Newspaper Page Text
i-? i:vi:n'inu iiut.t.CTiN, iionom'm;, t it hvttiiday dec 21 nno 15 I- J. BIG k APPLE SALE CHOICE OREGON APPLES I'mm KuKUA lllvar Vnlley Delivered Direct 10 You for Their Cost L'nion-Pecific Transfer Co., Opposite Lewers & Cooke S. E. Lucas OPTICIAN Masonio Building, corner Hotel and Alakea The best Lenses in town to fit every eye. DR.SCHURMANN Osteopath 175 BEHETAHIA STREET Phone 1733 Automobile Supplies & Repairing Associated Garage, limited Von Hamm Young Co., Ltd. Tioncers and leaders in the Automobile Business A Renin for such' well-known carB an Packard, Popo-llartford, Stevens-. Durycn, Cadillac, Thmnns Flyer, I Mill.!;. Overland, Maker Electric, and othcis. Gay and Miller AtllMUIlCO tllO Opening Of tllO OAHU AUTOMOBILE STAND on JANUARY 1, 1911, at tho corner if kino ami iiisiiop stiu:i:ts, with Eight 7-Sca'cd Csrs and Experienced and Reliable Drivers PHONR 3IIS LOCOMOBILE "The Best-Built Car in America" ECHUMAN CARRIAGE CO., LTD Agents u I. W. rEESHNIl Auto Tire Repairing 1177 Alakea St. Phone 2434, Chickens, Turkeys, Geese, and Pigs AM. SIZES CLUB STABLES Telephone 1109 Y. YoshiRawa, The BICYCLE DEALER and RE PAIRER, has moved to . 180 KINQ STREET New location Red front, near Young Building. Telephone 2518. H. YOSHINAQA ' Emma Street, above BeretanU New BICYCLES arrived for racing and general use. Prices, $23 up to 135, without brakes. Repairing and re-tiring done neatly. BULLETIN APS FJY 16 dt J San Francisco lintels HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Squate Jtut oprosili Ilottt St. friocU Europein Pltn S1.60 dy up American Plan S3.00 a day up Steel and brick structure, furnish Ings cost $200,000. High class hotel at moderate rates. Omnibus meets all trains and steamers Hotel Stewart now recognized as Hawaiian Island headquarters. Cable address, "Trawets" A. U. C. Code. Reservations made through Trent Trust Co., Fort Street, Honolulu. Hotel St. Francis Union Square, San Francisco Under the Management of Tames Woods FATING llio lieautlfiil park In Hip heart of tlio illy, which Is (lie (liositrc of (lie principal ci, 'ins of the fumniiN feitlials of Snn I'rmirKt-ti, IliN hold, n ,.. ilrnniiipvl mid nlniophcrr, ex. lirrxsr mo nlcnaiillr the romforlnhle kplrll of old Oil Ifnrnln. The riijnlly mid uiiMllly f the Old Vrld mid the Far L'nM mid the mm of high achievement In America nho niMPiiihl'p h'erp ronlrllmlc to nip loMiiiopolltiin ntmoiplKre of mi Inttftiilloii which rpirpspnl'i the linsiiltiillly mid linlh Until Ity of Sun l'mncliiro to the tmTclrr. The hiilldlnir, vihlch murk dip f.irthpt ndvancc of sclpriVe In scnle'p, has' ndu" (lie largest cipitelly of imy hotel structure In the West, nh'd ripon comply, tlon of the Post" street annex will he Uip largest eahtvniisrry In the world. WHILE THE SEJIVICE IS U. USUAL, THE riUCES 'AM! ACT. European Plan from $2.00 Up THERE WILL III A GOOD END TO TUB OLD YEAR AT II A I. E I W A NRXT SAT UHDAY NIOIIT TUAIN3 TO TIIK DOOtt WAIKIK1 INN First-Class Familv Hotel Best Bathing on the Beads W 0. BEROIN. Pro Hotel Majestic Sachs Block,? Fort and Brretania Sts Fine furnUhed rooms, 1 per da 10 and upwards per month. Bplen did BCLumtr.ndatlona. MRS 0. A. BLAIS5ELL. Proa. Th2 New Phone Number AT Vienna Bakery 2124 SUMMER DAYS AND Pan Ka liana GOOD THINOS F. E. DAVIS & CO., MERCHANDISE' BROKERS Merchant and Nuuanu Streets FOR YOUR GROCERIES. SEE AMERICAN BROKERAOE CO. 93-05 King Stieet, near Maunakea Phone 2201 Daily Delivery fejjTY-yMsWai innif mir for luuiiuui FR ntfntkrfnT9i.rrnr,rthht If .. "" "T " isi ntnav. trn F I tor. (ft ri4 itf Ihfift llh STEARNS' ELEOTRIO RA T and ROA OH PASTE nnrkrMrhia)ilnthfrvnii. jirlvrttNl mii-VMieriMtiotiMliJie, HontUckllUUtto. rj ami ! m i m p. 44 f itwitoU a aaaii ira rpal4 lUirfta'tl.ttrlip.mC. N -a,ir, aw Christmas Trimmed Hats MISS POWER Boston Building . Fort Slrect Received by the Last Steamer, the TfltMt LINGERIE OOWNS and TAILORED SUITS Alro, Shirt-Waists nnd Scarfs Mrs. F. S. Zeave, Rooms 07-C8 Young Building ASSORTED PILLOW TOPS FOR THE HOLIDAYS FANCY ARTICLES OF ALL KINDS Call at MISS W 0 0 D A R D'S 1141 Fort Street SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICE) Dunn's Hat Shop LEADING HAT CLEANERS. All Kiudi of Hats Cleaued and Blocked. 4o Acids Died. Work Guaranteed FKLIX TURRO. Specialist, 1&4 Fort Street Opp. Convent Honolulu. T H TOYS HOTEL, NEAR TOUT YAT HING KAM CHONG CO., GENTS' FURNISHINGS Fort and Beretania Streets Harrison Block WAH YING CHONG CO., King Street, Ewa Fishmarket WING CHONG CO KING ST.. NEAR BETHEL Dealers in Furniture, Mattresses. :tc, etc. All kinds of KOA and MIS SION FURNITURE made to order. Fine Line of Carpenter Tools At the Naw Hardware Store CITY HARDWARE CO. King and Nnuanu Streets R1INEST FIT And Cloth of Al Quality Can W Purchased from' SANO CHAN, MCOANDLFSS BT.T)0 P. 0. Box 9G1 Telephone 1731 Meat Market and Importers, C. 0. Yee Hop & Co. ICE Manufactured from pure distilled wit r. Delivered to any part of city by courteous drivers. Oahu Ice & Electric Co., Kewalo Telephone 1128 SOUVENIRS Mailing attended to. Dellvory guaran teed In nood order. Hawaii & South Seat Curio Co, Young Ilulldlng The Most Delicious O'nger Ale- CASCADE RYCROFT'S FOUNTAIN SODA WORKS Telephone 2270 w Cable News BIG STRIKE (Amnol.ltcl l'rvm Cllile ) CHICAGO, Dec. 23. The threat encd tic up by n strike tpWomothc engineers has been nvcrtcd by n pttimUe of diip moro coiifcrftirn he tweeti nmilu)o and cinphijor tumor. tow, when It Is hoped thA ImppiidliiR tionblo will ho sldctracke.l. It Is not only a qiiostlon uf w.iros, tho cnaliiccrs dpinnndlnf; n suhttan tint Inrroacc on the Rround of tho advanced coft of IIvIiib, hut tho set tlement nf a number of questions which havo been matters of contro versy for n Ioiib time. All arrangements wcro porfe ted for a Rencral strike. Tho railway o.Tlclnls denied tho llpilinllll fnr tlin rntl; Mnphnncn In wnRcs on tliR ground that rate.i havo; not advanced commciiMinitn with the pcrcentnKC demanded by the' men. WOMAN DYNAMITER IS FOUND OUILTY OAKLAND. Dec. 23. After lielnir out for several hours n Jury In the NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORE Supcrlor Court horo toda brought I CLOSE AND OF SALE. In u vcullct nf gitllty against Mrs.' Istbrla Mmtln. charce.l wllh dvna-' ,,m,c'' I0Wr ' alh contained In tnlting tho home uf Judge Ogdeu In this city In February. 1'JOS. She was Indicted by tho grand Jury an March 3 following, was tried and the Jury disagreed. Mrs. Mai tin con ducted her cwn defence. Tacked to tho M'r.llct rf guilty Is a da. Inn for mcr y. I'oonimeii- .. TO RELIEVE FAMINE. WASHINGTON. I). C. Dpe 2S The Notlcnal Hod CroaJ Society day cable 1 to Its ropiPEcntnllve nt "' '" i-"u" "i, u, IPcklng flive ithousand dJllars m- w.l,! non-iuynient of principal nnd ... '.... . Internet UL'linti iltia, I warns me renui or me Limine nini flood ttirferers Anhul, China. In the provlnco cf CHILE'S NEW, PRESIDENT. SANTIAGO. Chllo, Dec. 23. With Imprcr.llvo ceremonies Presi dent Luce was Inaugurated here to day, during which ho was acclaim ed by an Immense gathering. MARRIED. SMITH O'NKIL In Honolulu becom her 23. 1010. Agnes (VNell to Sergt. It. N. Smith, Schoflc'hl lfarrack. El der G.,J. Waller, oUlclatlng. 1 TO CURE A COLD IN tWE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.. All druggists refund the money if it fails 1o cure. E, W. Grove's signature is on each box PARIS MEDICINE CO , St. UuK U a A. BY AUTHORITY. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION. Situate in Iwilei. Honolulu, Suitable for M ll or Factory Sites. Ily order of the Honorable W. J. Udblnron, Third Judgo of the Cir cuit Court of tho First Judicial Clr. cult, I will sell nt public nuHlon, to tho highest cash bidder, on : noon, at mauka en- franco to the Judiciary Ilulldlng, In said Honolulu, tho following adjoin Ing apanas or pieces of Lan'd: 1. The undivided 1-5 Interest of. George Nnmnkuchn, deceased, in n portion of tho land formerly known as tho "Loko o Kapukul." nt present under leaso to the Honolulu Soap Works Co., Ltd. Area, 52-iqO of an apro. The undivided 1-5 Interest of, said Goorgo Namokueha, ilcrcaaod, In a portion of L, C. A. 2937. leased as aforesaid. Area, 3G-100 of an aero. Dials nt tho oxpenso of purchas ers. For further particulars Inqulro of Henry Smith, at his offlco in tho Ju diciary Ilulldlng, Honolulu, MIIS. LIZZIE NAMOKUEHA, Administratrix of tho Kstato of Georgo Namokueha, IJiceascd. 4802 DeJ. 17, 24", 31; Jan. 7. The Hoard of License Commission ers for tho City and County of Ho ntilulii will hold n meeting at the Executive Ilulldlng on Friday, Jan uary 20, 1911, at 4 p. m., to con sider tlio application of Klntnrn Mu rakami fnr n Se'ond-Clnss Restau rant Llrniiho, to sell Intoxicating Illi nois at No. C9 School street, Hono lulu. Oahu. ntuliir the provisions of Art 119, Sesilon Lnwt of 1907 All ..rntnst. or nl.lerlln... nL-;,ln.t tho issuance of a Licence under said' KB l"'l Bt. II. 1900, and re application should he filed with tlio ( f or'1' ' ,,0,,1 3-'s. W r2 t0 Bn Pecrelary of tho Hoard not later than tho tlma set for ald hearing, CAItU)3 A. LONG, Secretary Hoard of l.lceuro Coin llllssloiliMS, 4802 Dup. 17, SI, 3J Jun, 7, II. THE KEYSTONE TO HEALTH IS HOSTETTER'Si STOMACH BITTERS The fact that nostetter's Stomach Bitters has helped thousands of sickly people back to health during the past 57 sears should con vince vou that it is the med icine you need for Indiges tion, Stomach Ills, Malaria, Fever and Ague. For sale by r)enon, Bmlth ft Co., Ltd.: Hollltter Drue Co.. Ltd.: Chambers Drug Co., 'Ltd.; Hllo Drug Co.; and at all Wholesale Liquor Dealers. LEGAL NOTICES. a mortgago ilnted September 11th, l0a, made by Mary l'akcle ICawal- ",:,1:l nr Kalitfuu, North Kona, Iln- wall, Kllzahtilh rookapu of Walakea, Hllo, Hawaii; David ICahaiianul of Hllo. Hawaii, nh'd 1.111a Maunakea, mtiMgagors, to J. Alfred Mngnhti, Trustee, Mortgagee, recorded In tho dnir-eof the. Iteglstrar of Convoynnren In Hnno'.ulu, in Hook Z2'i, page l2. notlro Is hereby given that the said io-JMor,K:l('0 Inlomla tn foroclose said - - -. Notice la likewise given that tho lands covered hy the said mnrtgago will ho rold at public miction at tho auction rooniB of James F. Morgan, Kahumantt Street, Honolulu, City and County of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, on Saturday, tho I4th day of January, A. D. 1311, nt 12 o'clock noon of Bald day. . Terms: Cash W. S. Gold coin, deed at the 'expense of tho purchaser, to ho prepared hy tho Attorneys for tho Mortgagee. Honolulu, T. II., Dec. 3, 191Q. (Signed) J. ALFUED MAGOON. Truslefl, Mortgageo. MAGOON ft WEAVEU. 188 Merchant Street, j Attorneys for Mortgagee. Thn property covered by tlio Bald mortgngo nnd tn he sold as aforesaid, consists of: All of tho rlRht, tltlo nnd Interest of tho mortgagors In tho premises, described as follows: That portion of tho land situated on tho Southeast side nf N nun mi Street, Honolulu, City nnd County of Honolulu, Torrltory of Hawaii, be ing nbnut 3G3 feet nmknl of tho 8outh corner of School and Nuu.imt streets, being tho samo premises convojcnl to the mortgagors hy deed nf Henry K. Snlffen, dated July 2(1, 1309, ro:orded In Hook 310, page 387, being a deed of partition bo. tween the helm of Elizabeth Ipuhnd Snlffen, formerly wife of J. Maknnn- helehe'e, bMng a portion of the premises described In L. C. A. 1S8S to Kalua, said mortgagors having ac quired their Interests as heirs at law1 of Elizabeth Ipuhao Snlffen, who died InteMato, said premises being doserlbed hy metes and bounds ns follows:: Ileglnnlnc at n driven Iron bolt on tho Southenit side of NuuanU Avenue. 1217.7 feot North, nnd 2559.3 feet West from Oov't Survov Trig. Station Puownlnn, and from iwhtrh tlte Rniitli rnrner nf Niinnnu Avoniin mnl Relindl Street Is bv true Azimuth nnd distance. 221' 13 419.7 feet as shown on Oov't Survey Registered Map No. 1707, and mri nlug hy trilo nztmuths as follows; 1. 221, 13" 54 2-10 feet niollg fence, along Nuuanu Avontio, (2.) 315 30' 3S'j feet along fence along Waterhouso Investment Co., Ltd., lurid. 3, 307 15' 123 9-10 feot along fenco on concrete coping along Waterhour.o Investment Co., Ltd., laud to top of South fa:o of coiicrete wall on the North clde of Pauoa Streanl. 4. Thenco on a slight curve along the top South fuco of said wall on tlio North side of Pauoa Stream tn the Southwest corner nf name, tho direct bearing' nnd distance being SO 0.V 87 2-10 feet. 6. 135 2.V 107 C-ll) feet a Irng foncd along Mrs. Itosn C'leghorn Robertson's land tn tho Initial point. Area, 7530 square feet. And being thn samn premises do- 'C'I ' l'l allOVO described mort ",'"",' 4789 Doe. 3, JO, 17, 24, 30; Jail, 7. Illsuk book, of nil -jnrls i"Ueif f Ic, inunu'iieiiired hy thu 11 u 1 1 e 1 1 1 Puhllvhlug Coui"aar, WART-S WAJTCJU One or two younjj men, energetic, hustlers for Hundred Thousand Club, l'ay salary. Apply, C'hns. A Htantuii, hpcictary. corner KIiik mil Curl streets. !S03-2t Have yur hat cleaned by the Expert Hat Cleaners, 1123 Tort St., opp, Club Stables. Ucst workmanship; no acids used. 4609-tf Small furnished cottage In Rood In callty bj married couple, no per inancnt tenants. Addrexs "II." this oin o. 4S0I-U Mnlo ptip. Must hu In good hea'th. State price nnd whore ran be seen Address "M. A.", caro Iltilletln or tl -. 4S0C tf You to know Nleper'a Express phone number Is 19 10. Uaggage moved to any part of city. 4739-lf Amateurs for llljou Theater, between 12 and 1 dally. 4S07-tf Apply COO bicycle tires to vulranlze. J, W. Kershner, 1177 Alakea street, Anything of vnlue bought for cash. Carlo, 1117 Fort St. 4753-tf Clean wiping rags at the Bulletin office' I SITUATION WANTED. An experienced clerk for dry goods, clothing, genta' furnishing nnd shoe department; 15 jears experi ence. Good references. Addreas I l'. A. u.. uullettn omce. 4,80-11 Japanese Cooking Srhool. Fanilllosor hotels supplied with cookn C. M Matslti. 1457 Auld Uni. Tel 1t(!4 HELP WANTED. Collector Stnto age, oxperloiirc. Sal nry paid. Address "X. Y. 7..". Ilul Ictin olllce. 480u-tf Mod's clothing on credit, II per week; suit given at once. F. Levy Outfitting Co., Sachs build ing. Fort street. 4742-tf LOST. Pussbonks Noh, 9311 and 9SC3. turn to tlecard Offlco. 4799-2W Itc- TAILOR. Flue Hue of now suitings recently received. Latest diagonal weaves mbdo up to the highest dictates of fashion. J. K. Ilocha, room 3D Young building. 4772-tr CLOTHES CLEANING. Clothes cleaned, dyed and pressed on snort notice called for and de livered. Phone 3029. 8. Harada, 11G0 Fort street. 47C0-tt City Clothes Cleaning Co., No. 4 Ma sonic Temple, Alakea St. Clothes called for and delivered. Tel. 2067, AUTOMOBILE. Around the Island, four or more pas sengers, 6 each. Independent Auto Stadd. Special rats by the hour. Phone 2609. 4077-tt For hire, seven-seated Packard: phone 2511'. Young Hotel Stand: Chaa. Reynolds. 4t40-tl' LIVERY STABLE. First-class livery turnouts at rea BonaMe rates. Territory Livery Stable, 348 King; phone SS3rJ. FRUIT. A rnso of Mrs. If earns' Oold Modal Hawaiian Piepjrvea makes a nice Xnias present. Order early. Phone or call at 471 Eeretanla avonue. 4T73-lm AGENTS. C, Henry Hustace. selllnc neent Pulmer-Slnger car; Horsey's no cement patches; special attention given tn repairing automobiles and motorcycles. South near King, Phone 217 4. CONTRACTORS. George Yumada, general contractor. Intimates fumlshed. 210 McCand. lebS building. Phono 1115. 4768-tf WEI.DIN0. Any kind of metal welded. tiring youf broken parts tj 207 Queen, near Alakea. Dr. Hugh L. Dickey Eye, Ear, Nose Throat. 1150 Ma ken street (opposite Royal Hawi an Hotel), Hours: 0-12:30 and 1:30-4-30. Sunday, 10-11, Evenings by appointment. Telephone 3021. 4765 3 in V e e U j II u 1 1 e 1 1 u II per jrur. ..-''a mSkiMidm- TO LM Hotel Delinoiilco; utiuer uew man aRement. ltuoius by the May, Keek or mouth. 130 lleretanla street. Iteusunable rates. Btnro nnd oin es, single or en suite, Telephuuo bulldliiR, Merchant and Alakea. II. :. Hondrlck. Two furnlsh.i rooms. Apply Mrs. 0 McConnetl, 1223 Emma Uu ROOMS AND BOARD. "Till: LKLANIV C27 lleretanla ave nue. Mosqulto-proof lanal roinnB, with or without tvard. Every thing modern, modern to prices. Central location Phono 1308. Mrs. II. Dluklnge, prop. 4793-tr Shndy Nwik, 1043 llcrctnnln; Tel. 1333. Newly . furnished apart ments, mosqultu pioof, at reason able rates. 47CS-tt Cool furnlsheu rooms nnd cottages, with board. 1C34 Nuuanu Ave., near School st. Prices moderate. FOV tALK. The Tra'nso enve'ope a tlme-aavlng Invention. No nddr.alng nacaa ary In sending out bills or : celpts. Hulletlu Nbllshlng Oo ml mtnu for ustontee. t One No. l Hansoms cuncreta mixer No L-22ti fnov), complete, vlth trucks, etc. II. S, (Iruy, 833 Fort street; P. O, IIJx (i4U. Selected Caruvoulca wool cotton ed. A. V. Oinr, 1214 Fort St. P. O, Ilox 404. 493-tt Ynunjf thoroughbred S. c. Whlto Leghorn rooster; $3. Addross "J.' IVjIltl lotln ofll.ce. 4803T3t" WlncliPtter repeating shotgun; .12 gaugo. II.-,. i, I'lnuhon Jr.. Wn tertown. 4807-3t Inter-Island and Onhu rtallrosd ablp plng books, at Lnlletln office. tl Sewing machine (White) for sale, Trcgloan Plaoj No. 9. Choice cut flowers. Phone 3029. FOR SALE OR RENT. Home. In Olaa, Hawaii, containing between 7 and 8 acres, on tho Volcano road, three-quarters of n mile from Mountain View. House; barn, cottage nnd scrvauta' quar ters, price. 12500. Also flvo shares of Whltnoy ft Marsh stock (dry gcods rompmi)); par value, 1100. Mako mo nn offer on this. dJrcss, Itctta O. H'gglns, Pnlgo P. 0 Caroline County, Virginia. 4 SO 4-1 m BEAUTY CULTURE. Marlnollo system Minnie Ithoada, 1140 Alakea street. Scalp and facial massage; shampooing and manicuring; salt glows. Phone 3089. 4766-tt Mrs. Drlnkwaxcr Mnssago, Special Fnco Treatment, Chiropody, eto. 169 lleretanla. cor. Union. Telo phene 3276. 4800-tt chibopodyT Dr. nirch, Siirgoon ChlropodUt. Of- no, m .mcx. toung nuiiaiug, Hours io. to E. 9 to 12 on Sunday1, SODA WORKS. Phone 3022 for the best soda water made In Honolulu. 'Honolulu Soda Wnter do., Matsumoto Ian, near comer of Ueretaulo and ,Nu-, iinnu. 47Cl,tI -- fLUMBiNU Yee 8lng Kee Plumber and tinsmith. Smith St.. bet. Hotel and Pauahl. THJv Chas. R. Fraader Compiiiiy TOUR ADVERTISlJU Phone 1371 122 KiMy St. VICTOR RECORDS FOR NOVEMBER BER0STR0M, MUSIC CO.. LTD. Thayer Piano CoT Stein-way AND OTHER PIANOS 180 Hotel St. Phone 2313 TUNINQ GUARANTEED ill 5 idltorl.ll ruoius 2250 luillie nfllic. Thin- are the trie, phuiie uuiuhcrs of (be II u 1 1 e ( I u. -. MMM-t v..i 1 41 -M &rl t