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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
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iHHHHHBVl ItVMNINO IIUM.IJTIN, HONOLULU, T. II., mitliAY, DKC. H. Il" t 1- I I IN BUSINESS CIRCLES llimlifwoi uf tiu Holiday, outside iliu retfill'stnres, l moro often than not h donning up of odd cmli niul it prcptirTiflon for ilia liiture. f ' ' Ilitiiil" men of llondlulii' hvo (lone 11 lliflvlnir ImnlitftM this vnnr In the Christmas trade, utiil tho prospect for them wna never iicttcr tnvostor who placed their money In tho securities of lliiu'ull nrrlvo ut tho hollitay senson with tho market ipiotutloiiH of their stocks consider ithly reilueeil ntid tlio dividend pros pects of the coining year not us good ut Inst, hut they liuvo something of vnluo tn Bhow for their money which In more, limn cun lie mild for many who put their money In outside prop ositions. Outside litfettment. It hns often liecii remarked in thctso (oliiiuns mid on tho streets that soino people will throw their money Into protHisltlons brought Into tho local market on a glowing prosiiccttis, und 1 when they get word uint tho enter prise has failed and the money tone, i ay nothing lint tho Rumo men when putting their money Into local enter prises, cry out with u loud volco If the price goes down or tho dividend Is reduced. Thero seems to ho a lack of loyally for local entei prises, or olso it is that when loseci are made ithroad, tho perbims lilltcn keep qitlot for tlio same reason that victims ol bunco men seldom mako u noiso nhout their losses. Irrigation lloiul Fii II n res. Onmof the proposltloiiR that tool: motieyi out of this market. Is tho Iist lllvcr. Irrigation scheme. It Is re ported that tho honds of this Irriga tion ruiterprlso are worth practically nothing and iih u lusult homo very heavy losses hao been locally re corded. Tlio sixmo umount of money Invested In any of tho local stocks at tho cry highest market price would liuvo been u thousand per cent safer. Yet they say that thero was nn nil vnneo of sugar stocks during tho year to dangerous speculative IlKures. Romo of our local invoa.ors now know that thero Is no certiilnty In nn Irrigation bond merely beeauso tho tltlo "bond" Is attached to It. In jHirl by tint withdrawal of Inrgd Kllliltt ftf tililllfif fflr (nllrVirlitii lmet. tnent, and one bank was put In the position of being unable to discount its own pnper. Tho banks stood to gether and prevented any serious situeoto ntid nil the public know wits, that money was tight for several weeks, when It ought to bo very free. Whether this unexpected thortngo caused tlio banks to bo more con servative In their loans or whether It was tho sense nnd furoslght of tho bankers, the fact remains that tho check held oil speculation Is now proving to hae been a blessing in disguise. Hcftttnl of banks nt that time to loan ory largo amounts on the pop ular stocks Is what now saxes inoro than ono man from having his loan called. The small margin that was allowed him at that time Is now n safe margin, and for this reason tho n'cent portal! of stumping has not been accompanied by tho panicky feeling that Is usually found when thero is such n tremendous shrinkage as has taken plnco In many If not nit the sugar stocks on tho market Speculators Were Ssiieil. apeuklng of speculation, one of tho . brokers of tho business district re marked this week that ho thought tho conservative attitude of the bank ers last spring had saved tho city of Honolulu from n panic this fall. It will bo re'melnbercd that la3t spring thero developed In tho locnl financial market n most unusual nnd extreme shortage of money. Money was "tight" when sugar was at Its high est nnd tho roturns from tho crops wero coming In. This condition was credited to the ultra and foolish con servatism of tho bankers. It after wards turned out that It was caused T1iom Witter 1IIIN. What aro known as tho McCrosson water bills have been very much In tho limelight this week. Tho Cham ber of Commerce took them up nt ono of Its regular meetings nnd petitioned Congress that the bills bo not passed at this session or any other. Thero wnd no division of opinion regarding tho petition to not pass tho hills. Tho only discussion wna whether tlio Chamber should pass n resolution nsklng Congress to refrain from pass ing nny local bills until they hnd been acted upon by the Legislature Attorney Wilder In a letter to I,. A. Thurston, which letter Thurston published In his paper, says that tho chnrgo of tho Wahlawa bill being a steal Is not well founded, nnd tho probability of tho contemplated ac tion wns not unknown to Cnstlo & Cooke. Ho says In effect that Mc Crosson goes after rights that no ono else possesses nnd never has pos sessed. Manager Tcnnoy responds to this with n statement that owing to some errors In tho Territorial sur veys tho Wahlawa water llcenso was secured from tho Territory tho Mc Crosson bill would glvo to McCrosson tho water sources of tho famous Wa hlawa water. Whoever Is right in tlio mnttor, tho people are llally opposed to the spir it of the McCrosson bills. Mr. Mc Crosson will no doubt In tho long run sot n license to develop water under favorublo conditions, for tho so-called Knu ditch scheme, but tbo people of Hawaii will never approvo nny such bill as went to Washington with tho O. K. of tho Governor and under which, If passed, thero would linvo been throughout tho Torrltorj n wholesalo loot of lnnd ntid water by IrrtRHthiti rotpornllons Hint would splIliK Up mrr night nnd ntmirli c crylhlng In sight worth hating This would bn grabbed for the hcnrlll nt the Inrgd lnnd holder, and the home steader would never liuvo u gliont t it show, .Mr. KrrfY'n liwr. Cuulmlisluiier of Immigration Kcelo lias rom'pliMtd his .our of (he Islands niul r) turns lo tho mainland on tho Mongolia. Mr. Ketfe leaves tho Inlands with threo lending points (Irmly estab lished In his mind, ' llo enn reo no Amcrlcnnlrlng value in cither the Filipino or (ha I'orto lllenn. He doesn't want tho Filipino In Hawaii. llo believes that tho Kuropenti nnd tho American would be more disponed to go to nnd remain on the sugar pinr.tutlnns If the planters would pr.y n better wngc. He doesn't say what this wngc should be but h thinks that conditions could bo Improved. And this would help materially In tho Americanizing process. llo is ngnlnst the plnnlntlon store. niul believes that loo much money Is I be'ng made out of the life necessities of thi laborer, though ho docs not put It In exactly thoso words Incidentally whllo getting no rood , reports on the l'lllplnns ho norma very much pleased to learn thnt good reports wero received from nil tho a..... ...itwa nn I l.n llllluliina 111 III 111 vtn nil lii' iiurDiiiiim Just what will bo tho effect of Mr. ivccfou trip is hard to say, but it Is ctituln that ho has mndo nn Inlprih rlon among tho keen business men of the islands as u Keen man hluifcK nnd n man who is sincere In his on- I elusions. 1 Prohibition. Associated l'recs dispatches fni'il Washington statu that tho bill to forto Prohibition to Hawaii lint been rgaln beforo Congress. A cnblo giatii from Secretary HcClo'lnn states I (hat tho Prohibition bills are sleep ing Tho peoplo gel ernlly are thor oughly disgusted with tlio alleged re formers who, defeated 111 tho plcbl. sclte, aro now attacking tho vital principle of self-government in Ha waii, It Is not believed that they can succeed. Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor has figured In tho dispatches of tho week. On Tuesday tho navy department let to Mbergcr Pump Company the contrnct for fur nishing the pumps for tho great diy dock that Is now under way ut tho now navy yurd. Friday broug'.it tho report that Secretary of tho Navy von Meyer Is asking Congress fur tbo money to maintain n ono hundred thousand ton coal pile nt Pearl Har bor for tho uso of the navy. Dole Sajs "No." J. I). Dole returned this week nnd reports no truth In tho rumor that tho Armour packing interests wero attempting or had gained control of tho Hnwallan Plnenpple Company. Henry Do Fries gets tho contrnct for tho Richards street wharf, his bid being $37,500. Tho next highest was Lord & Young, J3S.000. The approach to tlio Hackfcld wharf goes to Lucas & Wlilteh6uso nt $4750. Primo Beer is the ideal drink; its purity, its tonic and food properties make it the most healthful beverage. Now a.t Christmas Time when the tired shopper, the over worked merchant and clerk return home, a glass of cold Primo will banish fatigue and nervousness and induce restfull sleep. And during the Holiday festivities Primo is a necessity in the house. The callers who chop in to wish the Compliments of the Season, the guests at dinner, all yVl appreciate and be better for a glass of r',t im f auti'yyraawn v-I&'ttfe- The .Beer That's jjrewed io ouii uie uimwe I CM) Unpen lnr. Tim (luiltmmishlp of tho Honda , ('(iniiiiltlro of the illy llostd of Hup rrvlmrs hits c rented toiishlcrnhle ' comment this week, owing In the ag gressive candidacy of Kben low At ii preliminary caucus this chairman ship wait given o Hnporvlnir Dwlghl on tho statement Hint tho business men did tint want Mr low Hlnro that lime Mr. l-ow has been about town mid got tho endorsement of nearly every lending business houso of the rlty. It now leiunlns (o bu seen what Dwlght will do In the fata of this endorsement All that the business peoplo want Is good streets and the largest amount of results on tho least amount of money Collnirrs Needed. Dcmntids for small houses for rent hnvo become so general that the mat ter has been taken up by Secretary Wood of tho Promotion Committee. He taken the satno view that has been so frequently pot forward by the II u 1 1 o 1 1 n that some ono with tho means should build houses that will rent nt n reasonablo Ilgure This must bo dono If the city Is to euro for nnd hold tho people who aro headed this way this winter This Influx Is no temporary affair as nearly every steamer brings to town peoplo who nro cither to locate hero for woik with tho FoUoral government, or wish to muko this their home for tho win ter, and they don't want to go to n hotel. Mr. Tront bus an apartment hoiifce scheme that looks good. Hut from a general ennvuss of tho situa tion by tho llii I let In man, tho small cottago slmplj furnished and routing nnvw'hero from twenty to thirty dollar nj month Is what tho public demands'. ' JUST TURN THE FAUCET end enjoyart INEXHAUSTIBLE' supply or O 1 m ,! 1t u Mv v.V.' r w Jt.Vi ! mxE If .4". a- ; & Heal estate lilUHt come tn Its own In the very' licar future Tho need for moro houses' ciinnot go on much longer without 'real estate returning to Its former position as a most do slrublo Investment. With the cvpor lenco of former years, tho men nl means should know that tho small hnuro nnd lot Is the proutnhlo Invest ment, nnd It Is In nn ever Increasing demand. Secretary Stanton reports tho membership of tho One Hundred Thousand dull steadily Increasing. Papers In tlio condemnation pro ceedings to se'euro tho property for tho Federal building on Fort street woro filed' In th'd United Suites Court on Friday. Somo threo months must elupso beforo tlio lh.ittcr will como to trial. Hnwall's custom house broko all records of rccYlpts this 'car. It col lected rovcnitS to'tho tojtl amount or $l',r,7.-,,, and is thirteenth on tho list of thn nation's largest cus toms collection centers. It ' nr-1 below Cloveland, Ohio, nnd ' t. Paul, Buffalo und Chumpln.. The Ruud Automatic Gas Water-Heater is different essentially better than all other water-heaters. The difference is a pronounced betterment in hot water service. Imagine for a minute an ideal hot water service wouldn't it begin and end at the faucet ? The RUUD Automatic Gas Water-Heater has done just this, it has reduced tho hot water problem to a turn of the faucet it's as easy to get steaming hot water now as cold water you don't go near the Ruud itself you don t have to strike even a match. The Ruud differs from ordinary water-heaters' in efficiency it is independent of tho kitchen, range a luxury in summer time stands in 'your basement self -operating and safe. Finally, there's a difference in the hot water never "lukewarm," but always heated to a fixed temperature predetermined by yourself and the water is fresh, taken clear and cold from the water mains and heated instantly as it flows. . The initial cost of the Ruud is the final cost so moderate that you cannot afford to buy a cheaper water-heater ov to put up longer with the vexa tions of the old one. Study this mechanical masterpiece at close range. Investigate NOW. Additional property to tho valuo rf $18,000 was bought by tho Mld-Pa-clllc Institute this week. A portion of tho land Is to bo used for tho situ of tho flullck preparatory nchAol und tho remainder fur agricultural purposes. I rTsriii sf J ' HI! Ui BrillS Honolulu Gas Co., Alakea and Beretania Sts .S(nck. Sugar stocks hnvo been about ns usual for tho week. Onolne.i directors hnvo announced a cut In dividend from Ilfty cents n Bhnre to thirty cents lor tho new year. This probably means that tho direct ors nntlclpata thoy will bo abla to carry tho thlrty-cont dividend through tho now year of low pr ici. Oahu has been tho popular stock, nnd most cveryono Is watching it ns most cveryono hits heard the rumor that a hul with $7S,000 cash has been organized to buy Oahu when It reaches bottom. Four hundred shares bought by tho hut at 25 makes tho public think that tho men who ought to know think the market has reached bed rock, Tho majority of tho students of the market expect tho prlco of raws to go ns low as 3.S5 during February nnd average 3.C0 or 3.C0 for tho year. It Is most significant thnt refiners of tho cnBt will not buy sugars for Feb ruary nnd March delivery nt tho prices offered. Th'ey expect tho price to go lower than 3.4C, nt which a small nmount of trading has Icon dono. ZABLAN CASE BEFORE COURT Indictment Sufficiency Is to Go Before the Supreme Court. Tho validity of tho Indictment that was found by tho Territorial grand Jury against llenjamlu Kah lnu Is tn go beforo tho Supremo Court, tho iiimclen-y of the truo lil'l being rc3orved for tho consider ation of tho. Supremo Court thh morning after Arthur Wilder pro rented a lengthy argument In tho Circuit Court against tho Indictment ns It stood. Wlldcr's contention, In brief, h thnt If '.nli I nn was guilty of tho em bc7zlcirwnt or nny funds while n ilork of thn pollco court under tho Andrado regime, that monoy was cm bozzlcd' from Andrado and not from the municipality, tho law not recog nizing a clerk ns tho custodian o. ll.o money, but, on tho contrary. ' charging tho district maglstrnto with ! Its garo keeping. This fact Wilder contended vas culll lent to nlicolvo Zahlan nnd ho quoted from several rlrong catc to provo his claim. Jndgo Cooper Tinted that ho was Imprcrecd vllh tho point raised by Wilde.-, but nildcd thnt ho was In clined to glvo tho benof.t of tho drubt to tlio government. Wilder then nBkcil fsr tlmo to prccont nn Interlocutory bill of exceptions, but en City und County Attorney Cnth cart's ruggcEtlon, and In order to savo time, tbo status of tho Indict ment will gn beforo tho Supremo Court In tho form of a reserved rjurctlon. Tho Indictment ngalnst Clnrl:, being similar to tho truo bill ngnlnst Znblnn, will bo In nhoyanco until nfter tho Supremo Court has had nn opportunity or deciding tho nur-itlori raised by Wildert In tho Zablnn caro. When Planning for the Christmas Dinner be sure to include some of Heinz J Varieties India Relish Best Olives Tomato Ketchup Pickles Malt Vinegar I Mince Meat . -I " V , r Cider Vinegar Horse Radish Pine Preserves M8 PM'- Apple Butter Your Grocer Has Tlieni All i-f" ' 1 S"; .n,,fcjj. , ,