Newspaper Page Text
EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., THURSDAY, OCT C, 1010 0 'HanavvaHi' Is r6oocl, but Watchmaker Is Ecfter' Wn hnvo tlia lattor, who will thoroughly understand it i jhi' jour watch when It should refiio to go. ' J.A.R.Vieira&Co. li3 HOTEL STREET -. .jj . i i Automobile Supplies & Repairing Associated Garage, limited Autos Repaired xonr machine will b ready foi1 jon when we lay it will be. We dofi't experiment en antes ; wt rtyaii tjfem. Von Hamm - Young ft)., Ltd. ALEXANDER YOUNG BUIIODIf. COMING PIERCE -ARROW MOTOR. CYCLE R. C, AXTELL Sole Agent . 1048 Alakea Street LOCOMOBILE "The Beit-Built Car in America" BCHUMAN CARRIAGE CO., LTD. Agenti jr. w. 'kershnir Auto Tire Repairing 1177 Alakea St. Phone 2434 SEVENTY .HEAD BROOD MARES Work, Driving and Saddle Horses Specially said ted h Dr. II, Hot ilorn. V. S. To nrrlve per 8. S. Hjnden, October 14, Telophnno Ml!) nf call nt CLUB STABLES Y. Yoshikawa, The BICYCLE DEALER and RE PAIRER, has moved to ' o.! ,180 KING-S'TR.E'EiT i , New location Red'c front, Tncar Young Building, Telephone 2518. H. Y0SHINAGA Emma Street, above Beretania New BICYCLES arrived for racing and general use, Prices; '$25 up to $ 35, without brakes, Repairing and re-tiring done neatly, i ' S. MIYAMOTO . j Carnenter " . ;' Contractor for Building. Stone and Cement Work, Painting, Pnperhang ing, No. 1310 LIXIHA ST.. Cor. Kulral, Hbnolufu BOSSES San Francisco Hotels HOTEL STEWART SAN FRA'NCISCO Geary Street, above Unlon-Squiue 'Just opsotlts Uotil St,l,fscU European Plan SI. 60 t day up American P(lan $3.00 a da; up Steel and brick structure, furnish ings cost , $200,000. High class hotel at moderate rates. Omnibus meets nil trains nnd steamers Hotel Stewart now recognized as Hawaiian Island headquarters. Cable4addrcss,';Traweta'' A, 15, C Code. Reservations made through Trent Trust Co., Fort Street,. Honolulu. Haleiwa Iffcrs the m$ attrac tions to tourists WAIKIKI INN First-Class Farailv Hotel Best Bathing on the Beach W. C. BERGIN. Prop. Hotel Majestic Sachs Block, Fort and Beretania Sti. tine lurmsneu rooms, ii per uay 110 and upwards per month. Splen did accommodations. MRS. C. A. BLAISDELL. Pro. ICE Manufactured from pure distilled wat er. Delivered to any part of city by courteous drivers. Oahu Ice & Electric Co., Kewalo Telephone 1128 For the Best SODAS. GINGER ALE and DISTILLED WATER, telephone 2270. Ry croft's Fountain Soda. .Works SUMMER DAYS AND Pau Ka Hana GOOD THINGS Thz New Phone Number AT Vienna Bakery 2124: F. E. DAVIS, WHOLESALE CANDY Merchant and Nuuana Streets Orders -Taken for MRS. KEARNS' ISLAND FRUIT PRODUCTS And THOMAS' SLICED PINEAPPLES MISS WOODWARD Fort Street Drink MAY'S OLD K0NA COFFEE Best in the Market HENRY MAY & 0. 0. "phoije1271 I FOR YQUR' GROCERIES, SEE AMERICAN BROKERAGE CO. 93-95 King Street, near Mauriakea .Phone 2291 ' Daily Delivery HAWAIIAN FISHERY, "LTD. King Street Fish, Market Telephone 25G5 Blank books, of all sorts, ledgers, etc, manufactured by the U u 1 1 e 1 1 n Publishing Comnanv. 2185 ' wlliurial room's 2250 bislut"N oillri'. 'Ilifie pro tliiV trio phone liiinibcrs of the Iliille'tln. .What Every Woman Ought to Know Fterr woman knows that nothing li mora an. nollnir or reflects moro uton hT retiutatloa as a careful housekeeper than rats, mice, cock, row Lev watei; bugs, eta , In tho bouse. l.tnj woman sboul'a know of the reliable ex terminator lor nil vermin ot this nature Stearns' Electric Itat unit Roach Paste. This I aate Is read? (or use and drives rats and mite flUl Of the hOUAQ tQ die. ' IUl In .Ink-e ..... .helve, at night,- cockroaches and water boss ' tmifnd In the mnralnir Monty rtunitgjtftfaili l ounce boi.lSc II ounce hot , II 00. Sold br drunrlat. CTerrwhero. or sent express prepaid on receipt ot price. Stearns' Eleetrlo Taste Co., Chicago, 111. ' A.BL0M, ' Dry Goods Fort Street, Opposite Catholio Church Dunn's Hat Shop. IMPORTERS and DESIGNERS MILLINERY F.ORX STREET DRESSMAKING PARLORS are conducted in connection with the Ready-to-Wcar Department. Mrs. F. S. Zeave, Modiste G7-G8 Young Building NEW IMPORTED FALL MILLINERY At MISS POWER'S MILLINERY PARLORS Boston Building Fort Street LEADING HAT CLEANERS. All Kindi of Hati Cleaned and Blocked. So 'Acids Uied. Work Guaranteed FELIX TURRO, Specialist, (104 Fort Street. Opp.' Convent. Honolulu. T. H. Fine Line of Carpenter Tools At 'the New Hardware Store CITY HARDWARECO. ' King and NuuanuStre'ets Kam Ghong Co. GENTS' FURNISHINGS Corner Fort and Beretania Always Something New at ,YAT HING STORE Importers "and dealers in" Fancy Dry Goodi, Oriental Silks and Gents' Furnishings, Trunks, Suit Cases, etc. HOTEL .ST., OPP. THE. EMPIRE FANCY DRY GOODS yah Ying Chong Co., King St., .Ewa Fish Market wing chong-co KING ST.. NEAR BETHEL Dealers in Furniture. Mattreiiei, etc., etc. All Kinds oi Js.UA andtHIS SION .FURNITURE, made to order, You'll, Find FRAMED. PICTURE! for Gifts at Wing On Chong's, Bethel St., Between King and Hotel IMPORTERS OF ORIENTAL GOODS WING WO TAU CO. 641 Nuuanu Street Phone 1Q20 FINEST FIT And Cloth of Al Quality Can be Purchased from' 'SANG CHAIN, MC GANDLESS BLDG. P,. 0.vBoi: 001 Telephone 1731 Meat Market and Importers. C. Yee Hop & Co. SPECIAL CARRIER. A special carrier is at the Bul letin office every evening after 5:30 p. m.. to deliver the Bulle tin to subscribers who fail to re ceive it from the regular carrier. Telephone 2250 and paper will be immediately delivered. I S. I - 2185 vdliorlnl rooms 2250 Viistncsls ulllce. These lire (lie tele phone numbers of (he II u 1 1 e 1 1 n. i Cable News mwm w k ul v 'iiDirifin PfiiT iwidi rnwiUL m t, , V (Associated Pros CaMp.) I.ISI10N, Oct. G. This city" to night was completely In (he hinds ot the revolutionists, and-'nli ends' m temporary President of the Republic of Portugal has been named. The man selected Is Theopllo llraRO, tho. rolebrated poet and economist. Ills seloMIAn ns Provisional President I has been acclaimed by tho rank and file ot the revolutionists. ! MnnViel has lied, with htm going his mother, Queen Mnrla, the sister of King Humbert of Italy. Tho mother and sou made their es ape from the Palace Js'ecessldades, whore thejl had been surrounded bj tho revolutlonari forces, late today It Is believed Hint they hae lied to the .Mafra Mountains. City Damaged. Tho tit)' suffered much from tho bombardment or tho ships In the har bor on Tuesday, and several hundred people were Killed nnd wounded from tho shellB and In tho fighting that 'occurred In tho streets between tho i evolutionists nnd tho troops that remained lovnl. Admiral Candldo Hels personally led the revolutionists, tint, vessels of the navy cooperntlng with him nnd the lrtild troops. It Is reported that (lencral Gorjao, who was In command of tho Garrison nt the Arsenal when It fell, has com mitted suicide. HEARST GETS SECOND PLACE. NKW YORK, Oct. fi. Tho Inde- pcndeiico League met In convention today to nominate it ticket for the tinnroachlnc State camnalcn. Wll Ham Randolph Hearst was present nnd dominated tho mectlnc. al though he was not named for tho first place. John J. Hopper, n Hearst man. was named ns the nartv cnndl date for Governor, with Hearst as Lieutenant-Governor. PEKING WELCOMES BUSINESS DELEGATES PEKING, Oct. B. Tho Pacific Coast business men who nro louring China ns the guests of tho luipeilal government arrived hero today nnd were cordially received by officials and people. Thoy will bo royally on tertalned during their slt. , 'HOKE SMITH ELECTED. ATLANTA, Cla., 'Oct, 6. - JlokO snmn, i.twser una puuiisnor, win was Governor of Georgia front ,1907 until tho beginning of last j'ejir, 'was today reelected Governor for the coming term.. He Is n Democrat and will succeed Governor J. M. Ilrownj Demorrnt. TO PROVIDE FLEET OFftj,RSHIPSFOR'yVAR Banker Ryan's Son Makes Proposition to the Army . and Navy Men. Washington, d. c, sept. 22. John Harry It an. son of Thomas I Iljan, tho (New York multi-millionaire, tpont today In flic war nnd navy departments and succcede'd In driving the oflklalH Into a stato of enthusiasm over tho proposition to provide tho army nnd navy with n tleet of airships that would augment tremendously the' pffonslvo and do. fenslv'o powers' of tlie twin (Jerylces. Tho nttractlvn featuro tjf loans proposition was Its economical aid; he did not ask a dollar ot govern niopt money In return for tho crea tion of a revive of about n thou sand neioplitnct that plight bo called immediately Into service Hy tio gov ernment In tlmo ot need What ho did vyant was tho moral support of tho two departnliiits. This was given him with hearty cood will. HfforU will bo made to develop aeroplanes of greater sUo thnn thoso now- In use, so ns to transport a cor iporal's guard and to carry sulliclcnt ammunition for offo tlvo bomb work. Tho man who Is on the level Is often compelled to make an uphill fight. A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Foreve; DS. T. FELIX GOl'RAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIF1CR mt fUmnvti Ts.11. rtnvk'L J-rnklei, M Ah 1 1chi, lUti. ii) htvlk ll , iqi) trtry Dieuiiaa inl'ftitt)'.Nii4ile fin tlMeclV n, it tiAttUgl iL ten 1 1 i Vfara, n&a H t brn I'M wty tuttUtt UfturtU ti rrorrrly luAda Act(p(nooouMt-ii lilt vt almlUi t tot Or. I, A. hirt Mil to t Ulr of ttii b mt tn (A Ultblt' ' i yi'U M' Will UIJ 111 J 1 rteutDtiistiitt' a tha ltait li armful nl ail It I kr, lrtM),rltgn" "" ' ll drurtin B'td t-Aiicr UmJ. llvftUt In th4 UtUtJ !uui, L-uJ uJ kurv (IIXLHOfUn f.fD 3 tiul J.nn SIuil hh' yj p - -sj ITX'i'jC-PN .THE KEYSTONEJ TO HEALTH IS HOSTETTER'S1, STOMACH BITTERS S. The first aid to a weak stomach, sluggish liver or constipated bowels should be the Bitters, because it has proven its right to be called "the best." It is for Indiges tion, Costivencss and Malar ial Disorders. Try it. Tor sale by Detison, Smith' ft 'Co., Ltd.; Ilolllster Drug Co., Ltd.; Chambers Drug Co., Ltd.; Hllo Drug Co.; and at all Wholesale Liquor Dealers. Undecided? As to what kind ol shoes you wsnt lo wesr Pay our store a visit and let us show you the I licit styles in REGAL SHOES FOR WOMEN and you'll be no longer in doubt. No olhef tfady-to-wcar shoes can be coirpsifd with i1,m Ia, d.lntv itvle nor (or the netlrct lit and ..omfort insured by Rejaj fluflitf J f J lll'.GAL hikh: STtim: $3.50 $4.00 ..$4.50 ;$5:oo . .. nil SI'X You will find In tho PYROGRAPHIC GOODS - dlsplaed In our window Mime of tho articles necessary to coinpleto jour outfit. , Hyerj thing thero dlsplnjed ls being Mild nt 25 Discount An unusiiaj chance! that mi cnn'nnt alTord to neglo't. Honolulu Photo Supply Co., "Everything Photographic" ART GOODS FRAMING. ARTS AND CRAFTS SHOP Young Hotel Building ANSC0 ' FILMS AND CAMERAS Gurrey's, LW; PICTURES IN COPLEY PRINTS PACIFIC PICTURE FRAMING 1050 Nuuanu Street CO. New Velvet Pumps A Style Lender MANUFACTURERS' SHOE CO., LW. "SslaBSuTAwVlSBk rlHWV - WANTS WAJtTO Everybody to use the large nickel pad for school and figuring ue Two hundred sheets of good paper for five cents, at this office. , It Have jour hat cleaned by the Expert Hat Cleaners, 1123 Kurt St., opp Club Stables. Best workmanship; no acids used. 4009-tt 500 watches that do not keep time Wm. I'riichn, expert wutchmaker, Alakea street, near Gas Co. 4717-lm Yon to know Nleper's Hxpress phone number Is 1910. llaggage moved to nn part ot city. 4739-tf General store man nnd solicitor. Give age and experience. "V.", Bulletin. 4712-tt G00 blccle tires to vulcanize. J. V. Kershncr, 1177 Alakea street. 4735-tf Anything of value bought for cash. Address or call 1117 Kort street. Y. M. C. A. night school opens this week. Hnroll today. 4739-tf Clean wiping rags at tho Bulletin office. Milliner at K. Uycda's hat store. 4722-tf SITUATION WANTED. Japanese Cooking School, Families or hotels supplied with cooks. O. M. Matzle. 1407 Auld Lane. Tel. 1G64. LOST. About ten minutes' run from the Haleiwa road, a .largo djst) thirst, at the Walpahu Exchange Tinder please leave It there. lilack cocker-spaniel flog: answers to uamo ot Hilly. Liberal reward If returned to Margaret Center, 824 Green street. 4733-tf FOUND Sorrel horso with one vvhlto foot, nlBo wlilto spot on forehead; mane clipped. Should judgo the nnl mal about J.2 cars old. Owner can have animal on proving him nnd palng expenses. F. H. Haley, Mnunawal, Oahu. 4740-3t I - DRESSMAKING. Mrsi .If. V. Sloan's dressmaking par. lore nro now located at C0-G1 Alexander Young building..? "- -J t 4740-3t AUTOMOBILE. Around the Island, four or more pas sengers, $6 each. Independent Auto Stand. Special rates by the hour. Phone 2009. 4077-tf - Up-to-date automobllo trimmings at Hammnn's California Hnrnoss Shop, Junction Richards, Merchant and King streets. 473B-tf P.hono 2009, nt Independent stand, for Jim Pierce's 7-passenger Pre mier car. v 4733-tf For . hire, seven-seated Packard; phone 2511. Young Hotel Stand; Chas. Reynolds. 4540-tt LIVERY STABLE. rirst-class livery turnouts nt rea sonnblo rates. Territory Livery Stable, 348 King; phono 2G3G, 4730-tf AGENTS. C, Henry Hustnco, selling agent Iizlcr and Palmer-Singer cars; llorsey's no-cement pntches; spe clal attention given to repairing automobiles and molorcjrlea. South near King. Phono 2174. 4741-tt WELDING. Any kind of metal wcldod. llrlng 0ur broken parts tn 207 Queen, nenr Alakea. .MEXICAN HATS. Just tho thing for school girls and outings. HAWAII & SOUTH SEAS CURIO CO. Young Bldg. TH , Chas. R7 Fraader Company rOUR ADVEETIBXU Phone 1371 122 King St. REGAL .SHOES REGAL SnOE CO. King and Bethel. lr .isfl&llW4,lllHf) 'TO LIT Hotel Dclmnnlco; under new man agement. Rooms by tho day, week or mouth. 130 IleretniiU street. Reasonable rates. rwo furnished rooms. Apply Mr. L). McCoanell, 1223 Emma B COTTAGES TOR RENT. Cres!at's. 2011 Kalla ltd (next C'nssldj's) Klegant, new, furnish, ed and unfurnished cottages, at Wnlklkl Reach; with board, If de sired, Good bathing and boating. R00M0 AND BOARD. "TUB LKI.ANO'" C27 llcrctnnl.t ave nue. Mosqulto-proof lanal rooms, with or without board, Uver) thing modern; moderate prices. Central location. Phono 1308. Mrs. 11. Dlnklage, prop. 4711-tt Cool furnishes rooms nnd cottages, with board. 1C34 Nuuanu Avo, near School St. Prices moderate. FOR IALX. The Transo envelope a time-saving Invention. No nddrsislng nec-t-ary In sending cut Mils or . celpts. Uulletln Publishing Co.. sole agents fcr patentee. tk- One No. 1 Hansome concrcto mixer No. L-22C (new), complete, with trucks, etc, II, S. Gray, 832 Tort street; P. O. llox G49. Trl-rolor Scotch, collie pups. Apply Honolulu Sodn Water Co., corner lleretanla and Nuuonii streets. 473S-lm Selected Caravoplca wool toltou seed. A. V. Gear, 1214 Tort 43t. P. O. llox 404, 4C93-tt Slnglo-cylindcr, Oldsmo bllo; G0. -Address "Olds," this office. 4724-tt Inter-Island and Oahu Railroad ship ping books, at Bulletin office. tt ELOCUTION. MISS RAY D. 1WLL Teacher ot Klocutloi, Ojntory. Pliyslcal -CuK ture and Voice Culture, Studio: 1259 Lunnlilo "street. Phono 1342. 4717-lm CLOTHES CLEANING. City Clothes Cleaning Co, No. 4 Ma sonic Temple, Alakea St. Clothes called for and delivered. Tel. 20G7. . PLUMBIHO. Fee tins; Kee-Plnmter and Tinsmith, Smith Bt., bet. Hotel and Pauahl. r -r SPECIALISTS EYE t-1 EAR NOSE THROAT 31-32-33-34 Young Buildine DR. N0TTAGE. .. .0 to 11 and 1 to 3 DR. ROGERS 11 to land 3 to 5 Sunday i 0 to 11 Other Hours by Appointment O tf When your 'eyes tire after reading a short time, they need attention, See ALFRED D. FAIRWEATHER -MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN Fort Street Harrison Block DR.SCHURMANN I Osteopath I 17K HETIETANTA RTUP.T.T Phone 1733 S. E. Lucas OPTICIAN Masonio Building, corner Hotel and Alakea The best Lenses in town to 'fit every eye. ' Pianos for Rent BERGSTJtOM MUSIC CO. Steinway . ,AND OTHER PIANOS -Thn yer Piano Co. IKil lfnli.1 St 'Plinno 6t1! TUNINO GUARANTEEDt''A sfsfsfsi swsB'?!" K t '1 tie Wli Uulletlu $1 per jenr. rf r .it t u J. . . ilit'Att iftsSWls ti$