Newspaper Page Text
A. t- f ., . ,. IV nyKNINQ nUM.ETJN, IIONOI, :.vm. T. II.. THt'nSDAY, OCT. fl, 1910. r?$raC&4K&13 I for Snfantn and nhi.dren. The Effects of Opiates. rllffl' Vj'AYrt nro peculiarly susceptible to opium anil Its various j ' artitjiina. r.ll of '.villi li nro narcotic. Ja If iiAkliiiiim.l 4li.ui hikl i(nd n nun lift Jil. T,ht,!i n rn to lenm .-"- !--. ........ ... j . - . nfrve.titn. n.f'ftvIiio fni nlrnlint nphinn(lialii lit,.,- ttfrt rCnrenli tlfatfif.i. aiu!i I ' i..!ii..i.i ....1 i 11..1. .7 . . :.' :. 'With opiates cr narcotics tu ki cp children quiet in their Infancy. Tho rule among 'j liyslciLiis l.i tlialcliildi-cn should never receive opfalcsiu tho smallest doses for moro tli in a day at a time, and only then If unavoidalile. Tho tiilmiiititrutlon of Anodyne., Drops, Cordial, Soothing' Syrups and oilier narcotic tu children by any but a physician cannot be tab strongly decried, and tho drujfjlul should not bo a party to It. Children who aro 111 need tho attention cfa pliy.'dcinn, and It is nothing less than a crime to doso tlicm v. lllfiilly with nar. cclcs. CoAtoriacdntalns no narcotics if It bears tho slgnalura of Clias. 11. Fletcher. The S7 Jlfa J jf uuurnntccs gcntili i f " t6aS-y, f-cidc4tM Ciistorln iljrnnture o Physicians Recommend Castoria. Your prri'tutluu kLowo M CiftorlA X biro nfiil for jrc Hi li clilldnn complaint atxl I Lava fouml tclLluj UU.v." Joint J. Llll, M. I)., ' ' CI.rln'l,Obln. For itrerftl years I rKbmm-nol yoor 'CutoiU1 aiul al.atl alinjra frtiUuuo t'l da to, u It haa l&ra rlatilj p;oJaced UotccUl rrt'ilia." KinrH I, nwi-r. M. D Kcw York City. "Your Coitnrlt li a lurlloilnni lionwlmld rimed, ICUpuMlj TrctUUe trularn aa mild lauiaitle. AUit all, It d' liiriu, nblch la inula than can be aald ut tho crtat majority of chil dren rtruedlea." Viotos U. OotTKill, M. D., Omaha, Neb. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria. it- ' - In Use For Over 30 Years. Big Shipment PONGEE SILK, GRASS LINEN, EMBROIDERED DRESS PATTERNS, -..-.. SHIRTWAISTS, f ABtE:COVERS and DOYLIES has just been received from China YEE CHAN& CO., Cor. Bethel and King Sts. There is no. preservative or artificial coloring used in r j Heinz '57 Varieties Th:y are preserved in the cane sugar, spices, vinegar, ', etc., and are absolutely pure. Your Grocer Has Theni PASS YOUR VERDICT On the Quality of Our BREAD, PIES, and CAKES It will be one tlint we can feel proud of. Our FROZEN CREAM PUDDINGS, PUNCH and SHERBETS stand the test of the most critical customer, PALM CAFE HOTEL STREET, NEAR FORT Honolulu Institute for Physiotherapy CORNER BERETANIA AND RICHARDS STREETS P. 0. BOX 440 Open From fl A. M.'to 7 P. M., Except Sunday All kinds of Electrio light Baths (blue, red, white and violet). Steam Baths: Turkish, Russian, Pine Needle. Nauheim, Carbonic Acid and Oxygen, or Medical Baths ; Massage, X.Rays and High Frcquenoy, cto. Special attendant for Intliei Stylish Millinery K. UYEDA 1028 Nmisnn -31 i :HiAMfihmM . nren- is '.veil known. liven In tho miiallo.'.t t.1.aH ! (t.n aaa tf (na . rt.t fr.M.llli -. f n..r.., Mii.'i.r In. I., ci'.tlv. mental ... ............ . n r " . ...-!... ...n..r.i' i.... c;i t '"..:' . . 1 bars rurecrlbcl yoar Caetoria In maur caere atiil have alwara found It an tOlclrnt and etNvdj reined," A. F. 1'crLtR, II. I)., tit. Irala, Mo. " I bare ncd yonr Caetoria In my own booreliold with cond rienlte. and have eevi ral ta'.!iiila to uj It for IU inlbl, laiallro ilToct and trciJom f roin liatm." Enviun 1'inmiM, II, IV, liniolljn.N. Y. ' Your Castoila hold th,rrtim of Iba mrdlcai prorcteion In a manm r ru-lil by nn oil rr proiirlt'tarMl prrparatlon. It 1 r aura and rt'lljblo incdlclne for i Infanta and chltfirn. In fact It la the unlnreal bonecbold remedy fur Infantile alljienta.' J. A. raaKcn, II. D- Sanaa City, ilo. ; WHAT I SAW IN THE i iX the, I'xoHiiiiym I riro,:jur.t nnn uf Vfiii-.atiOnbllnHniiwiJ.alfi 'I'liaVe conclude,! tlmM ti'.oro Islands, nnil tor tljn lint ton ir twelve joara I liavd Won .lilt this ' nil , ti, 1.1.1 .'.... nuking. B. and (hat Job ko. Kent mo wj busy that I have nalil no nlten. I 'nil (lie changes that ,llUe "CC" BlnS on I iiuiKt ci.nd'jg tliat I havo used i"iy observing powers lint very little until ih s itmruni until this nTornlnp, whUe waiting on the corner of lintel nnil Koit r.treets for a friend who did not nlinw up on time. I looked down Knit utrect to ward King and counted nineteen au tomobiles lined up on either side of that rtreet In that limited space; then I barkened back a few years and called up n mental blueprint of n projection of n huHdlnc; that used to stlrlt out Into the street, making a rnrt of Cnpo Horn that occasioned the pedestrian to tako to tho street If lie would pass It. Hut my mind did not stny long In that old and gono past. Ko one's mind enn long remain with Hono lulu's stagnant period when stir rounded Willi the bustle, nnil. busi ness of today. Still growjlng over the delln' fluency of my friend, I sauntered down Kort street. Store windows never did appeal to me, but today I rould not help but notice how at tractive ninny of them were. I have had the honor of living In the second largest city In tho world, and I can say, without 'a blush, that the win dows of tho stores of this city com nare very favorably with thoso In large cities on the mainland. After n night "pent In lighting mnsiiultoes, I thoroughly npprecl ntod tho display innilo by Honpon, Smith & Co. The Honolulu Photo. p.iinnlv rn next rnnclit tnv ntten Hon. Years ago I used to dabble In Mm art f ulintotfr.inhv. lint had long flnea nn" on ncroiint of stress of business. I was not. sttro that the pictures ln!tlio.wJHlow wero enlarge ments from kodak films, so I .butted Into the store nnd they tqlti mo all about how It was done. Shoes! That's' where I shine. I pfWe my self' on my knowledge of shoes, for I havo worn shoes ever slnco I was a year oldbut, say, tltcvinan stand- lug In' the' door of the Manufactur ers' Shoe Co. tod mo moro nbout shces In five minutes than I have learned In the last thlrty-Hyq, years. t He noticed thti slWc'ut la my right shoe, hurt Sa'liP'Corn?" I ncknowl- ' edged n bad one on my right little , toe, or my little right toe, nnd I got n lot more Information about corns that I did not think existed outBlde of what I know nbout them, for I hayo had that corn over since I have worn shoes. I have got an Idea that I know whero I am going to buy fhe next pairof shoes and see If what he said about his shoes Is so. Tho next window, if I remember tight. liolongK to Whitney & Marsh. The display In that window Is awful pictty, although It did not particu larly Interest me, only from the fact thn the lady with whom I board simply ravedaver the display In Whitney k Marsh's window, and, of course, 1 had to have a look. When I hnd reached Henry May & Co.'s store nnd took-n look at tho two windows, I forgot nil about that do llnqiient friend. Hero Is whero we live, MI1U In one window and mush In tho othor. Tho man who dressed that window thoroughly know his business nnd ortnlnly made no mis' tako In the combination. Tho next window gavo me n Ktart. Although I am not up In Inces. I know somo thing pretty when I seo It, nnd you can -Just bet tliat thnt window, was about tho prettiest thing on that side of Kort street. It seemed thnt there wero laces enough there to Bupply all of the United States, and I wbb wondering how Jordan happened to get stuck on such u big lot. Again 1 hutted In nnd asked them nbout It, "Why, bless your Innocent. bouI, we havo not near enough to last out this sale." nnswetcd the mannger, for It happened to bo that I had sought for tho Information from 'tho right pource., "Q,ur lady clerks are deal ing out Ia:es so fast that It Is a posi tive fnct w shall have to have more help behind tho counters." I asked him whu't was tho special nttrnctlon In tho lace line. Wero tho ladles nil Bng to wear peeka-boosl VWhyi man nllvc, look at tho prices marked nn iimu,. in the window. TliOcClty never saw such n slaughter, in, lace before." ' ! passed on, dreanjng,;ot SpnnlHh slgnorltas with lato shawls wound around their heads, nndjnro ptork Wluin, Hill, bods' UP here wero somo more shoes. Tho thought struck mo that I would sec If Mc Inerny knew as mil.' nbout shoes as tho fellow up tho street, so In 1 went, Well, limy havo got mo guessing COLDS CAU8E HEADACHE !I,XATIVB BROMO-QUININR, re moves tho cause. Used the world over o euro a mid in ono day, I!. W. (IKOVli'B signature on each box. Mads by PAKI3 UCDICINU CO. Kalnt Louia. U. B.A. . 'I'.,..f"i,tL.'i.rluw ', .?, ... 1 jLi.'.iriLiM. gQirintuir'LMTgLiiirTiijr' :. riHolj" juLttL it.. A WINDOWS I i" wi .1 jjtt.v- u .pair of chocs In oaeh M JiJind h.J 'thcni cut. I II1 not have time to g.i uu hu my filnd choked up, lint I am going to ',.' " ?"" "r ""' ' "7 . "B " ! '" ,,L ' " "'". . ''' ",r " B ",,H ) It !IB.1ll shopping, iiiii - annnninir fun SAYS WOMEN OFFENDERS AP.E WOetSE THAN MEN i Russia's Chief of Prisons Also Declares the Judges and Officials Am Lenient. NKW YOItK. Scp'cmlier 17. "The most dangerniiA criminals nro women. lint ovcrywhcio they arc tiojt'd best because they'nro women." This Is tho statement of Comml.i sloncr M. rcteluno do Kronleff Chief of tho Ituselau prison drp.iitm?nt, who Is ho.o ns a delegate to tho Interna tional Prison Congicss, to bo held next month in Washington K wry body lias read horrible tales of tli? cruo'llfn Inflicted prison ers, Including tho women priincr-i. so M. Kioulcft was nuked Just what penalties could bo Inflicted on women In bis country. '"Wo have 0,000 women prlsoncm In my country, including thoso In HI hot In." bo said. ".Many of thoni nro suffering for crimes quite as strlou as thojo for which tho majority of men prlsonors nro arrested. Yet there are two penalties which we never i-i-diet on tho women. Whatever they do, they are never whipped with the knout. And they never are B' t)t out of tho prisons to labor. "Our women nro kept In prlsops ser arnto from thoso of tho men. The stnlf In the women's prlsnim li In a great measure cAntnescd of women. They nro sent to Slbvla, of course and the roverjty of the exile varies with Individuals; lint I hoy are pro tected even ns In the homo prisons, "Only when , n woman docs engage In ctlmo hho Is nhvnys more to be dreaded than ii man, Rho can do rv erythlng that a man criminal cm do and more. Sho can kill. rob. burn plot nnd she can ludiico hundreds of men to do likewise, If she has tho least pretention to bounty or magnet. Ism. And while a m:jji may be very bad himself, ho "is much lets lo be feared than his woman colleague. Sho Is herself plus "a3 many men ns she knows. "Yet I assuro you the woman crim inal is well treated In Ilussla, as sho Is ovorywhero. "8lnce tho war with Japan thorn havo b'en many, many murders Ih my country, n ix-rfoct outbreak if law. lossncss. ' Tliero havo boon women nmong tho murderers, proved guilty. Hut In all our records of tho last troubled years you can hardly find n single inslanco wlicro wo hnvo sen- fenced a woman murderer to death. Our Judges will not do It hecnuso sho Is a woman." GERMANY FACING A BIG DEFICIT The Government Postpones Increase in Taxation Until After Next Election, K IIKIU.IN, Sept., 22, The 'govern ment Is still struggling with tho problems of. revenues wlilrh failed of solution through the fiscal login lalloil of 1909. It has been rumorot for some months thnt tho govern ment Intended to Introduce at tho (text Bcssto'n of the Reichstag a bill providing for niiuiiionni taxation, Chnuroltor von Dothmann-Holl-weg, howovor, has recently had a conference with the cabinet, at wlilrh a decision was reached to postpono action In tho mutter until after the elections to tho Helchstng,. which, it Is expected, will ho hold in the au tumn of 1911. Tho conclusion gen erally accepted Is that tfie govern ment Is unwilling to risk the polit ical effect of new fiscal legislation prior to tho election. It appearc, probable that tho rovo- nuo for the prrsont year from now taxes will fall llOJfiO.OOO short. Weekly n u 1 1 el In $1 per vrnr. Whooping i CROUP ASTHMA , v . CATaHKH COUGHS KUU-jl BRONLtllTiS a- csreauaniD leie A llmple. a.le aiklinUulvo treatment tor hrunclilul IroubU'a. avolJlotf druire. VuporUil CrenolincetopathepuroxyBM ot VhoiplnirC'otii:hii.trll'vvaCruui si once. It la a b on M autrureia tiein Arttnma. 'I ho lr renJeinl airo lilr ami aepilc Inipllvd Willi eiery briulh iiuVea braatlilns eaav, aootliua lb aoia lliroul and etope tlia roni-h. t aiturlntr reMfut slslita. It I liivaluabla to uiuuiera with younirclilMien Send poetul lor iteecrtpuvo boollet, ALL DRUCCISTS Try Crufco-t uo A nil aeptlc Tlituat Tab leta tor tho lltltatcil throat. They ars almpla, effective ond antleenllc. (It Your dntenlit or Iroai i)i iuv, in eiHiiii. Vapu-Criioltni Co. 41 Si., N. Y.' ibtitSftfdmi 'imiti ,1 'lttw AkWy9 rramtp mi f xxsSr. jjM She Won the Swimming Race Through Paris Z'i . Jl'Jil ' . ., , ra.wr.r JSilK- ' ift ,A HWIMM1NO .rafo in tho river Nineteen competitors ,took pa'rt (the Is one of the beat swimmers III lir.i tnvln. ". Vatch Your Temper A DAD DISPOSITION' A GRADU AL QROWTH WHICH CAN BE DISCOVERED IN TIME. VyilO has not shunned and at the same time pitied tho woman with a bad temper? The supposition, us n rule. Is that sho has. Inherited It or that It comes from bad henltli or nerves. A a mutter of fact, nlna nines nut of ten coma from mere liublt.. The cundlilnte for a bidtmipcr Is usually a spoiled child' wh'oe;;whlnes Bnl pcltlshnr-ss liav. oern 'mii-tnlttcd tu by a weak willed mother." From Whining to snapping Is n quick chnngo for humuns ns well ns dogs, nnd uttcc n woinsn renllses she cnil liiivo per wuy by butntr URly she unerullyh eMi on getting t that' way. An Indulgent- husband usually com pletes the work of demonetization, and tin, spoiled woman snaps und snarls at ilfSuvvr every trifle, no that, ho .lives '"-' "', ll I it-ell r. i ' Pi. ilUa'Jiaf-J WESSmt 'SKSraasMEs - ' li i' !'vv r, ',. ';,i' -V ' -f -, ; ",, 'i", "'," : ' " ; I 'Z :j.j "OH, YOU, TEDDY If " , ? Wmzr I WM I :;.- . ':.JI rnTfT Irii I J ' J- ; i ( Ws 1 ; 1 I I i h , - '. 1 1 ; ' ''' fe?' - lr& -I II, ,, s ,.',i,"..1 GMFifflr . - --" jl ". " mm tESb wji. vKl 11 i- .... . - V ' '.'.' '' s ' - , ,.'V ' ' ,- .,,'' .. . ' i.'A.v ! cituMttM MattUtfitkedskjadsllaft H-T ' . ttM UtJ' . jaa .a., - tawupurs. ' vmm Bclnc through I'arls was recently held Mile. Marthe Itobert wns the winner i lYance and has won several medals tor , In a stnte of continual nervous appre hension. The shrews arc not mude In a day. They are the results of n slow process of many days' lack of self con trol and self Indulgence. The bud tem pered woman is ubnve nil things sclllsh.j Sho cares only for her own comfort j und sacrinres every ono else to It. If, she Is arguing anything she Insists upon being right regardless of the feel-, Ings of others. She keeps .ip her declaration that so and so Is so fur be-1 yond the limits of polltcne--s or consld-' crntlnn. If you have the misfortune to, hold an opposite opinion and sho can prove you wrong It IS her prldo and utmost determination to do so. If you don't want to bo III tcmiercd nnd feared by all In your old ago walrh yourself carefully now. Avoid moods, i They grow upon ono. Tho woman wlm cmes down to breakfast nt odds with' all the world hnd prepared to find' fault Willi ovsrytl'lnr- Is ';owlr.rr-for Iivn-elC tho seeds of. a villainous dlrposltlon.. . ' Kx'amlne yourself mid try to seo bow many times you have lost your temper ana man-) yourself uisagrecaDie 10 oili er In a day. In a week, etc. You may : : be surprised st the result, and certnlnl If you sec tho tendency to nnd fault nnd bo disagreeable Increase you jan bo warned Iri tlmb to prevent the Sour ing of your dliKislttrtn ns well as Bofho very unpleasant episodes which nro bound to follow the woman who has a bad, uneven temperament, ) ' ""t i . ;' SOME HANDY MAKEOVERS. ( An r'd mackintosh cap bo converted Into j very .uUiil apron for washing, day. Wide white 'tnpo makes a splen did cfntlipsllne,, ilurpble and ;lcon. An old f trnw bat serves fur k jpeg' p-Csket., A small box Covered with carpet' Is a capital footstOnl,, A tin with a. few small holes punched In, the ;.botlbm; makes u Hour dredger. " '" ' ' Of White Marquisette yiIITn mnniulsctto Is one ottho most populur fabrics Just now. It Will lx used ii great deal for theater gowns this fall. ., The pretty model hero shown has a tuiild with a very heavy white silk embroidery cdgii. This flgures auw no III- kimono sleeves. The belt Is gold. 4KV: k '''tSasasasaH JjAr ti iiiim Hh - mIH HHUI -r spsssssssssssssssssj BXeU ISaslsH Htlf v tjH LLLLBJaK BaaaB HsaHSiV. - M 'lHsasai sHnrS - " W& ,aimittma. . r ,.