Newspaper Page Text
i "at v , 'V AND "A , AoclAWJ Wf From Ban Franelseoi " Mexican ,i Altgutl 10 For San Franelseoi lljades August D From Vanoouver. Zcatandia August 18 For Vaneeuvarl . Mnrumu ..- August IS ESTABLISHED 1882. No. BALDWIN'S DR. J. S. B. PHUT it Dr. .1. S. I). Pralt has tho tin- tt tt nnlnioita support of tho mcdlcnl tt tt fraternity of tho clt) for tho I're- tt tt sldeno of tho Ilninl of llealtli. tt tt TIiIh support w.ih brought Into tt tt nollvc form on Satnnlny evening tt tt nt tho regulnr, meeting of tho tt tt Hawaiian Medical Association, tt tt At that time a resolution wan tt tt prepcnted endorsing Dr. l'rntt for tt tt tho Presidency of tho Hoard, and tt tt mm pissed without a dissenting tt tt voice, tt tt Ho far as known this Is tho onl tt tt definite action Hint lias heen tt tt taken towards promising a cm- tt tt dldalo to fill the Munition soon tl tt to ho vacant hy the resignation tt tt of i: A. Mutt-Smith It Is tin- tt tt tlorstood that Dr. Pratt In not an tt tt nrtlvc candidate for tho tsisltlon tt tt In the sense of having applied tt tt for It or nuking his friends to tt tt work for him. On the other hand tt tt It is generally (nnccded that l tt tt trnlnlng and experience lie Is tt tt thoroughly equipped for tho plato, tt tt and oluntaiy support Is tho con- tt tt sequence, tt ttttnttnttttnttttntttttttttit DAMAGE-DONE BY GUN FIRING TO BE SETTLED Dy C. 3. Albert. (Epcclal II ill In tin Col respondent ) WASHINGTON. I) C. . Jul :8 Those cltlzent of Hawaii who have had their windows smashed, their furniture hioken, the fouudatloiiR of their holmes twisted, their crops ilamugod und othtl iiiUturlmies thrown upon them ly tho llrliiB of heay guns belonging to the government nut) receive conipeiiHatlon In the near future Tho money Is com Ing their a), hut Is nut Jet available feu IiujIiik beefsteaks or Imimuas. Tlu Kcnato has passed ii hill appro priating tl&,ai.l li fur the pas incut of claims scuttcrcd throughout thu Unit ed States, Hawaii and tho Philippines. This represents JUO claims, all of which hiivo been long ago propel I) proved und uttestttl They were allowed iiml Hie officials of tho War nnd Treasury de partments huvo In en hustling to get the iiinnes for settlement. If the Ilouso pusses this Mil tiorore adjournment, thu funds will ho Imiuedlattly distributed Hawaii In Total. A largo proportion of thn cl tints nr fur damage Kiistulned ill the lclulty of Port Mllcy, Cul.. anil Ports Hiimll Inn N Vi Heath, Mass; l.evotl, Me; Hanks, Muss.; Wiiilswurth, N Y ; Ite vcro. Mass; Moultrie, H (, und Win thiop, Mass Hut Ihoso allowed n res. Idents of Hawaii uro also Included III Ihe total Ihn nitlclals urged n lump hum up- propria Ion of ItiOOO with whirh to promptl) adjust fuluio claims It was dfHlrid to tuko tho mutter up when a m m's belongings wero turned Insldo out, or to tho contrarj, nnd lininedl nlelj pa) him for thu damage sustain (Continued on Page 6) PALM ICE CREAM ABOVE STANDARD Pood Commissioner IMwuril II Ulan (hard this morning made an anal) sis of tho samples of leu (.ream submitted by Al Jungclatis of thn Palm Cafe This time, Is should MS pi r cent of ImtUr fat, or 5 per cent nboe tho tlmuluril, us ugulust tho tost of 16 ob tained from tho siimplis taken by one, of the commissioner's men last week Hbinchiird stated this morning that lie would stick to Ills mini) sis made last week and would keep up thu cum palgu foi puio Ico cream. Evening Bulletin 3:30 EDITION 4999. Judge Silliman Here As Counsel For W. J. Lowrey Developments In the ruinous suit of W. J Lowrey ugilnst tho Castles and Alexander X. Hali'uln, arising out of dlsmlssiil of Iiwrey as manager of Hawaiian Commercial & Hugar Co, are foreshadowed by tho arrival hero this morning of It 1). Hllllmin fornur Judgii of the circuit bench hero and now u prominent attorney of New York Cltv. Mr Sllllm in Is counsel for I.ow- re'y mid a swing in the legal spotlight on tho case ft i int Huston to Honolulu lias brought him ucross thn continent and half wu across tho Paclllc Associated with Judge .Silliman In counsel for laiwrcv Is James 12 Cotter of 412 Sears bulldjng, Hnston, und Mr. Cotter has also loino to Honolulu They came on tho Miinehurla this morning and urn guests at tho Young Hotel. Tho particular development that his brought them hero Is the taking of depositions In tiler case, JJio depositions being on behalf of tho defendants. , A. Kinney Is the attorney for the de fendants, and ho ulso nrrived tills morning, after a trip to tho mainland partly on this case. Tho taking of depositions will begin Noted Engineer Here On Big Water Plans Joseph 11. I.lpplncott, noted engl r.eer and uiilhorlty on water supply und reclamation, arrived In Honolulu this morning on tho Paclllc Mall lin er .Manchuria. Ho Is brought to Ho nolulu, It Ih mulct, stood, lij tho Oah'i Sugar compiuv lo look ovrr Import ant plans for vvulcr suppl) facilities on tho big plantation, and after a brief visit hero will return lo his homo In I.oh Angeles. Mr. I.lpplncott this morning visited W. K. Martin, who Is In churgo of the hjiliogrnphlc Riirvcy of tho Islands, and Jiftei renewing Ills ncquulntanco, iitlendcd a ronferenco of Ouhu Sugar tuagnatcH at II llackfcld & Co.'H that lusted until nftei twelve o'clock. TERRITORY WILL IT BUY PAUOA WATER RIGHTS UNTIL SURVEY REPORT IS MADE Declnilng that tho winding up of Ihn Hooth estalo would inako no dif ference whatsoever, (lovernor r'renr discussed tho buying of tho Patina Water lights this morning. "Tho govornmont Is running things on a business b tsls," ho said, "and wo nro not going lo pay for hoiuo thlng that wo do not know an thing about. Tho hjilrographtrul depart ment has started Its Hitrvov and whon wo liavo tho report then wo will know Just whero wo Btiiiul. Thcro Is no business hnuso In tbwn that would bii) a thing llko this without iniik Inft Inquiring about II, and fairly fiiil nnos at thai "As lo tho inattor of tho esliito ho lug wound up that does not lute lost uk In tho slightest Wo are not going to pay over ?l"(,.n ltli out ovts . shut just because an estate Is to be (Continued on Page 2) 10 PAGES. HONOLULU, DEATH next Thursday in irnlng at in o'clock before J W Jones, court stenographer, and will continue for soiuo threo weeks ill this ( onm I Ion, It was leirned tills Jnornlng that vvhnt Is said to bo' an Important link In the chain of do- ferine has been lot thiough the death of 11 1 lliblwln Mr Hllllnuin sa)s Hint Mr. Baldwin died leaving no depo sition on points that urn essential from a Ii gal standpoint 'The Judge refused to allow written Interrogatories Insti id of oral epies tlons, and Mr Hildwln's oral deposi tion was not secured," said Mr. HUH maii this morning Mr llalelvvln was to liavo made depositions upon Mr l.evvtc's ahlllty to handle labor, und, It Is understood, was to have testllleil as I to his own rtulenient that Lovvrcy did not, get the- win III of tho labor. I Tho l.owro) -It ihtwltt case, us It Is generally known here, arose from l.ow rc)'s dismissal us manager of Iluvvnl ''VHilVU'.Vni' rt'R? "e '"''' previously been tlic manager of Knii plantation Under tin' terms that ciuseil Ills ac re ptanco of the Hawaiian Commercial (Continued on Pag 4) Mr Llpplnott has won a foremost place nniong (ho big engineers of tho rouutr.v. Ho Ins been In rallrcnd work, but his principal arhlevrmeiitii liavo been In icil iiiiallon. hrlgillon nnd public water supplv BjKtenu lie! was hupnrvlslng rnslnccr for tho Pa clllc Coast dlslilct with thn U. S Ite clamatlon Hurvcy from VMC to mill; nnd has been at tho hnjd of Iho givit I .oh Angeles aqueduct work since lint; Ho Is consulting engineer for Ih'o municipal waterworks of a num ber of California dlles. Scientific and engineering clubs liavo honniod him highly. Ills homo Is. at l.os Angeles, his ofllcQ being In tho AdaiiiH build ing there. BEAT HER TILL A illvoirn suit that leads llko tho pages, of n illino shocker wiih lllcd In tho clt cult court this aftciiKHiii by Susan K Clint wlio nskn In bo ficcd from Harry W I'llnt, tho lighthouse keeper. Sho alleges that ho has from tlmo In tltno called hei vllo names, assaulted mid beaten lior and boon guuiy oi OMrcino cruenj nuiKing it unuafo nnd Impossible for her to live with lilm any longer, THE BLOOD She stntos that on April 12. 100S lie (Continued on Page 2) Has Systematic and Unimpeded Distribution TERRITORY OF HAWAII, TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1911. 10 INVOLVES SEN. FR YE;rler ASainst PoieiSners'.SI (l.Mt KILE 18 DEAD CAnsitclHtril Tics Cahli 1 LEWISTOrs", Mc., Aug. 8 United States Senator William Pierce Fryo died today at hit homo here. The Slate Legislature la Democratic and lit a death mean the appointment of a Demo-1 cratie Senator from thia State. Thn appointment of a Democratic Kriialor from Maine, will glvu tliat .Statu a solid lluurlHin ele legaliou lu the upper hod of Congress, its the other .Senator, Charles P Johnson, Is also u Iiemo eml I Senator Pr)e hail long been one of the must prominent numbers of thu upper house Ho was born Seplemluri r. isiu, mill It Is somcwliit of it eolncl- ilencu Hint ho himself was elected to tho Senate to 1111 the, vacuo ) canned b the resignation of 'James (I Hlilno 111" Ifcll llu Wits reeleelid thereafter. Senator lr)n re'slgnrel his positbin us president pro tunpoie of Ihe Sen.ile a fow mouths ug'i He had be, n o III heiillli ever since Ills term wits to luivo f.vplied In 11)1.1 1N POSTS Assoeliilf (I pnss ''utile) WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 8 Nomination! for diplomatic positions made today Included John G. Lei tin man aa ambaasador at Borlin to auo- j ceed Dr. David Jayne Hill, Thomai J. O'Brien from Japan to ambassador to Italy, Charles Page Brynnt ambassador to Japan, and ministers as follows Lars Anderson to Bclqium, John Ridd loy Carter to tho Argentine flopuhlic, John B. Jackson to the Balkans, Arthur Beaupre to tho Netherlands. GREAT TROTTER GOES MILE IN RECORD TIME tHpeclul H ll 1 1 e 1 1 li Culicsisaiftetice.) CLEVELANC, O, Aug. 9. Uhbn, the great trrtter, locliy equalled the world's trotting record to wagon by going a mile in two mlnutei flat. COMMONS CONSIDERING LORDS' VETO BILL tfpeclll llll tie till Cnmsimllrience.) I LONDON, Enfj., Aug. 8. The House of Commons la today considering the Lords' amendments tn the lords' veto bill. SPANISH BATTLESHIP ' MUTINEERS EXECUTED tAusoclated Press Citlile.) MADRID, Spain, Aug, 8. Twenty six mutineers who attomptctl an upris ing on the b'attlc,sliip Numancla at Tan gier last Saturday woro executed today. REAPPORTIONMENT BILL , SIGNED BY PRESIDENT WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 8. President Taft today signed tho reap portionment bill, which gives 433 mom bera to Congress. POPE BETTER ROME, Italy, Aug 8 Tho pope is slightly Improved today, though still confined to his bod. tm- x SAN PIIANCIHCO Aug K Heels: W unul)ss, lis .1 2d , parity, SOlu Previous quotiitlou, lis 8 1-Id. fSpeeHI UllllMIn Wireless, IIII.O Aug k. Prof Prunk A. Per- r. ti... te.ieiitiei m rl. reoorts that the volcano Is extreme 1 nctlve. The walls arc fulling continually. ACTIVE NOW A Raised for Togo and Nogi I1S3bW dBBBBBSBBBBsl L 1BI BValaMBBaBjtfflBaVsSBBBSBaBabHlv A ) jtlll H VasBff&anBflaaHBaBSBr r' JsP IBBaBBBBiBSSBSBBBWf JHH - ("&' - Cassaaassssy BBBBWaBBBSBBBaBSBMBBfltaa JSsjf"lBaTSSaslBnBCBSSSM SaBaBaaaiBHssflV 'SyKStSUiKBKKi Hjl aVBaBaaVaBaBksssSsW A"t Vtrl?aH(B;ssBPBs aHHsssi ffaVaBaaasssssBsVmsV ,y 'tstllMkssff'aslssPEsa ssssiSH I 9BaBaBaBaaasssssssssl !'i!HhV )Svt HBty Bsssaai .dBSBai t'rJ7 iMfm MKZffi&. SSB sssHlallsV Lpyl Jfjx SHsslmi lADMinrAL GENERAL, xr& (SiktIiI Hullelln C..nesinii.l.nve) WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug 8 Ad. mlral Togo was the mjet cf the gov. ernment ollielals today. The regular ordcra agalnot tho Inspection of fortl. fic.itlonn and navy yards having been specially lilted he vlrllcel the Weill. Inqten navy yard. Tonight he will be nlvrn a ctite dinner by ntckman Win., Ihrnn jnslfilant rrcretarv of the navv mrop, assistant Bccrccary or mc navy. . - ... ... Admiral 'I oo mid ( N'ogl, ells lhigi.lsh.Molll..rsorthoJap.nc9enavy mil urm, who ichleveil distinction during ho war hetween their nallvo hetween their nallvo country nnd Hussli, uro being shown much attention In thn United Slates WILLIS T.POPE RETURNS WITH EYES OPEN Al NEW IDEAS TO INSTIL Superintendent of Public Inilriictlon Willis T Pope, who leturiied from tho Censt this morning on the Heamer WIN lulmlni, his biouhl hick two sloguns wltli him He his also burnt it great eul from his flip ami has had Ids (yes I. iiiu neil us to thu miller or n-inuiing ill- elustrlal scliools I In itfeicnee to the latter, ho says Ihat the key to tlio wliilo matter, us bo learnt It on the CoikI, Is ''iCoi p thu bos away fioui the cltv " Do this nnd there will ho no further tniublo Tim writing on Urn ediieiitlounl humor reads that liiMead of tho whole school sy.s- tern leading towiiiils tho uulvc rsltyjis Its llnal goal It should liavo ns Its main object the piepiratlon of tlio t llll- drill for their future lifewnrk und tho duties of M"l (Illoil Speaking about Ills trip In general, he said Ihe convention was a gimt success, and although Iheio was supo-od to be ii certain clement of politics cnleilng I'"" ' '"' ' " '"' "' "' ' ' could sen none of tho tilings going on nt the vnrlnus meetings that cmne out the next morning In tlio papers. (foil and looked after, ami when they I 'I believe that tlicru was somctlilngj (Continued on Pag 41 j r. RAGES. SUGAR DEMOCRAT Although not Ihe guests of the n'"1 '"",l favoruMo results were ob- ileh re quirts an act of Cougn ss, they tallied 111VP ,,cll lllkfn (ll ,,M. p, i, The small caliber guns. Inside tho ,B, nuthoritles An admiral mid mi bl,-. heavy ones, were used In Ihe prne- mr(r r tho grn.-nl Mulf were delull-1"" nnrk- llk 'onsUte.l of tracking l to escort Ihem orouiul th unlry ,lm steamer James M.tkec. utilized n Thei nro being shown the various u ivy ,",;', )(,rds and hm! foitltlciitlou- 'rl'" ''"B''1 lojt '" ordered to re- Hefero the arrival of Admiral logo,""1'1 " '"" '" ',or" "8 l'Ofc"lblo and ... ... . 'to procetit sloul f.'om Port Arm- n (;, , or(1 NK ,,, ni,rr lo nslon ' ' . slicing lo Hlack Point nnd then return. was expressed dial thej would not bo, . -,n- rnonil tn. cun emlil trni k ' I " nn '""" '"" Runs coiiiu iraca 1-rinllH.I t" Iik)-. I forts and n.vy nn.Pslght h.r prrf.stlj while she re. Sards A recent order prohibits sue Ii nialne.1 rlov III After it few more t xnmluatloii 'I Ii belli announce t xnmluatloii 'the o.nelit announce Hunt was piotnplh m idt that fe onh it 1.1 not apply to the- visiting Japiiiesc niriilliiiuil nbuiil our being u band of Instirge utty We knew nothing of II ami Iheie was certainly nothing euiiio up that would glvo rise to am suclislati- mint 1 met it gruit many loads of tie p trtiui iilh.iind oxihiingcel Ideas with ineiu, auu mm was siiuti oy inu pin til" school uil'aun iii eit tliroughoul Ibo i oinentlon. 'Ihcy greatly oiituum bercel the nan,' and then were many vvblti-uwuko and up-to-ekilo wruneii among lie in 1 tonsiiler that tho con Vint Ion does work unM is uthliig to bet lepl up and iiieourugul 'Iiuilug ins stuv I vlsileel a uuiiibe r of ludurtrlil schools or palinial homes us the) ale starting to tall them now (Mil sjsliin hciu Is ciul III the eoibrjo com pi red lo lu vogue up thin 1 (umo ncioss urn plum where theic nro onl llilrtjflwo bo und It cents llu in .JirniO a uioiilh to inn Hie place ' 'I'bej have ulso made it gnat ehiuigu 111 tlio matte I of dividing up the classes of lovs mid not allowing those sent "U'"K " ll ",'"';it rm to '' "' M" same place as the ones who lire lu dining their mlnoilty The' are better Merchants who are not In business for thoir health find that live Advertis ing Is merely another term for the now remote of eldclency applied to the sell Iny end of a buslnots. PRICE 5 CENTS. SAFE, THUS The re will I no sut,ar turirt revision for it number of enr lo romo. In the opinion of John T McCroMon tho Ir-rlg-ttlon miiMitti. who arrived homo toil i) on the Wllhc Itnlni lifter a trip Hut took In both tho situimcr-hcilcil capittl und tin'' cool alls of ll.uton Springs, Cut Mr. Slii'mvim bnn-s bis opinion us to tho tariff revision on llrst hand knowhdKc of Hi" subject If Congress twisscs the wool und cotton tarllf iclu dules us seems llkelv. there will be no revision of the sugtr turirt for a long lime." snld Mr Mc Crossiui this morning "The revenues for the government must eouie from somewhere I think It v(r unlikely that sugar will be touched, mid teilalu- I) tluri' will he no riidlciil n vision It Is lianll) liktl) Hint the ne-.t session of Congress will take up sugar scheel llb'h. Ill spite tif Ihe tslk about ft " Mr McCriweein not only attended it iinibrr of meetings of tho special toni- mltteo Inve-stlBiilIng the sugir trust, but had it number of talks -with Its chairman, He presentutlve Thomas U llurdwkk 'It was pointed eiut to Mr lliirdwlck," he said, 'that while even other neceKitry anil staple of life pad (Continued on Page t) FIRST PRACTICE MOST SUCCESSFUL Prtllmliiar) tuiget practise com mented Ibis morning at Port Huccr. " i siiuinr :.racii.. tno aain. Mulee Is lu fstll in mill uui irom too thole Hue as commanded, giving tho Runners mid ranee tinders the oppor tiinllv of perfecting themselves lu the liaeklnr of vessels whoso movements are seiinetvhat uncertain Ioi lug pi,titie of tills ml ure tho target will fall pi circles, triangles mid III everv couise liuagin ible. Tble oirt of tricking will coiitliiuo fur oho month b both thellght and h'iv caliber run- of Hitterj Hirtovv, during which time the work will bo pi l feeled o that actuil tiring can commence) about tin middle of Rep- 1 1 mber CLEGG WEDDED , Muses T Clegg, assltilaut director of. tlio I'. S. Leprosy Invostlviitloii hero, leliirui'd this nioriilng mi the Mau dlin In no longer a hichelor. but a h'tiodlck. with .Mm. Clegg with lilm The famous lopros) expcil had 'fill ed lo make himself Immune to thn at lacks of Cuptdills, ami when ho vli I'cel lu Arkansas on his thlrtv-diy-leave) of absence ho was wedded to a Southern girl Only a few of his Intl mate friends hero h id an Idea of Ida matrimonial Intentions, mil hi iitrrliigo Rcnorall causes much mir pi Ixo. According lo prlvato advhes from the coast, Archibald W Adams Is not dead It Is said ho was allvo In Mil waukee on Jul) -0 last. 'il ' MS 4 i ... ryh