Newspaper Page Text
, tf - - I - r.vr.siNrt nui.urriN, noN'ot.ttt.u. t ii . batphoav, ii:c 31 10m i M r! ii r. ,1 1 1 1 E V EN1WG- B TJLLETIN BAILY and WEEKLY Published by BULLETIN PUBLISHING CO., LTD. At 120 KJdk Street, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii. Billy erery dy except Sunday. Weekly inued on Tueiday o( each week. MEMBER OF THE WmIIho R. Pnrrlnjtton, BUBSOniPTION RATES UVUNINU UULUISilN fo Month, nrwhtft In U.S...... .711 Pet (Ja.rltr, nrhri. In U S.,,,, fa Ytr, aoTotint InUS........ n.oo Nr YH,, lottljo 13. oo C1BCULATI0N LARGEST OF ANY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED v i in the Territory of Hawaii. T1 J Editorial Rooms, - 2185 'B 1 Business SATURDAY Youth has vision. It 5$ young eyes that see the' invisible. Wlien we were children we saw phoits, and Santa Claus. and anccls. and ciants. They were real. W'4 played with them. Old people wondered why we laughed and capered and shouted. When we told them they shook their heads and smiled indulgently. Hav ing eyes they saw not. and having ears they heard not, what we saw and heard. Qod has put into our young eyes and ears some subtle alembic that transformed the beg- early elements of the commonplace into the glory and trappings of knights and kings and courts. l)r, Frank Crane. Morry Christmas to nil Hawaii. ' Hoodlums nml mosquitoes nro In the. snmo clnss on Christmas me. They must be eliminated Commissioner Keefe has no morry Christmas message for tho Filipino unless he remains nt homo. Absence makes the lienrt grow fonder" but presents, not absence, hastthe "fonder" stunt In tow. h -- , After Christmas begin to shop early for tho Floral Parade. Thero Is always something doing In Hono lulu. The llulletln will not bo Issued mi .Monday, that day being ghon 6vcr to the employes of tho paper for their Christmas outing. Although the first pure, food ord inance has been killed, that Is no reason why ono Bhould not be passed that, will Improve conditions in the public markets. , It would be good business from a public health standpoint to pass nn ordlnanco requiring that every house and every public assembly hnll be screened against mosquitoes. ' Should nny of the proud rich lack for happiness In the Christmas son son, iney nave oniy 10 impersonate Santa Claus, give freely, and the Joy -will follow as the day follows night. ' "Great Ilrltaln's best Christmas gift Is the triumph of popular govern ment as shown In the good sense of tho "people who voted for tho elimin ation of the House of Lords as a power to veto anything worth while. , While Impersonating good old San ta Claus tonight hnvo a care In regnrd to flreT Many n Christmas ove has been turned Into an evo of mourning through thoughtlessness on this ono possibility. Jluslness men who have mado their fortunes in Hawaii should novcr al low It to be said that Honolulu's growth was checked because no one would -build the cottages necessary to house the steady Increase of tour 1st population. Mr. Keefe would do a good work for Hawaii If he could say some thing that wll spur European Immi gration Agent Campbell to deliver a fejv positive results In return for his ejrtetided absence from the Territory ai ino laxpayerB expense. Thero will be no stumbling-blocks or"prohlbltHe resolutions for the man with aV scheme or JIawnll If 'the schome' Is right The man behind' the scheme must bo' In the' same class with the man behind the gun, work ing for the good of the community. jAh this paper understands It, drand Jurors who indicted Lane could not testify to having been swayed by prejudice, without thereby declaring that they had violated their ou'th". as Grand Jurors. So tho out cpnie, of thai phase of the Lane case could be easily forecast H Is un fortunate that tho progress or a. trial tSr "siitli ofserlous causefBhould, be marked with so much 'feeling, that , apparently has, nothing to do with thVTlaw and tho evidence. ASSOCIATED PRIM. - Kdltor PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. WIJIIKL.V ijui.iniis fti sit Mtmiiu .... .no rr Vur, tnywlwit la US. ., ,, I.ihi P Ytir tnywhtrt CinuU,, I. net PerYeir mt'd, toiutn a.cxi Office, 2256 ntmed the Potiorfic at Ifonolbla u Rcond-clit milter, DECEMBER 24, 1910 PnnlnlllniT limn ulm mnlrn n itll1.- I . ...i-.. ...... t uuiiu- crnto attempt on tho life of n follow uviiiK may uo no exmniuon 01 i.nnr Ity, hut tho real question nt Isvie Is what Inlliionce It will have on other men II red with a murilcroin uplrlt. Delegate Kulilo says ho will never ngnlti run for public olllco while, .Mr. Krenr Is (lotcrnor. Thnt would iniiku Krour n logical candidate for Dole Kate no us to glvo him tho full pleas ure of Koine bpforo tho people to mi Bucr for his administration What would be the condition In Hawaii If the average Income of hlg business were six per cent and ll.o laborer on the plantation got .loro to put In general circulation? Tint Is the query that Mr Keefe seems to hao constantly In mind. Thero may bo some doubt whether tho Federal Government would iny more than $3.".0,000 for the Maliu'ta site extension, but there should bo no question of Honolulu's readiness to mnko up the difference by a city Appropriation from public funds. Mnny will fall to see tho reason why new rond construction should bo carried forwnrd under the direc tion of the Superintendent of I'ubllc Works when tho city authorities nro more cnpablo of doing it in full ac cord with the conditions made by tho Legislature. Following Its declaration of nn clnbornto schemo for Its navy deel opment, Japan expresses Its appre ciation of tho necessity for pence In tho Orient. Great minds run In the same direction. Wo nro also building a great navy thnt wo may bo moro certain of keeping tho peaco in tho Orient. Hawaii will bo represented In Washington by a bruco of workers nnd attorneys cupablo of making things lly when they once get start ed. May It all redound to the bene fit if not the glory of the islands, nnd prnduco nothing thnt will retard progress in other lines than water development CHRISTMAS GIVING, All tho material blessings that could be reasonably asked huo been show ered upon Hawaii by a kindly Prov idence in the lust year. No community on oarth could ap proach the holiday season In a hap pier spirit If happiness may bo se cured through material prosperity than Honolulu, Tho fields hnve yielded nn abund ance. The products of our Industry have been In demand In the world's markets at tho highest prices. The most favorable conditions hao pre vailed In overy lino of activity In which our fellow citizens arb engaged for a. livelihood. Tho country has en Joyed freedom from serious dumngo or disaster from tho elements or nny form of pestilence. Abundant prosperity has reigned on overy hand. The community ns a whole comes to the Christmas sea son with Its lap literally brimming full of the good things of life, fig ured on the basis of material things. And all this avails nothing If there be not Charity. Not the parsimonious, brass bund, sanctimonious and -pretentions char ity that degrades both the giver and the beneficiary. Hut tho whole hearted, contagious, generous char ity toward our fellowmen that uplifts und makes the brotherhood of man more of a reality; tho charity thut makes kindly nets, kind words, mid good deeds pour forth ns naturally and luxuriously as tho land hns giv en forth tl.o fullness of Its productiv ity. Christmas Is a season when the cost Is not counted. The spirit of the giver, tho Joy of doing for others, the life iind'illglit oTroodjTwIll, Is L onco tlio well slirlng mid tlie'goal oflium an ambition, Charity that. Is kind, Is not puffed up, vaunteth not Itself, stir nil human life Id the hi ma of happiness nt till period when p celebrnto Hip nnnUcrsnry of tho birth of Mini who set the rxntnplo '" Hi" rhnrllnliln gler of Hip greatest mul best Kill". .Men will glvo freely to their nn, ntid others less fnrtumtta will tin pro filed for llbernlly. It Ik well ten each to rIo according to his means. Thoso who hnc gnlncd mtirli of III In world's goods (ttitxilil bestow thought fill mul kindly nctii villi n linlnli liiitut Hint happiness mul life's comfortii limy bo found In n larger measure In tlio homos of the poor or distressed. Hut when nil In biiIiI mul done, It Ik not llio quantity Hint In kIvpii but tlm spirit In which It In tendered that satisfies Ilia Inner conxclenco nnd makes of Christmas day n season that Is Indeed Joyous, mul 111 la tho world with tho cheeriest merriment. ltnllroud engineers nro probably contemplating n strlko merely on tho matter of wages. Tho Intest statis tics of casualties on tho railroads of the country glo un nppnllng record that might well cnuso tho public to go on Btrlko for better guarantees of safety for cmplo)cs nnd patrons of tho roads For tho year ending Juno 30 thero wcro 1013 moro people killed nnd I8,t.4 more persons Injured on steam ro.tds than In tho previous twelve months. Tho total number killed In tho past official yenr was 3S04 nnd 81!,37l Injured. Tramps as well ns passengers, victims nt cross lugs as well ns cmplojes, wcro probably Included 111 tho totnl. Tho nggregata Is so largo ns to bo n national disgrace. Kvldently there exists n degree of carelessness that would not bo permitted In nny other country, und the hope Is thnt In some manner tho nuthorltles, Stnto nnd Federal, will find n way to pnd tho annual slaughter. Think of 5801 col lisions nnd u9IO derailments In ono yenr! Ib It tho frenzied American hasto to do things In tho quickest possible time, or la It n national loose ness of method, thnt Is 'responsible for tho faulty operations of tho rail roads? YOUNGSTERS GET Bishop Estate Makes Out Gen erous Lease to Children's Kindergarten. Tho lllshop Estate has Just pencill ed a lenso that Is In the nnturo of n splendid Chi It mas gift to tho joung stors of tho Children's Frco Kinder garten. Tho Kstnto has glvon tho Klndergirten n IHojcar lenso on a vacant tract at tho corner of Smith and llcretnnla streets. The terms of tho lenso nro so gen erous that it practically amounts to n frco gift. For tlio nominal sum of SI, tho Estate leases the land to tho Kindergarten Association which Is to pay tho tnxes on tho land. The Km tato must gho sixty das notice of removal. Under tho terms of tho lllshop Estnto will and restrictions ImiKised by legal procedure, tho state cannot niako a gift of Its property, but tho lease Is next thing to It. Tho grounds are now being cleared tip, and a matron will liavo chargo of tho youngsters on the playground. CABLE IS DEAD S. S. Dickenson Passes Away at His Home in New York. News wna received yesterday of tho death In Now York of S. S. Dlcl enson, who superintended tho laying of tlio cable here. Mr. Dickenson roso from a tele graph operator to he one of the nc- tlvo heads of tho Commercial Pacific Cablo Company, and was an oxpert In electrical engineering Hues. Ho officiated nt the formal opening of tho cablo here, January 3, 1903. At tho time of his death ho wns general superintendent of tho cnblo com. pany and mado his hcadquartors In Now York. DIVIDEND CUT IN PEPEEKEO Announcement was mado on ' tho stock exchange this morning of a cut In Popookeo dividends, from Si month ly to fiO cents monthly. As In tho ease of tho dividend cuts, this nctlun was not unexepecteil. Tho now rnto will go Into effect on the first of tho your Trading In tho market wns fairly brisked today, with tho general tnno firm nnd somo hopo that after tho week's vacation of tho oxchuugo u rise In juices will prevail. HOUSES FOR RENT ' UNFURNISHED No. HedriHims. Alen 3 KnlmiiU, "Hi Ac..., C Kntnelianioha IV, ltd. , 4 Letters ltd 3 Kniuehanieha IV. ltd.. 4 Wnlpli .1 KmiiPhmnchn IV, ltd. . 2 Klnnii Bt .1 Wnlnlan ltd Z School St 3 lleretanla nnd Alnpal.. 4 Kluati St 4 Klnnit St. ...i n Cnrtwrlght ltd 2 Niiunmi St t Young St 2 TRENT TRUST CO., FOR SALE Threp-bedroom Iioiiip on King St.; iipw, with nil m odor 11 rnuve nlenees; lot 100x110. 1'rlce $4250 Throo.bedroom houso on ICalaltaua Ave.; hard' w-ood Moor, beautiful Interior finish. Price 4250 Seven ncres with two bedroom bungalow, gn rnge, etc., In Mnnnn. A sio.OOO property for... 5000 Bishop Trust Co., Ltd. BETHEL STREET New Crop! Fresh Pineapples! Leave your orders for n crate of SIX CHOICE PINES nt 72 King street. ,'k ISLAND FRUIT CO., 72 S. King Street rhone 1515 AUDIT COMPANY OF HAWAII B24 BETHEL STREET P. 0. Box G40 Telephone 2035 Conducts all classes of Audits and (nvestitrations, and furnishes Reports on all kinds of financial worV Snircestioni riven for timnlifvine or systematizing office work. All business confidential. Waterhouse Trust Real Estate Mnkao Beach Lots, Koolauloa, Oahu Wo offer these desirable beach lots situate on tho windward eldo of Oahu for leaso for a twenty (20) year term at a moderate rental. Lota are 100x300. This property can be reached by rail. I, For , A "Bargain in Mokiki District for '(', ' $3250 Waterhouse Trust FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS HONOLULU, T. H. Prlro. IMl.UD -in ,o sn.nti .in, nu 12.01) ifi.ou 30.01) a2.R0 40.00 .T7.r.i) .i2.r.u 40.00 40.011 1Q.0O Ltd. ufe-" Colonial Panel Mirrors Copper Work Art Prints Casts GURREY'S When You Want to Send a Wireless Call Up 1574 and a Boy Will Come for the Message When a man Is under a cloud lilm felf Ik) Is always Interested In tlio tloi'ds of oilier peoplo. Mnny n hot tlino has boon Btarlrd by a cold bottle. Somo lazy men get credit for having n lot of patience. for Lease Sale Lovcjoy 902 Nuuanu Street. Importers and Dealers in Fine Wines and Liquors Sole Agents for Cream Rye Whiskey . Old Jas.E. Pepper Whiskey R. E. Wathen & "Old Hospitality High Grade Kentucky Whiskey aged in wood, sold by the gallon. Maui Wine A Home Production. The Bartiett , A NATURAL Mineral Water, the Bestfor Tafile and Medicinal Purposes. Special Attention Paid to Family Trade Deliveries made to all BETTER ORDER THAT Christmas Turkey BEFORE THE 0HER FELLOW Wc will have some of the same strain we sold at Thanks giving time. There was nothing wrong about them. Metropolitan Meat Market HEILBR0N & LOUIS, Proprietors TELEPHONE 1814 Continued on Pace 4. "Tho possibilities of tboso dlstilcU for longevity nnd health aro snmo thing wonderful. Just ns soon as tho lioaltli-sccklng world realizes that J such valuablo cllmnto can bo found right hero near this beautiful city of Honolulu, peoplo, both rich nnd ioor, will como from nil jinrtB of tho wldo wot Id to sccuro tho health, rest and happlposs they nro looking for. In deed, to find perfect health and longe vity peoplo will como regardless of cost or dlstnnco ns theso nio tho, most to bo desired things for liro," Mr. Stanton of tho Knlmuki Land Co., Ltd., Is very much Interested In Dr. Ill Irks' discovery Inasmuch ns It pmvns his contention that tho Knt inukl district Is tho most healthful plnco to live. HOLIDAY BOOKS There never has been In Honolulu such n largo nnd carefully selected stock of popular fiction nnd boolci for children ns nro bolng shown nt A. H. Arlelgh & Co, Ltd., Hotel noar Fort street. This Is tho place to go for these books nnd for handsomely bound gift books. BORN. I'AYNH 111 Honolulu, December 21, 1910, to Mr. und Mrs. Pnjuo, 11 & Co. Phone 2708 Cos i- parts of the city. Occasionally a man Is Innocent enough to licllovo n girl loves him bo causo sho tolls lilm sho does. What doth It pioflt n woman if her servant keeps tho commandments In tnct nnd breakelh all her crockery? Christmas Jewelry Jcnolrj- N liked Ii) euryone. It Is the gift fur Christum. Tho tilling of Jcnrlrj dors not ut'CosNarlly mean (lie upending of n lot of money. In our largo stock )ou can llud In. numerable articles of unciim iihiii design nt 11 moderate price. Our goods nro new nnd the lines nro (tj extensile. H. F. Wichman & Cq Ltd., landing Jenelers. FORT STREET til V X : J r v