OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, July 01, 1911, 3:30 EDITION, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1911-07-01/ed-1/seq-14/

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' " (Continued (row Pnfle 13) , ' "$$?' i )' "'Jl-fy ,'?. ,ffi ffiffi )' I , ' k.
v .
i 1
t '
int! in mich iniiruiiim unit we m.- m i Bm ' Ui, 'f t I llT"rrri"i-iTTinr t-rTir rnmi 1 1 in i n mi iiii i i inn inr ninirim iiiimmwh hiiiii mi fwojl i?s? jsssssssk mi
ti i:3r It In mill nut leeoRiiize Im B;1 I IK'S II Jffirew ' . iiTt ir l f llM'W'il " 'V
wl55SkKIS vJne-riece rorcelain Lfinecl YMBtessSi:';;
ikjut?!"-.. .-- - 'm , mttkTM im h Ti in Tf
In ii BTsl--t-' mEiSrjy ViHBiaB
i' LBVI StllfPiKAI'll K. HM
!' a thuuii.iliil people leio the
vlmw lint wiih nlvou Wcilnuv
llio miiiiii I the Hawaii IM
rooms The Mime mi xl i
WIIH till' lillil ens. slimvn 'i I.
illlTi'icnt vnrlcties I.IIhk I'i
lulu, one kiowh m aoeimtoiii. 'I
IliB this beautiful Hotter Ki"i
mich monition Unit v m . uu j
:I3r It In mill not leeoRiiize Im
anil oiiiatuenfil ioelllti' i
old residents worn mtrprivil
(lll lil'lVeil ihlR llllllei
uM mill rati' pecle!. TIiIh 11
llrxt Honor hIiom Unit li.u i'utI
rIiou In Honolulu nii It Ih in
iiCil that Ii will not be tin' lart
for tin iiumernin lsllors nttisied in,
tlu Interest Unit w as taken In 'he
exhibition. Tin1 tnbli'H woiu iirrmiR- j
oil In the foim of n trliinulo. in the
lilKhopt enrnor of this IrlauKln neiol
pliieiiil tlu- I'llniKon IiIIiIkcuh, shri'll ii-; '
In the lighter hIiuiIch of reil Ne.ij
riinif n deep simile or pink, with on
rnl. uliell pink mill even HkIiIit shade-, i
On either will. Viirlotii shinies of yd i
low weie exhlhltpil iimt a en uu
ooniniiiii urlel In mauio that le
senihletl mi nichlil. koiii" what In up
I'farnure Tho lifuiitlful white hihls-,
rim. In all sles were Ktoatly mlnili-l
i'il Small uih's cimtululin; but a sin-'
isle lure blossom that were ercatloiiH
of Ih' illlfer nl breederx, were plac'ed
on u largo koa t.tnle and on llie rail
ing, HCimmlliiK ' othie from Iho re
K'ptluu room. A IiIkIi miiihI by tho
dour way eiuitnliieil a wonderful ml
lectlon owned by Mr. Walter (illTiiiii
Mr. Orrlt Wilder who In a Kkllhil
lioitleilllliri't b.id over .1 licoie of
rare hlhlnciiH bluxvoms on view. Unit
weie too heaiilirul m attempt to de-
erlbu A number of the. Micluty wo
men of Horn lulu hold thu. illstlnellnn
of liniiim them' eholiu rre.itlnim nam
eil ufur (hi in AluoliK the exhibited
Wodliemlui were Mr Aloiio (lar'lei
Mr. (larili Wilder, .Mi. Waller (llf
Innl Mr John Cnmmini. .Mr .Mou
tafue t'noke, Mr. von Hull mill iiiln'i.,
Each cGiupartnient is nil one piece. Corners are rounded to facilitate cleaning. Compart
inputs are connected by an air-tight joint cover rounded and easy to clean.
Fort and Queen Sts
Fort and Queen Sts.
riudiloniihle Honolulu will liiidoubl
eillv nun out on I lie l'mnlli to wli
liesB the hjIii luuteli between Ih'j
I-(till Oj;iIp learn and tlie Icil'
phi ei-H. j
'riils enme l preliminary to tlii
liildilar Inlur-lHlaud ui'ileh which I , I
1,1'Kln Home time 111 AiikukI. All ad- I
inlxslou lee of $ will ll eil'IIKi'd '"j
rovur the iiei-eiiry exiiensen of tht'
KimeH and no extra ihai;e will hi1
mailu fin aiiUimnhllcH. TlrketM miv
be inn fluted at Thtiliu'x b lol.iilore,
Mellieui) Shoe btole, t'liiiiiiliiM 111 HR J
Cii. (Iiliml elKar xtoie, lli-igxlioiu !
Aliule I'u. and 3. vir.il olhrr id.uet.
The I'lflli Cavalry team Is eroi-1
tloii'ill Hue mid will uimIoiiIiIi. nit
up a M'l'V brllll.iut ,ib well aa Kclenll-.
Ill' K.nue. The lowu learn I- inade
up t the hem IimmI il:iem. Ill Inn-1
IliK Wallei lillllntthiiiu It S Atklu-i
hi, n. Ci Iieiiulxon and Kobi Shin-,
'I he Oiihil lenm In exprclnllv for
tmi.it In the number mid in:illi. if
hoi hi b llilx xeaxon a wen 'I lie -m ull'i
whleli they weie Kerloiixly haiiilicap
ped luxl xenxoli. Allliiui; I hit now
ImiiPH Bpcelnllv irali'eil lor the khii
aie two from I'mker It.iiiih mid tv.o
llnu Killli'X leielitty iniHiite, In Wal
ter DlllliiKhaiu from the Coast.
AlloKi'ther. the iHiuti'XtlliK ti'anm
Hpein ei I'M'llh nuilclied lillil the
Kame iiiiiiiiImx to be oxcllliii; and
Ian III illliu to Ioioik of Hlll
Opening at Jordan'!.
All the uoiikii ol the elt are luiu'li
Inleie'teil In Ih,- lie. ml. till dlipl ii
made at Uie foriiial opeuini; of the
I'lilmued mm linpinied xtore at lie
dan'H HiIh week. 'I he evi'in win ma le
the ueeaxlon for tli.mluj; Uie new
gin id h iiureliaseil l Miimo'i'r Cuitii
in Ills reeenl e.isti'in nip and wis'
hugely iiltended.
The xtoie Ix iii.ielleiilh :i new one
with lis le iii.iim'e I slow wnulowi
illlll Ull" llleil'li U. well IlKllled i.pae
for (Im'Xh ttdtilx on Uie nerotid Hihii
Most elaborate rowiib wore xhown In
the window h Ilia' lime u teal metio
polll.in nil' One of Uie niiuuiUe no
volllix fur effi'flive xlinw wlndoun
was Uie iltctihal )'f,loilim ol I tn
Moral 'li ii
Holet wotrion wi ie rh.n"iid in
ileeii with rlii new khoiP. fu Ii fioui1
III. Illlcil j t'lr I, i I , ilul liill ll.
dale wilh relill" I f.i.M.n ml - 'I he.
Ix ijii.iIHv and xtle to uil exaeilnl
tUbtuH and llo,,lim i, u lenl plea
snit. The inllllnei) ,'oia tmeiil h'i
hi'i'll Hiven lll.Jll l.iee mid le"c al.in
the Hinie rule of n tliu rneiii .Hid vm
let) pievnilx almi moxt reasonable
pih ex.
Tl.iixe not able to attend the fur
m.il openliiK hate dropped In durlin;
the week lillil nil .,io:ik In the hlKliiMt
lurinx of tlie exeellelit jii'lKUK'nl with
whleh Mr Curtlx ban luado bit relee
tioiix and expieKX their Kr.itllie.it Uui
out lb' i.tead pioj-'lel'.s lowaid ine
tio4ilitau Ktainl.irilx by HiiMe .limine
to k!u Hiinolulll peopli! Uie licit lli-n
the nnirkpiH niTonlR.
In ei'lehinlhin of Hull twelfth wil
iliuu .innheiK.ii . Mr nml Mix. A.
liloui, enleit lined IHIeeu fl I'llils Willi
dinner at their home, llu." Ki eau
nioku xtrret. Kriiln) evenlni;. ril
I'lwlui; the illmier, eildx fuinlxheil i'ii
Ji vment lor the Clients.
The W I. Ilopperx have been stop
I'inu ut the I'i'Uiiixiil.i ami have hail ux
(hell Mir-it Mlxx Helen N'orlh.
'lie qoni away In woik for home
i lih family, be pm, lo (lie kills "
nroip Mm Minnie I'ei k. who h.ui ills
iiipeaied fioui her home In New
llau'ii. In a iioti to her liuxbanil.
A ehuirli lull iuh.iti euifronlx
llie Slii'lliuriii IV Ux Metlioillxt wi
(iet I or Hie Hill I time a l.ii'Ko bell
In Mi'' towei of the ihiireh hax been
ei.ickel bv honii' unknown itKcnpy
l fAkV i s" t
l.ii.SDu.N" Tin two ti nilliitr ehiin'li- . m, im, h vtlikli the Hint; u id
nun ol Hi ll iiii ,.ntii Ipul.-il In Uie In - tin, in us, ,1 on i nation day, uud alo
ountUiii , . i iin.nlf The ArilililHl)ii tin fnniue i-iirouatlnii elmlr, eoulalu
of Cam. i lion .iowui.,l KIhk li.-nrji. iim iniili r It tin- eideliinteil xliuu, of
nml On- i bid .1 up of VinU I'liiufuil Sum,- IIiikIMi iiuin.iii'lis fur .iiirx
ijiie, ii .M.i.'j In the cut liiivwllb are iin Ih-cii xialnl on this xtone at llielr
xbowu Uie Ardibl hop of Canterbury, luronatlen
storic Vcssdl's Finally Turn
ed Over to Naval
The old irilln llostou, Willi ll IlK
ur, x piiiiiillnlitly in II u uai I'm hlstoiy,
hnx llu.ill) bti'ii tiiriied over to the
naval militia of (Ihkiiii. nflir inueli
lontioveity anil Iouk delay. The ful
lowlni;. fioui the Portland TiliKram, H
ol ii.ti'ipit:
AKTDIUA. Ol .lune 17. The U H H
llintmi, In iiin.t.i.ind of Ciipliiln Sprier,
in iniili. lo I'orljim.l Hum 1'iiKi't HiiiiiiiI,
milled in port tlilx ini.iiiliu;. Tin. uf
lleerx iii'ii' i uleilalneil by oily mllelalx
in re ri hi an ilddrexx nf iMdinuie wax
made l,y Ai'Uiil; .Masnr C. J. Ciulli,
wlilili mux 'responded to liy Captijiu
Spel, r. The lliwtmi left for l'llrflllllil
at 1 'in p. in.', mid will arrlie lime late
Suliil.iy The winllul- Ix pt'ifiet, and
llie ullleerx And eiew tire hiivlni; a wry
pliiiH.int tiip.
Aliout iliolliiht Ihli liiornliu: the
luukoiit nt Uie North Iliml ueiillu-l'
st. illi. n xluhlitl .(In. (lulled ' .State
irtilsir Utixlon, In luut;' uf I.leuleii-iiiit-Ciiuiiiiaiidir
J. Hpeier, xtemuim;
tlirnuKli Uu. inlMx lowanl the Cnluinld.i
lliiir, ami at r, IT, xlie li.nl airlel it
llllLdmr.IKe olT Axtoila.
Tlie I tiiHtiin inaili. u xiiinrt p.ixmiki
down riom Hie lln iniili rlnn Nnvy
iiii it", iillliouuli theie wux no altempt
to drive Ii, r iilmiK ut u hliih rate of
i-piiil She li.fi iihtii Tliurnl.iy eveu
Inr at ii ii'iloik, and ennxriii ntly xhe
lunipb lid tlm run In ubnut tbirty-xlx
hiiirx IVw nf Uie eoinuieii'lal hliiim
erit make tlie tilp In lexx time.
Ilei Hue paxxuKe I taken ax the best
lut of eildi'iiee Unit thu ollkvrx mid
11111 of the Ohkoii llllllll in II It 1.1. to
whom the vexxi I hax been Inanul tiy
tlie KoVllllllll'lll, lire "nil to their Julix."
Cllldlllll .1. J. Itejlinlilx, ll ivell-knnwll
I'ortlaudi'r, ix mtlui; ux uavlKatliiK of
lli'i r.
iM'iir I', lloiterx, ii Mell-kuowii pull
lleliiu and IiuxIiii'hx mail of Wellxillle,
(i. wiim fonnil muriltiitl In un alley
near Ills hoiiie.
Your Interests
Are Ours
The Retailer in any line of business
should stand for the interests ol his
customers. In the long run, it is on
them he must depend. It is because
we know that we must satisfy you that
the Kastman line is the one sold ex
clusively in our photographic depart
ment. This is the New model
It is absolutely up to date in construc
tion. (Kodaks always
lead.) Makes 3 1-4
x . i-.j pictures.
rnce, si 7.C0.
liiGF K"':lk City are to he
VK&L TTfi lomul in our ,tck.
Honolulu Photo Supply Co.,
"Everything Photographic" Fort below Hotel
The concrete expression of the best that has been -worked
cuit since the idea of an Adding Maching
was first suggested.
Visible totals sab-totals in red Automatic ribbon feed. Three
styles of paper carriages, one for simple listing, one for seven
columns, and one for nine columns, and all so constructed that
carbon copies can be made and varying thicknesses of paper used.
Non-print and non-add keys used. Bell signal and item counter.
Tlie Speediest Maeliine in Use.
Alexander Young Building '"The Pioneer Paper House"
Telephone 2294

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