Newspaper Page Text
"-! Evening Bulletin From 8an Franeltooi Arlronnn ...July IS Far San Franelsool Muncliurlii i . . .July 10 From Vancouver. Mnkura . . . i July 21 For Vanceuvari Krnlandla July 18 The evening paper li the best me dium for roachlng the mlndt of a de tired patronage, became It enters Into hornet of every condition of life. It often comprises the entire reading mat ter for which the buay breadwinner hat time 3:30 EDITION Gives Your Business Immediate Prominence I ESTABLISHED 1882. No. 4979. 20 PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1911. 20 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS. fl : fil. 4 -m m m w AUTO -WINNER IS A UNKNOWN MOTIVE DRIVES Correa Shoots Himself; Debts May Be Reason "There l trouble In my life. I have committed suicide at Mr. Cana. varro's room In tho Young Hotel." Note sent by A. P. C. Correa to his wife Just before his suicide. A. P. C. Correa, cashlor for II. K. Lhlers & Company and winner of (he. imtoinobllc In tlio prlzo context ic cntly conducted hy tlio Honolulu Amusement Company, sent a bullet crashing Into Ills brain this morning tliorlly before nlno o'clock In n room ut tlio Young Hotel, and died Instantly- Circumstances) surrounding the sul rldo of tlio young Portuguese miiko I bu tragedy one of tho most senst tlonal that 1ms liaiiponed In Honolulu In a Ions time. Corren's motive Is not fully known, but It In behoved that tho excitement and wony over hU struggle for first nluce In the Ion,? aulomobllo content, coupled with the fact that In order to win tho ndzo ho spent moro money than tbo unto - mobile' "waut wortli, .together worked to unset tlo IiIb mind, and that Ills act, wlillo promodltatod for several hours nt least, was that of ono not responsi ble for Ills deed. ' Corioii' llvos 'tit 1541 Port struct, with IiIh wife, a baby daughter only a month and a half old, his faijior and mother. Ho has been working stond ily nt Khicrs'. This morning ho rose, nto his breakfast nnd- rnnio down town, ostensibly to' work. After caching the city, hewent to n barber shop nnd was shaved nnd then return ed homo in a 1mA, saying that ho hncl forgotten Bomcihlng ho needed. After a short sonich In Ills room, he left tho ". , Mv .ww w.w. houso and again came down town. It. Is now holloved that ho returned homo oro boy or the tragedy shortly after lor tho revolver. I this and hurried to the scciin. Dr. Kent Worcf Home. M. j. Kmorson, police surgeon, was Shoitly nrter nlno o'clock a mes- cnlled to tho scene and Dr. .1. T. Alc scngor boy camo to tho door or his Donald nlno. but Correa was beyond hnino with a messngo ror his wife nnd human aid long before the first people mother. Tho messngo said. "Thcio. reached him. Is trouble in my life. I have commit ted Hiilrlde at Mr. Cinavarro's roam in tlio Young Hotel." Tho wife and mother hurried down to tho Young Hntol nnd found Correa Uretchcd Hfoloss on tho floor, facu downward. Ills body wnB In front of tho drcssor, and It Is believed that ho stood hafnro Iho mlrrow, aimed tho levolver at his head and filed. Tho rmolvcr Is a cheap 32-cnllhro Bull dog miiko, and only one chamber had bqon cmptcd. FLORAL PARADE DIRECTOR HAS NAMED AIDES FOR NEXT PAGEANT Director Arthur I Wall's principal nldoif ror the noxt Floral Parado woro announced by Mr. yall this morning. The man who handled tho succcssrul ivcnt. this your nnd was chosen in maniigH It nnxt Fobruary again leaves tomorrow on tho liner i.Manchtiriii ror the roaBt fof' a month's vacation, nnd hcloio leaving ho has arranged mat ters so that propnintlons for tho big p.igoHiit will go forward during liU absence Mctlo At. Johnson will art as Dlioc lor Wall's sccroluty and during his absence will luivo general charge of arrangements. Trod C. Smith, who made a big suc cess or Iho auto division last yen', has been named to act as chalrmnn or tho auto-coinmlttco again ami bus nccep'ed, Charles It. Frailer of tho rtonoor Advertising. Company will bo chalr mnn oi ino purHe-urnwu uoais coiuuiii Ico. AIIsr Hoso Davison has consented Tho bullet toro through his right car and Into tho brnln, and Correa apparently hair turned and fell on hlr fucc. The revolver foil be.dde lilin. It wns iIkih that tho honor-stricken wire ami mother round tho joung man. Tho room was In porfpet order, ex cept that ror two reel around Correa'n head tho carpet was gory with blood and spattered with brains. In Consul's Room; The room Is that occupied by A. da Souzu Canavnrro, tho Portuguese consul-general here. Con en had acted as hl secretary on u number of ncci slons, and while holding no position had done much clerical work for Mr. Canavnrro. It Is tho constil'B habit to go to his omco In tho morn ay, .leaving the door, to his room In tho hotel -unlocked, and appircnt,ly counting on this Correa, had entered It some tlmo beforo nlno o'clock and rthcro ended his life. Tho news spread about tho city like fire. Correa was well-known and IHipulnr, especially unions his country men, wlth a host of ncuuulntnnceii ovcrywhcio. When tho messago had reached his wife, tho neighbors learn ed of tho tragedy, and In n low mom ents tho cdrrldor outsldo the hotel room was filled with friends, iclntlvot nnd Interested spectators. As nearly as cun ho ascertained, Corrcn took his llfo at twenty min utes In nlno o'clock. John Marral- inua in iiiiiu u i;iwt;n. uumi i.imittl- lino tecolvcd woiil tluough his Japan- Left Money to Wife. In a box In the room ho had left $17,70, logothor with a noto which said, "ThlsMs for my wife." A coroner's Jury was hastily railed together- nnd viewed tho body under the direction or Deputy Shoriff Hose, and Iho verdict of sulclda was ono that needed no lengthy consideration. Attcr tho coroner and tho July had completed" their task, tho lsdy was tnkon to Williams' Undertaking pa (Continued on Page 4.) to handle, tho division or prlnrcsBOH and pa-u tillers. James A. Wlldor has been Hocuicd to maungo tho school children's sec tion, and It is piobnble that thu I)oy Scouts will ho a renturo or noxt yonr's ovent. Ono of tho most brilliant fontures or Floral Parado day Is to be tho great lantern piocobslon nt night. 1)1 rector Wall Is planning this on a fcalo thnt will ho a wonder. A. K. Oznwa Is chairman of this division Editor Shobn of tho Hawaii Shlnim, Sogu of tho Nlppu JIJ1 and Klimirn of tho Japauoso Chronicle, uro named ns his assistants, Other committees and members will be announced later by Dlieclor Wnll During his trip to tho const ho will not only boost Hawaii In an effoc live manner, but will kcop on Iho lookout for features and Ideas to In corporate In tho paiude, Mrs. Wnll mid Iholr two children accompany him. They will return on September 7, according to present plans. Plenty of Work for United Honolulu H b'KS pfiPi MELVIN VANIMAN INTER-ISLAND Altlvln Vnnlnmn, the photographer- aviator, who him won funui for himself since leaving Honolulu by Ills daring air tests, Iuih been Halted to fume to Honolulu nnd Investigate tho pnssilill- Itln nt establishing un lnterist.iid air ship service, Tho matter H being tul.en up with Vnnlnian by 8w.rctnry II P. Wood of (he Hawaii 1'roinntlnn Com mittee. Vanlninn Ih well known line mid IiIh photoginpliH of Island sociii-n are noted. He lined to climb up tlm mails of Hut shlpH ,ln tlm harbor nnd t.ikn photo graphs from there, mid nflir ha loft tlm Inlands he kept going higher, until now no I one or ino iicsi-kiiowii uiu- tnri In the business, nnd especially slnco lie was Waltir Welluuin'H me cbniilcnl expert on the famous trip that Journalist started over tlio Atlantic Ocean with tlio dlrlKiblii Ami lien. Secretary Wood has written tho fol lowing lotier to Vnnliiiiinf , "July II, 1911. "Dear Mr. Vnnlmnns There nrn many In Hawaii who still remember Iho splendid photographic work you did for us nnd wu have followed with much Interest jour present line of work. I Just nilxHcd helng ut Atlantic City w lieu you made your tnrt across tho At lantic. "In reading about our efforts, which certainly deserve .tuccess, It occurred to (Ccnlnued on Page 4) ASKED TO START AVIATION SERIES EXPERIMENTS WITH PEST MAY RAISE PEAR BAN HxperliiieutH coiKiucted by I! At Hhrhorii, eutoinnloglnt nt the govern ment nursery, with the dreaded Medi terranean fruit lly have resulted III tbo dlhiovi-ry healthy alligator pears htt.'o not been ntt.irl.fd by this du stluetlve pest The i nloinuloiilit's ex periments have prou'd that the lly will attack hrulied or otherwise Injured fruit, but although hn has subjectid healthy pears to thorough tests In si reined cages ultlilu which tho lly Is Imprisoned, tho pest has fulled to ut lnc, the good fruit. These experiments nro of prime Im portance ami fruit-growers and ship pers nro preparing to open up negoti ations with tlio California authorities to sn.curn tlm iiiislng of tho present em bargo on nlllifiilor pears. If tho exper iments continue to show the same ro sults, the pear groweis hero will pre sent their cie, It Is expected, within a short time. VACATION FOR POLICE COURT Tor the first time In the history of the police court, llieie was not n cusn on the calendar this morning that Po lice Juilgn MoiiMirrut could try. All tlm court olllcl.ils. Including County Attorney Cuthcnrt, Hawaiian Interpreter i;tl.m J. Crawford, Japanese Interpreter luoiijn Townsend, Chlneso Inlnprettr Chun Cliaii, Portuguese 'ln terpieti r Joe J Diss, Kpiinish Interprn tir J Itosa, 1'1'lk Dan Kneo, Liquor License Inspector ' P. Kennell and .Special nilker P. V Itlder, were on ib-rk, but when the court clock struck nine Dure was no defendant for trial Jo.lg" .Moiiniirrnt looked nt th court otIUialh for a time, and then announced Ills lonrt to stand adjourned until Mon day iiinrnliig Aecoidlng to the record of tho court, (burr has nevir been a diy otlur limn the liolldiori when court closed licciiuao t.r Hi,, nlisenen nf flcrciirinnLs. One of the olllcers of tho court stilt- il this niiirulug that It would hnvo bi-en ucceptnble to them If Judge Mon sarrnt hud nnbicd a big liiaii for them in commemoration nf the day. SUGAR KAN rilACIHCO, July IS llotitH- H (iiiul)sls, lis I0 1-M.; parity, 4 CI Prelous limitation, 12s, 1 l-:d, w a i k 1 1 B n 1 1 e 1 1 n II per jrnr. SUICIDE TO DEATH Planter At Mercy Of Trust (AssocUlnl Press Cihle.) WASHINGTON, D. C. July 15. That the Louisiana cano growers nro at tho mitrev of thn aliened sunar trillt. tho American Sugar Refining Company,' was tho declaration made today by John Dymond, a prominent planter. Dymond, in testifying before the spe cial committee investigating the alleged trust, said that thsre is no competitive buying of raw sugar now, and that the American Sugar Refining Company does not have to face competition in Its op eration. GIGANTIC THEFT IS CHARGED TO WOMAN IKllnl II II I If till Cable ) BRISTOL, R. I., July 15. The Na tional Rubber Company closed its doors today, throwing 2000 employes out of work. Unsatisfactory trade conditions 'are said to be the cause. CANADIANS'WIN' BfG RIFLE COMPETITION (Sihs'I.iI II ll lie till Cllile.) DISLEY, Ena., July 15-The.Csna-din riflo team won tho coveted Me Kinnon challenge cup in the national riflo tournament. DULL RUBBER TRADE CLOSES BIG COMPANY (Pprclnl nullftln Cable.) KANSAS CITY, Mo, July 15. Mrs. Margaret Armour today sued Harriet Byington, her former housekeeper, for 14 2,000. It is alleged that the house keeper stole money amounting to this sum from her mistress' establishment. CUNNINGHAM CLAIMANTS MAY BE PROSECUTED WASHINGTON. D. C, July 15. At torney-Genera) Vickersham said today that the Alaska coal land investigation is still under way. Recently the Secre tary of the Interior declared oil the coal lam Included in the Cunningham group, the trouble ovtr which put Ballinger and Pinchot in the limelight, illegally entered, and held that the claims are not valid. It is announced that criminal action may not be declared in all cases, the statute of limitation Interfering with some. PLUCKY BUD MARS NOT FATALLY HURT CnlC, Pa July ID. "Dud" Mars, the young aviator who was badly Injured by a fail from his biplane during a flight here, will recover. He was not so much hurt as was feared. LORD KITCHNER OF KHARTOUM HONORED LONDON, Eng., July 15. Lord Kit chener has been appointed British agent for Egypt. HEAT KILLS DUCHESS AT ENGLISH RACES LONDON, Eng., July 15 The Dow ager Duchess of Devonshire was over come with heat at the races today and died as a result. Arriving at Honolulu today by tho .Manchuria Is .Miss K. M, Arnott daughter of Sir John Arnott, of I)ul. Hn, Ireland. .Miss Arnott Is making a tour of tho world and Intends spend ing somo tlmo In tho Hawaiian Islands and Is accompanied by Atlss Al, Cutler or London, Kuglaud, Kx-Covcrnor (leorgo U. Curler, chairman or tho sanitary commission, hns sent to Washington u ptotcst against what Is termed tho pollution or a portion of Wnlklkl beach by the use of tlio army. May Bring Expert On Roads A Federal expert on road and hlgh wuy contraction will bo brought to Hawaii if thu deslrc.i or tho belt road commission or the Islands or Hawaii are npproU'd by tlm authorities nt Washington A request has been forwarded to Washington by Chairman Alfred Car ter or tho commission, asking that a road engineer ntlnchcd to tho Un real! of Itojds of tho Department of Agilculluio ho iiHSlgm'd to assist In preparing a plan for the building o( n new road sjstcm on Hawaii. Oncrnor Frrnr stated this morning that he was favorable to tho plan and thought that tho Territory would ho vory lucky ir It wcro possible for the Federal authorities to send nn cxic't to the Islands. Tho Governor staled that while the County of Hawaii now hns nn engineer the belt road project on Hawaii, embodying as It does tho expenditure of nearly hair a million dollars, should receive the attention of if Federal road building pMKirt It that bo possible. CLElfPRlE MAY MEAN JAIL Klgliteen to twenty men who partici pated In the activities of tho recent Clenii-lTp Day may find themscUcs In volved ullhlu the meshes of the pollco department, with a charge nf obtaining money under fiilso pretenses booked against their names. Supervisor Low, a member of Iho road eoommlttec, which body has had the matter of Investigation of Irregu-'' larltlcH in the payment of laborers fm . ,.' the now famous Saturday In hand, has, ' hebl ii series of conferences ivtth Sher iff Jurrett today. .. In tlm c.iso of nt least eighteen men' the supervisor bus found that they up- . piled and received payment frb'm the rlty mid county as well as tho clean-up committeemen for labor alleged to have" ., heen performed on that date. These . men are alleged to have presented themselves to the head liinas of the Honolulu road department, drawn down '' theli tlmo checks, which were after wards cashed; then called upon tho chairman of tho Clean-Up Day com mittee for ono day's p.iy at tho rale of ii a day. ' Tbo names have been turned over to Sheriff Jarrrtt. While It la believed that some of the parties will make a call at the olllce of tho county treas ured and make overtures towards a partial restitution, those who full to mnko such n visit nro now threatened with arrest The road committee figures show that thero were sixty-six moro men on the county pajioll than had actually work ed The eighteen stated to have been giver double pay nnd tho forty-nine who didn't tall for their pay make a total of slxty-scvcu. (Special II ll lie tin Wireless) PRISONERS SAVE Mlltri:, July 15. Kami! court ree- Jj onU were saved lust night by a nun 4 convicted or attempted murder Judgo C S Dole's desk In the Lihun courthoiiKo was burned ut 11 o'clock Inst night, but the building and records wero raved by tho prompt action of the prisoners from the Jail, led by Jonah Davis, who was convicted yesterday ot attempted murder. 'I n a" 3 AY -1, -i. .i'