OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, April 28, 1911, 3:30 EDITION, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1911-04-28/ed-1/seq-1/

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, - aj-f y-
vening Bulletin
; .v-fm,,r '
From San Frnnelscol
Nippon Mnru , ...May 3
For Ban Franclteoi
t'liljo Marii ... . . Mny f
From Vancouver.
Honluudln . Mny 20
For Vancouveri
Mamma Mny 23
A broader and better outlook upon
human life li found when glancing at
the world't affaire through the paget
Advertises Best Advertising Service and Gives It
ESTABLISHED 1882. No. 4914.
Says 'Legal Objections anfl
Policy Are Grounds For
IMUI Lit I lYIUIMLT fcirtLl ,
Ton so Diiccl Primal y 3ill
Declaiocl to Bo Unworkable
and Defective .
Klx pockit vetoes, nil explained and
defended by (lovornor l'renr for vaiy-
lug i. insos, Is the most Important af-
(ci ninth to the regulai Legislative
hesilon for IUU Six bills that did
lint meet tho chief executive's npprov
nl me Interred In a neat binder in
tno Governor's olllcc and thcro they
will rest despite urgerit arguments
mid oen pleadings tlmt havo been
made lo Iiiino soino of tho measures
'I ho most Impoituiil bill Is tbo nno
gi anting an extension of fraiii'lilno
ro tuo ttiptil' rialmlt ami l.unl Com
piny, which Oovernor l'renr pays la
xo full of grounds for disapproval
th.it lie did not havo ttmo to send a
Mlci message to tho Legislature
'I bo second bill to be pockct-vjtocd
Ih tlin ineaHuro Introduced In the Sen
alo l Mnkeknu granting u tolephono
fianihlse In the district of I'un i The
(lovornor stated that lie could not
sign this measure because of a nuin
bei of defects
'I lio bill providing for the ginntlng
of homesteads lo persons i cleaned,
from the Kalllil receiving station was
poi ki t M'toed because of what tho
!ocmor i huiaotcrl70s as ' legal oh
Joi tions
'I lio foiuth measure lo be pocket
(Continued on Page 4)
Miss Anne Doughs flrnliuin, w litis
f.imllj on the iniitern.il side nic tho
I'onejs of Kuu.il, mill ,ln (lould, Hie
viuiiir mJou of the fniiinuj fnmll) of
inllio.iil mid HuiiikIuI luiigmtos will
ho inniiicil tomoiiovv afternoon at
four o'clock. New York time, at St
'I bonus' chinch New York City, ac
(.online to present nriangeniontb
Tho ditto was set for tomoirow
i-ovii.il weeks ago, and no hows lint
been lorolved heio of iinj chniiRO In
Ihn arrangements The wedding Is to
ho a simple one and tho couple aie
lo lake Ihelr bono) moon In Cuiopo
MIks (liiihiim h mother was Miss
("me) of Kutjal mid Miss (Irahaiu is
I ho nlcio of RoiirobcntHllM' .1 II Co
lli v of (lie Hindi li Isliind Miss Co
no) untried Douglas (liuliam, a man
of Miclal and business iiuomlncnco in
Now York Tho couple were weddo.l
In Hawaii, hut Miss Rrnh.im was hmn
In Now Yoik AHoi tho lit ulli 'f hor
husband. Mrs (liahnm m.irrled Hot -herl
Vos it portrait ji ilntei of note
Who h.nl exhllilled In Iho s lions of
l.'mnpo Miss Orihain was oilueileil
In a convent in I'arls n ml has trivid
eil nxlonslvnl) It was while In Paris
Hi il she mm voting (lOiihl
MUn (irahniu tamo Into much social
piomlnenio In tho inuliopolls a fen
vveoks ago when Miss Vllen flouhl
wiih innrrlcd to lord Ueclos tho lull
ed Kngllsh hoclity Hon Miss Or.ihnni
iicdil as oiiu of Iho hiltlcsmaldrt
rornial annoiinceiiioiit of the cn
eiiRcnii lit of Miss Ornliam anil la)
flouhl was postponed until after Iho
(lOtild-Decio wuddlng Then tho news
was given out at n dinner In tho an
ilex ol llio exclusive MelioiIIUn
X4U Jt'i ii.
t .
Both of the principals In the Hilo High School charges are to teach in
the Honolulu echooli.
F. A. Richmond, principal of tho Hilo High School, la to be designed to
the Normal School as a teacher of science.
Mrs. Mary 8. Compton, who brought the charges against Richmond, is
to be assigned to the Central Grammar School, taking the place vacated by
the resignation of Miss Adams.
The announcement of the new assignment of teachers was made by Su-
penntcnocni or i-udiic instruction rope mis morning alter a conference wnn
Worth O. Aiken, who, with Pope, composed tho special committee selected to
reassign the two teachers.
Superintendent Pope stated at noon that ho had not conferred with
Principal Edgar Wood of the Normal School, but believed that the appoint
ment of Richmond would pleaso Principal Wood.
rour creamers
Planned Yearly
Regular Trips of Immigrant
Ships May Come From
Ports of Europe
l'l ins fei four IniniiKraut stc.initra
a jinr from tho pnrtv of llurupo to
tho Hawaiian Islands are uiulir con
Hlilcnitlon by the Tirrltorinl Hoard of
Iiiiuilkriitloii' With the pussiiKn of an
nit h) tho I.iKlsliture practlinlly re
lonitiiHtliiK the loinl mid kMiir It
new anil Important powirs. It Is ahlu
mil only to brlni; iimiilRraiits to the
Ihlu.ils, lint to took aftci tin i hi tll(
meiit when tlie) k I hen and to aid
Hum In liPumiliiK "Booil tltl.ens of
the Ti rrltor) "
The new law Roes Into crtc" t oil
Ma) 1 It ri putts Hie pn si lit 1 iw and
treutcs instiad a Dcpartiinnt of lin
liilRinllini. IjiImh ami Statlstlis. Tim
inembers of Hie lioiuil, naiiuil by Iho
(lorinor and a loinmlssloni r of Im
migration, labor and statlstlis, who Is
lo ho an nppolntie of the bo ml, are
the iiitlte bends of tin work
Not out) diis the 1 iw etind tbo
Im ml s powers In the inittor of secur
InR ImiiiinriilitM but It Is Rltui .iiilhor
Itv to iuspiit all labor camp.s In the
Tin Hon InvektlRiite complaints of
F. II. Si
I nude a ioiisl.li i ilih study nt
sugar lonrtltlnns in I'm In Itlio for
musii mid Hie Plilllpp.m s during my
absuiie, whleli lins loiopd tin Rr i
il piirt of one )onr' stnti d I' M
Sunn,!) mauiiRlng illrettor of T II
Ilavlis S. Co who n tin in lo no
nolulii us a piissingii In the I'arlltii
Mall sttuinshlp Manchuria this morn
ing M) trip lomblniil luiolness with
pleinuri " said Mr Hwimy as lio
iivviiltid iho lifting of tbo ipuiruiitlno
on tin Manihurla. uhlili remalnid on"
Hi Inn bur for some little lime before
coming In a birth at Alnken wharf
Mr Hwnny boil lonsldoinblo tlnio
lo nlisrivo conditions In I'orto Hleo
during tin months of (titobir and N'o
einbn of last enr lie Is of Iho opin
ion that thero is an ampin suppl) of
labor thero lo eurr) on the sugar lu
ilustr) Tin re l no appHnnt searilly
of hitp for pi intations Ho ootid
thousands of nereh of tine sugar laud,
and within retent jonrs tlioso estatns
arc dottid with modern mills for ex
tracting tho sugar from the tnno
JI) ia) In the Philippine Islands
vvus r.tthci a brief ouu," continued Mr
--iiult if --- .;1i.rrill1rr1.f..-.ir1wf-.At, 0-i i i-
fraud, extol Hon or unfair treatment,
an I, In Kcncral, to study the conditions
of labor here It Is authorized to pro
mote permanent settlcnuut within the
Ti rrltor) to loopiratu with other Tir
rltorinl Icnarlnients, nml n ery Im-
portaut ilause Rles It tho power lo
ait as trustee, oi uRi'iit or otherwise
lu rcielvlnr. holdliiR or disposliiR of
pilviite I mils for the purpose of fa-
tllitntliiR the oicupitlon and settle-
meiit of Iho I mil Its powers In this
rcRtird alo wide
Tlo IrfLlslutiiro, however, restrlitid
Iho work of tho department In one re-
sneit It missed a I iw that will rauso
the suet Inl lininlRratloii tax to come to
an end two )cna from, now, ami tin-
less the I.ei-'lslutiire of 1'HI re-enacts
tho immigration tax measure, tho do-
pnrtmi nt will be without funds
Dr Victor S Clark of tho lloird of
Immigration said this morniiiR that If
nils law nan not nun jmhm'u, umi
I oird would he able In make loiiR-Hinc
toiitrncts with steamers and thus se
( are a splendid transportation sn
(Contlnued on Pago 4)
Hivnnz) 'I nindo a trip to the big
state reci ntly opioid b)' the Mlndnro
Deviloptnint I'ompim) which lias
home lift) tlvo thnuMiml acres of a
lunnllv good land ou Iho Inland of
I Mlndnrn ' Ho wutclied tho progriss
imiili In tho erittlon of a larRo sugar
inill tlmt Is being hiippllol by tho Ho-
nnliilii Iron Uorks of tills city lio Is
much linpresstd with tho possibilities
In IhlH grcut agriiulturnl Island In tho
Philippine, group
1 titso visttid tho lands now under
the eonlrol of the I'nhtmha Ustate
This will bo i emi inhered as llio plan
tut Inn In connection with whlth Alfnrd
Timlin) 1lui)er of this elly bogan his
imUorlL tnn-er 1 spent several days
driving ovti those binds" statrd Mr
Swuiiz) Tiny nro rlili In vigcta-
llon, and Hi. along tho slioros of tho
LiiRiiua do Hay tho big Inland sea lo
iiitotl within a low utiles of tho t Ity
of Manila" .
The Island of I'nrmnsii was also ono
of the great sugiir-produilng sections
vlsltid by tho local business mnn
'I was nilirli ploasod to noto tho
sullrfactloii that the milling ninehln-
I (Continued on Pane 4)
(Associated Press Cable )
LONDON, Apr. 28. At a great pub
lie meeting held in the Guildhall to
day, resolutions pledging support for
the American arbitration plan of set
tling international difficulty were adopt
ed. The Lord Mayor presided, and Pre
mier Asquith and Balfour spoke,
(Special Ilu I let In CnW
SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl.. Apr. 28
Results in the big leaguesi
Drookln Brooklyn 5, Philadelphia 0.
Pittsburg Pittsburg 4, Chicago 3.
New York Boston 9, New York 4.
Philadelphia -Philadelihii I Wash-
listen 2.
Boston New York 2. Baeton 1.
Cleveland Detroit 5, Cleveland 3.
(hpcclnl lllllli tin Wlrcl'im )
HILO, Apr. 28 Nathan Scharlin to
day filed suit against the Hawaii Her-
aid for $15,000, alleging libel In an
art'cle In the dally wireless news 8at-
urday stating that he was arrested In
Honolulu for stealing opium.
Stliarlln was arrehted In Honolulu
mnirnl weeks iiro cliarceil with ha-
lnR hiihiriiIi d opium Into tho Islands,
the evidcnie ti lulliiR lo show that
opium luiil hi en lonslRiuil to lilm on
the l.iirline. Iilddi li in boxes of mer
ehiindlse Tho rasi hits been eonsld-
irid b) the Rranil Jul) and Is still
pendliiR though no Indictments luivo
been brought
(Assoclitnl Prss CiMe )
WASHINGTON, D. C, Apr. 28 The
Senate committee, over whose appoint
ment the Insurgent Senators appealed
to a Republican caucus, will be ap
pointed in accordance with the selec
tion of a majority of both parties, It
was announced today.
NOCALES, Mex., Apr. 28 It Is re
ported here that the Mexican rebels
I havo captured the town of San Dlas.
EL PASO, Tex, Apr. 28 It Is an
nounced that a Mexican peace com
miuloner is coming here to conduct
peace negotiations near Juarez between
tho warring sides.
I The commissioner is Judge Fran
cisco Carbnjal of tho Supreme Court.
HONGKONG, Apr 28 Many people
oro fleeing from Canton since the sud
den and violent anti-Manchu agita
tions yesterday and last night. Fur
ther conflicts ara feared.
-Paloto HIM "
Ocean View
Kapanulu (
Nuuanu V
Dlshop 8t., below King St.
Phona 344t
... ...... .. 1... . . vi fii ii ,Vis,
Frear To
Piimminc. riflim
Territory Will
Contest On License
(nvcTiior I'rcar lias Instrucled Au
ditor Klsher to rcfiieo to Ibsiio Trea
sury warrants for appropriations on
two bills that wcro passed oer tho
(lovernor's clo by thu Ix;Klslnture.
I'a.vment of the $5 000 to John A.
C'umiuliis will bo refuted as will
clnlnis against the $20,000 appropri
ated oor tho Omornor'H cto for tho
repn) incut of incrchnndlso licenses
collected under nn unconstltutlonM
tax Imposed by the legislature, of
In his veto messaRO on the ullU
aovernor Ticar contended that tho
two appropriations wcro Illegal In
his veto of tho Cummins' bill lio do
clnrod thore were, grnvo legal doubts
as to whether the Territory could ap
propriate money for Ilia reasons and
lu tho manner stated In tbo kill
Oocrnor Prear has flmlly decided
to carr) tho fight Into tho courts and
the onlv recourse of Cummins and'
tho mcrchandlso llccnso claimants
will bo a Biilt to compol tho Auditor
to pay otr tho money npproprlated.l
An offer of compromise Is made by "Tho veto messngo would ncccs-
Ginornor Trear In connection with his snrUy lime been long anil boinewhat
.i im i.. .i.ii, n Intricate," ho states, "and 1 did not
pocket veto of tho bill by which Con- mie (lmo (o pwpiro t , wnmci) w
gross would be asked to npproo an 6CIld cto meHsugo to the Ixsgisln
cxtonslon of frantlilto to tho Rapid turo on tho bill, explaining my rca
TrniihU H ljiud C'ouipany Ho bo- boiis for disapproving It "
llcves that If his objections to tho bill As u result of the Governor's nltl
rati ho met, It could go to Washing- tudo it Is believed that a cnnforeuio
ton with tho presllgo of having passed will bo called among llio directors of
tho Legislature and with explanations tho ttnpld Transit and I.iud Ceni
showlng that his own doubts had pany nnd tho Oovernor with tho ldj.i
been roinoved of going over tho bill and discovering
"Tho bill passed b) Iho l cglslatnro Just why tho chief executivo Oleap
Is defective both as to substance, nnd proves of tho measure in Its prciorit
form," states Oovernor Kroar "I do form Tho bill passed by tho I.cglsla
nol believe that those who voted for turo Is appurrntl) so radically defco
Its passago would have dono so hud i tlvo In tho Cnvernor's opinion that
they been awnro of the actual results ho did not think of appending his slg
that would follow Perhaps wo can nature to it for a inomi nl and a mnu
get Ingolhcr and prepare a substitute , bor of amendments will prnbibl) be
ineasuro or modify tho bill passod by, necessary If tho people Intorested In
tho legislature It would havo to go
to Congress anyway"
(Jovornor I'rcar slated that ho did
not send u veto messagn to tho Leg
islature simply bccaiuo ho did
have time to prepaid ouu
Yni sho Is hero And sho will soil
tho Ilul let In I rem hod Honolulu in lu r around-tho-
I cvv havo -tin the quiet, nnassum- world trip silling papers or doing
lug girl who Is stu)lng at tho Hoy a I an) thing olsn that offers, .arr) lug Ma
Havvallun the girl who has traveled sonic, Shrine and I'.lk credentials of
17.000 mill's all on her own, selling pa-tho highest order, welcomed In every
pels In the principal eltlos of the city b) men of tin so lodges and d
I'nllid States, slneo liibt August termltied lo make the globo-enelrcllne
Thj Newspaper Girl. trip even though her friend mid chum.
Miss Oraleo List, from tho breezy Miss Adulr. who started out with Iter,
Oklahoma country, fulr. Joll), with a left In Sin I'rnnelsco to return to
mlschlovous twinkle In lur laughing
bluo eyes, and hair of goldin brown
which persists In blowing around her.
faco In tho most fascinating confusion.
xirirrl,'" Mi rr. ahsj ,n 'isntlH"1 tfi i aMrsil
Also Began
0)er $19,000 of the claims under
tho merchandise iicenn bin, coiicc-
tlon hno been proton and will ho
presented lo tho Auditor Upon his
refusal to Issuo the warrants the on
ly recourso for tho claimants will be
to bring suit, and Attorno) General
I.lndsn) h prcpnred to contend
ngilnst Iho constitutionality of tho
Tho merchandise HccnBo claim was
beforo setcrnl IxiBlslaturcs, ImvliiR
been declared unconstitutional while
Ootcrnor Prcnr was Chief Justlco of
tho TcrrltorHl 8upronio Court
"Wo will take theso two maltorii
Into tho courts," states finomor
Krear. "and can thcro selllc the dlf-
fefenco of opinion with finality
Tho Cummins appropriation for
$5000, Is to repay lo Mr. Cummins the
amount of a flno Imposed upon him
for partlclpancy In an attempt
overthrow tho ltemibllc of Hawaii
was pocket vetoed by Governor Kroar
In 1909 hut was passed otor his oto
st this session of tho IOglslatiiro,
the bill nro desirous of earning out
tho compromlso measures that nro
suggested by tho (lovornor In his ex
planationbearing upon tho reasons
that actuated him In refusing to sign
tho bill
litis Is tho oung ludy who
Denver because tho llttlo god of lovo
was a stronger attraction than tho
wanderlust which would tuKii her
(Continued on Page 4)
Manager Hedcmann of
Works Tells of Japan
est Edict.
Nippon Government to Prevent
Competition with bugar
Output of Other Countries.
"The Japanese bureau of agrlctilturo
Issued nn edict soino time ago w'llrh
mny havo material cfTect In dcfi rr
Ing the erection of additional sugar
mills on tho big estates on the Island
of I"ormosa " stated Mr C Hede
mann, manager of the Honolulu Iron
Works who told of his visit to tho
l'ar I'.ast whllo tho Pacific Mall steam
ship Mnnchurln slowl steamed fnim
tho tpiarantlno grouiid lo her wha-t
Uds morning.
"Tho contention Is made thai no
moro sugar mills arc required to con
vert the present ncreigo or suge
cano According to tho stnntl now
taken by tho Jnpnncso government It
is not Iho Intention that Formosa siu
nr shall entor Into Rcrlous compo I
tlon with similar products from other
sugar producing districts of tho
world "
Formosa Satisfies Jaapn.
"I'tormosa now turns out sufficient
sugar to satlsf) home consumption
Tho product from rormosan cano
fields practically all goes to the Jhp
anoFO empire
"JIj trip to Tormosa and tho I'lil
tlpplnes was not so much for secur
ing new business ns it was lo look
over tho number of new mills erected
by the Honolulu Iron Works," staled
Mr Hedcmann
"Wo havo seventy mill rollers opei
ntlng on Tormosa toda) Ilvo mills
built by our conipiti), nro now run
ning full time. I can say this, that It
was with much jplcnsitre that we havo
learned that the mills from the lonl
works are giving the bust of satisfac
tion to tho plantation companies Sev
eral of theso mills havo been runnlm;
for n considerable time I spent soino
weeks going over tho Island, and 'u
no caso did I find whero the loast
I rouble had been found with the ma
chinery turned out b our plant
"Wo havo n mill now unde'r eon
striietlon on tho estates owned I".'
tho Mlndnro Development Compui) In
(Continued on Page 3)
Tha problem of livestock nuarnntlnn
was beforo the meeting of tho lloird
of Agrliiilture and l'orcstry jcstcrdiy
iiUernoon a resolution being tlnally
adopted regulutlng tho Importing "t
cattlo for slaiiRhtcrlne Tho adoption
of tho resolution was mainly duo to
Mutenimts tontulned lu n letter from
I)r Haker of Kin l'ranelsio, who re
ferred to tii danger of bringing In tin
Tuns fover tattle tick
One of the changts authorized jes
tcnlay In regard lo tho quarantino of
unlnuls broticbt from the (.oast win
allow the Territorial veterinarian to
moilli) tlto rcgui ir iwcnty-ouo nay pe
riod of quarantino In order to fin III
tnte the trunshlpment of cattlo to
inter-Island boats, tho full period of
quarantino to bo se'rved when the ani
mals arrive at the Until point of desti
tution SUfiAR
IS Sugar
(if, degrees test. 3 935c Previous nuo-
tntlon, !l!c Tloets SS anal) sis, 10
to f,.a ; parity. 4.20c Provlous nuota-
tlon, 10s G l-:d

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