . ... ..... ..... -... .....,... 00.13 oenu in mm, uui auer election twill be dltteront. 1 'S DELEGATE STOOD FOR PROGRESS (Continued from Pace 1) credit for the Insertion In tho Amend ed Organic Act of the paragraph re lating to twenty-flvo or more porsons applying for homesteads Ho is til ing hard to gat boiuo credit some where. Hut tho facts urn that the clause was adopted when the hill was ln"tlio hands of tho sub-committee of tho House of Representatives, such sub-commltteo consisting of four Re publicans and two Democrats. Tho four Republicans went Into cnucus with Delegate Kuhlo present These Itopubllcniis framed and adopted that clausu relating to homesteads when thero was not ono Democrat present Utter, when tho full committee mot, the Democrats conceded Hint it was n good tiling, approved nnd voted for It. Hut it originated with nnd wns pre pared by Delegate Kuhlo nnd the Re publicans CII.IIHSIIX TAN.NKV OlKIICOUi:. It Is Interesting to know how Ha waii secured tho Federal appioprla- tlons for Soils, Survey and Irrigation. (Continued from Page 1) bor (for preliminary sur ey) Lighthouses, Kllnuea I'olnt And Improvements id other lights , Members dt Legislature Increase of pay from $100 to IG00 each. Total County of Hawaii, Drcakwntcr Preliminary Survey 3,00.1 rirst contract Second contrnct ........ 200,000 3,000 4 51.000 $jfj A good Fountain Pen makes writing a pleasure We carry in stock r 'nm plete line of WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS And CONKLINtTS SELF-FILL1NQ FOUNTAIN PENS ' Every Pen Guaranteed H. F. Wichman & Co.. Ltd., Leading Jewelers ,F0RT STREET Federal DnlMIng 200,000 1 03,000 Lighthouses. (Improvements nnd ni- prnprlntlnns In sight for largo light nt cast point of K'linn. County of Oahu. Mllllnrv Defenses ,.$ 3,750.00.) Naval Defenses (Including l'earl Harbor nnd Di- dock) 7.2"in,OO0 Federal Dnlldlng nnd Site. l.TiO.flflO Dredging Honolulu Harbor, 1,150 nno Light houses Mnknpiiu Light , 00,000 Honolulu Harbor Light.. .10,000 llango & Harbor Llghtit.. 10,000 Immigration Station Ilulld- lugs :. -10,000 Quaiantlno Sfntlnii Dulld- Ings nnd Wharf 223 000 Muilno Darr.icks IS',000 $14,0-0,000 For Whole Territory, Lighthouse Tender $ 175,000 Hxpcnses of I.eglslntuic. (Two Sessions) Moloknl. Dncteilohiglcal Sta tion Moloknl. Dactcilologlcal Sta tion luntntcnanco J early. 00,000 150.000 .r,ooo $ 420,000 Tolnl redoral appropriations sccur- cd by Delegnto Kuhlo during Ills throo Waterhouse Trust REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MAKIKI DISTRICT, KEWAL0 STREET Desirable Building lot, 100 by 225. Price... .$3500 WAIKIKI BEACH Lots with GO feet frontage. Two or three left at $7500 KAIMUKI On 3rd Avenue, New Bungalow on the instal- ' ment plan nt $3250 Waterhouse Trust Girls' Coats, in cloth and waterproof, at $1.75, $2.50, $3.50, to $7.50 Women's Rubberized Coats, $9.50, $12.50, $15.50, $16.50 Silk Petticoats guaranteed, $3.95, $4.50 to $6.50 Lingerie Dresses, $3.50, $4.50, $5, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50 $10.50, to .$50 $2.50 values in White Under Skirts, $1.50 Pure Silk Hose, deep garter top, lisle feet, 65c pair Ready-Made Sheets, full size, 65c, 75c, 90c Pillow Slips, 42x36, fine quality, $1.50 dozen' r", ? $1.00 value in Table Damaski 68 in. wide, 65c"; ' i ! Drawn Work Tea Cloths, worth $2.50, at $1.25 Another Case of the Bargains in Hand Bags, $1 to$6.50 35c quality in Arnold's Dotted Swiss Dress Goods, 20c. Table Napkins, 22x22, at $1.50 dozen Children's Initial Handkerchiefs, box, 6 for 15c 75c quality in Fine Lisle Hose, all colors, 6 pairs $2.50 Lace Lisle Hose, 8V2 to 10, worth 20c, at 10c pair 75c value in Silks, all colors, 372C , French Silks, regular $1:75 values, lots of colors, 95c yd Rub Dry Towels, 50c, 75c and $1.00 , . ""'; ' l LACES ! LACES ! KMU I.?" Thousands of pieces of New Laces, trimmings, and A Hovers at Special Prices this week positiye bargains every yard we are showing. Our Lace Dfe- -: partment is kept busy all the time, because the prices we are selling Laces for during this Sale is far below regular value. OUR GUARANTEE ALWAYS STANDS GOOD viz: " Money returned if not well satisfied " JORDAN'S terms In Congress: Island. Knunl Maul Hawaii Amount ... Pl.iiOO .... 2O-O0O .... 803,(1110 Oahu 11,000,0011 Territory 420,00.0 Total 1 5,528.000 This la nt tho rato of ?2.G00,(i00 a j car, moio than doulilo llio amount Hint tlio Tcirllory nas in tlio Ted (ral Government In Customs Du'les and Internal Hoenuo ' Included In Oaliu appropriations aro all llio nrmy and nny, Immigra tion and nuarnntlno cxpendltmoi which ienll belong to tho wlinlo Tci- lllory. Tor tlio hentnt of tho whole terri tory may piopeil) rbo Included tho nillltniy nnd nnvnj dofeiscs, Immigra tion, nil iran(lno nnd lighthouse woik, harlioi appropilatlons, iiiniluo hnspltnl i-eivlro nnd Inei cased sain) lea fur gorrnnr, sicrotniy, Judges ns well as tho appropriations foi llio legislature, SPRECKELS ASKS ABOUT FEDERAL SITE again upsetting the Mnlmka slta plans, to which noth ho nnd Kuhlo appear to bo firmly bound by the) temis of their "hurry, up" cables and letteis to Vashington in which piompt nitlon for tho leondemnntlon of tho l'ort street property was urged. 3IVTTKII or si:x. Tho U ort and Merchant 8treti 2s- truth to it man U what ho knows To u woman 'tis what sho bellexes; And that's tho reason, let us suppose, Why oft a woman lierholf doccluis ii .SI I I.I, l!.N.SMi:itKl. ' I.IIUh Willie "Say, pat" l'a "Well, what Is It, my sou?" I.lttlo Willie "If uugols .fear tn tread whero fools rush In, whyidon't tbey uso their wings?" (Continueil from Pace 1) llttlo moio than tho present Mnhukn site, eicluslvo of tho 1'oit street holdings, would realize nt sale. This, tho Governor stilted, would lcao the $"..'0,000 that hns been ap pioprlatcd for tho enlargement of thi) lite, by tho acquisition of tho Toil stieet land, practically untouched and nmKu it avallablo liorhaps for increasing tho building appropria tion. Whon nsKed if ho worn fnorablo to tho plan, (Unci nor I'rcar stated that ho has nluns beon for tho Ma huk.i site, but. that if public senti ment was fnvorablo to tlio plan as outlined ho was willing' to ndhcro to any prepondoiatlne cxpicsslon of public opinion that might bo made, When nsl.ed what courso might be adopted lo secure an opinion on the pint of tho public ho btated that perhaps a meeting of tho commer cial bodies was tho only method by. which n icsult (ould be nirived nt. i fiinernnr 1'ieur rerused t,o lomnilt filniiclf 'na to tho advisability of J .. .........t NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Every copy of the Eve n- " ing Bulletin served on the city carriers' routes should reach the subscriber by 5:30 ? p. m. Subscribers who fail to receive tiie' paper1 by this time will cwifer a favor upon ftS the Bulletin circulation department by telephoning complaints to 2250. A special messenger will doliver the Bulletin after this hour when name and address of -v subscriber are given. : , :: "When you fee Uko swelling up Just stop and think that you are only ono ninety-millionth part of tlio pop ulation of tills country, Schenec tady Union. m i George U Kohorts of Chicago took tho oath of ofllco ns director of tho mint ut Washington, tlio position ho held until ho resigned to become pres ident of tho Commercial National bank of Chlcngo ' MmitikltfMrtntamiikMtiMmtitim ItrMiffiflMJlltei .iJi&i. .