OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, August 12, 1911, 3:30 EDITION, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1911-08-12/ed-1/seq-11/

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Onliu Collefiu's Immedlulo and
liri'KiiliiK needs nro brought out In
(ho nlnlii annual report that Presl
dent Arthur, P. tlrllllths I ma1 nlnde lo
tlio trustees of tho liiBtltutlun ami
which wiit) lnude public ycstuiduy.
Willi A total enrollment for llin
p.iHt J car of GI2 student, including
tho prepurn'tory school, nnd with
m.iny oIIiuih clamoring for' n thnnco
forcduc.Ulofi, Piostdent Urlliiths sees
the need for nn additional 'ondowiiic'nt.
tlo iiolnlh out liow the money could
well ho spent, nnd shows that un
less OahuCeillcga is given nioro sup
port hy lno(peopln of tho Territory,
Its sphere, of usefulness must bo ru
strlcted Ills report begins wllh tiio stntls
(Ici of students, ns follows:
Total ItegMFntlnii.
Jk n biO-1911
College ", Sis
Preparatory School 407
I'hulc.... Ooi
Vofco',..' ". r,
V.lplln ... 7
; , Music - 7
I 'Total TuliioriB ....:....' 7i0
Nntncs Jlcpenled ...'.... CS
College IteglHln'illiiii Hy - ('iiiiisr.
Craduato's T G
Seniors' V.i'M'..'. '..'. 25
Juniors 37
Hophonioreit .,,., 4 1
t 'KreLhmon .,...' 107
, . 21S
(Irndiinllni; Class 11)11.
Collcgo ..., '.... 22
Pion. School r.O
In his report ho says:
Tho year tins i seen no material
chances In courses or plans of ad
ministration In any department of tho
school. It was devoted to a careful
carrying out of old plans, to n study
ing of them to find out if J hey can
bo improved, nnd to a following up
of the needs of individual students.
Owing Jo my absence last year many
lines lending to work pr Btudents
nstrny needed to bo picked up. On
account of nn increase during my
niisenco or a clearer vlow upon my
return, there seemed to bo many pi oh
lenis more or less serious to bo at
tacked. These diagnoses lead In so ninny
cases to ono of two " fundamental
weaknesses poor preparation in tho
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past arid Inadequate ititidy In tho pres
entor to both of them that no hate
resolved to pPrfoiiu a major opera
tion on the foniier by stilcter regiila
lions for ndnilsslnii and for pi onto
tlon, and lo attempt to remedy tho
other through a well considered illan
for parental co-oiiatlon at lioimj In
tho restriction of social ncthltlcs on
school days, and In tho supervision
or qtuily hours at home.
The piohlem of getting innlo study
from tlic student Is n piolileiu of (ho
ago and not of this, school. The
hehool Is trylug to do Its shaio'hy set
ting and maintaining tho rilniidurd
iiml by niliiiiiiMmtlvc ri'iiiiiroinonts
and punaltleri. An effort 'is to lie made
to secure gi cater co-openillon at
I io m)' In limiting uclMtlcs outside of
school. Tho llrst step is to Inform
the parents of the iimoiiilt of work
required, nud tho amount (lone at
school. Wo lun" every conlldcnco
lli.it when they know how much ad
ditional study is requited, patents wilt
iln much to see that flielr children
do It. Tho reqiilieliient Is llot e
cetsUe for tho normal child: tho
lime Is ample. It simply moans rea
silnahlo application hi periods t.ct
nsldu for study.
'Ilio need Is apparent for'more sub
jects, not technically In jtlibject mat
ter or In methods, of i'nstiuctlon ol
lego pi ep.ii alory. for tlic uso of stu
dents In the gennial course. In our
General Couikojiiow' our subjects aro
largely the snliio 'sis Ih'oso in the Col
lege I'lep.uatob- t'oiirsp though ar
ranged In dirreient combinations. Thp
demand Is on the one hand for sub
jects or n cultural vuliie mid on tho
other for Micatlonal. or semi-vocational,
subjects. Fome Bleps aro bo
Ing taken to meet this need uxperl
mehtally next )ear. Hut If this de
mand has been correctly estimated,
tlleso now subjects will bo tho forc
ruiiiieia'of moio In this Held. While
our college pieparatory work Is most
Important, this othor field has been
possibly too much neglected. In this
experiment Is tho ombrjo of that big
question of vocational (mining at
Piinnhnu which can not bo discussed
Tho 'Commercial llcpirlmcnt has
not completely fulfilled Us mission.
The number or Its graduates In re
cent classes has been small ns llin
standard has been kept up. Whllo our
best students will, and hliould, go to
Powerful, Silent, Easy-Riding ;
nriHE remarkable success of
J comtrierit
car on the
price from. $2,000 to $2,200.
. t lie
Price in Honolulu, fully equipped, $1350.
Eduipmfent includes Mohair Top, Wind
WheelJack, Horn, Gas Generator, Etc.
pjllegq, by encouraging white boys
and girls or limited means to cuter
this coiiiso bv means of scholarships
or otherwise, l'imnlioii should attempt
to supply tho demand for trained
white. Ikijb and gltls for tho local,
business onicc.
This jenr muio than a doyen ic
queits riom oniilojers came In to
U'commend ginduatoa for pnsltloas,
pnjlng fnim (j to $100 per month.
.Most of these w'eio for white boys
lo go Into our target business olllics
whcio Iho prospects for advancement
were good. Tills Is n demand which
wo try our best to supply. On nc
foiint of tho lack of whlto boys to
iccomniehd, 'I mgo th.it scholarships
bo offeic'd which will attract Iho typo
of Iiojh who with training call snds
racliiiily lilt these placeB.
The full loport upon this sehooi
for tho jonr lias been prepnicd bv
l'llnclpal nttii. Tho significant event
or tho jcar in this school Is the de
cision to get plans ami bids for nn
annex to Chnrlc3 It. llllioi Hall
This will icllovo for mail) jears, we
expect, (ho piesmro of nilliibeis ntul
glto Iho oppoHimllj for which the
eehiKil has long bccli asking to do the
best work wllii the stiilenln In llilr
moht Important perlodln their tniln-
nig. inn. u win not no a panacea ror
alt our Ills. It U eeitnln to talvo
now (H0btlous and inoblcms especial
ly In tlio (natter of our rouip!c reg
Istrntloii willed will lniic lo bo met
eaily ami llrmly.
i'cw teachers nro, leaving this jear.
Miss Smith Jiutii tho Music lJcpart
nent, .Miss 1'iasci riom tho llnglljili
heiuitmciit Mlrs Ililnlirldgo fiomthe
1'iepaiatory Sdiool, .Miss lliooks fi'oni
tho Oral i:iuchslnn DeiMrtnient, ilr
Ivltt f i om the Cci'mniuiclal Depart
ment, uuil Mis. Self, ii'slstaut matiou
have leslgued
Mr. I.. C I tow land, who Tor mam
cnrs was tho clhelcnt head of tho
Commeiclal Department and who nl
one tlmo was acting Picslilent, litis
liceu Induced to leturn to his old
position In tho Commercial Dcpirt
ineiit. ills coming will add strength
not only' to (his iloiartmont but nlso
to tho entire administration.
, Mis. Mary I, Ileitis, for clglitjearn
tlio rnnilH'tnllt tiintwm nT 111,, ttnfml-
lug Dep.iHmcnt, will next i.ir rctuinj
lo the ileparlnicnt to nislst Mis. Taj
lor. This gives bromlso of provlniisi
unequalled elllclcncy In tlieso Import
ant places.
Tho plans calls for five additional
(o.ichers who are demanded not so
much by our Increase In numbers as
by our determination to servo tliom
more cfllcleiicy,
... is' ii . .
jo rresmenis lejioit is coiupieto
which dbes noC coninln a Htntcmcnt
if I'unaliou's ncods. Kiom this num
erous list only two or threo will bo
from automobile buyers, -both here and on the mainland, than any
market, the E - M-F cbrhpares fayorably with cars ranging, in
The 1912 Model,
body, will also' be
lelteiatcd in order that by their so
lection their importance may bo em
phasized. ,
1. butovvinont iMinahoit needs an
endowment both to carry on ade
quately her present work nnd to be
gin her College courses When nil
has been said, oui really grcnt need
Is enilowmeht.
Tlie.school has to supply a kirn) nnd
quality of education which tho rich
nnd educated 'demand nt a price which
the boolean pa) I'linahoti Is In n
position of ln.-o.td educational lender
ship whOfo responsibilities die great
and whoso burdens lay heavy iiihiii
thoe In nuttioilty It hns for cjiiipo
lltois not merely other lojnl school.s,
but uIko tlio best (chiiols of tho Ktist
to which our most desired patrons
can nrford to send flielr children. Its
every standard must be high, ltd
Muilenta or wldelj val)lug Intollec
tin! needs and capiclty and or dlv
cigeilt nlins nud ambitions It must
educate In tlio blondest way.
This variety nnd qualHy, In educa
tion cosIr mime) it has been Iho
policy or tho Trusties to Biipply such
reasonable educational nnd ph)slcnl
demands ns were possible. No real
need or our constituency rails or con
sideration; no need for which wo can
find educational and financial Justin
cation goes iitisiippllcil.
Theto is much evidence thnt this
policy has been nppiccl.itcd, but its
coutlnu ttlon depends iiihiii our secur
Ing funds siitllcleut to provide an In
come lo support It.
Our Income riom investments and
tuitions Is how Inadequate. Many do
slrable courses and objects await Iln
auclnl means to stall. Horn the
first grade thioiigh our academy
ooiirso nro not n few Imperative de
iilands which tho near future ought to
Our larger plans for a real ColleM
which soon ought to bo under way
will also require n largo sum of mo
ney for endowment, buildings and
2. (l)iunnsluni Vrnbnbly our next
need Is a gmnaslum of a suitable
kind tor our put poses. Itcsldes an
open air lloor with apparatus, and
lockcis, bithlng facilities for boys and
girls, and a swimming tank, It Bhoiihl
l.ave a kitchen and arrangements for
the service of a mid-day lunch to day
students and n stage and auditorium
effects Tor large assemblages.
.1. Music Hall. A specially planned
1 1 nil Tor tlio Mimic Department wllh
studios equlpiicd with instruments Is
a coming need.
, A Chapol. A Memorial MIs
slonniy chapel whltji should ho tho
heart or tho religious lire of (he school
would have great usos both for (ho
school and for her rrlonds. It neces
sarily rnllnws thnt' (hero should be
a chaplain. .
the E - M - F "30" is the subject
4- : .
Shieid, Speedometer,
besides coming in the standard. type of
made' in Fore-Door tyfie, $100 lEtftra.
VI ' ' .WWSMT31Mi, '' 'Mil. HW,UiJI 'J. ' ' 1MWW1' 1UJU
K. floral
Ki r'"j. 'H
mi K'.-''" -rfr ''" I J" ,H
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WMMMMMMMS.-'-'fciii, j a, Jr iMWWWWWm
CI.i:Vi:iAND, July 13. According
to John I), Rockefeller, It was a wom
an, and that woman his wife, who
really made lilmthu richest man In
tho world To her assistance In his
llnanclal vendues and her good ad
vice at crucial periods lie admits lie
owes Ills fortiine. l'roni early dajs
wlien (he business iiaii lis beginning,
Ilvt. I.leitt. Cot William It. Sincd
berg, major. U S. A., retired, n gal
lant veleian of the Civil War, died
at San Rafael, Cal.. July I'.), 11UI, lif
ter a long Illness. Colonel Snicd
jierg was. for many yeais recorder or
iho California Comuiandnry, M. O.
K 1. II. ii, und, vns,wcll known
'! ''
V.'V-e J"-
Magnets, Side, Tail
she has known tlio details of every
transaction or (ha ti list
ltockercllcr said "Had It not been
for her business sagacity and her
clear Insight Into ulTalra I would bo
n poor man today Many times her
ndvlco has been counter to my ideas,
but lior Judgment has Invariably
proved the better." v
Uimughoul llmAl.ny, He is survived
, by a widow, two d.iushleis and a son.
dipt. William Ito) nobis Smedberg,
Jr, Hth II, S Cnv Colonel Smed
berg was bom in New Yoil; March
1 19. l'sri, und nt tho outbreak of tho
Civil War entitled as a prlvalo In
Company A, 3rd Infantry, Dlstrla.pr
Columbia Volunteers. Ho was n
polnted.il first Jlculenant, llth U.' S.
Nof more favorable' vjr
and Head LigKts? f ools, '$
''''' v '
Infantry. May 14, 1861, and was pro
moled captain in October of tho sama
)ear. Ho received tho brevet of ma
jor for gallant and meritorious ser
vices at tho battle ot Gettysburg. I'a.,
and tho brevet of lieutenant colonel
for cnlliint and meritorious services In
tho battle of tho Wilderness. Ho lost
his right teg from a wound In battle.
Iln was placed on the unnsslgned list
July 22, 1809, and was retired Dec.
in, 1870. He was ndvanced to major
on tho retired list April 23, 1901, for
Civil War service.
Outpllng the Ninth U. S. Cavalry nt
every point, the Kleventh Cavalry (earn
lit Tort Sam Houston on. July C ivoti
tin Hunts or llin tourney and (ha St.
Anthony Hotel cups. Taking (be lend
In (ho third pcrlol, llin Dlevenlb never
Was ovirtukrn, nud won, 3 1-2 to lit-4?
Tie result upset most or tho predic
tions thnt went the rounds In advance.
The Ninth pln)e1 below (be form It
showed In the loinlllnnK while tho
Kl until played lis best game or the
sirlos Tlie Illevinth kfiowed better
team play nnd did rr belter hitting.
The Ninth biiuchid badly nnd lost sev
rnl excellent chances (o sCoro (liroiidti
uncertain billing
Hy this victory the Ktevenlh Cavalry
wins dip live Si Anthony Hotel cups,"
the large one for (he regiment and n
small ono or each of the tiniu'ii play
ers The) were suitably presented lift,
cr the gimo, The Wllo Cup. held bv
the Third Held Artillery tor challenge, '
remains with tint regime nt fer tlia
iri'sent Only one or lhs team's orig
inal lineup. Captain Mclnt)re, now Is
nble to piny Cor tide, reason (he Ninth
Cavalry vvldidrew l(s (hnllenge tor (ho
l'ollo wlni; n ih(. tlueiip of the (emnn
ror (he game or July C:
Klcvontli Cnvnlr) I.lciilnnint Swift,
No 1, Cnpinlii White. No, 2 Lieuten
ant Mills, No. 3. I.lciitenint Harris,
No 4
Ninth Cavalry Lieutenant llolder-
nes. No t; Lteiileniuil l'ngle, No..2j
i.ii'iiii'iinm vvinirei', .Mi 3; Lieutenant
Irwin, No 1. ,
The Delroll Tigers paid n visit to
President Tnft on July 27.
Hugbey Jennings, the manager or the
etuh, wllh (bet entire team en tour, cnll
eil mi tho President, who shook bands
wllh nil of them. When he came to
Ty Cobb, the boy who sent Ids photo
to his sou Charlie1, he is said to have
lisKed, "I want to Know why sou ul
'wn)s lillT" In nnswer (o bis question
iWobvetvKln.,OeorBl,nl;raiaml,er or
the lenni, said, "Well, sometimes I don't
bit (lieni." .
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