Newspaper Page Text
I I Let Us Ease Your Feet The "Up Lift" Arch Support will make walking caiy for persons whose feet aro flat from broken nrches. Supposed rheumatism is ortcn the result of flattened onhes. The "Up Lift" Will correct the trouble and make walking a pleasure. There arc dozens of Honolul i citizens enjoying "Constitutionals" who formerly patronized hacks. These Arches are not fads just scientific! principles in action and making gocd. $2.00 a Pair MclNERNY SHOE STORE FORT STREET, JAS. W. PRATT ("Pratt, the Land Man") REAL ESTATE ' TIRE INSURANCE i GENERAL AUCTIONEER it t RENTS COLLECTED LOANS NEGOTIATED STANGENWALD BUILDINO 125 Merchant Street,, Honolulu Rcalflstatc Everywhere I City and Suburban Magoon Bros., TRUSTS, REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTIONS Corner Merchant and Alakea Streets Bargain Offer I offer (or Immediate sale, a largo T. mid ( IIOUSi: at Knpalmlu, Knl nniKI, Corner lot, 10,000 mi. ft, Two bedrooms, modern plumbing; Rood Mill; btimo funco. Perfect tlllo. OrlB 1 nal cost, $2900; now $1300. P. E. R. STRAUCH 74 S. King Street Waity Building Stop Paying Rent See the HAWAIIAN HEA1TY CO. riioitc 2553 83 Merchant St. $500 to $15,000 C. L Systematizer, Notary Public, Agent to Grant Marriage Licnses, Hawai. Jan Interpreter and Translator OITICE Judiciary Bide. HOURS 0 a. m. to 4 d, m. CHANG CHAU GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. INTERPRETER, NOTARY PUBLIC Offlcc Comer Hotel and Smth btrccts. P. 0. Box 040. Phone 2380. P. II. BURNETTE Com'r of Deeeh for California nd j Hew York; NOTARY PUBLIC; urant Marmfce licenses; Dwwi MorVK'HgM. DrrJi, BilU of Sale Leases, Wills, Eta Attorney for the District Courts 79 MERCK ANI IT HONOLULU, PHONE, 1Q10, ! '! . Etc-Etc UlMitriVtMfh ABOVE FING WHEN IN HEED OF Paper of any description Phone 1410 HONOLULU'C LARGEST PAPER HOUSE -AMERICAN-HAWAnAN PAPER & SUPPLY CO., LTD, Fort and Queen Streets GEO. G. GUILD Manager Make Your Money Work Thero'a an old and well known sajlng timt no mail cm cer get rlih on i salary. Hut many u man has Bated enough on n salary to sturt In for liltrself In a mcceBs. ful business, unci tunny a man has sncd enough to niiil.u a inontaliln Inu'stment that btnrtcil lilm on the road to financial Independence, Tho secret In to start sav- i v 4 HKV . V Wo will help joii. Wo pay I'j per runt Inlcicst on eav digs dcpojItB. Bank of Hawaii, Ltd. Fort and Merchant Stieets Capital a nil Surplus, $1,0(10,000 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE A J." I'ollcy I'ro a ml a small gum deli nioutli procmo ou u splendid Accident and BRlcness I'ollcy. ' Wo only iibIc nil liucstlgallou, ' Insurance Department J Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd.- 023 FORT STREET MARTIN GRUNE, REAL ESTATE AGENCY 83 Merchant St. Telephone 2780 fyk mem t&L&WkCU. Wm. Williamson, Stock and Bond Broker, 83 MERCHANT STREET Phone 1482 ,P. 0. Box 528 Honolulu Stock Exchange Thursdaj, Oct. fl. NAMB 01' STOCK. MUItCANTII.R Wil. Ailccl C. lliowor&Co HUOAIt. Kwal'lantntlonOo llanallin Agrlc. Co Han. Com & Sht Co . Hawaiian SiunrCn Hoiiomn Sugni Co .... Honnkn.i Rugir Co Hnlku Sugar Co Hutchinson Pu,:ar Plant. Kahuku t'lantntlon Co. . , Koknua Sugar Co Koloi Sugar Cc MclJrjdaSugirCo Onliu Sitcnr Co Onomea Sugar Co O' - Pugar Co. Ltd ,. . C' walu Co Ii 'ilnn Sugar 1'Iant Co. 30 ' 31 'i JO I J5 "lo I'4 I '7 II I"' Hi Id si id 3S'l 40 22 rit:nc Sugar Mill I'il Plantation Pn PicekooSugirCo l'lrnccr Mill Co WMnlua Agrlc. Co I 111 112' 1'1.1'i ,113 too 2JO no w.i'luku Sugar Co .. . . Walmaualo Sugar Co ... Wulmea Sugar .Mill Co .. Ml8f!l'i.i.Afrnmi Inter-Inland SlenmN. Co. 107'. 118 Hawaiian i:iectilc Co ... Hon It. T & I. Co , I'rcf IIin It. T fL I. Hn rum o?!, 07 S Mutual Telephoti" Co . . . n ii.i. i 0 . I , l IMO I ll I 31 W IIIlO It It CO. Pfd .... '7 to Mh 21 U Hlln It It I'm P,,m Hon IJ &. JI fjo '. '. Hawaiian PIncuiplu Co. . Talijong Olok It (J pd up do donssCJ pd . Pahang Hub Co (I'd) . I'uhnng " (Abb 4UX Pd) IIONIJP Hnw.Ter.4 (PI re CI).. Hav.Tcr.4, , Haw.Ter.4VU Hhv Tcr 4V6 , Hnw.Ttr. 3Vi Cal Meet Sug A lit f. Co. ( HnninkuaDIUl' Co, Uppti Ditch Us Ilaw.Itrgtn Co.Ca .. .. Haw. Com tang. Co. 5 . Hllo II. II. Co.. Ivmio l'JUl lllloltm. Co., Con 15"... Honokaa Sugar Co., . , , Hon. II. T. . I. Co.G, ... Kiiimi lty. Co. Cs KolinlaUltchCo.Cs Mcllrj do Sugar Co. Cs . . . Mutual Tel, Cg Oahull. 41. Co 6 ... . Oaliu Sugar Co 7, ... . Ol.ia Sugar Co. d IMc. Bug. Mill Co. lis Pioneer .VI 1 1 Co. ti, . .. WnlaluaAgrlc Co. 5. .. '1024 102!,' 98 IOJ yY 91 101 SAI.IiS Dctnccn lloirds. 50 Haw Pine Co J3I2-,; SO Wnlalu i, $I13C0, 23 Oahu Sug Co, J29 37V4, fi3 Oaliu Sug. Co, J29 23; 40 Oahu Sug Co.. 529 25. 100 Ollm Su,' Co, $2'J. 100 Onhu Su' Co, $29, BO Ollm Sug, Co $29; 15 Walalua, 5113, 73 Walnliio $113 50. 25 W.ilntin Xllsr.n m w,i. nlui, ,$11350; 10 Wulaliu, $113 50, 20 waiiiiua, iijuu; ;inu llonokai, $11.50; 30 Honokaa. $14.50; 23 ll'imikiiit, 411.50; 40 Pioneer, $212 50; $7000 Ho nokaa Ch, $102,50. Session SalcH! 10 Wnlalun, $112.50; 15 Walnltn. $112 50; 15 Oahu Bug. Co $20; lq'Oihu Su;. Co, $29; 10 Ohn $D 50. Mi:MO Oct. fi 1910. Ily oto of tho dlroctoiH tho dlvldunls or Horn knn Sus ir Co. Iinvo been dlscuutluuod until Iiirther notice Latest sugar quotation 3 95 centa or $79 00 per ton. 3.95cts. Seets, 9sll 3-4ii HENRV WATER1100SE TftUSl 0. Members Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS Telephone 1208 STOCKS AND BONDS Trent Trust Co., limited MEMBER HONOLULU STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE Harry Armitage Stock and Bond Broker Memlier ot Honolulu Stock and Uond Hxchango Campbell Block, Merchant Street Giffard & Roth STOCK AND BOND BROKERS Members Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange Stangcnwald Bldg,, 102 Merchant St, ,JU,ito.jiiiH1fcil Copyright rurtgcbifTiff & Mart LOCAL AND GENERAL The nickel tablet sold by the Bulletin is the biggest and best tablet for school work that can be found. 1 One Two Hlght One. 1 M. llnrk Stand, I'huiir 1152. Mexican school hats at Mm. Dick onou's Try n case ot Pincctar. It Is pure Phono 1557. Mlbs Woodnanl hag n full line of Shut Ian I, Gurtnantonn and Saon w col W I.. K.iton of the lliillctlii of fice h 18 n fnrnlfhed cottiiKe on Alcna Heights for rent. MlB. Charles lloURhton, mother ot Mrs. Seymour Hall, it expected to Hpnnd Uie winter In Hawaii If ;ou want a good Job Uono on on auto or carriage take It to Hawaiian Carrlago Mf. Co.. 427 Queen St. Tor distilled water, Hire's Ioot Beer and all other popular drinks. It'.ns up Phono 2171. Consolidated Soda Works. . Sixteen cnxex Wore on tho Police Court calendar this morning, hut most of theni were sent ocr till fu ture dates. Seeiity hordes, to nrrho October 14, per S. S, Hyades. For particulars see mhertlsement Cluli Stables. Telephonp 1109 Wanted to rent a house cither with in easj leach of town or In Munui Tho lilchcsl refercrces rurnlnlicd'and cactud, Appt P O Ilox 589. Sumo of the inc."! cxciulslto I.hiKorlo Diesses over hrousht to Honolulu nro now helni; shown In the Indies' Oar mint Section of &achs' 111k Store. Tho regular monthly mectlnK of tho Frcu KlndrrKartcn anil Children's Aid Association will bo held Friday morning at tho Y W C A. rooms. HcKlstratlun of utors will close Saturday night. The registration hu l can Is located Iti one of thil Alakea stlcct storej of tho Knplolanl build. Ing The funeral sen lees for tho Into A P Watson will he held Saturday a" four o dork at K. II. Mc(norn's, 245 School street. Friends and acqualn lances lospectfullj Invited to nttond Mr. and Jin. l.yinnn returned to Ililo on tho Wllhilmlnu yesterday, Mrs. I.ymau hns been under treatment nt tho Queen's Hospital for soma threo weeks. Her tompleto recovery Is now assured The devokes of the forcliutlng -lit of PjrnKrnphy will lno a rare clnnco to compute their outfits h) buyns ut u cllscnunt of 25 .'ni of tho articles displaed In tho window or tho Hono lulu Photo Suppl) Co Tho usual Sundav eenlcrs were held on tho Wlllic-Iuilnit during tho trip down from tho Coast Tho 'sum of (97 was taken up and, upon arrival here, was turned oer to the Seamen's Institute by Purser Drew t The tuso against Fugll, who Is charged with i Mug recclc' stolen goods from Tin Hoon, II. notorious escaped prisoner who was recaptured on tho Slerru, w'ns sent over for trial till tomoirow morning at tho Pollco Court this morning I Yen Vu Kouk, one of Iho bunili of Koreans who kept the Pollco Court busy a few weeks ago, was discharged from custody this morning by Judge Andrnde; tho principal witness for tho prosecution was not on hand so the matter dropped j Tho Hawaiian Kleclrlc Compiny hereby glo notice that on account of certain nllerntlnns In the steam lino nt the power plant, pecesidtated bytljQ Installation of n new Vet.tInghousr' tmhlilo geneintor theto will bo n coin Plato shutdown on nil electric linos, not In exceed ten bonis on Bnndn Octnbor 91b cnmuicuciu!; at o u m iss Kate Woodard, STAMPWO, EMBROIDERY AND NOTIONS 1141 Fott Street pHK HART J .style that who helps in the making. There is the tailor who knows best how to fashion the sleeve another who has mas tered the art of putting on'the collar. Some touch only the business suit and others fashion the evening dothes. It is this specializing that has made the Hart Sehaflncr & Marx clothes the leaders and in our stock you will" find the very clothes you want. Silva's Toggery,, Ltd., ' - Klks' Building, I Heavy Rains to your yard unless, proper filling and gradr ing has been done. jr is the, time, tp have -your lot Ji vR W leveled. ofF, your, grounds put in shape, and everything gotten' ready for the winter rains. I have complete equipment for all kinds of -grading and filling plows, harrows, port-" n able track and dump cars. The men I em ploy are capable, and all wor,k is done under the supervision of an experienced engineer. Estimates Furnished P. M. POND WANT5 WANTED. Ilcokkeeper wanted for Olna store. Apply lllshop & Co , agents, Ilox 287, Honolulu 4712-lw Furnished house for threo or four mouths li u reliable pirtj. Ad diess "II, H.", this olllto. FOR RENT. Furnished cottage nti Alewn Heights, Inqilho of W 1. Haton, tlulleXlu ollke, between 12 and 1. 4712 tf MEN'S CLOTHING.' Men's clothing on credit, II per week; suit given nt once, I Lev) Outfitting Co, Sachs build Ing, Fort street. 4742-tf NEW - TO-DAY NOTICE. Waialua Agricultural Co,, Ltd. Tho stock hooks of tho AValuluu Agricultural Co Ltd. will be cloheil tn transfers Prldu), October 7, 1910, at 12 o'clock noon to Saturday, Oc. tober 15, 1910, Inchmhe ("HAS II ATIICUTON Treasurer Wnlalun Agilrultural Ci Ltd 1712 It Oy"For Rent" cards on sale at the Bulletin office. Misaim iifcWtU'lA WSiJftrfi'lMWii' iliifcHfi irl ttti SCHAFFNKR 5c MARX clothes have a snows the specialized skill ol each tailor King St. Skeetgo is the name of n . contrivance on which BUHAC it burned without leaving an unpleasant odor. There it juit enough mosquito po'san in the fumes to send them scamp. cring. Seventy-Five Cents Benson, Smith fc Co., FORT AND HOTEL STREETS BEEF NONE BETTER QR0WN ANYWHERE, AND WE KEEP IT SO IT GOES' TO YOU IN GOOD FORM AND WELL FLAVORED, Wo une Australian Uuttor of excellent quality. Metropolitan HEILBR0N LOUIS Telephone 1814 Telephone i 75 will do seri ous damage From Parker Ranch Meal Market .Proprietor? ttoJkimk. i ( m i A ti JVl