OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, August 09, 1911, 3:30 EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1911-08-09/ed-1/seq-2/

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1- '
Masonic Temple
Weekly Calendar
,tlo.iiiilulii'.1.iugi Si.ilnt. '
llinitiliilii Ledge, -ml Dtgrie
Honolulu ('iiiiiiii.iinlr, llrg.
iil.it-, i'i i. in.
i.l i.iiim No. :i, o. i:. s
All visiting memoirs of tho
Order arc cordially Invited to
attend meetings nf local lodge
Meet on the
2nd Rd 4th
MondAji of
each month
it K. P. Hall
7:30 P. M.
litlly invited.
KAWAOAK TKIBS. Xa. 1, L 0. R. k.
Mrl every Cr: :i tilnl TSur-
fijs nt "ib uca-.l it Ki.bU ft
rythlM HbII. V tuj.t Srvdrt eor-
llally lnvltr.1 to x'.uzi. '
J It- n:s N s hta I
li p tL r
S0H0LULU LODGE, 616. B. P. 0. E.
Honolulu Idgt No. 816, B. P. O.
tiki, meets !n their hall, oa King
Street, near Kort, every Friday t
nlng. Visiting Ilrothern are cordially
invited to atton'l.
i) p it iki:.m!i:iiu. k n.
um t m.ulih:l. sec.
WM. HcKlNLEY L0DQE, M0. 8,
K. or P.
Meets eieiy 2nd and 4th Saturday
renliig at 7:30 o'clock lu K. ot P. I
Hall, cor. Fort and lloretnnla. Visit-j
Ing brothers cordially Invited tt at-
p. p. Kihuur, c. c.
Meets cury first ami third Friday nt
7 50 o'clock. I' tlil.iu J In II, corner llrrc
tanla and Port streets Visiting broth
ers cortllall) Intlt'-rt to attrnd.
s nKCKHit, c. c.
o iii:ini:, k or i: .1 s.
Mrets on "ii "ml and fourth Wcdnes
dii) I'vi'iilng or tiieh inoutli lit 7:30
o'clntk. In San Antonio Hull, Vineyard
Ktreel. in ar liiniiia Visiting brothers
are luvlicd to ntt ml.
tlliO A DAVIK, W. P.
WM O Jl'l'OY, Hecy.
Fort Street Near Berwtanta
luvo received ex Lurline STREET,
and DRESS HATS also the latest In
Hotel St., opp. Young Phone 308S
W k I t II n 1 1 1 1 K per iar.
A Small Assortment
Ladies9 Dresses
Regular Prices $10.00 and $15.00
Now on Sale at.
$5.00 and $7.50
L. B. KERR & CO., LTD.
. Alakea Street
' 1 ' -
1 ' , ,., 1 1, .
Unhid of Norrls-Mldvvny Oil
Company stock luur learned with
iinu-li satisfaction Unit tho great Kli
it Htrnck on the Maricopa llnl. near
Kettn station, In ' Kern county, Is
within :i few hundred fret of the well
now being mink by the Norrls-Mldvvny
people. The coast papers brought tho
dctnlls jesterda) of the big strike.
The well opened nt the rale of 10.000
barrels two weeks ago. but soon
quickened lis pare mid during tho day
lowed ,iri,O0U barrels.
It In said that this is the second
largest well developed In the slate.
The Norrls-Mldvvny well If so close,
arid In such direct line with tho pro
ducing wells In the sections, that the
local ImeMors In this lock nro ex
pecting n strike when the new equip
ment is put In mill the well Is com
pleted This will bo within n fewr
W it ks
i.roitttl' UOHS. fnrinerl) malinger
..f lli'iiduli pl.iui.itioii, left on tho
i rm n investigate llio Hail Carlos
ik - ii I i .ioltlon for local capl-
la - -
it.:siiu:.t d.wid staiih jou-
T, of Stanford Uillorslt Is n pas-
, kt - mi Hie Japanese liner Chiyo
v n i which sailed from San Fran-
i - .. t.v.av Uveal plans for his cn-
rt.iinuit'iii are going' forward rnpld
h "U CAUL P PKltniN, the noted
palmist who did considerable busl-K'-s
In Honolulu, Is now out In Ma
m'a. and Is giving tho .Manila potiplo
' siiong talk about tho beauties mid
wonderful future or their country. Ho
'ins Just completed a tour of China
ami Japan
II (I DOSWKLU tliu engineer, who
made u tilp to tho Philippines to
look Into the San Carlos sugar mill
plans In Occidental Ncgioa, icturned
vesterduy from tho coast, Ho lins
been making ji ucntlon tllp. Mellon
well Ik associated with A. I). Cooper
la plans for thu Philippine cntci prise.
The plaintiff In tho caso of .1. Kills
against Mclllc K Hiislaco and .1. It.
I).ls has nied a denial of nil tho
lu tho ease of Urn I .am ilgalnst A.
A. Whitconib and W. C Achl 't nl, de
fendants have been allowed until
August 31 to IIIH their reply.
Tho Intcr-lshwd steamer Vv'iillclo
has been placed tin tho berth to load
cargo for lloiioka.i mid Kukiilhnclu
mid Is duo to get awaj tomorrow.
Entered for Record Auguit 8, 1911,
From 10:33 a. m. to 4:30 p. in.
Hannah K Smith to Vrc Su I
I'M ut -M li Sluioes by iidmrx ct ill
to II l loi lid, 1)
John I", Overton and uf to J I'rlt-
Joseph 1'rltsehl and t to II W'll-
terlioiiHf Tr Co Mil, tr XI
II roll Unburn to Ah ('hong l.lu... 1)
INt of Jiuiies Wight by trs to Trs
nf IM of ' V Hart AM
Manuel Vlvlslmxei mid wf to Ma
ria !' Pavno I)
S Iv I'olburii to flaritfii Tract Plan
A K Woolscy and hsb to Uihaln.i
Agrctl Ltd U
II Wiittrbousi. Tr t'o Ltd. tr, to
KiilimiM iJiud Co Ltd 1
Ail ('hong I. In to i: t'olt lloliron.. M
rraiielseo I I.ope7, In Jlmy llou-
i'la ct ill I
Entered foi1 Record August 9, 1911.
From 8:30 a. m. to 10:30 a. m.
Kaiiloiiahl mid hsb to Anna Kuwnl-
.. I)
It H Drown Sr to i: IC Kelllkalil.
C K MiiKUlre ct al to Hllo llldg
.. M
Loan Ahsii Ltd
' Wi'Vinalw to First Hani:
i lino i.tti
Ilniiiiali V Kelekollo mill hh
First Hank or Hllo Ltd
Tho forest flio situation lu Cantor
Imiy, N. II., fs alarinlng.
. u -tik
Furniture and
City Transfer Co.
JA8. rt. LOVE
Thoro nro thousands of empty
drums which al one time contained
gasoline, scattered about tliu Islands
which now affords a considerable
problem In the matter of their trans
IHirtatlon luck to the mainland.
Tho Mntsou Navigation freighter
Ilyadcs which Is to Ball from Port Al
len for San Francisco tonight, will
take hlx hundred and fifty of these
Iron and steel containers which hac
been coming down hero with fuel for
the hundreds of tnolor cars and en
gines ill hen by this menus of com
bustion. ,
Km ply gasoline, drums utc tho banc
of tho nverago sklpicr. Tho druiiM
.no bulky. They take up room which
might as well be assigned to heavlei
and inoio Miluahlo cargo. Hut lhe
coiilluiio Id come down hero In lots
of sevcial hundred at u time and us
fast as emptied, tho containers aie
left lalng around the various Island
portH until tho time arrives that a
general movement Is made to gather
them In for shipment to tliu Pacific
The Ilyadcs has secured 18m) tons
eugar at tho eoveral xuln nf call
Five hundred empty drums wtio load
ed at Honolulu whllo an nddltlou.il
ICO were taken on at Knuiiiiiiall. Tho
Ilyadcs will proceed to San Francisco
Wilhelmtna for Hllo Tomorrow.
The four thousand tons general car
go including ten thousand bales ot
hay for the quartermaster department
Is being rushed fiom out the Matson
steamship Wllhelmlna and that ch
sel Is expected In sail for Hllo at live
o'clock tomonow night. Tho Wll
helmlna will leave about live hundred
tons freight at tliu Hawaii mii! and
whllo there tako on shipments nf
sugar destined for coast telliieiles.
The Wllhelmlna will probably ictuiii
to Honolulu on Sunday morning an I
will bo dispatched from this port for
San Francisco at ten o'clock on next
Weduesdny morning taking u goodly
list ot passengers, it full cargo iiu.l
tho malls.
Slater Ship to the General Hubbard.
The steam schooner (cnciul Hub
bard which sailed from Honolulu a
few days ago destined for the coast
nfter having been discharged of r,
rJiipmcnt of piles and lumber Is one
or n fleet of cupels owned by Ilia
Western Navigation Company which
Is leportcd to hnvo Just closed n con
tract 'Kllli tho Craig Shipbuilding
plant at San Pedro for a steamer of
tho si) to nnd Innnago of tho (Iciieral
Iliihbaid which will cost III tho neigh
borhood of threo hundred thousand
Marama Sailed from Suva.
Tuesday moiiilng should boo the ar
rival of the Canadian-Australia liner
Marama finiu Auitnilln ivorts us that
cs?cl sailed fioni Suva on Monday
accniilliig to a cable that hus been
iccelved at the ollleo of T. H. Oavlcs
and Company, the local agents for the
tosHcl. There will bo plenty of room
for llrst class passengers and those
desirous of taking adviintngo of tliu
second class can bo cared for lo ti
limited number.
Sugar at the Coast.
Sugar which left thu Inlands In tho
American harkcntliio 1 nilgai d on July
lllli has arrived nt tho coast accord
ing In iirviccs iccolvcd at tho local
branch of tho Merchants' nxehango.
Tho sugar to tho amount of tvvu thou
sniid tons was shipped from Maliu
liona, ,
' V Ha
Mall Haa Reached the Mainland.
Mall forvvurded to tho mainland In
(ho Malson Navigation steuuior l.ur
lino leaving this port on July Hist nr
W.C. Peacock Co., Ltd.
Tel. 1704 Wines and Liquors Tel. 1704
Family Trade a Specialty
( Mont Rouge Wines
Sole Agents Mumm's Champagne
( Schlitz Beer
Piano Movers
Phone 1281
rived nt San Francisco at i!:30 cs
lerdny morning according to a eabla
Hint lins been received at tho iigeney
of Cnstlo and Cooke. The .urllno
cart led a fair list of passengers and
was well laden with a shipment of
sugar niul pineapples.
Sparka from the Wireless.
T. K. K. S. S. America Murit, en
i onto Yokohama to Honolulu, 8 p. m.
A'rrho Honolulu So .in Thursday,
S. 8. Hanti( Marin, en initio Port
San Luis In Honolulu, S p. ni. 297
in'llca off; fine' weather.
P. t. 8. 8. Manchuria, en roulo
Honolulu to Yokohama, 8 p. in. 38
miles west of Honolulu; hca. smooth:
light noithcast winds.
America Maru Thursday.
Ono day nlicml of regular sched
ule, tho Tojo Klsen Kulslia liner
America Mnru Is due lo arrive oM
tho Krt nt two o'clock toiuoriow aft-
cruouii. The csscl IuiIIh fiom Hong
kong by tho wny of lapanesc ports
of call and" will peiliaps leave n few
la.vover pubscngcrs Iicip. It Is llio
picsent liitcnllon to dlspntcli tho lln
or for Snu Francisco on Friday morn
Big Shipment of Pineapples.
The Mutson Navigation steamer
Wllhelmlna will depart for Snn Fran
clseo on next Wednesday morning
Inking 35.000 cases of preserved
pineapples and also 1300 tons sugar,
which will bo supplied from Hllo ns
well as Honolulu. According to tho
applications, for transportation now on
file tho vessel will depart with ono
hundred and twenty-live ciblu pas
sengers. Thero Is still room for a
number ot others.
Mexican to Hllo on Sunday.
Tho Amcrlcan-Iluwnllan freighter
Mexican n,o,vv at tho jsirt discharging
New York cargo iib well as freight
supplied al San Fruuclsco and Seat
tle will ho dlsiate1ied for Hllo on
Sunday Tho vessel will then pin
cced to Pint Allen whero tho remain
der of twelve thousand tons sugar
will bo loaded. It Is now expected
that the Mexican will get away fiom
the Kauai port for Sallna Cruz direct
on Aug. L'3ud.
Asiatics Away for Native Land.
Scveiily-llvo Asiatics lu tho main
JapnueM) dcp.il ted for Dal Nlpimu
last evening ns Hteerago passenger!
in tho Pacllic Mull liner Manchuria
which pulled away fiom Alakea wharf
thoitly after five n clock last night
The Maiichnria luninlncd nt the xut
lliio'iighoui thu day whole ileal ly two
bundled Ions general cargo was ills
charged. A few ciblu passengers al
so embarked for various ports of call
In tliu Client.
Plenty of Room on the Honolulan.
The Mntsou Navigation slenmer Ho
noliil.iu Is sailing from ths port at
ten oelock on Sunday morning ink
li:g honiA thirty passungors ami there
is stilt loom for applicants for trans
pollution to tho const. Tho Matson
steamer will depart with fioOO tons
sugar, which has been supplied at
Hllo, Kahiilul and Honolulu. A mull
will liu forwarded lo tho mainland by
tho Honolulan.
Another Big Log Raft Puts to Sea.
Hut ono day ahead of tho IDini
nioiid raft, tho second big raft ot tho
lIcii8oii,iiiuber Company, which was
tho largest jut t.ont out, coiitalnlns
.S.niiu.noo feet of lumber, put out to
sea fiom Asloiin on July 20, In tow
of the tug Dauntless for San Olcgo.
MUsourlan Next to Follow.
Thu American-Hawaiian fiolghtor
Mlssoiiilaii is next in lino to arrivo
,ljeje wWi goncriilj-arso from tho Fast
coast ot inn tunica mutes uy uiu way
. n
' " ' ' f
, &,l'.rn. ..:. .- v. , ( .".... JsJi .s -v. 1. .v .?.':-."" .i v.-i....,,iJ.j. Ji4.it vi.va-j
, mmLMt I.- .ffT.r it ifffT KrTirtifrff!MfiKfri-JiT-f tMrtiYm'mwHrm'wfmfmwmr
of Kallnn Cruz, Han, Kruiielscn and
llio Sound, The Mlssourlap Is Relied
uled to sail from Seatllo on Aug, l.llh
nnd should nirlvc here not Inter than
Aug. 22nd.
Schooner Expansion at Kahulul.
Tvvenly-thico days fiom Foit HiaRB
the American schooner Kxpinslon
with lumber mid supplies, li rcpoite.l
In have mrlved nt Kahulul. The
lnter-lsland steamer Claiidluu tctur'n
ed to Honolulu this morning bringing
advice of the iiulifal of Hid wliuljam
iiicr. The Clnullni Ijrvught a gen
eral cargo Including 33(10 paving
blocks, 30 1'bids w'ood, ono nlll Holl
er, 1 1 crates chickens, 31 sacks corn.
107 empties, 3'tmtn, 2 mules, -13 hogsi
217 packnges sitmlilcs. I'lirnor Kllj-,
ling. reports flnowtiatlicr.. Tio,scln9ri-'
er Alary yviukiciiiuii was rciiorieil nl
Jlllo on last MoiVdily'. Tho Amorlcnti
llnvvnltnn steamed Vltglulnn wag pasa
td at Kahulul.
Sugar Goes to Matson Wharf,
From the Intcr-lslnnd steamer Will
lelo there Is being discharged tills
morning 9200 sacks sugar which In
being piled on the Mntsou wharf for
tiniishlpiueiit to rt liner bound for the
coast. Tho Wallclo wns an arrival
this moiiilng with a (luatitlty of empty
ban els and lit head cattle In addi
tion to the sugar. The orTlecrs tcisirt
a line Hip from Hawaii which In
cluded calls ut Kawulhue and Kukiil
hncle. ID
Dredger Parts Arrive,
'Two iaige pieces of timber of ovtjr
ueveiily feet In length wcro brought,
down ft oni Pugct Sound 111 the Amc-rlcaii-Hawalltm
freighter Mexican
wlilch nrrlved at llio port yesterday
afternoon. The timber Is to bo hscl
In repairing the tliedgcr at Penrl Har
bor and are what Is known ns
"spuds" lit that thcj nro burled In
the soft bottom of the harbor and
serve as a sort of anchorage.
Fine Weather on Kauai.
Flue weather has been tho rulo on
Knual for the past few days accord
ing to reports brought hero bf Por
ter James 1-ocau uf the steamer W
0. Hull. The Hall wan an arrival this
morning with 5!00 'sacks sugar, .7
hales hides. 2.1 empties, 20 turn, I'S
packages sundries. Tho vessel met
with fresh trades and smooth sens.
French Ship on the Way.
Thd French ship Iloncbaiup wllh
u shipment of nltiales is repnilcd to
have sailed fiom Callao on July 9th
with destination as Honolulu. At tho
local ollleo ot McCibc, Kenny and
Hamilton, considerable mall tor ofll'
cers In tho French ship has been re
ceived. a
Kauai Sugar. . , ,
Purser Logan reKiris tho follow lug
consignments of sugar awaiting ship
ment on Kauai: K. 8. M. 2700, M, A.
k. ri2,90i, a. & it. tino. Men. 33,nr.,
K. K. II. 1160, K. P. 11.CC2, M. 8. Co.
4000. K. S. Co. 2500', L. P. 17,175, fl.
P. 1434.
German Ship Will Shift.
The (icrmaii shin Alexander lt.cu-
l.cig will ho shifted lo Hlshop wharf
thero to dlschaigo a largo quantity
of firebrick, pig lion and other lines
of freight Irom Kutoiicaii porta.
Wednesday. Aug. 9.
8HVA Sailed, Aug. S: S. S. Marama,
for Honolulu,
SYDNKY Arrived. Aug. 7: S. S
Makurti. hence July 21.
SKATTLK Arrived, Aug. 8: 8. S.
Missouilaii, fiom San Fraurlscn.
SAN FIIANCISCO Arrived, Aug. 8:
S S. Liirlluc, hence August 1,
KAIIUI.UI Arrived. Aug. 3: Schr.
Kxpanslon, from Fort Dragg.
YOKOHAMA Sailed. Aug. 8: 8. 8.
Tenyo Muni, for Honolulu.
SAN FRANCISCO Sailed, Aug. 9.
p, m.: 8. 8, Chlvo Ma ni, for Hono
S. S. AMKIHCA MAHU, will anlvo
fiom Yoliohnmu nl 2 p. in. toiuor
iow (Thursday) and sails Filday,
a. in. fur Sun Francisco, 700 tons
A Japanese inotoi 1st wjiout tempted to
i mi over and probably kill Motorejclo
Police M. I). Abrcu, siullcil cheerfully
when inn down ami asked, with u
swooping bow, ot llio olllccr to "pleaso
excooso" him.
Last night M, I). Abrcu of tho Ho
nolulu motorcvclo police force, whllo
out riding around on duty, discovered
with his eagle eje, thai tho tail-light
of Furolwn O'San's car, was not cast
ing foth Its beacon rays of red of
warning to any fast auto that may
hao appioached from Mio rear.
So Ahieu placing, his means of
liipld transit, alongside tho curb, he
hieppeil out Itjlo llio niHidie or ie
walu I dad thicvv oh?h his coat, 10
ve.iliug his badge, waved his Hag and
demanded Kiiralwa, to halt, lu tho
name ut the law.
Tho Japanese car dlil not stop hut
Instead, wns swerved directly at
Allien who had to do a few difficult,
gymnastic feats to koep from being
ciusheil upilurnciith lis wheels.
Tho tnnrliluo then (timed Into n
Btralglit course agulp and was over
taken by Abrcu who succeeded In
Jumping on tho running board mid
tho worthy occupant's neck, bringing
i no car io a nan. ,
Kiiralwn upon being questioned
gilnncd and said he thought It 'would
he a good joko to inn over tho guaid-
lun of thu Inw, and as ho had failed
to please ho "excooscd" lu Ills little
Tho grin fadod fast nvvay when llio
Judge gianted his being "oxcoohcd'
for llio sum of Jla fluo pnd enmt
Henry Kealnl received (!0 dnyk for
wife beating and J. Lnalilwn(llilrly for
tho sanio reason.
Weekly Unl I v t In II ucr year,
Tuesday, Aug. 8.
Sallna Criin via San FrnncUco ami
Scuttle Mexican', A.-II. S. S., p. in.
Wednesday, Aug. 9.
Hawaii via Maul lsirls Claudlno,
sltur., ii. m.
Kauai ports W. (J. Hull, stmr., a
Ret Sound lirtl-MirjJ P.fl Fos
Am. schr., 3p..n'.if'i,nril ,
ngkong la Jnp.ui ports Miin-
iiilrta.ll'j M) 8.-IS., r, p. m. j
. j (Mluolrti, htniif mid Lanal ,kji!Is
MlKittiuia.Utiilil.l.'t p. .fn.
Kauul ports Klnau, stmr., C p. m.
Per slmr. Claiidlne, fiom Hawaii
end Maul ports, Aug. 9. It. W. Filler,
It. P. Drown, Mrs. Drown, Mrs. Trn-
,cey,- 11. T. Wnlty, Illshop Itcatnrlek,
Mrs. A. Druti, (1. Shlmnda, Dr. W. A.
Daldvvln, Mrs. Dahlvvln, Miss W. Hoff
man, Miss Schrader, Miss C. L. Tur
ner, Miss I,. Mcrrimnn Mrs. Qcorgo
Kala, Miss Knla. Miss P. M. Uouhl,
ft. A. Daldwlu, Mis. Uahlvvlii, 8, (1.
Wilder, Mis. Wilder, Mrs. Dctls, Miss
Iletts, P. K. Cooke. 15. Stnythc, M.
Knmo, Mrs. W. P. Mosstuan, Mrs. fl,
Copp, J. 13. Martin, W. C. Crook, M
Graham, M. Kudo, llov. Tnkcda, J
12, Loid, Mrs. land, A. Knacksledl,
Mrs. K. J. Victor, J. J. Walsh, II. .
I.eland, J. Hackett, It. P. Hose, C. 11.
Lindsay nnd 73 deck
Per stmr. W. (1. Hall fiom Knual
ports, Aug. 9.' JdIiu 8. Miillnii, P.
lllcc, Arthur Illcc, Miss M. Thomp
son, A. (lartenbcrg, Hcv. C. Ii. I.llu,
Ah Chack, Q. Nlcolal Kcnjo, Preil.
Wnterliouse, llov. J. M.' 1'dgatO nnd
29 deck.
Per M. N. 8. 8. Honolulan for San
Francisco, Aug. 13. Win. Nclaiul, K.
K. Wlnlrcy, Ceo. W. Cowan, Mrs. II.
O. Weaver, Mia. M. Cioiinn. Mr. Liv
ingston, Mrs. Livingston, II. Vicars,
Mrs. H. Vicars, Miss M. Denis, Miss
V. Spcnco llov. K. It. Tinner, Mrs.
P.. II. Turner ami 3 children, J. M,
Shlnknrd, P.. II. Austin, Mrs. K. II.
Austin, Mrs. Painter, Mrs. II, Chap
iiiiiii, W, llniiui, W. P. Cole, Mis. dray
nnd Infant, Mrs. IC. Albln, I). J. Dak
cr. Mis. II, J. Maker, Miss Dcimau,
Mrs, Schwartz, II. 1). Carey, II. C.
Per stmr. Claiidlne, for Hawaii and
Maul poits, Aug. 11. C. V. Ashford.
O. (1. Tlmjer, Mrs. Illrch 11. Illrch.
Pallicr Francis,-C. C. Lilddluglon, Mrs
Per stmr. Manna I.oa for Kona and
Kau ports, Aug. 18. Miss Lucy Har
bor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hodel, W. 11. Clark
It. F, Mingles, Miss 1 Meliiecl.c, Mrs,
J. A. Magoon. a
Per Jtlnr. W O, .Unit, -for Kauai
ports, Aug. 1U. .1. i:. Illggliis, ai. ,vir
Clellan, W. F. Frost, Mrs. M. Ludlofr.
Per stmr. Mlkahala for .Maul, Mo
lokal and Umal ports, Aug. 13. Miss
J. Shaw, Mrs. K. Peterson, MlkS Hen
dry, Mrs. Dunne.
Per stmr. Klnau for Knual polls,
Aug, 13. II. L. Simpson, Mrs. Simp
son, Miss K. Hoe, P. L. Home, Hov.
I). Scuddcr, ltev. It. 11 Dodge, Itev.
It. K. Smith, Mrs. K. M. Yates.
a ai
"This leo cream niallor Is by no
moans settled," said Al Jungclaiis,
proprietor of (ho Palm Cafe, tls,
uiorniug. "I heartily approve m ino
pure food laws nnd will .always do
everything to promote their strict
observance. Ilegardlng (ho recent leo
cream tests, however, you can seo
how n lest inndo by an Incompetent
man, or If samples nro mixed up, how
the publication of such n test nilghl
provo Injurious" to n mnn's business.
Pm tiinalcly, In my case, my business
has not suffered In the least as a re
sult of the publication of tho Gov
ernment chemist's test In Inst Satur
day's Dul lot In. In fact business
Is slightly better than before. This,
undoubtedly, because our patrons put
no stock In tho Government chemist's
test. Ho lias simply inndo u mistake'
nnd hasn't gumption enough to ac
knowledge It."
"Dot the fact (hat my business has
not sulTcred Is no reason why I
should calmly stand for such n mls-
iopresentnton, especially when I luivo,
always prided myself on making tho
finest leo creiiin In the city. Ifliasn't
hurt this time, but If a Oovernmciit
official should continuo (o publish
such misleading 'reports uncontra
dicted tho public Is likely to lako
some stock In, them."
"Just consider for a ninnipntvDeforo
the 14 per cent standard went, Into
effect thlH salno fiovernmeiit chemist
examined our leo cronm and reported
It 13.4 per cent"bu'tter'ia. Tlmti ton,
when (ho law permitted any old kind
(if leo cream, bveh iera'tlinn't Ver
rent, If it could bo made. Now, Just
ns soon ns tho now laws goes Into ef
fect ho (rles our leo cream and re
ports only 3.(1 por cent. Without n
standard wo make 13.4 per cent and
with n standard, making us liable to
prosecution, we drop down to 3C per
rent. The whole proposition Is sim
ply ridiculous."
"Now comes this same chemist and
seizes a mmiplo ot our leo eieam
i t f i
i i iMTrT!TflfaT
the tame as babies.
Babies can't take care
of thems'elvesnor can
nerves, i . .. a .
.Babies cry for atten-
' i .'.! I It.
uoa io ao nerves.
Probably both .hire half-,
starved for proper
nourishment.'1 '
Give them
I consider myvlf tliu clialriiin ot
(vciy conuilltt" on tils Inurd," -chuid
Mu.ver Fun on arl-liig rrom bin
rb.ilr lit the umkIusimi of irhcutVd lu-
Uiliubi lit the, gathering id; ,; mid
iiiinj snpcrv iMirs iai t;vi iiiiik.
"1 foel tli.it thu IioiiiiI has shown roll-
"li'bsuble dvci.urtisy to in'e hi that I
have not been Inviinl lii nltnid tlio
eiiiniuflleo eiiuciistM wherein Inip'oituul
nuinlclp.il b'gNlalloii Is disiussjL'il mid
lilaniind," tuiitliiueil I'eiij.. J
'I do not b(llivtj"that liny 'discour
tesy Is Inteiided," Intoriiosi-d Super
vlor Low, w liii,b.iil purllelpated III tho
trliiigular ilebile mi 'mad multiTK
Ills Honor IliVilly iiieepteil ail apol
ogy coining fiiijii Low ns vvell as Ar
nold, thmigh lu( liitliiiiali'il thai It
would ! lb" proper thing fur (bo var
ious committee chairmen to extend ii
pent nil Invitation lor the presence ot
the mayor 'at their delllierulloiis.
It will probably not happiii again
The full mouihcishlp of I lie board
learned last evening that the condi
tion or Pioieet street v(iih lar rrom
satlsructory to n number of residents
I here. Oliver Hwaln headed a small
delegation which (illicit upon Hie bo ml
lor some dejlulte statement as to vvb.it
might be done. The Prospect residents
will liu rdvlsed that there Is a faint
rny of hope for stipcrvlsorul action
along about September.
The city fathers were nilvheil
through City and County Knglueer
(Jere that to remedy tho condition of
Foil mid Hotel streets. In flout or the
hew Pjinlbeoii building. It would be
best lo stiiriry Hint poitlou or down
town lll"io,i!s(irnrj', (hen give It an oil
finish (totters can then lie laid.
They heard frmn the Wnlalae, Knl-
luuM mid P.ilolo luiptovcmcnl Club,
which iiiimIcsII extended mi Invitation
calling for the iittcuilmieo of the board
inembcr.s nl lis net inciting, lo bo
held ut the home of llalll.lay Wilher
siikiii on .Thursday cvenliig. Tho In
vitation wus accepted.
They were Inforpied by (he l,oid
Yiuiiig company "llini the contracting
llrui had lieen refused perinlsslou to go
iilieml with cerlnlii alterations and ud
dltloiw lo the Arlington block until
sieelllcutonH had been (hanged. Thu
contractors requested that u coiifer
enie be held concerning certain provi
sions in the new ly-p.u sed building or
They ns-elied a icport fioin 'lty
mid I'oiinly Attornev .lohii Citheiiit
that he would stand ready to ilcfon.!
tho uiiiuleliallty against n Ihreiilen
ed suit brought by Mrs. Fred Tin rill
for IIEO dollars aliened us damages for
the destruction of some valued eggs.
They .ruipcil thioiigh a comimmlen
tlon rrom City Attorney Cnthcart that
Jmues tjiilni) had no valid claim
against the city mid county for tliu
loss of a horse through ullegtil negli
gence upon tho jurt of police ollleers
vvhb were being driven through the elfy
ill u municipal iiulnmoblle.
Tbo' grnhted tvvo'Wis-Us' leave of ab
sence to Hurry T. Lake, special ollleer
on duty at the olllrn of the city ami
county nttorney. Iji'ko'H Mieatlou be
gan wllh Monday, August 7.
They were notl'loii through tho at
torneys i ("presenting the Iuter-Islmid
Steani Navigation Company that u
storm sewer was much needed at Ku
kniiko to take calo or water which was
now draining Into Bishop slip and fill
ing that portion or thu harbor with
They passed 11)1011 the July repel I
of.lullir Jnrielt, lu which he showed
that 17!i infests ,vere made, of which
t'O were drilnks, 11.1 assault and bat
tery, r, vigniiils, 7 profanity, '2 crin Ity
to animals. I adultery mid otlur crimes.
Thero were IfiS convictions, or which
il.t were Hawaiian", K4 Chinese, 72.lui
uliese anil 21 Portuguese. I'lues 11 ml
ousts eoHceted Tor the mouth iiiuutiutcil
to 22.ir.,r,o.
They Braided perinlsslou lo Hhcrllf
Jarrett to allow Ids men 11 two-week
vacation lu s'e'eord.mi o with a custom
which his pi ev idled for u number or
y liars,
They listened to the claim of the Kit
iiitwmi. Chemical I'lro Kiiglue Ciuiipiiiy
of vTewi nrls lis to llio relative merlin
or Its motor-driven fire apparatus,
Tli'v pissed upon I he nppHcntlou of
Mrs. It "Vv- Andrews for n permit to
"ell milk lu Honolulu.
, . : t
Yormosiiko Matsuslilgl was griiut
eil a dlcoico this nidrnlng from Triiiiio
Mutsiishlgl by Judge W. J. Itoblusou
on tho giounds of iioii-suppnit.
:::: n :j :::::: n n n it :: tt n :i
which as iniiile last Saturday, be
fore tho publication of Ills test, ami
before we know ho was making any
tests, nnd. which ho nektiowledges
contained 1 l.fi per cont butter fat."
'Am I hot; who wouldn't ho uudor
tho cltcumstutiicsV"
.inywvffli ; v

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