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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
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w I VI:MSi HI It.lITIN' IIOSOI.l l.t I il tUITIIIlVY l)l( 21 tl' tr AMUSEMENTS. positively Last : IPerformajices AMUSEMENTS I u Great merican SI)ow QE OV JISCORAM SAfUHMY AND MONDAY MATINEE SATURDAY AND i niONDAY ( MONDAY AT 2:30 ADMISSION'. 3iic iFreq Performance nt 7:30 Every I 'i. T.vmuhi' ft 8RATS on unlo at Hnlllstcr Drug ,3torc New Orphcum ti:i.I'I'iiom: :r o Hotel Street, Next to YounK Hotel 11 Hpt-ilul It l i"t RETURN ENOAOEMENT lli'RlntiliiK Willi (lullii.ia MnlliKf Extrnordinary Bill During Limited Season of GEORGE B, HOWARD & COMPANY Monday and Tuesday "THE WRONO MR. VR10HT" Wednesday and Thnnday "PAID IN FULL" Friday, Saturday nr.d Saturday Matinee "SHERLOCK HOLMES" New Yeai's Day and Night "IfELLO, BILL"' Pbrk Theater ) WILSON AND MORRIS Australia's Greatest Tumblers . Will Trpsent "FUN" IN A CHINESE LAUNDRY" lirluiH Your nines ami Have lllcm l Wished Out of Your S)tem " j! THE MEDOROS i, li In Another Noicl Act ' SANDARTE ' Will Draw Moro Sand Pictures THE SISTERS MELNOTTE fti Now gongs uml Dancei MOTION PICTURES i FILED llllllli THE Pffl WEEK AGENTS IN HONOLULU ARE HAVING GOOD BUSINESS AND THE VON-HAMM CO MPANY IS PLACING MANY CARS HOW THE (MRS WORK OUT ON TERRITORIAL ROADS. I lux om.e Prices 25o OpPII 35c and 50c The Savoy Hotel. Opposite Bethel Largest Motion ririurn Thpater In City (Management of 1,. T Love) D I ves Cadillac for a Cent a Mile. It (ot l)r It II Toil, or DiVflt itort, li .1 emull fraction more than it tent ii ml U; to operate IiIh C.iilll lae car from O tutor 21t iu, to Oc Inliei HI, Hill. Tim villi t figure of tnsl pir ml'p, as glon to the ("ml lllai Motor Company, Is-$ D 10'' Dur ing tli period over which this liar lliulnr rti mil wiih kept. ll tar wan ilrlun a totnl of 4800 miles Tho entlro tost fur malnten men ihirln,T Itlio year, Including gasoline, oils, batteries, Ran tanks fur lighting ul icpilns, was $52 40 so Hint t lio nv prage. per uionlli tamo 1" a fraction I of n cent 1p tlimi J I 27. Dr. Teck mill tlint he lias owncil 'Hupp illffpiPiit iniulilnps ami lias I Kent a turnip rrcortl of what they I cost Id uiipraip. Ho says thai al- 1 though tho otliPrs wero llghtpr tlian flip t'mlU'iir, IIih latter cost lilm coli- kI(1im,i1iI Ipfi tlimi Ills pro Ions ex perience liail led lilm to expect. eight thousand irjunin feet, ami In i hides three holler ilnlts of Mil) horsepower r.-uli, with nutoni.itle stoker. A complete, innl-handllng vtiiilpment Is now hi lug-milled. Tho tonf trui tlnn of tho entire croup forming (ha power plant Is ol i out i Up mill steol tmeses, with lire proof Hips for I oof. In mtilltton, r.o iipw buildings linvo hi'Pli aililt'il to the Itamhler plant (lining the tar. Dulik on Hillr. The Hull U Is provlnrj an grpit u fixnrlte In these Islands and esiecla1 1) In tho hilly illstrlclR of Hawaii n oor Hcports from tho Volcano St.i hies show that one of tho link I; tour liU cam recently shipped them liyTlio tm llamm Young Cotnpnn has heel illsposcil of to Ur, 1'rOiI Irwin of Olaa. ami anothpr beautiful Ilulck run Isler to Mr. Ilcnrj Lyman, DnrliiK the week nnclher Model 17 Ilulck tmirlnu cal t Jiuiiua nuium.3 JNOyELTY THEATER t I Cornet Nuuanu and Paualu Streets i THE VAN-BARKLEY COMPANY .IMASTER JIMMD3 VAN ,1 V ' Mnpn b nrTTmAT And LATEST .MOTION PICTURES 1! Royal Academy of j Dancing dd Fellows' Hall f PIERRE BARRON iIH ;JAL0HA BATH HOUSE. if' School of Physical Culture. j ladies' Men's and Children's 'classes. Hours: o. m. to 10 p. m. and Private Instruction, ii M. E. Silva, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMEB i Prompt and Polite Attention I' CHAPLAIN LANE, 0PP0SITX I CATHOLIC SISTERS I Phone 1170 Night Call 1014 1 Assessment No, 13 i HARBISON MUTUAL ASSOCIATION nonoiuiu crencn L.U duS'5n November IS, 1910, and becomes delinquent December lb, 11910. BIG BILL T0NIQHT Entile Compiny Will Appedr in the 40-Minutc Comedy "TWO MARRIED MEN" ( i:iRlil In Hip Call llli Mnlnn Marjr.illi Cm pain. , Still WILSON SISTERS the I'.-mirlti' D.iiuIiik Duo OEOROE STANLEY llilliuls ami llliulrateil Soncn DOT RAYMOND The Slncer With the llili Iliawl SI.irp Ipw npvpr ohlrtiiti'il dtir Ihr Piitlrp peiformaire i:er stage whlsppr heard POPULAR PRICES Never Changed The Bijou (ManaRcmcnt of Sam Kuhcy) Two Entrances: Hotel Street, Opposite Ilcthcl rau.ihl, Near Tort . ' " i L. "i ..A Miles West Hupmobilc on Continental Divide Thirty-two of Rawlins, Wyo. Honolulu's Largest i and Safest Playhouse THREE SHOWS TONIGHT! I Begins at 0:30 Sharp limn class VAimi:vu.i.i:! ITi:ST MOTION l'ICTUIti:S! MUSICAL COMi:DV! Hughc3 Orchestra! A Fifty-Cent Show fcr 10c and 15c rosiTivl:iA' no iiiohku Itccentlj r TciK acquired u 1911 Cadillac and writes that he has drlNPii It HinnetlllliR over 20U0 miles without lmlnrt had u pnrtlilo ol incrhnnlenl trouble This drlWns has Ine'udcil trips oct the roads of lowi, .Mlniouil and, Nebraska, all mad" without the necpr.slty of touch ing: tho casino or ralsliiR tho hou I e cpt to show the motor to admir ing friends. was shipped to the Vplcano SUbliu for ti proBjcctho ciistomcr In Iltln. Another car shipped by 1 ho von Uumni-YouiiK Company, to tho Volcano Stables v. us n Model tO Overland The Otcrlapd ear has srpivleil nnltR a sen ration In tho Islands of luto ouliif; to It3 cxcesslvo horsepiwcr and stand Ins up qualities. Tor a low price 1 car tliu Overland ! connected onq of tlm best values which can ho obtained for the inoni'. New Rambler Pcwer Plant. I The confldcnco of tho older and most Ftablo automobile manufactur ers in tho continued prospuilty and certain Riowth of tho Imlustr) Is cvldcmeil In the nniiuiintciiiont by Whooplnn CouflJ CROUP ASTHMA CATARRll COUGHS COIJI3 DRONI.HIM5 Vwynmomuu CtTAtiltHIO ( A t!mpt, i M tfTnllvf lrtftlmo fr lroi.tiill irmililr nvoMlre ctrwr YtttlrH t ro!tti tnpllitmrniynn nt tWtooptfiirliMigtittmlitllf trAl rotp at iinre It It bitrn In niffifct limn AMhma Ttwilr fmdetrd moi Rly ntl Rptlc Iniplrtil with evtiy hrt-nih inkt: brvKtMng ran j', utiothc the nfj ihrnat ami itup (ho cmnrbt fiurln rrtful ntirtiti. it InvJjuUe o mo...eri with youmrcltfl'lrrn henU pofeial for ilcicrlptke booklet ALL DRUGGISTS 1 rrCmult-nvAntl itrptle Throat lab Ii-im (or Hi' ttrllatrd throat. They are ftlmple. e(Tectl and antlsrpilc. l your druirtUi or from ut lOclnttflntLi. VapO'Crctolene Co, tZ Canliai'i ft . N. V. AMUSEMENTS. EMPIRE THEATRE (Mananement J T. Scully) TWO MATINKi: I'i:ilIX)llMANCi:S MONDAY More Crowds Turned Away GLADSTONE SISTERS Ily speplal request, tbeso marvel ous dancers will repeat their tulRlnal Acrobatic D.uice oury tilKlil this week. HARMONY SINGERS THE GREAT SNOOK I formerly of Koll and Dill) Assisted by CLEOPATRA DUNN The llaijikuir I'rmed In mi uiiliio ly new n. I, lutiodiuliii; one uf hit Yiddish characters. EDNA RANDALL Operatic ..eziKSopi.niii 111 lllrjh Claea Bulo.t'ons Special Display of New . Moving Pittaivi Tho i:.nplrn la entirely remodeled starto ctlUlKcd; II. ted with opera tlialrrt. i New Orchestra under the direction of . HARRY WEIL POPULAR PRICES.... 10c. 15c, 25c For Ailing Persons And Others The Best Drink Is RAINIER .4 us r B ; R TEE B.EER THAT SUITS THE PEOPLE I Boxint Contest BOXING DAY DECEMBER 2G OldrV Mctorist Wednidnj, Uec ember .. was ' '"J j0E McGURN epciiiii sixin iiminiirKiri in m birth of S. I. IVIes of Altoana, l'.i . who lays claim to bctiiR the oldest active motorist In tho Slate of Poim Asahi Theater Maunakea Street, llctueen Hotel and 1'auahl Streets 8:15 P. M. Sharp , Of San rr.incisco VS. 12 HOUNliS JIM nOAO Of Honolulu tho Thomas II .leffery Ctiminny "f, B. rala ulllI lc oI(I(.Rt ,,rlor ot mc cinipicuiiii oi ii HUW biiuiv p"'- Kraiii, oar iu tho country. plant for the Ilamblur I Mr Tries dtlcs n rrnliklln In I which ho makes trlpi of from fifteen YOUNG GANS DANCING SCHOOL. Children's danclnp, class every Trl tlay afternoon Iu Odd Kellows' Hall at 3:30 o'clock, I'rlvnto J'ssona hy appointment, l'liono 174', MISS HAKKlj lll'CKLAND. 47!)l-lm trlcal power factor Tho new cnslno room covers slc to twenty miles about tho country or Honolulu i inuR.uiii vim. irn riir. tiiin iiii. pniiui- mont has been mi Installed that even Ha great capacity may bo doubled at any time. TIuto nro four power units. In. (.hiding n 1200 horsepower Compound noii-cundensliiir nlterua- car whlih ho ures Is BAUERS0CKS vs. PINK Of I.ellchun , Of Camp Very 8 HOUNDS around Altoona mid has attracted routddcmhlo attention In tho auto-j mohllo woild through liio motorlUR. nctllt at his iidvan od aee. I Ho Is not only a motorist, but Is CrotB skilled In nutomoblle mechnnlca. Tho car whlih ho ures Is not a recent tor, with three other units of (lie model, nnd when Mr, I-'rleB purcliateil hundred one hundred twenty-flvo It (he jears iiro ho found Hint a fewi nnd nun hundred horsepower eneh. repairs weio neeueu. no accoiuniR- Tho holler room lovers an ate.i of, ly dlsmaiit'ed It, wont nor cery vs. SABCONE Of Camp very SIX HOUND3 General Admission, 50c; Betervcd Scats. $l:iRinc: Side. $2. Seats on Halo nt, Klt7patrlck Dros., Hotel nnd Union Streets. rrfc -rr part and condition loft eacl' ono Among other In proper things ha straightened the crank shaft aflei falling lo And aiijuue to do It for him, nnd "tod ly," ho mid, "my ma chine, n far as worhhiK order In concerned, Is practically as good as new. "I got It for pleasure," he con tinued, "and while I ueer keep niiy i et on! of my trips, my wife and I frequently go to HolllilnHhurg and leliun, a distance of llfleen or slt titq miles, In one hour nnd mi an nverngn consumption of two nnd one half to Ihreo quarts of gnsollno, "I maUo a riin to Lynn, about foventcen miles, In an hour and flf Icon minutes on very llttlo nioio gasoline, nnd generally do It nil on high gear. I run nhnut fifteen lo twenty miles an hour on fairly good rliads, ami nit down on tho bad oiips as low as I think necessary. If I want to I ran pas:) almost nil) thing hut I did not get the ear iiurporo nnd do not enjoy It. So far r If you are looking for a pretty Gold Mounted T ft' $y.: & Back Comb ai make sure that you a A small payment places the Victor in Stfoiir home. Call and see our complete stock of different style machines. Honolulu Music Co.9 g9Kinst 9 I have not made very long trips, but, opp niir aRRnrtTTIPTlf hope lo the coming suuuuar." Mr Tries had long thought ho was ono of n very few aged motorists, but mad; no luiestlgatlou nnd raid nothing ubout It until he read In a motor magiulnn (lint C C. Vnnden berg of I.nfujctto, JJ. Y., nged soen l live )iiara. Iiolloioij himself tho oldixt multilist In the country Ml. Tries then pill forward his claim. CONT NEGLECT THAT COUGH It certainly racks your system ami inny run into something sorltmi AI Inn's Lung Hals mi will rheck It quick ly mill ppiinunonlly. Tor sale at nil ilriilfxtsl linlm In tori) lo hlush before making purchase. J, A. li. VIEIRA .l HO, ) Read This- Reprints of the latest popular fiction nicely bound and handsomely illustrated. Par Volume, 75c ; Five for $S.0O The Christmas Bargain BROWIU LYON Cfc, Ltd. Alex. Young Building. Sucking Pigs Tender and Sweet The Pond Dairy Telephono 2890 The Big Toy Store Wall, Nichols Co., t rn Limited King Street Where you can find, almost everything you may want' for a gift. Christmas without Toys for the children would not seem like XMAS to them. COME AND SEE THE VARIETY Kina Street. And now for the Christmas, Dinner with its PIE If you want this pie to be the very best, make it of Heinz Mince Meat which your grocer sells. ) a , " i JEWELERS Phone'2231. - liatnoleUSt Tho I rut lull iiiifi'in. JAMES W. BERGSTROM, Manager. 4vjlSfc j I