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MWdfW "i " A tilt I f H 8 ' (' BVKNINO IIUM.t:TIN, IIONOU'M'. T II RATlTltllAY DKO 21. 1910 t I it '' .' I ) V E - You Can Take Any Position Willi Comfort if you are wearing "Shirut PHSIOMP suspen den. No matter what the position Is, the tlidirjR cord in the back adjusts ltiell to meet It. "SHIRLEY PRESIDENT" SUSPENDERS arc so comfortable that you do not feci them. They do not draw nor pull when body 1) moved, as Is the case with rigid back suspenders. Aik roar dealer for the " Shirley Pcti Ideal Suspender the cenulne has " Shirley President" on the bucVIe. Etery pair guaranteed. Avoid Interior Imitations. Manuficturcd bjr THE C. A. EDGARTON MfC. CO., SMtltr. Mils., U. S m F THREE SHIPMENTS THIS MONTH TWO SOLD Haas' Bbs Nothing to equal it in assortment, flavor or freshness IF YOU DESIRE SOME OF THE LATEST Phone 1297 Today If you arc bQying for a man, think Gillette Razors If you are buying for a lady, think French Perfumes We have the best. ISON, SMITH & CO., Ltd., Fort and Hotel Streets. Weekl.v fciaiitMin tfr J'er Year BOUGHT TO PLEASE The fancy of the Christm's buyer was our thought when buy. cng for the 1010 Holiday trad!. That we caught their fancy we believe from the daily showin; of satisfaction by our customers. The Holiday line is as cimple'- as judicious buying would permit. The Toy b'ne is uns -rsassed. A fine display of Grasi Linen, When marketing, com? on to our store. We will make you welcome, even though you do not buy. WAH YING CHONG CO., KINO STREET, EWA FISHMARKET An Appreciated Gift Has value in the eyes of the receiver for its beauty and useful ness. Imported Chinese goo Is have both these qualities. Among the articles we are showing are DRESS SILKS, SILK SHAWLS. HANDKERCHIEFS and SHIRT WAISTS in all colors. Buying is made easy when yen sce this display. We invite you to call. Wing Wo Tai & Co., 041 Nuuanu, near King St. Our Specialties LOS ANOELES BOHEMIAN BEER, BROWN LABEL ROEDERER CHAMPAGNE. WATHEN KENTUCKY WHISKIES (2 to 0 years old), MUNRO'S HOUSE OF LORDS SCOTCH WIHSKY, GOLD LION COCKTAILS, CALIFORNIA WINES of the Italian-Swiss Colony of California, GONSALVES & CO., Ltd., 74 QUEEN STREET THIS MAIDEN TRIED WATERCURE But It Did Not Work With Amorous Swain. A comely sixteen-) c-'r old Jnpnii cko maiden liitniiliircil John Peters tn I Ik; mysteries mill l-mulflfiitlons nf tlio water cure, nml before tho i ftiriiicil inn n uncovered fmni tlio ex- pctlmcnt lie found hlnuclf within I tho incHhei of tlio law with u serious charge "tier Ills name. I'eters would nuiKc 1oc tn Tctsil, n daughter of Nippon, wlui pre sides over tlio destinies of n Hotel street cnudy care. Ills attentions were not reciprocated In tlio least,' nml finally tlio iniild was obliged to report 10 siriiigeui mi-'iiniun m im pulsing tlio amorous advances made to lier by Peter. Sho crn-qicd n Jug filled with lco 1 water and daubed tlio content!) In the face mid over the person of Pe ters last evening. The would-be wnlii then and there declared that I He would lint lcsivo the promises I until tlio dampness hail departed . from his clothing, nnd to further In I ilbate that be meant tn carry out his threat, ret era proceeded io di vest hlmse'f of such wet garments as ho saw fit.) I.onsun, a Filipino police officer, was called to eject the unwelcomo visitor ftom the palace of sweets, Peters oUcrcd considerable resist ance nnd upon the stnnd this morn- jlng Loiifoii declared to .ludgo I.y- mer that lie had been strucK in me face and upon the chest n number I of times by Peters, despite the fnct that us an officer of the law ho had displaced bis badge of authority. 5 Peters was given n four months' j sentence to bo served at tlio city unit roiinty hastllo. t There was an election of officers nt tho meeting of tho Scottish Thistle ' Club last night. Tho following were J elected: Jim. Walker, chief; 0. S. I.cllhead, chieftain: W C. Shields treasurer; K. Sinclair, secretary; P. j HlggltiB, master at arms; It. Atuler i son J It. M. Maclean and T Me- Klniion, treasurer; T. P. V. Gray, J auditor; T. McKlnnon. librarian. KXXKXXXXKXftXXKXXK RECREATIONS M V KIIIllKISailf CIRCUS STAY DRAWING TO CLOSE Italu mid Clirlslnin.i shopping kept the uttenihiiiio last night at the ( Alnctlcnii Show down tn tlio sum. lest jet reiordul, but this lii mi wire lessened tho iiuallty of the e Ktcry act presented, earlier In the week was ptnyod In full, nlthougli the (Hipping of rnln- drops thiough the big tent top mndo loino of the turns extremely danger ous. Kspeclally was this so In the big aerial act, when tho acrobats hail to apply renin to their hands every few moments to mako possible the KlIfriMlt catches. nuturkoy's slldc-for-llfe act wiis another In which the danger was Increased by the uncertainty of wet ropes. The last three performances of the circus In tho tent will bo given to night nml nt n matinee nnd evening pcrformnnco on .Monday. Following the close here they will go to lllln for n week, and on returning from the ltlg Island will nppcnr for n limited time at tho New Orphcitm. What About That Dandruff? WILSON SISTERS WILL CL0SEAT THE SAVOY Two of the most nttractlvo mem bers of tho Savoy list of entertainers will Rhortly close their engagement and return to California. They arc tho Wilson Slaters, dancers and sing-J ers, who will make their last appear ance on tho Savoy stage on Monday) night. This will posltUcly bo their, last appearance. They linxo been n splendid drawing cud nt the Savoy. There will bo n change of bill at (ho Savoy on Monday, nnd n new scr. les of films will be shown, whllo the Mnlnn-Mngrath Comedy Company will put on another sketch from their list of fnrces. Tho Savoy, as one of tho open-nlr IhonterS'of tho city, has been well pa-j tronlzcd 'all week, nnd Manager Uno hns foijiirt that a cool theater Is a popular theater. Kvery seat In tho theater 'commands an excluslvo view of tho stage mid nt no tlnio Is theie an obstructed view. The film service at tho Savoy has been popular and somo of the pictures hnvo been real hendllners. w SIMPLY LIGHT AND INSERT TUBE Warmer docs the rest m m TURE AT EMPIRE Phone 1020 The Welkom Warmer , Size 3ii 1 514 Inches, weight 414 ounces. Tho only modern, safe, effective, and sensible substitute fjr tho unliquuted Hot Wuter Hag. No water to heat no rubber to rot. Will last for years. Tho Warmer Is mndo of metal heat ed within one minute by tho lighting and Insertion of u paper tube con taining u bliiich-ss. smokeless and odorless fuel generating a uniform heat which lusts over two hours at a cost of lebtt than one cent It Is cuncd to lit any portion of the body and held In place by means of u hug and belt allowing the wearer to 111010 ubout ut will. AS A l'AIX KlI.I.Klt The Welkom Warmer has no equil. It can bo put Into constant action und Is Indlsponsablo In cases of rheuma tism, lumbago, neuralgln, sciatica, cramps, etc. By placing tho Warmer on the uf fected part tha heut being dry, not moist Imkei out tho cold. Physicians say that the moist beat of tho hot wat- I er bag will not euro hut aggravate the aiimciiiH nuovu uieiiuuuuu. Many huvo buen sold not a. t'ngle complaint Complete outfit including Warmer, bug belt, coll and 10 tubes of fuel sent prepaid to any part of the U. 8. upu receipt of $1.00. If you wUh to know more about this wonderful device wilto todny for free descriptive booklet. WELKOM WARMER MFG. CO. HIS Fulton St., Sew York. fw.rt k P-- ' ' ". U.8.A. m 1 1 1 J TTB HHSKHIPlsVrl Prfiggrl A single column measure might! seernrnadequate'tb illustrate the interior ol a large olhce. It demonstrates ' however, the cconomy'of JyW "Elastic" Filing devices in the use of floor space without, howcvciyany restriction on filing capacity.! fl I I 1 Let us snow what can be done with 3 square (eet, fttiln.a u-lll lm n ni- fnatlirn lit ..., ..o ..... ..w .. -- - the Empire Theater commencing this afternoon. On Monday another mati nee will bo glon, and matinees will also bo given net week Saturday nud the following Monday. The iimtlnco iml.-iv nml Monday will ko the young pcoplo nn opiiortunlty to wit ncss the remarkahlo acrobatic danre of thciivcullo Oladstono Sisters, who huvo bad n successful week beio. Their danco Is orlnglnal nnd is clean und wholcbomc. For the inntlnees the prices will ho ten cents for children In any part of tho theater, and fifteen cents for adults. The alndsloiio SUters will give their again tonight and on Monday will Introdiico n new feature dance, equally as entertaining ns the ono wltli which thoy mndo their how to tho lCmpIro nudlcnrcs. Kdani Han dall, next week, will havo new songs which havo been carefully bclccted to suit her beautiful mezzosoprnno voice, while tho Great Snook will put on nn entirely new series of comedy and will probably Introdiico his es- run. frmii linmleilffH lllld other TO- trnlntB.,,Jn entirely now series of 1 .'I.-., ... ....... 1 i.n... moving pictures win uini uu , whllo Prof, Well's orchestra will nave nil cntlio change of program. GOLF AND LUNCH AT COUNTRY CLUB Christmas Day to Bo Celebrat ed on Links by bolters, Another day of golf will bo on nt tho O.ilni Country Club tomorrow, and a Christmas lunch will bo served nt tho clubhoufo for tho players nnu tho speclutors In tho middle of the. day: I The play tomorrow will bo moro ly Informal, no tournament being on,-1 us the medal play last Spndny fin ished the tournament for the joar. Many of tho golfers of tho club are expected to be piesent on the lliihS during Christmas Day. nnd por-' haps the holiday spiilt will Inspire them so that recoid scoics will ho mndo. OFFICE SUPPLY CO. SIX HUNDRED AND I I THIRTY AUTOS IN USE Six hundred nnd thirty liutomo, biles nro registered nt pollen heaii quarters this morning, nnd theie aio a number of recent purchasers of new machines awaiting tio passing uf the municipal otllcers upon their qualifications ns ehuuffeuis upon tho .walling list, Tho leroril nt the, station also (.hows that soventytwo motor cycles nro now registered there. Judge KliiKsbury of Maul, who camo down today, will sK'iiil bis Christinas I vacation In lown. lie will piobahly irinnln licit' tint II uftor tlio New Year, Well, What Do You Know About This? $175,000 Worth of Real Estate Sold in Kaimuki During the Last Nine Months After writing Ads on Kai muki. we have put over the bi(,'Rcst success in years, outselling- every other district on the market. But hush! We couldn't have done it if the property had not been all right and sold itself. The real secret the property; not the stuff, wc have been writ-inc. Kaimuki Land Co. Fbrcegrowth There is just tills much about It : Dandruff is a germ disease, is most untidy.annoying, and leads to baldness. When chronic, It Is very stubborn, but surely yields to thorounh and energetic treatment. All germs must be ; destroyed, the scalp must be restored to health. I Icrc Is the remedy: Avcr's Hair Vigor. Ask ycur doctcr about using it. Ayer's m Vigor DOES NOT CCLOII THE HAIR Will do it s jm& .-?-? O v ' - . n 3 . - -.; i-"4 V' li " Vl ff rtjw Er - P ,URE REPARED AINT WITHSTANDS Tli: SUN LEWEUS & COOKE, Limited 177 South King Street Inlcrlslnnd nnd O. It, & l Shipping' Iiik-:,b for siilo -it Hie II 11 1 1 0 tlu olUcu, Cflii each Kur ' 1 Whitney & Marsh mHANKING you for your liberal pat ronage during the past twelve months, we wish you one and all A MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR ' "" r A GREAT DISPLAY OF TOYS Music and Singing Tonight Vote For Your Favorite in the Doll & Carriage Contest at Kerr's Alakea Street ) . v gylHy yUgi