OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, June 17, 1911, 3:30 EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1911-06-17/ed-1/seq-2/

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L '
jv (
Opyy i - - " " '
1 ' Masonic Temple I pfrsimhtifs I
Masonic Temple
Honolulu Slullll.
Hawaiian Third Degree.
Honolulu Chapter, It. A. .It.
lii pillar, ", p. in.
lliiriiimi) Chapter . I
. i:. S. Iligul.ir.
All Willing mrmhern of tko
Order are cordially Invited to
attend mcetlngo of local IoiIrm
Meet on the
2nd aitd 4th
Mondays of
each month
tt K. P. Hall
7:30 P. M.
iially invited.
HAWAIIAN TRIBE, No. 1, 1. 0. R. M.
Meets every nrst anil third Thurs
days of etch month at Knight of
Pythlae Hall. VIkUIur brother cor
Ually Invited to attond.
Jt. FOSTER. Snchcii
K. V. TODD. C. of R.
MeU ou the 2nd and 4th WED
NKSDAY evening! or each month nt
7:30 o'clock In K. of I. Hall, corner
Brretanla and l'ort streets.
Visiting Eagles ire Invited to at
l rVMct'tn. Sec
K0N0LULU LOCPE, 010, B. P. 0. 1,
Honolulu Lodge No. 618, U. r. O.
CUi, meets In their hall, on King
Itreet, near Tort, every Friday eve-
ninir, Visiting nrothera are cordially
invited to ntten!
i) v n lsEN'nntta, i: n.
Meeu every 2nd nnd 4th Saturday
evening: at 7.30 o'clock In IC of P,
Hall, cor. Fort and Ilcrotiinla. Visit
ing brothtra cordially Invited to at
V. F. KI1.BKY, C. C.
Eyes Examined
Glasses Supplied
A. NSanford,
Cotton Building - Fort Street
Over May & Co.
Ex Wilhclmlna
Hotel St, opp. Young Phono 3088
Fort Street
New Stylish Hats -
Summer ttylos in millinery at par
lors of
Capitol Cafe
Everylhlno New 8ervlee Excellent
?.,, Weekly
Iherbalo JML, I
Gurc Constipation. ;PPs I
MjkesNow.Kloh HAfkA
I l)lood- laggygaL. B
I btomach and Liver raJr'SrCy
I Regulator. i'Wv"?,tW I
iCureatho Kldnc). yv2fT fl
A It Ol'RHHV, .IK, has returned
from a trip to Kauai
M S I'ANKIH:!,, of Providence, It
I , expects soon to he a visitor here
hno resigned from tho Llhuo school,
Kauai ,
ERNEST MOSES, tho Illlo photog
rapher, has returned from n trip to
the toast.
I. I) LORENZO, of Chicago, III.
tins returned to his homo niter a trip
to tho iHlamls.
Dll O'KOlTKKi:, or Nevada, 13 Mull
ing his father, J. O'ltourke, In llllo
for n few weeks
.1 A MOVr.lt, or Knwalhae, has
returned from tho Philippines nml
gone to his homo on Hawaii
I'lior C O. SMITH of the Kcalla
Kapaa school, Kiiii.il, tctinna to tho
princlpnlshlp nfter a year na aupe'--vlslng
NORTON WILCOX, it member of
the same fnmlly as tlio Kauai Wll
roxos, is now visiting on tho Harden
Inland nml may locate there perm.i
with the ntnfr of the tterniau nrmy nt
fMliiRtnii, returning to Ihn C.iiher.
Ininl after M-voral cars acrtlcc In
bennnii imsKesHlons In lh0 ICaxt.
C I' JIOW1HTCH unit wife of Ilos-
'oii, C A and Airs. Dahlwln of Den
vnr. II T and Mrs. nlackhiini of Dos
Mnlnos. aie round tho world tripper
woo nnvo neon "doing" tho Tnr Hist
JAMKS JOICI;y, a llrltlsh manu-
.inner, nun place or bus nes nl
IkiiiiIhii. Is one of several round the
woild (rlppera who aro n.ifslnc
Honolulu tiHlay as passenger In tho
i A IIUI.IsAIIAUnii. the "Indl.i
ruijuer man" known from Vladltoitok
to tho tip end or tho Malay Penin
sula, whose slock In trade Is rubber
and n cheery rtlspoilllnii is a throimh
pasfcenger In tho Korea bound for tho
A 12. KAI2SKU, who for a number
of joira has rcpieacnteil Cook's Tom
hi Agency at Yokohama, in a paascn
ger In the Korea rnrnute In (Jrriit llri
Mln. wliero ho will hold a conference
with the head of tho great touring
MONS. B. (1ANN8I2N, tho coiisular
lepreeentntlve ror the Republic if
Krnnro with lieadiU,irters at Yoko
liama, Is returning to his homo gov
ernment for a coiiioroncc. Ho has
been associated with tho, French con
sular service In tho I2nst lor many
jeais. ,
A, I). CURTIS, well known member
of inn Chicago Hoard of Trado and
who passed through Honolulu wuno
months ago as a member of a parly
oi uusiness men rroni the inlddlo wes
tern states. Is reluming to the main
land in tho Korea after having made
an extensile tour of tho Orient. Ho
is a iiHscngcr In the Korea.
MISS UOHA KI2Y1CS, who passed
through Honolulu on tho last outward
trip of the Korea is said to have flg
iiiod In i romantic mnrrlago upon the
arrival or the Ilucr nt the first Jap
anese irl It was Ihero that tho
joiiiig Ind In company with Robert
I'. Harris, proceeded to tho Ameri
can cniisutato and announced their
Intention of becoming man and wire
It was up to tho consul to npeak tho-)
few necessary words
(li:OROI2 SIM.MIK, one of tho best
Known snipping men In the Far Hast
ind ror tho pist ten jcars Iiiib been
located at Manila, where ho Is at tho
head or tho largest stevedoring nn,l
ship chandlery business in the Orient,
i ... ... .. .
a inuui'i'iiiiig m nan I ranclsco nml
then on to tho Haslern Statoa for a
well earned rest Slminlo la an old
steamship man and has a brother a
chief olllcer In tho transport Sher-
nnn. Mrs Slmmio accomiiauics her
nustianil on tho tour.
What tho possibilities orimpiovcd
steamship Eervlco across tho I'.ieillc
Occnn mean in imiunved mall aiul
passenger scrvlro Is lirouglit t tlio
attention or tlio shipping world li a
monster petition now bchu; piepaied
b business men or Almilla askiiiK
that tlio Canadian Paclllc's new. nml
r.u, ui.i....i . , . t . .
..i ni-iT,iK nuitii; which is to liu
un Improvement iiikui the fast servlco
now maintained by that lino and which
will Include largo rand faster ships,
uiilmlo Mnnili as a icgular port or
The business men concerned phu
that Manila should bo an lulermedlale
nop hot ween Nagasaki and Hong'
knng. This servlco would gi0 Ma
nila passenger and mall connections
with the United Stnlo.s on n H-duy
M-neiiuio, mo now ships of tho I2n:
piesB class being designed to mako
the trh, from Vancouver In VSdin.
iiaiun In 9 d.oa What tho chance i
for tho now sorvlco are la yet to ho
seen, but tho mere fact that a ll-dny
eervlco between Manlbi and tho Paci
fic coast of North Amcilci Is alto
gothcr practical merlin attention
Manila merchants also aro attempt
ing to securo Improved sorvlco by no
iinangciiicnt with Iho Toyo Klson
Kalslin, tho nuliHlilirod Juiiaueso lino
of hhlis snlling between San Fian
eloni mid Hongkong, to mnko Manila
n pint of call for Its ships At pie
em only the J'aclllo Mall Steamship
Co Is Bonding Its ships to Manila,
and the sorvlco nt piesent Is confin
ed to one ship n moillli, though it Is
thought that moie calls will be made
In the near futuro,
Pcreonal attention to all orders.
Not Damaged In the Least Says Captain Saunders Captain
Freeman's Name to Be Perpetuated By Rorto Rican
Youngster Sugar From Kauai Ports Mail for the
Coast at Five-Thirty This Evening.
'The Koien went on and was float
ed off a mud bank In less than live
hours," tlcclaicil Captain J W. Saun
ders, commander or that vcscl this,
morning, when asked concerning the
extent or tumble met with In enter
ing tho harbor or Yokohama.
Tho Korea was within one mile or
the prescribed quarantine ground
when the big vessel slid on a soft
hank of silt and there Ktuck until with
tho rising of the tide, the stcamor
slid oft and then went lo her .regular
anchorage In Yokohama harbor.
The air was filled with smnko nnd
a haze that hung over tho entrance to
tlio harbor, served to hide certain
headlands and marking points that
aid the navigator In fixing his boar
Acioiding to the linkers In the ship
that arrived hero this morning alter
a pleasant voyage across tho Pacific
tho Korcn'H passengers wero not lot
convcnlcnccd In tho least Tho
grounding simply necessllnlod tho
various hotel launches making a lit
tic longer trip from tho wharves to
the ship. In order that passengcis
might be brought ashore.
Pacific Mall steamers do not go to
a wharf at Yokohama, there bring
but one there or any size nnd that Is
genctally used by steamers or lighter
draft. For nunc I line past It has been
tho place or mooring for the Corinin
Mall htcnmcr8, opernlcd along tho
coast as well hi somo of the icgular
coasting licet.
A diver Is tabl to bavo gono down
Immediately following: tho rcfloitlng
of tho ntc-amer und his icKrt la
claimed will show that no damage
was done whatsoever. The Korea Is
also said to have lost no llnio through
tho mishap ami was enabled lo pull
out or Yokohama ou regular schcl
ule The Pacific Mail liner Is well laden
with a ileh and valuable cargo Fol
lowing tho nrrlval nt Alakca vilmrf
bcroro nlno o'clock this morning, n
steady stienni of' Oriental merchan
dise was discharged which Is expect
ed will bo completed by five llility
this evening or 1002 tons ror Houo
lulu there aie shipments of rcio pkgs
inctclinndlFC S820 sacks rice, 100
cheats tea, 35 caies cigars, also fi:
saiks mall.
Through freight has eaiifcd Iho vn
sol to set woll down In the walor In
this cargo thcic Is 10,000 sacks copra,
2000 chestB toa, 1800 hales hemp, 2S0O
bags linseed, JO.000 sacks ilco and
raw .silk In tho valuo of $95,000.
Honolulu drew 15 cabin, 10 tecum!
cabin, 32 Japanese. 30 Chinese and
27 Filipino pjisscngcrs,
Traveling through to Ban Franchni
aro 1 15 cabin, 13 second class ami
lfi Asiatics In tho steerage.
Purser "F.HIJ" Allen repoits a find
trip across. A masquerade dinner
and reception given on hoard lirt
Tl'.ursda.v evening In pronounced n
tlno affair bv all who attended. The
coslimiOH wero novo! and Blnrtllng.
Tho Slauieso Twlnn, well known so
ciety pcnplo rrom Manila wero tho
lilt or tho occasion.
Tho Koien brought a number or pro
minent nidinlnudeis who aio leturn
lug rrom round the world lours und
will remain over nt Honolulu Tor u
brier visit.
The vessel with roiiio thirty pas
sengers added at UiIb port, and nho
taking a mall for the mainland will
sail at (He-thirty thin evening fol
Han Fianclaco.
M ,,
Captain Frecman In New Role, '
Tho first birth on boanl the Intel
Island steamer Mauna Kea slnro tho
flagship went Into commission ionic
placo on tho Inst tilp Just bcroro ar
rival at Ililo A lusty boy was born
to a I'm lo Klcnn woman Captain
Ficcinan, master or tho ctsel, did ill
that ho could to aid In Iho care it
W.C. Peacock & Co., Ltd.
Tel. 1704 Wines and Liquors Tel. 1704
Family Trade a Specialty
( Mont Rouge Wines
Role Agents Mumm's Champagne
. (SchlitzBeer
PHONE 1281
the mother Several women passon
gera assisted nt the interesting event.
In recognition or Iho kindness shown
by Iho skipper, Iho happy parents In
sisted that the jnungstcr bear tho
nnmo of tho Mauna Kim's well known
commander. Fi ecru m Is satisfied and
all la well. Tho Mauna Kea ollfccrs
look Ilium tho birth of tho Ind as u
harbinger or good luck This makes
tho fourth birth Hint has occurred
on vessels commanded by Captain
Mauna Kea an Early Arrival.
A rather smill list of cabin paa
scngers made the trip to Honolulu In
the steamer Mauna Kea. The vessel
arrived with a fair shipment of freight
Including aulos, 2 pianos, M hales
.hides, 33 bales wool, 1S0I feet natlvo
lumber, a quanllt or "empties," 27
sneks tnro, -K) cords wood, G crates
chickens, also consignment or till
Keys, pigs sheep and sundries Pur
ser Phillips reivrls light winds and
smooth Boas. The haikcniluc Hawaii
Is Bald lo he loading sugar at Muliti-
kona while the Irmgard arrived thum
on last Wcdncsduj morning with gen
eial cargo rrom Han FinnclBCo. At
Ilonolpu the schooner Foster Is dis
charging a shipment or Australlin
Makura In Early.
A wireless message has been re
ceived at the agencj or T. II. Davlos
and Company which announces tlio
arrival or llie Canadian-Australian
liner Mnkurn lit Iho iorl on or about
nlno o'clock on Monday morning. This
vessel Is bringing u number ot pna
rciigcrH rrom Australian porlB who
will liy over here. Thcro Is a small
gencial cargo ror Hie porl Including
vepclahlea and rcrtlllzor material.
'Iho steamer la to'rccolvo a prompt
dispatch ror Victoria and Vnncoiitar
Ihero being loom ror ono hundred or
more iiassengcfa in the several class
es. s
I he lligshlp Mauna Kea or the
Inler-lBl.md licet, which arrived this
morning fiom llllo aud vv.ij iwrts,
reports the fulhiwj.ni; sugar awaiting
Bhliunciit on Hawaii:
Olaa 2.1, 'loo. Walukea 30,100; Ha
waii Mill 1700; Walnaku noon; Ono-
mea S7S1; Pcpeekeo 10.700; llonomit
3000; Hnkalau 11,000; I.aupahoehoo
BOOOj Ookali 3225;i Kukalnu (D)
1010; hukalnii (H) 1772; Paanhau
7100; Ionnkaa 19,000; Kukiilhaclo
20,100; Puualiit, 12,889; Honu.iixi
KB '
Honflkona Is a Duty Port.
Shipping 4uen aio "iwaltlng with'
Jvcen Interest the publication of tho
Hongkong Harbor Master's Report Tor
J910. no Hint Ihey might learn some
thing moio about that Incrcaso of
17,875 In tho numbor of ships rnloi
cd and cleared, about which Iho t!tv
unpr of that colony had something to
say at tho last meeting of tho Coun
cil. Tho announcement scums lo
havo created n good deal or astonish
ment In shipping circles.
What'ol the Floating Island.
For a illrticFslngly safe, Bane and
conncrvatlvo Ilrlllsh Ipross tho- liar
Last pa pel h havo taken up und pass
cd along Iho following 1 It t la yam:
"Tho Ililllsh cruiser Pelorus has a
Etiaugo mid at tho same time Intoi-
cnllug discovoiy to report. This Is
that sho passed a largo floating Island
on her way down south 'from Hong
kong. Wo vvnnder if It linppenod to
be occupied by any man or beast."
Kukui Back from Hawaii.
Afier having tomplctod u scilen or
inuudlnga und borings, a putty iff
UnltiJil Htnles llglit housQ omplo)ees
ctiirncd by tho tenilor ,Kukul. Tho
vessel made u Biwelnl trip to Hawaii
-J M . I -.
JUNE 17, ,1911.
l T '1 I
Not for the Careless Smoker
Van Ojck "Qunllty" Cigars are not miulo for tlio mnn who bus cigars
Their appeal In In tho lover of good Havana tobacco to Iho man who
appreciates the bot.
All that Is possible In llncnesn of llivnr nnd nrnmn alt that a smoker
cvir dreamed or In luxurious satisfaction Is lo bo had In
"Quality" Cigars
Nor will you pay half for these lono nothing Hint the "Imported" may
clgarH what )ou might welt expect. olTirv
Klmllar quality In the "Imported" w p nrn BO HO fur as to employ
would cost jou again as much. Cuban expeits In the making of Van
. ftlftv bv
,.... .. .. ...n . .... ..
" ""' '"" '"' ""' ,"" "f
having mir factory In Tampa, Fla
by Importlue tlux leaf Instead of tlio
clears J
This economy Is jour gain, mid jou
27 Different Sbapei 3-for-2E and Upward
M. A. OUNST & CO. "The Home of Staples" Distributor!
whero nn aulomatlc light Is to bo lu
stalled at Kumiikuhl Point.
Iwalanl from Klpahulu.
Willi n shipment or 2579 sacks Rug
nr and a small quantity or mmdrlci
tlio stenmer Iwalanl wna an arrival
from Klpahulu this morning. Tho of
ficers report line weather on both out
ward and homewaid trips,
Constlnrj steamers Bringing Hidden
SAN l)II2no, Juno 7. Treasure cs
tlmated In value at fiom 115,000,000
to Jfi5.0OO.000 hidden by tho orow of
n Chllenn cruiser on tho coast of
HondiuiiB innro than a generation
ago has been lecovcied, according to
roisuts received hero, by u party of
explorers aboard tho steamer Km oka
now headed for this jmrt.
Tho Hureka Is omninnded by Cap
tain Hurtles and about two weeks ago
was taken from hero on 30 day char
ter by a pally of San Franciscans
Their movements were m.ulo so cau
tiously tlmt It was siispecled tho
steamer was being rliartcied ror it
filibustering expedition. It had on
sldcrnhlc trouble In getting clearance
papers. .
Tho expedition Is said In have been
financed by Harry Krcllng ot San
Francisco Tho map showing Iho
location of tho hurled treasure was
In tho possession of n former resident
of Hoiidii.iB, who tried many years
lo nttrnct capital to flnnnco nn ex
pedition In quest or the sunken gold.
Ho was unsuccessful up to Iho tlmo
he met Krcllng. Tho result was the
chnrtcilng or the Kuicka.
Fear that tho Hondur.in govern
ment might Intcrrcro with tho ex
portation or tho treasure Is believed
to havo iuspliod tho secrecy which
aurroundeil every act or thoso who
chattered tho stcamor.
Ax messngo was rercived yestenlny
rrom Siilltin Cruz about 1,700 miles
snuilt of hero, which icad:
"" "12xiedlllon a bucccsb In ovciy way.
Roach San Diego ror oil next week
Meet us-"
The Hurcka, owned by tho Ninth
Pac,l(li' Coas,t steamship company and
hnvluga displacement or 400 tons. Is
an oil burner. It In said that its slop
horo will not bo (or oil alone, but
for tho uushlpmcnt of the gold.
Shark, Rammed and Sunk Cargo Boat.
A shark rammed nnd sunk an eighty
ton cargo boat near tho wnlorB or
Manila Hay und It Is declared In ship
ping circles Iho first enso on record
for bucIi an vitilriiio nccldent, Tho
slunk In tills pnillcular caso Is a
subinaiino Jioat of tho United States
navy nnd benra tho nnmo or Shark.
Ihn Biihinarlnes were Bloamlng at
regular cruising speed (eight knots
pur nour; in smglo formnllon, when
tho loicha was mot In low of Ihn
launch Ainnlla Tho Itnltibow. moth
cr ship of tho flotilla, mid thieo of tho
I10.1IB, tho Moccasin, Adder and. Pol
poise, piRKod tho loiclia Barely, but
tho Shark In somo niunucr struck hor,
Biistnlnlng no diimngo to horsoir, but
sinking tlio lorclia nlmost Immodlato-
I.loiitouant Comniandor Jncksou
captain id tho yaid nt Cavlto. Btnted
lliat there was no damage whatever
ilono lo tho BUhmnrlno, her blllcers
and crew timely leollng the shock of
Iho Impact with" tho big lorclia
Tho lorclia was loaded with rice
and other provisions, and was cnioiilo
fiom Mnnlln to (liiinayagnn. Tho lor
clia was not liiBiiied.
That terrible. Itch dlsnppcara with
tho FIRST DROPS of D. I). D Pre
set Iptlon. It kills nil skin disease
germs Instantly. A soothliiB, healing
lotion, used extcrmtlly only. Hono
lulu Drug. Co.
I)ck "QunlltA-" Cigars
. .. , ..... .. . ..
And "Vim Dviks" rrtmn In 57 ,llf.
fcrent shiipcs, to suit nil tastes.
Ill price, they'll lit the purse of everj
iimn-whu-knovvs the men for whom
they nro made.
Saturday, June 17.
Illlo via way ports Mauna Kea
stmr, n. in.
Manila via .Hongkong and Japan
ports Korea, P. 'Jl.' H. S., 'a. m.
I '
Friday, June 16.
Kauai porlB W. G. Hall, stmr., 5
p. in.
Hawaii via Maul ports Clniidlnc,
stmr., C p. in.
Per P. M. 8. S. Korea, from Mil
nlla via Hongkong, Japan ports For
Honolulu: Miss Alice Macfarlnne
Judge A. A. Wilder, Mrs, Wilder, 8
It. Flynn, Mrs. Flynn, I2x-(!ov, John
l'innklln Fort, Mrs. Fort, Miss Fort
Miss .1. C. llalght, A. J. Molt, Mis,
Osborne, MIsb Julia Slovens, J. F
Tyler, Mrs. Tyler, S. Wilo Thos. F
Ilctchcl Mrs. llctchcl Through. M
T. lllackburn, Mis. II. T. Illackhurii.
J. W. lllackburn, Mrs. J. If. Collins
W. A. 11. Dnxnl, Mrs. I.. F. Ooodnlis
Maicus A. Hall, Mrs, Milieus A. Hall,
Mm. P. K. Ilanimett and Infant. II
m. Horsey, Mrs. K. M. Ilcrscy and
children, Dr. C. R. Jopcs. Miss I II,
Ivojcs, A. W. Lakeiqitlsl, Mrs. A. W
Lagcrqulst and 3 children, O, K. lair
ilson, Mis. O. K. Larrlson, F. C. IajIs
er, .Mrs. F. C. Lelser nnd Infant. Mra,
1. 12. 1,11ml und Infant, Mrs. Ceo. Miu-
shall and child, Mrs. C. F. -Martin
Mrs. li A. McMillan. Mis. Mcltlckle.
N. Miller, Miss A. Morrow, tl 11. I'ur-
ccll, MIsb C. Rlchnnls, C. II. Schu
bcrt, (ico. W. Slmmio. Mis. Geo. W
Slnimlc, 12. II. (Smith, Win. Tujloi,
una. vm. Tolor and 2 children. I
J. Younker, Mrs. F. J. Yoimkcr. M.
i Aiulorsou, C A, Rnldwlii, Mrs, C
A Ilaldwln Miss M llnucroft, Mrs. A.
Illddle. J. N. Uod, C. P. How ditch
Mis, C P. ilowdltch, Mlsa C. How-
ditch, II. M. Campbell, Mrs H. M.
campliull, C. W. Cntler, MrB. C. W
Ciller. Miss 12, C. Ciu'tor, A. I). Cur
tis, Mis A. D. Curtis. A. I). CurtlB Jr.,
Mnslur Kenneth Curtis, Reno do Con
i by, II. I, Domhrct, Mrs. O. K. lick
e,rt, .Miss Kckcit, Mfss M. Kjio. W. il
Finiicls, 0 II. Fnrnum, Mrs. 0, 11
l'Uriiuni, Miss A, D. Flett, 12. (laiiB-i-en,
Win. J), Gates, MIsb aray, ,I. W
Giccnfleld, Miss Allco M Grecnllnhl.
Infnnl nnd nuiiili, F. HiiKon.. D. ,F
ilallct, Chns. Howott, W. A. Hill, Mra
AV A. Ulll. F. A. Hollahaugh, Mrs. F
A. Ilollnbaiigli, H. Hollosy, 12. R
Holmes, A. JncqucB, Capt, J. L. Juyne,
u- H. ., l,. ll. Johnson. Mrs. L. G
Johnson, James Jolcoy, Mrs. James
.loirey and mold A, 12. Kncscr, Mrs
(' S Krone, K. A. Kcllh, Miss A. I)
Kuffor, Mrs. R. R Livingston, Ml I,
Livingston, A. Lurthorp, R. p, Llv
lugslnn. W. M. Jlaclcod, Mis. W M
Mnelood, u. Mchncrt, MrB. J2. Meh
nert, S. I.Hluugor, Miss A Miuiii
Mis. Geo. Mopscr and Infant, Miss I.
Oliver, Paster Skoogoard Pctorson,
Geo, H. plllsbury, Mrs. Geo. II. PIIIb
buiy, Major Gonoral Rafalskl, llov. F
M. ILilns, Mrs. F. M. Itnlns, Jamoij
Rea, 12. Hogors, Miss Amy Rothschild
Miss T Rothschild, Mis. Lucy Ry
Innd, MJsV Allco Sajer, .1. J. Rchotliin)
MIsb '.. h. Scotten, W O. Scholtz. Mrs
W O. Bcholtz, K. F Smith, Mrs. K. F
Smith, O. A. Hplcor, Mrs. O A Splc
er, Miss Floionro Starr, Miss O. rjle-
liiieiin, .urs. Jl. itopneng, MISS J. Sto
phens, R. yogler, P, C. Ware, Miss
,U. ' ,
Coney Garage Automobiles
Meet' All Inter-Island steamers
Touching KAUAI
Wlicelor and maid, P O. Whltnkor.
Jllss A. Whlltall, Lieut. J. II. G, Pal
mer, Per Blmr. Mauna Kea", from llllo
and way ports, Juno J7. Jas. A. Ken
nedy, S. Kennedy, W. Darcy, W. M.
Gltfard, II. I). Phelps, Jllss I'ulncj.
C. Wlttmim, C. 1). Ilrndshaw, 8. II.
Ilrossoy, A. J. Itaposo and wife, I"..
Htisscy, K. Nnkasawa and wife, Dr
V. Norganrd, Mrs, II. Hayc,s and sou,
A. G. Smith nnd wire, S. H.M-'uJIjainii
nnd wife, Mra. 1-2. Madden, A. Lid
gale and wire, Miss M. Coleman, Mlsa
1-2. Turner, Mrs. II. 1). Ilond. Miss C.
llond, Mrs 1-2. Tuvloi, Mrs. J. T. Taj-
lor, T. J Fitzpatrlck, John Ornello.s,
Mrs J. M Hoiun, J. F. Sllva, iMInsea
Nahakiiole (2). Miss 12. Akl, K. Na
gaynma, wile and child, Mrs. 0. W
Wallace, I) Forbes, K, L Adams, A.
Hartley, 12 Kopkc, Miss Rioderlrk,
T. Kelly, II. Akona, wire and child,
Visa Akona, Misses llalconi (2) Mln
tt.ibcock, Mrn. .1. 'N. Williams, Mia IJ.
Williams, Mrs. D. 11. Case and daugh
ter, Mrs. W. F Dale. Mrs. W I West
and child, J2. 12. llatlclle, II. A. Ilild
vln. J. J. Walsh and daughler, A.
Maillnseii, W. H. Scott, Yeo Chun
Sing, wife nml 2 children, Naknsawi,
Mrs. Slta mul 2 children. 12. Delnerl,
Vm. Green, L. V. Alona, Man Hlnrc.
Mrs. Jliichanainnd child, Gco. Glhli
nnd wire, W. Holoknhlkl nnd r,nii
i i
I --A
Per stmr. Kliiau, tor Kami ports
June 20. 1). Unlilwln, .1. It. Dong
Ins, C. Kiihlmnii, A. Kiihlman, J Fer
nandez, M. Fernandez, Sarah llano,
I. Penelrn Manuel Penclra, Anlono
I'cnclifl, Mlsa S. Piuilkcii, Mls3 R.
Per stmr .Mlkaht'ila, ror Maul and
Molokal .porlR, June 20. J. F. Drown,
.Mrs, Hi own, Ernest Meyers, W, M.
Per M. N. S. S. Wllhelmlna, ror San
Finhclsco, Juno 21. Miss Romou-i
Marks, Mrs. I,. Marks, Miss DorU
Marks, F. Moullon, Mm. G. F. Mill
ion, C. F. Srlimiiltvlcr, Jim. Ljeett,
Miss Hess, Mrs. J. Fernan
dez, Chun II Toivnscud and child, Ml
J. Tanner, MIsb M. G. Ilordcn. Miss
Lillian Sparks, Miss Pearl Dam. Mlsrt
L. Gince, Miss draco, MrB. Glace,
MIsb F. Ilruvcrmnii, MrB. S. J, Ilrav
irmnn, Rev. J. W. S'iidma- Mrs J
W. Wadmaii, JUss M. Wadmtui, W I
Dane, latter Marks, J A UiicMchaur
four), Miss II. H. Carlson, Mrs. Allco
Lnndls, MIsb ,. Johusnii, MIsb A. At
kinson, MIrs Mnry 12. Sunter, Miss 12
F Wells, Mr. It. W. Foster, Miss 12.
F. Hnrvey, Miss M. Dowd, Miss 12
Vroon'i, Miss F.lla I Taiine, J. I.liuo-
kcnhclincr, Mrs. J. Llinekonhclmcr,
Mrs. M. I,. Fay nml ncphow. Mm T.
S. Zoavo. Mrs. Mcl'hall and daughter.
Miss Simpson, Mrs. Wcilhhelniur,
Miss S. N. Sheldon, Miss Ruth Smith.
Miss G. A. Levey, Miss K. Meyer. Mrs
A. W Mejcr. Miss May F.. Kellner.
Miss 12 M. Htc.vons, Miss 12. M Ar
thur, A. W .Mejcr and 2 sons, MIbi
Chtrlhol L. Illckrord. Miss S. M. Sliel
don. Miss M. Graham, Mrs. A. C
VIielpB. ,Chas. A. Wright, Fred 11.
Klilm, II. D. PhelpB, A (. Phclbs, MIbb
11. Slmptan. .1. A. Ruck, Mrs .1 A
Illicit, Dr. I.. Patterson, It. W Kin
ney and son, Mies V. Green, Mrs Kin
ney nnd child. Mis Wright, Mr7l2.
M. Semitic, Mrs, T M. IJarroro and
Infant, Stanley Waldion Mrs. F. 1..
Wnldron, Redvers Waldron, Mrs A.
(1, Hicks, Mis. L M. Ilootb. J. Glbb,
I. A. Glbb, J. c Johnston, Mro .1 C
Johnston, Mis. C I). Marshall, Mlsa
G Hum plu cy, Konuelh Ablc-.i. I. ('
Abies, Win. llatlunau .1. Jt. Daggot,
12. J'ollllz, W. C. Gleen, Miu W. C.
Saturday, June 17.
GAVIOTA Juno 15: Airlicil Ship
Falls of Clyde, henco Maj 22,
SUVA June 15. Sailed, 8. S. Zea-
landia, for Honolulu,
SAI.INA CRUZ Juno 15: Sailed, S.
8. Arlzonan, for San Diego."
GAVIOTA Juno 10: Silled, Ship
Falls of Clyde, ror Honolulu.
S. H. Jlllonlan. from Pint Allen.
hence June 7.
S, S. MAKUIfA will nrrlio Mondav
at 9 'a. in., nml will sail for Victo
ria at midnight.
j .'
Dlx nt Seattle, out of commission.
Logan, from Honolulu, for San Fran
cisco, arrived May 12.
Rlicrldnn, from Honolulu for Munlhi,
arrived Juno .1,
Sherman, nrrlved S. F June 11. .
Crook, arrived S. F. Apr 13.
RuTon), from Honolulu fur Manila,
Juno II.
Tramp Carries Wireless.
Probably tho Hist trump steamer,,
lilted with n wiielcsB Installation, to
enter Singapore Is Iho Nonsuch, of
London, which in rived on tho 19th
Inst, from llniuhuig, hound ror Vl,i
divostock. Sho Is fi uleamor or 2 411
tons (ind Is owned by Howies Hios.
Sachs' will oiTer somo great 'mr-
iralnR ill wlllln laen etnlalliri hnplnnilt-
Monday morning.
1 t '

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