Newspaper Page Text
USE yW V pTWP!W " JR, c nvrcvt.vo nut i,i:tin. Honolulu, t h.. Tiit'itamY, oct. g, tato. f t.. ;i-v - - -t ,., m mmammmmtnmmEtmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmm I I I iJ H st inn i iiittii 1 v -rmrmrwi utii i hi iiii i niniTniiii o ! & it i I WILLNUI MUl Lh hK dllLLINM VT I I ICVAt Tin I K" H ' ' , ff KArrQ SqIP . I Condcmnlno .Witness Will PITR! IsHFIl 1 1 Kerr's Sale Closes Saturday, Oct. 8 DR. GRANT WILL NOT TALK Condemning Witness Will Be Brought To Testify. WANTS HER LETTER For Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female Ills NEW YORK LEGISLATORS ARE SUBJECTS OF PROBE FOR GRAFT I9HN 'HmviiSffl&x Wmy'S'fw m. cole) NKW Vo:iK, Sopi. s.-Xow that llio Icglsl.illvu cimnillico appointed tu bcaich fur euliloncu or gralt unions thcii tullujBUfi n:u tulc ujlleors Iiaa ccmmictwil Ua liuanuga Ricat Interest ' I J liehii; ukcii In tu.' uiiteuiiiu. Iliu tnokti ol KUfiiKwoml .t CunnlDSlittni, ttocklirjii'jn, to lutvu liccn f.uoif.l witii llio uii-oiinta of cuer.U IcKiHlninrti nlia iiil- rii,i9U'i1 to liivo one of Hum- wltncsbco on,l b Bald In favcieil v iluiii k-.'lK atliin siiiir.lit U iao tllrrlc-oil iimdi of a foiibtatloiiitl public sntvlfo (oiiurilluiia, lno liopn intnr" M l.lim lliuce. chief conns"! oiatuliiul, nml cttMiil wltiiuuvi liao for tlm itintnilllv, U proli.iiB tlio toM of (lie truiuarllJiM of llio acona fli.ili;cs Willi 'Vim atitt pidinUun to rl IcsiBlatitD. William v. Col- war Ko In tlio very liiltom of llio clinrsci. H Awtii i'r. A.-N.tklii x&r llvlilcncc Is liclng tnlioti of ulhipi.n'.'i wlio li.ivci Ijcoii lialtcd Into roiirt In coiiticitton with the Eva Swnn iiiunlcr ease In San Francliico Is hrliiRhiK tu llRht n chnptcr nt crime that la revolting In the cx licinc. Kvn Swan, who wns formerly a echuul teacher In tlio schools at l'aso ltublcD, went to San I'riuiclieo and cmk.irciI cluplojiiicnt with n city firm In the cnp.i Ity of Btenosriiplior, l'lve montlis iific) Mies Swan ilroppcd out of eight, mid fur a time nothing was thought of her disappearance. In-' iiulilcs were then commenced. WliciilprcwBtroiigcr.auilulihllitliri'ijnioiilhj SllfK Swan first dlmiiuicarcil It warn A V" " 1" '"? '., ' " " Mlnnrapolls, Minn. "I w.Tn crent nlTorer ironi fmnnla tronblrs wliicli lmiclnifv. jiat I.Mlla K I'liiKlintu's fg. I'tablc (lunipntnid had done for rulTcrliig uuiiit-n I lelt Mire II would bi'lptiic. mull mint ii KAPAA LEASES . STILL IN AIR Land Board Finds More Time to Get Hold of Facts Is Necessary. thought Unit slio gone back t3 Cam Hohles, but persons fiom that town asking for the joung Incly noon ret the police busy on the scent which resulted tu the nrrcst of Dr. (Irant. Kvn Swan sought Dr. Uiunt linin mviirnlliiii iinpritrinml t Ii iittiv uii ujri;i iiiivm iiut iniiiivti tittb -r . . j . , , wodld Mo her from the toiuo."tiX JIV""', ' "f Z' ffi, iiuenues of Indiscretion. Dr. Grant,1 trrsiliiglllspeclillartolhidrscxshoiiM the police liavo Information, attempt- not loso sight of tlioje facts or doubt ed tu perform un illegal uporatlon. I'm I1''1,11 "' I.Hn K. l'inkliam's The girl died on his updating tablo.l,,1;'1"0 """Ihiuiiu vu rcjiuro ineir To shield hlmwlf frun. the effects of if "u wnnt ,.,rc,n, n,iv,co wrto viiis caiiiiuiiy. ur. uraiu, wivn ins u.. Mr. IMnklmni, nt I.vnii, .llnst. ilutant, u outh named WIlllaiii'siiOMllItrontjourlcttcrnivRtricU.v Snack, who illi.iiipcircd, hut has roiillilciitlul. For iJO yours lio rime been located in SIMou conn- J'"" ,,,, liclpliiir nick woiiirn In tv in ked tlm built of the clrl In i1 ll, wny, frcn nf clinrge. Don't l, pa ked tlio noil of ii o j,in in jicsltato write at once, trunk. They then tented the huuso nt ::::" Kuiek.i stieet unit carried the , S""-" !TT?? trunk thcio under cover uf night. The two men lived In the cottage for a month anil a day. During that time they toie up a section of the wood flooring of the basement. Wheic It had been they dug a filial; low hole, throwing the earth they icuiuved Into n pile In the yard out f lilo. When the hula was dug they saturated tlio earth with nitric acid. Thou they took tlio body of llio girl f i on? tiic trunk, wrapped it in a blanket niul flung It Into the hole. They toteied It with looso earth mid poured In moro nitric ncld. Then oter the grnvo they bad dug they built a cement Hour four Inches thick. Ijick of Insinuation ii'.i to the ro- sources and poHslbiiitlej of llia.Kupa.i lauds caused the laud Lo.iid ycolcr- li.V In nillfitt,.,. ifl...' itlLotiualn lln n'lV1H'!L'!llV.?'1l"!;',.'l l,!c,' "" " l""B U" "'"I with no and liroM'ti iluvtu . , . , ... rniiilltloii of tbe, HiK ut reuc,,,l,S ny toacliulon In sy.Htini. J ri'.lll SO lhu imuuui, VAt-lii iur iiiu iimibui;- lion ui ii iiitio loutiiia uusincss anu the dlsiotcry that a few lemons, cur rcspoiiileiiiu anil othcrwlte, on tlio Kap.ui matter mo desirable, the cum liilsioiici.i did mil iiccoinpllsh much. Coiiiinls.ini'rr Trent declared him- s.iy it did help iiiu belt icnly lo vol", but ho refused lo itnniicriuiiy. .My otl,it iinytliliig that would bring He pa in nil left ni. I B,i0,i (tciinitLlr hcfoie the Ilo.ud. list ci ling that hu bud been ni.ulo tlio I Irilltr V.i.ln a.F ft... . "1 vrnnt tbix U'llor inai'.n liiiblir tr show the lieiielit VMimiii m.iv iloilvn . commissioners lett lll.e uinkini: u urn from I.jilla 11. I'iiikh.iin's Ycpt-ttiiilo tlon, ro luljournnieiil wiii taken unlit Coiiipoiinit."-Mrs..liiiiN(!. Miii.iias. Saturday iiHcrnuun ut a u'cluck. 2 5 becoud bU. North, iIllil.eaioIs, Hol .,. ,., ... ,,, .,.. ,.,. fltiiin. i Hi , , ... ..,,,. ..... Thousands of nnfolldted and gcuvl-. " '" """ i'""! " """P -"' ln llko thp nlmvo nriiVoJ!' trades through hN attorney. M. 1 to tlio clllcjciicy of J.jdln K. rinkliain's 1'iussor, and it protest lecelvcd rioiu ut'VetTfltnlilo Cotupouuil, ttlitch lit liiado iWatiliiwii residents against tlio sale of n piece of gulch l.ind.tvaa fatnr ably itcclvcd. Tlio leslilonti; wanted tlio land leiertcd for park purpose.;, ami the Hoard -decided In reject tlm application of Hugh Calbrutlli fur llio puichaso of thu laud. Siipeilnleudent I'luupb'-ll brought the itapaa loafca before (ho Hoard by piodiiclng tlio rtpoit uf the iippiiils ers, unit llio application uf thu Maker Sugar Company for 10SO acres of land and li.UUU.OUU gallons of water, lot which tlio sugar company offcru an annual rental of $7,0(10, It was over the matter uf thu amount of water necessary to Irrlgato tlio land that thu commissioners loiiud wldo dlrfercnccii of opinion, us well ns over the word ing of the Icnso In tills respect. Superintendent ' Campbell In tlio coursu of his remark's laid that ho doesn't consider tho Kapha as moro than ordinarily guod c.ino-liinil. Tlio Hoard found bo many things to con Mntlc Their Own Cement. In the cellar, In tho dead of piRhl, PLAYING FOR On co more the wily Celestial gam bler has been lined, notwithstanding Mill ilflfntllfn tint tirlitnli nu It! .w UWVJIfU I'll I, III', UlllMI, 44B tl.. .J i'. .1" nearly nil, cases. Is tho b.imo old " loriimuy nun enllgl storv of "nlavlim for run." I regard ed ns Imperative, .. ...'.: :....' ..:,.". ,...., tt-. Judge Aiuirado this murnlng and, al-l though defended by Lorrtn Andrews, weio found guilty and lined $8 each., llic gang .was ciptuic by .McDiillle and parly J.ift Sunday, and It was they mada their own cement. When only by disguising themselves thut nil was done they remained In. tbo.bomu of tlio detectives got uuywhero cottage, giving tho cement time to' near to tho gamblers. side)- (iboiit; jtvblcli 'tliol niomlierti hrtvn no llcllnlfejkngwtcilgo tnat j fuiithjr. time fWaliidy and eiili;;liten'iiiuiit!wili regarded ns imperative. PiiNfoT FERBAJI TO HELP An actor, who admitted playing pnlkau, wan a 'wftucts (Ills tiinrp lug, hut ho dlscoii'iitcd ills ailmlsslon by saying that' the bunch were play ing for luve. J'robccutor Hrown proved bis case, Pr.t I'. & LIS K THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE Horlick's Malted Milk is tile most delicious, nourishing food-drink known fo'r the anannic, the debilitated and the dyspeptic. So easily) and promptly digested that it agrees with the weakest stomach. It is simply a pure food, invigorating and vitalizing. It is pure, rich milk, with the extract of mailed grain," in powder form, soluble in water. A nourishing drink is prepared in a moment by stirring vigorously in water, hot or cold. Unequalled as a food for infants, invalids and nursing mothers, indorsed by physicians everywhere. Simplci free lo Pbyiiciani and Drufftiti. At all Druggists. HORUCK'S MALTED MILK COMPANY, Racine, Wit., U. S. I. THE GRABOWSKY TRUCK 1. 11.. 2 AND 3 TONS Ml fOWIill I'IjAXT: Jlnrdutod Steel lIUSHINOS.lli settle. Then they packed their bo longlngs mid left. Tho doctor went calmly bai k to his work and bis pa tients. Wllllo Saack, the boy who had aided him, did not go back with the do tor. They left tho cottage, with its ""'l 'tcr Andrews had mnilo ft flno dead, behind them, but although they appeal for his clients, and bad stat did not leave hurriedly, they left be! ed that It was a custom for Chinese hind lliem tlio blood-btalncd trunk In' to visit one nnothor on Sundas, and which they bad packed tlio body of that It was vory natural for them to I lie dead girl. Weeks afterward this all meet under a bpreadlng mango was found by a new tenant of llio t'to and play a gaino for fun, Judgo cottaco. She told the nollco: they Andrade simply' picked up his pen IVi.rn ini, i t,i-.. i.v I...- nf uimiirn uiul remarked. "Klcbt dollars and odnrn in thu bitcnicnt. Icostir." An appeal was noted by An- They came and Investigated and dictvn and tho bond ilxed at $15 In dug holes In -tlio yard, but did not each cibo, disturb tho li.iLcmciit. The trunk. In ( wlili Ii were ttl I strands of tho dead glil'f hair, was tent to the city cltotulu for niulvila. Ecdy EshumcJ by Li;ht of Every Steamer Brings Us Something " New We are now showing an extremely handsome and select line of Handmbroidered Linen Wash Skirts which we can safely saynrc tho most exclusive ever , ?5'' . ,' shown. t , v. Prices range from $Utdi$25-.00 Of Hie finer grades wc have bill one of each. ' to mki(ii fluvnbW werl)aVB just opened a choice - f;. 'v r r,( ... h t ' selection of v -' - ' Hand-Embroidered Shirt Waists made of fine sheer materials at popular prices Ranging from $2.75 up : .; -Fi-fniiR WiMnnw msPi VY KiK mr KING ST. SOON (Continued from Pnirc 1) swer. "They aro your bons?" ln- quired llrown. "Yea," answered, l'ornijl, but Drown did not picsti his advantage. After tills testimony us to ago was given, tho judgo ivaj asksd to rule on tho proposition that Joo KerraJI Is under ago anil, as tu Ii, nu not be held In cutloily in a cull or pro on. "Hut thcie arc thrco cli.iri',03 of felony against this young man," said Judge Andrade, "and Ills age, even if lie Is under eighteen, docs no', siivc him." Up'iu being for a decision on tho matter, tho Judgo rcbcivcd III 1 derision untlU tomiriow. The I other races nguimt l'crrajl .for high. I wiv lobbery wore scit over tll On 1 lrl.,.H 1 'I fl.llll..n..r...ll. ...,.!. ... l.'I.V-l la.'1" fcIUI)U 'St Ketllnr out 11 writ of habeas corpus In order In get KerraJI mil of J. ill. nvelnpcd In tho cuurro uf tho ut this morning that .loo got married without his Register Twice" 1st. To vole at the coming general election. Reg istration clo:cs 10 p. in. Saturday 8th. 2nd. To sccuro one or more of those WGATrO-TO-ORDtVl LOTS IN KAIMUKI OH OCEAN VIEW. Yours for a full Reg slralion and a big vote. KAIMUKI LAND CO., Ltd. 'i lanterns. Working like glioub In tlio Dicker tug light of lanterns, a corps of do ti'"l.vcj and ileputleu fiom the ior-( circr'j ufllcc cxhuiucil the body of tho murdered gl.'l tlimtly niter 7 o'clo I.. Tlm Ii.iIC fleniniiioLcil hlankrt ill Iminl which It had been wrapped piotect- na'B' ls B"lr '" ed the a-ld calcn llesh fiom the cattli Bl"l;o II,, I u,irr, M.11I...I II 1,11,1 Mm llrnl.l. tlllllCtr.lllatOll BRvvcd thirucli to neinilt tho nicking ""v '""'uiiuku i" n;i't'i..iu n. m, ilUcr inainuatcrl mat Clilllliigwnrlii inntlier's kiioivledge, and that H15 ! flirt Information tho faintly got of (Continued from Ppc 1) hU turning benedict w.iu when ho Tho Kort Shaftor xtrii3loii, ho wni rceu going to church with a tho prnblomiitlcal Kr, I nhllllngwnith mid Hrown hnd a Improvements will r.rn rvcr tlio Juvcnllo law, and the rV of tho bod, InJlie tumk, dangled "". '"l '""' C.',U,E0 ".. H","l-'"iw",f "W.wus tho nponsor In tho Leglhlatiiro; when tho enrp. owns ,aUed. , mug suit: nno. m 1 m u iiisii co,..- ()f the ,,,.,, chllllngwortl, denied Tin, tearch for tho body was -be ! , '" v' ' " '' - ' " ' "" " "' ' "' "'" in cmly In thu uftoriioon. Do- d ' '7J ,r ' . ,l'MMM ""' HiB. "Your Honor, tills teems to ho .1 ... . ..1 . . wlllcl1 w II l,u eit'led Into iio when .iii ..r 'Wlmn Ih 1 lilvonllo ctltci Mlcluiel lluike and James ,,,,. ,., ,, f,,r ,,,. " 'inwllim of W Hon Is a JUvoniia IIMil iWDlOGER INTERESTS1 ISAftDNDQk . j 0 a ui:.movaiii; every working pirt. TIVM HOlfOLUIU POWLR WAGON CO., Ajjcnls 875 fiouth S rect, Hear King- y working pirt. r.MIMttll.'NCV COXOC.VBINO fllAMllKlt; l'0l I'l MUCIIANIt'AI, oiling Syrtoiu. . ' Phone 21C0 BU iminei .iiieiiuei nuiuu nun jiuiius ,,,,,-,, .....i.,,,.,. ,.n r,.r ,,,1.11 llch.irds had charge of tho wmk. ,()Im, owo mid Willi drIKB attacked the thicu- ,,, ,., . y ,,, j, . $ , ,, 4. ,$, .5, Inch lujcr of bolld ronient that bud imlu tilt(,r thc ,(,dy was btought to been sniui.thed to thu surface of tho n,,, Mur!.,.l;, floor A section of ecmonl about (.,UIll ,a conipanloli bad ills- two feet Eipiaio was llrst rclllovcd,, p(, , ,f ,1r ,ricl UB If u had nun men iiiu uartii was cautiously been tliu aoily-of mi Tlio lil.m liiKcu from iiiu uperturo. net 11 Juvonllo?' " SKULL OF IRISHMAN HARDER THAN STEEL MR. J. ABADIE, Propriocr Fi'oncli Laundry - 777 King St. wishes to impress upoi his patrons Uiat his Laundry has no br-nch olltcc, Call nt 777 King street, or telephone HOI. IJ make Special Rates for delivering Invitations, Dodirers. etc. Our Parcels Delivery passes your door twice a day. Sole Agents for Alexander Voting Hotel Luumlrv. w i gi ir " - "l ir 1 SUHOIJ Weekl.y PuMeUn 81 Per Year CHICAGO, Sept. K. Slopheu A. Kn'lv did not 'know Hut ho liud a lot liii-ni'liiK It waiiof clifca'p mntoilal. skull liiudor than bteot hrlnicU until Thu detf tltes, In their cilcula ,! i;,0 l0,y Wiib tliiown In tho bole, hu iittemptcvl to t3v 3S cillhor liullot tlciiia ii3 to where tho body might H .,, ,iuVjiwad, without icgard lo thioiivsh It tho oilier night, and found lay, wojo accurate. When u depth ii.1(,tt,ii' When foutid, thp limbs that thu lcvj'incioly1 natein;d out like of opo foci was leached, tho .top of W . riimc.l aiid tho hnlf-sawed ex- a. putly )uili I. Kelly was (lied nf Hv .l. l.n..l ........! H.l . . 5 ' ' . ..... i . 1.... ...! 1... I.,.ltn. ."..I n AC nlll... , tnu ncaii n,i iiii.uvuivii ii, iii v,iiu ticuiItTtv Jininiod in ut angles, inucn mn " ,u ,.,. ... .....v .. ............. I was immediately llushed to head u i,,, rww posUton us they had bullet flied Into Ills head would fo- uuurters that tho .beaicJi hud, been ,Pl )n't tlic.ttMuU. " j llcvn his nuxlely. Ho obtained a pis- Micccssfiil. ' ' v , ,rll0 J,1lc,8 ,,'owji,, tlll swing in ' Hh a Joj.g bsrrcli, , wcpp-jii. Hut lluiko and Itlchards then tuft .cftnp WUi wllnobscs being 1b "PI:c,.I lo Klb a JmllH J4tl;pmcn- led in their it oik until the loroncr-s i,rnilftht rrom paits nt tho conn- l" ol '""'; , ' '-"Y l1,)u,lm"",1 inllleo .wua notilltd, llhlet Deputy ,j.. -)r'. Urqiifs nurees tiro making 'lK'llns' ",0 Hlll ,,f M hc'd'i S"ut l,U 'jaiiiCB Kelly, ureoiiip.inled lit- l)epu- nM Mud's' or dainaglng statonientn O't-s and pulled (bo trlggec, .lies Dennis (Jululnn and Matthew rKJi, hli.-ln met, directly cl.a'rg- , "' iw',,J wlnl happen-d. T ho 'Smith, hur.ied tho morgue anibu- ,,. ,, w ,,, !ri,Bbut tho 0,,IV",,'1k. ,h0 'l"Z T !, , lance to the reei... and munie.1 Ibi , . ' ',",, ref.L,. t sat- a HI,IM nB H I1 ? ""iv!' 1,y V.'0 ",rc? labor wheio It had been dioppcd by Wnu either for or agaliist hlnmelf. tlio poll) p. . William SJiieli, the do tor'a us- Acting Chief of I'cllie Wall, ue- kiftunt, who helped Hie doctor dls- , onipanled by Detectives Wren mid , ,,P ur the body, has been located, 'Dliiiin, uiisiveiyil tlm call tu tho pu- t va,it mid will liu brought to III c nulonir'ille unit tonic eliaign or (stl iviiielno, It Is expeelPil Hint the pnlli" end at the Kureltn ftreM i,i;t1innny will romo prPtty rinse Imiipn. tinder the dliertlon of Kelly i0 pn'thiK n iP" mound the doe- Ihe dlus'i'S w..sTmiIIm!o'1 and thieo i,,,. i1C(.!(i tho blew. When "tho pollri" arrived i thev round Kelly silting on llio Hour calmly attempting to I'MraU tho lint- i Icncil bit of lead wltli bis lingers. Kel ly wiih tukeii lo a Impllul, vtlieio tlio build was icnnvcd. Ho will lecovor Inter tfland nm! 0. It. & I.. ShlppliiK hiv;.s sain ut tho II ill lot In jflkp, 50tf tttfu, 'f!nt)",'uril from Pone 1) and liero lq "v!iro Senator llu;liei bellovoa llrj Could ownership ami c n tlid ol llio Woitu.n l'""'flf wou'd !r; In evident;?. Iiuilf -,)v I thu Ha.-! mail Intorer.ta i.nutr dl vl llio Vonlo.-u Pacific tho slliiitlou wimld bu a tan gled nno, for tlio llarrluiau -cmtridlcd I'ucillo Mall lino would ntil. It Ii tliouglit, bo biibJoet"d to n rate wn" wllli tho T. K. K. compiuy. "Kioiu in kniiw.'o Igo of llio gltin Hon, through loiuo of llio men 'who vtuio ehiboly conneetod with llio load', 1 should luiy thiil Hlurluiaii's )uteiu:t Is not a cuPrnMIng olio" sayu R' n.ilnr Hughes. "His I'l.m to tlio rioutds wai about six million dollers ithlcli la bu' a apipll I'oicentago nf Iiiu Inve'ilmeiu in tho Western d'aelflc.. ' which cor.t llfly or boventy million dollars. "At 'Hid' Hniu llnnlmnii uriiln this loan, It vviis Bald by kiiiio tlirt It wan his pusonat iutes'liieut, hut olhors de clared It was not. Huvvovor, II la pietty well uudotstned Ihat lUrrluiau ludped out thu (iouldu when Ilicy ncuiled' the momy, becuuso ultlioiigh peihaps no iovo was lost between lliem. llaiilman saw a cliaiico by help ing (iould lo hit sumo ho loved oven less. At any rate, It Is believed ill circles Hint tho Hnirlmuu In IciOHls In the Western I'liclfliiaro too plight to have fcrliius consideration in Its affairs." I JEHf'Tor Rent" cards on tale t tho Bulletin ofii??i (Continual, from rnc 1) feet long, mid Hint thu luiiiltiu Is the (list ever uGut nu a drilvsr Thla, dicilKer'tilll rut Iho coral mck Jo plect'3 wllli great knives Inn by tiudi-1 Inciy and llio "dnbila will b mijko.l up Ini" a big plpo nut dl.cliiigil rlili'r nn barges' nr 8im0'.vhoro nmii . the hiitbor, as nipy lio ilol Im latnrt 'III" hill l.i tiovv'Uu its way', llio Pacific. It wai to have loft Soit Mo yn'lui-l.iy inoriilng. When It iii riven It will bo lied up n'oiigsldo one, of tlio whirvi In the lmbor horn nud.tlic nrii'iliiniy liistallpd Tlil vvllKtalTii Tijoiii' riKtydW.o jl.iyn Then" tho dredger will bo a:nt to I'cail half bo.-. Ileikmann will bring fiom tlio coastj .toveiat-ojicrt imoii. lo IiojjJ lib crow.' The SUnnl.-n 1 Atn'-'i-u'' llrn-tgln'i Company niir-jtM, tvl.i ly, and dnni'j of tlm men. tJii t:ln to'nr to Hono lulu havu icccntly bt';ii i;iploye.l In Alaska. '' " Tho plpo lino unit Giitili.n plpo coiv nected with Hik ilinlger no ripililq of handling fifteen Iri It nick.i. mid nn. illlllciiUy Is iiiiMelp'ited In dliKialni; of tlio conl. Tlio coining nt Hi s olec IrlSeil tin Una dieilger upt'iis up uiiovm Hold of IiiU.-i i-ht to local cirliioira, lt will bo iiumod "Tho Tuibliio." N 2185 illtnrlal roonii U250 liiiliii'i..H ofllrr. TIipm' nrc tlu tele, pluiim numbers of (he II u 1 1 H I n. IV n ii j UulUUnfi i'ir jwr, i-jrife1-', . .vJl. .to..l,l'..V'fUJlil4iJrtAia.M. LtW...JMdMilM .i.MJgji ... M:.XbtJk,. t; . iA,,