Newspaper Page Text
U-P-i. nvnxiwn nui.i.nTtN, iioNot.iti.r, t it , smmnAY Di3c. 24, 1910. F; -, .- 7 , m Macnnj' Tomnlo LOCAL AND GFNFRAI. , C. "I m 11 A ff 1 D 1 "mu"i!l!i!eiomctwV(i'ion'ii.uii sniy. i T IM'M - t i i.uujyim. imiim. 111 frr tt fi tW) It1 ' & I Altlnu VI lino n in wi.n.n... ft H V IB II K ssr",G -l M M P3 & A, 1 iu t I'-t iiviiit ia)hi,i itnrit; ih db m w w wm m m u v U I 'A, ' v'V Try n cnso at Plneclur. It Ih mirn IVk X aAn & .J & ,Kfl .K. ., J Flagship Draught Christmas Presents. Ettur. a. nt. I Stlkahala. Bimr. I I ; WccKly Calendar Monday: Il.tal I ( l.inh' o. i ltrg. "',r- TUCSDAY. j, ' ltlllllllllftf I I'ttlli.H 1. I . ' "'"I MWl ill WEDNCELAV: 1 ..w j.... ..- ', thuhsday: 1 FniDAY! r yr t ATURDAY: I All visiting member of tbt lOrder are cordially Invited to attend meetings of local lodgts Meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at K. P. Hall 7:30 P. M. .iioiut: ctieuittBpi Members of wniiinb cnuiitccno -it... ... JtUCClplil lecnniiTinti thef ASSO- 5".;". 7 "" '"" cintionj cor, liUj invited. ABMONX IQDQE, No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F. Meets every Monday evening nt 1:30 In I. o. O. r. Hall. Tort Btrcot. K. It. HKNOIIY, Secretary. ' H. K. McCOY, Noble Grand. All Tlsttlng brothers very cordially Invited. 0AHTJ I0DQE, No. 1, K. of P. r Meeta every ffrst nnd third Fri day tevenlng at 7:30 In K. of p. Hall, eorner 1-ort nnd Ileretnnla. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. t 'VVM. joni:s, C. 0. j O. V. 1IEINB. K. n. 8. HAWAIIAN TBD3E, No. 1, L 0. B. M. Meeta every first and third Thurs day of each month at Knlfrhta of Pythias Hall. Visiting brothers cor dially Invited to attend. A. U KAK1N, Sachem. B. V. TODD, O. of It. L 10W0LU1U AlJEIE, U40, IF.- 0 E. Meeta on the 2nd nnd4t.h WED NESDAY evenings" of each month at 7: 3, o'clock In K. of P. Hall, corner Beretanla and Fort streets. Visiting Eagles are Invited to at Und. W. It. niLEY, W. P. ' WM. C. McCOY, Sec. ION0IUIU IQDQE, 616. B. P. 0. E. Honolulu Lodge No. C16, D. P. O. Elks, meets In their hall, on King Street, near Fort, every Friday eve ning. Visiting Drothers are cordially Invited to attend, JAS. D. DOUGHERTY, E. II. .GEO. T. KMJEGEL, Sec. WK. HoKTNLEY L0DQE, NO. 8, K.of P. Meets every 2nd and 4th Saturday ,- evening at 7:30 o'clock In IC. of P, Hall, cor. Fort and Be.rotanla. Visit ing brothers cordially Invited to at tend. II. A. TAYLOIt, O. O. E. A. JACOI1SON. K. It. B. t PHOTOGRAPHS, ;FILM NEGATIVES 6 POSTCARDS h Wo have a vorv larirn Ktotk j! Alliums, ill n Krcnt Varlctyv uit uiiiuiiigB una ui an pneeu. $4 t Honolulu fehotp Supply Co. phvorythlng l'liotogrnphl'" y FORT, BELOW HOTEL rrr ARIISTIO PICTURE FRAMINO 1 Kodak Developing und Printing Albums )MXs & Crafts Shop M Youiik' Building PICTURES IN 00PI.15V PRINTS iti(nvmtuwm cq? If. k il feiPAWT ilsr vww ihimi Kimi Autos, f I per hour, Iaiwis hliililes. Try u cuso ot l'luocliir. It la pure l'hotio 1557 Honolulu Photo-Supply Company la open cientngs until Christmas, Henr SInj & Co. 'a ntoro will ho open evenings until Chilsliuas. If jo" "mint a gool Joli;donc ou an nuto or carriage tliko It to Hawaiian Carriage .Mfg. Co , 427 Queen 8t. Hiimh candy ficsli and Illlo. Benson Smith and Company, Hotel and Foil sticclB. Tor distilled water, lllro's Hoot Beer and nil oilier popular drinks. King up I'liouc 2171. Consolidated Soda Works. AiUkvH n celled hero this morn tug iiport i In- Kif'tunrr Nllliait to load attic mi II.iw.iil lodnv The tow1 Is due ti nnlic l.eio toinonow oi Mmiili v CUETO MACHINE 10 BE USED HERE Mars Who Is to Fly Next Week Has One of Fastest Ma chines Made. J, 0 JlnrB, who Is one ot the Cur tlsa tilo nulling un tho Wlihelmlii.i, la Hit liett 11) or on the Ourtlvs ttalT and I olio ot the best In the world, Tor his d.irlng exceeds that ot any other man In the liusluia.). . , WIicip other aviators are i.itislleil with making onlinniy lllghts, tik for Mpcctaculnr ittiutH, and one ot the Tin rite uiich with him Is lac ing with an automobile, flying ill. lisll oer the track as the motor btortlirs along liclmv him. The machine used hy Jlars In the atcouipnii)liig tut Is of the Cut tits t)pc It Is an lea from hip to hip, mil the Mtue illElame from the lip to the rear. The planes arc Hie feet apart and file feet wide, built of Fptuce, ash nnd bamboo, with steel tubing. Front und j car ntuhlllly Is maintained by (.hanging the tingle' of hflilfnio of thu fiont control, and lateral stabil ity by (hanging the angle of tho nllqrons, small wings attached to tho rear edge of tho main phiucn or hinged between them. Tho nllerons aro connected by wlies oicr mllos to the t,eat of tho uvlntor, which is hinged Ui that leaning to the right riiincs the rlghf aileron to asjiimo a poeltlon lirlng Ing tho air pre uire ou lis upper surface, and exerts a tendency to fono the right eldo down whl'o tho aileron on the opposlto ildo assumes an opposite position. , When tho machine tips, tho avia tor leans tow aid the upper side, thua causing It to assume a lciel keel. The coverlni? of the nlanc Ih of rubberised silk, which was Invented' and Is matiu'f.icturcvl by Captain! Tom Baldwin. The curio of tho planes In tho Curtlss machines Is ono In twenty, which Is a small curio as aeioplaues go. Thlt construction glvei thoJ Curtlss machines remarkable speed, but mnn'1 lirtlug power whicli Is tho reason tho machines halo established no nltltuilo records It Is essential-1 ly a racing mnchlno. W. C. Peacock & Co., Lid. Tel. 1704 Wines and Liquors Tel. 1704 Family Trade a Specialty. Sole Agents will buy your Christmas Suit. We give you the Clothes to wear when you make your first payment. PRICES RANCIE FROM $10.00 to $35.00 'ilie "Giaik" 1011 Models Ap Now on Display Come Early Francis L?vy Outturns Co,, LtJ. wwiQMw0'm0iusii,vfm m m mMmmmummmmmmmm ST0RA CITY TRANSFER CO. 'Shipping FILIPINO LABORERS SPEND - TWO WEEKS IN QUARANTINE Mongolia Was Anilnfcotctl Ship Rough Passage and Three Dea'hs Occurred on Trip Manna Kea Brought Miscel laneous Freight Kinau an Early Arrival. Ono hun'itcd and llfleeti I'illpluo) laboi-era leciultcl in Iho I'hlllppiuo Irlnndn b Memiv I'lnkhun nnd Sic ' en for the -uigir oitJIcs of llanall will have to undergo n two weeks' pel In! of detention nt the United si ites ipiarantlne station. The rillpliips as wo I as .licirly one hundred othei second an I steer use pasenj;erM for Honolulu wcio sent to t!.o 1'cJcral cta'.lcu t!ila ni )."i ,lng Tho I'mlnc SI ill htoamcr Stoiigilh wllh'a lam nn:nb?r of ptsrenera and fKIcoii bundled Ions of fielghl ivim lflciied by the t'nl'ed Ktalcs .M.iriuo Hotpltal medic-il tilTicc-ra nt an early hour and leivlng (priraullnc Ihc'rlo-incr was tlilfled to the Alakca wlimf wheio she was inooied in.l inaile ready for the dlcelnrge of oirs' beforo six thirty o'clock. Oiotf tho roiiBlifHl hi a In th hi ten y of the Mongolia was ixpeil-neo.l after Iie lca--el tleuel Yokilinnn. Kin ng bead winds and sean wen1 o'l counleinl c-nihlng a maleilal d:lay In tho nulla! of tho ship. Thro ill ilhi rc-irod ilirlng I lie viy ugo to ItOllllllllll. Mrs. Hrbcee.i West, a woman ot about soicnly two yo-irs cf as illed on December "ntlt nfle" -i I'm-ilnn Illness. Tlio b)ly wit;r-nlnlnieil and will lit) taken to Sa-i I'lancheo. Tho daughter Mini Aimlu Wct arconipan led Iho ui'ilhf'r i n tbo trip. Tu rillpllios mIiji bid left Mn'ill.i In t-iko up woiU en Islanl plaiilnllnns alvi tiled cm tbo trip. Ono dealh wa-c i-c-l)itcd on December 17lli and Iho oth er IK comber I Ot II. Both Imdlt-M wero bulled at tea. I Tbo Al.iltei wbaif la n btiv nlaro ibis morning and a constant ule.un ot caigo Is le-iilug tho MungtilU Ineliia lot' FlilnnintitH of .Sr.10 iiaekatre!! tit iueicbunill:.o, 7.1 i a of 7-lgnrs, I0J ehfsts"i. U'lil btle.l of gnn:ilo4, 1177 rae'rs llrt !Co tuli3 snko und :9:ri tttlw Miy. I Tbo Federal quarantine aulhorltlei bnio been much t-umpllineuted uioii tbo roinptnas.i nnd excrcl) ed In granting piactlquo In the Mon golia. Iho cn-el arrived hero with v.hat was siipiiobed to bo n scv3io e-No e.f smallpox A Chinese pisscn gcr was found lo halo an attack of vnrlololtl but wns on tbo ttnil lo ro eoieiv when Invcstlgalctl by tho lo cal officials Mont Rouge Wines Mumm's Champagne Schlitz Beer mmmm """"""- UlUjKm il HllllllliliiiKI I H lu W - - 5 (MiHliSrTTrtTttniiiSalH nils KllliiiiH IMHBMNHMf) J AS. H. LOVE Dm lug Iho'lilgltl Iho Mongolia was thiuonglily fiiinlgaied. the two him ' i -mil tour kt'eent-n intsengra fo.' Honolulu wero tlhscmbarked and tak en m tn'e ftsleral tpn-imluo si itltui for fouiteen tla,iH doteallon. Two hnnihVd und teieu htcorago p lit etigcs-B ,W(io ni o b Mind for Sap Fiancltco Weft) ifiimiiI fitini tho Mongolia, mid riimlgile-l glien a medl rated billi mil they will bo trans fen od to the luesci bi'Toie tho a Ivor tlted Bailing lilfitr ihli evcnln-j. Iho e-ibln paiweng" a hid tho pri vilege of going in boie by taiou o'clock this woiidns. 'ihe Stuin;o!)i li leliodu'cil ti k-jII for Cm Fraticbeo nt fiie "'clock this evening. ThlrH'Jflvo tablu mil ten freinil ehrf pistsengis li-ne ln'tkotl fri- It-,, ,-rt.Tr Ali'ittl - Iv litiitflt-otl lens tr fic'gl;t-ncliid:ii a vrloty oil Isl-iiul prnlnrla vv'II bo shli p d t' Iho' milnlanl hy tho. orscl I , " v Vciscb QMltcLIc for Luml-cr Arc j Cc-irc?. , 'Ilml thcro U !i,f,cn;"' ii'ie rami;, nluount rf lOjiiiago. pva I i'i'o for the lruisniit:itl'i;i rfj 1upi!ir r-nni 1'iuol i Ktiunil rU tx'tlw ya:i 1 1 lur'i elit by thq Hiii-tli tivnilt'r or hpIicuii cii now on tho filling IhN tint Invo icachcM this clly It Is rli'mel tint the a'leged shoiti'gu tf lounge Iri-i' c-4ticd a tnnterl.ilMi-a!vo In Iho fielghl rules. Finn' tCm'e'ia tho 8tlp.3iier l'lusper h.isn)ust, left Iho Islnula Is tbo cnly vesft'l ic-pailed on thu I hcttu ,ior IIc:-liiiiJ i-.t(vs Ihrlpr' iieiiiunKs or sailing rniiw qui uij-ce srhorners Tor lliis 'iHjrt. Tliclo Is ono vcftol the ilce Cttokeim Iho beitli at Tort tiainblo vihlln frpm Tacpm.i llneo tehtionerg aro mjv teported aj cm Ibelr wily (lovin to lionoliilii. Sev eral vessels have cllber'bocii lUed o; bavo ualliM fitini Northwest iiIh fo( various other pirlj In the Hawaiian Islantla. ' Klnau An Carlyf Vis to-. 'Owing I 'i the near it" r -sell of Iho holidays the steamer Klinii fr.nn Kauai poitn was liuriled on tho last vojago to the (lirdcn Island. Tho liner airlvcl at the poll this morn lag with a number of cabin and deck p-uisoiiRois end a ct'jfclgtim -nt of en g'J Including 312 i ick3 K. A. nud ti "t'.o tiackh K p Hiu-ir In nbllt'.ou th 'i" was lot HatKii ilce. II e atca ch'e kens'. 0 sic'ca rieojnillj. 12 rnU.c tiult 70 bands oranges and 230 pack fiiP 1 flVPHMIrk. 1 I ' I'lM i i "i iti'I!' i ihizi; nges tuiidilcs, Sliong head vvlinh) and rough seas weio met with on Ihu bomowaid voyugo. Flaashlp Drought Christmas Presents. 'Ihcie Is a i, ill of Clirlstuus cheer In the nmciilincut of rulidrles that nr ihed fit ni lllto and way ports this morning as part fit the'tjnigo by tbo iiiier-isiunii uaRsiup .Manna net. fur-ret- I'cto Philips stales that stung tr.iJcs and rough tons prevailed dur ing tho greater part of tho voyage. The freight list Included shipments of, cord wood, lull leces ohla lum ber, Bun railway ties, iO nacks nwa. 19 III t lo pigs, 20 cmlcs turkeyB IB crates chickens ami packages sunilrle3, A fair list of cnb'u and deck passen gers art lied. fa Heavy Hemp Shipments by Monrplln. Tho Pacific Mall steamer Mongoll-. now nt the poit discharging a largo Oilental raign Is carrying in transit tn San Francisco a b'g shipment of biled hemp and n qumtlty of copra. The steamer called nt Manila on tbo lurt voyage and In less than fo;ir diys time dischaiged snvcrnl Ihoasand tons general cargo mil Icntlcd two thous and tons of hemp nnd copra. Fortune Smiled on Steamship Man, Recording to n lepoit recclveii hero. Chief l'nglnoor l'aiko. of tho Amort c.ih It.iwallan steamer Cotumblati, has fallen heir In a firtunc of two bun ('rod thousand dollars, through tho (Icajh of Jin uncle. Ho had very many ttlellds who nrn nlninst. Morn Tor Ills good fpiluno iib It Is likely to prevent (licit- seeing him iigiln Tor somo time. M Chlyo Cue Early Monday Mcminn. A lato wireless received this iriorn Ing from Iho Japanese liner Chlyo Mnru slatca tint tho vessel will in itio nt Honolulu on or lib nit eight o'clock en Mouthy morning. Tho Chljo Slum Is bilnglng no cargo from aii Francisco. Thcio may ho a few lajoier passengers' for tho poit. :. Kauai Mills And Now Grlndlnrj. 'I here Is n considerable tpriutlly ol sugar awaiting thlpmcnt on llio Isl'iud Of , Kauai iiccoidlug to u icpoit tint has been lecelicM at this clly by Iho arrival of the Inter-Island steamer Ki nau. Consignments Include K. S. M 3S0. SI. A. K. B1B3, K. P. HUB, V. IC 2100, Mcil. BUS, I A. Ct IT. ft .,. t ' Kauai Awaiting Shipment on Hawaii. l'ui'Mir Philips of. (ho Iulcr-lshn.1 sloamer Mpuii't Kca arililug from Illlo via way pints tills morning lo ports, tho fqllowlng sugar awaiting Lhlpmeut en Haw-all. Kiikulhaclo BID and Houokaa 3S0O sack3. . ' Ha Drought Lumber for Hllo. '''jho Ameiieait schooner Caniana Is Hip only deep lc,i craft loixirleil at Illlo at tho tlmo of deii.iitiiio of Ihu IlllcirlHlnml hteamcr Slauna Kea. Tho icsicl Jiiought lumber and Is dls chaiglug at the lalluay wharf. Left Fuel Oil at Hllo, After le.iilug a small quantity of fuel oil at Illlo tho American tanker Santa ltllu sailed ficim tho Crescent City on last SionJay with destination as San Francisco. - I TRANSPORT SERVICE. Dlx a ni i ed at Seattle, from Honolulu, Dee 10. I.ogau, sailed from Honolulu, for Sla nlla, Dec. 13. Sbcildan. sailed from Manila fur Ho nolulu, Dec. 11. Sherman, silled from Honolulu for Rim IVnnclscp. Dec. C. WHAT IS IT? It Is a:i absolutely puro distillation or malted grain, great euro being used lo liaio oieiy kernel thoioughly malt ed, thus pioduclng u prcdlgosted liquid food In tho foiiu of a mcdlclnii) whiskey; Mirtcnul by wiirmth nnil moisture, Us palatablllty und ficedom liom Injuiloiis substances roudor It so that It can bo lttalued by thu mobt senslilvo btouiuch, What Dobs It Do? I 1,1,11,1. .... II.. ......... ,1, r. ,.... i mid ma i,jr u, u iiuitu inaui.n, itiuua up Iho beatt, gives power to the brain, biiengni unit elasticity to thu muscles und ilclinrsH to tho blood, It brings Into iic'lon all tho vltul forces. It makes digestion pel feet and (liahles you to get fi inn tho food you oat nil the i-.oiuUhmciit It contains. It Is Invaluable for overworked men, ik'UeiiUi. women ami sickly chllr ilren it Miuligtholis ami uusltiliis the ssleiu, Is u pronioler of health und longcivlty, iiiukes the old young und 1 ccps the )oiiug stloiig. It Is ii ivoudiirlul I'umcdy In thv 1 inlloii and emu of ncrvousuoss, I. idiold, iimlarla, every foim of Hloni ugli trouble, diseii'itm of tho thioat mill luiign, nnd is ucoKUln'il us tt medlciiio by doctors of till schools, Indorsed by penplo In all walks of llru for Go cnn. Beware of Substitutes Dulfi h I'iiio Mult Whiskey Is sold IN t'llM.I II IIOTTI.HS OM.V- Hit linn lii gut t tut i.M'iiulne, an I'Plliilluiis uml iiiib-dllutiis mo ilniigcrmis Willn mil' M"illiul llt'piirliiiiiiil for iidvltu Itliil ine.llnil Imiiklil, litillt ulll I re ii M pin nM'iuclip'y inr mi your' hy THE DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO,, Rochester, N, Y U, S, A. ARRIVED mtiirday, Ccc. 21. Illlo via way pons iiinna Kea, etmr, a. nt, Knual ports Klnau, stnir., n. tn. Sallna Cruz via San Francisco nnd Puget Sound parts Ai'.toaau, A..-11. S. S., a. m. It: DEPARTED I A ; rr.'Oiy, Dee. 23. , llnnall vh Maul ports ClauJIno ;ttm' B p. m Hawaii poits" Wnllcle, stmr., p in 1 PASSEN3ERS ARRIVED Per P. SI. S. S. Sloagjlla, from Yo kohama .Imin Ansoaul, Mrs. Or.fllng Bnncroft Mrs. Clara S. Bishop, II, Duchfchcr, Sra. II. Diichschcr, Hqv A, SI. ICatlc. Sits. A. M. Knilo and two chltdien, Dr Kstlior Clfmson, Dr IMna St. Rrccnncsitl, Sllrs Jesslo it. flrocn wood, C I,, florlinni, 0 V 'llendrlo Mrs. (5. F. Hcndrle. Jllss U. F. IIen-1 rle Sllsi B .Hcndrle. SIlss SI. lien dfle. Sirs. Seo. W. A. Slarean, Sirs. W. A. Slnrcan II Ohrlmnnn, Srs ,f, I), Palmer, It. W. Palmer. SlaJ. .1. A Pcnii, If. S. S. J. Powell, 11. F Holler, A. Schroder, A. 1 Shclton Mis. A. I,. Shclton and two children SHsc M. 11. Smith, ll T. TompkliU Illcardo Toires. Cnpt. ltogcr Wollpa II. S. N Sirs. Jtogcr Welles, Sirs. Wopg Illiu, SIlss C. A Wpng Him. Hcniy Wong Him C C Yco Hdp, SIlss C. Yco Mill, Slastcr Chun Yeo Sung Sirs. M. II. Bayley, Ocn. 8. Bcebo, U N. Cinne, .Mis. K. N. Crano, SIlss Crnnq, O II. do Golyer, Sirs, (1. II. tie Onfcr, SIlss K. do OOljcr, Sirs. ,lcn 0)i Orecu Sirs. It J, Hayes., SIlss A V. Hayes, U It. Manning, Mrs. I It. .Manning, It. Slarggrah, Sirs. II. Slarg Biaff, Capt. n. Stejn. S. Miyamoto, Sirs. It. Itanilall, SHsc Helen ltnwsou SIlss SI. 11. Raw ton, SIlss Nina Itniv irn, .1. II Itoscnlhal. SIlss A. M. Sago bom, Chas II. Stctton, T. Sujoda, C, Whitman. II. Yoshlnagi, Per stmr. Slauna Kc.i, from Illlo via way ports. Dee. 24. II. Pi Ice am! wife. T. A. Snlvcly, II Knmpffor, (1 A. (luiiiidy and wlfo Oct). V. l.ogglo SIlss Cunningham, 1 F. Coo nnd wire Miss A Beitlenian. J. 13, Kelly nnil wife. Sirs. A, Huddy. Slastor So.irc IS. Schott, Win. Kelly, ,1. C. Tumor F. Benny, Dr. C. I Slow T. AI. Hob Iiimiii, Slis. .1. O. Sorrno, 4 cjilldrea nnd nurse, SIlss It. Pu'a, Sherlft Pin nnd prisoner, O. P. Soares, K. S. Mo Keen, SINs SIclieul.i SIlss SI. Kcku cm a. 1-3. BIscholT, Win. Smith nnd daughter, -iub. T. Taylor, Ooo I Brown A. .1. Stillmnu, .1. II, Iilng, Ilirnkc, K. Malsiimotn SIlss I.. Asol, Sirs. A Hcbblns, F. Koclllng. It. II. Paik. C Ahrens, Judge Kingsbury and wlfo A. Santos. 'C. Stutasky. 8. Masikl. I Yaniamolo. A. Slncliado. SIlss SI. Slc I.end, A. K. Slender nud 2 children SIlss V. Hoso, SI. SIcKcnzle. Joo Sou 7a, It. C. Searlo and wlfo. Dr. Casey F. .1. Hare 8. B. Kind, Hang Chuck W. Dickson. Per stmr, Klnau, from Kuunl irirts. Doc. 21. -II. P. Downing. M. Uradn, SIlss Urada, Paul Iscnlierg, F. Tarlo ton, H, I. Schult!'. F. Sanborn, S. Spit zcr, 13. 1). Sicllrydo, Sllsj I.iivrc-.ico SI, Slovenson, It. J. Bell, SIlss 13 Akin Sirs. J, I.. Huddy, J. I-omln Chan Look. MAILS. Stalls aro duo from tho followlnn points as follows: San Fraiicls'co-Pcr Chlyo Slnru, Dee. 27 Yokohama Per Tonjo Slarji, Dec. 31. Australia Per Slakura. Jan. 3. Victoria Per Moana, Jnn. 7. Mails will depait for tho followlnr points' as follows; " p Sail Francisco Per Slongplla, Dec, 21 Yokohama Per Cli'lyq Slaru, Dec. 27. Vnneouvcr Por Slakura, Jan. 3. Australia per Moana, Jan, 7. WjCHELiyj'lNA 'reports The following wireless message litiR IiirI lionit received bv tbn auellts fiom tho 8. 8. Wllliolintiin, bound fir Himolulii: ' ' S. 8, Wllhclmlna, nt Sea, Decern her 23, 8 p. in. 12it,,m!l(s from Honolulu; lino weather; 75 cabin passengers, fi t curago passengcis; lipuo tons cargo for llouolulii, 3B0 tons for Illlo: 121 tacks mull, 131 package's Wclls-Furgo 13xprc:s mat ter, fi automobiles. Goto Coyne Furniture Co. i i For Good Furniture Coney Garage Automobiles Meet All Inter-Island Steamers Touching KAUAI RATES REASONABLE I Gund.iy. Deo 25. Statil, f'olokal and (Initial ports Stlkahala, Bimr, Monday, rxe. 26. Kauai iKirts Noeail, titinr. Tuesday, Dec. 27. 8cn Francisco Chlyo Inru, Jap stmr. San Francisco Wllhclmlna, SI. N. S. 8. Wednesday, Dec. 23. Kauai H)rts W. O, Hall, stmr, Slnul, Slolokal' mid l.aai ports Sllknhala, stmr. Friday, Dec. 30, ' SHn Francisco Sierra, O. S. 8. Central nnd South American ports Klyo Mnru, Jap, stmr. 1 Saturday, Dec. 31. Illlo nnd vv'ay ports Slitunn Ken, stmt-. Hongkong via Japan ports Tcnyo Marti, Jap. stmr. U ; : VEBSELS'TO.OEpART oaiuraay,- ucc. t. San Francisco Mongolia, P. SI. S. a. Ocean Island Waddon, Br. stmr. " Monday, Dec, 28. Knual ports Noer.u, slinr., E p. m. Tuesday, Dec. 27. Illlo via way ports Stauna Kca, stmr., 10 n, in. Knual ports Klunii, Btmr., fi p. in. Slant, Stuluknl niid I.hunl ports Sllkahaja, stmr., B p.' nt, Hongkong via Japan ports Chlyo Slaru. Jnp. stmr. , Thursday, Dec, 29. Knual ports W. O. Hall, stmr., 5 p. m. Friday, Dec, 30. Hawaii via Slnul ports Claudlno, stmr. Saturday, Dee. 31.- ' ' Hongkong vln 'Japan ports Kljo Slaru, Jnp, Rtmr. Snn Francisco Tcnyo Mam, Jnp. stmr. " -- PASSENGERS DEPARTED. Per stmr. Claudlno, Mr Hawaii vln Slaul ports, Dec. 23. A. SI. Novell, Sirs. Novvell, A. A, Dcas, Sirs. Dca?, Miss 8. Kaluna, W. llala, Thoa. Coc kctt. I PARSENOFP1 BOOKFO" Per P. SI. 8. S. Mongolia, for 8an Frnnclhco, Dec. 21. Jas. C. Slontg'im cry, SIlss SI, Slpl.eod, Jack Hyah, Htm Daniel J. Kccfo and wlfo, W. II. Ha milton nnd wire, Allan' Hamilton, SIl3a Knld Oregg, T, Kiiuis, J. B. Martin and wir6. Sir. nud Mi's. H- B. Pratt. I.auls Gaiimo, Sli-.t. J. Igo, Sir, nnd Mis W. SI. Blllenger, II. 3. OJerdrum Pilnco Cilpld. Cot W. 8. Schuyler, C. Ilolte, D. 13. Hilton, C, SI. Fassoth ami wire, SIlss Kato Fassoth. Por,,rtmr. Slauna Kca; fpr Hllo nil I way Krt, Dec. 277F. 1-3. Harvey, F. n.'Ilcnneft, Mr.t C. If. Slclierlh,JlO. 'youilgj If. T. Wnlkcr. Sli-s. Walker, P. I3u Turkey, Ben Bono, Kd Palo. Miss .1, Clilnlnnl, Sllss 13. Tnuchet, Miss J. Chnrlnl, IS. Wagner, II. SIc nilcnci', S. Settler. Sirs. r.. Weldou, Jus, Yeoman, Sirs. Ilnsslnger, A. Itlch arils, .1, tt. Smith, SIlss Uoyd, It. J. I.llllo, W. Wllbtm, W. Sf. Ornhiim, Slin low, C. Sleboin, J, Slcborn, F. C. Ilordcn, F. Wcldcn, F. Fisher, II. Delz. M. Unger, SI. Sec,ioiu, Sirs. Scoborn, C. II, Foster, Sirs. Fostor, Joo Wallo, F. Duncan, Pet- stiqr, Sllkalialli, for Slaul and Slolokal ports, pec. 27. Sllss SIcyers. Cable News PENNSYLVANIA ROAD HAS DISASTROUS WRECK (HlHoUl Hilllctln C.ltilc.) FOKT WAYNl'3, Ind., Dec. 21. Six wero klllcJ hero today In a wreck ou tho Pennsylvania, und many others wero Injured. CREW ESCAPES (N TIME FROM WRECK cirii uvt 1 1 ,-t't ii Cable.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 21. Tho Norwegian bark Bpcio foiimlur ed today In a gale on Capo Hatteras, but tho crew saved thenibclvea by taking to tho boats, JAPANESE MARRIES WHITE GIRL IN RENO (Sixclnl II til let In C.iliIM IlKNO, Nov., Dec. 'at. Trokuwa, a .lapaqcto, loduj marrlol SIlcs Fred- ' -it white alrl Tho marrlagu hna excited a, great deal of scus.i . .i.ti tlueiett, KUHIO SCORtB "FREAR AGAIN "You can say for mo .that 1 will never run fur Delcgjtto to Congress again If Fiear Is'Govo'rtior," declar ed Dolegiito Kulilo )02terday Tho Bolfgato Is out,ipoken In his imulem mitloii of many of the (luveruor's pollcfes, and Is p.ullctHnrly displeas ed with tho oii'olnc nf thu scrup iiier tho appointment of an Interml M luieuiiu tollccior VL8CELS TO ARRIVE ' . . WS'" ikm ;.;